Chapter 21: Burn them All!

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"And this is one Battle, you cannot win!" Joffrey had the ego as big as a Rancor. He seemed that confident that he would win. And maybe he would. He had Sansa held at sword point. Robb, Jon, Waxor, Boil were surrounded by Droids who were ready to blast away. 

"I hope we have a plan this time." Jon muttered.

"Don't we always?" Robb asked. Robb motioned with his fingers to signal something. Jon knew what it meant.

"Oh, good thinking." Jon commented.

"Enough of this." Joffrey turned to the Droids. "Kill the Bastard and the Clones. But leave Robb Stark alive. I want to have his head myself." 

"Sounds fun, but I've got a better idea." Robb interrupted. "NOW BOSS!" He yelled.

The Delta Squad threw a Flash Bang at everyone. Jon, Robb, Waxor, and Boil looked away. But Joffrey, Ser Meryn and the Droids were blinded only temporary. Meryn even lost his grip over Sansa who tried to run away. 

The Clones all shot blaster bolts at the Droids. Joffrey was livid. "Kill them all! Make them suffer!" He yelled.

Robb engaged one of the Magnaguards. Jon went over to engage Meryn who was trying to get his grip back on Sansa. He grabber her arm sleeve and Sansa was fighting to get the grip loosened. "Let me go!" She screamed.

"Hold on Sansa!" Jon rushed to get to Sansa when Meryn jumped over and crossed swords with Jon. Sansa was stunned. She hadn't seen Jon run that fast since the time Arya accidently upset a pack of Elk and then had to run back to Winterfell and Jon had to get Arya out of the Courtyard. Meryn made a swing at Jon and Jon deflected the blow. "Run!" He yelled. Sansa started to run out, but Joffrey in the confusion managed to get a hold on her.

"Oh no you don't." Joffrey grabbed Sansa by the arm and started to twist it and made sure that Sansa was in pain.  

Robb was fighting off against a Magnaguard when he got a shock by the electro staff, but Robb was able to shake off the pain. He slashed the Magnaguard in the head. Robb thought that was the end of it. But the Magnaguard still came on him swinging the electro staff. "Oh come on." Robb complained. He once again fought the headless Magnaguard. But eventually Robb was able to get a lucky swing and slashed the Magnaguard down. And he also slashed even more so to confirm it was destroyed.  

Jon in the meantime continued to fight Meryn Trent. Trent swung at Robb again and positioned the sword to get a cut at Jon's right leg. Jon wasn't worried about the pain. He winced back and swung the sword again. But then Jon had an idea. He crossed his blade and thrust himself at Meryn to make sure that Meryn lost his footing. He did. And Jon was able to quickly move forward and disarm the sword. Meryn was now on his feet. 

"You Bastard!" Meryn insulted. "Go ahead and kill me. It won't change who you are. You're from some whore who's fat tits seduced Ned Stark. You'll never be a Stark. You're just a pretender. That's all people will remember you as. But me, I'll go down in history as a King's Guard."

He expected Jon to flip out at Meryn and kill him. But Jon instead laughed. "Oh, you're dead. But not because of that. You're dead, for killing Syrio Forel." He explained. 

"The Dancing Teacher?" Meryn asked confused.

"Arya sends her regards." Jon quickly thrust the sword through Meryn's throat. And Meryn Trent was dead.

Jon turned to see Joffrey holding Sansa at sword point. Everyone surrounded Joffrey. The Droids were all destroyed.

"Give it up Joffrey! You're outnumbered." Robb pointed out. 

But just then, Tywin Lannister approached from another hall with 4 Commando Droids with blasters armed.

"Lord Tywin." Robb greeted.

"Robb Stark. No matter how many times I plot to kill you, you refuse to die." Tywin replied.

"Yeah, we're a stubborn family." Robb shot back.

"So I see." Tywin said. He looked at Joffrey who was smiling evilly. "What are you waiting for Robb Stark? Shoot him." He asked.

But Robb couldn't take that risk. The Clones might hit Sansa. 

Joffrey smirked even more. "What's the matter, Robb Stark? Don't want to damage your ugly duckling?" He asked.

"Shut your gob you little Jawa." Boil grumbled.

Joffrey just laughed. He held the cards now. "This has all been very entertaining. But the party is over. Now stand down your troops or I kill Sansa right this instant." He ordered.

"No, Robb! Forget about me, stop-" Joffrey struck Sansa again. 

"Quiet!" He scolded. "What's it going to be, Stark?"

Robb breathed heavily. He came so close to saving Sansa, but he tripped at the finish line. And he couldn't lose anyone else. "I can't let you die." He said.

"Robb! NO!" Sansa screamed.

Robb was about to drop his sword. When Anakin burst in followed by Ygritte, Fives and Hardcase.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. We had to get past a couple of traps. You know how it is." Anakin explained with his swagger on him.

"We would've been here sooner, if someone let ME take the lead." Ygritte added while looking at Anakin. 

"Ygritte. You would've been killed by some stupid traps." Anakin pointed out.

"Wait, how did you get here so quickly?" Robb asked.

"Yeah it took us forever to get to this place." Jon added.

"Oh we just followed the halls. Pretty easy to navigate." Fives answered.

Jon dropped his sword. "Are you kidding me right now?!" He asked in disbelief. "It took us forever to find this place. I didn't know where to go." But Jon paused when he saw Ygritte smile at him ready to say the words.

"Oh no. Ygritte don't you dare." Jon warned.

"You... know nothing..." Ygritte started.

"Don't!" Jon warned more.

"Jon Snow." Ygritte quickly finished.

Jon gave himself a face smack. 

"I hate to tell you so, Jon. But you walked right into that." Waxor commented.

Anakin smiled while looking at Joffrey. "So, you're the punk I've heard about." He said.

