Chapter 12

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Draco entered Hogwarts with Pansy and Blaise who were still worried about him, to see Khadija standing in the middle of the entrance hall, not seeming to notice the people pushing past her even though there was plenty of space to not push her, looking shell shocked. She looked hurt as well as shocked, as though she hadn't yet processed whatever happened, so hadn't started crying.

"Khadija? What's wrong?" Pansy asked, leaving Draco's side and rushing over to Khadija, seeming to snap her out of it.

"Hermione... And Harry..." Khadija said, her voice trembling slightly, Pansy pulling away slightly, surprised.

"Did you say Harry?" Draco asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I think the Weasleys did something to him, he didn't recognise me, neither did Hermione, but he talked to me." Khadija said, trying to even out her breathing.

"Did he look okay? He's not hurt, right?" Draco asked, if Harry didn't remember their everything that was something else, but he hoped against hope that he was okay in every other aspect.

"I don't know, my priority was Hermione!" Khadija snapped at Draco. "It was odd though, it took me a moment to recognise him."

"Harry has a pretty iconic look." Blaise said, as they headed into the Great Hall.

"No, that's not what I mean, like it took me way too long to recognise that he was Harry and not... I don't know, some kind of hero. I know he's been missing since the start of Summer, but it took me too long to actually register it." Khadija said, looking down.

"It would probably be more odd if they didn't put any kind of magic on him to stop everyone from telling him the truth." Pansy said with a small nod and frown.

Khadija waved goodbye to go to her own table and Draco watched Harry, noticing how little he was eating compared to previous years, he also looked more tired and pale than normal either. Harry clearly wasn't as healthy as he knew he should have been, meaning that they hadn't been treating Harry well. Thankfully he didn't look as bad as he did when they first met, then again he had two years of healing and only a summer's worth of abuse possible for him to have gone through.

Draco paid no attention to anything but Harry throughout the whole meal, honestly he guess that the only reason there was any food on his plate was because of Pansy filling them, but he couldn't have told you what he ate. He could tell you that he was angry at the youngest Weasley for clinging onto Harry until she looked at Hermione annoyed, Draco couldn't see Hermione's face, but he had to assume that she was still a good friend to Harry even with whatever had happened to them.

It wasn't just jealousy over his boyfriend that made Draco annoyed, he assumed it was safe to say that their relationship was paused due to the special circumstances, but that Harry looked uncomfortable. Of course that didn't mean Draco wasn't a little jealous.

As soon as the meal was over Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny left the room, and Pansy grabbed Draco by the shoulder before he could rush out after them.

"Draco, I know you're worried about Harry, but you need to be careful." Pansy said firmly, Draco not catching her eyes. "Draco, tell me you won't be reckless."

"That's Harry, it's not just someone we vaguely know, it's Harry." Draco said angrily, not yet trying to take his arm yet.

"Draco, I know, but he doesn't, and he might get scared by whatever you're planning to do." Pansy said, trying to calm him down.

Draco didn't respond, but he and Pansy glared at each other in some kind of staring competition, before Draco snatched his shoulder back and rushed towards to double doors, drawing a few gazes from the people who were surprised to see a pure blood of the kind that would never show such an unprofessional experience in front of others, but Draco honestly couldn't care less.

"Weasley!" Draco yelled, stopping at the doors so he didn't look too out of breath, not caring about the other people there, only caring when Harry and Weasley turned around to look at him. Harry's eyes were confused, and not as clear as they usually were, and Weasley's eyes were filled with mirth and pride.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ron asked with a sneer that made Draco seethe, there was no way Draco's appearance was the aristocratic one his father was somehow always able to maintain in public. 

"Don't act like you're so innocent!" Draco yelled in response, his back aching.

Pansy had come up behind him, and was looking at Harry with concern as he was pale, and his hands were shaking slightly as he looked around at all the people looking at him, Weasley, and Draco. He looked extremely uncomfortable about the whole situation.

"Draco, this is not the time, place, or way to do this." Pansy said, her eyes looking like they were hiding flames of anger.

"Listen to your girlfriend, Malfoy." Weasley said with his lip curled and a sick sounding laugh, Draco noticed Harry's eyes flashed with a brief look of suffering.

