Chapter 20: The Battle of King's Landing.

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Sirens wailed all throughout the city. Civilians were taking shelter and locking their doors. Lannister Troops, and Battle Droids were taking positions at the walls all through out the city. The Republic were coming. As for the Red Keep. Tyrion was walking with Bronn near the Throne Room. "This isn't going to be like Blackwater." Tyrion said to Bronn. 

"I don't think your little Wildfire trick will work this time, Milord." Bronn commented.

"You're right." Tyrion admitted. This wasn't Stannis Baratheon and his ships. This was the Jedi. Warriors who were versatile in all different types of combat. And Clones who were trained for war. He went off to see Shae and Sansa in the main hall before he left for his post. And just like Blackwater Bay, the two were there in the throne room.

"Sansa." Tyrion greeted.

"My Lord." Sansa greeted back. She put on a terrified face, but really she was happy the Republic was coming. That meant Robb was coming to take the city. "I pray that you stay safe."

Tyrion shrugged himself. "I can understand that. We are man and wife after all, are we not?"

"Of course." Sansa answered weakly. 

That was also when Margery and Loras walked in. Loras wore the same armor that Renly Baratheon had worn. Olenna was also with them. "Being thrown into coop with a foolish flock of hens. Oh, I can just imagine the cramping." Olenna thought out loud.

"It's for our protection, Grandmother." Margery explained.

But Olenna wasn't convinced. "If they wanted to give us protection, they would've given us all blasters, or swords. But no. They store us all with the Queen Mother in a Holdfast. Though she might get drunk. I heard things get interesting when the Lannisters are drunk."

"Well you're more than welcome to pick up a sword and armor, Grandmother." Loras offered.

"True, but unlike you I wouldn't get knocked into the ground like a silly boy." Olenna shot back as Loras sighed. That was his Grandmother for him.

And that was when Joffrey in his armor came forth with the King's Guard. "Lady Margery." He noticed. "You're King rides forth to battle."

Margery put on a smile. "I pray that you will be victorious as you were with Stannis. May I kiss your blade?" She asked.

"Of course." Joffrey answered pulling out his sword, and Margery gave it a kiss. "The next time you see this sword. It will be covered in Robb Stark's blood. He will be dead along with these Jedi. And you and I will be married in the greatest wedding the world has ever seen." He declared. But Joffrey then turned to Loras. "Come Ser Loras. We need to speak of our defense."

"Stay safe, Sister. Grandmother." Loras turned to the ladies.

"And you dear brother." Margery replied.

"Come my dear." Olenna insisted as she nodded politely to Loras.

"Ser Meryn. Could you escort Lady Sansa?" Joffrey asked with a wicked smile.

Meryn then escorted Sansa out of the Throne Room. But Tyrion knew what was going on. "You're not escorting my wife to the other ladies are you?" He asked.

Joffrey shook his head. "Sansa will serve me in another purpose." He explained.

Tyrion was about to argue, until Tywin forced everyone to come up to him. In attendance were Tywin, Joffrey, Bronn, Kevan Lannister, Tyrion, Grievous, Mace, Loras, Jamie Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, and Sam's father: Randyll Tarly. 

"The Lannister Forces will hold the streets and the assist the Droids. We'll keep the Tyrells in reserve and send Theon to protect the harbors." Tywin explained.

"Might prove difficult." Tyrion muttered. "This isn't like any other battle we've been in." 

Grievous stared at him. "I will destroy the Jedi. I called for reinforcements, but we need to hold the city until they can arrive. I am confident that our forces will hold out." He reassured but then coughed.

That was when a Droid rushed out into the room. "Sir. The enemy is 30 miles out from us." He reported.

"The wolves rush to the Lion's den. So be it." Tywin announced. "Lord Tarly, prepare our troops. Jamie, take to the streets. All of you go."

All the commanders left the room. "We've never seen a battle like this. Are you ready?" Randyll asked.

Tywin nodded.

Littlefinger would be waiting in reserve with the Tyrells. Pycelle would be with Tommen away from the battle if the city was taken. Varys would be taking shelter inside the Red Keep. He was the Master of Whispers. As for Cersei on the other hand, she walked to the Maiden Holdfast. And all the while she muttered: "I will not be undermined by creatures bred in some laboratory." 

The Gunships all approached the city. Robb had his game face on. So did the other Jedi. "We're approaching the city. 5 minutes. Check your weapons." Anakin ordered.

Jon smiled at Ygritte. "You ready to see some action, Ygritte?" He asked.

Ygritte stuck out her tongue. "I'm ready to kill some Droids." 

"You don't kill Droids, Ygritte. You destroy them." Anakin corrected.

"Destroy, kill. What's the difference?" Ygritte asked.

Anakin went on his comm. "How are you doing, Snips?" He asked.

Ahsoka was on another Gunship with Sam and Jeor Mormont. "We're ready, Sky Guy. Me and the Lord Commander are at any rate. Can't say the same for Sam." She answered looking at a shaky Sam.

"Oh boy." He kept saying over and over.

"You think this is rough, Sam? Just wait till we get to the surface." Ahsoka informed.

"You're not helping, you know." Sam pointed out.

"Suck it up, Samwell." Mormont ordered. "If you're going to be a Jedi, you need to know how to stand up to pressure." 

That was just the Lord Commander giving out his tough love. Ahsoka wasn't going to argue that.

Obi Wan in the meantime was in another gunship with Cody, Waxor, and Boil. "Everyone listen up. The Arc 170s are going to soften up defenses. Still, be ready for resistance." He informed. Everyone heard the Arc 170 Starfighters zoom right past them. 

"Here we go." Ahsoka thought.

"Sir. The enemy is approaching." A Droid cried.

"Fire at will." Grievous ordered. The Proton Cannons began firing their guns. The explosions were so loud that people had to cover their ears.

The Arc 170s fired at the proton guns. Some got shot down. But some were able to get through and shoot at the guns. AATs and Rocket Launchers also fired at the fighters. But the Gunships were approaching. And the Separatists concentrated their fire on those.

The Jedi and the Starks could feel their Gunships shake. It was a strange feeling for Ygritte, Robb and Jon. They'd never even seen a siege like this for all they knew.

"There's a lot of surface fire down there." Rex reported. Just like they thought.

"We've been through worse." Boss commented. "Remember the extraction of Omega Squad?" He asked his companions. And just as he said that. A Gunship next to them was shot down.

"You hanging in there Ygritte?" Jon asked.

"So far so good, Jon Snow." Ygritte answered.

"As soon as we land, expect fierce resistance. And if we have to improvise. We'll do it. Stay alert!" Anakin shouted.

From the window blast shields, Robb could see the city of King's Landing firing red blaster shells at all directions. "There it is! King's Landing!" He yelled. 

"Woah!" Ygritte was also looking at the city and the Red Keep. "Now THAT'S a Castle!" 

"And Sansa's in there." Jon added.

"Well let's bring her home." Anakin declared.

The Gunship amidst the blaster fire landed near the harbor docks. The doors opened and the pilot yelled out: "GO! GO! GO! GO!"

Anakin jumped out and ignited his lightsaber. Delta Squad also jumped out firing their blasters making even shots at the Droids. The 501st also jumped out and started blasting away. 

"The reckoning is upon them!" Hardcase yelled firing his minigun.

"Try not to waste all your ammo, Hardcase. We still gotta take the Keep." Rex reminded.

"You never let me have fun, Captain." Hardcase complained.

"Hardcase, if we let you have fun. Half the Galaxy would be on fire." Jesse pointed out shooting at a Gold Cloak. Anakin continued to hack and slash with his Lightsaber. 

Robb also used his sword Ice to strike down the Lannisters. Jon was right at his side. Ygritte was also behind them firing her blaster. 

"So this is what war is like?" Ygritte asked.

"Apparently." Jon answered, still getting use to all the Clones and the Droids in the scene. And fighting his way to the Mud Gate.

Ahsoka sensed fighting going on by the harbor. That meant that Anakin was already on the move. She smiled.

"What's up with you?" Sam asked.

"Sky Guy's got a head start. We'll have some major catching up to do." Ahsoka answered. But then a massive shake appeared on the Gunship. They took a hit and were going down.

