Chapter 12: Murphy's Law

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"What's left of her is buried in the crypts down there." Joffrey was showing Margery around the Sept of Baelor crypts where all the dead Targaryen Kings and Queens were buried under. And Margery seemed to be enjoying them.

In the meantime Cersei and Olenna were discussing the Red Wedding. It seemed a little too premature with the war, but the Lannisters seemed overly confident that they would win the war. "The ceremony is traditionally held in the main sanctum, which seats 700 comfortably." Cersei informed.

"There appears to be a good deal of room elsewhere on the premises for everyone else." Olenna noted.

"There aren't more than 700 people of any importance." Cersei replied.

"No, but to look adoringly at the other 700 to remind them how superior they must be to have the best seats." Olenna added.

"And over there is Areon Targaryen, sorry... the urn of Areon Targaryen. Bright flame they called him." Joffrey showed Margery an urn. "He thought drinking wildfire would turn him into a Dragon." He jokingly said. "He was wrong."

Margery laughed. Joffrey laughed too. Already to Joffrey, Margery was a better lady then Sansa ever was.

"Of course there's the Mad King. Killed by my Uncle." Joffrey added. "Would you like to see where the last Targaryens are buried?" He asked.

"Are you sure Lady Margery doesn't find all of this disturbing?" Cersei interrupted with a fake smile.

"Oh it's quite alright, Your Grace. I'd love to see their tombs, really." Margery answered with her own fake happy expression. "It's like taking a walk through history."

Joffrey show her the way.

"Maybe if we're lucky, General Grievous will also show us the light sabers of the Jedi he's slain himself." He added.

"Oh, now that is an accomplishment." Margery replied intrigued.

"Maybe we'll ask him next time he's in King's Landing." Joffrey suggested.

Cersei and Olenna were left to their own conversation. "You were married here, Your Grace?" Olenna asked.

"Yes." Cersei answered.

"Seemed like only yesterday. Your Grace." Olenna replied.

"Seems like a lifetime." Cersei corrected.

"Is your husband buried here as well?" Olenna asked.

"No, Robert wanted his remains sent back to Storm's End." Cersei answered.

"Such a tragedy." Olenna thought out loud for Cersei to hear.

"Fairly predictable tragedies. Drinking and hunting don't mix." Cersei replied. Especially when the drink was poisoned.

"I should say not. My son's a hunter and forget he's never been within a mile of a real battle." Olenna replied.

"Never mind a battle that occurs between Clones and Droids." Cersei added. She heard from several Battle Droids about the types of battles that happens on war torn planets like Ryloth, Felucia, Malastare, or recently the battle like Mon Calamari. "But I do recall that your son did lay siege to Storm's End for the better half of a year."

"Hah." Olenna scoffed at that. "All he laid siege to was the banquet table in the command tent. I told him to stay out of Robert's Rebellion. He had no business fighting a warrior." She then looked at Cersei. "We mothers. Do what we can to keep our sons from the grave. But they do seem to yearn for it. Showers them with good sense. Then slides right off, like a grain on the wind."

Cersei did agree with that even though she never actually said it. "And yet the world belongs to them." She replied.

"A ridiculous arrangement to my mind." Olenna shot back.

"The Gods arranged to make it so." Cersei thought.

That was when they saw Margery and Joffrey still talking and walking. Joffrey was talking about his father wanting to get the Targaryen bodies all thrown into the Blackwater. But the High Septon convinced Robert not to. Their conversation was cut short when they heard shouting from outside. The cheering kind of shouting, not the angry shouting.

"Shall we go see them, Your Grace?" Margery asked.

Joffrey was hesitant to go.

"If you open your heart to them. They will return it a thousand fold." Margery explained. "I've spoken to them, I know how they feel about you. You lead the defense against King's Landing, took command of the Separatist Droid Armies, and killed the usurper Stannis Baratheon."

