Chapter 22

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"Hello, Harry is going to be joining us in Hufflepuff from now on." Rose said as she entered the common room, Harry and Draco in toe.

The Hufflepuff common room was a very warm and cosy atmosphere, and the room seemed to contain more cushions and large plushies than actual furniture, and it seemed like every window was actually a window seat. Some of the windows were fully open, and they were large enough to climb out of, which was definitely possible as it was the ground floor, unlike Gryffindor which was a tower, or Slytherin that had windows facing the lake. It may be the Hufflepuff common room, but it was filled with blankets, cushions, and other items that were either the colours of other houses or had the emblems of the houses on.

While Harry didn't exactly know any of the Hufflepuffs, all of them were either in the Slytherin dorms long enough, or were friends with others who were in Slytherin enough to know that Harry didn't like being  the centre of attention.

"Hello, it's nice to have you here." One of the 7th year Slytherins said, waving at Harry before turning back to the game of Wizard chess they were playing with a Ravenclaw 5th year.

'Thank you.' Harry signed, making sure that he was close to Draco.

"You're welcome. I hope you like our house." They said, this time not turning their head to look at Harry, although it was obvious that they could see Harry out of the corner of their eye.

They had spoken before Draco had had the chance to translate for them, so Draco was left with his mouth open feeling rather stupid, shutting it quickly again. It wasn't a common thing to do to learn sign language, so Harry was glad that at least one person in Hufflepuff knew sign language, it was even better for them to know it regardless of Harry.

"I'll show you both to the dorm Harry will be in." Rose said, leading the two boys down a flight of stairs to the first door, still on the stairs. "This is the door to the spare bedding and extra blankets, pillows, and sheets. If you have too many pillows, also put them in here."

"So you might be using other people's pillows?" Draco asked, scornfully.

"No, they're washed every night and people don't usually put used pillows in there. If you're staying over for a night either bring your Slytherin bedding or take bedding from there." Rose was clearly talking to Draco more than Harry. Of course, it was unlikely that they would get different bedding in the case they were having a sleepover, but it was best to at lease pretend in these cases.

They continued walking after a moment of Rose waiting for any more questions, reaching a very large step, a door on one side and a sofa on the other. The sofa didn't have room for anyone to sit on though, as it was filled with many different stuffed toys, mostly brightly coloured and round, though there were 5 at the top which were hyper realistic and almost looked like they were breathing, they were just too small to be real.

"Okay, Harry, this is where you'll sleep, but if you feel the need to sleep alone then you should let me or one of the prefects and things can get sorted out. Quite a few people have a room for only one or two people, though there are spells in those to prevent adult activities." Rose cleared her throat. Sure, most of the people who had those rooms didn't need to have those spells, but they were cast on every single or double room.

Rose knocked on the door, waiting for about a minute before opening the door when there was not even a little noise coming from the room. Sure enough, there was nobody in there when they opened the door. All the beds were messy, with clothes, toys, posters, pictures, both moving and not, books, and craft things like yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, wood, knives, and more magical items like wand ingredients.

Except one bed, that had very warm yellow sheets with black pillows, one of which had the Hufflepuff emblem embroidered in. There was a trunk at the base, but otherwise it was completely plain.

"That bed is yours, you two can decorate the bed, frame, and walls up to the pillars either side, that's all Harry's space." Rose said, pointing from the pillar between Harry's bed and the one with knitting laid out, the knitting pushed away from the point of the needle, and the bed with wand ingredients in vials laid out on shelves. "I'll be in the common room, let me know if you want anything."

"Do you want to start decorating?" Draco asked, turning to Harry, who was fiddling with the hem of his robes.

'Please stay here tonight'. Harry signed, not looking at Draco, his cheeks a little pink, and feeling nervous about sleeping in a room with so many other people he didn't know, but he still wasn't ready to stay in a place he didn't know alone yet.

"Of course. I was going to ask if you didn't. We can't always stay in the other's dorm, but we should definitely meet up at least once a day." Draco said, making Harry look up so Draco could see that his eyes were a little watery. "Come on, let's start decorating."

'I don't have as much as the others.' Harry signed, feeling embarrassed as he looked at the walls filled with decorations.

"I don't think the Hufflepuffs would judge you for that, but if you want more stuff you can have some of mine." Draco said, opening Harry's trunk. "You should probably keep the plushies too, they are yours."

Harry didn't sign anything, going over to help Draco put his things away. Even though there were more beds than there were in the Gryffindor dorm, there were more places to put your things, in Gryffindor everything mostly staying in your trunk other than what could fit on the small bedside tables, what was currently being used, or what was being cleaned.

When they had finished Harry's bed was still noticeably tidier than the others', but it didn't look plain in comparison either. Harry just hoped that the others liked him, but at least for his first night he had Draco on his side.

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