Chapter 23: Same Game. Different Players

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"Here we are. Coruscant." Anakin announced to the Westerosi. 

 Sam looked in astonishment. Anakin was right. King's Landing looked like a mere speck compared to Coruscant. "Is all of the planet one big city?" He asked.

"Yep." Anakin answered looking at Sam's astonished look. "Yep. I had the same reaction when I first came to the planet."

The ship entered orbit and landed by the Military Complex and from there a Shuttle took Anakin, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, R2, Sam, Rex, Cody, Fives, Hardcase, Waxor, Boil, Jesse, Tup, Kix, and Littlefinger to the Senate building. Davos had stayed with Yularen, protocols and all of that. As for the main group. A herd of Senators including the Chancellor were there to greet them.

"Welcome home, Master Jedi." Palpatine greeted with open arms. 

Anakin smiled and bowed. "Chancellor." He replied.

"We apologize we could not capture Grievous." Obi Wan apologized.

"Don't be." Palpatine assured. "While it is unfortunate that General Grievous was able to escape. We congratulate the welcome of a new Planet to join the Republic." He then looked at Sam. "And I see you've found someone else."

Sam stood before Palpatine. "Hello. Samwell Tarly here. I'm a New member of the Jedi Order." He introduced.

Palpatine nodded back to him. "Well congratulations are in order. I hear new Jedi recruits are hard to find these days given the state of things." 

"The state of things?" Sam asked.

"He means the war." Ahsoka explained. "We're so occupied with fighting the Separatists and Count Dooku that we've had hardly enough time to find more recruits."

"Oh." Sam realized. He forgot that the Clone Wars was not over.

That was also when Littlefinger approached the Chancellor.

"And this is Senator Peter Baelish." Anakin introduced. 

Littlefinger bowed before the Chancellor. "An honor to meet you, Your Excellency." He greeted. "I've heard tales of a Strong Chancellor that has been keeping the fragile state of the Republic together."

"Boot licking won't get  you far in this senate, Senator Baelish. Nice try." Palpatine informed.

"Naturally." Littlefinger replied. "If the Republic was indeed run by boot lickers. This state would've collapsed long ago. I don't intend to be one of those. I intend to be a Senator, uncorrupted and only concerned for the well being of his planet, as much as seeing this Senate through it's most trying of times." He had that grin of his going again. Baelish may not have been a man in the Senate for so long, but he knew how to play politics. He was in King's Landing after all. 

"Good. I'd hate to have another corrupt politician in my Senate." Palpatine said.

"Politicians are all corrupt, Your Excellency. I'm at the very least an honorable corrupt man." Littlefinger replied. 

Palpatine thought this Baelish definitely had a mouth for politics. And he could sense that he certainly pulled some strings and greased some palms to get what he wanted. 

Obi Wan could see that everything was going just fine. "Well, come Sam." He motioned. "Let's get back to the Jedi Temple. We'll get you into your new robes, and begin your Jedi training."

Sam's smile lit up. "Wow!" He was ecstatic to get going.

"Coming Anakin?" Obi Wan asked.

"Actually, Master Kenobi. May I have a word with Anakin for a moment?" Palpatine requested.

Obi Wan wasn't too thrilled about it, but he didn't want to argue with the Chancellor. "Alright. But don't take too long. We need Master Skywalker back at the temple to discuss our next war strategy." He decided.

"Of course." Palpatine replied. The shuttle took off leaving Anakin with Palpatine and Littlefinger.

"Are you alright, Anakin?" Palpatine asked.

"Of course." Anakin answered confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I've heard reports from your campaign on the Continent of Essos. I wanted to know if they were true. What with the war against these Slave Cities. And given your own scarred history with slaves." Palpatine explained.

Anakin sighed. He wasn't sure how Palpatine figure it out, but someone must've leaked on what happened. But it was Palpatine so it didn't bother Anakin as much as it did. "Yes, Chancellor." He admitted. "I made sure those slavers paid for the way they treated those poor civilians. They even called me a Breaker of Chains."

Palpatine seemed to be intrigued by the name called Breaker of Chains. He would remember to add that to Anakin's impressive resumé.  

"And what of Essos now that you've left?" Palpatine asked.

"I've left that in the hands of Daenerys Targaryen." Anakin answered.

That raised an eyebrow on Littlefinger. "Daenerys Targaryen?" He asked. 

"You know her?" Anakin asked.

"Only by reputation. The Daughter of the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen. A Girl who married into the Dothraki, and who raided the city of Qarth to the ground." Littlefinger answered.

Anakin knew about that part already. It wasn't anything new to him. "Well it's not a concern to us." He said.

"And how do you know of such things?" Littlefinger asked.

"Well Littlefinger. It's your world. If something happens, then it's your job to know of that." Anakin replied.

Littlefinger was about to say something, but Palpatine put a hand on Anakin. "I have faith in Anakin. If he says that it is of no concern, then it is of no concern." Palpatine explained.

