Chapter 1 Why Me?

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        "AARON!!!  ALEXANDER!!!! NO!!!"

Someone was shaking me awake. I slowly opened my eyes. It was Mack, my roommate and best friend.

"Wake up, Ken Ken, you're going to be late for school."

I took my phone off my nightstand and looked at the time. It was 5 o'clock in the freaking morning! I just shot them a tired death glare.

"Don't look at me like that. You know this is what you signed up for when you moved in with me."

"Fair enough, but you know that I need more sleep than you."

I got up and got ready. On my way out I smelled my favorite breakfast food. WAFFLES!
I grabbed a few and got into my car. On the drive to school I started playing the Hamilton soundtrack for like the 20th time that week. I just love the musical. Yes, I'm a theater kid. Our drama class is actually doing Sweeney Todd this year, only because the teacher ran out of ideas and he didn't want to do 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.

As Aaron Burr, Sir started playing I thought, "What would the world be like if Hamilton didn't die". Stupid question I know. You can't change history or see alternate timelines. But I just wonder.

Ah! Great, a headache! This is exactly what I needed to start my morning. I got to school and parked the car in the student parking lot. Time for another day of dealing with idiots and losing brain cells! Yay!


And that would be another friend of mine, Is Is. She has been obsessed with the anime Yu Yu Hakusho ever since we met. She loves it so much that she started calling me Yusuke, the main character of the show.

"I can't do it today, Kurama. I've got a huge headache."

"Ooh, that's bad. Sorry for yelling."

"It's fine. I've dealt with worse." I chuckled at my own response because it's true. I have had multiple surgeries done before I was even five years old. That and my family has never really been the most careful or immune to illnesses.

We went inside and I immediately groaned. The entire cafeteria was packed with people shouting and having a good time. This wasn't good for me. Now I know how George Washington felt everything time he was at a cabinet meeting. And that's when everything when black.

I had fainted.

It feels really warm for some reason. Did they put me in the nurse's office? No way. It's really cold in there.

"Miss, are you ok?"

Miss? No one calls me miss. Where am I? I slowly open my eyes. Holy crap...... It's the Hamilsquad!!!


"Alexander, give her some room. She just fainted." Burr was scolding Hamilton who was really close.

"Where am I? What year is it?"

"Pardon moí, mon Chérie. The year is 1776, in New York. You fainted in front of the tavern and we brought you inside." Lafayette was explaining the events to me then I realized, I traveled back in time!

I looked at my clothes and they were colonial, but torn and tattered horribly. My biggest question at the moment was how was I going to get back home?

Why did this happen to me?

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