Chapter 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unblasted.

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"You mean to tell me, that a Cyborg has taken my HOME?!" Robb asked in disbelief when he heard the news. 

"Unfortunately." Anakin answered.

"But if it's any consolation... that Theon Greyjoy doesn't have Winterfell in his possession." Ahsoka added trying to put it in a positive light.

"That's true, Snips. But Grievous has Winterfell." Anakin pointed out.

"And if Grievous is making deals with the Lannisters, then..." Jon said in horror.

"The Lannisters have control of Bran and Rickon." Robb finished. Now they had both his sisters and his brothers. He turned to his Second, Roose Bolton. "Roose, turn the army north. We're heading home." He ordered.

"Your Grace. There's another option. My bastard can get your brothers out. We were already sending him in when Theon took the Castle." Roose advised.

"I think that would be foolish, Lord Bolton." Obi Wan replied. "The Separatists are not the Greyjoys. They have weapons and soldiers that far surpass your own. And you still have the Lannisters to the South." 

"What is it that you're suggesting General Kenobi?" Robb asked. 

"The Lannisters are the weaker enemy. Deal with them and we will deal with the Separatists." Obi Wan answered.

"And what of Bran and Rickon?" Robb asked. "Grievous has them hostage, and I'm pretty sure he'll kill him. If he's the psychopath you claim he is."  

"Grievous would be even more reckless then I thought, if he hurts your brothers. No. He's using them to keep the North in line." Obi Wan replied.

"Even more reckless than you thought?" Ahsoka asked sarcastically.

"I know Grievous, and he's not a reckless animal. If he was, I would've destroyed him long ago." Obi Wan clarified.

"So what do we do?" Jon asked.

"We need to be patient." Obi Wan answered.

"Patience really isn't my strongest suit." Anakin replied. 

"Yeah, because we usually just charge head in and everything works fine." Ahsoka added.

"Not this time, Ahsoka. We need an actual plan." Obi Wan advised.

"We got one." Anakin announced just like that as he snapped his fingers. 

"We do?" Jon asked.

"We do?" Sam asked.

"We do." Ygritte answered. She turned to Anakin. "What was it again?" She asked.

"We can't fight a war on two fronts. So I say we focus our attention south and take down the Lannisters with a one hit punch." Anakin explained. "We can then kick the Separatists off Westeros in safety."

"A good idea Anakin, but that war against the Lannisters could drag on for months." Obi Wan replied.

"Not on a primitive world, like this one." Anakin shot back.

"We're primitive?" Roose whispered to Robb.

"Yes, Lord Roose." Obi Wan answered. "You don't have hyperdrive, no blasters, no flying machines of any kind, you also don't even have Steam Powder or an internal combustion engine. So yes, you're primitive."

Roose seemed to take offense to that. So did Robb.

"Well it's not our fault. We weren't on any of the hyperspace routes." Sam protested.

"Wait, how do you know what Hyperspace is?" Jon asked.

"I asked the Jedi." Sam answered.

"Obi Wan, with the Separatists involved, it does give us reason to engage the Lannisters." Anakin explained.

"Very well, Anakin. We'll deal with the Lannisters first, and then we go after Grievous." Obi Wan replied.

"Alright, so where do we start?" Ahsoka asked.

"Harrenhal." Robb answered. "It's a ruined hall where Tywin Lannister was stationed. If we can take down that force, we might gain the edge we need to defeat the Lannisters." 

"Sounds good to me." Anakin replied. He turned to Rex. "Rex, have the men start to move on Harrenhal." He ordered.

"Yes sir." Rex replied. Rex ran out to his men. "Alright boys, let's go!" The Clones started to move.

Grievous returned to Winterfell with Bran in tow. The manufacturing of Droids had increased massively. Now the Separatist strength was at 20,000 Droids and counting. The garrison that he gave Tywin could easily be replaced. And once Tywin saw the massive strength of the Separatists against his enemies. Tywin would wonder how he went his whole life without meeting the Separatists. 

"Well good job on getting Tywin, General. Now... when are you going to let me go?" Bran asked.

"Let you go?" Grievous asked.

"Yeah. Let me and Rickon go." Bran repeated. "You got what you wanted, there's no point in keeping Winterfell. Why not just go to King's Landing?" 

Grievous laughed. "And give Winterfell back to you? I don't think so. I get an ally in Tywin Lannister AND I get my own new castle. You know it's actually nicer then my own fortress on Vassek. I might just keep it." He declared.  

"Seven Hells." Bran muttered. Grievous was actually thinking of staying at Winterfell maybe forever. 

