Chapter 2

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The warrior missed by just an inch. Claire lost strands of her as a result.  Before the creature got a chance to attack again, Claire clutched a rock and bashed the brain several times. The undead warrior stopped and released the spear, staggered and fell. Claire breathed heavily and waited, but it didn’t get up. Claire got up and grabbed the spear, then ran towards the people nearby. “You fools get up!! Do you want to die?!” she glared as she said so.

They shrank and shook their heads. “Then pull yourself together and gather weapons. Whether it’s from home or a gun shop and don't bother paying. Because your lives are more important. you can deal with the payment after it's all over!!" she said steadily as she looked at each of them. They all nodded and they widened their eyes. “Watch out!” one cried. Claire rolled her eyes and huffed as she turned around. She immediately stabbed the undead in the head and it fell. “Go!” she shouted exasperated. They all stumbled and ran to get weapons.

Claire opened a portal and stepped through, to find Monica’s home land was destroyed even further. “B-But how did they find this world?!" Claire questioned frantically. "If they've found this world, then it's only natural they've found the other worlds as well," Claire thought firmly.

Both sides were fighting ferociously in the wilting land. Fiery hot Flames licked and swallowed every known establishment. Everything was painted reddish orange underneath the flame’s  roaring shadow. She hopped over  to the Greek world and all she found was unexplainable chaos. Claire dismissed the fact she was losing blood. 

The whole place was no longer peaceful. Battles erupted everywhere. There was a flash of lightning and a whole army of undead warriors were wiped out. In their place was a huge crater. Claire gulped. It was probably Zeus or Thor. She passed Artemis who was shooting arrows at the upcoming undead. Apollo was by her side and he glowed intensely. The undead that stepped near him melted to a puddle.

Ahead was Athena who shouted a battle cry. She twirled around and stabbed undead as she went. Often she'd raise her shield to protect herself from venom.  Ares was a few feet away and smashed the heads of undead. He would punch, kick and slice with a sword. Hephaustus was hacking away at the undead with his axe, while seated. Hades helped him by shoving and slashing away with his bident. 

Poseiden was at work by flooding and drowning armies. It was all so overwhelming. Persephone ran around and smashed heads with her scepter. Her eyes were deadly and she'd often wave her hand to strangle undead warriors with vines. Even Demeter was hacking the undead in half with her sickle.

Claire turned to see Aphrodite hypnotizing the undead with her charm speak. They attacked each other like wild animals and Aphrodite finished them off with her sharp nails. Hermes was up in the sky. He aimed his Caduceus at the undead. They twisted and screamed, as their bodies snapped.

Vidar Switched back and forth from his sword to his staff. His staff lit some undead on fire.

Lady Sif parrered, stabbed and sliced with her sword, while shielding herself with a shield. Around the gods were warriors from Valhalla Armies of the gods fought against the undead as well.

Claire snapped out of her daze and ran toward Thor. “Where’s Loki?!” she asked, panicked that he might be in danger. “I don’t know!!” Thor shouted. “He just disappeared!!” Claire felt her gut sink and had a realization.

“Loki is the bringer of Ragnarok!” she whispered. “But where can I find him?!” she wondered, as she gripped her head frustrated.

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