Unidentified Chapter 1: The Goddess of The Land of Steel

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She was stood on top of her temple high in the mountains. She watched with void blue eyes as she saw the sky and sea. For she is worship as the Goddess of the Earth. The humans thankful for her blessings of the lands. For minerals such as iron, copper, gold, sliver and more, the people of the land of Sasan were grateful for her blessings. For it is known as the land of purity, and she, the goddess of the land of steel, is the purist, most fair of them all. For the soul of an angle she has, but the wrath of Satan when angered. Perhaps it's because its she is bored that she keeps looking to the sea. Waiting for something to happen. She sighs and turns but froze. Her head snapped back to the view of the sea.

She gently floated to the sea and hovered over it. Her retainers will throw a fit if they see her gone. Not that she cares. Her eyes scaned the horizon and they widened. Excitement began to fill her when she saw a ship from Imuchakk. Was Yoshino coming to vist? She could of just teleported. No? She turned invisible and floated near the ship. A boy with purple hair, with pair of his hair with three small braids. His long purple hair tied in a ponytail. He wore a purple jacket with traveled clothes. On his waist, a sword and on his neck, a red jewel necklace.
"Baal, and Valefor?" She mumbled.
She landed softly on the ship, on top of the crows nest. A warrior of Imuchakk with a young boy. White hair, pale skin, freckles and green eyes. He wears white clothing with small ruffles. The Rukh surrounded the boy with purple hair greatly.
"So he is the miracle Yunan spoke of." She thought.
She sat down and decided to observe them. She castes a spell and makes small goldfish fly to them. A way to welcome the travelers to her land. She giggled softly as she watched them look at the fish flying in the air, amazed.


"Welcome travelers!"


The fish kept repeating as they floated around them. Sinbad was amazed and tries to touch one. The fish just circles around his arm and they fade away to small bubbles.
"Amazing! I never would of thought we actually be welcomed!" Sinbad said amazed.
"The land of Sasan is not only know as the land of steel, it is also known for the myths and legends of the Goddess that protects the land." Ja'far explains as he looked down to a scroll.
"What else does it say?" Hinahoho asked as he looked over Ja'far's shoulder.
"It also says that the goddess has been giving life to this land. That is why the land is rich with metals. There's also different folk songs and festivals that are dedicated to her. It's is said she stood besides the God of Sasan. Unfortunately the name of that God she had stood by has been long forgotten." Ja'far sighs as he closed the scroll.
"Does it say the name of the Goddess? You know, like Yoshino?" Sinbad said.

Her eyes widened. They know Yoshino?

"Yoshino is known as the Goddess of Winter.....so I guess....this goddess is known as the goddess of land of steel? I could be wrong....if it's one thing I'm terrible at, it's history....Dammit...I don't want to go through Rurumu's lessons again!" Ja'far groans.
Sinbad shutters, remembering the lessons he and Ja'far went through. Not gonna happen again and prays it never happens.

She giggled and decided to head back but, she felt someone staring at her. She turned back and saw the boy named Ja'far looking at where she sat. Ja'far shook his head and mumbled it was his imagination. But his assassin senses just wouldn't let up. Someone was watching them. But it wasn't menacing. She floated down and quickly snatched Sinbad's sword from his waist.

His head snapped around and everyone got in a battle stance. Their jaws hanged open when they saw it floating in the air and unsheath.
"G-Ghost!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!" Sinbad screamed.
Ja'far and Hinahoho were shaking, barley keeping their composure. She observed the sword and decided to call Baal. Well at least a Chibi version of him. She touched Solomon's symbol and out came a Chibi version of Baal. The men's jaw were wide open when they saw Baal.
"It's been quite sometime hasn't it Oregami." Baal said to the girl that remained invisible.
Oregami smiles and petted him like a dog. He's so cute in his little form.
"I'm not a dog! I'm a dragon! Dragon!" Baal said as he tried to swat her hand away.
"Now you know how Valefor feels." She giggles.
She then looks back down at Sinbad.
"So he is your King? Interesting choice I must say." She said as she floated down and gently landed on the deck.
She revealed herself in her human form. She wore a black uniform with a skirt and sandles.

