Chapter 22: The Wolf and the Rose.

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The next week saw the Republic and the Jedi repairing the city. After it was learned that Grievous tried to burn down the city to destroy the enemy, public support for the Separatists completely evaporated. The Republic on the other hand helped the people when they needed it. Robb would be staying in King's Landing as King. He would need a new Hand of the King, and suitable candidates would come forward. Varys would stay as Master of Whispers. The Blackfish who had managed to escape the Twins would also come to King's Landing and help serve as Master of War. But Robb still needed a Master of Coin, Ships, Laws and a Grand Maester. It certainly was a lot of responsibility. Winning was easy. Governing's harder. 

As for House Lannister. Tyrion bent the knee. With the Separatists pulled out, there was no sense in continuing the war. And Robb didn't think it wise to kill Tyrion and install chaos in the Westerlands. Besides he owed Tyrion for protecting Sansa when she was a hostage in King's Landing. Tommen would be an heir to Casterly Rock, or maybe Storm's End. That would be decided later. House Frey was stripped of its power, land and title, and would be investigated into their recent attacks against the Starks. Jon would return to Winterfell to take up the post as Warden of the North. And Sansa, Arya, and Bran would be going with him. Jon would have a lot of rebuilding to do. Finally, for House Bolton. They would also be stripped of power from the Dreadfort. The only possible heir for Roose Bolton was his bastard Ramsay Snow. So, Robb ordered that Ramsay be hunted down if he did not comply with the law and also for disturbing rumors that Robb heard about the Bastard of the Dreadfort.

Sansa was out by the gardens looking at the sea as ships were coming into the repaired harbor. Maybe it would also be a matter of time before many star ships would exchange trade as well with the planet. The world would be changing more rapidly then anyone could think. Technology would be next generation and their planet would be connected to the Galaxy.

"Hello, Sansa." Margery greeted over by the terrace.

"Lady Margery." Sansa greeted with a smile.

"Just call me Margery." Margery corrected. "We are going to be sisters soon aren't we?" 

Sansa smiled. It was one way for her and Margery to be sisters. "It feels strange, ever since Father was murdered I've been a prisoner. And now, I'm free again." She said.

"I can only imagine." Margery replied. 

"Sorry it didn't work out between me and Loras." Sansa apologized.

"Oh don't be. It's not your fault the Lannisters made that whole plot." Margery replied. And the truth was that this was better for the Tyrells. They may not have married to Sansa and got the North, but they got something better. The Iron Throne. And it was thanks to the Republic. Both women decided to go for a walk. 

"Thank you, by the way. For everything you've done for me and my family." Sansa also thanked.

"I should be thanking you. You warned us of the monster that Joffrey was." Margery replied.

"Is that what made your Father and Brother turn against him?" Sansa asked.

"Yes." Margery answered. Even though that was partially true from a certain point of view. "My father may be a fat head, but he does care about his family. Though I suppose if I did marry Joffrey, we would kill him when we got the chance."

Sansa looked at Margery funny. But then she laughed. "You're joking right?"

Margery laughed too. "Of course. Could you imagine if that actually happened?"

But Margery then looked at Sansa. "Now tell me, what's your brother like?" She asked.

"What?" Sansa asked.

"I'm to be his wife. You know Robb better than most. I hope he's better than Joffrey." Margery explained.

"Don't worry. Robb is nothing like Joffrey." Sansa assured. And she started talking about her brother. "Robb is the golden child of the family. He's strong, he's brave, he's gentle, he does get a little stubborn. But he'll always try to do what's right. Even if he has to risk the wrath of the Gods to do it." 

"Well, it's nice to know he's not like Joffrey." Margery replied.

Sansa smiled. "Robb is anything, but Joffrey."

Robb went down into the city by the harbor to inspect the production and the repairs. And also to greet the Prince of Dhorne, Prince Oberyn Martell.  The streets were becoming even safer. The Republic was providing the building materials, and the Tyrells were providing the food. He was walking with Arya.

"You'll come over to Winterfell when you get the chance right?" Arya asked. It wasn't going to be the same without Robb at home.

"If I can, Arya." Robb answered. "But it might be awhile. I've got a city to fix up, and 7 Kingdoms to lead. The Republic is even saying we might have to expand just to accommodate people."

