This Is The Time To Run

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        Sam had only been terrified three times in her life. Once when Danny had gone into that ghost portal. She thought she had lost her best friend forever. She still could still hear his piercing scream.The second was when Freakshow had controlled him. She still remembered how close she had been to death had her he not broken free of the spell. The third was when she had seen that alternate future where the  boy she probably loved, yes loved, had become a cruel, heartless murderer. Danny was completely unrecognizable. Now it was the fourth.

       "Danny..." Sam rasped as her red eyed best friend stood in front of her. "Oh Sam." Danny's voice was chilling. This wasn't Danny. Even after his voice sounded like Dan's it had never been filled with so much darkness. "You knew that you were in danger every time you were near me. Why didn't you ever listen? I'm dangerous. A monster. Not human or ghost."He gave a smirk. "You always thought I was the same Danny." The boy leaned in close to Sam. "You were wrong." He whispered, making Sam's heart plummet. 

     "That's not true!" Sam managed to get out. "How are you so sure?" She knew her best friend was still there. The one who was obsessed with space. The one who always saved the day. The one that held their trio together. The one who was more afraid of himself than he let anyone know. She had been with him through thick and thin. She wasn't ever giving up on him. He had never given up on her. He could have hated her for influencing him to go into that portal. She would have deserved it. No, he never blamed her. It was always himself. She stood more confidently. Her best friend needed her. 

      "It's not true because your Danny. Tucker and I know you better than anyone! I know you hate toast and school. I know you were afraid of the hulk when you were six and those big hulk gloves Tucker had. I know your biggest secret, cause I was there! I've always been there!" Sam then heard Tucker shout something. "Tell him WHAT?" Sam shouted back. She didn't have any idea what Tucker meant, or she pretended to not know. "Tell him IT!!!" The techno geek shouted as he ran from Desire's creations. She knew what she should do. Danny looked at her quizzically. "Tell me what Sam?" The ghost boy's voice lost it's malice and sounded almost normal. It was Now or Never. Sam took a breath. "To Tell you..." She closed her eyes. 

"To tell you I Love You!"   

AN: Please don't Kill Me!!! I hate cliffies as much as anyone, but I thought this was a perfect place to stop. I'm really sorry It's so short! I didn't want to keep ya'll waiting! I just had graduation and I'm searching for a job right now to make money for college. UGHHHH!!! I HATE IT! On another note Thank You SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR 2.7K VIEWS!!!! I could DIE of HAPPINESS! I love ya'll!


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