Ja'far stared at her with wide eyes. She looked.....beautiful. Sinbad noticed this and smirked. Oregami walked up to Sinbad and handed him his sword. He took it.
"Who are you?" Sinbad said to her with a smile.
Oregami deadpanned. He was a womanizer like Focalor. Typical...she wouldn't be surprised if he became Focalor's master in the future.
"You are a womanizer. Typical. You are not my type. You will just break a women's heart. I would not be surprise if you got some random women pregnant if you go to a brothel. Typical of men like you." She said monotone.
Sinbad chocked on his own spit. Ja'far and Hinahoho were trying not to burst out laughing. Oregami sighs and walked over to Ja'far. Baal returned to his sword. Ja'far stiffed when she suddenly picked him up and hugged him like a plushy softly. And in her chest. Hinahoho and Sinbad gawk. Ja'far was beat red. Oregami hummed in satisfication and liked his scent. It was like the earth and leaves. Like pines and evergreens. A scent of nature. She likes it. Ja'far was in a daze when she put him down. She slowly backed away and disappears like the leaves flying in the wind.
Ja'far still in a daze as he walked to the rail of the boat and looked out to the sea.

Cupid just struck his heart.

Sinbad smirked. Oh he'll definitely enjoy teasing his friend.

Oregami had a happy smile on her lips as she flew back to Sasan. She transforms once again to her human form. She was in the mood to buy some herbs. The people of Sasan thought of her a citizen. She puts on her shall and goes around the market, looking at the products they are selling. She spots a familiar red head up at the roof. She smiles and floats up.
"Mistoras, what are you doing here?" Oregami said.
The boy named Mistoras jumped. He tapped his chest, trying to calm down his heartbeat.
"Don't scare me like that....." He said.
Oregami chuckles.
"I got news. Travelers from Reim have come. I find them interesting. I'll keep an eye on them alright?" She said.
He grins with sparkles in his eyes.
"I'm counting on sister!" He cheers.

Oregami turned invisible and flew to the docks. There, she saw the men get off the boat. Sinbad was ahead of them. She blended with the rocks and watched.
"Sasan kingdom huh? I guess we have no choice but to pass this mountain range on foot. Just what are we up to in this country?" Hinahoho said as he looked at the map.
"Sasan has the most abundance of top quality metal in the world but have secluded themselves to the outer world up until now. However, it seems that they've finally complied to the dealing of metal with Reim. If we are the first to bind an all out trading route with them, we'll gain huge profit." Ja'far explains to Hinahoho, who had an unsure look.
"But you know, was it really alright to leave everything to Vittel and Mahad there? Rurumu might be there but she won't be able to help much because of babysitting and all." Hinahoho said worried.
Oregami was happy for her friend Rurumu. So the Imuchakk warrior is her husband. Nice.
"It'll be fine.", everyone turned to Sinbad, "Vittel is doing his best as a financial advisor, plus, Mahad might not be that talkative, but he's good at taking care of people. Both are very much liked by everyone. Besides, " Sinbad turns to them with a grin that yelled adventure, " It's a country we're visiting for the first time. The head himself has to go, right?! Now let's go!" Sinbad grins.
Ja'far and Hinahoho smile.
"You say all that, but you just wanted to go on an adventure, didn't you?!" Hinahoho laughed.
"My body is trembling with excitement to see what kind of country this is." Sinbad laughed.
"Geez, such a child you are." Ja'far sighed.

They continued walking up the stairs were they reached the summit. They were amazed by the sight of the Kingdom. Ja'far noticed a different part of the Kingdom leading out of it. A separate stairwell. He was confused by this and decided to ask some of the citizens when they reached the Kingdom.

The Sasan Kingdom. A small country, which was built on the base of a high altitude mountain. They, who were still devoted to the teachings of the old gods, served their interactions with the polluted outside world. By doing so, they got a second name as the "Land of Purity." And as a tradition every year, those who are ready to step into the code of Knight, are taken to the Temple of the Goddess of Earth. There, the next generation of Sasan Knights, bathe their lance into the holy water of the Lake of Pure Tears. There, the Goddess of Earth gives the Knights her blessing, for they may live a long life and well being. The lake of tears, it is said to be the tears of the Pure Goddess, who has shed them to morn for those that have passed on and make sure that they pass safety to the after life.