"There's no need for that language, Bran." Grievous scolded like Bran was a pet to him. And then Grievous coughed again.

"Are you sure you don't have the pox?" Bran asked.

"NO!" Grievous yelled annoyed. There Bran was again, with the Pox question. "My lungs were crushed!"   

But then he got a beep on his hologram. Grievous turned it on. "Yeah, what?" 

It was Tywin and he was standing next to a Battle Droid. "So that's how you talk through it." Tywin realized. 

"Yeah, It's kind of hard for primitive people to make sense of technology." The Droid replied.

Tywin gave the Droid a look. "Sorry, poor choice of words." 

"General Grievous." Tywin turned back to the hologram.

"Ah, Lord Tywin. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked.

"General Grievous. I must admit, I had my doubts about your Battle Droids at first. But they've proven to be easy to manage more than my own men. I don't need to feed your droids, and they can be easily replaced." Tywin started.

"But that's not the reason you called me, was it?" Grievous asked.

"No." Tywin answered. "I have just learned that Stannis Baratheon sails for King's Landing. He plans to take my Grandson's throne." 

"Uh oh." Several Droids said.

"We needn't worry about Stannis. My son, Tyrion will hold the city against the usurper. But ultimately it falls to us to save the city." Tywin reassured.

"You mean you." Grievous pointed out.

"Obviously." Tywin replied. "I will lead our forces, but this will benefit all of us. Your Battle Droids will at first scare the city. Like Lions to sheep. But when the fighting clears, the sheep will flock to the lions for protection." He explained.

"We'll be saviors." Grievous realized.


"A good plan." The Tactical Droid pointed out.

"Indeed." Tywin then got to his next business. "And with House Tyrell backing us, we will be the strongest alliance in history." He added.

"House Tyrell?" Grievous asked.

"Oh, right. I forgot to mention that. That's annoying, my mistake." Tywin muttered.

"The Tyrells are siding with Renly Baratheon." Bran interrupted.

"Not anymore. Renly Baratheon is dead. And Stannis was behind the murder. How? I don't know." Tywin explained. But he stopped short knowing that Bran was there. "General, perhaps Bran should not hear this." He suggested.

"Oh please. Where is he going to go? He can't contact any of his family." Grievous held up Bran's broken legs to prove his point.

"Point taken. With Renly dead. A new player has entered this game. Renly's widow: Margery Tyrell." Tywin continued. 

"And how is she a new player?" Grievous asked.

"She wants to be Queen. That was what she always desired." Tywin answered. "With Renly dead, Lady Margery will go to Joffrey and they'll cement their union. Our houses will be united and we can focus at last on Robb Stark." 

Bran thought that would be impossible. Joffrey was already betrothed to Bran's older sister, Sansa. 

"And before you say anything, Bran Stark. Yes. I already took your sister into consideration. She won't be marrying the King." Tywin turned to Bran. Perhaps it was good that Bran was here for Tywin.

And Bran smiled. "You fool. Now Sansa won't be forced to marry that monster. She's of no use to you anymore. Ha!" And he seemed so confident in that.

The problem was... that wasn't how this story was going to go. Even Grievous could see there was more to it.

"You still have much to learn Bran. Sansa Stark may not be wedding Joffrey, but she's still a hostage for your brother." Grievous explained.

"Oh right." Bran sighed. He forgot about that. So was Arya. They were both hostages in King's Landing. At least that's what Bran thought. 

"I'll be leaving for King's Landing immediately. In the meantime, The Mountain will be leading our combined troops from Harrenhal against Robb Stark. Until then." 

Grievous nodded at Tywin's words but there was one other matter. "One last thing. Does Theon Greyjoy still live?" He asked.

"Indeed." Grievous answered. 

"Good. Keep him alive. I have plans for him." Tywin ordered.

The hologram shut off. And it left Grievous wondering why Tywin Lannister would still want Theon Greyjoy alive. Whatever, Grievous wasn't a politician. He was a soldier. He only made the deal with Tywin because Dooku told him to.

"How far are we from Harrenhal?" Jon asked from inside one of the AT-TEs.

"We'll be there by late afternoon." Anakin answered. 

"But if we didn't have the tech, we'd get there within 4 days." Ahsoka pointed out.

"Well, thank the gods for you then." Robb admitted. "I've never seen an army that can be this organized and move this fast before."

"Hey, there it is!" Ygritte yelled looking out the window. Everyone else turned to look. 

"Ygritte... that's a windmill." Jon replied. But Ygritte was still fascinated by it.

"And who built it?" 

"Some king." Jon answered.