"As you wish, sir." Littlefinger replied.

Anakin looked behind both men to see his wife Padme Amidala in the flesh looking on in the distance. 

"Could you excuse me for just a moment?" Anakin asked.

"Of course." Palpatine answered knowing full well what the moment was for. "Come, Senator. I'll show you to your New Office." 

Littlefinger smiled at that. He was moving up in the Galaxy.

Anakin hadn't seen Padme since Naboo. When he went to go chase after Grievous which got him stuck on Westeros and into the War of the 5 Kings. And the secret Husband and Wife embraced each other when no one was around. Except for R2. 

"Anakin." Padme whispered in excitement.

"I've missed you Padme." Anakin said. "You would not believe the adventure I've been on."

"Oh, I have an idea." Padme replied. She heard about all the events that happened on that World. "Is it true? About the Slavers?" She asked.

Anakin nodded. There was no reason to lie to his wife. "Don't worry. They won't rise ever again. I saw to that."

"That's good, Anakin. You always did talk about freeing slaves." Padme was proud of him.

"And this is only going to be the start." Anakin vowed. "Soon, I'm going to go to other planets in need. They'll be free. And slavery will be a distant memory." He kissed Padme.

But it was cut short, as Anakin received a beep on his communicator. "Ugh. It's Obi Wan." He muttered.

Padme knew what that meant, even if she didn't like it. "It's okay. Go." She motioned. 

"I'll be back tonight. Wait for me?" Anakin asked.

Padme smiled. "I'll always be waiting for you, Annie." She answered.

Anakin then left to head for the Jedi Temple. 

Just then a voice came from beyond Padme. Which was her protocol droid: C-3PO.

"Well R2. I dare say that captain of the Second Sons sounded like a scoundrel. I would've like to have had a serious discussion about his etiquette." C-3PO said.

R2 was telling him about his adventures. And then he beeped again.

"Thank the Maker that we were not there as well, Mistress Padme." C-3PO declared.

"So am I 3PO." Padme replied. "So am I."

"Now then, let me tell you what I've been up to with all these Senate taxation regulations that I've seen in the Senate." 3PO informed.

R2 beeped and then quickly sped away.

"What do you mean you're not interested?" 3PO asked in disbelief. "It's a thrilling tale I will tell you!" He started to pursue R2.

"Some things never change." Padme thought.

2 weeks past. Littlefinger had done a fine job in his new digs. He made his office similar to that of the Vale. Littlefinger simply listened to what the hammerings in the Senate were about. Now there was talk of a group of Senators led by Halle Burtoni of Kamino wanting the Republic to purchase more Clone Troopers, but with the Republic operating in Deep Debt, that would result in pulling money from resources that normally go to basic services. And most Senators were split on the decision. Some didn't want their people to suffer. While most wanted to end the war as quickly as they could. 

"I can't believe this, Bail! I just can't!" Padme shouted.

Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan also walked with Padme. "It's almost as if these Senators want to just keep up the war." He agreed.

"So what do we do?" Padme asked.

"For starters. We have to defeat this bill." Bail answered. "Other Senators will join us. We just need to persuade more voices.

Senator Mon Mothma on the other hand raised her objections. "No matter what we do, we are always defeated on these bills. And without Senator Farr-" She looked at Padme. "I'm sorry dear."

"No it's okay." Padme reassured. "Sometimes I just wish Uncle Ono was here. He would know what to do."

"Maybe, but perhaps there might be one other person who can help." Bail suggested. He was referring to Littlefinger.

"How can we trust him?" Mothma asked.

"We can't. But he'll either be a friend or a foe." Bail answered.

"Let's hope he's a friend." Padme thought.

They walked into Littlefinger's office to see Littlefinger looking out at the view of the City of Coruscant. 

"I suppose it is a different view compared to the Vale. I've tried to make it as close to home as I could. But I suppose nothing ever feels like home, now does it?" Littlefinger said. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He asked.

"Senator Baelish." Padme greeted. "I wanted to ask for your help against the bill."

Littlefinger chuckled. "I must be becoming quite popular. The new child in town. Barely here for two weeks and people are already approaching me for help." 

"But you are a Senator just as much as we are, Baelish." Mothma replied.

"I may be a Senator, the same as you. But I also understand that the Inner Core elites do not reflect so kindly on us Outer Rim planets, regardless of the resources we produce. But if I recall, Senator Burtoni herself is an Outer Rim Senator, and yet she produces the military." Littlefinger pointed out.  

Littlefinger did have a point. It was that same reason the Separatists seceded. But Padme had to watch what she said very carefully. Some Senators didn't want to be called out for being Pro Separatists.  

"The Kaminoans have their influence on a lot of Senators for that reason. I was hoping that I would have the chance to speak with you, before the Pro War Senators did." Padme explained.