Oregami watched as the citizens backed away from the trio. Calling them impure. She hates this part of this country. She hates how closed minded the people are. For they do not know the unknown, and because of that, they fear it. She sighs she watched a Sasan knight take them to the visitors center.
Ja'far froze. He felt someone watching them. He turns around and looks up to the roof. A silhouette. He rubs his eyes and it was gone. Was it his imagination?
"Um, excuse me?" He asked the Sasan knight as they walked.
The Sasan Knight did a side glance at him.
"I was wondering if you can tell me more about the Goddess of this land." He asked.
The Sasan Knight glares at him.
"You outsiders are forbidden to go to her temple. For she is the purest and fairest of all of Sasan. Only those who are ready to step into knighthood may go to her temple. For her land will not be touched by you outsiders. She as appeared to very few. Only to our King, who was led to the power of God by her, is one of the very few who have seen her." The Sasan knight glares at them, making them gulp.

Oregami scoffed. Pure? Bullshit she calls it! But the same time she can related cause she hasn't lost her purity yet. She's still a virgin for Pete's sake, unlike Miku, who's freaken been sleeping with the Queen of Artemyra. Ahhhhh, to hell with it she says!

"Not happening." The little old man said to the trio.
Oregami watched.
"Sasan doesn't have any intention whatsoever of trading with any other country. Now please go back." The little old man waves the trio away with his feather pen.
She got an angry tick mark. Why can't the people understand that this will benefit the country?!
"I beg pardon. But a portion of iron and other mineral resources from Sasan have already been sent to Reim." Ja'far said.
"Rather than trading, it's more like an amount we closed as proof of friendship between the two countries. The Emperor of Reim had been showing great interest and understanding out beliefs. Besides, the resources of Sasan are something we got from the blessings of God and the Goddess of Earth. They're certainly not ment for money making heretics. If you understand that, please leave." The little old man glared at them.
Rage filled Oregami. She looks over at the trio and punched the nearest wall. A huge crack appears, scaring all the men in the room. She stomped out of the room and enraged by how ignorant the people are. She flew to her temple and went in and slammed the door shut. She felt like a bird trapped in a cage. Goddess this, Goddess that, why, why, why?! She's just sick of it.

"My lady, are you alright?"

She looked up to the two female voices that spoke. Two maids. Both have short hair but cover different eyes. The one with short pink hair and eyes, her bangs cover her right eye, and the one with blue hair and eyes, her bangs cover her left eye.

She sighs.
"I'm alright. Thank you for worrying." Oregami said.
She then thinks of something.
"Rem, Ram." She said.
The two maids looked at her confused.
"There is a group of travelers I wish to speak to. It is most likely that they are at the victor center. I want you to bring them to me. Do not let anyone see you bring them here. At all. Understand?" She said.
The two nodded, and teleported away. Oregami sighs, glad that she is now alone. She walks up to a giant crystal ball floating in the air. She touches.
"Show me a vision of the future!" She yells.
The ball begins to glow and it showed something. A girl, she looks about 10, if not nine or 11. And her yelling at a man with purple hair and gold eyes. Tears were falling down her eyes. Oregami was confused. She touched it and her eyes went blank.

"You don't know how the real world works!"

"It's you who doesn't understand! I proved you wrong so many times and you still don't get it!"



"........!! I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't------!!"



Oregami dropped to the ground, shaken. What was that?

"Damn that was hilarious how they didn't even bother with you." Hinahoho laughed at Sinbad.
Yeah, I never thought that the bunch in the door would be that inflexible." Sinbad sweat drops.
"Obviously, holding a direct dialogue like that is going too overboard. It won't be weird if they drive us out of this country, you know? Have some self a----!!" Ja'far said with a worried face but was interrupted by Sinbad.
"Alright! I'll definitely make it successful next time." Sinbad says.
"Or it will be a talk with your fist." Hinahoho chuckled.
"No, they'll understand once we speak with them. Besides, we're not doing anything wrong anyways." Sinbad says.
Mistoras watched the them as he hid behind a barrel. He remembers what Oregami told him. He slowly crept towards them and tapped Sinbad's shoulder.
"Hey, hey sir..." Sinbad looks to the side and sees him, " I have a favor to ask you? May I share this table with you?" Mistoras asked.
Sinbad looked at him confused and asked him why. That there were plenty of other tables available. Mistoras told them that he wanted to ask then about their travels and if they can teach him about the outside world. Soon the lady of the visitors center and came at Mistoras pissed. She grabbed him by the collar and scolded him.