"She's awestruck by a windmill." Robb whispered to Obi Wan.

"Oh, just wait till she sees this Harrenhal, if it's as impressive as you say it is." Obi Wan replied.

"Or wait till you all see Coruscant. Now that's a sight." Ahsoka added.

"Coruscant?" Robb asked.

"The Capital of the Republic. If there's a bright center in the universe, it's Coruscant. The entire planet is one big city. Layers upon layers of buildings, it's also home to the Jedi Order. And that's just a nutshell definition." Obi Wan answered.

"Wow." Robb didn't know such a planet could exist. "So what do you think King's Landing is compared to it?" He asked.

The Jedi all laughed.

"Your Majesty. King's Landing is a speck compared to Coruscant." Anakin explained.

"I'll take your word for it." Robb said.

And then there was a beeping sound.

"Heads up, guys. We got company." Anakin announced.

They all headed outside of the AT-TE and at the top of the hill. Rex was already looking through his electrobinoculars. Lannister soldiers were approaching. "Yep, Red Cloaks alright." Rex said.

"Red Cloaks?" Robb asked.

"It's what the boys are calling the Lannisters. We already call the Droids, Clankers." Rex answered.   

"Red Cloaks..." Robb thought. Maybe it would stick with him.

"Speaking of Clankers..." Cody interrupted as he was looking at several Battle Droids and Dwarf Spiders moving alongside the Lannisters.

"Is that a Battle Droid?" Robb asked. To him they looked like metal constructs. 

"Yep. And there's millions of his friends throughout the Galaxy." Anakin answered.

"Looks like we've got a fight on our hands." Rex declared. "Prepare for battle!"

"Do we have a plan?" Sam asked.

"We do. We hold the high ground here." Obi Wan answered.

"You and the High Ground, Master." Anakin joked.

"What about the High Ground?" Robb asked.

It was a joke that Anakin liked to have with Obi Wan. When Anakin was a Padawan, Obi Wan was teaching him about battle tactics. And one of the lessons that Obi Wan made sure stick was the importance of the High Ground.

"Just something, Obi Wan likes." Anakin answered.

"So we hold the high ground and charge down the hill and crush the enemy." Jon said.

"Not exactly. But I have an idea." Anakin replied. He spoke to Ahsoka and she took Rex, Jesse, Ygritte, Jon, and members of the 501st to another part of the field. 

"What did you say to her?" Robb asked.

"My plan." Anakin answered.

"You had a plan worked out just like that?" Robb asked. "It seems unconventional."

"A lot of Anakin's plans are unconventional." Obi Wan put in.

"But they work." Anakin replied.

"Let's hope it works against the Mountain." Robb was looking through the electrobinoculars to see Gregor Clegane barking orders to the Separatist forces.

Anakin was looking at the same thing. "The guy that looks like a baby gundark? I've faced bigger things than that." He smiled.

"Gundark?" Robb asked.

"Don't ask for details, please." Obi Wan quickly said.

The droids were marching towards the hill where the Republic was stationed. 

Anakin saw them coming. "Alright everyone, steady. Steady." 

Karstark was eager to charge in. "The Mountain is right there. We should get him."

"Not yet. We hold here." Anakin replied. "They need to come to us."

"What about Ahsoka?" Robb asked.

"Ahsoka has her own part to play." Anakin answered.

"I can't believe you put all our fates in that girl." Karstark muttered. 

"She's more skillful than you think." Anakin replied not even looking at Karstark. He ignited his lightsaber. "Here we go!"

The Droids began to fire their blasters. The Clones returned fire. 

"Your Majesty, you might want to get behind cover." Obi Wan suggested.

Robb could see the blasters firing at each other. It didn't seem like Stark shields would be effective at blocking the attacks. "Good call." He got behind cover.

Anakin and Obi Wan then began to cut down several battle droids and Lannister men.

"Ready?" Obi Wan asked. Both he and Anakin ducked and Fives threw a thermal detonator at the Droids.

Fives then tossed a detonator to Robb. "Here, throw this!" He yelled.

Robb looked at it confused. "What does this do?"

"It's a detonator, you throw it like a rock. Throw it at the enemy." Fives instructed.

Robb threw it at a Lannister Soldier and it conked him in the head. The Detonator then exploded.  

"That scattered them!" Fives yelled.

"Were have you people been all my life?" Robb asked.

But the Separatists were still trying to move up the hill. Just like Anakin wanted.

"Well Anakin, should we attack now?" Robb asked.

"Not yet, Robb. We got em right where we want them." Anakin replied.

"You have us just waiting." Robb protested.