"Shut your bloody trap!" Draco spat, he didn't dislike Pansy, but he was never going to be in love with her, they were too different and neither were attracted to that gender, but they did share opinions on frogs. "You're the one who changed two people to fit some made up story!"

"I'm not the one who did anything." Weasley said, pulling something out of his pocket and grabbing Harry by the wrist.

Draco called out for them to come back, and he wasn't able to see what Ron had pulled out of his pocket before a blinding light filled the entrance hall. He heard a muggle curse word from Pansy somewhere to his left, and pulling him back too.

"What was that?" Draco asked, completely blinded and having to rely on Pansy's grip to pull him to wherever he was going, every now and then his arms would bump into something also soft, which he assumed was Blaise.

"Weasel used an illegal item my family used to make, if you're around it for too long it will mess up your memory, and obviously it being bright means you can't see for a couple minutes." Pansy explained, sounding angry.

Draco landed badly on something soft, which he assumed was the sofa, because he still couldn't see. Feeling around he could only feel the arm of what he was on on only one side, which he felt confirmed his idea of where he was.

"But Draco, what do you think you were doing!? I told you it was the wrong place and time! You know he hates being the centre of attention, and yet you yelled at him and Weasel in front of everyone!" Pansy yelled at him, Draco couldn't see her, but he could tell she was red in the face with the skin her eyes wrinkling from anger.

"I just-" Draco started.

"Pans, give him a bit of a break, you know how he gets about Harry, and it's been the whole summer." Blaise said, his voice soothing. Draco had no idea if Blaise could see or not, he didn't even know if he was still in the Great Hall or the entrance hall.

"Fine, but don't you dare do anything like that again. Blaise, take Draco to bed, Draco, you need to sleep this off." Pansy said, Draco hearing the sound of moving fabric, making him guess she had sat down before he felt a small tug on his arm from Blaise.

Honestly it was embarrassing to have to have Blaise help him get ready for bed, but if it was just for one evening then he would just have to deal with it, plus it was kinda his own fault.

Draco kept trying to talk to Harry and get him to respond so they could talk alone and he could figure out what had happened to Harry, but Weasley would always interrupt, or Harry would get skittish.

Draco was glad Remus had gotten a job as a teacher at Hogwarts this year, Sirius having come along too as he didn't want to be alone in the house, and not wanting Remus to be alone on the full moons. Having them there meant that, even if Harry didn't trust him, there was someone who could look out for him.

That being said, Ron seemed to not want to let Harry be alone with them either.

They had decided that for the most part Remus and the other teachers would help Draco look for a way to fix what had been done to Harry, and if he had a plan to rescue Harry then they would help, but otherwise it would probably be safest for Harry is they pretended nothing was wrong. There was no way Dumbledore's people would care about Harry's mental state, and if they failed then Harry would likely have his memory wiped, and they didn't want permanent damage done to his psyche.

Thankfully on Hermione's side, although Ron seemed more obsessive over her in a way only slightly different to Ginny with Harry, she was alone far more often due to having taken all the classes she could this year. Draco had no idea how she was manging even with the time turner, as he seriously doubted Gryffindor had a room for people using a timeturner to have a break like he knew Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had.

Cho Li had managed to corner Hermione on her way back from Arithmancy, and convinced her to come to the Ravenclaw common room to get some rest. As Hermione had no creature inheritance, it was relatively simple to return her memories, as they were far more detailed than the fake ones, her mind quickly decided the fake ones were dreams.

"How are you, Hermione?" Draco asked, they were in the Ravenclaw common room and it was the day after her memories had been restored, everyone agreeing that it would be best for getting Harry if they weren't seen together.

"I'm fine, but you really want to know about Harry." Hermione said, giving him a look that was somewhere between knowing and annoyed over her thick book she had to read for homework.

"I'm not going to deny it, if that's what you're waiting for." Draco said with a shrug, sitting himself down on a beanbag next to her.

