New Starts

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Ok, I am SORRY!!!! SO SORRY!!! It's been what a year, more than a year?? No excuses. I just needed the drive to continue this. I made a promise to finish this though and I intend to keep it. SO I am sorry beloved readers who have been EVER so patient! I hope the chapter is worth it! And welcome new readers! I hope you are enjoying! :)

Again A Million Apologies!

           What Danny Fenton did not expect was to wake up to the intense gaze of his jumpsuited parents. 

The poor boy was startled awake causing himself and Sam to crash to the floor. Danny peeked through his hair to meet the disapproving looks of his parents. He heard his mom cough not so subtly.  Sam blushed and both stood up simultaneously apologizing. "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK MOM AND DAD / MR.  AND MRS. FENTON!" The pair just raised an eyebrow and gave a hard gaze to the two teenagers. "May I ask what were you two both doing here on the couch?" Danny and Sam almost choked.  The Fenton parents looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Relax kids. Tucker saw you gone this morning. Told us you two got upset at each other. He figured there was a ghost since you left at some point last night and woke Sam up. You two made up and fell asleep while talking." The young pair was dumbfounded"Wow, that is creepily accurate." Danny couldn't believe Tuck had guessed so accurately. Were they that predictable? He heard snickers from the kitchen. "JAZZ! TUCKER!!" The "lovebirds" cried in unison. 

          After a pretty much edible breakfast, mostly free from traces of ectoplasm goo, Danny went to wash the dishes. It was a calming, easy chore that didn't require too much thought. Maybe that's why he never argued about this particular job. The sound of the running water was quiet in comparison to the daily craziness he called his life. Danny was so caught up in daydreaming he didn't hear his dad come from behind him. The boy jumped at the larger man's touch on his shoulder. "Whoops, sorry Danno, didn't mean to scare you." The boy noticed a slight frown on his father's face. He knew it most likely was still guilt. " It's fine dad. Just lost in my thoughts. I get that from you after all!" Danny joked and elbowed his dad trying to lighten the mood. Jack smiled slightly. " You know it! You're a Fenton through and through." The pair brightened. "Here, You rinse, I'll dry." Danny was surprised by the offer. His dad hated doing dishes. "Son, after last night  I realized how much I don't know about you. I blabber about ghosts all day long, but no matter what you come first. What does Danny like? I remember you used to be obsessed about space. There is that space center in Florida right?" The family hadn't gone after all. At least that's what Jack thought. Danny just shook his head with a bittersweet smile remembering Freakshow and that whole fiasco. " Dad we have a lot to catch up on." " Well, I'm ready to hear it son."

         "So Sam, I can see how close you and our boy are." Sam blushed furiously, about to protest, but was cut off by Maddie. " Don't try to hide it dear. I'm a mom. I know things. And I saw you two cuddled up together on the couch. Do you think Danny would do that with just a friend?" Sam raised an eyebrow and pulled out her phone to reveal the picture she had taken of Tucker and Danny the Night they had been watching Sampson, now called Delilah, the Gorilla.

"Ow um wow." Maddie didn't want to ask. "Forgetting that I see how Danny talks about you and look at you, Sam. You're his inspiration." The young girl's eyebrows knitted in confusion. "His inspiration?" The auburn haired woman gave a knowing smile. "It's what Jack said to me when he asked me to marry him. Sam, don't let fear stop you. Your a strong young woman, but even the best of us are afraid of something. You're afraid of messing up. Of things changing between you and Danny if things don't work out. But Sam honey, you've gotta take that chance. Is it better living with wondering what might have been, or the possibility of something amazing and genuine." It was a lot to digest, but Sam knew Maddie was right. Which would be easier to love with? "Did they teach you this wisdom at mom school?" Sam quipped. "It was the course called kids and their love lives." Maddie retorted. Sam saw the older woman with new eyes. She could see a lot of wisdom in Maddie Fenton's eyes. She could also see a glimmer of youth in there as well. This was a woman who had found her passion in life and found someone to share it with. That was all Sam could ask for. It was then in her mind she made a bold choice. She was going to tell Danny she loved him. And nothing would stop her.

          Danny started telling his dad about some of his adventures because of his ghostly nature. "There's one thing that's killing me. How did you turn on the portal from the inside?" Jack questioned his son. "Wellll, the on switch was inside." Jack facepalmed. "Note to self, do not put buttons inside of a ghost portal. Good thing your mother didn't hear that. She would KILL me" "Didn't hear what Jack?" Came another voice from the hall. "Uh, NOTHING MADS!!! Just uh pressed the wrong button on the dishwasher!" Jack panicked. "Nice save," Danny whispered. "So Danny..." Maddie started cheerfully as she entered the kitchen. "...I think we all need to have a talk." the teen knew this was coming. It made him anxious , yet at the same time, he knew he would feel a lot better after it. "Get everyone to come to the living room." The halfa sighed.