Sam shrieked the whole way down. But Ahsoka just braced for impact. "Here we go again." She muttered. This would not have been the first time she crashed on a gunship. The Gunship made a crash near the Dragon Gate and by the East Barracks of the City Watch.

"Another Happy Landing." Sam muttered.

"You alright Sam?" Ahsoka asked.

"Fine." Sam answered.

"I'm okay too." Mormont informed. The impact shook him up a little. He struggled to get up. "Gah. I'm getting too old for this shit." He grumbled to himself.

"Come on! We gotta keep moving!" Ahsoka ripped out a part of the door. She saw columns of Droids, as well as the Gold Cloaks approaching her.

"What is it?" Sam asked getting out of the Gunship. But he saw what Ahsoka was looking at. "Oh that's not good."

Ahsoka ignited her lightsabers and gave her yellow one to Sam. "You might need this." She insisted.

Sam took the lightsaber. "I'm not a great swordfighter." He commented. "And I seriously doubt lightsabers are easier."

But Ahsoka didn't see it that way. "Trial by fire. Best way to learn." 

The Droids started firing their blasters. And Ahsoka started to deflect them back. Despite her using two Lightsabers, she was still good at using 1 lightsaber to deflect. A Droid started to blast at Sam, and Sam had to duck and cover. Ahsoka jumped in front of him to protect him. "Actually. You should stick close to me." She suggested.

Sam gave a thumbs up.

Meanwhile Obi Wan had his Gunships land near the Old Gate. The AT-TEs were on the ground outside of the city. And Obi Wan could also see some Proton Cannons blasting at his ships. "Attack those Proton Cannons! Quickly!" Obi Wan ordered. The Gunships fired their missiles. Then the Gunships landed. 

"Have fun down there!" The Pilot joked. Obi Wan ignited his lightsaber and deflected the Droid blasts. Cody was right next to him firing his blaster at the Droids and taking shelter behind some trees. "All Tanks, fire at the walls!" Obi Wan yelled. He then went on his intercom. "Ahsoka what's your position?"

"We're pinned down at the Dragon Gate! We could use your help!" Ahsoka reported.

"We'll handle that." Tapal interrupted on the intercom. "You ready for some action Padawan?" He asked Cal.

"Yes Master." Cal answered.

Meanwhile at the Gate of the Gods: Mace Windu and Master Yoda were leading their troops against the Separatists. It was as much of a blood bath as the other areas in the city. Yoda used the force to lift up the Proton Cannons in the air and let them fall on the walls. 

"Many Droids here, there are." Yoda noted. 

"It won't matter when we take the city." Windu replied.

"Send in the Lightning Squadron to take the gates, should we?" Yoda asked. 

Mace Windu ignited his Purple Lightsaber. "Not necessary." He took off running for the gates and deflecting blaster fire all around him. "I'll lead the way!" He yelled jumping on top of the city walls. 

Bronn and Tyrion were at the Gate of the Gods looking as Mace Windu jumped up at the walls.

"They're serious men, these Jedi." Tyrion thought out loud.

"So was Stannis, but we beat him." Bronn pointed out. He looked at Pod. "You up for this kid?" He asked.

Pod nodded. He had full confidence that they could beat Mace Windu. And then that confidence proceeded to shatter when Mace Windu landed and all the droids were pushed off with the force. Windu then ignited his lightsaber slashing at several Lannister soldiers. But Super Battle Droids were approaching him. He would be overwhelmed. But Mace Windu disengaged his lightsaber and force pushed a couple of Lannister soldiers over the wall. And then he turned to the droids. He then used a force punch to dent all the droids, making all these quick jabs and Windu was punching them like it was paper. Windu then used more force pushes to push more Separatists out of the way.

Bronn had his mouth hung open. And then Mace Windu looked at him, Tyrion, and Pod. Pod threw down his axe and scurried off. "Well that was a smart move." Bronn thought. And Tyrion couldn't blame Pod for running off. Bronn on the other hand, just laughed and slowly put his sword on the ground. "I'm outta here." He quickly ran off too.

Tyrion on the other hand decided to stand his ground. "Well, perhaps there's some negotiations." He offered. "My family is rich. We can pay you well."

But Windu shook his head. As a Jedi. He didn't need any unnecessary attachments like wealth. He went up to Tyrion and simply said: "Have a nice nap." Windu then bonked Tyrion on the head. Tyrion lost unconsciousness.

Yoda also jumped on the wall as well. "Effective, your methods were, Master Windu." He commented.

"It's time for the next phase." Windu declared. He then opened the gates to see the Clones all set up with AT-RTs. And Windu barked orders: "Take the right. We have the left. ATTACK!" And the Clones marched forward.

Anakin had made it to the Mud Gate. "Delta Squad! Execute Door Breach maneuver!" He ordered.

"Sir, yes sir!" Boss replied. He and the rest of Delta Squad all went up to the gate while ignoring the blaster fire. Boss set up the Charges on the Mud Gate. "Stand back!" The charges were ready to blow.

"Fire in the hole!" Fixer yelled. The gates breached opened. Boss threw a thermal detonator in there for maximum efficiency. And just like he thought, a column of Droids were taken out. There was also a squad of Gold Cloaks charging at them. But Anakin drew his lightsaber cutting them down. Jon was by his side also slashing with his sword. 

"Very effective to have some Jedi!" Hardcase shouted mowing down Commando Droids from a side street.

Anakin chuckled. Especially since there were a lot of Jedi. "Alright, let's move through the city." He ordered. They continued through the main streets to see an AAT coming right at them.

"MOVE!" Everyone jumped out of the way as the tank fired down the street. But Anakin knew what to do. "Fives, we need Rocket Launchers!" He ordered. Fives got out the Rocket Launchers. He tossed one over to Boss, and another out to Jesse. They all fired at the Tank. It did some dents, but ultimately it was Anakin who was able to take out the Tank by running his lightsaber down the Tank, and making it explode. He then waved his lightsaber in the air like a baton. The rest of the 501st was also landing at the mud gate and following their general. Anakin then got on his communicator again. "Ahsoka, what's your status?" He asked. There was no response. "Ahsoka?" He asked again.

"We're fine Master!" Ahsoka answered. She was still in a fire fight, but Tapal and Cal had just arrived. "We're engaging some Seppies by the Dragon Gate." She reported. 

"Do you need any help?" Anakin asked.

"No, we're good here for now." Ahsoka answered. "Just get to the Red Keep. We'll meet you there."

"Come on, Master Skywalker!" Robb insisted. He needed to get to the Red Keep as soon as possible.

That was when Jon looked at his brother. "Robb. Even if we get to the Red Keep... you might see something you won't like." 

Robb stopped. He looked at the Red Keep, completely ignoring the sounds of blaster fire that rang throughout the city. "I know. And it's why we need to move now." He replied. 

"But Sansa could be... dead." Jon tried to choose his words more carefully.

"Don't say that, Jon." Anakin interrupted. He was listening to their conversation. "That girl's suffered enough. She's coming home."

"I know. But I'm just saying-" Jon started.

But more Droids were coming in their direction. "Less talking! More fighting!" Ygritte yelled.

On that, Anakin could agree. He ignited his lightsaber but he saw that there was a human commander leading them. 

And Robb recognized him. He knew that face of a Greyjoy everywhere.

"Who's that?" Rex asked.

"It's Theon!" Robb growled. "Shoot him down!"

"Make em eat heat!" Hardcase fired his minigun at the Droids. 

Theon saw all the violence and destruction all around him. Shell-shocked by what he was watching. This was not what he wanted. But all Robb could care about, was taking out the man who betrayed him. It was Jon who held him back though.

"Robb wait. Something's not right." He warned. But too late. Robb was on the move. He raised his sword at Theon, and Theon blocked it back.

"Robb?" Theon asked like he greeted an old friend.

"Still not dead. Theon." Robb replied coldly. "But I can't say the same for you!" He swung his sword at Robb but Theon ducked.

"Robb, please. I'm sorry I turned my back on you!" Theon apologized while deflecting the blows.