"Did you just call me a punk?" Joffrey asked. "I am the King!" He shouted to make sure Anakin knew who he was dealing with. 

"Well I didn't vote for you." Anakin replied.

Joffrey looked like Anakin had just said the most nonsense thing you could say to another person.

"King's don't need to be elected." Joffrey pointed out.

"They do on Naboo." Anakin noted. The Clones all nodded.

"Well we're not on Naboo." Joffrey replied annoyed.  "And in case you haven't noticed, if you don't bend the knee. I will slit this girl's throat." He warned.

But Anakin laughed. "Not going to happen, little boy. But how about this? First I'm going to put your Gramps in the retirement home. Then I'm going to get Sansa out of your little death grip. And then I'll make sure you don't hurt anyone else ever again. Because I did not fly all the way overseas, meet a Dragon Queen, overthrow slave cities, deal with creepy mercenary stalkers, and then rush back here to see Robb held in a slumber state to fall one step short." Anakin offered.

"The Dragon Queen?" Joffrey asked. He noticed that little mention. "You met the Targaryen girl?"

"Yeah, nice lady." Anakin answered. "Not too bad looking either. But I'm a Jedi. It wouldn't work." He added. Anakin did want to say that he was already happily married. But he didn't.

"You must be really desperate if you want to hold a girl hostage like that, Joffkey." Ygritte commented.

"It's Joffrey." Joffrey corrected annoyed that this Wildling would dare speak to him like that.

"Yeah, whatever." Ygritte replied without a care in the world. She also noticed that Sansa looked like Catelyn. Even the nervous look that Catelyn got. Sansa had that. "At least die like a man." 

"I will not let my manhood be questioned by a Wildling savage!" Joffrey shouted.

"Your manhood?" Anakin asked chuckling. 

Joffrey's face was growing red like a toddler ready to throw a tantrum. Which he most likely would. This was Joffrey for crying out loud. "I have a blade at Sansa's throat! And I will slit it like a slice of cheese." He warned. 

"That's not going to happen." Anakin declared. "In case you haven't noticed. The tide has turned again. And we outnumber you." This whole debacle was moving like a teeter totter. 

Tywin was listening in on the conversation. "It's true you outnumber us. But did you really think I didn't anticipate this?" He asked. He then pushed a button on his communicator.  

"What's he doing?" Ygritte asked.

"He's signaling." Anakin answered. That meant reinforcements would be here soon. 

And true to Anakin's word. A whole force of armored soldiers all walked parade style to surround the area. They all wore armor with a flower on them. There also some B1 Battle Droids that followed.

"Tyrells." Robb grumbled. Of course.

Loras, his father Mace and Brienne of Tarth entered the area and Loras had his sword pointed at Robb. "Lord Stark. Lady Sansa." Loras greeted.

"Ser Loras. Lord Tyrell." Robb greeted back with his nervous face on. 

Mace bowed his head slightly. Robb was still a Lord after all. But as for Sansa. She just looked in stunned horror at the thought of Loras killing her brother.

The tide had once again shifted in Joffrey's favor. "Now, Robb Stark. What were you saying?" He asked.

Obi Wan and Grievous continued their fight in the Throne Room. Both fighters were swinging their lightsabers around. All while the battle shifted around them. Obi Wan then used a force push on Grievous. But Grievous was able to slow himself down with his lightsabers. He then approached Obi Wan again, while swinging his lightsabers like helicopter blades. But Obi Wan jumped over him and was continuing his duel. 

"Your reign as Lord of Winterfell is over, Grievous. Now submit to Republic Law." Obi Wan declared.

Grievous laughed and then he coughed. "Never will I submit, Kenobi. And you're right that my reign is over. There are far more places I can be of use." He replied. He swung at Obi Wan again, which Obi Wan parried. 

"We're both taking about before the Republic Senate, right?" Obi Wan asked.

"No. On the battlefield." Grievous answered. He then got a beep on his communicator. 

"Uh, General. The Jedi have overrun the city. And we've lost contact with Cersei Lannister. I think she's a hostage now." The Droid reported.  

Grievous didn't care about Cersei Lannister at all, so it didn't matter what happened with her. But it was time to leave. "Until next time, Kenobi!" He shouted, disengaging with Obi Wan. He then took out a blaster and shot at the windows jumping out.

"Oh not again." Obi Wan complained. Grievous was making another one of his famous escapes. This seemed to be routine for both Generals.

But Obi Wan got on his communicator. "Master Windu! Master Yoda! Grievous is escaping!" He yelled. He looked at Cody to follow. "Come on. We can't loose Grievous!" 

Cody followed him. The Throne Room looked secure. They had to move if they wanted to catch him once and for all.

The Starks, and Anakin were still surrounded by Tyrell troops.

"Does this always happen to you?" Ygritte asked.

"Everywhere I go." Anakin answered.

"Ser Loras, why?" Sansa asked.

Loras shrugged. "Loyalty, my lady. I'm loyal to my King. And I swore to defend him from threats."

Joffrey smiled. "Unlike you, Robb Stark. The Tyrells are strong and loyal. That is why our alliance will be the most powerful in Westeros and will destroy even you." 

Sansa started to get tears in her eyes again. Her face was starting to get red and puffy. "Robb, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I told Cersei Lannister that father wanted to send me and Arya back to Winterfell. I didn't want to leave Joffrey. I thought I loved him." She cried. 

"Sansa, this isn't your fault." Robb replied.

"Yeah, it kind of is." Ygritte shrugged.

"Not now, Ygritte." Jon replied.

"What's it going to be Robb?" Joffrey repeated. "Are you going to let your little sister die?" He asked.

Robb looked at Sansa and then back at the Tyrells. There were so little options to do now.

"Robb?" Sansa asked. "If this is it, I just want you to know that I'm sorry Robb. I'm sorry I was such an awful sister to you, Arya, Jon, Bran, Rickon. And for not being grateful to everything I had." She pleaded.

