Chapter 3 part 2

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The scenery was horrifying. The island emitted despair, loneliness and anger. It was dark and gloomy. There were jagged spikes and the air was rotten from flesh. Bones from animals and humans laid around them. The wind stopped as if waiting to see what she will do. Claire widened her eyes at this and shook her head. She walked towards the cave and Being followed her.

The cave was lit with torches and Claire held her breath. She quietly walked  to not give them both  away. The cave’s labyrinth-like walls warped around like a snake. Claire froze at the sight of Loki next to Fenrir the massive wolf. “Loki what are you doing?!” Claire asked, alarmed.  Loki chuckled. “It’s exactly what it looks like.” Claire looked down and saw the chain around Fenrir was broken.

“But why?” she asked in a small voice.  Loki laughed like a mad person. "I've always known I was different. Ever since childhood, my giant blood was telling me to cause chaotic destruction” Now that i think about it, deep down I’ve always wanted to destroy everything and everyone!” “The chance has finally come” “Ragnarok is upon us all!!”

“Soon you’ll all die!”  “Loki, don't do this!” Claire screamed. Loki paused hearing the desparations in her voice, then ignored her and continued on. "I hated the joy everyone was feeling, while I suffered with crazy thoughts about killing." "I wondered why I couldn't be happy like everyone else. As I grew, I surpressed my desire”  “so I couldn't become Loki of Ragnarok according to the prophecy.”

“But despite that other Gods hated and distrusted me, because I’m the god of tricks and schemes,”  “I decided to not to hold back.” “I spent years gathering an army and making myself stronger to make Ragnarok come true.” Loki was now spiralling out of control while shouting.

"All I want is to end everything, so everyone will know how I feel. I don’t want a single glimmer of hope or positivity  to be left”  “Only  remains of destruction and lifelessness shall remain!”  “That way I won’t suffer anymore!”  “Isn’t that great!” he said giggling with a childish flair. “Let’s all die together!” “I really have no master plan” “It’s as simple as that” 

“Never mind that sounds like a master plan” he said muttering. “Nonetheless I’ll carry on with it!” He said, sneering and smirking.  Claire shook violently. “B-but why? You could’ve asked for help! It’s never too late to change!!” she shouted desperately. Loki laughed. “I appreciate the care of Claire, but no one will ever understand!” he said. Loki stretched.

“Well enough chit chat. Time for destruction” “I’ll leave the death of you two to my son!” he remarked, stroking Fenrir’s fur. "Look at him all grown up!" "Makes me tear a little"

“Then I can carry on without any interruption,” he said smiling. But it was a cold and forced smile that made Claire freeze momentarily. She felt like throwing up for the second time that day.  “Where’s the mischeviious and loving Loki we all know?”  she thought.

She shook her head and focused on defeating Fenrir. Afterwards, she would defeat Loki as well.

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