"King Robb. It feels weird." Arya thought out loud.

"Not as weird as Princess Arya, I bet." Robb shot back. He knew that Arya never really liked those types of titles.

"Please don't call me that. I may be able to handle the title of Lady, but I draw the line at Princess." Arya requested.

"Okay, sorry." Robb replied. "You'll listen to Jon right?" He asked.

"Yes Robb." Arya answered. He just had to be the nagging parent now.

"And you will be nice to your sister." Robb added.

Arya looked at Robb funny. "Does not putting sheep dung in her bed count as being nice?" She asked.

"That would be a start." Robb answered. 

"Hey, where is this Oberyn Martell guy anyway?" Arya asked.

Robb went over to Jesse. "Hey, Jesse. You seen if Prince Oberyn has arrived yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, he came by about 20 minutes ago." Jesse answered. 

"He already came by?" Robb asked. "Where did he go?" 

"No clue." Jesse answered. "Said something about visiting an establishment."

Robb had a hunch on what the establishment was.

And just like Robb thought. Oberyn was in a brothel. And he was kissing his mistress.

"This guy is a Prince?" Arya asked. He didn't sound very princely.

"Prince Oberyn?" Robb asked hoping that this wasn't him. But it was.

"Ah, Hello Your Grace." Oberyn greeted. "Ellaria Sand. My paramour." He introduced. "The King Robb Stark, and his little sister, Princess Arya."

Arya felt her fists clench. "Let it go, Arya. Let it go." She told herself.

"So how did you become King?" Oberyn asked.

"Killed the right people I suppose." Robb answered.

Oberyn laughed. He liked this King already.

"I wanted to thank you for coming to King's Landing. And I hope Dhorne acknowledges me as King. I'd hate to have to start another war." Robb explained.

"Oh, not to worry. We've all had enough of war. Besides, I wanted to come and thank you. Because you avenged my sister." Oberyn replied.

Arya looked confused. "We did?" 

"You're surely aware of what happened to Elia Martell right?" Oberyn asked. "When the Lannisters sacked King's Landing. Do you know what happened to my sister?"

Robb heard tales on the Sack of King's Landing from several Northmen. "She was killed." He answered.

"But before that. She married Rhaegar Targaryen. I was at their wedding. My sister loved him. She bore his children, swaddled them, rocked them and fed them at her own breasts. Elia wouldn't let the Wet Nurse touch them." Oberyn continued. 

Robb could see where this was going. "And beautiful, noble Rhaegar Targaryen left her for another woman. You Aunt Lyanna."

Robb's face darkened. That was a bad scar on their family's history. "Yes... that. Rhaegar kidnapped her." 

"Father never really liked to talk about it." Arya added.

"I don't blame you two." Oberyn informed. "And I don't blame your Aunt for something my dead Brother in Law did. That started a war. That war ended right here. Tywin Lannister's army took the city. He butchered those children. My nephew and niece. Carved them up and wrapped them in Lannister cloaks. And my sister... she was raped and split in half by Gregor Clegane, The Mountain and his Greatsword. And if the Mountain killed my Sister, it was done on Tywin's orders." 

"He's dead now." Arya pointed out.

"Yes. I only regret that I couldn't kill him myself. You stole my kill from me. But it's war." Oberyn replied. "And now my sister can rest in peace." Deep down Oberyn wished he could've seen the look on his face when Tywin was defeated in everything.

"I wanted to put him on trial. Let him serve true justice." Robb justified. "But the Chancellor of the Republic thought otherwise." 

"Well, that's a pity." Oberyn replied. "Enjoy your time as King. Of course you understand that our terms with Aegon Targaryen still apply to your throne as well, correct?" He asked.

"Yes." Robb answered.

"Good." Oberyn replied. And then he left.

Meanwhile the Jedi Council was meeting in the Throne Room with Samwell Tarly present. They were making a decision on the case of Samwell Tarly. 

"What is to become of Samwell Tarly?" Obi Wan asked.

"Reached a decision. We have." Yoda announced.

"Our efforts in the war have caused a massive shift in the Force." Plo started. "And therefore it is rare that we find a Jedi or someone who is strong in the force. It is our duty to ensure that such individuals are taken to the Jedi to be trained properly."

Sam thought about it. It made sense to him.

