Special Chapter: Wedding (NSFW)

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The sounds of the birds chirping, the sound of the sea's. A cloak figure looked down at her as she slept on her bed in her room. He smiles and placed a small box on her desk near her bed.
"You've grown a lot since that day Kougyoku. I wish I could of done more to help you. If you see Kotori, tell her thank you, and that I am forever in her debt. I wish you a happy marriage, little sister." The cloak figure gave her a warm smile and kissed her forehead lightly.
The Rukh birds surround him and he disappeared.

She slowly opens her eyes and sits up. She knows she felt the presence of someone but who? She yawns summons a water bubble and drinks from it. She finishes and smiles.
"Today is the day." She giggles as she jumped off her bed and ran to the window.
She opens it and the sun comes in. Her eyes never get tried of how beautiful the Kingdom looks. She then turns back and sees the small box on her table. Her face turn to confusion as walked up to it. She opens it and finds pair of blue hem earrings. They were beautiful. She saw a not and opened it.

I'm glad your doing well sister. This is a present from both my brother and I. I hope you like them. But knowing you, you loved them the minute you saw them. These earrings belonged to your mother, Guadalupe. We wish you a happy marriage. Hope we may actually meet in person soon.
- R.H and R.Ha

Her eyes widened. These earrings belonged to her mother. She smiles and thanks the ones that brought them to her. She wished she knew who they were though. She went and took a shower and after 20 minutes, came out.
She suddenly heard her door slam open and saw it was Caria along with Shemi and Kanna. What surprise her more....
"Kouha, Hakuie!!" She grins.
Her siblings smile at her and walked in with the other maids. 6 maids from Kou and 6 Sindria. And the maids all agree when it comes to style and everything.
"You ready Kimi?" Caria grins.
Kimi nodded and the work begins.

Sinbad was pacing back and forth nervously. The others were getting frustrated. Alphonse leaned on the door, as he saw the idiot king all nervous.
"Please stop pacing around. It's getting on my nerves." He said.
Hinahoho chuckled and slapped his back, which nearly had the boy falling flat on the floor.
"That'll be you in the future one day Alphonse. You'll be just as nervous as the King!" Hinahoho laughed.
"Phst! Please, if I get married in the future, I'll be making sure at least my wife will be able to walk the next day. Unlike the sex manic in front of us." Alphonse smirked while everyone else looked at him dumbfolded. They couldn't believe he actually said that.
Sinbad glared at him while Kirito was trying to keep himself from laughing. Alphonse grins and was smacked on the head by Kouen.
"Don't think I've forgotten that dungeon you stole from me. And just because you are my sister's friend, doesn't mean I trust you." Kouen glared at him.
"Alright, Alright Geez......stupid goat..."Alphonse mumbled that last part.

Unfortunately, Kouen heard him and was smacked on the head once more.
Sinbad sighs and left the room. He saw Natsumi walking around with a smile on her face as she placed her hand on the small bump on her stomach.
"I wonder how you'll look? I bet you'll be a strong and brave like your papa." Natsumi giggled as she touched her stomach.
She was wearing a green dress that matched her hair and eyes. Sinbad couldn't help but smile warmly. He can image that's how happy Kimi will be in the future when they have a child. He grinned goofly at the thought. A little girl, a little carbon copy of his wife as she ran around causing mischief, and him chasing and catching her. And his daughter, giggling when he would catch her. And Kimi storming down the hallway with their son and scolding both him and his daughter. And adorable little prince and princess, and him holding her in his arms as both smile warmly to each other.

