Chapter 1:Meeting One Another

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The glade... This place gives me a change in curiousty...
Sanjeela's POV:
Hi,Sanjeela Greenleaf,18 years old. I am friendly,adventurous,stubborn in following orders or anything that is said to me. I have a fear of grievers but once I overcome my fear,I fight back using anything I can get my hands on.

It all started as I was in the box which was going up with supplies. After a few minutes,I woke up and felt the box going up fast. I held on the string of a box,waited for what was about to happen to me. It suddenly stopped,everything was pitch black, the door was opened,voices saying;it's another girl,this is getting creepy was what I heard. Looking up, I saw a seventeen year old boy come down from above,look at me in a confusing way.

"Hey greenie. It's kind of weird,but may I ask your name?"him

"*thinks,looks at him* I-I can't remember."

"Well then,up we go *offers a rope to you which was held on by boys above*"him

"*stands up,holds on to it* Thank you"

"don't mention it *smiles,climbs out of the box,pulls on the rope which I was holding on to*"him

"*breathes in and out,when I reach the top,I land in soft ground and look around* What is this place?"

The boy from earlier answered me; this is the glade." "The glade? May I ask your name since you didn't tell me"

"Sorry about that,the names Newt"Newt

"that's a nice name *smiles,notices someone looking at her,when she looks at that person,he looks away* weird"

"alright then. Alby will be the one to tell you about this place,see you later miss"Newt

"sure *sees the boys scatter,go back to their work,a dark American man approaches me*" .

"welcome to the glade greenie,I'm Alby,let's begin the tour so that we can finish it before dark *smiles,leads her to he slicers area*"Alby

"Ok*follows,upon arriving there,I look around curiously * is this what I think it is?"

"Not really. This is the slicers area. Here,the meat is cut and checked before giving it to the cooks. *calls someone*"Alby 

I notice someone approach,seeing it was a blond haired boy around 21. "This is Winston,keeper of the slicers. Winston,this is the new greenie"Alby

"Nice to meet you,greenie. I hope you won't complain about this place"Winston

"*smiles* Don't worry. I'm used to this,thank you for telling about this place"

"You're welcome,greenie *smiles*"Winston

"Alright. Next is the builder's section. *walks off toward it"Alby

"*follows,looking around* *sees a tall,crop-haired boy with freckles approaches me and Alby*"

"Hey Alby"him

"Hey Gally,this is the new greenie."Alby

"Nice. Alright then. Here,we build stuff. Houses,bridges,walls you name it. It's very hard at first if you don't know how to do it."Gally

"that's great! Thank you"

" place,it's nearing dark *goes off toward the next place*"Alby

"*follows,makes a face at Gally*"

"*stops at a vine surrounded area* this is the track hoes. *sees Zart approach me and the greenie* Hey Zart"Alby

"Hey Alby. I see this is the greenie. Well,greenie, planting vegetables,harvesting them is what we do. Gathering firewood is also part of it."Zart

"Thanks a lot"

"No problem"Zart

"Moving on,there are three more places to go to *walks ahead of the greenie toward the cooks area*"Alby

"*runs after him,arriving there I smell a sweet aroma* hmm... That tastes delicious."

"Don't get too hungry greenie. That's the cooks area. *Frypan comes toward me and the greenie*"Alby

"Hey Alby,speaking of which,these area is where we cook the food for the gladers. Right now,I'm making stew with vegetables and meat"Frypan

"yum. I can't wait to eat that!"

"Woah there. There are two last places that we need to go to,let's get going,see at later fry."Alby

"sure *smiles,goes back to cooking*"Frypan

"*sees an area filled with medical supplies* is this the area where doctors work?"

"If you mean by doctors,then we call our doctors here med-jacks. *calls Clint*"Alby

"*sees an African boy approach us*" "hey Alby,greenie."Clint

"hey Clint. What's new around?"Alby

"Nothing's new,all is just the same,speaking of which, this is where we treat people who get injured"Clint

"cool,let's get to the last destination Alby"

"sure,see ya later Clint *walks off to the last destination*"Alby

"*follows,my curiosity getting  higher* *sees a hut which was surrounded by trees. Ohh... What is this place?"

"That my dear is the runners place"Alby "*after hearing what Alby said,I excitedly ran toward it when the door accidentally opened.

"Ouch *falls to the ground"

"Are you ok?"Alby "I'm ok, it's just that I got hit by a damn door! Now,who's responsible for that?!"

An Asian boy around 20 appeared out of the door. "Sorry if I hurt you greenie"him

"Hurt me?! You just hit me with a damn door!!!..."

"I'll just leave the two of you"Alby and he left them "Alright! I'm sorry! Yeesh... What do you want me to do?!"him

        Sanjeela looked at him and smirked. "I want you to apologize to me like you mean it cause if you don't you'll regret it."

Minho leaned close to her and said,"Try me"

After hearing this, I could feel my blood boil from his statement. "that stupid jerk!."

"what did you say?!" Minho

"Nothing!" I said with an obviously angry tone.

"No, I heard you say something" said Minho. Sanjeela faced him and slaps him.