"Why did you do it?" Robb asked. "All for your father who never loved you?" Robb was keeping his sword on Theon's.

"I was a Greyjoy. I had to chose my family over the ones who kidnapped me." Theon tried to justify.

"We loved you like you were a Stark. You were my brother." Robb explained in case Theon did think of himself a hostage. "My Father gave you more love than your own father ever could. And you betrayed him."

Theon did that. Yes. That would never go away. He let go of his grip on the sword. That made Robb point his sword at Theon's throat.

"Yes. I betrayed him. I regret that now. And look what's it done to me. Just being a servant to Grievous. What I did to you, was unforgivable Robb. I took your home for you. And what Grievous did. How he tortured me. It's what I deserved." Theon said. "Go ahead. Kill me. End it now." 

But Robb still pointed the sword at Theon. Despite everything that Theon did to Robb, he still knew Theon like his brother. Instead he lowered his sword. "It's easy to judge what you've done in hindsight. But that doesn't make me want to forgive." Robb explained. "I'm not going to kill you, Theon. Now go. And never let me see your face again." He ordered.

Theon nodded and started to leave Robb's sight.

Anakin witnessed the whole scene. "You sure it was right to let him go free?" He asked Robb.

"You think he's free?" Robb asked. "He'll keep the memory of what he did to Bran and Rickon forever." He pointed out as Theon ran away from this battle. 

"Come on. Let's go." Anakin motioned for Robb to follow to the Red Keep. They had no time to waste.

Sam was swinging the Lightsaber at the Droids even slicing one. "Ha! I got one!" He exclaimed.

Ahsoka smiled. "Not bad, Tarly. Keep it up and you'll catch up to Cal's record." 

And Sam frowned looking as Cal Kestis was beating down the Droids. Ahsoka could tell that made Sam bad. "I'm even getting beat by a Padawan." He thought.

"Don't let it get in your head, Sam. You're new to this whole Jedi thing." Ahsoka commented.

"No, but I've never been good at swinging a sword. Even when Jon was teaching me to swing."

"You'll figure it out." Ahsoka reassured. 

That was when they saw a flare like missile approaching them. It was aiming right outside the walls to where Obi Wan was. And Ahsoka immediately knew what they were. Defoliator Shells.

"Master Kenobi! You've got incoming!" She yelled on her communicator.

Obi Wan could see the shells launching at his positions. "That's not good." He said. But as the Shells were about to impact, just then there was missile shots from some nearby Arc 170s and a Jedi Star fighter.

"Always on the move, Master Plo." Obi Wan joked.

"It's to be expected from battle, Master Kenobi." Plo commented. "But we'll need to take out those defoliators."

"We'll handle that, Master." Ahsoka informed. She turned to Sam. "Come on Sam. Let's get the guns."

"But where did the shots come from?" Cal asked.

Sam then looked at the trajectory from where the Shells could've possibly launched. He saw that the shells were in Flea Bottom. "There! Flea Bottom!" He yelled.

"Flea Bottom? What kind of name is Flea Bottom?" Ahsoka asked.

"It's where the poor of the city are." Sam answered. "Lots of people say that the poor are dirty beggars. They have fleas all over them. So it's quite a weird nickname." 

Ahsoka didn't have time to debate names for certain streets. They had some Defoliators to destroy. "You ready, Cal?" She asked.

"Ready." Cal answered.

"And waiting." Mormont added.

Obi Wan had finally breached the wall and the 212th was heading inside the city with blaster fire themselves. And the AT-RTs along with the AT-APs surged through along with Obi Wan and Cody. Cody had gotten the message that Ahsoka was moving through to Flea Bottom and that Anakin was advancing on the Red Keep. "Sir. General Skywalker is moving on the Red Keep." Cody reported.

"That's nothing out of the ordinary." Obi Wan commented. "Especially since I told him not to rush in so quickly." Anakin had a knack for that. And for doing the opposite on what Obi Wan told him to do. "Waxor, Boil. Take point. We'll meet up with Anakin at the Red Keep." He ordered.

"And Commander Tano is moving on taking out the Defoliators at Flea Bottom." Cody added.

"Well that's at least one problem solved." Obi Wan thought out loud. He looked up to see some Flying Super Battle Droids on Booster Rockets heading out from the Red Keep. "New problem begins." He added.

"Take aim at those Droids!" Cody ordered the Clones. The Clones all readied their blasters. The Droids would be coming for the air. But Obi Wan knew that it was time to bring in the more trained soldiers for this. He put in some codes.

Commander Wolf was on the next wave of  Gunships and the rest of the Wolf Pack was equipped with their Jet Packs. He saw the codes implanted from Obi Wan. "Alright! That's our cue!" The Gunship Doors opened while in the air. "GO! GO! GO! GO!" The Wolf Pack then jumped out and their packs were equipped. They all sprung through the air and engaged the Super Battle Droids over the city. 

Anakin could see the fight now coming through the air. But Jon was just stunned at everything. "They fly now?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Anakin answered. "Didn't I mention?"

Jon gave Anakin a frowning look as they came up to the Drawbridge. But they had to take cover as Blaster fire came throughout the Red Keep walls.

"Well this a Deja vu moment." Jesse comment.

"Which one?" Anakin asked. He had a lot of these moments.

"You know. The Battle of Geonosis. With the wall that you told Commander Tano not to worry about." Jesse answered.

"Oh, yeah. That." Anakin remembered that. Except the last time. Obi Wan didn't come to the rescue, Anakin had to come to Obi Wan's rescue. Oh how the role was turning, because Obi Wan was coming his way.

Obi Wan went up to Anakin. "Anakin. Fancy meeting you here. And you Your Majesty!" He greeted.

Robb was happy to see him. "Where's the rest of the troops?" He asked.

"Master Windu and Yoda have taken the Gate of the Gods. Master Mundi has taken the Sept of Baelor. Civilians are also getting evacuated out of the city. The ones we can get out anyway. And Ahsoka is moving to take out the Defoliators at Flea Bottom. Everything is going according to plan." Obi Wan reported.

"Except for the part of us actually getting into the Red Keep." Ygritte pointed out.

"Not for long." Anakin noted. If the Draw Bridge was raised, then they would have to lower it. Even if the Lannisters didn't want to lower it.

Jon was thinking the same thing. "I don't think the Lannisters are going to lower the drawbridge." 

"Well you know what they say. When nothing cooperates with you. You use the force." Anakin declared.

"Anakin! That's not how the force-. Oh forget it!" Obi Wan knew that it was pointless to argue with Anakin when Anakin was in the zone. 

"Delta Squad. Lay some cover fire." Anakin ordered.

The Commandos then fired on the walls of the Keep. Fixer even threw a droid popper which was shot at by Scorch to dispatch a huge factor of the Droids. In the meantime, Anakin and Obi Wan used the force to pull the drawbridge down. The only thing that was on Robb's mind now was getting inside there and dealing with the Lannisters.

"This is it." He thought. "This is for Talisa, for Mother, for Father, for Rickon. And everyone who suffered at the hands of the Lannisters!" He yelled.

The Drawbridge was down. And several columns of Battle Droids and Lannisters were all lined up. But the Clones had their own strengths as well. AT-RTs and AT-APs were lined up and ready to charge.

"For HOUSE STARK!" Robb yelled. "AND FOR THE REPUBLIC!" The Clones all charged forward as a blue wave of blaster bolts surged against the red wave of blaster bolts at the Drawbridge.

At the Red Keep. Loras Tyrell was watching the whole battle over the city from one of the towers. Looking at all the blaster fire taking place, and even the air battles between the Vulture Droids and the ARC 170s. He could also see the Courtyard with an exchange of blaster fire. The Republic must've broken through. His Tyrell forces were waiting outside by the Blackwater ready to strike and flank the enemy.

"Should we attack the Republic forces now, Ser Loras?" Brienne asked next to him.

"I will give the order when I give the order. Lady Brienne." Loras answered. That meant, not yet.

Flea Bottom looked completely divorced from the rest of the city. It almost reminded Ahsoka of the Underworld of Coruscant. "I can see why they call this place, Flea Bottom." She thought out loud. 