He continued to walk down the hallway and Kanna ran up to him.
"Uncle Sinbad, I need your help with something!" Kanna ran to him as fast as her tiny feet could.
Crow and Sliver were behind her.
"What is it Kanna?" He smiles.
He's grown fawn of the little girl. She's like a daughter to him. Unfortunately for him, Judar sees Crow like a son to him(which he will never admit), and Muu treats Sliver like a son.
"Do you know what Mama's favorite flowers are?" Kanna asked.
"Hmmmm......cherry blossoms...I suppose....?" Sinbad thought as he placed his hand on his chin.
Crow gave him a deadpanned look that reminded him of Ja'far when he gives a look that says "you're an idiot, you know that?"
"You're marrying mom and you don't even know what her favorite flower is? Tshhhhhhhh......that's sad....." Crow said with a smirk.
A angry tick mark appears on Sinbad. The way he talked......it reminded him of Judar for some reason.

"Wait.....didn't.....!!(face palms) No wonder he reminded me of Judar and Ja'far.....both are his masters....great...." Sinbad thought as he faced palms and groans.
"Uncle Sinbad, do you really want to know mom's favorite flower?" Sliver said and the antenna on Sinbad stood up.
Sinbad leaned down to hear, but Crow stuck his hand out.
"Give us 50 gold coins and we'll tell you." Crow grins mischievously.


"OOOOWWWW!!!" Crow held his head and looked up with teary eyes at the one responsible.
It was Nia. She glared down at him.
"Crow, what did your mother tell you about charging people for information?" Nia crossed her arms.
"Not to do it....." Crow groans.
"And what did you do?" Nia said.
"I charged him...." Crow grumbled.
A little girl with white hair, tan skin, and gray eyes peaked from behind Nia.
"Mama, who are they?" The little girl asked.
"Cleopatra, this is Crow, Kanna and Sliver." Nia smiles warmly as she picked up her daughter.
Nia is the Queen of Heliohapt. She turned the the three kids and back at Sinbad.
"You are right. Cherry Blossoms are one of Kimi's favorite flowers. You have to figure the rest out yourself." She said to Sinbad and then turn to the kids, "as for you three, go get dressed!" She chuckled.
Sinbad sighs and left to speak with the others.

Kimi had her hair done but needed a break from the others, so she teleported to the beach. She sighs as she looked over the sun and turns around when she hears familiar footsteps. It was Alphonse and Caria. She smiles and they sat down next to her.
"Look how far we gotten this past year.....It's incredible how far we've come." Caria said as she laid her head on her friends shoulder.
"It's still hard to believe we're actually in this world. No matter how much time had passed. I'm glad we're all together again." Alphonse said as he laided down on the sand.
Kimi smiles and all three began to sing.

K: No matter how much we drift.

C: No matter how far in time.

A: No matter how far we are.

All: We'll always be connected no matter where were are.

They chanted softly.

"You know who I expected to get married first out of all three of us?" Alphonse suddenly said.
"Kimi?" Caria grins and both received a smack on the head by Kimi.
Kimi glared at them but smiles.
"So when is your guy's wedding?" Kimi snickered.
Alphonse stiffened and both girls raised an eyebrow at him.
"One more year, and then the wedding will happen. Be patience." He said.
The girls nodded in agreement.
"Oh!" The other two turn to Kimi confused.
She takes out three small boxes and hands one each to her friends. The third one for herself. She motions them to open it and they do. Alphonse revived a necklace of the moon, Caria the sun, and Kimi of a eclipse.
"Just like the ones we had back at home! My gift to you guys, to show we'll always be connected no matter what." She grins.

Sheba, Solomon, and Kougyoku watched from afar along with Belanova. Bela sat on Sheba's shoulder.
"I'm sorry for everything I put you and Solomon through. I'm sorry.....it's because of me....we lost everyone..." She said and clutch her dress.
Sheba looked at her older sister and smiles sadly.
"Nothing is your fault Bela. The past is the past and now we have to look forward to the future. We'll find Luna, Saito and your daughter. That I promise." Sheba smiles.
"Wait, what?" Solomon said the minute he heard the word "daughter."
Sheba and Bela gave him a crooked smile. Kougyoku raised an eyebrow.
"Ummm......David and I....Ummmmm..I was.....pregnant...and used a time freezing spell....?" Belanova said as her face turned deep red and looked away.
Solomon looked at her the same way Hakuryuu looked at Alibaba when Morgiana confirmed what she said about her waking in on Alibaba was true.