He wasn't suppose to be there and if he got caught, she would be in huge trouble. That he needs to think about his position because he is the son of the knight King. The the trio is shocked. The lady introduced him.

"So the reason you wanted to talk to us?" Ja'far said, " and why are you so fixated on us?" Hinahoho asked.
"We from Sasan are forbidden to leave the country because of the doctrine. And since I am an apprentice knight, the precept is much more stricter for me. (Turns to Sinbad) That's why, I want to know more about the outside world." Mistoras said.
Sinbad smiles and stood up.
"I am Sinbad! Head of the Sindria Corp. And also one of the Dungeon Conquerors. An adventure!" Sinbad said.
Mistoras was shocked and Sinbad began to tell his story of how he conquered the dungeons and met the Goddesses of Imuchakk and Partevia. After about 30 minutes, he finished telling his story.
"You experience this?! Even though you're almost the same age as me?! Amazing....." Mistoras said but a sad look face on his face.
" There is no one like you in this confined country." He said.
"Do you dislike this country, Mistoras?" Sinbad asked.
"This country is firmly bounded to it's doctrine and the history of the goddess that blessed this land, and has no freedom whatsoever. And is filled with serious and stiff people everywhere. But my only friend, Oregami, she's told me stories about the outside world and how it looks like. The color of the sea, the frozen lands.....she's showed me books about it. I want to know and feel what she has. I would rather choose to breath the outside air to my heart's coo and die early than live a long life in Thia restricted place. And my sister and I, can finally know what true freedom is. Oregami isn't my blood relative, but she's like a older sister to me." Mistoras said.
Sinbad stayed silent until they heard footsteps towards them.

"Excuse me, travelers?"

The four men turn around and see two maids. The one with pink hair is Ram and the one with blue hair is Rem. They smile them.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Our mistress has chosen to speak with you. You should be honored. For our lady is very Important here in Sasan." Rem and said.
Sinbad narrowed his eyes at them. So did the others.
"Who is this...mistress of yours?" Ja'far asked.
Rem smiles at him.
"We can not tell you. We must take you there ourselves." Rem said.
Sinbad stayed silent.
"And if we don't?" Hinahoho said.
"I don't think......" Ram began as the shadows covered her eyes.
"You have a choice." Rem said with a frighting look in her eyes.
Then men went on guard. Sinbad didn't want to cause problems.
"Alright. Take us to your master." Sinbad put his sword down.
The twins smile and began to walk. They followed after them, Mistoras also. They walked to an alley and went through an underground tunnel.

Soon they were at strange place. Lush green grass a huge lake of crystal blue water that looked like glass. The moonlight illuminating it. A light mist surround the surface of the lake. In the middle of it, was a temple that looked like that of medieval times. They stopped at the two path way pillars. Mistoras went pale......
"T-This is....the Lake of Pure Tears!!!" He screeched.
Everyone looked at him shocked. His father was going to kill him if he ever found out he stepped foot here. The men were dead.....so dead......
Rem and Ram bowed at way.
"Mistress, we have brought them." They said together.
The surface of the water rippled. The sound of chiming bells heard. Light hovering on the surface the water towards them, was Oregami. But on her face was a white gold Vail that covered her identify. She froze when she saw Mistoras.
"Why was the Sasan knight prince brought?" She said coldly.
Rem and Ram froze. Shit.....
"Sigh.....changing the subject..." she turns to them, " I am the one that blesses this land and the one that welcomed you. I am The Goddess of Earth. And I have brought you here today to speak with you. For I saw earlier what happened. Please do forgive me. For I was the one that punched the wall." Oregami said.
Everyone looked at her shocked and Immediately bowed.
"I am surprised that you know Yoshino. What's more......how you actually had the guts to try to speak the King." She said to Sinbad.
Sinbad sweat drops. He can't believe he saw that. She motions them to rise.
Ja'far couldn't help but squint his eyes at her. She looked familiar.....and the scent she has.........it was....like the ocean...and white lilies.
"My lady, if I may ask, why did you wish to speak to us?" Sinbad asked.
Oregami stayed silent.
"Have you seen the way the citizens are?" She said and everyone looked at her confused minus her retainers.
Mistoras decide to speak.
"I have. And like I said before, I rather dies breathing the air of the outside world than stay here locked up in this close minded place." Mistoras glared at her.
Oregami looked at Mistoras.
"Traditions are ment to be broken. They are ment to change. Not all can remain the same. In order for there to be progress, change must be made. I have called you tonight, Sinbad of Sindria, to change this lands ways." And everyone looked at her shocked.
What's more Mistoras.
"Wait a minute, what do you mean?!" Ja'far said.

