Chapter 13: Rules of War and Arrogant Attitudes.

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It was late at night when the corpses of Martyn and Willem Lannister were brought before Robb, Obi Wan, Jon, Sam, Ygritte, Edmure, Catelyn, and Talisa. In fact everyone had just woken up. Except for Obi Wan who was meditating. Far easier for him to recharge his Midi-chlorians that way, like any other Jedi. Both Sam and Talisa looked in pure horror at the sight. 

"Who would do such a thing like this?" Sam asked.

"Bring them in." A very angry Robb ordered Cody.

Cody nodded and opened the door to Waxor, Boil, and Brynden brought in Rickard Karstark and five others held captive.

"Is this all of them?" Robb asked.

"They gave us a bit of a fight sir." Cody answered pushing Karstark forward. 

"So it takes five armed soldiers to murder two unarmed and sleeping squires?" Obi Wan asked.

"Not murder, Jedi. Vengeance." Karstark corrected.

"Vengeance?" Robb asked. "Those boys didn't kill your sons. I saw Harrien die on the battlefield. And Torren--"

"Was strangled by the Kingslayer." Karstark interrupted. "They were his kin-"

"THEY WERE BOYS!!" Robb yelled. This was becoming a new record for how many times, Robb was getting angry in one month alone, and Jon was keeping count. But it did shut Rickard up. "Look at them." 

"Tell your mother to look at them." Rickard shot back as he looked at Catelyn sitting in a corner and looking down. "She killed him as much as I."

"Lady Stark had nothing to do with this." Jon commented. "This was your treason."

"If you are going to commit treason, at least do it like a man. But I highly doubt you are even one, "Lord Karstark."" Ygritte added with a mocking tone.

"Stay out of this you savage." Karstark commanded as Cody bonked him in the head.

"You're not in a position to make demands, pal." Cody reminded.

"It's treason to free your enemies." Karstark turned back to Robb and Jon. "In war, you kill your enemies. Did your father not teach you that boy, or you Bastard?" He asked.

That's when Sam walked up and punched Karstark in the face. "Jon Snow is more of a man than you'll ever be." He stated angrily. Nobody insulted his friend like that.

"Samwell, leave him." Robb ordered. But it was a nice punch that Sam landed. And Robb did appreciate Sam doing that to Rickard. And if Sam wasn't going to do it then Brynden was.

"You do kill your enemies in war. But not when they are in our custody. We do that and we are no better then the Lannisters or the Separatists. Cleary you understand that in your old age." Obi Wan corrected.

"Aye, leave me to the King. He wants to give me a scolding before he sets me free. That's how he deals with treason. Aye, King in the North. Or should I call him, the King who lost the North." Rickard insulted.  

The tension was flowing through the air. Obi Wan could sense the growing rage burning inside of Robb. Frankly it was a miracle he was keeping himself intact. Finally he took a deep breath.

"Commander. Escort Lord Rickard to the Dungeons. Get a firing squad and shoot the rest." Robb ordered.

Obi Wan was shaking his head, disappointed by what just happened. But he did nod at Cody to follow the order.

"Sir yes sir." Cody replied. They started to escort the traitors out. 

"Mercy sire! I didn't kill anyone! I only watched for the Clones!" One begged.

"This one was only the Watcher. Shoot him last so he can watch the others die." Robb ordered.

"Please sire! They made do it! They made me!" The Watcher pleaded, but the Clones escorted them away.

Robb sat back down. He couldn't believe that it came to this.

"Word of this can't leave Riverrun. They were Tywin Lannister's Nephews. The Lannisters always pay their debts." Edmure warned. 

"We all know that, Uncle." Jon replied. 

"I'm just saying. They never stop talking about it." Edmure put it out there.

"Would you make me a liar, as well as a murderer?" Robb asked.

"It wouldn't be lying. We will bury them and remain silent until the war is done." Edmure answered.

"That's considered lying." Obi Wan commented.

"I'm not fighting for justice if I don't serve justice to murderers in my ranks. No matter how Highborn. That's the policy I'll be making if I'm to be King." Robb explained. "What say you, Obi Wan? Do the Jedi believe in justice?" He asked.

"We do." Obi Wan answered. "And it is the duty of the Jedi to bring justice to the Galaxy, and our allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy." But he knew what Robb was thinking.

"Then I know what I have to do. He has to die." Robb declared. 

That was when Catelyn stood up.

"The Karstarks are north men. They won't forgive the killing of their lord." Catelyn reminded.

"Your mother's right." Talisa agreed. "If you do this, the Karstarks will abandon you."

"If we do nothing, then Robb will be seen as weak and unfit to be King." Jon protested. "When a Brother of the Watch deserts, he's charged with treason and he's hunted down and executed." And Robb and Jon knew this for a fact. They both watched as their father executed a Night's Watch deserter before the King's Arrival. 

"That may be the case in the Night's Watch. But that's not how it works here Jon." Catelyn informed. 

Robb turned to Talisa. "You tended their wounds. You brought them supper. Now they're dead." He said.