"Wait......SO KING SOLOMON HAS A SISTER?!?!" Kougyoku screeched.
Solomon looked at Belanova shocked while the woman hid in her younger sister's hair.
Solomon sighs and faced palms. Unbelievable........
"What's her name?" He asked.
Belanova sighs and smiles.
"Erika. She was raised with Aladdin but in secret. Luna raised her separate from Aladdin because she was afraid of how Ugo would react. Erika and Aladdin do know each other. They see each other as siblings. Both would meet in secret." Bela smiles.
Solomon stayed silent but smiles. Luna must of raised her right, but he knows how much she missed her daughter. For years she believed that Caria died the day David attacked their base. But he later found out that Setta teleported both her and Guadalupe away. Caria was separated and had no memories of the past. That's why she believed she was abandoned. Kimi's mother searched for her for years but was never able to find her.

"For the next six months, I think it be better if we split up." Solomon turned to them.
"WHAT?!" The women screech.
"(Puts had up) Let me explain. For the next few months, the kids already decided that they will go their separate ways to train for the upcoming war. Sheba will go Alphonse, Kougyoku with Caria, and I will remain with Kimigakiri along with Belanova. Kimi has yet to master my power. Ancient Magic will be her biggest challenge. And....." he did a side glance down to the beach.
He saw the trio laughing and talking about their past lives. The fun times, the difficult times, everything. Recalling everything like it was yesterday. He smiles warmly at them. The three really did remind him of the days back in Alma-Toran. He turned back to them.
"I think this will be a good chance for her to learn Setta's and Lupe's magic." He smiles.
The three women looked at him shocked but smile.

The trio walked back to the castle and and saw the entire island decorating, the smells of wonderful food filled the air. The trio laughing and having fun, completely forgetting the time......


The trio froze. That was Camilla...
And all three quickly teleported back to the palace.

Camilla ragged as she search for Kimi. She wanted to dress her. She comes from the Kingdom of Norh, Hinoka from the Kingdom of Hoshido. Both are ally kingdoms of the Spirit's. Plus, both are two of the five kingdoms that refused to join the seven sea's alliance and will only do trade. Hinoka sighs as she walked behind her along with Inuyasha and Sebastian.
"Explain to us why we were dragged with you guys......?" Inuyasha grumbled.
"Because Lady Kimi escaped from the women again. And believe me, you don't want to deal with them when they are angry. Especially your wife and mine........" Sebastian sighs.
Inuyasha flinched remembering when Kogame is pissed and also Sebastian's wife. Those two are the ones NO ONE wants to piss off.
They spotted spotted Muruko and she had Kimi slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes along with Kurumi, who was just watching with a smirk. For this whole week, Kurumi will temporary break the contract with Kimi. Meaning Kimi's left eye turned back to normal. Back to pink.
"Come on let's go!" Camilla yells and all the girls ran to the dressing room.
Sebastian and Inuyasha sigh and left back with the others.

- 2 hours later -

"You look beautiful!" All the females in the room squeal as they looked at Kimi.
Her hair was made to grow long again, and put in a high ponytail. A white Vail with pears and small flowers were woven into her hair, which had the effect that her hair had both flowers and jewels. She wore a sleeveless dress with with gloves. The dress had small ruffles, a mixture of both Kou and Sindrian traditions. Her make up was lightly done. A soft cherry blossom color on her eyes with a light touch of light pink gloss on her lips. On her ears, were the earrings that were given to her and half of the lotus blossom necklace on get neck. Sinbad has the other half.
Kimi looked herself in the mirror and was shocked. She was happy. Today will be the happiest day of her life. Oregami smiles and walks up to her with a small box.
"This is a gift from all of us. In the tradition of the Spirit Kingdom, when a woman is about to be married, she is given this." Kimi takes the box and opens it.
Inside is a tear drop pink small jewel gold head chain. Oregami took it from her hands and placed it on her. It laided where her crown would usually be.
"The crystal symbolizes the hardships you have endured throughout life and how you were able to pass it. How you were able to go through it. It will protect you both from harm and hope you have many children." Oregami and the girls giggled.
Kimi blushed, thinking of what Sinbad will do to her tonight. She gulped and prays she's at least able to stand tomorrow.