"However. In the case of Samwell Tarly, he is well past the age limit to be trained in the arts of the Jedi." Mace Windu added.

Sam had his head hanged down. Looks like he wouldn't be a Jedi after all.

Anakin was disappointed but not surprised.. The Council didn't want to accept him for the same reason.

But Yoda continued. "Normally, accept an adult for training we do not. But a special case this is." 

Sam looked up in disbelief.

"Had Samwell been born in the Republic. We would've identified him right away. It's not his fault that he was born out of it." Ki Adi Mundi explained.

"Samwell Tarly has shown himself to be strong in the Force on multiple occasions. Therefore, Samwell will be taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi." Mace Windu announced.

This was great news for Sam. He was going to be a Jedi and travel the Stars. "You'd still take me even though I'm older than most new Padawans?" Sam asked.

"Not the first time we've taken an adult for training." Kit Fisto pointed out. "We've trained others like you. Remember Rahm Kota?" He asked.

"Ah yes." Yoda remembered. "Taken to be trained at the age of 18, Master Kota was." 

"He'll be taken to the Jedi Temple when we leave the planet. And that will be after the Royal Wedding." Plo Koon announced.

The meeting was adjourned. And the Jedi all left.

"Well, this is all grand." Davos thought out loud watching the whole scene with Jon, and Ygritte.

Anakin walked over to them.

"I'm proud of Sam." Jon said.

"He's a good man." Anakin replied. 

"And he'll make a great Jedi." Jon added.

"So, Jon. Now that the war is over. What will you do?" Anakin asked.

"I go back to Winterfell and rule as Warden in the North." Jon answered.

"And Ygritte?" Anakin asked.

"I'm staying with Jon Snow." Ygritte answered.

Anakin looked stunned at that.

"You know, even though Ygritte is annoying, calls me out, and has the worst social skill possible. Once you get to know her. She's not all that bad." Jon explained.

"Yeah, you say that now." Anakin muttered. But far be it for him to cry foul. I mean him and Padme, how does that happen?

Everyone else looked at Davos.

"You know, for the first time in my life. I'm not sure." Davos admitted. "Stannis Baratheon is dead. My work is done. I guess, I don't know."

"You know, Ser Davos. If you want to see more action, I could use a man like you in the Navy. You'd be a Captain under my command." Anakin suggested.

Davos thought about it. He'd been a crabber, a smuggler, a pirate, a knight, now he would be a Space Captain. "I'll consider it."

"Maybe take some time to think about it. If you don't want to. I understand." Anakin replied.

Finally the Day of the Royal Wedding arrived. It wouldn't be a big as the one the Lannisters and the Tyrells had planned. But it would still be a show nonetheless.  Banners of House Stark and House Tyrell were hung over the walls. Robb was dressed in similar robes like the ones he wore when he wed Talisa. He wasn't sure about marrying another woman. But maybe Margery would surprise him. His own mother wasn't sure about marrying Ned Stark, but they learned to love each other. The Separatists were gone. The Lannisters were defeated. But at the cost of Robb's Mother and youngest brother Rickon. But Robb would do well to honor their memories. And the memory of his father. The Jedi were all in attendance. As were the Lords and Ladies of Westeros. Robb's family: Jon, Sansa, Arya, and Bran were there. Arya didn't wear a dress. But she did dress nicely at the least. Ygritte also got out of her wildling outfit for a formal gown, but only this once. Varys was also there as was the Blackfish and Edmure Tully. Lysa Arryn and Robin didn't come. But that wasn't a big surprise to Robb. Lysa Arryn had a few screws loose. Instead Littlefinger represented the Vale. The Tyrells were also gathered as well. And surprisingly, Tyrion Lannister was there with Bronn. Tommen chose to remain at Casterly Rock. He didn't feel it was appropriate if he showed his face. Theon Greyjoy didn't come either. Apparently, his Uncle, Euron Greyjoy returned from sea and demanded the Salt Throne. Theon would have to halt that rebellion. That was if he could. 

Finally Margery walked down through the Sept of Baelor in a dress that could turn anyone into a Goddess themselves. Her father Mace Tyrell let go of her arm and let her walk over to Robb. Both walked up to the High Septon and Robb put a cloak on his new wife.