Joffrey thought about it for a moment. He decided what was the worst that could happen. "Open the doors." He commanded. The doors opened. Margery took Joffrey outside to see the crowds. Cersei took a look around her to see Joffrey being escorted by Margery outside.

The city guards and the B2 Super Battle Droids stood outside the Sept. But violence was not necessary, the crowds were cheering. Margery was waving to them. Joffrey was looking at her wondering if he should do the same. So he did.

But Cersei could tell what was really going on. Margery was making Cersei lose control over Joffrey. And the Droids, well let's just say that they were getting really comfortable in the city. They outnumbered and outmatched the Lannister troops in every way. And thanks to the Separatist influence, Joffrey was really considering his Royal Army again. The last time he brought it up, Cersei shot his idea down.

Sansa never thought she would ever get tired of King's Landing, but she did. What she wouldn't kill to see her old home again. And Snow fall, even though every time she and her family would go sledding, Arya would try her hardest to try and bump Sansa off course so she would win a race. And she would always like to race Sansa. But all she could do now was pray. Pray by the North Grove.

Margery had returned from the Sept to see Sansa who was guarded by 2 B1 Battle Droids. Sansa saw Margery come. "I hope I haven't disturbed you." Margery hoped.

"You haven't." Sansa reassured.

"We'd like to have some privacy please." Margery requested the Droids.

The Droids didn't move. So Margery moved past them. "If you'd be kind to give me your names, I'll ask the King to speak to you, personally." She requested snappy.

"Uh, Lady Margery. We don't have names. We have Serial Numbers." One of The Droids pointed out.

"Well would you mind giving me those?" Margery asked.

"Nah, he wouldn't be interested." The other Droid answered. "Nobody ever cares for us."

"General Grievous doesn't care for you?" Margery asked.

The Droids made ha ha sounds. "Oh he cares for us, in the wrong way." One of the Droids answered.

The other Droid just took his companion to walk with him. "If you need us, we're going to contemplate our sad existence as droids... again." He told Margery.

"Yes, you do that." Margery thought. She went over to talk to Sansa. "What did you pray for?" She asked.

"I can't tell you." Sansa answered as she smiled. It reminded Sansa of the times when she had her lady friends to talk to, she hadn't had that in a while.

"Why not? I'll tell you what I prayed for in the Sept this morning." Margery offered. She then began listing them. "Let's see... for my families health and happiness, a quick end to the war,for a short winter, very traditional I'm afraid. Well?"

"No, I can't say." Sansa still didn't open up about it. She had to be careful about what she said.

But Margery would still not give up. She told Sansa about her cousin Olanna who was the most beautiful girl she ever saw. And she would call Margery pig face and would oink. So, Margery wished the infamous plague, Porridge plague on her cousin.

"Porridge plague?" Sansa asked.  

"Oh, you don't have it in the North?" Margery asked. "Your skin starts to look like boiled oats and your face slide off, and eventually you die." She explained.

Sansa had a fearful face on her. "Well that's awful." She replied. At least until Margery laughed. "You... I believed you." Sansa scoffed and then laughed. "Porridge plague, I'm an idiot." She thought out loud.

"Don't say that, no you're not." Margery replied.

"So whatever happened to Olanna?" Sansa asked.

"Oh, she grew up to become the most beautiful person and married a handsome lord and they have darling children in a castle by the sea." Margery answered. "It's entirely frustrating."

"I'm sure she's jealous of you now. She'll have to come to King's Landing and she'll have to pretend to be happy for you to be queen." Sansa pointed out. Both women laughed.

Then Margery took Sansa's hands. "I want us to be friends, good friends." She said.

"That would make me very happy." Sansa replied.

That was what Margery needed. "You must see Highgarden. You'd love it there, I know you would." She insisted. "We have a great masquerade for the night of the harvest moon. You should see the costumes, people work on them for month."

It was a tempting offer for Sansa, but there was something stopping her. "I don't think the Queen would let me." She replied.

