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Is it? It is!!! AN UPDATEEEE!!! I'm soooooooooooo SORRY GUYS! Pleads for forgiveness! You understand busyness and writer's block right? Well I'm still planning to finish this story so NEVER fear about that! It just might take awhile.... Anyway I hope you enjoy this chappie and hope you don't mind some fluff. All I can say is, things seem ok for once for our Danny. (Danny: Thank goodness!) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 12K READS!!!!! I'm seriously Blown AWAYYYY!!!!! (Where my Hamilton fam at? You better sing the song!) Alright Enjoy!          

The sky was calm once more yet pitch black except for a few stars and the sliver of a moon. The R.V. Pulled up to the Manson residence much to Sam's dread.  She took a breath as she prepared for the stop. Danny knew what she was thinking and how much she was dreading going in. She actually looked more terrified then when they went after ghosts. The teen squeezed his friend's hand and a knowing look and looked at her with those blue eyes. Thankfully they had returned blue a while ago.  "Hey it'll be alright. If you want I can come with you to the door." Sam nodded. She knew what it meant to be around her parents. Always going on about how he was a bad influence on her! The irony! Sam still didn't feel quite ready. It was then the elder Fenton's entered the conversation. "Sam honey, would you like to spend the night with us? In Jazz's room of course, and we'll still have to ask permission, but just maybe they'll say yes." The goth then let out an ear splitting smile, surprised by the kindness. "Really Mrs.Fenton?" "Of course sweetie. I think you all could use some time together after the night you had, and you're practically part of the family." Danny of course couldn't help but remember his dad calling her spooky-ooky batgirl and held a chuckle. Sam got strength from the words of the people she wished were her family. She even secretly longed to be a Fenton, but not by adoption. She snuck a shy peek at her best friend as this thought came to mind. She could not keep the large splotch of red on her face.

                 As Sam exited the RV she noticed the porch lights were on and her parents by the door. They actually looked concerned. One could even say distraught! "Sam!!!" Her mom cried almost latching on to Sam like a lifeline. Her dad had tears in his eyes and came to join his wife. "Sweetie!" Mrs.Pamela Manson sobbed mascara running down her eyes. "We thought we had lost you!" Her father whispered. "We called you but no answers! And then we heard of the school terrorized by Phantom and couldn't help but wonder if it was you trapped in there." Sam for once genuinely embraced her parents and shed a tear. "I'm fine, I'm fine." She whispered to console her parents. It was then she spoke up. "I actually was in there. I made it out with no scratches. Phantom was controlled. It wasn't his fault." Sam voiced briskly glancing at Danny for a split second. "It doesn't matter. All that matters right now is that you're safe!!" Her mom said. The Fentons then spoke up. Mrs. Fenton was first. "Pamela, I was wondering could Sam stay over at our house for the night? I was planning to ask Tucker's parents as well. I know you want her home after all this ordeal but I figure that having them all together would be great. Of course she would stay with Jazz in her room." Sam really didn't mind the answer now that she knew her were just genuinely happy to have her back and not upset.

             The Pamela and Jeremy gave a knowing look to each other and nodded. "She can go." They stated to everyone's surprise in unison. Pam continued, "She needs her friends right now. She was able to survive a ghost infested school so I'm sure she'll be more than safe with you." Sam smiled so much she felt her mouth would crack. "Thank you mom, dad!!!" She put her arms around their necks in a group hug. The pair looked down at their daughter and even if they had their arguments, they knew that they would always love her. Before she left Sam whispered to her mom. "How about we go shopping tomorrow. I will let you choose 2 outfits and I will wear them to your events no arguing." Pam was taken aback, her mouth dropped open. "Really?" She questioned raising an eyebrow. "Really." Sam assured. If her parents could give a bit so could she. 

           After contacting Tucker's parents it was settled, the 3 teens were spending the night at Fenton Works. It was just like old times. As the teens saw the brightly lit Fenton Works sign they felt a sense of relief to have the day over with. Jack, Maddie, and Danny noticed a worried Jazz peering through the window, only to a second later sprint outside to hug her brother. "DANNY!!!" the redhead exclaimed wrapping her arms around him. "Jazz, need air!!!" The boy half joked as his sister released her iron grasp. "Sorry! I'm just glad you're so what happened at Tucker's?" Jazz asked nervously glancing at their parents. "They know Jazz." Danny stated. "Wait, they know? How much?" "Everything." Jazz gave a half smile. "Wow! What will I do now that I don't have to cover for you?" The pair laughed while everyone else gave tired smiles. "Alright! We can talk inside! I think everyone needs some sleep and tomorrow it's gonna be a long day of discussion." Maddie glanced at Danny. Each teen went inside and went into Danny's room. "So, um what exactly happened Danny?" Jazz, who had been out of the loop, asked as she perched on Danny's windowsill. Danny explained what happened to the best of his knowledge, Sam and Tucker filling a few blanks (except one major one). "So Vlad controlled you and got away? What's he after?" The trio of friends shrugged. "I really don't know what he's after?" "You know I wonder how strong that singing control power you have is?" Jazz mused. Sam and Tucker looked confused. "Singing power?" They questioned in unison. Danny mentally slapped himself. He had never told Sam and Tucker! In all the craziness he had forgot to tell them about that development! "Um well...." Danny started. "How could you not tell us?" Sam questioned slightly hurt. "I'm sorry guys, with all this craziness with Ember, and the transportation power.." "Transportation power??" Jazz was the one to be confused now. 'Great going Fenton.' Danny chided himself once again. "I've been really preoccupied and I swear I'll keep you guys updated from now on! I swear!" "Danny we're always there for you! How could you not think to tell all of us such important things??" Danny gave his best attempt at his, "I screwed up and I'll make it up to you soon look, but to no avail. Sam and Jazz left with quiet good nights on to the older girl's room to sleep. 