Oregami remained silent and then spoke.
"For the people's eyes are closed to the outside world. For the thousands of years I have lived here, I have watched as my people slowly grew fearful of the outside world. They no longer have the will to go and see the beauty of the outside world. To see the beauty of Imperfection. To see change and growth. Sinbad, Hinahoho, Ja'far and Mistoras, please, change the ways of the people to see the world." Oregami bowed.
The twins passed out from shock at what she said.
"Why are you asking us? You're a goddess. Can't you do it?" Mistoras said.

Why that little....

Her eye twitched.
"Though I am a god, I can not change the people's will. It is the job of the people themselves to create the change that they want. Even if it is just small steps, it is a start. Tomorrow, I will see that change begin. Good luck to you my friends, and my the Rukh guide you." Oregami said.
"One more thing," she turned to Sinbad, " In the future, the one you truly love, you will finally meet your match." She said and he looked at her shocked.
Everyone did. Oregami glared menacingly, even if no on saw it, they felt it.
"You will hurt her in the one way you never thought you would. She will prove you wrong repeatly. You will hurt her not physically, but mentally and emotionally. Heed my words Sinbad, make one mistake, make one action that you will regret, and it will be your undoing. For you will loose the one you love truly before your very eyes!" Oregami boomed and the mist surrounded them.

They saw two were back the inn. Everyone looked at Sinbad who was shaking. Was it an omen she foretold? He looked at his hands and back at the others. Mistoras looked him worried.

Oregami was back inside her temple.
"Solomon......please...protect the children that will come back to this world in the future. Please....Sheba....watch over them please..." She prayed.

- The Next Day -

Ja'far ran through the city as he made his way to the Earth Goddess Temple. He ran. He has to tell her what is going on. Mistoras is fighting his father, the Knight King, to be free and to go to the outside world. He ran, earning strange looks front he citizens. He tripped and fell to the ground. He didn't care if he got hurt, he needs to tell her. He now remembers where he smelled he scent of the sea and white lilies. It was her, the girl that they met at their boat.

"Hey, are you alright?"

He looked up and his eyes widened.
"Thank god! I was looking for you!" Ja'far was happy that he ran into her.
Oregami looked at him confused.
"There's no time to explain! Come on!" He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him.
"Wait! What's going on?!" Oregami said as they ran through the crowd.
"Lady Earth, I know I shouldn't say that to you, but you have to come! Mistoras is fighting his father to be free! He kept talking about you yesterday. I know you are Oregami and the Earth Goddess." He turned to her and she looked at him with wide eyes.
She was shocked, not even Mistoras has figured out who she is and they known each other since he was a baby. Not even the king. She touched his forehead and saw through all his memories. His past, and the present. He's been through so much. She nodded and he led her to the place.


Mistoras looked at his father in horror has his attacks were deflected by the barrier his father's weapon created. His attacks came back at him stronger, twice as powerful. He was injured. Hinahoho and Sinbad watched and were amazed.  Oregami and Ja'far came back. But her eyes widened in horror when....

"Don't make me repeat myself. Let's have taste your own power!"



"Is this your limit?" Darius asked as he looked down coldly at his son.
Mistoras glared at him and closed his eyes in defeat.
"As a minimal courtesy, I'll make it painless, Knight Mistoras!" And pointed his lance at his son.
The blade brought down to him and about to hit him when....



Everyone's eyes widened when the kings lance was bounced back. Mistoras and everyone looked the the person in from of him, with her arms spread wide and with her Vail on her face. A borg protecting them.
"Lady Earth!" Ja'far yells.
Everyone looked at her with wide eyes. Sinbad then stepped forward.
"Hold on a second there!" He stepped forward.
The King turned to him. Oregami dropped to her knees panting. She quickly turned to Mistoras and hugged him.
"I'm so glad......I'm so glad you're alright...." she cried.
Mistoras didn't know how to react. Sinbad then begins to say that why did the king cheat. Sinbad then shows Baal's Sword and that all dungeon Capturers have the power of a djiin. He makes a deal with the King. If the King wins, he can deal with Sinbad however he wants. But if Sinbad wins, hell be taking Mistoras and have Sasan trade with his company.