The Septon then tied their hands together. "Let it be known that Margery of the House Tyrell. And Robb of the House Stark are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Curse be he who would see to tear them asunder." He announced.

Sansa smiled for her brother. She hoped that Margery would be good to Robb.

Robb then gave a kiss to Margery and the whole area clapped.

"We had a new King. Now we have a new Queen." Sansa whispered to Jon.

"Better her and your brother. Then you and Joffrey." Jon assured.

"No, I'm not complaining. I'm just saying." Sansa replied.

The Wedding Reception was held at the Red Keep. But at least it was better than Tyrion's wedding. And guess what? Not a single assassination plot. 

Sansa walked around the area. She also saw Tyrion walking with Bronn.

"Lord Tyrion." She greeted.

"Sansa." Tyrion greeted back.

"I trust things are going fine with you." Sansa said making small talk. Especially since things were a little awkward between the two families. 

"Oh they are." Tyrion replied. "Casterly Rock is mine now. Feels strange to have it all to myself. I must admit."

But Sansa was still thinking about something. "Lord Tyrion. I wanted to say I'm sorry about your family." She said.

"It's not your fault, Sansa. This is war. They may have been vicious people. But still my family." Tyrion replied coldly. "Idiots. Fucking idiots."  

"I'm sorry." Sansa never took into consideration on what would happen to Tyrion. He showed her kindness at King's Landing when no one else would. And now his family was wiped out so she could live.

"They brought this on themselves, Sansa. Let's just leave it at that." Tyrion requested.

"I'm also sorry it didn't work out between us." Sansa added. She had a lot of apologies she was giving out.

"Don't worry. You'll find someone who will be lucky to wed you in time." Tyrion replied. "My Lady." He started to walk away.

"My Lord." Sansa went back to the main table with her siblings and the Tyrells.

Robb was sitting next to Margery and getting all Congratulations from Lords and Ladies. He found the whole thing to be a little over the top. He could see how Ned could get easily bored sometimes when he was Lord of Winterfell.

Jon was sitting next to Arya and Bran as Arya was eating her chicken, and Ygritte was snoring during the whole thing.

Jon flicked a finger on Ygritte which woke her up.

"Is it over yet?" Ygritte asked. She never understood all the excess glamour when it came to weddings. At least the first time Robb married it was subtle. But why did they have to go full force? Even Walder Frey wasn't this much excess. Whatever. Ygritte wasn't paying for it.

"Better get used to this, Arya. She's staying with us." Bran whispered.

Arya actually enjoyed having another woman in the castle who wasn't a lady. Sansa mouthed out: "Oh no." That meant more chaos in the castle. And this time their mother wasn't around to do anything about it. 

Arya also chuckled. Some things never change. Hopefully Sansa wouldn't be as stuck up like she was before.

By the next Lord and Lady that wished Robb Stark the best of wishes. He wondered how much longer would he have to endure this. But then he realized that as King. He would probably have to hear a lot of this in Court. Margery could tell that was on his mind. 

"Robb." Margery took his hand. 

"You look stunning, Lady Margery." Robb complimented.

"Thank you. You look rather handsome yourself, Your Grace." Margery replied. She then looked at his eyes. "I know you only married me for duty. But I want you to know that I will be there for you when you need me the most. I am your Queen." 

Robb made a smile. "Thank you, my wife. And thank you for also being there for Sansa when she needed help. She told me how you showed her kindness in a nightmare."

Margery nodded. "I did. When I saw Sansa in King's Landing, I'd never seen anyone so upset. I thought, that poor girl was never shown any kindness. If I didn't show her it, who would? She would be miserable and if you lost the war, well... I can only imagine the state she would be in. I suppose I also feel it's my responsibility to help the unfortunate. Given my work with the poor in the city."

"You do a deal of charity?" Robb asked intrigued.

"Yes." Margery answered. "The poor are not that different from us. That is if you approach them with gentle hands and an open heart." She explained. It also scored some points for the Tyrells who were helping out the Republic rebuild the city of King's Landing.

"I can only imagine." Robb agreed. "My Father said that it's like Fathering thousands of children. You worry about each and everyone of them." 

Margery laughed. "Could you imagine if we had thousands of kids. I would probably have grey in my hair before I would get it naturally." She joked.

Robb laughed back. "Maybe we already do."

