Chapter 7: Blackwater Bay.

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"We are now approaching King's Landing, sir." A Commando Droid had informed Tywin.

"Have the Droids deployed on the Gunships to reinforce our men, we'll also send in the Vulture Droids to cripple Stannis's fleet, that is if they survive the wildfires." Tywin ordered.

"Roger Roger." The Commando Droid replied.

"Lord Tywin. Tyrell forces are approaching." A Battle Droid reported.

Tywin could see the Tyrell forces led by Loras Tyrell approach his own troops.

"Lord Tywin." Loras greeted.

"Ser Loras." Tywin replied.

Loras looked at the Battle Droids. "Your companions?" He asked.

"Compliments of The Separatist Alliance." Tywin answered.  

"We'll ride to King's Landing and save the city then." Loras declared.

"Indeed." Tywin replied. He turned to the Battle Droids. "You know what to do." 

4 Droid Gunships along with several Vulture fighters made off for King's Landing. 

"Shall we?" Tywin asked. 

Loras nodded and they rode ahead of the Battle Droid armies. 

Davos and his son, Mathis were approaching the city on their ship. They could hear the sound of the bells ringing.

"They're welcoming their new king." Mathis said.

"I've never known bells to mean a surrender." Davos replied. "They want to play music with us, let's play. Drums."

Mathis barked out the order. "DRUMS!"

The ships of Stannis Baratheon started to bang their drums. The battle was starting.

At the Red Keep, Tyrion Lannister, the Dwarf of Casterly Rock and acting as Hand of the King was speaking with Ser Bronn about the plan with the Wildfire. "Remember, wait until--"

"The ships are in the bay." Bronn interrupted annoyed like a child to a nagging parent.

"They must be far enough in so--"

"I know what in means." Bronn interrupted again. He then saw Tyrion carry an axe. "Do you know how to use that?" He asked.

"I chopped wood once." Tyrion answered. "No, I watched my brother chopping wood." He corrected.

"I saw you kill a man with a shield. You'll be unstoppable with an axe." Bronn said. He shook hands with Tyrion. "Don't get killed.

"Nor you my friend." Tyrion replied.

That got Bronn's attention. "Oh, are we friends now?" He asked.

"Of course we are." Tyrion answered. "Just because I pay you for your services doesn't diminish our friendship." 

"Enhances it really." Bronn shot back.

"Oh, enhances. Fancy word for a sellsword." Tyrion noted.

"Been spending time with fancy folks." Bronn explained. He left to go to his position.

Tyrion still had one last thing left to do. That was see Shae off. Shae was technically considered a whore but that didn't matter to Tyrion. He really liked Shae. But to protect her, Tyrion had her assigned to be Sansa's handmaiden. Even with all of that, no one could know about them. If Cersei found out, well that would be bad. 

"Lady Sansa, and...Sheila." Tyrion was pretending not to remember her name.

"Shae." Shae corrected.

"Shae. Yes. Surely my sister has asked you to join the other highborn ladies in Maiden's Holdfast." Tyrion assumed.

"She has my lord." Sansa replied. "But, King Joffrey has asked me to see him off."

"Sansa!" Speaking of the devil. Joffrey swaggered out in his armor along with the King's Guard as well as The Hound. "Sansa, come here!" He ordered.

"It has been a great romantic, My Nephew." Tyrion muttered.

Sansa went over but she first turned to Tyrion. "I will pray for your safe return, My Lord." She said.

That took Tyrion by surprise. "Will you?" He asked.

"Just as I pray for the King's" Sansa turned to Joffrey.

Tyrion was impressed with Sansa. She was a survivor after all. She survived this long in King's Landing. 

He whispered over to Shae. "Stay safe, my lady."

"And you my Lion." Shae whispered back.

Tyrion headed off for the wall along with his squire Podrick.

But as for Sansa. She had to deal with Joffrey, again.

"Your King rides forth to battle." Joffrey announced like he was a real king, which he wasn't. "You should save more for the kiss." He pulled out his new sword. "My new blade. Heart Eater, I've named it." Sansa looked at it not sure what to say.

"Kiss it." Joffrey ordered.

Sansa bent down and kissed the blade.

"Kiss it again when I return. And taste my Uncle's blood." Joffrey had such a flamboyant attitude about him.  

"Will you slay him yourself?" Sansa asked.

Joffrey looked taken aback from that comment. "If... Stannis is fool enough to come near me." He answered.

"So you'll be outside the gates, fighting in the Vanguard." Sansa thought out loud.

"A King... doesn't discuss... battle plans with stupid girls." Joffrey seemed to lose his swagger for a moment, but to him it sounded like annoyance from the stupid girl he thought that Sansa was.