"I don't believe this." Joffrey rolled his eyes.

"I just want you to know that I'm sorry." Sansa started to cry even more. "And I understand if you don't want to give me your forgiveness. I don't even deserve it. This is just karma for every awful thing I've done. And I won't blame you if you don't love me anymore. But-" 

"Sansa." Robb interrupted calmly. Sansa looked straight at Robb. "We love you Sansa. You're our sister. Even if you are an awful brat, and believe me, you don't make it easy. But we do still love you. Enough to go to war for you, Father, and Arya. Even when Father was killed, I came to King's Landing for you. Jon came from the Wall to fight against the Separatists. And also to rescue you and Arya. If anything bad were to happen to you, I wouldn't live with myself. So, even after all the spoiled things you did in our childhood, or even when you sent that letter to me about Father going for treason, we still love you. We love you enough to make a deal with the Republic to put me as King if it meant seeing you again." He explained. 

Sansa smiled weakly, while still tearing. After everything that happened Sansa's family still loved her. 

But Joffrey looked annoyed. He couldn't believe this nonsense. "For the love of all the Seven Hells Robb. You are a weak pitiful fool. And Sansa is a stupid little girl. And now she's going to die for you." He declared.

"Talk about having the empathy of a slug." Anakin thought out loud.

"Jon. I've got another idea." Robb said to Jon. "But it's crazy."

"I'm okay with crazy." Jon replied.

Robb turned to Loras. "Ser Loras. My Mother once came to you. She asked for your help. Do you remember what Renly Baratheon swore? And you chose to side with the Lannisters." Robb started.

"Renly Baratheon's been dead long before your space puppets arrived." Joffrey pointed out.

"We chose our family. And we chose loyalty." Loras replied.

"Your Mother's dead. Her body now is at the bottom of the sea. Sleeping with the fishes." Joffrey interrupted again. He was having a field day with the pathetic display that Robb was showing. 

"The Tyrells have proven themselves loyal to the Crown. You haven't." Tywin added.

But Robb wasn't done. "Look at this madness. Look where it's gotten us. This city is being torn apart!" He begged.

"Madness has had it's day. But it will end soon enough." Mace replied.

"Please Ser Loras. Don't kill my brothers. I beg you." Sansa pleaded. "Please... please."

Loras looked at Brienne of Tarth who nodded at him. Mace Tyrell also readied his sword as the Tyrells pointed their lances.

"Like I said before. I'm loyal to my king." Loras repeated.

Joffrey had his wicked smirk going full blast. But Tywin raised an eyebrow. Loras said he was loyal to his King. Not Joffrey. 

"Renly Baratheon!" Loras yelled. 

"NOW!" Mace ordered. And the Tyrells then turned against the Droids! Loras took out a blaster and shot a couple shots at Tywin Lannister. Joffrey was stunned by this sudden shift of allegiance. He was so distracted that Sansa was able to step hard on Joffrey's foot. Joffrey yelled in pain. And Sansa ran away. The fighting resumed.

"Make em eat heat!" Hardcase yelled shooting at the Commando Droids. 

Anakin grabbed his lightsaber and chopped Joffrey's blade in half. And then Anakin proceeded to cut Joffrey's hands off. And Joffrey yelled at the pain as Anakin held the Lightsaber to Joffrey who was now on his knees. Oh how the tables turned.

"Master Jedi. Please. Mercy!" Joffrey now sounded like a little girl. Heart of a Lion this one.

"You'll have to take it up with him." Anakin kicked Joffrey over to Robb.

Robb towered over Joffrey with his sword Ice. "You take my Father, you ally with monsters, you hurt my sister. You threatened my home. Had my wife and unborn child killed. And had my brother blown up. Now your day of doom has come." He declared.

Joffrey was now seen by everyone as the little coward he truly was. The same as he was that day on the river bank when Arya's Dire wolf Nymeria chomped at Joffrey's hand. "No. Please, Robb Stark. Show mercy. Take the throne. I beg you!"

Robb looked at Sansa. And Sansa nodded her head. Robb knew just what to do.

"I swore to justice when I went down this road. If I don't show you mercy Joffrey. I'm no better than you." Robb admitted.

Joffrey smiled a little. But his smile was about to vanish in the blink of an eye. "So I'll give you a clean death." Robb raised Ice above his head. "Hold him down, Jon."

Jon made Joffrey kneel so Robb could get a clean swing. 

"Wait!" Joffrey begged. And Robb let the sword drop. And with one clean cut: Joffrey was dead. His head rolling on the floor.

Sansa didn't faint. She looked at the head breathing heavily. And she thought back to when Joffrey made her look at her father's head and swore that he would give Sansa her brother's head as well. And Sansa responded with: "Or maybe he'll give me yours." And indeed. Robb gave Sansa, Joffrey's head. "Burn in the Seven Hells." Sansa muttered.

Meanwhile Grievous crawled like a spider before running into the Courtyard. The whole area was seen through blaster fire rubble and Clones fighting Droids. Some Crab Droids were offering resistance but Clones were jumping on them and shooting them on their heads. Grievous was running swinging his lightsabers against several unfortunate Clones. A Commander Droid was saluting at Grievous and started running after him as Grievous activated a Separatist Gunship to come over.    

"General! The Republic has overrun the city!" The Droid reported.

"I'm aware of that! This battle is over!" Grievous declared. He grabbed the Droid with one hand as the Gunship started to hover near their position. Grievous then activated a grappling cable and got it connected to the Gunship. "Come on! We're gone!"

Windu and Yoda saw Grievous and the Battle Droid fleeing on the Gunship. "Do not let that Gunship leave!" Windu ordered.

"Sir yes sir!" The Clones started to fire their Rocket Launchers and were shooting at Grievous. But the Gunship was turning rapidly and the fire was missing.