"What do you want to know?" Danny shuffled his feet as everyone gathered in the living room. Was the couch always this uncomfortable? The boy shuffled his feet glancing at everyone. Sam, who was sitting at his right squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. " So our portal gave you your powers? It was our fault, wasn't it? How did it turn on with you in it?" Of course, his mother would ask that question first. He didn't want to hurt his dad though. "Um, I uh..." "I put the button on the inside." Jack interrupted telling the truth. Danny stared at his dad. "Thank you, Danno. I know you want to protect me, but I can't have you or me lying now." "JACK! I thought the blueprints showed the button on the outside! How could you make that BIG of a mistake?!!!!" "I'm sorry Mads!!!! I don't know!" Maddie Fenton loved her husband but this was too much! "Mom, please don't get mad! I chose to go in there!" Danny defended.

Sam couldn't do this anymore. Danny always took the blame. "Actually I dared him to go in." All eyes were on her now. "What?" Here it was. Time to fess up. "Well um, I told him it would be cool. I didn't know the button was on the inside. I didn't mean it." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Then I heard him screaming. I was terrified I had lost my best friend." The memory was all too fresh even after 2 years. She wouldn't have wished that pain on her worst enemy. "Sam, I'm here. It's ok. I could've said no, but I was interested too! Don't blame yourself! I saw how upset you guys were that it wasn't working. But guys, let's get over it! It happened and I'm not a full ghost yet!" Danny tried to lighten the tension in the room. Maddie took a breath through her nose. "Ok. Next question, can I do some tests?"

         He knew it had been coming. He bristled and straightened up immediately. His mom noticed. "Nothing hurtful sweetie! I just want to know what the portal did to you." Danny slowly nodded. "I promise that I will NOT hurt you sweetie. And I won't try to change you either. As long as you're happy how you are." Maddie desperately wanted Danny's trust back. "Ok, mom," Danny responded. 

      The next hour flew by as Danny told them of his adventures and cleared up some misconceptions. He made sure to tell them who his ghostly allies were and his enemies. He told them of Vlad's real intentions and hatred toward Jack. His dad looked like a kicked puppy at that particular point in the conversation. He glossed over one thing though. One thing he hoped to avoid. " Why were you furious at Vlad for that last invention? What was he planning to do?" Danny couldn't hold it off any longer. "Do you remember when I took the C.A.T?"

(You all know it! XD So I'm not gonna bother rehashing. WELLLL, Ok I did write it out and Wattpad didn't save. Grrrr... Well more space for fluff then! <3)

         Everyone was silent after Danny's story. Sam, Tucker, and Jazz hadn't even realized what Danny had gone through and that he had seen them die. "Danny, you never told us all of this!" Sam whispered. Danny shuffled his feet and wanted to hide in the couch. "Why would I want to tell you that I almost lost all of you?" He was close to tears. His mom now realized the invention they made was exactly the one that started that whole future. "We are going to destroy that thing, Danny. I am so sorry that we brought all those painful memories back." She went to her son and hugged him as if she could take his pain from him. "Thanks, mom. I still don't know if Vlad knows anything or why else would he have made that invention?" "I don't know Danno, but we'll find him. " "There's more." Danny sighed. "I think I'm becoming like HIM physically. My voice sounds exactly like him. I even have fangs now when I want." Jack and Maddie looked at each other, then back at their boy. "You promised that you wouldn't become him, right Danno?" Jack boomed. "Well, a Fenton always keeps a promise, and you're a Fenton through and through!" Maddie smiled at her husband's words. "That's right Danny. The changes were probably bound to happen because physically he was you. Maybe Vlad's ghost half affected it, but I bet it's normal." Danny felt better than he had in a long time. "Thanks, mom and dad. You can't believe how glad I am that you guys know everything now. And Sam, Tuck, Jazz thanks for being with me through it all." He seriously meant it. They had been with him through thick and thin. "Of course little brother!" Jazz smiled and ruffled Danny's hair, much to his annoyance. "You know we'll always be here for ya dude!"Tuck reassured. "I'm by your side always Danny." Sam joined in. "Lovebirds!" Tucker coughed. Safe to say, Tucker was on the ground 10 seconds flat thanks to Sam.