"And more boys will keep dying until this war is over. You need Karstark men to end it." Talisa reminded.

"Wrong. I have the Clones. I have the Jedi." Robb replied.

"And that might not be enough to fight the Separatists and the Lannisters." Catelyn interrupted. "No... offense, General Kenobi." She said.

"None taken." Obi Wan replied. Robb was starting to sound like Anakin.  

"What do you think I should do?" Robb asked.

"Keep him as a hostage." Catelyn advised.

"A hostage." Edmure agreed. "Tell the Karstarks as long as they remain loyal, he will not be harmed."

Robb looked at Jon. "Robb, Lord Karstark has to pay for what he's done. You know it's the right thing to do." Jon suggested.

"Obi Wan, can we win with the troops we have?" Robb asked.

"There's no guarantee in war, Robb. We could have the ability to win the war. But the effort will prove... harder." Obi Wan answered.

Robb looked at his options. He wanted to listen to his mother and wife. But the problem was... Lord Karstark didn't really give Robb much choice. He openly defied Robb's orders, committing a war crime for something so petty as revenge. And Karstark didn't show any contrition when caught, instead displaying an egregious level of disrespect, crossing well into insurrection. 

"I have the Clones. I have the arms. That's more value then the Karstarks will ever be." Robb decided as the blaster fire from outside went off. "It's common sense."

"That sounds more like arrogance to me." Obi Wan commented.

It was raining heavy when Rickard Karstark was brought before a field as the Clone escorted him to be lined up. Robb, Jon and Obi Wan walked up to him. Obi Wan had his hood of his robes up. 

"The blood of the first men flows through my veins as much as yours boys. I fought the Mad King for your father. I fought Joffrey for you. I fought the Separatists for those Jedi. We are kin, Stark and Karstark." Karstark reminded.

"That didn't stop you for betraying for me." Robb replied. "And it won't save you now." 

"I didn't want you to save me. I wanted to honor you to the end of your days. To see you on the Iron Throne." Rickard explained.

"Get on with it!" Ygritte yelled. She wanted to see some blood spilled.

"Yeah, you heard the Wildling." Karstark said.

Robb was still set on killing him.

"Would the Prisoner request to be blindfolded?" Cody asked. Protocol first.

Karstark didn't say a thing. "I'll take that as a no."

"Kneel my lord." Robb ordered.

Karstark got on his knees and Robb took a blaster from Cody and aimed it at Rickard Karstark. Ned told Robb that he who passes the sentence should swing the sword.

"Rickard Karstark. Lord of Karthhold. In the sight of Gods and Men. I sentence you to die. Would you speak your final words?"

"Kill me and be cursed! You are no King of mine!" Karstark declared.

Robb shot multiple bolts right at his head. And Rickard Karstark was no more. 

"I didn't have a choice. It had to be done." Robb explained to Obi Wan.

"What's done is done. But Robb. Be careful of your next steps. Arrogance diminishes wisdom." Obi Wan warned.

Robb then walked away.

Grievous surveyed the damage of the Courtyard. And he also looked at the scorch marks on the walls of the castle thanks to the Rhydonium explosion. The Droids told him of the incident that happened. 

"So... The Stark boys tried to escape, but you stopped them." Grievous recapped.

"And the Rhydonium blew Rickon up." The Droid added. 

"I can see that." Grievous noted. "Well... that's one way to kill a pup, I suppose." He admitted. But Grievous only regretted that he wasn't able to kill them himself.

"What about Theon?" Grievous asked.

"Still in the dungeons, sir." The Droid answered. "Guess the Bandits didn't figure he was worth saving." He guessed.

"Can't argue there." Grievous replied. "What about the cripple?" He asked.

"No sign. They escaped up North." The Droid reported.

Grievous walked around. "You said that Bandits attacked Winterfell." He remembered.

"Uh... yes sir. They had some raggedy clothes if ever I saw them." The Droid replied.

"No." Grievous said. "It wasn't bandits. There was no way any common bandit could slip into Winterfell like this." He thought. Grievous may have been a barbarian, but he wasn't stupid.

"What do you mean, sir?" The Droid asked.

"A party wanted to get the Stark boys out. That's why they waited for me to leave for the Iron Islands." Grievous answered.

"Well what party would want to get the Stark boys out. I highly doubt it was the Starks. They're down South." The Droid replied.

"You're right." Grievous thought. And he looked at the body of Osha as it was being carried out of Winterfell ready to be buried out in a field for the fungus to devour. "Bandits didn't attack Winterfell. But I know who did." He realized.

"The Wildlings?" The Droid asked.

"Bingo." Grievous answered. "Osha was a Wildling. It stands to reason that there was a connection between the Starks and the Wildlings before we got here. They must've made a deal with the Starks in case there was an incident." He explained, even though he was wrong.

"I don't know General. It seems a little far fetched." The Droid commented. 

"And... I heard reports from the Droid forces South of a Wildling working with the Starks and Lannisters. They're linked together." Grievous added.