Windu started to grab the Gunship with the force. And Yoda helped. The Gunship wasn't moving at all.

Grievous looked at the Jedi annoyed. "You just don't know when to quit, do you!?"

The Gunship was moving at full power. But the force was weighing it to stand still. 

"Clegane! Send in the troops!" Grievous yelled on his communicator.

Windu and Yoda turned behind them to see Gregor Clegane charging at them. They drew their lightsabers to face this new threat. 

"Go!" Grievous ordered. The Gunship turned away.

But when Clegane swung at Mace Windu. He jumped out of the way and behind him. As Yoda chopped the Greatsword in two. 

"Size matters not!" Yoda yelled as he flung the Mountain over the side from a great distance with the force.

And the Mountain found a new definition of tall as he flung right into the Ocean.

But Grievous was getting away. The Clones all fired Rocket Launchers as blaster fire was also getting fired. However Grievous was prepared for this. He had some Vulture Droids intercept the blasts. 

"General! This much excitement is going to overload my circuits!" The Droid complained.

"You'll live." Grievous replied as they both clanged onto the top of the Gunship. He then looked at the war torn King's Landing. "But the Jedi won't." He took out a detonator. "If the Mad King still lived I would thank him for letting me go out with a bang." 

"Uh, General? What is that?" The Droid asked. His feet magnetized to the Gunship. 

"Plan B of course. I can't hold the city. But neither will the Jedi." Grievous answered.

Obi Wan ran outside to see Grievous escaping. Not again. "Call Master Koon. See if he can shoot down Grievous." He ordered.

"General!" Cody yelled running after him.

"Now what's going on, Cody?" Obi Wan asked.

"We've scanned the whole area. There's a large concentration of highly volatile substance underneath the city." Cody reported. 

"Rhydonium?" Obi Wan asked.

"No. It looks like it's something called, Wildfire." Cody answered.

"Wildfire?" Obi Wan asked. "Now why would there be Wildfire underneath... a city." And that's when it hit Obi Wan. It was a bomb.

"Bomb!" Windu was thinking the same thing.

Obi Wan got on all channels on the communicator.

"Everyone listen! Grievous has wired the city with Wildfire!" Obi Wan warned.

"What?" Ahsoka at Flea Bottom asked.

"Wildfire?" Sam asked. That was bad.

"It's a bomb!" Cal realized.

Anakin was inside the Red Keep with the others when he heard the news. "It's a bomb!" He realized. "Grievous is concentrating all the Wildfire in the city! He's going to blow it up!" 

Robb had a shocked look. "What's the target?" He asked. But he had a bad feeling he knew what the target was.

"Everywhere in this city." Anakin answered.

Grievous was on the other side of Blackwater Bay. He laughed hysterically. "You lose, Jedi Scum!" He triggered the detonator.

And the barrels of green fire ignited. It started to blow up several houses inside the city. Critical spots. The whole blaze was going to blow up the city.

"Use the force! Contain the blast we must!" Yoda yelled. They used the force to hold the fire. Every Jedi on the ground then used the force.

"Sam, we need help!" Ahsoka yelled. 

Sam reached out with the force at the Green fire hoping to contain it. A blue wave of energy was the only thing that was containing the fire from spreading through the streets. Clone Troops were able to get away from the blast, but the Jedi couldn't contain it forever. 

Both Sam and Cal were getting tired already.

"Keep strong, Padawan!" Tapal ordered.

"I'm... trying... Master." Cal whimpered out.

"Oh boy." Sam thought. But he couldn't get the words out of his mouth. He was using too much energy. 

Melisandre on the other hand was looking at the blaze. And the Jedi who were trying to contain it. They couldn't hold forever. And she knew what she had to do. She approached the fire. 

"Hey! What are you doing?" Ahsoka asked.

"What I was meant to do." Melisandre answered. "Stannis Baratheon was not the Prince who was promised. There is another. And he can't save us all if he's dead. The Lord of Light has given this power to me for a reason." She explained. "This is my reason." 

"What are you talking about?" Ahsoka asked. Nothing this Lady  said made any sense. 

"The Force will be with you Jedi. For the Night is dark and full of terrors." Melisandre declared. She then shouted some chants that Ahsoka couldn't understand. But the fires started to die down. And then it slowly but surely died out. Contained into small embers.

The Jedi all let go. "What just happened?" Sam asked.

Melisandre looked like she just got out of a fight with an Acklay. And suddenly she appeared to be getting older. With white hair and a decrepit body. And slowly but surely she turned to dust.

The Jedi at Flea Bottom were all stunned by what they just saw. Melisandre sacrificed herself so that the city might live.

Anakin tapped on his communicator. "Does anyone copy?" He asked nervously.

Nothing yet. "Ahsoka?" He asked.

"We're here, Master." Ahsoka answered. "The Wildfire is contained. Grievous failed." She reported.

And suddenly a shout came amongst the city. Despite it being the same voice. Anakin could tell the Republic was all celebrating. He then went on the communicator. "King's Landing is ours!" He announced.

Fives pointed his gun at a now standing Tywin Lannister.

"It's over, Sansa. It's all over." Robb said.

Sansa still had tears in her eyes. This whole nightmare was over. Joffrey was dead. And the Republic had taken King's Landing. "You came for me." She fell into her brother's arms.

Robb embraced his little sister. "I swore I would." He replied letting Sansa cry in his arms. "It's okay, Sansa. I'm here now. I've got you."

Jon approached the two and Sansa hugged him as well.

Anakin smiled at the reunion. So were Loras, Mace, and Ygritte. Brienne still looked as stern as ever. But she did manage a small smile.

"Well. Congratulations, Robb Stark." Tywin grumbled. His forces had lost. It was all over. Only a fool would deny it. "You've taken King's Landing. What next?" He asked.