"The Queen Regent you mean." Margery corrected. "Once I marry Joffrey, I'll be Queen." And she got the roll of proposition going. Sansa was not going to stop her. "And... if you were to merry Loras..." Margery continued as if she had an epiphany. But not really.

The look in Sansa's eyes told Margery to keep talking.

"Oh, then your place would be at Highgarden, wouldn't it? We would be sisters you and I. Would you like that?" Margery asked.

And Sansa smiled. She already had Loras' favor at the tourney of the Hand. And she would be safe at Highgarden and away from that monster Joffrey and the Separatists he was working with. It was quite a brilliant plan. Sansa would be happy, and the Tyrells would have control of the North should the worst happen. Everyone wins. That is everyone except the Lannisters.

Nightfall had descended on Winterfell. It was the perfect opportunity to strike against the Separatists.

"The last time I was hear, it was for a feast at Winterfell. Talking with Jon, seeing my brother Ned again." Benjen was thinking about those days.

"We're not hear to think on days of the past. We're here to kill a monster." Alliser reminded. The two had taken a small group of Wildlings with them, all disguised naturally so it was not to arouse suspicion. "Any idea how to get past the droids?" He asked.

Benjen looked closely at the walls. "They've increased security. Look over there." He pointed to searchlights that the Separatists built over the wall.

"This place looks more guarded than the wall." Alliser commented.

"Come on Alliser, we both know that Castle Black is really the only place that's guarded." Benjen shot back.

Alliser rolled his eyes. He was definitely Jon's Uncle. But at least Jon step up to Alliser anymore. That was one good thing about the Clone Wars coming to Westeros. "Well, mister only Castle Black is guarded. How do we get past these guards?" He asked.

Benjen thought about it for sometime. But he had the answer. "I've got it. There's a secret entrance to the Crypts, and I know where it is. This is my home if you want to know how I know that." He answered.

"And how do we know that path is safe?" Alliser asked.

"We don't." Benjen answered.

"That's reassuring." Alliser mumbled as Benjen moved a large boulder over a large tunnel and down a wooden ladder.

"Climb down." Benjen ordered. The Night's Watch climbed down the ladder and through a long dark tunnel.

Continuing through the tunnel there was finally a little light. That meant it must've been the crypts that were coming up. But the light wasn't natural like a candle, it was artificial light. Benjen approached one of the hallways to see if there were any droids, but none were in sight. "Coast looks clear." He whispered. And the Night's Watch entered the longer section of the crypts. But there was some rubble of marble on the ground.

"Uh, Benjen?" Alliser asked.

Benjen turned to look. And what he saw rocked him to the core. The statues that honored the Starks were all smashed, broken, and some were missing entirely.

"Seven Hells." Benjen thought. He saw the statue of his sister Lyanna on the ground completely smashed. Even the feather that Robert Baratheon look all wilted, but that was because of old age. But that didn't seem to matter. It broke his heart to see the statue destroyed. He remembered during the reign of the Mad King when his son, Prince Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark from Winterfell. Brandon Stark went to go confront the Mad King and get Lyanna back at King's Landing. But unfortunately that headstrong attitude got Brandon thrown in the dungeon. Benjen's father had to get him back. But when Rickard demanded a Trial by Combat, The Mad King allowed it. He also let fire be his champion. It was super effective. And Rickard was burned alive in his armor by Pyromancers. As Lord Rickard burned. Brandon was brought into the throne room, his neck attached to a leather cord like a dog. And The Mad King let Brandon strangle himself trying to free his father. He then called for the heads of the Starks fearing revenge. How right he was. Instead, Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon rebelled. And won. But Lyanna died after the war. No one knew how. Only Ned and he didn't speak of it to anyone. Not even Benjen. All he brought back was the Baby, Jon Snow.

And speaking of Ned Stark, the head of his statue was on the floor from where he was buried.

"Well, at least his statue now resembles him closely." A Night's Watch brother thought.

"Savages, don't even have respect for art. That or the Greyjoys destroyed this place and the Separatists didn't bother to clean it up." Alliser said out loud.