Both the King and Sinbad begin the battle.
"Bararaq!!" She sees through Sinbad's eyes and he dodged barley before the attack hit him.
He was shocked at how Powerful the attack came back at him. Both their weapons continue to clash with one another. Sinbad then says that the Kings power is not at the same level as his.
"I'll show you. The true power of a djiin." Sinbad says and every looks at him shock.
"Spirit of wrath and heroes....dwell in my body....transform me into a great magician..Full Body Djiin Equip, Baal!!" Sinbad does a full body djiin equip.
Oregami's eyes widened. To think that a human mastered a djiins power...
Sinbad smirks at her, which made anger rise inside of her for some reason. It was like his.... Sinbad turns back to the battle.
"If you wrap your body in the power of the djiin, it transforms you into a great magician. This "djiin equip" is the manifestation of a djiins true power." He say and points his sword at the king.
"I wonder, how long you can endure it?" Sinbad say and the kings eyes full of fear.
"Bararaq" he shoots a powerful lighting attack at him and destroys his barrier.
Everyone is in shock. He then grabs the king who is still an a barrier and fly's away to "talk" to him.

Oregami turned back to Mistoras and began to heal is injuries. Under her Vail, she was crying.
"I'm sorry.....I'm sorry....." she kept repeating.
Mistoras looked at her confused. Why was she crying? He doesn't understand.
"Wait.....your.....!!" He finally figures it out.
"I understand if you need want to see me again or if you hate me. But even if that happens, I'll still be watching over you Mistoras. You and Spartos are family to me. You guys mean everything to me. And I'm willing to give my life to protect you guys, even if I must go against Sasan myself." Oregami cried.
He looked at her shocked. A warm smile came on his lips and he ruffles her hair.
"Idiot, I can never hate you. You showed so much, and for that, I am forever grateful." Mistoras said.
About 20 minutes later, Sinbad and the king return. Through Sinbad's eyes, Oregami saw what happened between him and the King. Sinbad told the king his goal is to change the world. When they came back, Sinbad said the battle was a tie. The king has acknowledged Sinbad as a chosen one of god and the Knights of Sasan welcome him.

Oregami stepped forward. It was time to reveal who she is. All the knights bowed down as she walked towards Sinbad and Darius.
"Lady Earth, it's been quite some time." Darius said as he bowed.
Oregami remained silent. She then turns everyone. She removes her Vail and everyone looked at her shocked.
"I am the Goddess of this land, but many of you also know me as Oregami. My name is Tobichi Oregami and have watched the battle against the King, who I led to the power of my king. The God that I once stood by and helped this land. And watching this battle, I have come to conclusion to give my blessing my blessing to him. For the power of God is not something that can only be used by a Sasan Knight, for those chosen by not only by God, but as us, the Goddesses that have lived in this world, we choose who we see worthy and also by the Gods of Creation!" Oregami continues as a white light envelop her, " To the myth and legends that have been passed down from generation to generation, the legendary towers will only appear when when there is a unusual phenomenon occurring all across the world. And that is what is happening now, suffering, death, hatred, war, the cause of abnormalities and chaos. It's my Job, and God, that we choose the ones to help fight this problem. For Sinbad of Sindria and the Your King, are one of the few chosen ones to protect this world from peril! We shall welcome him to Sasan as a comrade. And also as a apostle who was chosen by us, the goddesses, followers of the same God, by God himself!" Oregami said.

Everyone was stunned. A knight stepped forward.

"Your will is the will of God himself."

"For our Goddess has come to deliver our Lord's words."

"Every Knight in the Order will abide by that."

"Let's welcome apostle Sinbad for the bright future of Sasan!"

All the knights raised their weapons and cheer. Mistoras was shocked. Oregami turned to the King and Sinbad. She summon out her sword, Excalibur, to give her blessing.
Sinbad went on his knees, and Oregami began to recite the words, as she did, the Rukh began to gather around him.