Robb knew just the answer. He looked at Tywin who had been the real mastermind behind the Red Wedding. "House Lannister stands down. You stand trial for your crimes. Casterly Rock will fall to Tyrion if he still lives. And you will answer for my father's death." He answered. These were his demands.

Tywin threw a disgusted look at the thought of Tyrion being the heir of Casterly Rock. And he had a hunch that Jamie was already dead. He made it clear that Tyrion would never turn Casterly Rock into his whore house. But now, there was nothing he could do. "There's just one problem. I had nothing to do with your father's death." He pointed out. 

Robb and Jon looked confused. "What do you mean?" Robb asked.

"I was off fighting my Grandson's war with you, Robb Stark. He chopped off Ned Stark's head. And that left King's Landing plunged into madness and stupidity. I ordered my son Tyrion to act as hand in my stead after that. Had I known that he would take your father's head, I would've stopped it." Tywin answered.

Robb shook his head. "Even if you didn't kill our father. You organized the Red Wedding. Didn't you?" He accused.

"Yes." Tywin answered. There was no reason to lie to the boy. 

"Why did you do it?" Jon asked. All the Clones pointed their guns at Tywin. 

"To end the war. To keep the family safe. It was far less destructive to kill a few men at dinner then on the battlefield." Tywin answered.

"Less destructive. Probably. But less honorable." Anakin commented.

"If you think honor is what wins wars, Jedi. You're wrong." Tywin replied. 

"And you Lord Tyrell. I never thought you would double cross me. I figured you for a fat pompous fool." He added.

Mace approached the defeated Tywin. "You really didn't think that I would let my daughter, my beloved Margery marry to that little Monster, did you?" He asked pointing at Joffrey.

"I was hoping that Margery would be able to tame that monster." Tywin replied with a grunt.

"Taming the child of Cersei Lannister? Good luck." Loras commented.

"Hold on. You sided with the Lannisters. Why turn against them now?" Robb asked.

"Because, Your Grace. We allied with Renly Baratheon. Margery was his wife. And then Stannis Baratheon killed his brother. When Stannis turned his forces to King's Landing. We saw our moment. We allied with both the Separatists and the Lannisters." Mace answered.

"With the fall of Stannis Baratheon, we took advantage of our golden opportunity that was created. Renly had sworn to his men and your mother that Joffrey would die for what he did. And Margery. Well, she wanted to be the queen. It was a win win for both parties. Then the war continued. And you survived." Loras added. 

"One of two things would happen. Either you would leave. Or lay siege to King's Landing. You chose the latter. And we made our move. We finished the oath we swore to Renly." Mace continued.

"Most impressive." Anakin clapped. It was a good plan.

Even Tywin thought it was impressive. He was played from the start.

"Well Lord Tywin? I think it's high time you bent the knee to Robb Stark now." Anakin advised.

While all of this was going on. Fixer whispered something into Boss's ear. "Boss, we've got an incoming transmission from Coruscant. Says it's for you specifically." 

"Alright, let's see what we've got." Boss replied.

"If you think, I'll swear that loyalty, Jedi. I won't." Tywin declared. He would not bend to a Northern Lord.

"I don't want to kill you, Lord Tywin." Robb announced. "I will not serve without justice. And-" He was interrupted by a conversation that Boss was having.

"Is this what you want sir?" Boss asked.

No one could understand what the static in Boss's helmet was saying.

"Yes sir. As you command sir." Boss replied. He and the Commandos all marched forward in front of  Tywin.

"Commander? What's going on?" Robb asked.

"There's been a change of plans, Your Majesty." Boss answered. "We've received special orders. This one's straight from the top." 

Anakin looked confused. The top could only mean the Chancellor. And he had a hunch on what the orders were. "The Chancellor?" He asked. 

Boss nodded.

Anakin nodded. "I understand." 

The Commandos pointed their guns at Tywin. Robb, Jon and Sansa looked in horror. "What are they doing?" Sansa asked.

Robb went over to stop them, but Anakin held him back. "Anakin. Tell them no. This isn't justice." Robb protested.

"These are the Chancellor's orders, Robb. It's out of my hands." Anakin replied.

"This isn't the Jedi way." Jon pointed out.

"It's out of my hands. I'm loyal to the Republic." Anakin replied.

One look at the Clones, and another look at Anakin. And Tywin put two and two together. An army built to take orders without question. Anakin not taking a stand against the Chancellor despite it going against this "Jedi Code." It all made sense now. Palpatine concocted a scheme that would dwarf anything the Tyrells could ever do. "So that's what this all about." Tywin then laughed. "You have no idea what's coming, Jedi." Those were his last words before the Commandos shot the most powerful man in Westeros dead.

The Starks all looked in stunned horror. 

"What did you do?" Robb asked.

"Our duty." Boss answered.

"I don't approve." Robb replied.

"You don't have to." Anakin informed. "Come on, there's a city in need of a leader. And a nation that needs a King." He motioned for Robb to follow to the Throne Room.

And Robb reluctantly followed Anakin and the Clones. Robb also held Sansa's hand and motioned for some one to get something to cover his sister. And Loras took off his cloak and placed it over Sansa.  

"It's just us and Arya. Isn't it?" Sansa asked.

"Bran's alive too. But Rickon..." Robb answered.

"I know." Sansa then told Robb about how Grievous showed their mother the severed arm of Rickon the day their mother died. "Arya's angry with me isn't she?" She also asked.

"She's always angry with you." Robb answered with a little laugh.

"But this time, I've really done it." Sansa muttered.

"She's mad. But we'll get through this. As a family. What was it Father said?" Robb reassured.

"Winter is coming?" Sansa asked.

"No, the other thing." Jon said.

"The Lone Wolf dies but the pack survives?" Sansa asked.