"I'm sorry, Your Grace. You're right. I'm stupid." Sansa apologized. "Of course you'll be in the Vanguard. They say that's where my brother, Robb always goes when the fighting's thickest. And he's only a pretender." Whether or not Sansa was baiting Joffrey into getting himself killed to this day was anyone's guess. But either way, Joffrey was not happy about it.

"Your brother's turn will come." Joffrey reminded. "And you can lick his blood off Heart Eater too."

Sansa was not looking forward to that. And Joffrey had left the room with his entourage.

"Some of those boys will never come back." Shae commented.

"Joffrey will. The worst one's always do." Sansa replied.

Shae shushed her. Sansa had to watch what she said out loud. "Come, My Lady." And they both walked up to where the flock of hens were.

Outside on the Castle Walls, the sounds of the drums were fast approaching. Tyrion stood with Joffrey, the Hound, Podrick, and Tyrion's cousin Lancel. But there was nothing but darkness.

"Where's our fleet?" Lancel asked in disbelief.

"Away." Tyrion answered.

"Why isn't it hear now? They're coming!" Joffrey asked.

Tyrion didn't respond.

"Hound, tell the hand, that his king has asked him a question." Joffrey ordered.

"The King has asked you a question." The Hound said annoyed like he had better things to do with his life.

Tyrion didn't break contact away from the water. "Ser Lancel. Tell the Hound to tell the King, that the Hand of The King is extremely busy." He ordered.

"The Hand of the King would like me to tell you, to tell the King--" Lancel started.

"If I tell the Hound to cut you, he'll do it without a second thought." Joffrey interrupted.

"That would make me the Quarter Man. Just doesn't have the same ring to it." Tyrion replied. A Lannister soldier was lighting a torch for Tyrion but it got too close the Hound as he stood back. "Cut me in half and I won't be able to give the signal. No signal, no plan. No plan and Stannis Baratheon takes the city, takes the Iron Throne, and puts your pinch little head atop a gate somewhere. It might be quite amusing. Except that my head will be up there too. I much like my head. I don't wish to see it removed just yet." 

The ships were coming into view now.

"There they are." Joffrey noted.

"Archers to the mark!" Tyrion ordered. 

The archers went to their marks. 

"Hold fast!" Tyrion ordered as well. 

"What are you doing? We need to attack them!" Joffrey protested.

"Hold fast." Tyrion repeated.

A Lannister ship was now coming into sight.

"There's only one ship. Where's the rest of them?" Joffrey asked. 

Tyrion didn't say anything.

"Where are the rest of them?!" Joffrey repeated. Now there was legit fear in his eyes and voice.

"If this plan doesn't work, perhaps my father's new friends can help with that." Tyrion suggested. He got a raven a few days ago that his father had acquired new friends to aid as reinforcements, but Tywin didn't say who it was. It would be awhile before they could show up. 

Mathis and Davos saw the one Lannister ship. But Davos noted that the ship wasn't even manned. "There's no one on board.

The Pyromancer held up a torch to Tyrion to give the signal and he held a smile as he did.

Davos looked again to see there was green liquid coming out of the back of the ship. And Davos understood what it was. "Wildfire. Steer clear! Steer clear!" He shouted.

Tyrion threw the torch over the wall. Bronn could see the signal. He lit a fire arrow and shot it into the water.

Davos saw the sea turn bright green when the fire arrow touched the sea. "Mathis! Get Down!" But it was too late. The explosion shockwave shook Davos off the ship and into the sea. 

And as for Stannis, he could only watch as his ships caught fire. As did his men. It was complete chaos.

The Lannister troops on the wall looked away from the bright light. Except for the Hound who looked like he saw a green version of hell to him. And the Pyromancer who just smiled. But then Joffrey smiled that the plan had worked.

Stannis looked stunned at his now destroyed fleet. But he wasn't done yet. "Prepare to land." He ordered.

"Your Grace--" One of the Soldiers started to say. Had Stannis lost his mind?

"The Dwarf has played his little trick." Stannis explained.

"The Wildfire-" The Soldier started to say again. 

"He can only use it once." Stannis replied.

"We're too far from the gates." The soldier commented. "Fire, there are archers, hundreds will die." 

"Thousands." Stannis replied. He then got into one of the longboats and turned to his men. "Come with me and take this city!" He ordered.

The soldiers all yelled behind him.

The Longboats all rowed across the bay to the walls. The Lannisters all looked at Stannis approach.

"He's a serious Man, Stannis Baratheon." Tyrion said.

"They're coming ashore." Joffrey thought out loud in disbelief.

"Rain fire on them." Tyrion ordered the archers. 