Whatever it was, it was still a tragedy to Benjen.

That's when they heard clanking sounds coming from the stairs.

"Someone's coming." A Brother whispered.

"Hide!" Benjen shouted softly. The Night's Watch took cover behind some broken statues.

Two B1 Battle Droids were walking down. "Yep, this about the worst job in the Droid army." A Droid complained.

"I thought the worst job in the Droid army was cleaning up those beasts on Ryloth." The Second Droid replied.

"It was, but at least you got to do something with that job. All we do around here is walk around and guard a cripple and his little brother." The First Droid pointed out.

"And smash some statues." The Second Droid added.

"The General did that. We didn't get that opportunity." The First Droid corrected.

"You know who would hate that? That guy from the Chiss Ascendancy, what was his name again? Thrane? Thrawn? or something like that." The Second Droid asked. 

"Doesn't matter." The First Droid answered. "Let's go tell the boys that there's no one inside of the crypts... again." They both went up the stairs.

"They don't know we're here." Benjen whispered.

"Let's keep it that way. Come on, let's get this Grievous." Alliser suggested.

The Night's Watch went up the stairs and stepped into the courtyard hiding behind some metal crates. Benjen could hardly believe his eyes. Winterfell looked even more different on the inside. All the Stark banners weren't hanging on the walls anymore, instead the Separatist hexagon was on, and several battalions of Battle Droids were already gathered inside of the courtyard, as if they were waiting for something to happen. There was also some larger droids lifting some metal red barrels.

"What are they gathered here for?" Alliser asked.

"It looks like they're preparing for an invasion." Benjen answered.

"Against who?" A Brother asked.

Before someone could answer, A Separatist Transport landed in the middle of the Courtyard. And that was also when Grievous came out to the Courtyard.

"That must be him." Alliser thought.

"Let's take him." A brother whispered.

Benjen held him back. "Wait, let's see what he does." He advised.

"...Finally some action around this place." Grievous thought out loud.

"You know what's odd. The place we're going to is the Iron Islands. And the Capital there is Pyke. You think they might be involved with the Pyke Syndicate?" A Droid asked.

"No, it's some weird coincidence." Grievous answered coldly. "But it will be satisfying to kill some Squids that aren't Quarren for once. I forgot what that felt like."  He was about to get on the Transport when he saw some Droids struggling to get a red barrel loaded up.

"HEY! Be careful with that Rhydonium! It's very deadly!" Grievous yelled.

"I'm still amazed we found Rhydonium in the North. I thought you could only get it on Abafar." A Droid thought. "Boy we should've come to this planet years ago."

Grievous shrugged. "Doesn't matter. Now, make sure those two Stark Boys and that Greyjoy kid are secure. I'll be leading my forces to go Kraken Slaying." He ordered. "Try not to blow this place up."

"Roger Roger." The Droid replied as Grievous got in his shuttle. A Separatist Dropship as well as several Vulture Droids took off.  

"Okay, Droids. Get back to work." The Commander Droid ordered. The Droids all cleared off.

"So much for getting Grievous." A brother whispered.

"Now what do we do?" Another brother asked.

"Nothing. Grievous is gone. We missed our chance. Let's get back to Castle Black." Alliser answered shaking his head. Commander Mormont was going to be disappointed. 

"So that's it? We just leave empty handed?" Benjen asked.

"Not unless you can sprout wings and fly." Alliser answered.

"Tempting. But I have a better idea." Benjen decided.

"What?" Alliser asked. What was left for them to do?

"Grievous has my nephews hostage. Let's get them out." Benjen answered. He may have been a ranger now, but he was also a Stark.

"That's not what we came to do." Alliser protested.

"No, but we're not leaving empty handed. And I don't want my nephews as bargaining chips for the Separatists." Benjen replied.

"Fine." Alliser caved in. "Just where are they anyway?" He asked.

Benjen saw a B1 Battle Droid walking towards the crates. "Here's how." He answered.