The Droid admitted that Grievous had a point. "So Bran goes with the Wildlings, and where are they exactly?" The Droid asked.

"Beyond the Wall where we crashed." Grievous answered. With Grievous as Lord of Winterfell, he heard of the reports of the Wildlings that existed beyond the Walls. "But Bran won't be going to anything." He declared.

"Uh, General. How do you know that?" The Droid asked.

"Because we are going to blow the Wildlings, Sky High." Grievous answered. Leave it to Grievous to blow something up in revenge.

"Should we load up the Dropships for battle?" The Droid asked.

"Load it up. But load it with Rhydonium. Makes less of a mess." Grievous ordered.

"Roger roger." The Droid replied.

Meanwhile, Daenerys, and the Jedi were outside of Yunkai. And Anakin and Ahsoka were meeting with Obi Wan. Anakin was telling him about the incident that happened at Astapor. And how the Separatists were involved with working with Slavers Bay in a new slave trade.

"I'm... sorry you had to face that again, Anakin." Obi Wan said. He knew about the pain that Anakin was going through with the slaves.

"It's okay, Master." Anakin replied. "I'm actually glad we came. We liberated the slaves, Master. And we'll liberate more in these cities." He seemed proud of that. 

"I never thought the Separatists would be evil enough to deal in Slavery." Ahsoka added.

"They're controlled by a Sith, Ahsoka. Stands to reason they would deal with Salvers." Anakin replied with an angry tone. 

Obi Wan could sense the Dark Side growing in Anakin. "Anakin. Calm your mind." Obi Wan suggested.

Anakin may have had a short fuse, but he did listen to his Master that cared for him. 

"So, Master Kenobi. How's the situation in Westeros?" Ahsoka asked changing the subject.

"Unfortunately we've had a set back, Ahsoka." Obi Wan answered. "There's been some treason committed by Rickard Karstark and Robb had him killed." 

"The guy who doubted Ahsoka?" Anakin asked. He never liked Karstark anyway.

"That would be the one." Obi Wan answered reluctantly.

"But that's not what the problem is." Anakin noticed.

"No. I'm afraid for Robb. When he took Lord Karstarks head, The Karstark troops packed up and left for home. Robb's lost half of his army now. Which means that we now have to carry him on our backs." Obi Wan explained. He recalled of Robb saying that he had the Clones and he had the Jedi.

"Well, Sky Guy arrogant too." Ahsoka pointed out.

Anakin looked at her.

"Don't deny it, Anakin. You are arrogant." Obi Wan chuckled. He never missed a moment to toss a shade at his Padawan. Then he turned serious again. "But even Anakin, as arrogant as he is, he was always able to control himself. Robb's arrogance on the other hand may cost him the war and his life."  

"Well, Obi Wan. If anyone can help Robb win the war. It's you. He's going to need your wisdom now more than ever." Anakin replied. And he wasn't being sarcastic about it.

"Yes, well it's such a shame YOU don't listen to me more often." Obi Wan shot back.

"Do you want us to come back to Westeros?" Ahsoka asked.

"No. Stay in Essos and deal with the Separatist influence there. If we need you, we'll call for you." Obi Wan answered.

And that was when Jon walked into the Hologram. "Sorry to bother you, Master Kenobi. But have you seen my sword? I was sure I left it here." Jon asked.

"Ygritte came by and said she would give it to you." Obi Wan answered.

Jon frowned. "Nevermind. I understand." He left to go find Ygritte.

Obi Wan sighed. It's like dealing with multiple Padawan versions of Anakin. "I'll do what I can for Robb. Hopefully he can contain his arrogance before it consumes him." He announced.

"Yeah, or he'll end up just like Chairman Cho." Anakin added.

"The Chairman of Pantora?" Ahsoka asked. She wasn't there when the Republic traveled to Orto Plutonia.

"Yeah, the one who declared war on the Talz and got himself killed as a result." Anakin answered. He also lost some of his own men as a result of the Chairman's arrogance.

"I'll keep an eye on Robb. We'll speak again later." Obi Wan decided. "May the Force be with you, Anakin."

"May the force be with you." Anakin replied.

"Might I speak to Ahsoka alone for a moment?" Obi Wan requested.

"Yeah, sure." Anakin nodded. He left Obi Wan and Ahsoka alone.

"Ahsoka. I've sensed a disturbance in the force. Coming from Anakin." Obi Wan stated.

Ahsoka nodded grimly. "Yes Master. When the Slavers approached Anakin, they wanted to make a deal for me. And Anakin, he cut the slavers down." She explained.

Obi Wan sighed. "Ahsoka... Anakin--"

"Used to be a slave, I know. R2 told me." Ahsoka interrupted.

"Yes. Anakin has always struggled to put his past behind him. And that can cause some... disturbing memories for him. Keep an eye on him, will you?" Obi Wan requested. 

"I will." Ahsoka replied. R2 turned off the transmission.

Anakin then looked at the city of Yunkai from the outside. Slaves were living in that city. Just like he did years ago. And he still remembered when Master Qui Gon freed him from slavery. And the last thing he said to his mother Shmi. "I will come back to free you, Mom. I promise." He said. Except he didn't. He couldn't save his mother. 