Sinbad was at the wedding place nervous, and fixed his turban for the hundredth time. The others were getting irritated to the point some left the room. Natsumi was trying to keep herself from bursting out laughing. Masrur felt her shaking and knew why. He sighs and walked over to his.


"WHAT THE HELL MASRUR?!?" Sinbad yelled at his general as he held his head.
Kouha was laughing along with Sharrkan,and Alphonse. And all three immediately shut by the glare they got from the King.
"Sinbad, if you keep being nervous, Kimi might change her mind~"Natsumi joked.
The Ren siblings got a speck of hope that will happen. Sinbad turned to stone.
"Why couldn't Uncle Hakuryuu and Judar be here?" Crow whined.
"Because they are away for special training." Kouen replied to his nephew.
Crow puffed his cheeks and crossed his arm as he was flying in the air. He then flew in front of Sinbad with a glare, puffed cheeks, and cross arms. Sinbad gulped.

"If you make mama cry.....I'll cut your dick off."

And the room went silent.


"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" All the males burst out laughing,plus Natsumi, at the face Sinbad made.
Kouen and Masrur smirked at the kid.
Muu made sure to cover Silver's ears, making sure he didn't hear what his brother said at all. Kirito sweat drops but he remembers he got the same threat before by Silica when he married Asuna. His wife was the Fairy Queen.
Sinbad swore that he is gonna have a hell of a time with Crow when he marries Kimi.


Kouen sighed in annoyance because it was Kotori who screamed that. All the other men flinched and quickly went to their places.

All the guest sat on their chairs. Caria and the goddesses were brides maids. Kanna was the flower girl. She was dressed in a purple kimono with her hair in a bun. A basket of purple flowers in her hands. Sinbad swooned internally at how adorable his daughter looked like. From the shadows Hakuryuu and Judar watched. Hakuryuu smiles and was holding back Judar, who wanted to go ruin the wedding on purpose. He wanted to get Kimi back for that one time she set him on fire during training. Sheba and Solomon watched and smile. Sheba gave her the jewelry box she revived from both her sister and Vinea at her wedding day. Belanova watched with a warm smile.

The music began to play, the bells chiming. The one walking her down the aisle was both Caria and Alphonse. Kimi wanted them to walk her down because she has known them her entire life. And she knew Kouen wouldn't do it because he would probably slit her husband's throat.
Sinbad's jaw almost draw when he saw her. She was beautiful. As she was walked down the aisle, Caria and Alphonse both smile at their friend. Not just a friend, but a sibling. Both remembering the good times, the difficult times, everything they been through together.
Sinbad also began to have flash backs. How he first met her, how they actually met in person, when they had fun, and even went on a few adventures.

They finally arrived to the wedding alter and there, the two friends handed their friend to Sinbad.
"Watch over her." Caria grins.
"Hurt her, I'll slit your throat." Alphonse smirked.
Sinbad grins and nodded.
And so the wedding began. The words were recite as the two future lovers looked into each others eyes. Each one residing the words to pledge that they will be together no matter what.
And right when Kimi was about to recite her words....


And she immediately faced palms and Sinbad sighed in annoyance.


