Chapter 2 Revolution

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Ok, so I traveled back in time. To 1776 New York City, New York, to be exact. I don't know how, but I did. I also met the Hamilsquad, sort of.

"Are you alright, Miss.....", Hamilton was trying to find my name.

"Kennedy! Kennedy Monroe." (Don't worry. It's not my actual name.) "And yes, I'm fine."

"Here, drink this." Apparently, Burr had gotten me some water. I drank it of course, just to be polite.

"What exactly happened to me?" All the men just stood there not sure which one of them should tell me what happened. Finally, it was Laurens who broke the silence.

"We're not exactly sure. We were drinking and having a good time, and you were outside walking. Then you just suddenly fainted. We brought you inside and a doctor came. He said it was dehydration and a heat stroke."

Well that explains why I felt so hot and parched. But what happened to my clothes and how did I even get here? I had a headache. Was this just all a dream? No, it can't be. Wait, someone's touching me. I looked down, and it was just Hercules Mulligan.

"Sorry, Miss Monroe! Your dress is shredded and I just wanted to see if I could get your measurements for a new one. I can take you to the shop I work at."

"I don't have any money though."

"Don't worry. It's on the house. I'll pay for it." Good lord, this man is a cinnamon roll.

The six of us, I don't know why everyone else followed Mulligan and I, went to the shop to get me some new clothes. Mulligan fitted me for five dresses! But every time I said: "This is way too tight."

At that point none of us knew what to do. I hate wearing dresses, but I kinda have to if I want to fit in to this time period.

Just then, just for a joke, Hamilton said, "Why don't we let her wear some men's clothing?" I'm the type of person to take on challenges and that felt like a challenge. So I tried some on and someone gave me something to tie my hair up with. As soon as I came out, Hamilton ate his words!

I actually looked like a young revolutionary man. And to top it off, the clothes were nice and loose for me.

"That actually works."

"What about the law, Mulligan?"

"America isn't a country yet", I pointed out to Burr. "Therefore, there's no official law in America saying that I can't dress like this. And I'm pretty sure we have a revolution to start."

Look. I'm not sure if this is a dream or not, but if this is real, I can change history. I can make it to where Philip, Hamilton, and Laurens don't die. I can end slavery early, and there be no need for a Civil War. Burr and Hamilton can actually be friends. I know everything that happens and I can change it. Maybe this can make the present (or future?) better!

I was tapped on the shoulder. "Huh? What?"

"You were really spaced out there. We asked you where you were from." It was Laurens. We were back at the pub, but it was night. Was I thinking for that long?

"Oh! Uh, sorry! I'm from a Spanish territory down south. It gets really hot there in the summer."

"Why did you move hear then?" (Use your imagination for who it is.)

"They have a lot of slaves and laws that I don't agree with. I believe that everyone should be free. It's not fair for anyone of any religion or any skin color to work for someone and suffer."

Laurens and Hamilton looked at each other with eyes glistening in the candle light. "We think that too!" They even said that in unison.

We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing together, getting ready for a revolution.

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