"Yeah, although now that I think of it. The whole city could look as bad as Flea Bottom at the end of this." Mormont added.

"Let's make sure that doesn't happen." Ahsoka declared. She started down the streets and saw a good look at the Defoliators. The Defoliators were shielded by houses, and it was going to be tough to traverse. Flea Bottom was incredibly crowded with houses on top of each other and the soldiers would have to move in single file. "Come on, the faster we get this done, the quicker we get out of here." She explained.

"Ahsoka wait!" Tapal held her to the side as Sniper Fire came from one of the houses.

"Sniper!" Cal shouted. More shots were getting fired from different directions. 

"We've got several." Ahsoka informed. And she could tell that these weren't human snipers. These were Droideka Snipers. Very lethal, and efficient.

"They must be guarding the Defoliators. Figures they don't want their prized toys getting damaged." Jeor realized.

"I thought their prized toys was that Wolf Girl." Cal put in.

"He meant weapons." Sam clarified.

"Oh." Cal thought out loud.

Ahsoka was more focused on the battle. "We need to find the Commander. Droids can't coordinate as good without the Commander." She explained to the others.

"Found him!" Cal shouted. He pointed to an Old Man giving out the orders to the Droids and ordering them to move out and load up more Defoliator Shells. 

And Sam's eyes widened.

"Do you know that man, Tarly?" Tapal asked. He would've said Padawan but Sam wasn't even a Jedi yet.

Sam looked more at the old man with the Valerian Steel sword, which Sam immediately recognized as Heartsbane. And the old man also had a sigil with a huntsman. It was the sigil of House Tarly. "That... would be my father." Sam hadn't seen his Dad in years. Not since Sam got banished to the wall where his father hoped the Watch would make a man out of him. And they were now on opposite sides. Oh the irony.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Sam. But your family is weird." Cal said. 

"Every family is weird." Sam replied.

Tapal and Ahsoka couldn't argue that. 

Sam seemed a little hesitant though. Ahsoka could tell. "Sam, I understand how you feel. But we've got to stop your father."

Sam nodded. "I know. I'm ready." He replied.

"But how are we going to get past those Snipers?" Cal asked as more fire was coming in his direction.

"This." Tapal answered. "I'll jump up and distract the enemy. Then you all move on the Defoliators." He then jumped up wielding his double bladed lightsaber and swinging the blaster fire back at the snipers.

"Okay, that's our cue." Ahsoka decided. She sprang forward keeping Sam behind her and charging the Defoliator. And Ahsoka could hear the shouts of Randyll Tarly to blast her.

"Cal?" Ahsoka asked.

Cal jumped up and Force grabbed the Sniper Droidekas from their positions. The Clones were all able to hit the Droids in their weak spot, before the Snipers got up. 

Several Tarly Men started to approach right in front of the Jedi with their swords drawn.

"Stop!" Randyll commanded. He drew Heartsbane. "The Jedi are mine."

Ahsoka jumped in front of both Cal and Sam with her lightsaber drawn.

And Randyll could see his disgraced son in front of him. "Samwell." He coldly acknowledged. "I should've known you would be amongst the cowards and degenerates."

"Father." Sam nervously greeted. He didn't feel not even his Lightsaber was enough to protect him.

"I thought the Night's Watch would make a man out of you. Something resembling a man at least. And now look at you. Hiding behind a woman. An alien woman at that." Randyll continued his scolding of Sam.

"Her name is Ahsoka." Sam corrected getting a little sense of confidence out of him. "She's my friend, and a Jedi. Just like me. Well... sort of."

Randyll didn't know what a Jedi was. And he didn't care. "So the creature has a name. And a title too. But don't think that makes you a man." He informed.

"He's more of a man than you'll ever be." Ahsoka muttered loud enough for Randyll to hear.

"You stay out of this." Randyll warned.

"No. Sam happens to be my friend. And in case you haven't noticed around you, you're not in a position to be making threats here, old man." Ahsoka warned. 

"Am I?" Randyll asked. "Each one of these soldiers here is a man. Unlike you, Son." He grumbled at the son part. "And they are loyal to House Tarly, unlike you."

"This coming from the man who chose to ally with the worst of the Separatists." Ahsoka pointed out.

Randyll pointed his sword at Sam. "And this coming from the alien whore who seduced my fat headed, weak willed son!" He exclaimed.

Ahsoka gripped her Green Lightsaber tighter. "I've had just enough from Father of the Year!" She yelled.

"He sounds the oppo-" Cal then realized that Ahsoka was speaking sarcastically. And Cal stopped talking.

"Sam?" Ahsoka asked motioning her hands to signal a force push. Sam knew what that meant. They both used the force to push the Tarly away.

Randyll kept his grip on Heartsbane and looked at Sam shocked. "So it's true. You're one of them. I always knew their was something wrong with you boy. And now, I'm going to do what I should've done when I gave you that choice!" He declared. And Sam knew where this was going. When Randyll banished Sam. He gave Sam a choice. Either swear to the Night's Watch, or be hunted in the woods himself. Randyll swung his sword, but Sam had the other Lightsaber. He slashed back at Randyll and Heartsbane was sliced in half. 

Sam couldn't believe he just did that. "Oh boy." 

Randyll looked at the cut in half sword stunned. "And now, you've destroyed your own House. You are not my son!" But Sam pointed the Lightsaber at Randyll. 

"Stand down now!" Sam ordered.

But Randyll wasn't impressed. "And what are you going to do with that blade? Kill me?" He asked.

"I will if I have to." Sam answered.

But Randyll shook his head. "You're not a killer. I don't see it. Even wielding a Lightsaber, you're still soft, and weak."

"Not weakness. Strength." Ahsoka corrected. "It's not the Jedi way to kill an unarmed man. And it takes strength to resist the Dark Side. Only the weak embrace it." She remembered that lesson from Obi Wan. 

"How pity that you know nothing, Jedi. For all your talk, you know nothing about-" No one got to hear what Randyll was going to say because the Clones all shot Randyll down.

"But they're not Jedi." Ahsoka added.

Sam took a look at his dead father. The father who punished him for so long. "It's over." He thought. "I..."

"You had to." Ahsoka held Sam's hand. "These things... happen in war." She explained.

"I know. It's just hard to accept is all." Sam replied. Randyll was still Sam's father after all.

But as soon as Ahsoka was about to say something, she got a ping on her communicator.

"Commander Tano!" Wolf yelled.

"What's up, Wolf?" Ahsoka asked.

"A group of Lannister Troops dispatched through the streets. They're heading your way." Wolf reported.

"Thanks Wolf." Ahsoka replied. She turned the communicator off and looked at the others. "There's a whole mess of Lannisters coming our way. We need to hold the streets." She announced.

"So what do we do?" Cal asked.

"We get ready." Tapal answered. He then turned to the Clones. "Take positions in the houses. We'll box in the Lannisters." He ordered.

"Yes General." The Commander replied. 

"And lure the enemy into attacking. Then we spring the trap." Ahsoka realized.

"You catch on quick, Padawan." Tapal praised.

"You spend some time with Anakin and look at what happens." Ahsoka replied. She then turned to Sam. "Stay close to me. We gotta hold Flea Bottom from a Lannister Counter Attack. Defensive positions. Let's go." She ordered.

Meanwhile in the Red Keep. Cersei had heard that the Red Keep Drawbridge had been breached. The Republic was advancing quicker then she thought. And Cersei was getting drunk again just like she did when Stannis attacked the city.

"Margery?" Cersei asked.

Margery was trying to calm the other women down while the attack was going on.

Margery went to talk to Cersei. "Yes, Your Grace?" She asked. But Margery knew what Cersei was doing. The same thing Cersei did to Sansa. Speaking of which, where was Sansa? 

"What are you doing?" Cersei asked.

"Keeping the women here calm." Margery answered.

"Ah. Woman of the people. Old game, but I commend your work. After all, you've managed to seduce my son with your... delicious tits, I'd wager." Cersei commented drunk.

Margery wasn't sure whether to pity the Queen Mother or be offended. "How much wine have you drank?" She asked. 

"Enough to not care when the Jedi all rush in and spread our legs for us." Cersei answered.