"We do face challenges against the Elites, that is true. But I am used to challenges." Littlefinger replied. "Do you know what I was before I came to be sitting in the Small Council on Westeros to King Robert?" He asked.

Padme shook her head.

"I was born on a small area of land called the fingers. I came to the Riverlands, a boy of 8. With nothing but a sack on his back. I lived amongst the Tullys of the Riverlands. I rose, I suffered. I had my heart broken at several times. Yet here I stand. Climbing up a ladder and here I stand as Senator in the Republic. I plan to do the same methods to work my way up the Senate." Littlefinger answered with all the ambition in the Galaxy.

Padme looked puzzled. "So you'll vote alongside us?" She asked.

Littlefinger smirked. "My vote will be my own. And you will have your answer then." 

"And how do we know you can be trusted?" Bail asked.

"Distrusting me is the wisest thing you can do, Senator Organa. We're all liars here, we politicians." Littlefinger answered.

"Not all politicians are liars, Senator Baelish." Padme protested.

"Tell that to the Trade Federation Senator. Who conspires with Nute Gunray, a leader in the Separatist Council. Or even all the elites themselves who conspire in corruption. Maybe even the Chancellor himself." Littlefinger replied. 

"What you say could be seen as treason." Mothma warned.

"It's only treason if we fail." Littlefinger clarified.

Padme wasn't sure what to think of Littlefinger. He seemed way too clever for Padme to like. 

"Well, maybe just think about our offer before you make a decision." Padme suggested. She and the other Senators left.

"General Skywalker seems like a good man." Littlefinger called out as Padme left. "I would be devastated if something were to happen to him."

Padme felt her heart go nervous. Did he know about her and Anakin too? Littlefinger explained that he couldn't be trusted. But if that was true, then he might've known a really important secret.

Meanwhile at the Jedi Temple. Anakin was looking at the Star Charts again. And he was on the hologram board with Robb Stark. At the request of the Chancellor, the Jedi Council had pulled him from the Campaign on Umbara. The 501st was under the command of Jedi Master Pong Krell. That made Anakin a little uncomfortable given Krell's battle records which had his men under his command have the highest body count. He could only hope that Rex and the others were okay. 

"Well, Your Majesty. I trust things are going well for you." Anakin said.

"Indeed. The war itself is over, and yet... the stress of ruling an entire nation is almost as that of war." Robb replied.

Anakin nodded. He could feel Robb's pain. "Well take comfort in knowing that you're not alone. Let your wife Margery help you." Anakin suggested.

Robb laughed. "I could. That Margery is a clever one. I swear you would think that she was calling the shots and ruling the kingdom."

"Well she is a Queen." Anakin pointed out. "And she's your wife. They help their husbands when they need it most." 

"How do you know so much about wives? I thought Jedi weren't suppose to marry." Robb asked.

Anakin made a pause face. "I've had my fair share of meeting leaders with wives and their wives feel that it's their responsibility to help their husbands when they need it most." He lied.

Robb took Anakin's word for it. "So how's Sam doing?" He asked.

"He's doing fine. Master Yoda is training Sam in ways of the Force. Sam seems to be exceeding expectations." Anakin answered.

"That's good to hear. Give him my regards." Robb requested.

"Of course." Anakin replied.

"One last thing." Robb reported. "I received a transmission from Maester Aemon. The Radar is detecting some major movement from beyond the wall. It's not the Wildlings and it's not more Battle Droids. It's... something else."

"Something else?" Anakin asked. That seemed odd to him. But then a thought occurred to him. "Maybe it's related to that darkness Obi Wan and I sensed when we arrived beyond the Wall."

Robb looked concerned. "I wonder... if it's The White Walkers." He thought.

"The White Walkers?" Anakin asked.

"It's an old story my Old Nan used to tell us when we were children. I always assumed that it was a fairy tale to get us to behave. But then again, I fought alongside Jedi and Clone Troopers and fought and army of Robots to take the Throne. So at this point, nothing is impossible." Robb answered.

"So what are you going to do about it?" Anakin asked.

"Take all necessary precautions in dealing with this threat." Robb declared.

"Okay, well if worse comes to worse. Just call in an orbital strike and blow them all to hell." Anakin suggested.

"Naturally." Robb replied. "I mean come on, it's not like I'm just going to meet them headfirst into battle." He joked.

Anakin laughed too. "I know right. Who would be dumb enough to think that was a good idea?" He jested.

"You'd have to be two guys named Dumb and Dumber." Robb added. "But seriously. We'll take all necessary precautions." He reassured.

"May the Force be with you, Your Majesty." Anakin wished and the Hologram faded. 

An hour later and Sam entered the war room with Yoda. "Excellent your training has progressed, Young Tarly." Yoda said to Sam.

Sam had been wearing his Jedi Robes along with his brown cloak. And he looked like he lost a couple of pounds too. The food wasn't as good as back home, but it was fine. And Sam always was interested in exotic food. He also noticed that Anakin was there looking at the Star Charts.

