I Won't Say I'm In Love

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           As the bell rung to signal the end of school Danny's mood plummeted. He had to face Dash again, which he really wasn't in the mood for. Sam walked with him to the football field. "You sure you want me to leave?" Sam asked once more. "Yeah. Can't have him target you. Besides I'm fine. I have super healing remember." Sam looked down. Knowing her it was because of the unfairness of it all, and Sam was all about fairness. "I just hate to see you let yourself get beat up." Danny sighed not liking the circumstances either. "I hate it to Sam. Trust me you don't know what I would like to do to him." He then fantasized about how the fight would go if he could use all his strength and powers. Dash would be out in no time.

        "You better go Sam. I'll see you and Tucker at 7 to patrol." He suddenly had the urge to hug her. 'It's nothing new right?' The boy asked himself. He put his arms around her and before he could stop himself kissed her on the forehead. "Danny?" Sam questioned confused and startled. "Um I gotta go." Danny went invisible and ran faster than humanly possible. 'God,what did I just do?' He was going into unfamiliar territory here. Sam and him had been best friends since they were in second grade. Did he really want to change all that? His felt as if his heart would leap out of his chest. 'What's wrong with me?' In his head he swore he heard a voice like Tucker's singing, 'Your in Love.' "I am not!" Danny weakly shouted. He didn't realize he had said it allowed or that he had company. 

       "I knew you were weird Fenturd, but this is to much. Talking to yourself huh?" Dash Baxter jeered appearing from behind the bleachers. Danny growled. "None of your business what I do Dash. Now let's get this over with." Dash smirked. "I love how you already know your beat." Danny was very aggravated now. "Dash if you knew what I was capable of, you'd stop talking right now." Dash visibly shivered. "And what are you capable of Fenton." Danny stayed silent. "That's what I thought." As he said this he punched the halfa who landed on the ground. "Your lucky I have places to be, or it would be worse." He left the black haired teen whose nose was bleeding. "Why Dash? Why do you do these things to people? Do you just hate everyone?" Danny shouted. The blonde haired football star looked back and for a sliver of a second andappeared to show some remorse. His expression then turned back to his usual cockiness. "None of your business what I do Fenton." As the jock walked away using the other teen's words against him Danny couldn't help but wonder what made Dash the way he was.

      Back at home Danny took a long hot shower to clear his thoughts. He also did something he didn't normally do, he sang. He didn't know why. Maybe it was because he had nothing better to do, or maybe because he was still thinking of Sam. He also sang the strangest song. One he hadn't heard since he was a kid. Hercules had been a favorite of his and he used to sing one particular song at the top of his lungs. Tucker would never let him live it down if he heard about it. "No Chance, No way, I won't say it no,no. It's to cliche, I won't say I'm in love! Oh who am I kidding. I do love Sam." As the steam fogged the bathroom he wished his feelings could be covered so easily. He continued to sing until he heard his sister.

AN:(Best Cover I could find. Change girl to dude.)


        Jazz had a rough day and needed a shower. She had been attacked by her dad with ghost goop, had an essay to write for colleges, and to top it off she felt like she was coming down with something. It was easy to understand why she was upset when she found someone else using the bathroom. Jazz heard her brother's singing that Hercules song and would have found it hilarious in a better mood. The redhead pounded on the door. "Hey. Is that you Danny? Please hurry..." She paused as she listened closer to the singing. Her eyes glazed over and her mind went into a trance. She didn't notice when the water turned off and Danny came out dressed in blue pajama bottoms and black top with a towel around his neck. "Sorry Jazz, uh, are you okay?" He waved a hand in front of his sister. "Oh crud."

AN: What happened to Jazz? Oh noes! Well sorry this chapters a little short guys. I didn't want to keep ya'll waiting. I'm really busy right now so my updating schedule may be a little weird, but I WILL finish this story.  So I was tagged by Gab Cipher. I guess I just give ten facts about myself so here goes.

1.) Percy Jackson is amazing and my fav series. I love my Percabeth and all the other characters are the best as well.(Leo). Wish I had a Percy.

2.)I'm 17 going on 18(Sound of Music anyone? :) It's scary that I'll be an adult this July 2. AHHHHHH!

3.) I have an almost 3 year old brother, who NEVER listens to me ,but I love him anyway. He's so adorable.

4.) A Thousand Years by Christina Perri is my favorite song.

5.) I live in TN, howdy ya'll

6.) My favorite Bible Verse is Jeremiah 29:11

7.) Spiderman and Danny are my favorite superheros.

8.) I have been to 2 different countries.

9.) My favorite Disney Princess was Ariel growing up, duh!

10.) I speak in movie quotes and song lyrics! You can probally tell from the story.


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