"Believe me Robb, Anakin never advises patience unless he really wants to." Obi Wan advised.

The blaster fire exchange continued. But that was when Anakin sheathed his Lightsaber. "Attention all enemy forces!" He yelled. Everyone looked at Anakin.

"What is he doing?" Karstark asked.

Obi Wan knew. 

"I have come to discuss terms of surrender." Anakin announced.

The Lannisters and Droids looked confused. "Surrender? Is he serious?"

"I have come to discuss your surrender to our forces." Anakin clarified.  

Meanwhile Ahsoka was waiting for the right moment to strike. The Separatists were so distracted by the major force that Anakin had amassed on the hill that they didn't notice that Ahsoka and her force were waiting in ambush ready to strike. All the Separatists had to do was get into the right spot.

"We set to go, Rex?" Ahsoka asked.

"We are, Commander." Rex replied. "Just say the word."

"Well it's Sky Guy's word... or words if you really think about it." Ahsoka clarified. She was waiting for Anakin to give the signal. 

Ygritte was aiming her bow and arrows. "When do we get to kill some Red Cloaks, Jon Snow?" She asked.

"Until Commander Tano says so." Jesse answered for Jon. That was when he noticed Ygritte's weapons. "You're going to fight with that?" He asked.

"What's it to ya?" Ygritte asked.

"That bow won't scratch a Droid." Jesse handed Ygritte a blaster. "You know how to shoot one?" 

"You point and squeeze a trigger, right?" Ygritte asked.

"Yep." Jesse answered.

"We're dead. Ygritte has a blaster." Jon whispered to Rex.

"Let's just see what happens." Rex replied.

Ahsoka could hear Anakin speaking some kind of terms of surrender. "This is where the fun begins." She said to herself.

"I have come to discuss the surrender of your forces." Anakin declared.

"Race you over?" Ygritte asked.

"Your mistake." Ahsoka replied.

"You have performed honorably, but I think the burden of war has taken it's toll on all of us. So to secure a peaceful transaction, I will accept your surrender!" Anakin continued.

That was when The Mountain walked over. "What's going on here?" He asked.

"That Jedi wants us to surrender." A droid reported.

The Mountain just pushed the droid aside and starred at Anakin. "Why would we ever surrender to you?!" He asked.

"Perfect." Anakin thought. The commander was right in front of him. "Because our forces out match yours. And... also while we have been talking. My forces have outflanked yours and are going to fire on you now." He explained.

"Wait what?" The Mountain asked.

That was the cue.

"NOW!" Ahsoka yelled. The Clones fired their guns catching the Separatists off completely by surprise. Ahsoka then used the force to knock some droids to the ground and was also swinging her lightsabers for deflection from blaster fire. 

"Now!" Anakin yelled. The Clones started to march down the hill along with Obi Wan and the other Clones. They began firing their blaster bolts, with the AT-RTs moving to the front lines. Anakin even got on one of the AT-RTs and led the charge himself. And it was at that moment that Robb could see why Anakin was considered a great general even at a young age. He was a brilliant strategist and even greater warrior. The Mountain screamed in rage but he had to get out of here. This wasn't like sparring with Loras Tyrell at the King's Tourney. Those Lightsabers and those blasters were an entirely new method of warfare. Robb could see the Mountain even flee on his horse.

"Master Kenobi! The Mountain got away!" Robb shouted.

"We'll deal with him later." Obi Wan replied. "Let's finish up here first." He advised.

Robb nodded.

The Droids were finished first. That would force the Red Cloaks to surrender. And the fact that the Mountain left his men didn't really seem to be good morale for the Lannister forces.

"Now Lannisters... what was saying about surrender?" Anakin asked.

The Red Cloaks all threw down their swords. And the Republic and Stark forces regrouped.

"Brilliant plan, General Skywalker." Jon admitted.

"We told you we had a plan." Anakin replied.

"Next time, at least explain it to us first. Before you take action." Obi Wan suggested. 

"Now where's the fun in that?" Anakin asked.

"Um, excuse me. I believe it was me that executed the plan." Ahsoka commented.

"You did good too, Snips." Anakin replied. 

Ahsoka smirked back.

"Your Padawan seems to be quite the fighter." Robb pointed out.

"Taught her everything I know." Anakin replied. 

"In terms of fighting?" Robb asked.

"Fighting, using the force, life." Anakin answered. "And to think I didn't want her as my Padawan at first."

"You didn't want Ahsoka at first?" Jon asked walking over.

"It was a slow process, but Ahsoka started off rough around the edges. But... with training and patience, she would amount to something." Anakin explained.