"Yes." Robb answered. "We're a family we'll stick together. You still have time to fix things, Sansa." 

Sansa smiled at that. But another thing was on her mind. Something that Tywin said. "What did Tywin Lannister mean by no idea on what's coming?"  She asked.

"I don't know. But we'll find out, before anything bad can happen." Anakin reassured. "That's what we do as Jedi."

Sansa still swallowed hard. This might be even bigger than the Jedi.

Tyrion Lannister woke up with a jump start in the middle of a road away from the city. He was on a wagon with Bronn pulling it.

"You are one, shit fighter." Bronn declared.

"Well, you ran from the Jedi." Tyrion pointed out.

"Like I was going to get myself killed by a lightsaber." Bronn replied.

"Fair enough." Tyrion thought. The Republic probably took King's Landing by now. Podrick was also with them.

"But look on the bright side. You're Lord of Casterly Rock now." Bronn commented.

"Oh, won't father be spinning at the thought of that." Tyrion replied. "So why did you save me?" He asked.

"We are friends aren't we? And you still owe me a castle and a title." Bronn answered.

Tyrion shrugged. "Might prove difficult. House Lannister will pay a heavy price when Robb Stark sits on the throne."

"But you still owe me a castle and a title and the Lannisters always pay their debts." Bronn informed.

"You're already Ser Bronn of the Blackwater." Tyrion protested.

"Then you just owe me a castle." Bronn replied.

Tyrion grumbled under his breath. 

"Uncle!" A voice shouted. Tyrion sat up to see Tommen and Pycelle waiting for them.

"Hello, nephew." Tyrion greeted. Unlike Joffrey, Tommen was actually nice and humble.

"We lost didn't we?" Tommen asked. 

Tyrion nodded. Most likely their family was dead by now. "Those idiots." He thought. It was a mistake to side with the Separatists.

"This alliance was a bad idea from the start." Pycelle noted.

"And speaking of bad ideas..." Tyrion saw Grievous and the Gunship descend.

"We lost." The Droid reported.

"Well what do we do now?" Pycelle asked.

Grievous instead contacted Count Dooku. Pycelle interrupted Grievous and Tyrion slapped his face. That old fool was going to get himself killed. "Your Separatists forces have proven to be not as effective against Clones. We will need an even bigger army to take our city back. And put King Tommen on the rightful throne." He informed.

Tommen shook his head. This Dooku guy did not look like he was messing around. 

"I don't think Tommen wants to rule." Bronn whispered to Tyrion.

"You think?" Tyrion asked back.

"Most unfortunate." Dooku responded. "General Grievous, what is your assumption of the situation?" He asked.

"The Jedi swept into King's Landing. And my Wildfire trick failed. Westeros is now under the control of the Republic. To take back the city will take time and effort." Grievous answered.

"A prolonged war on an Outer Rim planet does not interest me, General. Time and effort would take away from other planets that are more crucial to the war effort." Dooku explained.

That was it. The Republic won this round. "Then... we have lost." Grievous admitted.

"You win some, you lose some." Bronn commented. 

Pycelle on the other hand looked stunned at this. "But...b-but..."

"Salvage the remaining forces and withdrawal the fleet. Bring them to Serenno. That is all." Dooku ordered. 

Grievous nodded and the hologram switched off. He looked at Pycelle who was in utter disbelief. Grievous on the other hand just stabbed the old man with a Lightsaber. Tommen stood in horror and Bronn and Tyrion just shook their heads. They didn't like the Old fool anyway.

"Thanks for the memories, boys." Grievous grabbed the Commander Droid and got on the Gunship again. And the Gunship took off for orbit.

"So about that Castle?" Bronn asked.

"We'll talk about it on the way to Casterly Rock." Tyrion decided.

"We're on the way to Casterly Rock." Bronn pointed out.

"Just give him a Castle, My lion." Shae from the back of the wagon complained.

Tyrion was blindsided by that voice. "Shae is here too?" He asked.

"Yep. While you were unconscious. I went back to the Red Keep. Got Shae out before the Clones could get there, or Cersei do something. Smuggled her out, and here we are." Bronn answered.

"You're a good man, Bronn." Tyrion praised. And then he had an idea. "Who wants to hear a joke?"

Bronn, Tommen and Shae all groaned.

"What?" Tyrion asked.

"Uncle, no offense. But, your jokes aren't exactly funny." Tommen said.

"Oh, but this one will really take the cake. It's about a Jackass, a Honeycomb, and a Brothel." Tyrion replied.

Bronn sighed. "This is going to be a long trip." He groaned.

Grievous had made it into orbit and could see the Republic fleets and the Separatist fleet in a stalemate. He already sent out a retreat order for the Droids at Winterfell. They were already in their transport ships getting ready to leave. Grievous only cared about one thing: Leaving orbit.    He saw a Separatist Frigate near him and he was going for it.

Grievous ordered to be taken to the hangar. The Gunship landed and it was nice to be on familiar ground again. Grievous never thought he missed metal floor this much.

"General. Welcome back." A Droid greeted.

"Are the Droid Transports on board too?" Grievous asked.

"We're at 65% capacity, sir." The Droid answered.

"Get us out of here. The rest of the army will just have to hitch a ride." Grievous ordered.

"Roger Roger." The Droid replied. 

Grievous went to the bridge. "Get us out of here." He ordered. The Separatist ship then entered the blue tunnel of hyperspace.

Robb entered the main hall of the Throne Room. Clones were all lined up by the sights with a sort of salute with rifles to honor their new king. The Jedi were all standing by the throne with Robb walking up to it. Among the crowds were several Lords and Ladies of the Realm. There were still some blaster marks on the walls and floors from the fighting but it mostly looked clean. Jon took Sansa with him to the side next to Mormont, Ygritte, Sam, and the Tyrells. Anakin took his spot with the other Jedi next to Obi Wan and Ahsoka. Robb walked up the steps and looked at the throne. The High Septon, stood before Robb. And Robb stood tall. This was happening and it was happening now.

