Chapter 21

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Harry and Hermione were back at Hogwarts, but there was one problem, Harry and Hermione were technically both Gryffindors at the moment, a house neither of them really felt at home in, even if they had friends there now. The only way to change house, other than the illegal and harmful method Dumbledore used, was to be resorted. 

Unlike the sorting people have in first year, resortings can be held in private if so desired, which is the kind both students would have, mostly for ease.

"Do either of you want to go first?" Natasha asked the two, Draco was there too for moral support, but otherwise they were alone, not even the heads of houses that would usually all be present were there.

"I will." Hermione said, raising her hand and stepping forwards.

Hermione wasn't nervous in the least as she sat down, the hat falling over her eyes. She may have been forcibly placed in Gryffindor, but she had never really stopped being Ravenclaw. Her assertion seemed to be something that the Sorting Hat agreed with, as almost immediately the house was called out.

"Okay, your turn Harry." Natasha said somewhat gently, gesturing to the stool too.

"Do you want Hermione to leave?" Draco asked, Hermione puffing up her cheeks in mild offense, but she didn't argue.

'I don't mind her being here. I'm fine.' Harry signed, fumbling a little with his fingers as his hands shook a little from nerves.

"Hey, no matter what house you're in it's going to be fine, I promise." Draco said, holding Harry's hands and looking deeply into his eyes, trying to reassure him. In the end little to nothing would change regardless of his house.

Harry looked at Draco's eyes for a moment, before he nodded, taking a deep breath before pulling his hands back as he walked to the stool, sitting on it, the stool wobbling slightly as one of the legs was shorter than the others, Harry still trembling.

"Ah, it's you again, a very interesting case." The Sorting Hat said in Harry's mind. Harry would never get used to such a thing, it echoed uncomfortably.  "The connection to Slytherin has changed, but it could still help you on the way to greatness, but another house could help you on your way to comfort."

Harry knew which one he would choose, he didn't even really need to think or say anything, just staring at the dark interior of the Sorting Hat.

"No response? Oh well, never mind, better be.... Hufflepuff!" The hat called out.

The room was filled with a still silence. Everyone seemed so surprised that Natasha didn't even remember to take the hat off Harry's head, so he had to so that himself. When he took the hat off he saw Draco, who looked surprised and his eyes a little wetter than they normally were.

The look on Draco's face made Harry's heart pang, he looked almost hurt, Harry had done something wrong, he had chosen his own comfort over Draco.

'I'm sorry.' Harry signed, wanting to rush over and hug Draco, but just staying standing in front of the stool, the Sorting Hat now still and silent, looking more like a tattered old hat than the sentient magical item it was.

"No, no need to apologise Harry, if you belong in Hufflepuff then you belong there." Draco said waving his hands. True, he had hoped that Harry would be in Slytherin again so they could go back to the way they were before Dumbledore butted his ugly nose into Harry's life.

'But you're not happy about it, I should go back and choose S-L-Y-T-H-' Harry started signing and turning back to the stool, but Draco grabbed his hands, trying to get Harry to turn back towards him.

"Harry, you don't have to apologise, and you do not have to be in Slytherin or do anything to get back into Slytherin. Yes, I'm not exactly happy that we're not in the same house any more as it means that we can't spend as much time together, but if you are best in Hufflepuff that's where you're best." Draco said, squeezing Harry's hands and trying to get Harry to look at him, but Harry seemed resolute in looking at his feet. "Do you get what I mean?"

Harry nodded slightly, still staring at his shoes resolutely. They were much better than the ones he had worn during the time he had been sent back to the Dursleys, and they were new ones he had gotten before going back to Hogwarts. He had tried to argue that he didn't need them, but he thought it was probably in part a way for his parents, Draco's parents, and Remus and Lupin to make themselves feel like they had made it up to him for not being able to stop everything that happened. They were still in the stiff stage, but they had spells cast that meant that there was no chance for blisters.

"Let's go see Melissa and Ven, I'm sure they'll get you into the Hufflepuff dorm, and we can still spend a lot of time together." Draco said, hugging Harry in such a way that he could feel if Harry nodded or shook his head, but Harry did neither and just hugged Draco back tightly.

"Alright, I am glad that everything has worked out, I'll get your new uniform to you Harry, but for now, the two of you, please leave." Natasha said, making Harry jump and immediately pull away from the hug, looking embarrassed.

It was then that the two boys realised it was just them and Natasha in the Head's office, Hermione clearly having left at some point, either after Harry took the hat off or before Hufflepuff had been called.

"Yes, right, sorry Professor." Draco said a little awkwardly, Harry hiding behind Draco a little, the two of them quickly rushing out of the room as fast as they could without running.

Once they were outside the statue guarding the Head's office they slowed down again to a comfortable amble, walking hand in hand to the Slytherin common room. Draco was glad that Harry was rather antisocial, it meant that at most Melissa and Ven would congratulate Harry for being in Slytherin again. It would be extremely awkward if they were going in to a welcome back party.

"Hello boys!" Melissa said brightly as Harry and Draco approached, she was waiting outside the Slytherin common room along with Ven and Rose.

"What house are you in now?" Rose asked with a small smile.

'H-U-F-F-L-E-P-U-F-F' Harry signed, having to take his hand out of Draco's.

"That's great, we're in the same house now, I'm sure you'll love it there, if you don't I'm sure it can be set up so you're basically a Slytherin with yellow instead of green." Rose said, looking a little excited.

"We'll miss you, but you know you're still always welcome in our common room too!" Melissa pulled Harry into a hug, practically draping herself on the significantly smaller boy.

"I'll take him to the Hufflepuff dorm and get him set up." Rose chuckled as she pulled Melissa off him.

"I'll come too!" Draco insisted, grabbing Harry's arm.

"Okay, let's go!" Rose said, leading back the way Draco and Harry had just come.

((A/N: Sorry it took so long, it was my birthday recently, weather and illness ruined my plans, but it was still fun. I also did some artwork of some characters, if you want to see that you will have to wait a few chapters in Fake, read PsychoBootyShorts' Harry Potter Drarry story, or wait for the next chapter of Burnt. I love you all and hope you're all having amazing times!))

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