Reality Becomes An Illusion

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         In the Realm beyond Time Clockwork gazed at the present reality. This was just the first ripple in the waves of events which were about to occur. Clockwork knew Danny would be able to handle it, but it hurt him just the same to know the boy was suffering. "Clockwork! This has gotten out of hand!" Clockwork ignored the enraged Observants. "Do you even know what your doing?" This was enough to infuriate Clockwork. "Of course I know what I'm doing!!! I can see the timestream and all is as it should be. Just trust me for once!" The shocked Observants stared which wasn't hard to do with one eye.This was the closest Clockwork had ever come to yelling. "Clockwork if the boy your so protective of crosses the line, or his future self escapes..." "I know." Clockwork interrupted calmly. "Just leave, please." As the Observants muttered about evil, Clockwork gazed back at the screen. "Oh Danny, I hope your ready." The time master whispered as he switched from his young to old form.

           "What gives Phantom? I thought you were a hero!" A terrified Dash Baxter shouted as the person he once admired was trying to attack. He didn't understand why Phantom would target him. It wasn't like he was a kid he picked on. "Oh Dash, your still to dumb to figure it out!" The white haired ghost flew over the human. "How do you, how do you know my name?" The football star stuttered. Phantom was enjoying every moment of this. "I don't think you deserve to know that Baxter." He whispered as he pulled the blonde teen up by the neck of his shirt. 

            "Hold on! I need some payback too!" A second voice spoke up. The ghost looked familiar to Dash,but he had no idea who he was. He looked like a Pharaoh of some sort and a wimpy one at that.  "What have I done to you?!" The jock shouted. This caused the two to grin madly. "Everything." They stated simply in unison as one shot a red beam with his staff and the other encased the teen in ice. The teen had bruises from the blasts he had received and he didn't know how long he could survive covered in the sharp layer of ice. " Now play Ice Dash." Phantom mocked. "How long will you keep me in here!!!" As much as he hated to admit it Dash was terrified. Phantom raised an eyebrow and smirked. Dash shivered for a reason other than the ice.                                                             "Who said you would get out?" 

                Paulina Sanchez was currently being held by tighter than steel vines, and hating every moment of it. "Um excuse me, evil ghost chica!" The Latina shouted. "Can you let me go please? Pauulina had no idea why this plant ghost had gone after her. "Not gonna happen.Nice try." The dark green clad ghost girl sneered. Well it was an excuse anyway for a certain someone to come and save her. "The Ghost boy will come to save me!"This caused the ghost girl to laugh hysterically. "Oh the ghost boy,huh!!!" Paulina glared. "I don't see what's so funny." The Latina was seriously tired of this. Her Papa would be wondering where she was. He was the only one who'd be wondering where she was actually. Star was on vacation in the Bahamas. Her only real friend. After a long period of silence, the dark cloaked ghost girl spoke up. "Sweetie, no one's coming for you. Not even the ghost boy." Why wouldn't he come save her? He always did. "Oh I know what your thinking. Why not?" The vines snaked around Paulina's chin as the ghost spoke. "Let's just say he's changed sides." As her vines carried her away Sam turned back once more to the shaking girl. "Oh and Paulina." The girl's eyes widened as she heard her name. "Just so you know the ghost boy is mine." The cable like vines covered the girl's mouth as she screamed.

            "Come on girl, we gotta fly!" Valerie shouted to the person she hoped could help Phantom. "Okay, just tell me again, how did my cousin turn evil?" A white haired, 12 year old ghost girl shouted over the wind. "Desiree!" Valerie answered. Danni Phantom nodded. "Gotcha." The last time they had seen each other was 2 months ago, Valerie had given Danni an old flip phone of hers to keep in contact. What could she say? Ghost or not the girl worried her. A 12 year old by herself in the whole big world? The girl had called a few times a week at first, but then stopped. She would grill her about it later after Phantom was himself again. As the pair closed in on Amity Park, it wasn't hard to find where Phantom had been. The Park where she had seen him last and  the Nasty Burger were iced over. "Where did he go?" The ghost girl asked panting from such fast flying. She had been in California. It had taken her 30 minutes to get to Amity at her top speed. It was then Valerie noticed an oversized R.V. "Follow them!"The Huntress knew it would take them to Phantom.

          Jack Fenton knew ghosts. His whole family was one of ghosthunters. Of course they were ridiculed and laughed at, but it had never ceased to fascinate Jack. His father would tell him ghost stories over a plate of fudge. His mom always played ghostbusters on the VCR. When he had gotten his first jumpsuit he felt so proud to wear it. He figured his kids would feel the same. He felt disheartened trying to share what he loved with his kids and they showed no interest whatsoever. The real question though was had he ever tried to share in their interests? With his only son somewhere out there, maybe in danger,Jack felt as if he were somewhat to blame. That's why he drove The Fenton Assault Vehicle at it's top speed through the dark night. He would find his son. but first they had to detain Phantom.

AN:Well there you have it guys! I hope you enjoyed this chappie. We had Clockwork,Dash, Paulina,Jack,and Danni!!! Do you think Dash and Paulina will make it out alive? Muahaha! I know some of you, likeMarisa;), have wanted a little Dash payback. Still not the best at action fighting scenes.I know it took a while. I'm really sorry. Just remember though people DO have lives outside Wattpad. I WILL finish this story though, I promise, so never fear about that. I always hate when an author has started a story only to NEVER finish. Anyway I am SOOO grateful for 3.9K views! I never thought my little story would get so popular. Thank you for being awesome as always! Remember to Read,Vote, and COMMENT! (Notice Comment is capitalized.XD) And you can ALWAYS share ideas with me! I just might put it in here. I'm  Always looking to improve. Oh and yes, the chappie title is a shoutout to a certain Character. :D

Stay Bubbly!

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