Truth Sets You Free

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AN: Me-"Hello faithful readers! Happy 4th of July!!!" Danny- "Hey bubblyariel is now officially an adult today! Happy Birthday!" Me- "Ugh,why did you tell them??? Yeah I'm an adult who writes fanfiction about you!" Danny- "Well it's your choice. Anyway what in the world are you doing! Do you like me being evil or something?" Me- "Not evil. (Smirks) But every girl does like the hero to be a little bit of a badboy sometimes." Danny- "I'm just worried what else your going to do. Next thing you know everyone's finding out my secret. And by the way whats going on with Dash? and Paulina?" Me- (Evil laugh) Danny- "Don't tell me their...." Me- "Dead?" Danny-  "You wouldn't... right?(Panics) right??? I can't be the one who killed them!!!!" Me- "Just read Danny, Just read." 

          The rain pelted down on the Fenton R.V. The ghost hunting pair was determined to catch Phantom and find their son, whom they believed Phantom might be holding hostage. If only they knew. "Jack, do you really think he's there?" Maddie hoped he wasn't. Somewhere in her heart she knew he was though. Call it maternal instinct, or whatever other name, Maddie just knew. 

      Jack kept his eyes on the road, determined, and focused, very much unlike his usual scatterbrained, laid back self. He glanced at his wife. "I don't know Mads. We have to try. You heard the news report. We don't know if there are more hostages." Jack then went silent. "Jack?" Maddie knew it was unusual for Jack to be silent. "It's my fault." The large man suddenly blurted. "What do you mean?" Maddie questioned confused. Jack rubbed the back of his neck. A habit Danny had picked up from him. "I should have been a better dad. All I talked about with him was ghosts! Ghost this,ghost that! When's the last time I asked him how his day went? Or talked with him about space? Or went to the arcade with him? Something he liked to do! I've been so selfish!"

      Maddie gazed at her upset husband. She never knew Jack felt like this. "Honey," She began, putting her gloved hand on his shoulder. "Danny loves you and he knows you love him. I don't think this has anything to do with you." Jack's eyes narrowed as he watched the road. "BUT WHAT IF IT IS MADDIE?!" Maddie stared. Jack had Never yelled at her before. Never.

      Jack quickly realized what he had done. "Maddie, I'm so sorry. I just....Our boy." Maddie nodded in silent understanding. As they pulled up to Casper High School the pair had no idea what to expect. Maddie the first to exit, in tow with the Fenton Bazooka and Creep Stick. "Alright Jack. Let's stop Phantom and find our boy.

       Valerie and Danni were soaked from the flight. "Man do I hate the rain." The youngest halfa complained. "Come on we gotta go!" Valerie hated rushing the exhausted girl,but they couldn't lose track of the Fentons. "So what's the plan mighty huntress?" The 12 year old asked lightheartedly. "We follow those two to your cousin. From then on we wing it." Danni glanced at the hunters in the distance with slight fear. "Um Val, ghost, ghost hunters. Not such a good idea" The teen put her arms around the young Phantom. "Hey, I'll protect you." The huntress smirked. "They won't be able to touch you when you've got this girl watching your back."

          Danny felt unsettled. Something was missing, but what was it? He still felt anger. The kind that had built up over the ages. The kind his older self must have felt. Toward what specifically he could not tell. Was it A) His parents neglectfulness B) His broken heart from Valerie C) his powers always causing him trouble, or D) The Whole World in general. "I'm going with D!" The ghostly teen shouted as he let out his fury by shooting at everything in his sight. "Hey! Watch it!" Tucker cried as he was grazed by a stray blast. "Look better next time!" Danny shot back, nonchalantly.                                                                                                                                                                            "Boys, boys, I think you need someone a little more...down to earth." Sam looked stunning with her long ebony black hair. Danny appeared to look more and more like Dan without even realizing it. Or maybe he just no loner cared. His fangs were fully expanded, his irises blood red, and his hair was like a white hot raging inferno.

      At that moment Danny heard footsteps. The teen grinned. "Looks like we have company. Would you mind inviting them in Tuck?" The former techno geek scoffed. "That's Pharaoh Tuck to you!" Danny rolled his eyes. "Just go." As Tucker left, Sam came by Danny's side. "Danny...I enjoy this." She looked up at her Danny ,but all she saw was rage. "Are you okay?" Danny just gave her a look. "Sorry standard question." The former goth apologized. It was strange. She was feeling more like herself. "What's wrong?" Sam asked Danny. "Everything." Phantom murmured.   

          The power she had felt earlier was waning. Her conscience was beginning to come into play. Sam didn't know what was happening but what she did know was that she had just trapped Paulina in a layer of vines that were suffocating her. "Oh my gosh..." The girl gasped in realization, her shaking hands flying to her mouth.  No matter how much she hated the girl she didn't want her to die. At least not by her hands. 

         Tucker could feel himself steadily losing power. He was more human than ghost now. He was pretty sure Sam was slowly coming back to normal as well. He had also come to a horrible realization. "I'm starving! I haven't eaten in 3 hours!!!!"  The techno geek cried. His stomach rumbled to prove his point. He then realized something else. "Oh man! We left Dash in ice! I have to get him out!!!" Tucker could still fly. "I'm coming Dash! Woah, I can't believe I'm saying this." He then remembered his other problem when a blast shot though the wall. The Fentons.

          Clockwork watched the timestream much as an artist gazes at his work. It was time to intevine. " The Observants aren't going to like this." The time ghost mused. More bemused than worried. "All is as it should be." 

AN: Did you like the last scene with Clockwork? What's he up too? I've always seen him as a sort of of Jesus figure. These are my reasons. He's about justice and compassion. He's omniscient. And also think he's sort of three in one, like father, spirit son! It's not that far fetched as Butch Hartman is Christian as am I. I'm so sorry it's so short! The next chapter shall be the big action scene. I've been really busy! I've actually started my first driving lesson yesterday. Yes, I know I'm 18 and still don't have a licence. Anyway no one died thankfully and the car was okay and I only got yelled at once!! :) Haha. In my defense I was driving in a rural hilly area and it was pretty nerve racking. Also I'm really short so I admit I kinda had trouble seeing over the wheel. (Sheepish smile.) All in all I think I did well in light of the circumstances. So on another note I'm looking for any artist reading this story who would love to do fanart. I would definitely give you a shoutout and may even make you a character in the story for the chappie or two! Just inbox me if your intersted and I'll give you my email to send it through.Thanks for all the reads as always!!! :) I <3 every nice comment I receive from you! I kinda made an error in the last chapter in my timeline and Danni's age. Danni's still 12 and it's only been a few months since Destabilized. Phantom planet never happened.

-Stay Bubbly

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