Benjen then proceeded to grab the Battle Droid by the head and tossed him onto the ground.

"Hey!" The Battle Droid yelled.

"Where are the Starks?" Benjen asked. He didn't want to let the Droids know that he was a Stark as well.

"The who?" The Droid asked.

"The Stark Brothers. Bran and Rickon Stark." Benjen clarified.

"Sleeping in the Kennels." The Droid answered. "General wanted them there to sleep like dogs."

DOGS?! That was disgusting to Benjen. They were more than just Dogs. He slashed at the Droid.

"So where are the Kennels?" Alliser asked.

"Follow me." Benjen led the Night's Watch brothers to the Kennels.

"Hodor." The Giant Hodor moaned as his neck was all chained up to a post in the kennels.

"Hodor. It's too late in the night for this." Bran complained, half awake. He barely slept anymore. And whenever Bran did sleep, it was usually about a dream about the Three Eyed Raven. Not that Grievous cared too much about that, or at all. But at least it wasn't like Theon who got the V.I.P. treatment from the Separatists. And by V.I.P. treatment, that meant being tortured for hours and hours by the Separatists. They kept Theon chained in the dungeons and were using electostaffs around the clock on him. 

Rickon was still sleeping as Osha the Wildling put a blanket around Rickon. She tried to do anything for Grievous to let her go. But Grievous wouldn't hear any of it. Anything that would've worked on Theon if he was in charge of Winterfell wouldn't work on Grievous.

And the Battle Droids that guarded the doors to the Kennels outside were starting to bicker.

"Hey, that's my blaster!" A droid yelled.

"No it's not. That's your blaster, you're holding." The other droid protested.

"I'd think I would know what my blaster looks like." The first droid complained.

"They look the same to me." The other Droid replied.

"Well if that's the case, then you won't mind if I take my blaster back." The first Droid started to reach for the other Droids blaster.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The other Droid asked.

"Taking my blaster back." The First Droid answered.

"No way." The Other Droid protested.

"What a bunch of idiots." Bran thought. "No wonder Grievous has anger issues." If Bran had to deal with stuff too. He would probably go insane too.

"You just said that the blasters look the same to you. So you won't mind if I take mine back." The First Droid explained trying to grab the blaster from the other Droid.

"No! This is not your blaster!" The other Droid yelled. "We're given our blasters when we're manufactured, you idiot! We don't lose track of them."

"Well then there must've been a manufacturing mistake, because I know that's my blaster." The first droid

"M-Manufacturing mistake?! Are your circuits fried again?!" The other Droid shouted.

"Hodor!" Hodor yelled. That was Hodor's way of telling the Droids to: Shut up Already.

Just then there was a large sounding banging sound.

"Thank you, Hodor." Bran thanked relieved.

"Hodor?" Hodor asked because that wasn't him.

The doors burst opened. And Benjen and Alliser Thorne walked in.

"Bran, Rickon." Benjen said.

"Uncle Benjen!" Bran yelled.

"Hodor." Hodor said. They were saved.

"Wylis, you too?" Benjen asked stunned.

"Who's Wylis?" Rickon asked now awake. The Droids bickering woke him up.

"Long story, but that's not important right now. We've got to get out of here." Benjen then picked up a blaster from the destroyed droids and shot the chain off of Hodor. Hodor then got Bran on his back. Osha helped Rickon up.

"What about Summer and Shaggy Dog?" Rickon asked. He pointed to the two sad Direwolves chained and caged in the corner. 

"Them too." Benjen answered unlocking them.

The Direwolves were happy to be out of there.

"Great, you got what you wanted. Let's go!" Alliser shouted wanting to get out of the place as quickly as possible.

"But the Droids." Bran said.

"We'll slip away through the Crypts. Then get to Castle Black." Benjen explained.

"Wait! What about Maester Luwin?" Rickon asked.

"There's no time, we have to go now." Alliser answered.

"Where is Maester Luwin?" Benjen asked.