Rex was looking at Anakin stare at the city in the distance. Concerned for his commander. Fives, Jesse, and Tup were also with him.

"Excuse me Captain Rex." Daenerys said. "I hope I'm not interrupting something." 

"Not at all, Queen Daenerys." Rex replied as he turned around.

"Forgive me, but might I ask a few questions?" Daenerys asked.

"If I can answer them." Rex replied. 

"You call yourself Clones, what... is that exactly?" Daenerys asked.

"Ah, that." Rex reminded himself that the planet they were on was primitive, and probably didn't have the technology that the Galaxy had. "First, you'll have to accept that they are some things you won't understand right away. Clones are genetically created copies of a single person. We all share the same face." He started.

"Show me." Daenerys requested.

The Clones all took off their helmets. And Daenerys stood back at looking at all the same face. But she looked intrigued. "Remarkable. I've never heard of sorcery like this before." She said.

"We're not created through sorcery. We're created through technology." Rex corrected. "The Clone Army in particular was created on Kamino. All of us were created using the blood of a donor."

"And who was this donor?" Daenerys asked.

"The best bounty hunter in the Galaxy at the time. A man named Jango Fett." Rex answered. "We all share his face, his voice, his body. A Jedi Master named Sifo Dias requested the Kaminoans to build him an army. Jango Fett was chosen to be the template." He explained.

"So you were created through the blood of Jango Fett. Or was it stolen from him?" Daenerys asked.

"Not at all." Rex quickly answered. "He underwent the project willingly. He oversaw our training personally. And he agreed to do it on the condition that one of the Clones be given to him as a son from an early age. This was about 2 to 3 years ago." 

Daenerys looked confused. "2 to 3 years? You look quite old for your age." She joked.

Rex laughed. "Yeah, well we were all given growth acceleration. The Kaminoans said that it would take a lifetime for a clone to grow. They can do it in a fraction of the time." He explained.

"I see." Daenerys said. "And how do you assign a rank for your troopers? Is that given to you as well by the Kaminoans?" She asked.

"Yep. From the moment I was cloned. I was Captain of the 501st Legion." Rex answered. "Jesse, Tup, Hardcase, Kix. They were given the ranks of soldiers, it's how they engineered us. And Fives, he's an Arc Trooper." 

Daenerys was actually curious that this was the way the Clones accepted it. Could they change their fates if they wanted to? And how does working in an army where everyone looks the same, work? Rex could tell that's what Daenerys was thinking.

"It's kind of confusing at first. Especially in an army where everyone looks like you and talks like you. But we're more than just clones. We're shoulder to shoulder on those front lines. Brothers. And no matter what, we are united." Rex continued. 

Daenerys nodded understanding where the clones were coming from. "And what will you do when the war is over?" She asked.

Rex looked confused. "You mean the Clone Wars?" He asked.

"Yes." Daenerys answered.

Rex went deep into thought about that. "I guess... I remain a soldier to the Republic. The Clones were bred for the single purpose to stop the Separatists. When the war is over. I suppose it will be all about keeping the peace in the galaxy." He guessed. "A lot of people say that the war shouldn't have existed in the first place."

"And what do you say? If it wasn't for the war, you wouldn't exist." Daenerys asked curious. 

Rex didn't say anything. He didn't have an answer just yet.

"I understand." Daenerys replied. She turned to the other clones. "One last question. You were given your ranks from the moment you were created. If you had the chance to choose a Commander, out of curiosity, who would it be?" She asked.

"No contest. Rex." Jesse answered. "He's proven to be worthy of the Captain rank time and again." 

"Rex for the win." Hardcase answered. "It's not going to be me, I'm just a hyperball ready to go off." His cloning pod had a leak in it when he was on Kamino. That's why Hardcase was so Hyperactive.

"Rex." Kix answered. "But when it comes to the health and safety of the men. I outrank everyone." 

"Rex. He's the best Captain in any squadron. You won't find any other." Tup answered.

And that made Rex smile to know that his brothers if they had the choice, would still choose Rex every time.

"And you Fives?" Daenerys asked. She noticed that Fives didn't answer the question.

"Actually, I'm an ARC Trooper in Domino Squad. I've been assigned to the 501st as mission assist." Fives answered. "But I would say that if I was in the 501st, I would choose Rex." 

"Domino Squad? Where is the rest of the squad?" But when Fives's expression darkened, Daenerys wished she could take that back.

"The Squad is... gone. I'm all that's left." Fives took out a little picture of him and his Squad. He showed it to Daenerys. Even though all the Clones looked like each other, Fives could still tell who they are. He pointed to each Clone to prove their point. "That one's Droidbait. That one in the middle is Cutup. And over there with the big gun is Heavy. They were killed by a Separatist attack on an Outpost in the Rishi Moons." Fives explained. "Droid bait was killed by Commando Droids. And Cutup was killed by a giant eel that lived on the planet. And Heavy... well let's just say he made the ultimate sacrifice to let others live."   