Margery made a "what?" face. 

Cersei made a smug smile. "Do you have any notion of what happens when a city is sacked?" She asked.

"I have an idea." Margery answered.

"Then you know what awaits us. I suggest you drink." Cersei poured some more wine for herself. "Drink to your hearts content." 

Margery didn't take the cup. "Or maybe you could flash your tits like you did to Renly. Or was it your brother?" Cersei suggested.

That got Margery angry. "Maybe it's Lady Margery who should wear the armor. And Ser Loras, the Ball Gowns." Cersei suggested.

Margery looked like she was about to punch Cersei and Olenna would not blame her Granddaughter. When Lancel Lannister came rushing in. "Your Grace. The Battle is being lost. The Republic have taken the Sept of Baelor. And the Jedi are right outside our gates." He reported.

"So they are." Cersei barely noticed drinking even more wine. Why did Lancel waste his time with her.

Margery took a deep breath. It was only a matter of time.

Anakin and Obi Wan and their respective legions were fighting against the Droids and Lannisters. Suddenly the Droids all crowded back inside the Gates of the Red Keep. 

"We're almost to the finish line! All that's left to do is attack the Red Keep and end this war!" Anakin announced.

All the Clones shouted in triumph.

"We'll have to be careful." Obi Wan advised. "Grievous could have installed traps."

"There's risk, but there's also rewards." Robb added.

"But we don't know anything about the Red Keep. How do we know where to go?" Jon asked.

"Don't worry. The Force will guide us." Obi Wan answered.

"The Force." Ygritte sarcastically interrupted. "And we'll just use it to navigate ourselves through the Red Keep." 

Anakin ignored the comment and he saw Mace Windu and Yoda approach them.

"See that already made it to the Red Keep, you have." Yoda said.

"Yes Master. We're advancing much quicker then I thought." Anakin replied sounding so proud about it.

"That could change quickly." Windu commented. He never let Anakin have the triumph. "We'll need to quickly sweep into the Red Keep. It'll be close fighting left and right." 

"Done that before, we have." Yoda put in.

"And most importantly, we get Grievous." Windu continued.

"Most importantly is getting Sansa." Jon whispered to Robb, and Robb nodded back.

"Alright. We'll have to secure both inside and outside perimeters. We don't want anyone getting away." Anakin suggested.

"Split up, we must." Yoda declared.

"My thoughts exactly." Windu replied.

"You take Outside, Anakin and I will take Inside." Obi Wan suggested running for the doors as Mace Windu and Yoda took off and headed for the outside perimeters.

Anakin was about to charge in when he saw the communicator go off.

"Master, are you there?" Ahsoka asked.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin asked anxiously. "Where are you? What's going on?" 

"We're about to pinned down at Flea Bottom. We took out the Defoliators but a Lannister army is coming our way. I might need some extra guns." Ahsoka reported.

Anakin understood. He turned to Rex. "Rex. Take some troops and go reinforce Commander Tano." He ordered.

"On it." Rex replied. He took Jesse, Tup, and several of the Clones with him. 

Everyone else moved with Anakin inside the Red Keep.

The halls of the Red Keep were being dented with blaster marks. Droids were pushing back but not before returning fire.  

"So where do you think, Sansa Stark is?" Anakin asked.

"She must be with the other ladies in Maiden's Holdfast." Robb suggested.

"Then we should get there." Anakin declared. "Do we even know where that is?" He asked.

"Not sure. But we should split up." Obi Wan answered. "I'll check the Main Halls with Cody. Anakin, take Ygritte and several Clones with you to check the East Wing. Robb, Jon. You two should take some troops and check the Western part of the Keep. We'll cover more ground that way." He declared.

"Alright. Good luck." Jon replied. "I know you don't believe in luck Master Kenobi, but..."

"It's alright." Obi Wan cut him off. "May the Force be with you." He whished.

"Come on, Jon. Let's get our sister back." Robb and Jon both ran down the halls with Waxor and Boil and several Clones following.

"Guess that leaves you and me, Ygritte." Anakin said. But Ygritte looked at all of the Red Keep, mesmerized by it all. Anakin had to snap his fingers. 

Ygritte looked like she just shook loose from a trance. "What?" She asked.

"Your Blaster, we go. Shoot." Anakin recapped.

"Okay." Ygritte replied. She kicked down a door. But it was just a closet.

"That's a closet." Anakin said.

"Well... she's not in there." Ygritte announced.

"You going to take the lead, sir?" Fives asked Anakin.

"It's that obvious." Anakin answered. He ignited his Lightsaber and stabbed a Super Battle Droid coming down the halls. Anakin then force pushed the Droid down the hall into another column of Battle Droids like they were bowling ball pins.

In the meantime, Obi Wan led both he and Cody down the Main Hall with several men. Obi Wan was cutting down Droids left and right and dealing with Blaster fire. Grievous was being serious about holding the city. And his alliance with the Lannisters. Suddenly Obi Wan saw a large door in front of him.

"This must be the Throne Room." He realized. 

"How are we getting in?" Cody asked.

"Take a lesson from Anakin and let's blow down some doors." Obi Wan answered. "Get some charges."

"On it." Cody put some thermal detonators on the doors. And Obi Wan could hear the shouting at his Droids.

"General. The Republic forces are inside the Red Keep! What should we do?" A Droid asked.

"We'll hold the line! I will not lose this city. If all else fails go to plan B." Grievous ordered. And he didn't sound too happy about it.

But Obi Wan was curious. What was this plan B? He'd have to ask Grievous that himself. He stood back and Cody pressed the detonator. The Throne Room doors burst opened and Obi Wan walked right through.

Obi Wan watched as Grievous had too look away but then back at the dust that was settling. Obi Wan walked in through the dust. "Hello there." He greeted with a smile.

4 Magnaguards that stood next to Grievous ignited their electro staffs.

"General Kenobi. How long has it been?" Grievous greeted back.

"Too long, General. I see you've found a lovely vacation spot. Though I never took you for a Lord of anything." Obi Wan replied.

Grievous growled. Obi Wan was still the same troll as ever. "This is only temporary. I was brought to bring a planet under Separatist control." He explained.

"And you've done such a wonderful job." Obi Wan sarcastically praised. "Nice to know you're branching out of being Dooku's errand boy. Now you're the Lannisters errand boy. Speaking of Dooku, he's not going to be thrilled at this waste of his time and resources is he?"

"He will be when I bring him your head." Grievous shot back.

Obi Wan pretended to ponder that. "Yes, but I'm afraid that won't be happening."

"Oh, and I assume you're here to bring me to justice?" Grievous asked.

"You know me all too well, General." Obi Wan replied. He ignited his Lightsaber and got into his signature pose. "Now what say we just get to the chase? Tell me where Sansa Stark is, and I'll take you into custody." He requested.

"Hm, the Wolf Brat?" Grievous sarcastically replied. "Now where did I put her? Hm, let's see there's the torture chamber, the black cells, the airlock on my ship. Nope haven't seen her."

"You don't want to talk? Fine." Obi Wan decided. "But as much of a brat as Sansa is, well that her brothers described her to be. She is their sister and we want her back." He still kept his pose. "Now surrender."

"Come at me, Kenobi." Grievous insisted igniting all four of his Lightsabers and swinging them at Obi Wan. Obi Wan had to back up. But their lightsabers then clashed. Grievous swung like the mad man or Kalee that he was. But Obi Wan was a match for him. Obi Wan was an expert at Form Three or Soresu. He was more of a match for Grievous's blows. The both fought as Cody and the clones fought against the Magnaguards. 

"So I take it this means you won't surrender?" Obi Wan asked. 

Ahsoka could hear the sounds of Lannister Troops moving down Flea Bottom. "Here they come." Ahsoka said. She, Sam, Cal, and Tapal readied their lightsabers. Ahsoka struck first, striking several Lannister Troops. Cal behind Ahsoka toppled a some rubble on the Lannisters. Jeor was clashing his own sword of Long Claw with Lannister Steel. The five all stepped back letting the Lannisters fall more into the square where the Clones were ready to go. "Now!" Ahsoka yelled. And the Clones were all firing from their hiding spots, and the Lannisters dropped like flies. But more Lannisters troops were coming forward. And that was when Ahsoka saw the troop commander. A man wearing a Gold Cloak.