"He's inside the keep." Osha answered.

"There's no time." Alliser repeated.

"But Maester--" Rickon started.

"Wait, are we sure it's safe to go? There are Droids everywhere." Bran asked.

"We crept in through the cover of night, we can slip out easily too." Benjen answered.

"So, how did you disable the security taping?" Rickon asked.

"Security taping?" Benjen asked.

Inside of the main hall. The Droids were watching what was going on in the Kennels.

"Uh, sir? There are bandits in the Kennels. And their escaping with the Prisoners." A Droid reported.

A Commander Droid which was a B1 Battle Droid with yellow markings looked at the footage.

"That's not good. Put all sections on alert." He ordered. Grievous was not going to be pleased if Bran and Rickon got away.

"Roger Roger." A Droid reported.

The alarm buttons went off throughout the castle.

"What's that?" Benjen asked.

"It's the alarm." Osha answered.

"Let's go!" Alliser yelled. They wasted enough time here as it was.

The Night's Watch headed outside of the Kennels to see Droids all lining up, cutting off the entrance to the Crypts.

"Great a welcome wagon, what do we do?" Alliser asked.

"I'll distract them. As soon as I have their attention, run to the Crypts." Osha decided.

"What?" Bran asked.

"You can't." Rickon protested. But there was no time to argue.

Osha started to run the other direction. "Come and get me you metal freaks!" She yelled.

"Blast her!" A droid yelled. The Droids fired their blasters at Osha.

"Go!" Benjen yelled. The others ran for the other direction. And with Benjen and Alliser firing their blasters at the Droids.

"I said this was a bad idea!" Alliser yelled.

"Intruder alert!" A droid yelled summoning for more reinforcements.

That was when several Super Battle Droids marched out firing blasters as well. And some Commando Droids were also coming as well.

"We have to get to the Crypts!" Benjen yelled firing his blaster at a Commando Droid. But the Droid just brushed it off.

That was when Benjen noticed a Rhydonium container. He fired at it and it exploded, destroying several of the droids. He found it astonishing that kind of thing was hidden under the North all this time.

But he looked around to see that Osha still running from the Droid fire. At least until they got a lucky shot on Osha. Osha took several blaster shots before she was struck down.

"No! Osha!" Rickon screamed.

"Boys, run..." Osha croaked.

"We've got to move, Bran!" Benjen yelled.

The Direwolves then charged out and started to eat at the Droids carving a path to the Crypts, wide and clear.

"The doors open! Come on!" Alliser yelled. He started to make a beeline for the Crypts. And the others were right behind him.

At least until Shaggy-dog took a hit in the back from a blaster. He fell down.

"Shaggy Dog!" Rickon yelled. He started to run back for his Dire wolf.

"Rickon get back here!" Benjen ordered.

"I can't leave him!" Rickon protested as he left to go get his Dire Wolf.

"Rickon, look out!" Bran shouted as he saw his brother run over trying to get his Dire Wolf back on his feet.

But that happened to be near a stash of Rhydonium.

"Rhydonium." Bran realized. Rickon was standing next to a time bomb ready to go off.

Rickon picked up Shaggy Dogs head as a Droid shot a blaster bolt. But the bolt was off course, and hit the Rhydonium stash.

A stash that exploded right next to Rickon.

"Rickon!" Bran yelled in pure horror.

Benjen couldn't believe it either. "No." He thought.

Alliser looked at more droids coming. "More Droids."

Several Droidekas then rolled out and started shooting at the company.

Time to go. The Night's Watch escaped through the Crypts. "Don't let them escape!" A droid yelled. And several Commando Droids went after them. Leaving only an arm. That was all that was left of Rickon Stark.

Yara Greyjoy could see the Separatist ships approaching Pyke. Even from an early age, she was raised as Balon's heir, despite the custom forbidding female rule. That was why she defied traditional gender roles by captaining her own ship and leading men into battle. When her father attacked the North, She captured Deepwood Motte. At least until the Separatists showed up and kicked her out. She watched in stunned silence as her raiding crew were killed by Separatists Droids, and the red magic they wielded. But now those Separatists under the command of this General Grievous were coming her way. And she was talking to her father about the attack.