"Be loyal of hands and mouth, and serve every man as best you may. Seek the fellowship of good men; hearken to their words and remember them. Be humble and courteous wherever thou go, boasting not nor talking overmuch, neither be dumb altogether. Look to it that no lady or damsel be in reproach through your default, nor any woman of whatsoever quality. And if you fall into company where men speak with disrepect of any woman, show by gracious words that it pleaseth you not, and depart.

The office of knight is to promote faith in God as Lord of Lords, King of Kings and the only Savior and to protect those who seek to worship in His name any where upon the face of this earth that He has made." Oregami said.
And sliver tears began to fall from her eyes as as she recited the words. Sinbad then began to recite his oath.

""Never do outrage nor murder, and always flee treason; also, by no means to be cruel, but to give mercy unto him that asketh mercy, upon pain of forfeiture of their worship and lordship of God forevermore; and always to do ladies, damsels, and gentlewoman succor, upon pain of death. Also, that no man do battle in a wrongful quarrel for no law, nor for the world's goods.

"To ride abroad redressing wrongs,
To speak no slander, no, nor listen to it,
To honor his own words as if his God's"

"To love one maiden only, cleave to her,
And worship her by years of noble deeds, Until they won her." Sinbad finished.

Oregami nodded and gave her blessings to him. For what is to come in the future, he will need help.

- Time skip: Departure -

"It gave me chills this time as well." Hinahoho said as they stood, waiting for Mistoras.
"But it worked out in the end, didn't it?" Sinbad smiles.
"Geez, it's we who have to always clean up your mess afterwards you know? If it wasn't for Oregami, who fixed what you destroyed, we would be in huge trouble!" Ja'far scolded him.
"Sorry for the wait." Mistoras said as he arrived.
"Are you done with your farewells?" Sinbad asked.
"Yes, now I can leave go to the outside world with a peace of mind......It feels like dream." Mistoras smiles.
"Now there," Sinbad slings IA arm over his shoulder "I know that you're excited to go to the outside world. But I'll be putting you to work. The alliance with Sasan also comes with a trade agreement. You'll be in charge of communication with Sasan." Sinbad said.
Soon Spartos came, acommpany by Oregami and Rem, and Ram. Spartos tells him that he heard from his father. That he's always respected him and it didn't matter what people said about him. Mistoras tells him not to worry about it and when he gets older they'll both travel the world together. And that's why he shouldn't cry.
Oregami walks up to Ja'far.
"Thank you Ja'far. If you didn't call me to come help my brother, I would still be in fear. Thank you." Oregami said and hugs him.
Rem and Ram bring their hands up to their mouths and go "Ooooooohhhhhh!!! Pink rukh is surrounding them!" The girls snickered.
Mistoras made a face and grumbled...
"My sister is not ready for a man...."

Ja'far was beat red.
"Oregami, we'll meet again one day." Ja'far smiles.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky Promise."

They soon then left the Sasan empire. They were back at the dock now. Mystras was looking out at the ocean amazed by the beautiful sight. Ja'far then explains where we are heading next, City of the Sky, Artemyra King.
"I wonder what kind of place is a country full of girls...." Sinbad says with sparkles surrounding him.
Oregami, Rem and Ram hide a smirk.

Oh they know Miku is going to enjoy making him suffer. For she hates men and loves Women. After all, Miku not only is the Goddess of Artemyra, but also the queen's wife. Yes, she is lesbian. Oh Oregami can just image her teaching the cocky little Shit a good lesson that will scar him for life.

Sinbad then walks up to Mistoras because he's been silent.
"How about it? The outside world's pretty great huh?" Sinbad gives him a thumbs up and the girls face palm.
"Yes!" Mistoras said with a bloody nose.

Indeed......what will await them....

( To be Continued.......)

So for you guys that don't understand the oaths or the one Sinbad did, it is based of King Author and his knights. Here's a summary of Sinbad.

Upon my honor,

I will develop my life for the greater good.
I will place character above riches, and concern for others above personal wealth.
I will never boast, but cherish humility instead.
I will speak the truth at all times, and forever keep my word.
I will defend those who cannot defend themselves.
I will honor and respect women, and refute sexism in all its guises.
I will uphold justice by being fair to all.
I will be faithful in love and loyal in friendship.
I will abhor scandals and gossip-neither partake nor delight in them.
I will be generous to the poor and to those who need help.
I will forgive when asked, that my own mistakes will be forgiven.
I will live my life with courtesy and honor from this day forward.

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