Kotori, pissed off that her friends wedding was interrupted, went herself to take care of the creature. Kouen sighs and stood up to join his fiance in killing it.
"We'll be back." Kouen said and left.
Kimi sighs and a sonic boom was heard, the waved making the windows shatter and Touhka quickly made a wind barrier around everyone. A few minutes later, cheering can be heard by the citizens and Kotori and Kouen coming back. Kotori pouting and glaring at Kouen who had a smug smirk. Apparently, he beat her in killing the monster. Kimi couldn't help but burst out laughing.
After things cooled down a bit, the wedding began where it left off.
The minister smiles and Silver came running with a pillow that on them were two small box's. One gold and the other sliver.
"The symbolism of the 13 gold coins in this ceremony is that the groom recognizes his responsibility as a provider, and pledges his ability to support and care for his wife. Acceptance by the bride means taking that trust and confidence unconditionally with total dedication and prudence.
Thirteen gold coins, will now be counted out to the groom." The minister said as he picked up the boxes and handed one each to the bride and groom.
Inside were 13 gold coins.
"As I count out the 13 coins and place them in the grooms hands they also represent different values that the couple desire to share between themselves: love, harmony. cooperation, commitment, peace, happiness, trust, respect, caring, wisdom, joy, wholeness and nurturing.

May these coins be a symbol of this couple's mutual love, fidelity and trust.
King Sinbad, please repeat after me." He said.
Sinbad turned to Kimi and began to speak,"I, Sinbad, give you, Kougyoku, these 13 coins as a symbol of my unquestionable trust and confidence I place in you as my beloved wife. As we unite our lives today I share all material responsibility with you." Sinbad said as he clasp Kimi's hands and placed the coins in them.
The minister then turned to Kimi,"Princess Kougyoku, please repeat after me." He said.
" I, Kougyoku, accept these coins and assure you of my total love and dedication in looking after you, your possessions and my unconditional love." Kimi said as both her and Sinbad looked into each others eyes with so much love.
Many of the girls were trying to keep themselves from crying and some of the men also. Kouen smacks Koumei to wake him up. He fell asleep again.
The minister began speaking,"In exchanging these coins, King Sinbad and Princess Kougyoku are essentially saying, "What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine." I bless these coins knowing that they are also symbolic of the unlimited good the universe has in store for this loving couple. I accept this for King Sinbad and Princess Kougyoku, and so it is, Amen." The minister said.
"I, Sinbad, take you Kougyoku, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Sinbad said with a loving smile.
"And I, Kougyoku, take you Sinbad, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Kimi said with a loving smile.
"I now pronounce you Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The minister grins.
"Gladly." Sinbad smirked and pulled Kimi into his arms and kissed her deeply and passionately.
Kimi responded immediately back and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Everyone erupted in cheers and Crow, Silver, and Aladdin making throw up sounds, and looking away, along with Nia's 15 year old son, Amunra.
"Mama, Papa!" Kanna runs and giggles at she jumped at the two.
Sinbad caught her and grins. The Ren Family smiles.

From up in the air, the two cloak figures along with 2B and S9 watched.
"When will you tell her?" 2b said as she turned around to leave.
The first cloak figure looked over to a rukh silhouette.
"Thank you for helping me find them. I should be able to contact my son and Luna's daughter now. Until then, keep an eye out for the organization. For now, return back to the Dark continent." The Rukh silhouette said.
And then, all of them left.

- Time Skip: Night -

Many of the people chanted as both Alibaba and Alphonse were in a drinking contest.
And somehow, Kouha and Sphintus got dragged into it. Titus made sure to send Marga with the other kids to make sure she didn't see the adults get drunk.
Kimi was laughing and grinning like an idiot at the sight. Sinbad couldn't help but laugh also. His wife stood up and went to join Morgiana on the stage dancing. His jaw dropped when he saw her use magic to change her wedding dress to a white dancer dress. Morgiana grins and soon Hakuie and all the girls are all dancing together to the rhythm of the music and beat.
"YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL MORGIANA!!!" Alibaba cheers and whistles.
Oregami and Kotori dance in sync with each other, each one then holds their hands and twirls each other. One uses blue flames to surround them and the other uses ice to create a crystal effects. Ja'far stared and turn pink when Oregami sent him a smile. Kouen eyes filled with lust as he watched Kotori's movements. The way her hips swayed, the movements of her feet and body.
Yoshino was dancing with Aladdin. Marina and Maria both were dancing. Hakuie and Kimi held hands and jumped in the air as they danced.