"Hello, Anakin." Sam greeted. He was surprised to see that he was here.

Anakin didn't take his eyes of the charts. "Hey Sam. Things going good?" He asked.

"Of course." Sam answered. "But what are you doing here? I thought you were on Umbara. He asked.

Yoda spoke for Anakin. "Called back, Skywalker has been. Ordered it was, by the Chancellor."

Sam found that odd. Anakin was the poster boy of the Republic, why Anakin was pulled from an important battle was beyond him.

"And now, I get to spend my time looking at Charts of the Galaxy. Hip hip, hurray." He sarcastically added. 

"Well you could spend time in the Library." Sam suggested.

Anakin laughed. "You're funny Sam." He remembered that unlike him, Sam was a sucker for knowledge and research. And the Jedi Librarian Madame Jocasta had even taking a liking to Samwell Tarly. Sam was even seen helping out young Padawans like Cal, and even another young Jedi named Caleb Dume. 

Yoda went back to talking about Sam. "Believe that come the time has, for Samwell to take his next step as a Jedi." He declared.

Anakin knew what that meant. "You mean--"

"Construct his own lightsaber, Sam will." Yoda answered. 

"No way!" Sam exclaimed trying to contain his excitement.

"Way, yes!" Yoda replied laughing a little bit. "The next stage of your training this is. Prepare yourself, you must."

Sam nodded. "Where do I go to construct a lightsaber?" He asked.

"Go we will to a planet that is sacred to the Jedi." Yoda answered. "Travel you and I will, to Illum." 

Sam remembered reading of that planet. It was a Planet in the Unknown Regions, it was sacred to the Jedi Order, and filled with Kyber Crystals, what was used to power a lightsaber.

"When do we leave?" Sam asked.

"Go now, we will." Yoda answered.

The ship came out of Lightspeed to Illum. Yoda, Sam, and Anakin all looked down at the planet.

"Thanks for coming with us, Anakin." Sam said.

"Well it beat sitting on Coruscant." Anakin replied. "Besides, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Sam looked at Anakin. "What's on your mind?"

"It's about, Senator Baelish." Anakin explained. "You ever get the feeling he's... not what he seems?" He asked.

"I don't really know Baelish all that well. All I know was that he was an old friend of the Tullys. That's about it." Sam replied. 

"But doesn't it seem weird, that despite being on the opposite side of the war... Baelish ended up becoming Senator in the Republic?" Anakin pressed.

Sam had to think about that. "It does seem off. But I'm not a politician, so I can't really say." He admitted. 

"Alright, well it's something to consider." Anakin replied. He thought he should keep an eye on Littlefinger when he got back. 

But for now, it was time to descend onto the surface. Like usual, Illum was in a perpetual Snowstorm. It felt a bit like it was back at the Wall for Sam. "Feels like old times again, doesn't it?!" Anakin asked trying to sound strong over the winds. 

"Possibly. But I never really cared for the Cold Winds!" Sam shouted back. "Almost makes you wish for a gentle summer breeze!"

Yoda was laughing. "Come we must. Hate to stay here for multiple days, I would." He motioned as he walked the two Jedi up to a massive Ice Wall.

"Are you sure we're not at Westeros again?" Sam asked because it was seriously reminding him of the Wall.

"Nope!" Anakin answered. 

"So where's the temple?" Sam asked.

"Through the wall it is. Reach out with the force, we must." Yoda answered.

"So we need to reach out with the force?" Sam asked. He saw Yoda and Anakin reaching out their hands. And Sam decided to do the same. Suddenly a large door opened in between the walls.

"Shall we?" Anakin asked.

"Anything to get out of this wind." Sam answered.

Once inside, Sam could see a magnificent foyer made entirely of ice. And the statues of Old Jedi in their robes. He could also see why this a very religious planet. And there was one wall of ice that stood out from the others almost like it was an ice waterfall.

"So is this where Lightsabers are forged?" Sam asked.

"No. You'll have to build your own lightsaber by yourself." Anakin answered.

"But first, harvest your crystal. You must." Yoda explained. He took out his lightsaber to show Sam. "The heart of the lightsaber, the crystal is. Focuses the force from the Jedi, it does." Yoda then motioned for Anakin to use the force to open a window at the top of the foyer. The window opened and sunlight shun through a crystal. The crystal activated like a sun dish lighthouse. The reflection on the crystal turned the ice wall into an actual waterfall revealing another door way.

"If a Jedi, you are to become. Enter the Crystal Cave, you must. For this to be done right. Enter alone you must." Yoda added.

Sam started to enter the cave a little nervous. All his life he'd been a nervous wreck, often having to have others help him out. Just like at the Wall. Just like when he went to war against the Separatists. And there's always been someone to hold his hand. Now he was on his own.

"Trust in yourself. Trust in the Force." Yoda advised. Sam took a deep breath. The Starks believed that Sam could be a great Jedi. He couldn't let them down now. He had to do this.