"Yara. Prepare our forces. Grievous is coming." Balon ordered. "Make him pay for kicking us out of the North." 

"Yes, father." Yara replied. She turned to her men. "Let's teach this General what happens when you come to House Greyjoy!"  

The Greyjoy soldiers all yelled in triumph.

Grievous could see Pyke from his shuttle windows. "Send in the Vulture Droids first. We'll burn a path right to Pyke." He ordered.

"Should we tell them to drop the Rhydonium?" A Droid asked.

"Do it." Grievous ordered.

The Vulture Droids zoomed down and dropped their Rhydonium barrels on several defensive towers. They completely exploded. And Grievous laughed. It was a brilliant idea to use the extra Rhydonium. He forgot what it was like to be out in the battlefield. Good use of time to stretch his legs. "Establish a landing zone and send out the Defoliator. We'll take these Krakens, extra crispy." Grievous ordered.

Yara ran outside of Pyke and could see the Droid forces landing. There were two Battalions of Battle Droids and 3 Defoliators. Grievous came to play today. So Yara decided to play as well. She charged with her men directly at the Droids. 

"General, the Greyjoy forces are charging right at us." A Commando Droid reported.

Grievous laughed. He then signaled at the Defoliators to take aim. "FIRE!"

The Defoliators fired their shells and shot down the Greyjoys as the Droids opened fire on the front line. Yara was able to escape the blast with several of her men. But the Droids just kept on coming and kicking the Greyjoy's asses. The Vulture Droids also swooped down dropping even more Rhydonium cannisters on any Greyjoy ships trying to escape.  A Commando Droid approached Yara, but Yara rolled out of the way and stabbed the Commando with a sword destroying it. She turned to her running army. "Stand and fight! This is your home!" She yelled. The Greyjoys continued to stand their ground, but the Defoliators were firing another round on them. And it didn't seem to be hurting the Droids. They were just fine. The shells landed and there was more burning around the islands. It wouldn't be long before Grievous reached the Castle. And speaking of Grievous, Yara saw him approach her and her men.

"Greyjoy." Grievous greeted like a hunter to his prey.

"You must be Grievous." Yara replied. She looked at him from head to toe. "You're shorter then I expected."

Grievous smirked. "Brave words from a woman about to die." He then coughed. 

"Quite a cough." Yara commented.

"You get use to it." Grievous replied. He then let his cape fall onto the ground. "I assume you know why I'm here."

"To take over the Iron Islands." Yara answered. It didn't take a genius.

"Yes." Grievous replied. "It's been a while since I've had a good fight. Do you have any idea how boring it is to occupy a kingdom and keep the subjects in line?" He asked.

"Oh believe me, it's boring for my father too. We Greyjoys are proud sailors. Our way is of the sea." Yara answered.

"Yeah, yeah yeah, I heard it all from Theon already." Grievous cut her off. "What is dead may never die. That sort of stuff."

"You'll pay for killing my brother." Yara drew her sword.

Grievous laughed. "Oh your brother's not dead. Tywin Lannister has plans for him. But I can't say the same for you." He informed.

What was left of the Greyjoy armies drew their swords. And The Droids prepared to fire. "Back away!" Grievous ordered. "I'll deal with this myself." He declared drawing two of his Lightsabers out. And the Greyjoy army charged forward.

A fire had flung right over Grievous. There was a burning sensation in his mind. Like he had wanted this for so many years. "Oh, yeah. I'm back baby!" Grievous yelled. He charged himself swinging his Lightsabers like propellers and slicing 4 Greyjoy soldiers like ribbons. He then did a summersault in front of another Greyjoy and used his foot to pick up the soldier by the head and smashed him down to the ground. And then he threw the corpse right at a group of soldiers. 