        Maddie decided she would do tests after Danny took Sam home. Tucker's mom would come to get him after dinner as he didn't take the car. Those kids needed each other. She was glad Danny had such great friends. She smiled as she saw Danny and Sam walk outside. It was snowing, and they hadn't even noticed it. Some was already sticking to the ground. Maddie smiled and went to prepare her tests and make sure they were safe while giving a last knowing glance at the door. 

    Danny hadn't realized it was snowing. He felt the chill right as he stepped outside. He knew it was cold, but it didn't bother him as much, due to his ghost half. He was glad Sam had thought ahead to bring her coat and hat. The pair looked around at the picture-perfect scenery. The bare trees were clothed with white and the snow looked like the lace of a wedding dress. "Wanna fly?" Sam nodded at her friend and crush. Danny smirked changing into his ghost half. The bright rings reflecting off the snow momentarily blinded Sam. She opened her eyes again. The girl was taken aback at how he looked against the snow. His green eyes were brighter and full of joy. His hair, white as the snow whipped in the slight wind. His smile was aimed right at her making her stomach drop. He gave her his hand. "Ready?" "Yes." He picked her up bridal style. Why did he have this effect on her? "You ok, Sam?" Sam blushed. This happened so many times and it was all because he literally was able to sweep her off her feet. "Just peachy. It's been a long few days. How are you taking everything?" "Well honestly, I think things will be a lot better now! I feel like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders."  Sam was happy that he wouldn't have to hide anymore. "It was wrong of me to say they wouldn't understand. You might have told them earlier." "What?" Danny was confused now. "Remember? You were complaining about your powers a month after the accident. You thought that maybe you should tell them. I said parents never understand and was focused on my own problems." Sam shrugged a little. "Maybe that wasn't the right time anyway. Sam, you care too much about things sometimes. Don't always blame yourself." Sam snorted. "Yeah, sure. I'll stop when you do Mr. Self-Sacrificing Hero." Danny laughed hard at that one. 

        They sped past the mall and Nasty Burger. "Slow down a bit!" Scolded Sam. "I want to enjoy this." He held her closer. "Ok." The halfa replied mischievously going downward extremely fast. "What are you doing!" Sam screamed. "Making you're flight enjoyable!" He shouted back as he once again rocketed up, and leaning into a spiral. Sam's heart was racing with adrenaline and excitement. He flew up as high as he could so they could see the whole town. He slowed down again so they could see. The people of Amity looked like ants from this high up. She could still just make out the Fentonworks sign though. There was townhall, the hospital that way, and the golf course.

     "This is amazing Danny! ...You're amazing!" Sam blurted out. She covered her mouth, embarrassed. Danny cocked his head at her and had the goofiest grin. "You're amazing too Sam." He looked back down at the city gathering the words he wanted to say. "I mean you always fight for what you believe in. You don't care what others think about you, as long as you're following what you believe in. I remember in fifth grade when you were willing to be friends with the weird kid who had ghost hunting parents. You went to those other kids and said 'You better Shut up, or I'll tell his parents you are all ghosts!' I don't think anyone's been there for me like you and Tucker have." Sam lifted his chin up for him to face her. "We're your friends Danny, always. That's what we do! Besides how many times has Phantom saved the day?" His smile dimmed at the word friends. "I'll always be there to save you, Sam." His neon green eyes were full of conflict: Happiness, fear, Death, Life, Light, Darkness. "I won't lose you or anyone again. I made a promise." Sam thought back to what Danny had experienced with Dan. "I know you Danny and you will NEVER become him. And I'm not going anywhere." Danny definitely had a huge hero complex. "You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders." She was always there to pull him back, wasn't she? Danny had to tell her now or he never would. "Sam, It's hard for me to say this, because We're friends and maybe you don't feel the same way, but....I love you....I really..really love you. You're my...." "Inspiration?!" Sam whispered. "Yes! Maybe it's weird, or you don't feel like that, or...." Danny babbled but was quickly quieted by a finger to his mouth. "Just shut up you idiot." Sam joked. "I love you too." "You do?" "Um, yes Clueless number 1!" Sam finger thwapped Danny . "I've wanted to tell you too! I did when you had gone under Desiree's influence, but you forgot everything." Sam chuckled at the irony of it. "That's why you elbowed Tucker!" Sam grimaced. "We are SOOO NOT telling him yet." "Right, we'll never be hearing the end of it. I can already hear it." "Well, I guess we are lovebirds..." Sam smirked. "Yeah, I guess we are." He smirked back. "I'm no pushover though! I'll still kick your butt if need be!" The feisty girl challenged. "I'm counting on it! Was Danny's reply as he held up her chin to kiss her. It was familiar and new at the same time. There was no one else in that moment but the ghost boy and the goth girl.

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