"If I don't come back. Remember me, as I was." Sam requested.

"Will do, Sam." Anakin replied as Sam walked into the Crystal Cave.

Sam had been running around the cave for what felt like hours. And it was like trying to navigate a whole maze. "Alright, no one's going to help me, I'm on my own." He said to himself. "I can't do this..." He admitted. "I can't do this! It's just like Father told me, I'm fat, and slow." He suddenly heard his father talking through his own voice. But that couldn't have been right. Randyll Tarly was dead. Sam saw him fall himself from blaster fire during the Battle of King's Landing. And yet the same gruff voice did indeed come from Sam's father. Sam turned down one hall to open another door.

Suddenly he was back at Horn Hill. In the halls. He then saw a small boy being paraded in a dress that was two sized to big for him to wear. And Sam took a closer look at the boy. It was him, when he was younger. Sam remembered this. When his father made him dress in his mother's clothes to shame him into valor.

"Please father. I'm sorry." Young Sam pleaded.

"Silence! If you were a man, I wouldn't be doing this to you. But you'd rather be a woman. It only makes sense for you to dress like one!" Randyll scolded.

The older Sam didn't want to relive this painful memory. He turned away from the scene. And there was still a part of his father that scared him.

The scene shifted again. This was at dinner with Sam's family. The whole scene was a whole awkward situation. Sam had been careful to watch what he ate. Especially in front of his father who was watching his every move like a hawk.

"I don't know what's wrong with you boy." Randyll started. 

Sam looked at his father in shame. "You're a Tarly! You're supposed to be strong. Not lazy and slow to the sword."

Randyll then proceeded to point at Dickon. Sam's brother. "You're brother, Dickon on the other hand. He's a true Tarly. He's everything that I wish you were."

That was when Sam's mother spoke up. "Randyll please. Samwell is an excellent scholar. There's more to being a man than just simply building up a sword. And the way he is able to sense danger. I've never seen anything like it." Samwell had more of a relationship with his mother than his father.

"So why is it that he's still slow with the sword?" Randyll asked. 

Sam's mother stopped arguing. Randyll was being an arrogant jerk as usual.

After dinner. Randyll took Sam to look at Heartsbane. "You see that sword, boy. It's going to go to a man. It's the pride and soul of our family. I was hoping to give it to you. Now, I'm not so sure." Randyll explained.

Sam made an I'm sorry I'm not worthy of you, Father. "Please father. Just give me a chance. I'll prove I'm a man." He pleaded.

Randyll didn't look so convinced. "We'll see about that."

The two bodies faded away. Leaving only the sword on the wall. The real Sam touched it and it shattered into two parts and fell onto the floor. The castle floors cracked and Sam found himself falling through the floor. Sam screamed as he fled through the darkness.

Suddenly he stopped falling and was in the woods. Randyll was towering over him.

"I won't break it down for you, Samwell. You know why I've brought you here." Randyll started.

Sam knew exactly what this was. This was the day he was banished to the Wall.

"You've given me no cause to disown you, but Heartsbane should be given to a man strong enough to wield it. You're not worthy to touch her." Randyll continued. "This is what you're going to do. You will take the Black and relinquish all of your brother's sword and title, or I will hunt you down, like the pig you are." He offered. 

Sam didn't say anything. "I knew it. You are nothing but a coward. You always run from danger instead of facing it like a man." Randyll scolded.

Maybe Randyll was right. Sam was nothing but a coward who let others fight his battles for him. He certainly felt like he was one at any rate. But then something compelled him to look at his robes. The Robes of the Jedi. Then he remembered the day he reached out for Obi Wan's lightsaber. The day he felt true pride. His brother Jon Snow clapped for him. The same man who had his back from day 1. But then he remembered the day the Red Wedding happened. And how Jon told him to get Arya away from the battle. It only seemed natural that Sam was told to run. After all, Sam was a coward. But another thought was coming to Sam. Maybe Jon told Sam to get Arya away for another reason. Maybe it was because Jon trusted Sam to protect his little sister. And if that was true, then there was more to Sam then met the eye. He wasn't a coward at all. And when the Jedi sought assistance from the Night's Watch against Grievous, Sam suggested to the Lord Commander that they had to help them. And he volunteered to go with Jon to fight the Separatists. Those two felt like an unbeatable team. And when the Republic attacked King's Landing, Sam rode along with Ahsoka. He didn't run from that battle. He stood his ground and fought alongside the Jedi. And then he looked at his father. And looked him dead in the eye and said: "You're wrong."

Randyll looked stunned at that. "What did you say boy?" He asked angrily.

"I'm not a coward. I'm not going to run. I'm going to stand my ground on my own two feet. You can knock me down. But I'll just get back up." Sam declared.

Randyll drew his sword. "Very well then. Show yourself a man. If you dare."