Kurumi watched from the shadows with a smirk on her face. Suddenly arms wrapped around her waist. She knew who it was as crimson eyes looked into hers and then nuzzled in the crook of her neck.

"Hello my little clock. Having with out me huh?"

"Hmmm.......Hi Peach Pit." Kimi snickered as Judar glared at her for calling him the nickname she gave him.
He suddenly bit down on her neck, making her hiss at him. He pinned her to the wall and slammed his lips onto hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Both break for air.
"I miss you.....why did you chose to become a djiin....?" Judar said as he buried his face in her chest.
Kurumi smiles sadly. It's been years since she's felt love. She threw that emotion away when the destruction of Alma Toran happened, and when she met Judar 13 years ago, things began to change. She gained back the emotion she lost. She learned to love again.
She ran her fingers through his hair.
"I'm not a djiin Judar, I just have the same abilities as them now. Besides, I won't be in contract with Kimi this whole month. When the War against Al-Thamen is over, I'll return back to you. Until then," she made him look up to him.
Crimson eyes met kind Ruby ones. Something impossible for Kurumi.  She smiles "Wait for me Judar."

He blushes and quickly takes her lips. He used use wand and both were swallowed by the shadows to a place more......private....

Kimi and Sinbad danced slowly on the grass as the others watched. Caria and Alphonse were also dancing. Soon the dance ended and all the female guest gathered around because it was now time for Kimi to throw the flower bouquet. Some of the girls were pushing around, others almost to fight. The male sweat drop at this. Some are praying that their girlfriends or sisters wont get it, and would be Alphonse and Muu. Both men praying Myron, Muruko and Caria don't get it. They are not ready to get married yet. Yuzuru's retainer, Tamaki, was hoping Miku's second retainer, Haruhi, would catch it. Sharrkan had a glimmer of hope that Yamraiha would get it.
Kimi grins and turned so her back was facing them.


Fake throw.


Fake throw again and the girls are yelling to do it already.

"3!!!.......SIKE!!!" Kimi cackled as they fell for it again.
"JUST DO IT ALREADY!!!" They yelled at her.
"3!!!!" And she threw it.
The girls squeal and all try to catch it. Oregami didn't want to participate but seeing Kimi threw it a bit to high in the air, she wonders if the it will even make it to person. That said....
She felt something land on her lap. She was sitting down with Touhka. Touhka spit out her drink and began choking on it as she saw what landed on her friends lap.
"Where did the bouquet go?" Kimi said as she turned back around.
She saw all the females looking at a beat red Oregami. The bouquet of flowers on her lap. Tamaki went to sulk in the corner because Haruhi didn't catch. She was too busy enjoying the fancy tuna she was eating.

Ja'far turned blood red. The male generals all turned to him and smirk. Sinbad smirked at him and slung his arm over his shoulder.
"I am glad to see you are next to marry my friend. Now, join us men who have now devoted our lives to a woman!" Sinbad laughed.
From the generals, only he, Sharrkan, and Spartos were left to marry. Masrur is engaged.
The girls all were pushing Oregami towards Ja'far, the poor girl trying to fight back. And the males taunting Ja'far. And when the girls finally manged to push Oregami to him and the males him to her, both tripped on their feet and crashed lips into each other.
"HIGH FIVE!!!!" Kimi and Caria cheered.
Morgiana faced palms along with Hakuie. And thus, both the males and females responsible for this, began to run away from both the assassin's and Goddess's wrath.