Daenerys looked more at the portrait. "Who's the old man?" She asked looking at an old hunched up Clone.

"99." Fives answered. "He was a defective Clone. A bad batch they called him. But when Kamino was attacked... He stepped up to the plate and did his duty in what he was bred for." 

"And this one?" Daenerys pointed to another clone. And Fives sighed shaking his head. Daenerys could tell that those two were especially close.

"Echo." Fives answered. "During a mission to rescue a Jedi Master from the Citadel... it went wrong, and Echo. He... was killed." That mission haunted Fives to this day. He played that image in his head over and over again.

"I wish I could've met them. They sounded like very honorable men." Daenerys replied. 

"They were. It was an honor to work alongside them." Rex commented.

"I apologize if I offended Captain. I only asked these questions because of my Unsullied I'm leading. I need a commander of the Unsullied. And... I'm thinking of giving my men the option on who to choose as their commander." Daenerys explained.

That made Rex give a newfound respect for the Dragon Queen. A leader that let's their men choose their commander. That would be a sight to see. "A good plan." He admitted.

They could see Ahsoka and R2 walking up to them. And Ahsoka was looking at Anakin still starring at the city. 

"Your Master sounds like quite a man." Daenerys said to Ahsoka. 

Ahsoka nodded. "Master Skywalker is the best man you'll ever see. He's the best Star Pilot in the Galaxy, and a Cunning warrior. And he's also the most caring men you'll ever see." She replied. "It's an honor to be his apprentice." 

Daenerys smiled. She may not have known what a star pilot was, but she figured that Anakin must've been good at it because of the way Ahsoka described it. 

"It's also an honor to serve as his Second." Rex added. Unlike other Jedi, especially Krell. Anakin didn't treat the Clones like Droids with their numbers. He treated them as men.

That was when Daenerys walked up to Anakin to liberate Yunkai. "Shall we begin?" She asked.

"Let's do this." Anakin answered.

True to everyone's thinking. The Karstarks left the Stark/Republic Army. No one was surprised. But now there was a problem. Robb lost half his army. And that meant relying on the Republic to carry Robb all the way to King's Landing. He was up late at night looking at the holomap of Westeros and the hologram models that displayed the armed forces. Talisa was telling him to come to bed. Robb hadn't slept at all these days anymore.

"Come to bed." Talisa requested when Obi Wan walked in.

"Still up, Your Majesty?" He asked.

"You were right." Robb said to Talisa. "The Karstarks are gone. That's half our forces." He wished he could throw the hologram models on the floor. Robb then turned to Obi Wan. "And you were right. I killed him out of arrogance."

"I didn't say that, Robb. I said that Arrogance diminishes wisdom." Obi Wan corrected. 

Robb gave a heavy sigh. "Robb. Making decisions like that aren't easy to make. And as King you are going to have to make some tough decisions that not everyone will agree with. But that's the responsibility that comes with that power." Obi Wan reassured.

"You sound like my father." Robb commented. He thought that Ned would've liked Obi Wan. "But what if my decisions lead to mistakes that could hound me to my grave?" He asked.

"Time will tell when and what mistakes were made, Robb. But it's also important that you learn from them. Otherwise you will continue to make the same mistakes over and over and that can lead to your death." Obi Wan answered. 

"I suppose." Robb admitted. "But Tywin Lannister knows what he needs to do to make us unravel. Nothing, but wait." 

"Unlike you, he's probably getting some much needed rest." Obi Wan replied. He knew how this game of war was played. Obi Wan was a General in the Republic, he had the reputation of waiting, making observations on his enemies. And above all using the most important quality of a Jedi: patience. But for Robb, he was panicking. Now he was worried that the Republic didn't have the numbers to win the war. 

"What about requesting more reinforcements?" Robb asked hopefully to Obi Wan.

Obi Wan frowned. "I'm afraid that might take even longer. The Senate enjoys playing politics and I doubt that they will send more aid to a planet not worth the effort." He explained. The Republic was already out on a limb by having two Armies on an Outer Rim territory. 

"Don't let Tywin Lannister unravel you." Talisa advised.

"So what can I do?" Robb asked. "If we attack King's Landing, Tywin will be ready for us. And the Separatists aiding are going to make it impossible." He pointed out.

"We could ride North. Take back your land from Grievous, and wait out the winter." Talisa suggested.

"Then Grievous would go to King's Landing." Obi Wan shot that down. "And Sansa will never be free. Or worse. She could be brought off planet, and taken deep into Separatist Space never to be seen again."

Robb swallowed hard. He couldn't let Sansa be taken by those monsters deep into space and on another planet. Not to mention that to Robb's knowledge, Grievous still had Bran and Rickon. He could bring them to King's Landing and that would be more toys for Joffrey to break like he was doing to Sansa. 

"Winter could last 5 years. And once my men are home, sitting by their fires, surrounded by their families, warm, and safe. They'll never ride South again." Robb added. He banged his hand on the board. "When I gathered my Lords together we had a purpose, a mission. Now we're like a band of bickering children. And having to rely on a big brother to fight our battles for us."  