"I wasn't," Hermione sighed as she realised that it wasn't worth continuing to read until Draco left. "He's been worse, but it's not good, he can't talk to Ron easily, but he can't tell Ron about any of his problems, the most he can do is try not to break the ice. He's getting skinnier and Ginny tends to cling to him, but he can't say anything about it. I'm sure you've also noticed his magic is weaker. I think Fred and George are on our side, though, they kept trying to talk to us in private."

"Thanks." Draco said, springing up and leaving, making Hermione sigh and roll her eyes.

"Just hold on, Harry." Hermione whispered, looking out the window before she picked her book up again.


After meeting with the Weasley twins Draco found out they were, indeed, on his side. They gave him a magical device they had made that looked like a small snake charm that would turn green to let him know that they thought Harry was safe to be rescued.

Draco was walking to the potions room, Professor Nari being the new Potions teacher who was all too happy to provide support sessions in the classrooms, or let students make other potions provided she was in the room and they informed her of the potions they were making, when he saw the snake had turned green.

The last he had seen Harry was when he and Weasley were heading to the library, so Draco sprinted off in that direction. This was near perfect timing as Sirius had just returned from a visit to James and Lily so they were all planning to meet soon anyway.

Draco slowed as he got near the library, hearing ragged breaths from an unused classroom, this must be where Harry was.

"Harry!" Draco said more loudly that he had meant to, happy to see Harry again but also worried about him.

Harry's breathing paused, but sounded easier after hearing Draco's voice. Harry had stiffened and turned around wiping his eyes that were red and had a definitively watery look to them.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry spat, but his voice had no bite, and it only caused a little hurt, as Draco knew everything would be back to normal soon. "And since when did you stop calling me Potter?"

Draco looked sadly at Harry, but he was hopeful that this would all be over soon, and when it was he would make sure to protect Harry, even if Harry didn't want Draco in his life anymore, Draco would protect him from the shadows.

"Sorry about this Harry," Draco said, he thought he could hear Ron's voice down the corridor, so he would have to hurry. "But we now think we have a way to fix this." He just hoped Sirius was returning from the Potter island with good news.

With no time left or to explain, Draco walked over to Harry, getting there in only a few steps, pulling the cursed sleeping mask out of his pocket as he went. Harry's eyes looked different, slightly brighter for a moment, before they dimmed again as he seemed to notice how close to him Draco was.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, his voice deepening with fear, his eyes focused on the seeping mask as he grabbed at his back pocket, but not grabbing his wand before Draco put the sleeping mask over his eyes.

Harry fell into his arms, Draco felt bad that he wasn't able to convince Harry to come with him, but they didn't have time, and he needed Harry back, his Harry.

"I'm sorry, Harry, all of this will be back to normal when you wake up," Draco said, holding Harry close to him, he hadn't noticed how much he had missed their hugs, "Or at least we'll be in the process."

Draco's voice was bitter as he added the last part, it was rare for people to go through what Harry had, meaning it was hard to find any possible cures.

Draco was careful as he rushed down to the dungeons, it wasn't clear how much of it was the spells Dumbledore had likely cast on Harry or the fact people knew the truth, but nobody tried to stop him, nor did they even give him an odd look as he carried the sleeping boy.

Hermione was right, he was lighter than he was before, it would likely be a long journey of healing again.

"You have him, is he okay?" Remus asked, looking up as Draco opened the portrait hole, frozen half way through standing up, his eyes transfixed on Harry, tears of relief starting to form in his eyes.

"Physically, at least as far as I could tell, but even after what he did I think he still struggled with talking." Draco said sadly, looking down at Harry. He was too light, but it didn't seem like there was anything too wrong, but they would get him checked over as soon as possible to make sure.

Draco put Harry down on an unoccupied sofa near the fire, brushing his hair out of the way, gently, noticing that his scar was a slightly different shape to normal. Harry almost looked the same as he slept.

"Well the fucker sent him back to the people who traumatised him to begin with." Sirius said, looking angry, even as Remus grabbed his hand to calm him down. Draco just hoped it wasn't because of bad news.

"The sleeping mask isn't on properly." Lucius said blankly, waking over to Harry and pulling it into position, Draco knowing it was a sign of affection for his father to care about the small details.

As Lucius was doing this, the Slytherin common room door opened again, Hermione, Khadija, Neville, Cho Li, and Melissa walking in together.

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