Chapter 3 Meet the Schuyler Sisters

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I've been here for a few weeks and everything is still pretty weird for me. My biggest question right now is: Am I in a coma? Highly unlikely because of a headache, but I could have hit my head after I hit the floor.

But I digress, the six of us are in downtown New York, me, Hamilton, Burr, Laurens, Mulligan, and Lafayette. A lot of upper class people are here for some reason. I wonder why.

"Hey, do you guys know why so many rich people are here?", I asked very uncertain.

"Well, Kennedy, there's nothing rich folks love more than going downtown and slumming it with the poor." I can't believe it. Burr actually just said the first line of The Schuyler Sisters!

"I get it. Wait, is that Angelica Church and her sisters?"

"I believe so. How do you know them?" Each of the men gave me a quizzical look.

"I don't know them personally. It's just that Mrs. Church is one of the most brilliant minds and is an activist for Women's Rights."

"I forgot you were a girl", Mulligan said with a look of guilt on his face.

I chuckled it off. "I forgive you. I'm going to go talk to them. Be right back."

Burr tried to grab my arm to stop me, but I was already out of his reach and across the street. I got a few weird looks when I looked both ways out of habit, from watching for cars.

"Pardon me. Are you Angelica Church?"

She turned around and looked at me. "Yes. Who are you?"

"Kennedy Monroe, Ma'am. I would just like to say that I really admire you." She raised an eyebrow at me, obviously not impressed.

"If you want money or to marry one of my sisters, it's not going to happen."

"No, I don't want that at all, Ma'am." She didn't seem impressed at all and started to walk away.

"Mrs. Church, please."

"Come on, Angelica! Let's hear what he has to say." Thank my lucky stars that Eliza is so kind and understanding.

"Thank you so much. Mrs. Church, I believe slaves should be freed and women should have the same rights as men. Thomas Jefferson said, 'All men are created equal,' but the man owns about 300 slaves. And he said men, not men and women. Ma'am, he's never going to let you have power. He believes that women have lower intelligence and should work for their fathers and husbands. I want that to change."

"And your point is, Monroe?" I was taking too much time. I'm on thin ice. I need to hurry.

"Ma'am, I have a strong feeling this revolution is going to lead to a war and I will fight in it. If I survive, I would like to come back and partner up with you to write a series of essays to advocate Woman Suffrage."

"You might just be the person I have been looking for. I gladly accept your offer." We shook hands to seal the deal. The sisters left after that.

There's still so much to do. What comes next?

"Monroe!" Oh sweet Odin. Burr is probably going to lecture me now.

"Monroe, what did you do?!"

"I just gained us an ally from the rich elite."

"Bon travail, Kennedy!" Thanks to a friend of mine ,that knew fluent French, before I came here, I understood what Lafayette said.

"Merci, Lafayette."

We all went to the pub, as usual. I started spacing out, thinking of what to do next. The others were having fun, getting drunk, and Burr was just reading a book. A small pain shot through my head, but I didn't think much of it. It left as soon as it came after all.

"Ok, guys, it's time to get serious." I slammed my hands on the table, getting everyone's attention.

"What do you mean, Monroe? We have everything we need."

"Laurens, we need a strong foundation for this revolution. Listen, I found out that there's a rally in the next few days or so."

"A rally?" All except Burr questioned.

"Yes. It's being lead by Loyalists. One of them is named Samuel Seabury. He's going to be speaking. At that moment, we shoot him down with words instead of guns. They need to know we are smart and strong."

"No offense, Monroe, but this seems like a bad idea."

"I say we do it!" Hamilton and Burr have two very different personalities. I like to think that I'm a mix of them.

"Burr, Hamilton, there's a time to take action and there's a time to wait. Right now, we take action. We wait to see what happens after."

"I have to up the shop tomorrow morning and it's getting really late guys. I'll see you tomorrow." Mulligan left, then one by one everyone left, but me and Burr.

"Why are you still here?"

"I wanted to finish this chapter. What about you? Don't you have a house?"


"Monroe, you've been here for three weeks and you still don't have a house?!" He looked absolutely dumbfounded at what I said. In my defense, I can't really get a job here and I don't have any of this time period's money.

"No. I can't find a job." Burr closed his book and sighed.

"How about you come live with me until you can get on your feet?"


"Of course. Anything for a friend."

I smiled at that and followed Burr to his house. Hopefully things won't get worse for me.

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