Jamie Lannister was watching his men drop. He decided to settle this like a soldier. Tywin said he should act like a soldier if that's what he desired. And he saw the way this Republic Jedi was fighting his own men. She was impressive for an alien. He also heard rumors from the front about the Jedi's skills in battle. This would be a good fight indeed. Jamie ordered the Lannisters to stop attacking and he walked forward. The last time he was in a fight like this, it was between him and Ned Stark. And Jamie cut Ned in the leg. He approached Ahsoka.

"You the troop commander?" Ahsoka asked noticing his golden armor.

"You might say that." Jamie answered showing his Beskar Sword. "I see you've made work of my men. Lady..." He was looking for a name.

"Tano. Ahsoka Tano." Ahsoka introduced. "And you are?" She asked.

"Ser Jamie Lannister." Jamie greeted with a bow.

Why did that name sound familiar to Ahsoka.

"The Kingslayer." Mormont grumbled.

"Lord Commander?" Jamie was surprised to see Mormont there. "You seem to be far from your wall." He noticed.

"You seem to be missing a hand." Mormont shot back.

"I got a new one." Jamie replied showing his robotic hand. "Complements of the Separatists."

"The Seppies gave you a new hand. Too bad I got to cut it off." Ahsoka replied.

"I'm afraid that won't happen. You see my troops outnumber yours. But I'd rather avoid a massacre. Let's settle this in the old way. Me against you." Jamie suggested.

Ahsoka thought that Jamie was up to something. Well she would fight him, and if things went south... hopefully Anakin or Rex or somebody would show up. But first she turned to Sam. "Let me have that back." Sam gave Ahsoka back her second lightsaber. She ignited them both.

"Use whatever weapons you want. It won't save you." Jamie declared pointing his sword at Ahsoka. A battle was raging around them, but neither seemed to care about that. Both Ahsoka and Jamie circled each other.

"So why do they call you Kingslayer?" Ahsoka asked making small talk.

"Because I killed the Mad King. I was his Kingsguard and I killed him." Jamie answered. He had to remember that Ahsoka was an alien and wasn't up to date on current events. 

"Well it sounds like they should've given you a medal." Ahsoka commented. "Especially since you know, you killed a monster."

"Not to the honorable Ned Stark." Jamie replied. He already told Brienne of Tarth the whole story. But he didn't feel like talking about it again. "How old are you?" He asked.

"About 15." Ahsoka answered.

"I was 15 once, and I was already considered one of the best swordfighters of my age." Jamie explained.

"Funny. They say the same about me." Ahsoka replied.

"Then this will be interesting." Jamie declared. 

They both swung at each other. And Ahsoka was surprised to see that the sword was made of Beskar. "You got that from Grievous too?" She asked.

"Yes." Jamie answered. This would be a fight after all. And Ahsoka swung again at Jamie. Jamie deflected all of the blows. He swung at Ahsoka. And Ahsoka intercepted the hits with her own. She was glad that she had mastered Ataru and Djem So/Shien and was already an expert duelist. However Jamie was able to knock one of Ahsoka's lightsaber down. But Ahsoka still had her yellow lightsaber and was able to step back from Jamie's blows. She then used the force to grab the green lightsaber. Jamie looked behind to see the lightsaber coming right at him. He got out of the way as the lightsaber hilt fell back in Ahsoka's hands.

"You're good Ser Jamie. A real pro with the sword." Ahsoka praised.

"You're not so bad yourself." Jamie replied. "It's been a while since I've had an honorable duel. I hate to kill you."

"Same." Ahsoka shot back. They went back to fighting.

Meanwhile Anakin continued down the halls as Delta Squad followed him and were shooting left and right. Fives and Hardcase were also following in pursuit as Ygritte kept kicking down doors and shouting: Sansa!

"Sansa! Sansa!" Ygritte yelled as she kicked down more goals. 

"I don't think, she's there, Ygritte." Anakin commented as Ygritte kicked down another door.

"Yep. She should've gone with Robb and Jon." Fives thought.

"Sansa!" Ygritte yelled. But when she knocked down another door, that revealed another door to a hallway. And there were Droids guarding it. Ygritte quickly shot her blaster through the doors. At least until Anakin jumped in the way slicing his way down. And there was an intersection between hallways. The whole keep was like a maze if you didn't know where you were going. And Anakin didn't know where they were going.

"Face it, we're lost." Fives said.

"We're not lost. We just need to find the right direction." Anakin shot back.

"Well who do you want to ask for directions?" Ygritte asked. Who would be running around the castle at this time of invasion? 

That was when they noticed a Coal Boy in hiding. He gasped when he saw the Jedi approaching him. "The Maiden's Holdfast is to your left down the hall. Go past the stairs and up to the further chambers. You can't miss it." The Coal Boy confessed.

Anakin went up to the Coal Boy. "Thanks." He thanked. And everyone went past the Coal Boy.

"The Holdfast will most likely be guarded." Fives advised.

"Could be fun." Hardcase laughed.

"Let's try to be subtle about this, at least." Anakin ordered. "I'll take the lead. Just watch my back."

"Sir yes sir." The Clones replied. 

They continued down the directional path and saw a cluster of Droids by some halls. And Anakin gave the order to light them up. The Commandos fired. There was so much of it that smoke was coming up throughout the halls like a fire.

The ladies all started Hymns. The same one that Sansa insisted they sing when Stannis attacked. The sounds of battle was coming closer. And Margery was rolling her eyes at the thought of singing these hymns with a drunk Cersei. But Cersei didn't care. But Lancel heard the gunshots. The singing suddenly stopped. "All of you, stay here." He opened the door to see B1 Battle Droids all guarding the doors outside. There was all smoke throughout the halls. It was almost impossible to see. The ladies were all silent. It was all quiet. All the Droids knew however on what was coming. And that's when the blue lightsaber ignited in Anakin's hand. The glow lit up the smoke in the halls.

"Oh no." One of the Droids complained.

"What are you talking about? We outnumber him." Another Droid asked.

"It won't matter." The first Droid answered.

Lancel on the other hand drew his sword. "Shoot him! Shoot him now!" He yelled. The Droids knew that it was suicide. The shot their blasters. But Anakin was ready. He walked up slowly deflecting the blaster shots and slashed at several of the Droids. Anakin even picked up one Droid in the air and slashed him in half. The last row of Droids had their blasters yanked from them as Anakin slashed at them. Lancel tried to swing his sword but it was useless against Anakin. Anakin sliced the sword in half and then picked up Lancel.

"Where's Sansa Stark?" Anakin asked holding Lancel by the neck.

"By what authority do you get to ask these questions?" Lancel asked trying to bring out his courage.

"By order of the Galactic Republic." Anakin answered. 

"You... have no right here." Lancel protested. "This is under the jurisdiction of House Lannister."

This guy was more Bantha fodder than Nute Gunray. Anakin just stabbed his lightsaber in Lancel's chest. All the ladies screamed as Anakin flung his body out into the hall. "The Lannisters are no longer in control!" He declared. He walked inside followed by Ygritte, Fives, and Hardcase. The Commandos guarded the halls.  

As Anakin walked in he was stopped by Margery who held her hands to her side trying to shield the other ladies. "I won't let you. You'll have to rape me before you can harm these ladies." She warned.

That took Anakin back. "What? No. That's not why I'm here." He replied. "I'm just looking for Sansa Stark. You seen here?" 

The other ladies looked confused. "He's not here to rape us?" They all looked confused.

Margery lowered her guard. "Oh, this is... odd." She said.

"I'm not harming anybody." Anakin disengaged his lightsaber. "Tell me where Sansa Stark is and no one gets hurt." 

"And what makes you think we'll tell you where the little whore is?" Cersei who was standing up asked.

"Great. A drunk lady." Fives sarcastically thought out loud. And Anakin could tell the same thing. And with Cersei being drunk, that meant a filter just as bad as Ygritte's. If that was even possible.

"I know why you're really here, Ser..." 