"Make peace with your gods while you still can." Grievous suggested as the group of soldiers he threw the body to were sliced to death by the Lightsabers. And Grievous was laughing like a crazed demon. The Greyjoys all surged forward hoping to maybe overwhelm Grievous. He couldn't take them all down. But instead, Grievous overwhelmed them. He Jumped up and swung the Lightsabers around his body like he was a helicopter. And many Greyjoy soldiers were sliced in half. 

Now it was just him and Yara. Yara looked around her to see the Vulture Droids sinking Greyjoy ships. All of them. The Separatists came to conquer the Iron Islands, and that's exactly what they were doing. She then pointed her sword at Grievous. But Grievous just laughed. "Pray all you want, it won't change your fate. I'll just send you to the sea." Grievous then took out his other two arms and he ignited those Lightsabers. He was now wielding four Lightsabers at once. "Any final words, Kraken?" He asked.

Yara stood there like a statue and standing her ground. "What is dead may never die." She answered.

"Very well." Grievous replied. He then jumped forward in a pelvic thrust at Yara and swinging all four of his Lightsabers at her.

Balon Greyjoy remained on the Salt Throne. He could feel the whole Castle shaking. The Rhydonium was decimating his ships. That was when Grievous walked into the Throne Room and threw Yara's head onto the floor. Balon didn't look surprised. He looked at Grievous. "You must be General Grievous." He assumed.

"Indeed." Grievous replied. "Your rule is at an end, Balon Greyjoy. It's game over for you." He declared.

"You'll never take the Salt Throne. No man in the Iron Islands will ever accept foreign rule." Balon warned.

But Grievous just laughed. "My dear, King Balon. Who said anything about taking over your kingdom?" He asked.

But before Balon could ask what he meant by that. Grievous took out a blaster and shot Balon Greyjoy dead. "Least he can say he died on this throne." Grievous thought. He threw the corpse out of a Keep window. He didn't want to drag out this fight for so long. He had his fun with the Greyjoy armies.

"General, the Greyjoy army is decimated." A Commando Droid reported.

"Excellent. Contact Tywin Lannister immediately." Grievous ordered.

The Commando Droid pulled out a hologram, and Grievous took it.

The blue hologram of Tywin Lannister sitting by the sea and fishing. "General." Tywin greeted without taking his eyes off the pole. 

"Lord Tywin. The Iron Islands are secure. Balon Greyjoy and his daughter Yara are dead." Grievous reported.

"Well done, General. Now with the Greyjoys dead. The throne will fall to Theon. Assuming he still lives." Tywin replied.

"He does." Grievous answered.

"Excellent." Tywin stated. "You of course will remind Theon that we are in charge of course, no doubt."

"Already on it." Grievous commented. He's been torturing Theon with all means of torture, to remind the young squid who was in charge. Him.

And Tywin was enjoying this already. In the spam of a few months. Grievous had managed to do what no other Lord had done in Generations. Grievous conquered two Kings, Stannis and Balon. And with the Separatists reinforcing and backing the Lannisters, they now had the strongest house and army. "Return to the North at once, General. It's time to execute the next phase of our plan in the war." He ordered.

"Does that involve the Stark Boys?" Grievous asked. "You know I can't stay Lord of Winterfell forever. When the Republic is defeated and the Houses all defeated, I will return to my own theater of war."

"We both know your position as Lord of Winterfell is temporary. I have my own plans for the North to bring it under Lannister control. To do that I have to rid myself of some loose ends." Tywin replied.

Grievous had a hunch he knew what that was.

"The North is in line. And Robb Starks brothers have outlived their usefulness. Kill them." Tywin ordered. "Now if you'll excuse me, it appears I'm going to have a conversation with Grand Maester Pycelle."

Grievous nodded. And the hologram faded. It was time to go back to Winterfell, kill of the boys, which was a pity because Grievous did like his new human pets. Oh well, he would get over it. He loaded the Droids back on their Dropship. 

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