It was sad to admit that Robb needed the Republic now more than ever, especially Obi Wan. Before the Clone Wars came to Westeros, Robb was winning the war. Then the Separatists crash landed. He couldn't tell what would happen if the Separatists didn't show up and he was fighting the Lannisters alone. But this was their reality now and they had to deal with it. 

"Then give them a new purpose. You as King." Talisa suggested. She was trying to help her husband as best she could. She hated it when Robb was nervous and didn't know what to do. But she wasn't a military officer. "I don't know. I don't even know where Winterfell is." 

Robb went over and moved Talisa's hand across the Holoboard. "Winterfell is here. King's landing is here." He explained. But he suddenly stopped and dropped Talisa's hand. He then looked at the map again.

"What is it?" Obi Wan asked.

"I can't force them to meet us in the field. And I can't attack them where they're strongest." Robb answered. He then moved a figure of his army over to Casterly Rock. "But what if... I send a decoy army over to Casterly Rock. We make Tywin think we're attacking his home, and then we send the rest of our forces for an all out assault on King's Landing." He explained.

"Will it work?" Talisa asked.

"It could. But it would require a big diversion. And where would we find an army to replace the Karstarks on short notice?" Obi Wan asked.

 And Robb knew that there was only one Lord in Westeros who could do that. "Yeah, this is the awkward part. There's only one Lord in all of Westeros with that kind of army, who hasn't sided with the Separatists yet." He answered.

"And that would be the man who's daughter you were suppose to marry." Obi Wan figured it out in no time flat. 

"Yes. Walder Frey." Robb moved a Stark piece on the Holoboard over to where the Twins were.  

"I can see why that would be awkward." Obi Wan replied with a sarcastic tone. "But seriously. Get some rest, Robb. We'll speak tomorrow." He advised. Robb nodded and went to sleep for the night. Talisa stayed up though. Obi Wan wanted a quick word with her. 

"Is everything alright, My Lady? You seem tense" Obi Wan asked.

Talisa nodded. "I'm just afraid for him, Master Jedi. I love Robb. And if anything should happen to him." She then touched her stomach. And Obi Wan understood immediately. 

"Does he know he'll be a father?" Obi Wan asked.

"Not yet." Talisa answered looking down. "He can't afford any distractions now. Not even the news of me carrying his little prince or princess." She explained.

It was true that Robb couldn't afford distractions, but this was his child. Throughout all of the struggles that he was enduring. Robb deserved some hope in his life. "Talisa. He's going to find out eventually. You have to tell him." Obi Wan informed.

And Obi Wan was right. But she wondered how Robb would respond to the news. Would he go home to ensure his wife and child were safe? The future was always in motion. "I know." She replied.

Meanwhile in King's Landing. Podrick was pouring Wine for Olenna Tyrell who was meeting with Tyrion about some financial matters. And Podrick poured too much wine.

"Gods, boy. That's enough. We're not in a tavern." Olenna scoffed.

"Pardon me my-"

"No need to speak." Olenna interrupted holding up her hand to dismiss him away. "Are there any figs? Fetch some." She ordered.

Tyrion waved at Podrick to do as the lady says.

"I always take figs mid afternoon. They help move the bowels." Olenna told Tyrion.  

Tyrion nodded politely.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Olenna asked getting to business. That was the way she rolled. If you were going to speak to Olenna, then just say what you want to say.

"Thank you for seeing me, My Lady. I'd hoped we might discuss some financial matters." Tyrion replied.

Olenna didn't look impressed. "I climbed all those steps to discuss financial matters?" She asked with a disappointed attitude. "You could've just told me on your holo thing or whatever it's called.

"Hologram." Tyrion corrected. "But I find it more civilized to speak face to face." He explained himself  quickly. "There's the matter of the Royal Wedding. I'm told you have a hand in planning it." 

"Naturally." Olenna replied.

"It's shaping up to be a very... involved affair. The word extravagant has been used-"

"What good is the word extravagant, if it can't be used to describe a royal wedding?" Olenna asked. 

"I understand that." Tyrion said.

"Good." Olenna replied.

"But as Master of Coin. It falls on me to calculate the costs of the crown. As of now, it's a huge expense." Tyrion continued.

"And?" Olenna asked wanting to know where Tyrion was going with this. 

"We're at war, Lady Olenna." Tyrion answered.

And Olenna let out one of those sarcastic hm, sounds. "Hm, I've nearly forgotten." She noted.

"Yes. And Maintaining supply lines-" Tyrion started.

"I think how it slipped my mind." Olenna interrupted. Tyrion was barely getting any words in today. But that was to be expected from the Queen of Thornes. "What is it? 12,000 infantrymen the Tyrell family has supplied. 1,800 mounted lances. 2,000 in support. Provisions, so this city might survive the winter. A million bushels of wheat, half a million bushels each of barley oats and rye. 20,000 head of cattle, 50,000 sheep. You don't have to lecture me about Wartime expenses I'm quite familiar with. And I'm not going to bother counting all the planets and star systems these two factions, the Separatists and the Republic fight over."