"Skywalker." Anakin answered.

"Right, you plan to remove me from my son from the throne. Well you won't get the chance." Cersei informed. "I would rather sell my soul to the mother than give up the throne. And possibly spread my legs to you." Cersei took another sip of wine, but Anakin knocked the drink out of her hands. 

"Well you won't get the chance." Anakin replied repeating Cersei's words to her. "And I take it you're the Queen Mother, Cersei." 

"Get out of my way." Cersei commanded.

"I don't think so." Anakin replied standing his ground.

"Your Grace, I really don't think you should antagonize him." Margery warned.

"Why not? This is getting good." Olenna whispered like she was just watching her favorite soap opera. 

"Oh you poor simple-" Cersei started.

"AT ALL, Your Grace!" Margery interrupted.

Anakin could sense that this woman had issues. He was about to pick her up with the force when Cersei spit on Anakin's face. "You don't get a choice. I am the Queen!" Cersei now commanded everyone's attention. "And I will not be bullied by some-" And that was when Margery Tyrell slapped Cersei in the face.

"You read my mind." Anakin thanked.

"Oh she was getting on my nerves." Margery replied.

But Cersei looked shocked and appalled by what just happened. "Did you just slap me?" She asked.

The show was over for Anakin. "Get her out of here." Anakin ordered the Clones. 

Hardcase then grabbed Cersei and was escorting her out of the Holdfast. And all the while, Cersei was screaming complaints. "You will order him to let me go!" She commanded. "I am the Queen. How dare you take me. Get your filthy hands off of me. I will not be undermined by creatures bred in some laboratory! Have you lost your minds?!" 

"Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?!" Hardcase asked. He saw some more Clone troopers through out the halls. They must've been securing the rest of the castle. "Hey, you mind getting this woman out of our sights?" He asked the Clones.

"And you might want to stun her!" Anakin suggested. Hardcase used the stun on Cersei.

"Thank you." Anakin thanked. He got back to business. "Now, does anyone know where Sansa Stark is?" He asked around the halls.

All the Ladies looked at each other confused.

"You know, Sansa Stark." Ygritte tried her best to clarify. "Looks like Robb, except she's a woman. Kind of has red hair, a bit tall for a child. I don't know. She's a combination of both Ned and Catelyn Stark... she's got a face... hands... might be a mute? I don't know."   

"Ygritte. Just stop." Anakin begged.

"I know who you're talking about." Margery finally replied. 

"Well, where is she?" Anakin asked.

"No idea. Joffrey said he wished to speak with her before we went to the Maiden's Holdfast." Margery answered.

"Then she must be with Joffrey." Fives suggested.

"So we find, Joffrey." Anakin started.

"And we find Sansa." Ygritte finished.

"Delta Squad. Go reinforce Robb and Jon Snow." Anakin ordered.

"Yes sir." Boss replied. And Delta Squad took off.

"What about us, sir?" Fives asked.

"We've got someone else to find. This Tywin Lannister. He made the deal with Grievous and he's the Hand of the King. We take him out and we erode the Separatist influence off world." Anakin answered. He turned back to Margery. "Thank you..." He was looking for a name.

"Lady Margery of House Tyrell." Margery introduced.

"General Anakin Skywalker." Anakin greeted as they shook hands. "Ladies." He saluted with a smile. Anakin had the tendency to be popular with the women.

Margery smiled. That Anakin was rather handsome.

"He seemed nice." Olenna commented. 

Ahsoka and Jamie continued their fight. Both were fighting to a stalemate. But Jamie wore heavy armor and was starting to feel the weight of it crashing down on him. Ahsoka on the other hand was trained for long durations of combat, and she wore light for more agility. Beskar clashed with Lightsaber. Ahsoka also managed to get a hit on Jamie's armor  slicing a piece off.

"Gah!" Jamie felt the sting. "You're going to pay for that." He swung his sword at Ahsoka. But Ahsoka jumped over him and slashed him in the back swiftly. Jamie felt that swing too. But still he fought on. He then stripped off the King's Guard chest plate allowing for more speed. He slashed at Ahsoka but Ahsoka was ready. The Beskar clashed again with lightsaber igniting many sparks. But Ahsoka only need one lightsaber to clash with Jamie's sword. She used the other lightsaber to cut part of his leg. Jamie screamed out in pain as he fell to his knees.

"This fight is over." Ahsoka declared.

Jamie breathed heavily. "Well, congratulations." But he looked as Ahsoka disengaged her lightsabers. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Go ahead. End it."

Ahsoka looked at him like he had Hutt slime coming out of his ears. "What are you talking about?" She asked. 

"When you kill me. Go ahead. Do your duty." Jamie insisted.

"No." Ahsoka replied. "It's not the Jedi way to kill an unarmed man. And I'm a firm believer in the Jedi way."

But Jamie didn't see it that way. He tried to reach for his sword in an effort so that Ahsoka would have to take action, but he got shot in the back. Ahsoka saw where the shot had come from. It was Jesse, Tup, and Rex!

"You need some help, Commander?" Rex asked. They all pointed their guns at the Lannisters who threw down their swords in surrender.

"I think we're all set." Ahsoka answered. "Thanks anyway."

All clones saluted their commander as Ahsoka took a look at the dead Jamie Lannister. "He was a soldier to the end. At least he died fighting as one." She thought. 

"Such is the way of war." A voice interrupted from behind Ahsoka.

Ahsoka jumped when she saw Melisandre behind her. "Is this going to become a regular thing with you?" She asked.

"Possibly." Melisandre answered.

"Wait, how did you get here anyway?" Ahsoka asked.

"I came on a Gunship. Waited until you carved a safe route and here I am, to avenge Stannis Baratheon." Melisandre answered.

"So, you basically waited until we did all the work." Cal recapped.

"Not in the slightest." Melisandre replied.

"No that definitely sounds correct." Ahsoka interrupted.

"Call it what you will, it's fate." Melisandre was tired of this conversation. 

Most of the city was secure. All that was left was the fight in the Red Keep, some fighting in the side streets, and some battles in the sky. The plan was working. Now Ahsoka could only hope that Anakin, Obi Wan, Robb, and Jon were having the same amount of luck. 

Robb and Jon were not having the same amount of luck. They were fighting off against several Gold Cloaks with lances. Which was unfortunate for the Gold Cloaks as Jon and Robb were more skilled and they had Waxor and Boil to assist. But there was a bigger problem, the brothers had no clue on where they were going.

"Curse whoever made this stupid Keep." Jon complained as he killed another Gold Cloak. "Why did they have to make this place a maze?" 

"We really should've gotten someone who knows the lay of the land well." Robb said in hindsight.

"I can see why General Kenobi wanted us to split up. This is going to take all day." Waxor interrupted.

Jon broke down a door. There was no one inside of it. "No one!" He announced annoyed.

Robb breathed heavily. This was getting on his nerves. "Now what do we do?" He asked. They couldn't break down doors all day. Finally they went down another hall where there was a set of double doors. It had to lead to somewhere. Robb burst it opened to find a large room and an empty table. "This must be the Small Council Chambers." He realized.

"This is where Father worked?" Jon asked. 

"Until his head got chopped off." A voice answered. Robb and Jon turned to see Lord Varys there.

"Hello boys." Varys greeted like an old friend.

Robb pointed his sword at Varys. "You've got some nerve showing yourself, Spider. After what you pulled."

But Varys calmly talked. "I had nothing to do with your father's death. Though I suppose in doing nothing, I did something." He admitted.

"You've got 30 seconds to live, fill it with words." Robb ordered.

"I have no quarrel with you, Your Grace. I want to end this chaos as much as you do. When Grievous killed your mother in cold blood. I knew it was only a matter of time before more names were on the chopping block." Varys spoke quickly.

Robb lowered his guards. "And let me guess, that includes you?" He asked.

"Unfortunately. If the Separatists won then that would mean that the Lannisters would switch to Spy Droids. And my birds would be useless. And when my birds are useless, I'm no longer needed. And do you know what happens to people who are no longer needed?" Varys explained.

"They die." Jon answered.