"Well, at least I'm sparred a ton of pain." Margery replied. And Robb truly felt happy. Margery kind of reminded him a little bit of Talisa.  

"Would it be alright if I make an announcement?" Margery asked.

"Go ahead." Robb answered. He then got everyone's attention. "The Queen would like to say a few words!" He announced.

Margery stood up. "We are so fortunate to enjoy this marvelous food and drink. Not all of us are so lucky. To thank the Gods and by the will of The Force for bringing the war to a just end. King Robb has decreed that the leftovers of our feast, be given to the poorest in the city." She announced.

"I did?" Robb thought. And everyone clapped. Well Robb wasn't going to argue about it. 

When the clapping died down, Littlefinger came up to Robb and Margery. "Your Grace. Your Grace." He greeted.

"Lord Baelish." Robb replied.

"Lord Baelish." Margery greeted. But a little more ominously. She saw that look on Baelish. He wanted something. "What do you want, Baelish? You didn't come to just pay your respects to us did you?"

"You flatter me, Queen Margery." Littlefinger smirked. "I simply came to offer your husband with a proposition."

Robb shook his head. "If it's a seat on the Small Council-"

"I don't wish a seat on the Small Council." Littlefinger interrupted. "I trust that you will choose your advisors wisely. There is perhaps another seat of power that I can represent. Far better than on the Small Council." 

Robb looked confused. "Well what do you want, then?" He asked. "The Iron Throne?"

"No. The Iron Throne is all yours, Robb Stark. Your Grace." Littlefinger answered. "But with our planet now entering the Republic. You will need someone to represent the planet's best interest. And someone who can navigate the chaotic events of the Republic Senate. As it happens, I am both of those things." 

Robb knew what Baelish was talking about. "And what makes you think that I would make you Senator of this world?" Robb asked. "You didn't do anything when Joffrey arrested my father."

Littlefinger smiled on the inside, he always was ambitious. "Because I was smart when dealing with Joffrey. I warned your Father that he shouldn't move against Joffrey so radically. But he did not listen and he paid the price." 

"Are you saying my father was stupid?" Robb asked with a warning tone.

"Not at all." Littlefinger calmly answered. "Ned Stark trusted the wrong people. People I warned him not to trust." Robb sat back down. Littlefinger had him right where he wanted him. "If you don't trust me, then by all means, don't. Rule here, and I won't interfere with your plans. Simply let me represent this planet and its interest. If you don't, than you'll be bullied by members of the Republic elite. But put me in charge. And you will gain the respect of everybody." He requested.

Robb sighed. Baelish was as good of a manipulator as anyone in King's Landing, maybe even better. He also recalled Catelyn going on rants about Littlefinger. "Fine. You'll represent Westeros as Senator. But... if you make one move against me, if I even suspect you to put one toe out of line. I will see to it that you are dead where you stand." He warned.

"I would expect nothing less than the son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark." Littlefinger replied. He then left.

Margery could however see through that little snake. "You shouldn't trust Littlefinger." She advised Robb. 

"I don't." Robb replied. "That's why I've given him the role of Senator. He stays away from the Small Council, and if we're lucky then the Senate will eat him alive." He explained.

"Or he could eat the Senate alive." Margery thought.

A few minutes went by before Margery's father stood up and gave his toast. "To our New King. Robb Stark! May you and my daughter, Margery drink deep and live long!" He declared. And everyone clapped. Robb raised his glass to his new father in law.

Obi Wan then decided to stand up. "I would like to present a toast as well. To our powerful allies, and new friends of the Republic!" He declared. Everyone raised their glasses and chanted: "To the Republic!" 

And that was when Robb stood up. "I want to give my thanks to the Jedi Order. To Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano. Our House could not have asked for better companions in the war. And nor I, better friends." He smiled as he said that. Obi Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka also smiled that Robb was their friend.

"To the Jedi Order! Long may you reign! To Lord Baelish as the first Senator of our planet in the Galactic Republic! And to Samwell Tarly! The first Westerosi ever inducted into the Jedi Order!" Robb declared. 

Sam stood up to be acknowledged by everyone. And for the first time he felt true accomplishment. He was leaving Westeros, to become a Jedi Knight. He only hoped that he was ready for the challenge.