             Danny turned to face Tucker, afraid his best friend wouldn't even talk to him. He hadn't said much at all except his exclamation of surprise. "I'm really sorry man!" Tucker grinned. "Hey, it's all cool man. Don't worry about it. I understand you've been going through alot. And plus.." Tucker leaned closer to whisper, "I'm not a girl who gets upset very easily, unlike this one goth we know." The technogeek tried to lighten the mood. Danny laughed slightly, yet still felt guilty. "I bet she'll forget about it by tomorrow. Let her cool down. Yesh, it feels like you're a married couple and I'm the best friend who your sent too when you've had a fight!" Danny's face drained of color. "You really like her don't you bro?" Danny looked down. "Yes, I guess I do." This was the first time he admitted it aloud to Tucker. "I mean as more than a..." "Yes, I know Tuck! I think I like her as more than a friend!" Danny's face was beet red. Maybe this was why guys didn't talk about their feelings. It felt so weird and very exposing. Almost worst than the time his underwear had fallen down in front of Paulina. Ugh, he had no feelings for that girl anymore. How had ever crushed on her? He was a shallow boy who fell for her superficial good looks. He then noticed Tucker wave his hand in front of Danny. "Earth to Clueless 1!!!" Earth to Clueless 1!!!" The boy teased. "Sorry, lost in thought! And how many times will I say sorry today?" Both boys chuckled. "Hey remember what we used to do every time I spent the night?" Tucker asked. "Of course! Watch scary ghost stories online that would keep us up all night." The boys preceded to do just this on the computer and watch Snarled. "Hey I'm Sapphire, wanna hear something scary?" Danny knew it was silly but he still got chills down his spine during each one. Hey, just because he was half ghost himself didn't mean he didn't still have fear. Plus Sapphire had one of those good creepy storytelling voices. The boys stopped at a certain point and did Would you Rather. "Tobey or Tom as Spiderman?" Tucker asked sleepily. "Tobey." Danny answered. (I love my Maguire! Sorry Holland! Still love you! Garfield's cool too.)  "Young Selena or Miley?" "Miley." Tucker answered easily. "Favorite Kid's Game Zoo Tycoon, or Club Penguin." "Zoo Tycoon." Danny answered with a yawn. Tucker soon fell asleep, Danny on the floor, letting his friend have the bed. For once Danny would have a restful night. His parents knew who he was, his friends were here, even if the one who he liked more than a friend was a little upset, he knew it would blow over. "Danny knew Tucker sometimes talked in his sleep. "Tuck."All was silent until Tucker mumbled, "Meat, lunch lady, get away! Lancer lying about meat." Danny quietly chuckled as Tucker relieved that memory. "Should I tell Sam how I feel?" "Yes man. She likes you too." Danny raised his eyebrows at Tucker's clear as day response. He shrugged and decided even if it wasn't true he should tell her. Soon. That was his last thought before his mind drifted off into the land of dreams.

Only to be woken by his ghost sense an hour later. 'I am going to blast them into the ghost zone for eternity!' Danny grumbled to himself. The ghost was downstairs. He could actually tell from his ghost sense it wasn't a powerful ghost, so he didn't even bother transforming. In his blanket and all he heard a noise from the fridge. "Who would be raiding the fridge?" The boy whispered to himself.

"Beware!" Came the familiar voice. 'Of course.'

"Leave Now." Danny stated curtly.

"Ok." The box ghost hang his head and defeat while grabbing a juice box. "These tiny little boxes are the best though and they contain All- Natural Ingredients! The perfect weapon!"

"I said leave!" The boy once again said through gritted teeth as the small ghost finally flew off.

Pic by Ellen Crain on Deviant Art! Trying to get better at giving credit to artists!

Danny then heard a voice. "Danny?" It was Sam who was half asleep on the couch. "Hey, sorry about that. It was the stupid box ghost." He heard her sleepily laugh. "He's like an insect who won't go away huh?" "Well, at least he's harmless." Danny then motioned to the couch. "May I join?" Sam nodded. "Sooo...." Danny started. "I'm not upset Danny. I talked to Jazz and I'm fine. Just promise me no more secrets ok?" "Ok." Danny smiled. The two talked a bit and Sam drifted off again. 'Am I always last to fall asleep?" Danny wondered. He knew he should get up but he was afraid of waking her. 'She is kinda cute when she sleeps.' Danny thought for a moment. Her head was leaned on his lap. He hoped she was fully asleep. 'Please don't let her wake up!' Danny had his fingers crossed as he ever lightly kissed her forehead. 'The goth turned a bit but did not stir further to Danny's relief. He did not notice the ever slight smile on her lips. Thoughts of her drifted through his head as he finally fell asleep.

Picture by FeistyFelioness on Deviant Art

Here's a lil' Danny Sam video by Frost Angel of Winter. Maybe it's Danny's dreams! ;)

AN: Well what did you think? Worth the wait? Yes, Definitely, Absolutely! Let me know if ya get the reference! XD I know not much action, but tons of fluff, friends, and family stuff! :D

Well I hope to be a little more consistent! I have a youtube channel if ya want to check that out where I post covers. I go by Peter Parker and have a picture of a genderbent Peter with covers like Part of Your World( Of course), Heathers, Hamilton, and other song stuff. Here's a link.  This is a link to the part of Your World Video! ;)

I am going to start a job at FireHouse Subs soon since I'm out of college for summer. I also changed my major from nursing to elementary education. Big things are coming!! Enough about me! I hope you enjoyed the Chapter and Thank you for sticking by me my faithful readers and welcome those of you who are just reading! I love ya'll! Like, comment and subscribe! 

Stay Bubbly ;)

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