Sam closed his eyes and raised his fists. "I'm not going to run." He repeated. "I am a Jedi."

Randyll then charged. "So be it. Jedi." He swung the sword at Sam, and Sam threw a punch at his father. Suddenly Randyll dissolved into dust. The whole scene had changed again. Sam was back in another part of the cave. Walls were around him, and he saw a glow in the distance. It looked like a crystal. Sam held it in his hands. This was his Kyber Crystal. Yoda was right. All Sam had to do was trust himself to know what he was doing. To stand his ground. But now seemed like a good time to head back.

The doorway was halfway closed when Samwell returned with the crystal in his hands.

"I did it." Sam announced showing Anakin and Yoda the crystal.

Anakin held it. "Yep, this is a Kyber Crystal. Nice work Sam." He gave Sam a pat on the back.

"See the truth, did you?" Yoda asked having a hunch on what Sam saw.

"I'm may not have been a man in my father's eyes. But there's more to being a man then just swinging a sword. It's standing your ground, fighting for what you believe in. And the friends you make along the way." Sam answered.

Yoda smiled. "Good work, you have done. A Jedi, you are." He declared. 

"Now, what say we head back to Coruscant?" Anakin asked. "This place is cold as it is."

Sam nodded his head, and the 3 Jedi went back to Coruscant. 

By the time Anakin, Samwell, and Yoda returned to Coruscant. The battle of Umbara was over. Rex and the 501st had been on the path to hell. They had taken the planet, but it was a narrow victory. 

"Anakin." Obi Wan greeted full of dirt and grime.

"Master?" Anakin was surprised to see Obi Wan looking like that. "What happened to you?"

"Umbara happened." Obi Wan answered clearly exhausted. "Really could've used you in the battle."

Anakin sighed. "Sorry about that. Don't really know why the Chancellor called me back though. He apologized. "But we did get Sam his Kyber Crystal." He informed. And Sam held out his Crystal to prove his point.

Obi Wan smiled at that Crystal. It was a shining light in these dark times. "Good work Sam. Could I speak to Anakin for a moment. This is for his ears alone." He requested. 

Sam nodded and left the Jedi.

Obi Wan turned to Anakin. "Anakin. Something else happened on Umbara." And Obi Wan's tone was grim.

Anakin could tell it was serious. "What happened?"

"Your forces suffered great losses. Nearly a Quarter of the 501st Legion is either dead or wounded. Including Hardcase." Obi Wan informed.

Anakin's heart sunk. "Not Hardcase." He may have been hyperactive, but he was a good man deep down. And he never failed to entertain Anakin whenever he could.

"Waxor is dead as well." Obi Wan added. Robb wasn't going to like that one bit. He was one of the Clones who helped rescue Sansa. Along with that, Waxor also helped that one Twi Lek girl on Ryloth.

Anakin then got up. "I'm going to have a word with Krell. Don't wait up."

"About that..." Obi Wan started.

Anakin looked back at Obi Wan. "What is it, Obi Wan?" He asked.

"Pong Krell showed himself a traitor and has turned to the Dark Side. Rex was able to stop him, but not before the damage was done." Obi Wan reluctantly answered.

"DAMN!" Anakin yelled. "That scum Krell!"

Obi Wan sighed. It was a tragedy that this type of event happened. It was even more devastating for Anakin to hear of these things. "He's dead now, there's nothing more you can do."

"Good." Anakin replied. "He's lucky I didn't ram my lightsaber into his guts myself." He stood up again.

"Where are you going now?" Obi Wan asked.

"I'm going to see Rex. Make sure he's okay." Anakin answered.

Obi Wan didn't blame Anakin for that. Anakin cared deeply for his men.

Meanwhile in the Senate building. There was the day of the vote to raise more funds for more Clone Troopers.

Padme was trying to lead her opposition on the bill: "Members of the Senate. I beg you. Think of what this bill will do to our people we are trying to protect. It won't protect them. It will only hurt them. There must be a way of bringing an end of the war that doesn't involve us hurting our people."  

Several Senators were nodding our heads.

However Burtoni was clapping her hands which was never a good sign. "Fine speech, Senator. But you don't understand the situation we are in, as usual you speak of peace when there is no peace. We cannot win war without sacrifices. Maybe if not for your interferences we could've ended this war long ago." Burtoni explained.

Senators were starting to nod their heads and begin to say that The Senator made sense. This was war. 

"Please Senators. We'll hurt our citizens! Do you not hear yourselves? All we talk everyday is of the fighting that we endure. More troops, more violence, more war. The Republic is already operating in deep debt. How much longer can we even hold out." Padme begged.

"Well, perhaps if you accepted Bank Deregulation like we asked you to, this would not happen." Burtoni pointed out.

Padme grumbled under her breath at that Kaminoans words.

Littlefinger on the other hand was just listening in to everything that was going on.