"That's for slamming a door right into my face! I shouted with utter rage.

"Ow!" whined Minho "that hurts".

Minho tried to grab her hand, but Sanjeela slaps him again. "And that's for not apologizing!!!"

"Why you little ---" Minho stopped when he realized that he just stepped on a panel that opens up a trap door. He tried to close it, but it was already too late, a griever already escaped.

"Hey! Move it!" He tried to warn Sanjeela, but she stood frozen and unable to move. When the griever was about to grab Sanjeela, Minho grabbed her.

"W-what is that?" I asked worryingly "that's a griever! C'mon keep running!"

"Whats a griever?"

"I'll explain later, right now just keep running!"


Minho and Sanjeela ran until they saw Alby and the others.

"Guys, we need help" Minho

"*panting heavily* We just saw griever and it's coming this way"

"*nods* alright then. Everyone get something to defend yourselves with, Minho *looks at him with a smirk* get Sanjeela to a safe place"Alby

"Sure *muttering words under his breath, he takes Sanjeelas hand, takes her to the homestead" Minho

"*looking back, I feel a shiver run down my spine,but I ignore it, follow to where Minho led me"

"*stops,opens the door* get in as don't leave until I come back" Minho

"ok I said getting in, smiles*" "I gotta go *turns to leave*"

"W-wait! *kisses his swollen cheek* thank you
for earlier."

"You're welcome *blushes lightly* and to answer your question about a griever, Grievers have a sting on their tail, that we gladers avoid being stung. Its sting can make you go wild and lose control of yourself when its not cured fast." Minho

"Ohh..., thanks for the info, do you need anything?"

"Just that long,sharp spear *points to it behind her*" Minho

"alright *reaches for it and gives it to him* good luck out there"

"sure, don't you leave here or I'll give you a whack on your bottom!" Minho

"ok, I get the point" "that's good to hear *smiles,goes to his fellow gladers*" Minho

"*sits on the wooden floor, looking around when I hear something scraping the walls* Curiosity took over me, I searched for the sound until I stopped a few inches from the back wall* the sound stops, then everything explodes in front of me to reveal a griver. I shake uncontrollably, but I stand my ground." It advanced toward me, but luckily, its leg got stuck on a loose floorboard.

"Great! *searches for a weapon, finds a broken stick which I used to stab the griever, it screeched, but then, it sliced the side of my left leg, which resulted to bleeding. "

Oh gosh, that hurts! *holds my sliced leg* *whispers; I wish he was here... I tried to move, but it increased the pain, the griever got it's leg out of the floorboard, slowly advanced on me.

"Looks like I'm about to die, but I want to see his face one last time before my life ends, unfortunately, that's not going to happen. *black spots appear in my vision and I blacked out.

Meanwhile, outside the homestead...
"Phew! That was easier than expected"Minho

"What do you bloody mean by that? *frowns*"Newt

"well, we defeated them easily, it was strange that they all backed out once we surrounded them" Minho

"you're bloody right about that" Newt "well, since things are done here, I might as well check on Sanjeela *smiles*"Minho

"Sanjeela? The newbie? *chokes a laugh* since when did you start knowing her?" newt

"I just know her name, buzz off"Minho

"Sure, the next thing I know you and her are having a heated make-out session *smirks*"Newt

"*his Adams Apple bobs up and down* You're too naive, it won't happen, for the info, I don't like her"Minho 

     Minho ran off without waiting for newt's answer.upon arriving,a horrifying scene was shown upon him. The griever was above an unconscious,bleeding Sanjeela. It was ready to attack her.

  "Hey shuck-worm!"Minho. The griever screeched,charged him head-on.

"*takes out his knife,charged back at it* Take this you shucking shuck worm! *stabs it on his head when he jumped on top of it*"Minho

It thrashed around,opened its scissor-like legs,aimed at Minho. "*dodges every slice,but it got a lucky strike on his left arm*

"*winces slightly* that's it! You asked for it!!! *looks for its heart,pulls it out,jumps off of it*"Minho The griever stopped moving after a while,fell down unmoving.

"Phew! That was like killing an uncontrolled machine! *looks at the heart,throws it away* Nasty! *remembers Sanjeela,rushes to her side* "

Hey. You okay?"Minho

I open my eyes slowly,give him  a weak smile.

"You're here. W-where's the griever? I say weakly. "Shh... *puts a finger to her mouth* don't stress yourself.

"It's dead,I killed it"Minho

"Thank you. I-I didn't get your name when I first saw you. I thought you were a jerk who didn't have feelings or a care in the world *laughs softly*"

"maybe you were right. *scratches the back of his neck* but, to as say to introduce myself, I'm Minho,keeper of the runners."Minho

"that's a charming name for you, you may know me as Sanjeela. What do you mean by runners? I ask tiredly.

"You'll know soon enough,sleep now,my feisty princess *smiles*"Minho

I smile,see his smiling face before I close my eyes and let sleep overtake me.

    Thank the gods! Just finished chapter 1. Chapter 2 on the way, the tile is getting to know each other. I'm so so sorry if it took this long. I hope to make it up to you,my readers.


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