As the party continues, Sinbad and Kimi manged to sneak away.
"Finally, we're alone." Sinbad said as he pinned Kimi onto the wall.
Kimi smirked and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"No need to rush My King, after all, you have me all to yourself now." Kimi said in a seductive tone.
He hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Both locked lips and their tongues began to battle for dominance. He carried her all the way to their room and slammed the door shut, neither breaking the kiss.
He threw you on the bed and quickly his hands began to roam all over her body. Her hands dug into his Violet hat and undid his hair tie. He began to kiss down her neck and nibble her skin, soft moans coming from her lips.
"Sinbad~" she mewled as his right hand cupped her right breast.
His other hand, undid the ribbons of the back of her dress and pulled it down to her waist. How much he longed for this day. The woman of his dreams, the love of his life, he can now finally make her his....forever. he felt her hands remove his top clothing. His bare chest now showing. She flushed red and looked away. He chuckled.
"Why so shy?" He laughed.
"C-Can you blame me? This is...my first time...." Kimi blushed.
His eyes widened and his lust spiked. The aching between his legs growing more by the minute. Not only did he marry the love of his life, he will be her first. He licked his lips and undid her bra. She barley had time to react because he latched his mouth onto her left breast. With his hands, he took off her dress completely, only leaving her in her panties. He smirked, black lace, with purple ribbons.
"my, my Kimi, did you wear this just for me?" He said huskily before he continues to suck on her nipple.
She bit her lip to keep moans escaping her mouth. He nibbles on it and stops. She lightly panted.

"I want to hear your voice."

He rose up and his eyes met. This golden liquid orbs that memorize her. She didn't notice he removed her panties until a small breeze hit her. He smirked and took her lips again. With his hand, he removed his remaining clothing. His hands on her thighs as he spread them apart and made himself comfortable in between them.
"So sweet....." he purred as kissed down and up her neck.
He trailed his tongue then bit down and sucked on her collarbone. A moan escaped her lips and he bit down, making her moan louder. He smirked and began to suck and nibble that same spot. Her legs began to move bit, and his hands quickly held them down. He began to kiss down her chest, to her stomach, and finally he womanhood. He looked up and saw her pink eyes widened and her face beat red.
"W-Wai-----Kyaaaa!!" And he plunged his tongue inside of her.
He held her hips down as he tongued her hard and roughly. Licking and sucking her lips. Her juices tasted sweet, and he licked her walls, feeling her tightness with his tongue.
Her nails dug into the bed sheets as she moaned loudly in pleasure. He stopped and then inserted to fingers in her, and began to do a scissoring motion.
"Ah....aha.....Sin....I'm going to come!" She yells as she felt the knot in her stomach get tighter.
He grins and stops. She glared at him until she felt something hot and thick touching her entrance. He looked into her eyes, his eyes asking permission. She smiles and nodded. He grabbed her hips and in a fast movement, buried his entire length inside of her.
"ARGH!!!!" She screamed in pain.
Her nails dug into his back and he hissed. Tears formed in her eyes and a small sob came from her. He held her in his arms, and felt her trembling. A pang of guilt hit him, but he gently rubbed her hips to help the pain go away. She moved a bit, and kisses him. His eyes widened.
"We're finally one....sniff....I love you Sinbad, don't ever doubt that." Kimi said as tears of happiness fell from her eyes.
He smiles and wiped a tear. He kissed her sweetly.
"I love you also, Kimigakiri." He said to her with so much love.
He kissed her again and while she was distracted, he thrusted in her gently. Her eyes widened, and his hand flew behind her head to keep her from moving. It hurt as he moved and refused to break the kiss. She grunted in pain, as his tongue explores her mouth as he moved. And the pain slowly turned to pleasure.

"Sin~" She moaned as they broke for air.
He wanted her to feel him. He moved slowly as he watched her expression from underneath him. She moaned as he moved, her expression lustful. He began to speed up and her moans getting louder.
"Faster...." she said.


His eyes darkened with lust and possessiveness. He began to pound into her in inhumane speed. She scream in pleasure as she clawed the bed sheets. He buried his face in her neck as he breath heavily as he kept pounding into her. Suddenly the fang markings on her neck glowed green. A purple chrysanthemums replaced the fang marks. Kimi's eyes widened as she saw one appear on Sinbad's left shoulder. On her, it was the right side of her collar bone.

He can just hear Vepra squealing and gushing that the mark of found was now complete on both of them.