"I'm inclined to agree with you on this matter, Senator Amidala." Palpatine started. "But I'm afraid that if we are to preserve the Republic's security, sacrifices must be made." He sounded pretty reluctant about it by the way.

Padme sunk back to her seat. She felt a sense of defeat. Until Littlefinger decided to come up and speak.

"If I may make a suggestion, Your Excellency." Littlefinger offered.

"The chair recognizes Senator Baelish." Vice Admiral Mas Ammeda announced.

"Forgive the intrusion, Senators. I'm a little confused by all of this." Littlefinger said.

"And what is it that concerns you, Senator Baelish?" Burtoni asked.

Littlefinger was glad she asked. "I've sat here and listened to each of you Senators speak of the same issue for weeks. You say you wish to commit more troops to the front. And yet what do we lose in exchange? We lose more funding that goes to other resources that are keeping us alive. What happens when we lose those. We would have no more money." Littlefinger explained.

"This is war." Burtoni replied.

"Of course it is. I've seen many conflicts fought on my planet when I served at the Small Council. It's gold that wins war. Not soldiers." Littlefinger shot back. "Then again, perhaps if it was gold that won wars, then Tywin Lannister would've been King instead of Robert Baratheon." A couple of Senators were talking again. Padme wasn't sure on what was happening.

"A fine performance Senator Baelish. It makes sense for a new shot to get into the big leagues. But unlike your Small Council on your Outer Rim planet, this is the Republic Senate. And it's hard to find your place, but you'll learn it quickly." Burtoni seemed so smug. But Littlefinger didn't look fazed.

"It is true that I am a new player to this game. Especially in the Outer Rim. You seem to be doing fine though, Senator Burtoni. You're an Outer Rim Senator yourself. And yet you come in here and wield your own influence as if you were a Core Elite." Littlefinger replied loud enough for all to hear.

Padme's eyes widened. Littlefinger was going dead on center with one of Padme's rivals and was winning too.

Burtoni tried to regain her composure. She couldn't afford to look weak. "I happen to provide a valuable resource for the Republic." She pointed out.

"Of course, the military." Littlefinger replied. "My planet happens to provide a valuable resource as well. Rhydonium, a fuel source that makes our ships go from one planet to another. At least I consider it valuable. That is assuming you need to transport your soldiers from one planet to another. And in such little time." More nods from the Senators were coming through.

"And how is it that we can trust the word of a Man who has allied with the Separatists?" The Senator of the Trade Federation Lott Dod asked. 

Littlefinger didn't even look behind him. But he did smile smugly. "I did not ally myself with the Separatists, Senator Dod. My King did. Up to that point, we did not know of the Galaxy and who was who. And we certainly did not know of the atrocities that the Separatists themselves committed. We learned too little too late." Littlefinger clarified. "But I do admit that there is hypocrisy in the works."

"Hypocrisy?" Palpatine asked.

"After all, Senators. Is this not the words from the same Senator who's faction is at war and allied with the Separatists themselves?" Littlefinger asked the whole floor.

"How many times, do I have to remind you people. Nute Gunray is an extremist who's views do not reflect us. The Trade Federation is Neutral in this." This wasn't the first time that Lot Dodd was called a Separatist conspirator though. But Littlefinger could see right through that guy.

"So you call yourselves neutral despite the fact that your leader is a Separatist? And yet you are allowed a seat on the Senate with the same influence as strong as before? I would think that would raise some Red Flags would it not?" Littlefinger asked. And that got Lot Dodd to shut up.

"We are not here to discuss who's on which side. We came to discuss important matters." Burtoni interrupted.

"You're right, Senator Burtoni." Littlefinger replied. "But what is there to discuss? Wanting more soldiers to bankrupt the Republic, and yet we continue to win battle after battle." He had the smirk going full blast. "And you, Senators! Have you done nothing to prevent your planets from falling?" 

"Are you calling us cowards, Senator Baelish?" Mothma asked.

"Not at all, Senator Mothma. I am simply saying that you Senators have all thrown yourself like sheep to the shepherd that is Kamino. They provide you so much security that you throw yourself to the Clones for protection. You forgot that you have the capability to protect yourselves. That is the status that My King Robb Stark plans to do with his armies." Littlefinger explained.

Now the Senators were all talking again. Littlefinger was just bringing the facts to them.

"Order!" Mas Ammeda ordered. "We shall have order!"

Littlefinger was smiling at Padme who had her jaw open at what just happened.

"Perhaps we are ready to vote now on the bill?" Palpatine asked.

People were starting to vote. Everything was tallied up. 

"The votes are accounted for. And let it be known that the bill to transfer more money for more troops, will not pass." Palpatine declared.

Padme sighed in huge relief. She wasn't sure what to think of Littlefinger, but he did have a way with words.

The Senate was adjourned. And Littlefinger was walking down a hall when Padme went to talk to him.

"I thought you said you weren't someone to be trusted." Padme said to him.