"I now proclaim, Robb of the House Stark. King of the Andals and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. And Protector of the Realm." The Septon announced. He handed out a crown that featured a grey color. The Color of the House Stark. Robb placed it on his head.

"Long may he reign!" The Septon declared.

"Long may he reign!" The Main Hall chanted.

Robb sat on the Iron Throne. He didn't want the Throne. But for the sake of the realm, he would do his duty, just like his father did as Warden of the North. "There is much rebuilding to do. Not just in King's Landing. But through all Seven Kingdoms. I didn't ask for this responsibility. But I swear that I will serve the realm, wisely and as just as I can. Now I believe we have work to do." He declared.

Everyone clapped at Robb's speech. "And as my first act as King. Jon Snow, step forward." Jon stepped forward and kneeled to his brother. "Stand, Jon. There's no need for that."

Jon stood up. "We share the same blood through our father, despite us having different mothers. And throughout all of the realm, you've been a bastard. But now, it's time we became true brothers." Robb started.

Sansa looked stunned. Was Robb going to say what he was going to say? "May you be acknowledged, Jon Stark! Heir of Winterfell and Warden in the North!" Robb declared.

"No way!" Sansa thought in high anticipation. "Can he do that?" She asked Mormont.

"I believe he just did." Mormont answered.

Jon had his mouth hung open. Robb talked for so long about legitimizing him, but never thought that he would actually do it. He looked at Commander Mormont who gave his now former steward a thumbs up.

"But the Night's Watch-" Jon started.

"You're Watch has ended. It's the least I could do for your service. You saved the Realm from a Great Peril. Now you'll serve it." Mormont announced.

"Thank you." Jon replied with a smile as Sansa hugged her brother.

Robb smiled as well. But he got to more business. "Jedi. I owe you everything for coming to our aid in our time in need. I am proud to call you my allies. And let it also be known that the Jedi Order, The Galactic Republic and House Stark will be allies from now to the end of time." 

Obi Wan stood before Robb. "And it is our honor to call you friend as well." He replied. "Welcome to the Republic. King Robb."

Everyone cheered for that.

"And to you, House Tyrell. For aiding us in our time of need. If you have anything to ask, just say the word." Robb continued.

Loras stepped forward. "Thank you Your Grace. I do apologize for being so blunt with you. But I understand that you've lost your wife. My condolences." He said. 

Robb's face darkened. It still pained his heart to think about Talisa like that. "Yes. It's not been easy to deal with. What happened was a tragedy. Thank you for your condolences." He replied. 

"Indeed. My sister Margery. She remains innocent. And were kept in the dark about Joffrey's and Grievous's plan to burn down King's Landing to the Ground. If you would, might I ask... do us the honor of uniting the houses of Stark and Tyrell." Loras requested.

Everyone who wasn't a clone or Jedi looked at the scene stunned. Even Robb looked stunned. The Tyrells must've been doing this for a power move. A political alliance. "What say you, Lady Margery?" Robb asked.

Margery approached the throne and winked at Sansa who looked stunned by all that was happening. Were she and Margery about to become sisters? "With all my heart, Your Grace. Unlike Joffrey, who I wish I could've seen the evils of, you are a man of honor and dignity. It would be my pleasure to know a man like yourself." Margery answered.

Robb sighed. "You flatter me, My Lady. But... I'm not a man of honor." The whole room went silent. "I broke my vow to House Frey, and wed another. That doesn't make me honorable, that makes me a fool. And the Gods punished me by letting me live, and my wife and unborn child paid for my mistake." He explained. But he did have points for honesty.

Margery on the other hand was not about to give up her position to become Queen. She charged ahead. "Your Grace. I cannot speak for the Gods. It is only human to make mistakes. But maybe this is the way for the Gods to give you another chance." Margery suggested. 

Robb looked up. Was that woman some sort of witch or something? It was as if she knew how to tug at Robb's heart.  "How do you know this isn't some trick?" He asked.

"I don't." Margery answered.

"If the Gods intend to give me another chance. Then I will do it. Ser Loras, I will wed your sister. Lady Margery will be my Queen from this day. Until my last day." Robb declared.

Everyone clapped at that. Margery was well loved by the people. And this would be seen as a peaceful end to the War of the 5 Kings.

Later that evening. Robb walked through the ruined halls with Jon, Anakin, Ahsoka Obi Wan, and Sansa. Arya and Bran had also arrived by Gunship after hearing the news that King's Landing had fallen. 

Hodor carried Bran over to the group. "Sansa!" Bran greeted. 

Sansa gave a hug to Bran. She was wearing a different dress instead of the torn one, now. "I've missed you, Bran." She replied.

"Hodor." Hodor said.

"And you too, Hodor." Sansa added.

Arya on the other hand embraced Jon and Robb. "Did you do it?" She asked.

"It's over Arya. Joffrey is dead." Robb answered.

"And Meryn Trent?" Arya turned to Jon.

"Dead to bits." Jon answered.

"Thank you." Arya gave a hug to Jon.

"He's legitimized now, you know." Robb said.

Arya looked stunned. "You mean..."

"He's no longer a bastard." Robb clarified.

Arya gave Jon an even bigger hug. 

"Jon's our brother now!" Bran shouted.

And that was when Arya looked at Sansa. It had to be an awkward reunion as ever.

"Sansa." Arya greeted.

"Arya." Sansa greeted back. "Your hair looks shorter. I kind of like it."

Arya shrugged. "You've got a little... cut on your cheek. It makes you look tough."

"Tough like a wolf." Sansa replied. She then looked at Arya who had a bit of a smile on her. "Arya. I wanted to apologize for being awful." Sansa admitted.

