Chapter 2:Getting to know one another

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In my sleep,I was dreaming that I was with my parents before WICKED took me away from them. Everything was peaceful, then the scene changed to the lab I was working in. There were people in tubes,water was suffocating them. Holding on my hands,I turned away from them,stopping my tears to fall, feeling miserable inside.

"I wake up,rubbing my eyes, the dream still fresh in my mind. *sighs* Forget about it,focus on your mission,Sanjeela! *a voice said in my mind*" "*stands up,but falters* Damn it! *winces from the pain from my left leg, continues to walk to the door*"

Before I could open the door, someone beat me to it. Minho showed up,scowling at me.

"Are you crazy?! He shouted at me. You're going to get yourself hurt!" Minho

"*rolls my eyes* whatever. I don't care, you can't stop me. *walks past him only to be pinned against the wall*"

"Don't you even try of tempting me to break every bone in your body if that's what you want, he said with a venomous tone"Minho

  I gulp,look away from him. "If you even dare try that on me, I'll be gladly to break my bones myself only to get away from a jerk like you!!! I say with an angry tone,shoving him away from me,running out of the homestead.

"Where should I go now?

My mind asks me. Slowly, my eyes drift to the entrance of the maze, like a machine,my feet drag me  toward it.

Unknown to me,I was a few inches away when Minho grabbed my arm,bringing me to my consciousness. "What the shuck are you doing?! Minho angrily shouted at me.

"For your info, I wasn't aware of my actions, mr! I spat down at his feet,glared at him"

"That's it! You asked for this! Minho pinned me to a wall, away from the maze's entrance, glaring at me.

"First of all, greenie, no one enters the maze except me and the runners, you just disobeyed a rule,you'll pay for it"Minho said, was about to punch me, but I faltered to the ground,clutching my knees,shaking.

"D-don't please. I-its t-o-o m-u-c-h."

"*stops in mid-air* Hey *puts down his hand,kneels down to face her* you okay,greenie? You look like you've been showered with cold,freezing water. *looks at her with a confused face*"Minho

"Y-yeah I-I'm ok. It's just a bad dream. *stands up but falters* Looks like I'm a bit dizzy"

"*shakes his head* you're one stubborn,lady *carries her bridal style, carries her back to the medics area,placing her on the bed*

" don't move and try to get some sleep. You'll be questioned tomorrow morning. *walks to leave*"Minho

"Minho,wait! I hesitantly said"

"*looks back at her,sighs* only today." Minho

"thank you *smiles slightly*"

"you're welcome,greenie"Minho "alright then. Since I don't know about you that much, you'll start first on introducing yourself, including the you-know-what details"

"*groans*  alright! *sits on the bed,smirks* don't complain if you wanna know"Minho

"I won't. Promise"

"well... I'm Minho, 21 years of age, keeper of the runners. Sarcastic at some times, gallant, also, I mostly curse when I'm pissed off"Minho

"nice description. My turn. Sanjeela, 18 years of age, stubborn, musically inclined, helpful at some times"

  "I just realized thy I'm three years older than you, that's makes me your older brother. *smirks* this will be fun"Minho

"oh no you don't! You'll be sorry."

"I'll be expecting that, for now,go to sleep"Minho

"what makes you think that I need s-*yawns* sleep?"

"Stop with your idiotic behavior and sleep already!"Minho

"Fine then! *plops down on the bed,closes my eyes sleeping quietly* goodnight Minho"

"*shocked,smiles slightly* goodnight greenie"Minho

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