"I'm not." Littlefinger replied. "But I'd rather not have crazy war mongers in power than rational men and women. Entertaining as it might be." 

"What game are you playing, Baelish?" Padme asked still shaky on her trust.

"The only game that matters. I've gotten quite good at it." Littlefinger answered like Padme was suppose to know the game herself. And when you grow up in a place like King's Landing, you know what game that is. "There's sure to be much more chaos ahead, Senator Amidala. I hope you're prepared for it." 

"Oh great, it's going to be more and more chaos. It's just like a giant pit that's going to swallow everything." Padme complained. She sounded like Varys.

"Chaos isn't a pit, Senator Amidala. Chaos is a ladder. The sooner you accept that. The sooner you can master the game." Littlefinger replied.

"I don't think I want to play that game, Senator." Padme started to back off.

"You don't have to play it. It's all the matter of what role you play. Whether that would be a main player or a pawn. If you are a main player, you win or you die. And if you're a pawn. Well... your fate is in whoever pulls the strings. I hope for your sake that you're a main player. Senator Amidala. But if you're a pawn, you should learn who pulls your strings." Littlefinger explained before walking away.

That left Padme thinking about Littlefinger's words.

"I'm not so confident on whether Baelish is a friend or foe." Organa said. 

"I don't think he's either." Padme replied.

"But what did he mean by playing the game?" Mothma asked.

"He's probably referring to the Senate." Padme suggested.

"So the question is are we players or pawns?" Organa asked.

"The better question is, if we are pawns... then who's pulling the strings?" Padme asked.

Palpatine turned around his chair to see Anakin angrily pacing back and forth. Littlefinger was also in attendance as well.

"I understand how you feel my boy. Given the state of things with what happened on Umbara." Palpatine calmly said.

"Krell betrayed us. I knew those records of casualties numbers was suspicious but no. The Council thought it was a good idea to sub me in for that Lunatic!" He yelled as chairs flung around the office.

Palpatine was enjoying this Dark Side of Anakin. He smiled wickedly.

"Anakin, it was my fault. I recalled you back to Coruscant thinking that Master Krell was fully confident in ending the war himself." Palpatine explained.

Anakin breathed heavily. "My anger is not with you Chancellor. There was no way you could've known that Krell would turn evil." He reassured.

"No, but from what I could gather. It seems the Council was suspicious of Krell for some time. And they chose not to tell you, Anakin." Palpatine replied.

Anakin's eyes widened. He didn't know that. And yet, they gave the post of General to Krell. "So the Council knew about Krell and they didn't inform me?!" He asked in disbelief. 

"Afraid not." Palpatine answered. He wanted anything to push Anakin more to the Dark Side.

"So why is he here?" Anakin asked. Talking about Littlefinger.

"I wanted to give Littlefinger my congratulations. The way he spoke in the Senate certainly put certain people in their place." Palpatine praised towards Littlefinger.

"Thank you." Littlefinger thanked.

"I must admit, Anakin. I had my suspicions when you chose to stay on Westeros. But I will say, that it comes with its benefits. Samwell Tarly is now a Jedi. And the Republic has a new Senator who takes his own intuitive to heart." Palpatine continued.

Speak of the Devil. That was Sam on Anakin's Communicator. 

"What's up Sam?" Anakin asked as the hologram of Samwell Tarly and another one of Davos Seaworth in a Republic Captain's Uniform showed up.

"Master Yoda needs you for a mission. There's been an incident on Kiros. Torgruta Colonists had an incident with the Separatists. They need reinforcements." Sam explained.

Anakin nodded. "I'm on my way." 

"We've already contacted Commander Tano and General Kenobi. They'll be assisting us." Davos reported. It would feel like a good old fashioned mission.

"Well, I better get going." Anakin decided. "And you'll be coming with us, Sam. I'll need an extra lightsaber."

Sam showed his completed lightsaber. "I'm ready, Anakin." He said as he showed his Green Lightsaber.

"Off you go Anakin. May the Force be with you. And may you be wise in your judgements." Palpatine wished, knowing full well what would be waiting for him.

Anakin then left. "Chancellor, Senator." He said on his way out.

"Thank you Littlefinger. You may return to your work." Palpatine dismissed him.

"Good evening, Chancellor." Littlefinger replied on his way out.

Palpatine was left alone in his office. And he laughed evilly. "You've play your games as much as you want to, Westeros. But now. It's my turn." He declared.

The war of the 5 Kings was simply the beginners level. Palpatine was ready to play the game on his own terms. With whatever methods necessary. And he would use those methods to build his Galactic Empire. With Anakin as his apprentice, as the great Darth Vader. Everything was in place. The war he sought. The army he needed. The Jedi distracted. And his Inhibitor Chip program. Everything that had transpired has done so according to Palpatine. He took out his lightsaber and it ignited it's Red blade. He starred evilly in it. And he declared in one voice: "The time has come to take this game to the next level."

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