"And we are so grateful for your contributions which are necessary for the preservation of the realm." Tyrion replied. "And we're also grateful to Grievous for his Droids." He muttered.

"As is a royal wedding." Olenna shot back. "The people are hungry for more than just food. They crave distractions. If we don't provide them, they'll create their own. And their distractions are likely to end with us being torn to pieces. A royal wedding is much safer wouldn't you say?" She asked. 

"I would." Tyrion answered.

"And traditionally paid for by the Royal family." Olenna added.

Tyrion didn't speak a word to Olenna about that. Olenna knew what Tyrion wanted to speak to her about. "I was told you were drunk, impertinent, and thoroughly divulged. You can imagine my disappointment at finding nothing but a browbeaten bookkeeper." She started.

That was when Podrick came back with the Figs. "Where did you go for them, Volantis?" She asked at the slow speed of Podrick.  

"My Lady-" Tyrion started to say.

"Oh, very well. I won't have it said that House Tyrell refuses to play it's part. We'll pay for half the expenses and the celebrations as planned." Olenna declared. She started to stand up. "Is that sufficient?"

"Quite sufficient." Tyrion answered standing up as well. And the best compromise that he was going to get. "Thank you." 

" Very good. Then it's settled. Good day." Olenna replied as she left for the door. "But may I ask. Why did you ask me and not the Separatists to pay?" She asked.

"Because when I asked Grievous about it, he asked me why should he waste his Credits on some  planet's personal social life. He also said he was fighting a war and we shouldn't bother with a wedding." Tyrion explained.

"He sounds almost diplomatic when he told you that." Olenna noted surprised.

"He wasn't. He was far more unsubtle. I just cleaned it up." Tyrion replied.

And Olenna put that together. "Now that, I believe." 

He secured speaking with Olenna Tyrell to pay for half the stuff. Now it was time to tell his father. He carried his book with him to the Chamber of the Hand. But Cersei was also there. And Grievous was also there via hologram.

"General." Tyrion greeted.

"Coin man." Grievous muttered.

"What's she doing here?" Tyrion asked his father about Cersei.

"Our business concerns her too." Tywin answered as Cersei flashed a smug smile. 

Tyrion sat down and opened his book like he was presenting his parents with a good grade. "You'll be pleased to learn, that after one conversation with Olenna Tyrell. I have saved the crown, hundreds of thousands for this wedding."

"Never mind that, we have something important to discuss." Tywin announced.

"The Master of Coin saving money isn't?" Tyrion asked.

That was when Cersei smirked more at Tyrion. 

"Stop that. You're making me uncomfortable." Tyrion knew that whenever Cersei smiled like that, it was never good.

"Your sister has learned that your new friends, The Tyrells are plotting to marry Sansa Stark to Ser Loras." Tywin informed.

"Very well. She's a lovely girl." Tyrion replied. "Missing some of Ser Loras' favorite bits, but I'm sure they'll make due." He joked.

"Your jokes are not appreciated." Tywin commented.

"It wasn't my best, but I thought-"

"Still better then those annoying jokes that Nute Gunray tries to say about killing that Senator from Naboo." Grievous muttered.

"Nute Gunray?" Cersei asked.

"Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Not important now." Grievous answered.

"Never mind that." Tywin interrupted calmly. "I bring the Tyrells into the royal fold and this is how they repay me. By trying to steal the key to the North out from under me."  

"Sansa is the key to the North?" Tyrion asked. "I seem to remember she has an older brother." He recalled in case Tywin forgot that little factor.

"The Karstarks have marched home. The young wolf has lost half his army, he's now relying on the backs of the Clones. But it won't be enough. His days are numbered." Tywin replied.

"Don't underestimate the Jedi, My Lord." Grievous warned. "Kenobi and Skywalker are two of the greatest generals the Republic has ever seen."

"But it shouldn't be a problem for a warrior of your caliber." Tywin replied. 

Grievous coughed up. But he was silent. He didn't tell Tywin of all the times he faced the Jedi. And Kenobi was always that one Jedi to get the best of him, every time. Every single time. 

"And her brothers, Bran and Rickon?" Tyrion asked.

Grievous held up the disfigured arm of Rickon. "This is all that's left of Sansa's brothers." He explained. "That makes Sansa Stark the heir to Winterfell, as your father explained to you." 

Tyrion starred at the arm. "Yes, but did you really have to be so... barbaric in your methods of execution?" He asked.

"Oh this? Much as I would like to take credit for this, I can't." Grievous then told the Lannisters a lie, that as he was ready to swing his blades at the Stark boys, they both ran for their lives like the scared little dogs they were. And they both ran for a stash of explosive Rhydonium. And the explosion killed them both.

"I'm unfamiliar with Rhydonium." Cersei commented.