Arya didn't look convinced. "And?"

"And for getting upset with you when I said you spoil everything." Sansa continued.


"And for making you send Nymeria away." Sansa added.


"And for not telling King Robert the truth." Sansa added.

Arya had a grinning smile. "And?"

"Okay, we get the picture." Robb interrupted.

"Aw. And just when it got good." Arya complained.

"Siblings, am I right?" Robb asked the Jedi.

"It could be worse." Anakin replied.

"You got your family back. You did good Robb." Obi Wan said.

Robb looked at his family with happiness. "I just wish there was more I could do for Rickon." He told the Jedi.

"Rickon will always be one with the Force." Obi Wan reassured.

Robb didn't know much about the Force, but he knew that Rickon would always be with them.

"You did good work, Robb. Your Father would've been proud of you." Obi Wan commented.

"I'll waste no time in building my Small Council." Robb informed. "What of the Separatists?" He asked.

"Grievous got away, again. But the Droid forces are in full retreat. This planet is secure." Anakin answered.

Robb made an ugh sound. "He got away again?" He asked.

"Unfortunately." Ahsoka answered. "Not the first time its happened. So what's going to happen to House Lannister?"

"Tyrion will rule as Lord of Casterly Rock. If he doesn't bend the knee, then his fate is sealed." Robb answered. "Tommen will be living with his Uncle away from King's Landing. I've taken it for House Stark by right of Conquest. Myrcella will be staying in Dhorne. I hear this Tristian Martell loves her now. They're good people. I'd rather not see them stripped for crimes they didn't commit."

It was a smart move. That would be like Joffrey punishing Sansa for stuff that Robb did.

"And Cersei?" Arya asked. What about her?"

"Cersei will be brought back to Coruscant for trial for Separatist War Crimes. The murder of King Robert. Collaboration with the Separatists. And for Incest with Jamie Lannister the Kingslayer." Obi Wan answered.

That was good enough for The Starks. Justice was being served.

"So when do you and Margery marry?" Sansa asked.

"Robb is being married again?" Bran asked.

"A Fortnight." Robb answered. "And I expect you to be there to witness it." He told his siblings.

"I'm not wearing a dress." Arya said.

Jon nudged Arya. "We'll talk about it later."

"Oh Robb. The Chancellor wanted to congratulate you for a job well done." Anakin announced.

Robb was intrigued by that. "Put it through."

Anakin ignited a hologram of the Chancellor.

"So this the Chancellor?" Sansa thought. He looked like some old friendly Grandpa.

"I've heard the news. Welcome to the Republic, Your Majesty." Palpatine praised.

"Thank you, Chancellor. It won't be easy to run an entire Continent. But I'll do it to the best of my ability." Robb announced.

"That is all you can do sometimes, my boy." Palpatine replied.

"Your Excellency, if I may ask a question? Why-" Robb was cut off.

"Did I order the death of Tywin Lannister?" Palpatine interrupted. "Because he was too dangerous to left alive. I didn't want to risk the Separatists breaking him out, so that his knowledge could be used against us. Call it unjust but I believe I made the right call." He answered.

Robb sighed. "I wanted him to serve justice. But... it just doesn't seem right." 

Obi Wan agreed with Robb on this one. It wasn't the Jedi way either. And Tywin definitely seemed like a gold mine of information onto the Separatists plans.

"It was justice I served him. I assure you, I did not make this decision lightly." Palpatine informed.

"Chancellor, if I may?" Sansa asked.

Palpatine looked at Sansa. "Yes child?" He asked.

"My Sister, Sansa." Robb introduced.

"There was something, Lord Tywin said about something coming for the Jedi. They had no idea what was coming." Sansa started.

The Jedi also looked at Sansa. "No idea on what was coming for what?" Obi Wan asked.

"Yeah, Tywin's final words were: "So that's what this is all about. You have no idea what's coming, Jedi." Or something  like that." Anakin agreed.

"What if he was talking about Grievous's Lord." Sansa suggested.

"You mean Dooku?" Anakin asked.

"Not Dooku. Someone else." Sansa clarified. "When I was held hostage, I overheard a conversation between Grievous, Dooku, and someone else. Some Grievous called Lord Sidious."

Palpatine and the Jedi's eyes widened.

"You saw Sidious?" Obi Wan asked.

"No. I only heard his voice. But it sounded like pure evil. Like the one Old Nan used to tell about the evil monsters and the handsome knights who fought them." Sansa answered. 

"Wait, wasn't Sidious the guy who hired Cad Bane to steal the Jedi Holocron a while back?" Ahsoka asked.

"That be the one." Anakin answered.

"Who exactly is this Sidious?" Robb asked. From the way the Jedi responded to Sansa telling the name, it couldn't be good.

"Darth Sidious is the Dark Lord of the Sith. He's Dooku's Master." Obi Wan answered. "I first heard the name from Count Dooku on Geonosis at the beginning of the war. It's possible that Sidious is the true mastermind of the Separatist Alliance. Dooku is only a figure head. 

So this whole Separatist conspiracy ran even faster than the Starks even knew.

And Sansa was chilled to the bone about it. "But if that's true then..."

"It's nothing you need to worry about. We will deal with this Darth Sidious in time." Palpatine assured.

And Sansa reluctantly nodded. Let the Jedi deal with Sidious. "Okay, but just be careful. This Sidious doesn't sound like someone to cross." She warned.

Palpatine didn't respond to that. Instead he looked at Robb. "Good luck, My boy. I look forward to seeing your planet represented on the Senate Floor." He wished to Robb.

"Thank you, Chancellor." Robb thanked.

"Get some rest my boy. You have a nation to lead." Palpatine advised. He turned the hologram off and smiled evilly as he did it.

"Fools. Though the Little Girl is right. I'm not someone to cross." He thought.

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