"And I make this vow now, on my honor as a Stark, that from this moment on. Westeros will be strong, and we will be known as the Warriors we were always meant to be!" Robb added. And everyone cheered for Robb. 

The rest of the Wedding went by without a hitch. The Pie was served, there was music and dancing. Finally when everything had started to die down. There was one thing to do before the Bedding Ceremony could start. That was say goodbye to the Jedi. The Jedi all started to go into their respective Gunships. Davos Seaworth decided to accept Anakin's proposal and would go with him. As for Sam, his family came to see him off.

"Goodbye Sam." Sam's Mother: Lady Tarly said to her eldest son. "I know you'll make us proud." Despite Sam's father being a dick to Sam. Sam's mother still loved him. And Sam's brother Dickon did have a good relation with his brother. 

"If you ever come back to Hornhill. You'll be welcome back with open arms." Dickon told his brother.

"Thank you, brother. I'm sorry about Father." Sam replied.

"It's okay. Father chose his fate. He chose to ally with the Separatists." Dickon pointed out.

Sam nodded. He then went to acknowledge Jon Stark. "Well Jon, I guess this is goodbye." He said giving a hug to his shield brother.

"You think we'll see each other again?" Jon asked.

"You know nothing... Jon Stark." Ygritte interrupted. "Of course you'll see each other again."

Jon felt it was weird to be called that. All his life he'd been a Snow. Now he was a Stark.

"Everything is changing." Sam thought out loud.

"Tell me about it. I even heard something about Robb saying he wants to reform the Westeros Military with one central military. Something similar to the Republic." Jon replied.

"You'll make Westeros proud, Sam." Arya praised.

"You're a good man." Bran added. 

Sansa gave him a hug. "I know that Jedi don't believe in luck. But I wanted to give it to you regardless." She explained.

"Thank you Sansa. And to all of you!" Sam replied. "You're my brother, Jon." He added.

"I know." Jon acknowledged.

Sam then got on the Gunship.

Robb gave Obi Wan a firm handshake. "If it wasn't for you, I would've been dead along with Talisa and my Mother. Thank you for saving my life." Robb thanked.

"I trust you'll make a fine King Robb." Obi Wan replied.

"Don't worry, Master Kenobi. I'll keep an eye on him." Margery reassured.

"Well someone has to. Just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Obi Wan requested. "Not like Anakin over here."

Anakin took offense to that. "Come on, Obi Wan. Name me one time, I've done something stupid." 

Obi Wan turned to Anakin. "Where would you like me to begin?" He asked. And Anakin started to argue with his Master.

"Does this usually happen?" Margery asked.

"If I had a credit for every time this did happen, Queen Margery. I'd be one rich Torgruta." Ahsoka answered.

"Should we step in?" Margery asked.

"Nah." Ahsoka shrugged. "Fighting is just their way of telling each other they love each other."

Margery looked at Anakin and Obi Wan arguing about some sort of chase on Coruscant involving a Bounty Hunter.

"And furthermore. You jumped into heavy traffic." Obi Wan argued.

"You jumped through a window." Anakin shot back.

"I just hope Robb doesn't fight with me to show how much he loves me." Margery wished. 

"I don't need to." Robb reassured and he kissed Margery.

"Don't worry about Sam. We're going to take good care of him." Ahsoka insisted.

"Come on Ahsoka. Let's go." Anakin declared. Both he and Obi Wan were already on the Gunship along with Littlefinger, and Davos.

"Shall we, Sam?" Ahsoka asked.

"Let's go." Sam answered and they both got on the Gunship.

All the Starks waved the Jedi and the Republic goodbye as the ships went into orbit. Robb was going to miss those guys.

The Gunships landed in the Hangar of the Jedi Star Cruiser. The doors opened and Sam, Davos, and Littlefinger received quite the Culture shock.

"Wow. Look at this place. We're actually in space." Sam thought out loud.

"It's truly a magnificent sight." Littlefinger commented.

"I never thought I'd miss this place again." Ahsoka said to Anakin.

"You know what, Snips. Neither did I." Anakin answered. Their Clone soldiers all thought the same thing.

"Get some rest, boys." Anakin ordered. "You've more than earned it."

Rex nodded and so did Cody. "Come on fellas." Cody waved at his brothers to follow.

"At least we're heading back to Coruscant now." Fives thought out loud.