He kept thrusting into Kimi and slammed his lips onto hers as he swallowed her moans. He felt himself getting sloppy as he felt his member pulsing inside of her.
"SINBAD!!!" She screamed in pleasure as she suddenly came without warning.
Her walls clasping tightly around him, almost painfully. He groaned and his eyes rolled back.
"Kimi, Kimi...." He kept whispering her name sweetly in her ear even if she went limp, he kept thrusting into her.
With one Final hard thrust...



Both yelled each others names as he came deep inside of her. Making sure each drop of his semen was inside of her. He slowly pulled out and layed besides her. He pulled her into his arms and smiled down lovenly at her. She was trying to catch her breath and smiles.
"I love you Kimi, more than anything." He smiles.
Kimi eyes began to droop and she smile at him. She snuggled into his chest.
"I love you....Sinbad......zzzzz...." and she fell asleep.
He smiles warmly and kissed her forehead. Now both, Sindrian Emperors. Sleep takes over him and was beyond happy that he was now sleeping with the love of his life.

- The Next Day -

Kimi woke up with a feeling that someone was on top of her from behind and groped her breast. Sinbad began to kiss and lick her shoulders. She was sleepy and he kissed her lips.
"No Sinbad....." She mumbled as she weakly pushed him away.
"I'll be quick." He said.
Sinbad propped himself up and position himself behind her.
"I'm sleeping...." Kimi mumbled as buried her face in the pillows.
"I know my dear, you don't need to wake up." Sinbad said and thrusted into her womanhood.
She  gasped and he layed on her and groped her breast as he pounded into her.
"Ha...ha!" She moaned.
Sinbad then got up and flipped her so she was facing him and he can see her face. She turned beat red as he did and began to pound into her from the front. Both locked lips, saying "I love you" to each other.
Kimi moaned loudly and Sinbad panted as he kept going inside of her. He soon came inside of her and pulled out. He rested his head on her chest. Then all memories from last night came back at her and she exploded in red. Sinbad smirks looking up at her and quickly kissed her mark.
"Now you're finally mine and I'm never letting go." He said huskily.
"But are you alright, I didn't hurt you did I?" He said worried and sat up.
Kimi sat up, and pulled the blanket to cover her chest, her pink hair flowing down.
"I'm alright, just sore that's all. So don't worry." She smiles warmly at him.
He was still worried. After all....he didn't hold back. He saw her expression morph to shock.
"Sin......I can't feel my legs..." and with that, he knew he was dead.
But he smiles at her.
"Guess I went to hard but I have no regrets. now....." He pulled her to him and traced his fingers down her back.
She shivered and eyes went wide when she felt his member harden and stand up. He looked at her with a loving but burning gaze.

"Let's continue where we left off...my queen.."

- 3 hours later -

The two now wide awake and fully dressed, Sinbad carried his wife in his arms bridal style to the dinning room. She wore a pink royal Sindrian dress, making sure it covered her neck, shoulders and collarbone. Because they were cover in "love bites." Sinbad gives her a goofy smile and she gives him a playful glare.
They were now at the dining room. Today, was the start of their new lives together.

- Omake -

Caria kept smirking at Kimi from across the table. Oh she knows why her friends rukh is a deep magenta.

"Kimi and Sinbad sitting in a tree~"

And Kimi froze and stopped eating. Turning her head like a robot to her friends. Alphonse smirked at her.


Sinbad and everyone stared at them and his wife was turning redder and redder. Kouha felt a aura of murder slowly seeping from Kouen. Muu faced palms and Myron was snickering. Yamato and Kaguya were trying to keep themselves from bursting out laughing along with generals. Masrur had a straight face but you can see laughter in his eyes.
"First comes love then comes marriage~" the two sang loudly on purpose.

"Then comes the baby in the baby carriage. That's not all, here comes the baby drinking alc-------!!!"



And thus.....the two friends were given a grave reminder to never embarrass their friend again like that unless they want to meet her wrath once again.

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