Varys nodded. "I want to end this madness. And before you ask me if I'm loyal to the Lannisters, I'm not. I'm loyal to the people."

"But doesn't Joffrey have their support?" Jon asked confused.

"Margery Tyrell has their support." Varys corrected. "Before the Blackwater, the people despised Joffrey. One even threw a cowpie at him if I recall."

Robb knew that the sudden shift in Joffrey was so suspicious. It was really Margery Tyrell who wielded the power. "Clever woman." He thought.

"Is there any other member of the Small Council here?" Jon asked.

"No. Lord Baelish is waiting with the Tyrell forces in reserve. Grand Maester Pycelle is with Prince Tommen away from the battle." Varys answered. That didn't surprise Robb. The Lannisters could just use Tommen as another puppet even if Joffrey had fallen.

"There's no time to hunt them all down." Robb decided. "We need to find Joffrey, now." 

"Might I suggest directions? I could hear you two kicking down multiple doors from here." Varys asked.

"If this is a trap-" Robb started.

"It's not. You'd make an improvement as King over Joffrey, though that's not a high bar to set." Varys reassured. He had been spending way too much time with Tyrion.

"So where's Joffrey?" Robb asked.

"He's gone near the Tower of the Hand. You'll have to move quickly." Varys answered.

That was when Robb got a beep on his communicator. "Robb you there?" It was Anakin.

"Loud and clear." Robb answered.

"We've checked the Maiden's Holdfast. Sansa's not there. But we did find Cersei Lannister." Anakin informed.

Robb smiled. That was a nice consolation prize at least. "We know where she might be. Meet us at the Tower of the Hand." He ordered.

"We're heading there as we speak." Anakin replied.

"Come on Jon." Robb insisted taking Jon's arm to follow him. But then he stopped to ask for directions from Varys. And Varys told him where to go.

"Good luck, gentlemen." Varys called.

Anakin, Ygritte, Fives, and Hardcase went down one hall. They hoped that Delta Squad could reach Robb Stark in time and reinforce him.

"Tywin Lannister's got to be around here somewhere." Anakin said trying to use the force as his guide. That was when he saw an old man standing in the middle of the hall. And his expression reminded Anakin of Count Dooku.

"I think that might be Tywin Lannister." Ygritte whispered to Anakin. She then drew her blaster on the man.

"Are you Tywin Lannister?" Anakin asked.

Tywin didn't say a word. But 4 Droidekas instead approached behind him, shields up and everything. "Deal with this please." He left the halls as the Droids opened fire on the squad.

Anakin stood in the front deflecting the shots with his lightsabers. "Run!" He shouted.

The group ran down the other way through the halls and the Droidekas rolled up in balls to pursue. But Anakin had a plan. He nodded at Hardcase, and Hardcase immediately turned around and shot the Droids while they were still balled up. And the Droids went down.

"How did you know that would work, sir?" Fives asked.

"Little trick Ahsoka and I did on Christophsis." Anakin answered.

"Tywin Lannister went this way. That was easy." Ygritte ran down further through the hall in the direction that Tywin was going and would've gone farther if Anakin hadn't held her back.

"Too easy." Anakin commented. He took a bit of Droid debris and flung it down the hall. The whole hall exploded in flames. "Tywin wanted us to follow him."

"So what do we do, sir?" Fives asked.

"I sense a trap. So let's spring the Trap." Anakin answered. And he turned to Ygritte. "And I'm taking point."

Ygritte made a mocking tone of "And I'm taking point" when Anakin's back was turned.

Robb and Jon burst through another set of doors with Waxor and Boil when they came across a courtyard like area. Where near Joffrey's chambers were. And Jon was looking at all the sights.

"Say what you will about the Lannisters, Robb. They had great taste in architecture." Jon noted.

"The Targaryens built the Red Keep, Jon." Robb corrected.

"Yeah, but the Lannisters did some renovations." Jon shot back. He cut it short because there was a shadow in the distance. And the figure came out to reveal Joffrey in his armor with his sword drawn and a smug smile on his face. The smile that Robb wanted to silence forever.

"Robb Stark. You survived." Joffrey greeted.

"Surprised?" Robb asked with a serious expression.

"Hardly. I should've known that it was never easy to kill Wolves." But Joffrey corrected himself. "Oh wait. It is. I had to remind myself of your father and mother."

"You're going to pay for what did to our parents, Joffrey!" Jon drew his sword.

"Who are you?" Joffrey asked.

"My brother, Jon." Robb answered.

Joffrey pondered that. "Oh yes. The Bastard of Winterfell. The oh so shining example of Ned Stark's honor." He laughed as he said that.

"We're both Bastards Joffrey. At least my father was my own." Jon shot back. He remembered what Tyrion said to Jon. To wear the bastard name like honor and it could never be used against Jon.

That took the smugness away from Joffrey. "Careful Bastard. My mercy knows limits." He warned.

"Oh we've seen your limits of mercy." Robb replied. "Not a fan."

"That's what traitors get for not showing loyalty." Joffrey chuckled. "Just like your father, your mother. And... Sansa."

That got Robb's attention. "Where is she?" He asked angrily.

Joffrey shook his head. "Now is that any way to speak to your King?" He asked. "You should be down on your knees and bending the knee."

"You're not our King, Joffrey. You never were meant to be King." Jon replied. "Now where's our sister?" He asked.

"You're a bastard. Sansa Stark isn't even your true sister." Joffrey shot back.

Robb on the other hand did not see it that way. "Even a bastard, Jon Snow holds more honor than a filthy slug like you ever will." He pointed Ice at Joffrey. "Now where is Sansa?" He asked more vocally.

"Just enjoying the show." Joffrey answered with a smile. He moved to the left to reveal Ser Meryn holding a sword Sansa Stark's throat. As for Sansa, she looked like she had been through hell herself. Her face was all cut and bruised. Her dress was completely torn, and her hair looked all ragged up. Her blue eyes looked nervously at her brothers.

"Robb? Jon?" Sansa asked weakly.

Robb grew a new face of anger. "What did you do to our sister?!" He yelled at Joffrey.

"Punished her for your crimes." Joffrey answered with a laugh. 

"Sansa had nothing to do with us!" Jon interrupted. "You tortured a little girl for nothing."

Joffrey yawned. "Save it, Bastard. I've heard before from my Uncle." 

"Let her go." Robb ordered.

"And give up my bargaining chip? No thanks." Joffrey replied. 

Sansa started to get tears in her eyes. "Robb. I want to go home." She sobbed.

"This is your home, Sansa." Joffrey told her. "You always wanted to come to King's Landing after all." 

"Until I met you." Sansa grumbled enough for Joffrey to hear.

"Ser Meryn." Joffrey commanded. And Meryn then started to beat up Sansa with part of his sword cutting her cheek showing blood and screaming in pain.

That must've been Meryn Trent that Arya wanted dead. And Jon could see why. As for Robb his anger flared up even more. "Whatever you do to my little sister. I'll do to you ten times over! LET HER GO! NOW!" Robb ordered.

"There's four of us and only two of you." Boil added.

"Is there?" Joffrey asked. He then had some Magnaguards, Super Battle Droids, and Commando Droids all emerge from the shadows with their blasters drawn.

"Walked right into this one." Jon muttered.

But Robb didn't care. He wanted Sansa back. And now that he was this close he wasn't going to turn back.

"Joffrey! Leave them alone! They did nothing to you." Sansa begged.

"They did everything to me." Joffrey replied as he turned to Sansa. Along the way, Robb turned to see the Delta Squad coming in from behind. Robb quickly motioned to them to stay behind cover. Boss immediately understood. "Don't look away, Sansa. I'm about to give you your present. I'll even throw in a bonus present too." Joffrey announced pointing Heart Eater at Robb and Jon.

Sansa began to form even more tears in her eyes at the thought of losing two more of her brothers.

"You know Joffrey. I'll die at some point. But before I do, I'll take you down first." Robb declared. 

"You mess with our King. And you mess with us." Waxor added.

Joffrey laughed. "I always knew you were a stubborn wolf Robb. It only makes sense for a stubborn wolf to rush into battle. And this is one battle you cannot win!" 

To be continued...

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