"Ah right. It's a volatile fuel source for Hyperspace ships. Now in your backwater mind, I could understand how a concept like that wouldn't click for you." Grievous explained. "But even a little kid can grasp sense of it. Too bad you can't." 

Cersei took offense to that. "Are you calling me dumb?" She asked.

"I called you backwater. Same thing basically." Grievous clarified.

That made Cersei's nostrils flare. Who did this Cyborg think he was to call Cersei dumb? She really didn't like Grievous giving this influence over Joffrey away from her. Now she was being called dumb right over hologram. As for Grievous, he saw that Cersei was a complete and utter bitch. With the slime and scum of Gunray, and the ego and greed of Wat Tambor combined. At least that's what Grievous thought.

But there was one thing that Tyrion still didn't understand. "Hold on, how is Sansa the heir to Winterfell?" Tyrion asked. "I seem to recall that you are now Lord of Winterfell, Grievous."

"His position is not permanent." Tywin answered for Grievous. "General Grievous is only in charge of Winterfell for the duration of the campaign in Westeros. When the war is finished here, he will return to the larger stage of the galaxy." And Tywin wasn't going to hand the Key to the North over to the Tyrells when Grievous had left.

"The Tyrell army is helping us to win this war. Do you really think it wise to refuse them?" Tyrion asked.

"There's nothing to refuse. This is a plot. Plots are not public knowledge. And the Tyrells won't carry this one out until after Joffrey's wedding." Tywin replied. "We need to act first, and kill this union in its crib."

"And how do we do that?" Tyrion asked. 

"We find Sansa a different husband." Tywin answered.

"Wonderful." Tyrion replied.

"Yes it is." Cersei smirked at Tyrion remembering her pride before Grievous ruined it. One look and Tyrion knew what that meant. It meant that Sansa was going to marry him. He looked at Tywin and a look from Tywin said that this wasn't a joke.

"You can't mean it." Tyrion said.

"I can and I do." Tywin replied.

"Joffrey has made this poor girls life miserable since the day he took her father's head. Now she's finally free of him and you give her to me? That's cruel, even for you!" Tyrion protested.

"Cruel Galaxy." Grievous commented.

"Do you plan on mistreating her?" Tywin asked. "The girls happiness is not my concern, nor should it be yours." 

"She's a child!" Tyrion shouted.

"She's flowered, I assure you. She and I have discussed it." Cersei informed.

"There, see? You will wed her, bed her and put a child in her. Surely you're capable of that." Tywin explained like it was a daily mourning routine.

"And if I refuse?" Tyrion asked.

"You wanted to be rewarded for your valor in battle. Sansa Stark is a finer reward then you could ever dare hope for." Tywin answered. "And it is high time you were wed."  

That made Tyrion stare angrily at his father. "I was wed. Or don't you remember?" He asked.

Tywin stared back at his son. "Only too well." He answered. There was a lot of history with Tyrion's last wife. None of it pretty. Tywin had his soldiers gang rape the wife under the pretense that she was a whore. Father and Son were starring at each other while Cersei was still talking.

"You should be thanking the gods for this. This is more than you deserve." Cersei commented.

"Can I go now?" Grievous asked. He wasn't interested in hearing this family drama. 

"In a moment, General." Tywin answered. "Tyrion will do as he's told." But he then turned to Cersei like she was a new target to acquire in his sights. "As will you." He said.

Cersei turned around to Tywin. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"You will marry Theon Greyjoy." Tywin answered.

Cersei's big shot smugness was gone at that moment. "I will not." She replied.

"Tyrion will secure the North, you will secure the Iron Islands." Tywin explained. He would've had Cersei marry Ser Loras to secure the Reach, but the Greyjoys were harassing Tywin's lands for generations. This marriage would end that once and for all. Instead. Tywin could appoint Ser Loras to the King's Guard and he wouldn't marry at all. Joffrey and Margery's children could rule the Reach instead. They would have Tyrell blood inside of them which made them proper candidates.

"I won't do it." Cersei said.

"Yes you will." Tywin replied. "You're still fertile. You need to marry again and breed." 

And Grievous could see the differences between Tyrion and Cersei. With Tyrion, Tywin was trying to persuade his son into marrying Sansa Stark showing all the benefits. But he was just telling Cersei to marry Theon.

"I am Queen Regent!" Cersei protested. "Not some brood-"

"YOU'RE MY DAUGHTER!" Tywin yelled raising his voice. Which was always scary when he did that. "You will do as I command. And YOU will MARRY Theon Greyjoy! And put an end to the disgusting rumors about you. Once and for all."

"I'll leave you three alone." Grievous decided. He then walked away shouting: "Theon! You're getting hitched!" The hologram turned off.

Cersei was starting to ask scarred like a little kid. "Father... don't make me do it again, please--" She begged.

But Tywin stood up. "Not another word." He ordered. He then looked at his children. Tyrion still starring straight. And Cersei looking down at her feet. But Tywin looked at his disappointing excuses for children. "My children. You've disgraced the Lannister name for far too long." He scolded. Tywin then walked out of the room leaving both Tyrion and Cersei not happy about their current situation.  

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