And finally Admiral Yularen came down. "General Skywalker. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's good to see you again."

Anakin smiled. "Good to see you too, Admiral." He replied. "What's the status on the planet?" 

"You'll be happy to know that the Separatist forces are in full retreat. They won't be returning anytime soon. A peace keeping force will be staying in Westeros to secure on orderly transition of power. And we're all fueled up and ready to return to Coruscant whenever you say the word." Yularen reported. 

"And Cersei Lannister?" Anakin asked.

"In the brig ready to be taken to Coruscant to stand trial." Yularen answered.

"Good work." Obi Wan replied.

Anakin then introduced Davos Seaworth who was looking at the whole hangar in astonishment. "Admiral. This is Davos Seaworth. I've recruited him as a new Captain in our fleet."

Davos acknowledged Yularen. "Admiral." He shook hands.

"An honor to meet you, Captain Seaworth." Yularen replied. Davos seemed to be a man of honor. At least Anakin didn't recruit a complete scoundrel. 

"Davos, this is Admiral Wulf Yularen. One of our most distinguished Admirals. We're lucky to be with him." Anakin introduced.

"So I see." Davos replied.

"Shall we head to the bridge?" Yularen asked.

"Of course." Anakin answered.

Along the way, Yularen also took a look at Sam. "I'm Samwell Tarly. I'm being brought to the Jedi Temple for training." Sam greeted.

"Good for you." Yularen replied.

Everyone went up to the bridge and looked at Westeros from orbit. It really was something to behold even more than the hangar.

"Quick question. Who hasn't been to space before?" Anakin asked.

Sam, Littlefinger, and Davos all raised their hands.

Obi Wan smiled. "Then you're in for something." He turned to Yularen. "Prepare for Lightspeed." He ordered. The Republic fleet journeyed through the blue tunnel of lightspeed.

"Wow." Sam thought. Now he's seen everything.

"It truly is beautiful." Littlefinger commented. 

"I'll have someone show you to your quarters." Anakin informed.

"That would be nice." Littlefinger replied. 

As soon as Littlefinger was escorted to the guest quarters, he immediately left to go find the brig. There was one thing he wanted to do. He saw Cersei in a cell. Sitting in her shock cuffs on a chair and a table. 

"Oh how the mighty have truly fallen." Littlefinger said.

Cersei coldly starred at him. "I should count myself lucky. Lord Peter Baelish sides with the Republic and has now come to gloat his triumph in my face." She grumbled.

"You could say that." Littlefinger replied. "It must be hard isn't it? To lose everything you've ever loved. Your son, your father, your brother, your lover. And we both know that your brother and lover were the same person."

"Lies." Cersei muttered.

"We both them to be true." Littlefinger smugly responded. "Robert Baratheon black of hair. In a family of dominated black hair, and yet he had 3 kids not including his bastards, and none of them had Black Hair. Ned Stark saw the truth."

"You had a hand in his murder if I recall." Cersei shot back.

"I was not the one who murdered him." Littlefinger corrected. "That was your bastard, Joffrey."

Cersei made an angry face at Littlefinger. "And what are you now? Siding with the Starks?" She asked.

"Siding with the Crown." Littlefinger answered. "And I will be sure to serve the Crown in the Senate. I'd suggest you prepare yourself. Former Queen. You have a lot of explaining to do." He suggested.

Cersei stood up. "I swear that if I go down. I will take you with me." She warned. She looked so smug about it too.

But Littlefinger was one step ahead of the Curve. "And would the Republic Senate believe you? He asked. "A woman who murdered her husband with poison, who had 3 children born of incest with her brother, with that brother stabbing his King in the back and breaking a sacred vow, a woman who had Ned Stark arrested on false charges of treason. I doubt it. A betting man would say that you are not to be believed. And as it happens, I am a betting man." 

Cersei saw everything taken from her in one swift move. Her son was dead. Robb Stark now sat on the throne. Jamie was also dead, and so was her father. And Tyrion... he was Lord of Casterly Rock. The child that caused their mother to die. "I am the Queen." She growled.

"Not anymore." Littlefinger replied. "And you should take some time to acknowledge the fact that you officially failed." He then left the room. "Good day, Cersei." And he could hear Cersei breathing heavily on his way out.

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