Chapter 13

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"Harry's here?" Hermione asked as she entered the room, she sounded a little worried, but when she saw him with the sleeping mask on she let out a deeper breath than she had taken in. "Oh, he's asleep."

"I didn't have time to explain everything to him, Weasel was already approaching." Draco said, sounding a little ashamed of himself.

"No need to explain yourself, besides it's definitely going to be easier for him rather than making him decide with no evidence either way. He would only come with you because of obligation rather than because he wanted to." Hermione explained, Draco looking heart broken. "Look, your Harry is in there, but now it's more like they're different but similar people."

"Lily and James said they would be able to turn him back to how he was before, but especially James would need to be with him in person." Sirius said, finally telling them what he had found out.

"Would it be safe for us to be around him?" Khadija asked from where she was sitting, shoulder to shoulder with Hermione, the latter's cheeks a little pink as she looked at their touching legs.

"Safe for us, yes, but they advised that it's best not to have too many people there for Harry's sake." Sirius said, leaning his head on Remus' shoulder, feeling a headache start rearing its ugly head.

"How many people are allowed there?" Melissa asked, Rose holding her and Ven's hands tightly.

"2, 4 if we're pushing it." Sirius said.

"So we want it to be people the real Harry likes, and at least one person that this Harry likes." Hermione said, pinching her chin gently as she thought.

"Then you're going." Khadija said, looking at Hermione. "He doesn't hate all of us, but at the moment you're the only one of us he sees as a friend right now."

"Draco deserves to come too." Hermione said after a moment of trying to find her voice. It wasn't the kind of situation where she could deny her closeness to Harry, even if she was worried about if Harry was still okay with her after she had been spending so much time avoiding Ron, and Harry by proxy.

"I think everyone was already thinking that." Melissa said with a small smile.

"I mean, who would be better to go than Draco?" Ven asked with a small laugh and shrug, everyone else agreeing.

Having Harry be in the room, albeit with him not recovered yet and unconscious to make the situation easier, made all of them feel better than they had since he had gone missing. A sense of warmth and calm came over the group, Predawn, who had been hiding themself in Remus' robes, slithering over to Harry.

Predawn had been staying with Remus and Sirius mostly, like Harry last year, they had been suffering from the effects of the bond between the two of them being damaged by whatever magic had been used on Harry. Staying around the people close to Harry, and in places Harry had been seemed to be helpful, but they could only guess how Predawn was feeling as they couldn't speak to snakes. Predawn would hide in Remus' office most of the time when they felt the worst.

Being next to Harry wasn't enough to fix everything yet, but it made them feel healthier than they had in a while.

"I think it would be best if Remus went with them too, and we should leave it at three." Narcissa said, knowing Sirius would be upset about it, but there needed to be an adult, and Remus was someone both Harries already knew and he was usually calmer than Sirius, and it would be bad if they spooked him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sirius asked, glaring at her, but his look held less venom than some of his previous looks did, his hatred for her all but absent now, and the relief that harry was back making it hard for him to be truly angry at anyone who didn't mean harm towards Harry.

"I mean that Harry needs the people involved to be understanding and calm, and as much as I love you and know how good you are at cheering people up, when you're emotional you're far from the calmest person, and it's a situation that calls for emotions." Narcissa said with a small smile as she looked at her cousin.

"It's okay, Sirius, I'll call for you as soon as he's better." Remus said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Plus the 4 people might include Lily, and it's both her son and her house, it would be rude to kick her out."

Sirius let out and over exaggerated sigh, resting his head on Remus' shoulder. "Oh, alright, just make sure he's better soon."

"We had probably better get going, the sooner the better." Draco said, picking up Harry and standing up, waiting impatiently for the others to follow his example.

"Of course." Remus said, with a slight cough that seemed more like he was trying to hide his embarrassment than anything else.

"The port key." Sirius said, lifting up the pendant that swing slightly, the orange catching the light. It was a model of the cat James and Lily had bought from their neighbour, it was part kneazle, so would always recognise its owners and was very loyal, which is why Dumbledore had gotten rid of it somehow.

"Thanks, we'll be back soon." Remus said, gesturing for Hermione and Draco to join him.

"You'd better." Blaise said, from where he and Pansy sat, forgotten in the corner.

"I hate travelling by port key." Hermione complained with a grimace as she held her hand out to grab the pendant, she and Remus both holding Draco tightly as he didn't have a hand free to grab it himself.

"It's the fastest way." Draco said, his voice a little cold from impatience.

"I know." Hermione said, rolling her eyes at him as the magic started. "Oh wait- someone should check the rest of the Gryffindors-"

Before Hermione could explain they had been whisked away to the small island that was the reluctant home of Lily and James.

((A/N: Hello all! Sorry my chapters are taking so long to come out, but I hope you like the more detailed drawing of Hermione I did at the top of this chapter. I hope you're all still enjoying this, and don't forget to ask any more questions!)

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