Ahsoka knew that when they first met at the beginning of the war. Anakin wanted nothing to do with Ahsoka, and it was obvious to her. But after a while he accepted Ahsoka. And the two formed a brother/sister relationship. 

"Well I think sticking with her proved to be a boon." Jon commented. 

"Yeah." Anakin agreed.

"So who do we shoot next?!" Ygritte asked from far away.

"Not for some time, Ygritte!" Jon shouted back. "Are you sure it was a good idea to give her a blaster?" He asked Rex.

"Eh, she'll be fine." Rex answered.

"She's a Wildling." Jon pointed out.

"And? She doesn't like the Clankers either." Rex shot back.

"As touching as this all is, The Mountain will have likely gone back to Harrenhal by now." Karstark interrupted.

"Then tell the men to saddle up again and head for Harrenhal." Anakin ordered. Karstark was about to go when Anakin stopped him. "And Lord Karstark. You will never speak that way about Ahsoka again." He warned.

"I take my orders from the King. Not you." Karstark replied.

"Then you'll be happy to know that General Skywalker has taken the words right out of my mouth." Robb informed.

Karstark just grunted and walked away.

"Well he's upset." Anakin whispered.

"He's been like that ever since my Mother let the Kingslayer go." Robb explained.

"Yeah, I can understand that." Anakin replied. 

But more of that later. Now it was time to head for Harrenhal. 

Stannis Baratheon stood at the sea in front of him. Renly's bannerman have already declared for him. Minus The Tyrells. But it wouldn't matter. Stannis would deal with them in time. Like the cowards they were. 

"If the wind holds. We'll reach King's Landing in a day." Davos Seaworth informed him.

"Will it hold?" Stannis asked.

"I can't make promises for the wind, Your Grace." Davos answered.

Stannis began walking away from the helm of the ship and walked down the stairs. "I admire you, Ser Davos." He began.

"I thank you, Your Grace. I'm pleased to hear it." Davos replied.

"Some High Born fools call you the Onion Knight. Think they insult you. So you take the Onion for your sigil, sew it on your coat and fly the Onion Flag." Stannis pointed out.

"My son, wishes me to change it. Three Merman with tridents. Something like that. I understand why the older families look down at me." Davos said. 

That made Stannis stop and look at Davos. "Do you? Why?" He asked.

"My father was a crabber." Davos answered.

"And?" Stannis asked.

"Well sons of lords don't like to break bread with sons of crabbers. Our hands stink." Davos answered.

Stannis wasn't impressed with that. "And where were those lords when Storm's End starved?" He asked.

"But many fought bravely for your brother. Many fought for The Mad King." Davos pointed out.

"You defend these men who insult you behind your back." Stannis replied puzzled. 

"Well somewhat happy to do it with my face." Davos shot back. 

Stannis was still not impressed. "We were forgotten. Robert, Ned Stark. They were the heroes, the glorious rebels marching from battle to battle, liberation towns from the yoke of the Mad King while I held Storm's End with 500 men." 

"No one has forgotten Your Grace." Davos commented.

"No?" Stannis asked. "Robert did. He gave Storm's End to Renly. After the war, Renly never fought a day in his life."

"He was only a boy." Davos shot back.

"So why'd he give em Storm's End?" Stannis asked.

Davos didn't respond to that. Stannis fought for Storm's End, and Renly took that from him. 

But Stannis wasn't done yet. "First we ate the horses, we weren't going anywhere. Not with the Castle surrounded. We couldn't feed them, so fine the horses, and the cats, neve liked cats. So Fine. I do like Dogs. Good animals, loyal, but we ate them. Then the rats. The night before you slipped through, I thought my wife was dying. She couldn't speak anymore she was so frail. And then you made it through the lines, slip right through in your little black sail boat with your onions." 

"And some potatoes, and some salt and beef I believe." Davos added.

"Every man on Storm's End wanted to kiss you that night." Stannis continued.

"I was relieved they did not." Davos replied. 

"Robert told me to hold Storm's End so I held it. Then he told me he was giving it to Renly. So I gave it up. Insult, oh no. I gave it up. Robert was my Older Brother and he was the King and I've always done my duty. But now I'm the rightful King by every law of Westeros." But Stannis had another announcement to make to Davos. "When I sit on the Iron Throne, you'll be my hand."

Davos was speechless to hear the news. "Your Grace..." But then he knelt before Stannis. "I pray I'll serve you well." He declared.

"I expect you'll be the first crabbers son to wear the badge." Stannis replied. He walked away. After King's Landing was his, he could then focus his full attention on the visions of the Separatists he saw in the flames. 

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