"They're too many." Joffrey couldn't believe that they were still coming. So much for being the one to kill Stannis. 

"Hound, form a welcome party for any Baratheon to touch solid ground." Tyrion ordered.

The Hound nodded. 

"Podrick, run to the King's Gate. Bring any man guarding it here. Now!" Tyrion also ordered.

"Yes my lord." Podrick replied.

Joffrey stayed with Tyrion.

And then, it happened.

The air started to fill with the sound of a weird like noise.

"What is that sound?" Joffrey asked. 

Both he and Tyrion looked up to see Vulture Droids flying through the Night Sky and blasting at the rest of the big ships that Stannis had. Some Vulture Droids even fired missiles at the ships and Stannis's fleet was getting blown to bits.

"What the-?" Stannis asked. What just happened?

Even Joffrey and Tyrion were shocked at what just happened.

"They blew up, the rest of Stannis's fleet." Tyrion said.

"Uncle, there's more!" Joffrey pointed to the Separatist Gunships landing outside the Castle Walls on the beach. They deployed battalions of B1 Battle Droids, as well as B2 Super Battle Droids, and even several Commando Droids. 

"Attack them!" Joffrey ordered.

"Belay that order!" Tyrion ordered back to the Lannisters.

"What?" Joffrey asked.

"They went for Stannis's fleet, and they didn't attack us. Why?" Tyrion pointed out.

Joffrey still didn't get it. "What did you just say? Do you know them?"

Tyrion didn't answer. Were these the friends that his father was referring to? He assumed it was a Noble House, not these people. Or rather these... things.

But the Droids were focusing on the boats that Stannis was sailing on. They were now on the beach and their back was turned on the Lannisters.

"You heard Lord Tywin. Blast em!" A droid yelled.

The Battle Droids fired their blasters at the boats. And Joffrey was taken back by the red blasters that came out of the Droids blasters. Some Super Battle Droids even blasted some Wrist Rockets at the boats. The boats all were burning up. 

"Lord Tywin?" Tyrion asked. 

That was when Podrick ran back up to Tyrion. "My Lord, I brought more troops up from the King's Gate." He reported.

"Good work, Pod. But I think we're all good here." Tyrion replied.

Podrick saw the Droids. "What are those constructs?" He asked.

"Our new friends." Tyrion answered. "I have no idea who they are, but I'm not complaining."

Finally Joffrey had something to say. "Well... they do seem to be crushing my Uncle's forces." He admitted.  

"Have the Hound still lead the men. I don't want to risk the metal men getting overwhelmed." Tyrion ordered.

"At once, My Lord." Pod replied.

Tyrion turned to the archers. "Rain fire."

Stannis finally landed on the beach but blaster fire was mowing his men down. The archers all tried firing their arrows. But the arrows didn't even scratch the Droids. And the Droids could fire and reload faster then his own troops. And the Lannisters were also sending in fire arrows. 

He didn't bother heading for the wall. The Droids had already reinforced that position.

"To the Mud Gate! Go!" Stannis yelled. 

But the Mud Gate was guarded by Lannisters, and The Hound who was fighting with fury. Swords were clashing everywhere and blaster fire from the Droids were giving the Lannister forces an advantage. Despite the fact that Lancel took a bad cut through his armor by a sword.

The Hound on the other hand was not doing so good. He was still killing Stannis's men, until he saw something that made him stop cold. A Baratheon troop was on fire. That brought up some bad memories for the Hound. His older brother the Mountain once burned a part of the Hounds face when they were young. Sandor was playing with one of his older brother's toys. Gregor didn't even say a word. He just took his brother's face and took it to the fireplace and put his face to the burning coals. Ever since, The Hound never liked the idea of fire. And now someone was literally on fire. When the soldier went down. He could see Bronn with a bow in hand nodding at Sandor. Two more Baratheon soldiers showed up trying to kill Bronn. But several blaster shots from Commando Droids took them down. 

Bronn smiled. "I like these guys already!" 

But that was it for the Hound. The sight of more fire and The Hound was done. He went back into the mud gate. Asked for a drink and then spat the water in an archers face. He then turned back.

"Can I get you some Ice Milk? And a nice bowl of Raspberries too?" Tyrion asked sarcastically.

"Eat shit, dwarf." The Hound replied.

"You're on the wrong side of the wall." Tyrion pointed out.

"I lost half my men, the Blackwater's on fire. And there are Metal Men shooting everything." The Hound spat out.

"Dog, I command you to go back out there and fight!" Joffrey snapped. "We have them on the ropes!"  

"You are Kings guard Clegane. We must beat them back if we're going to take this city." Tyrion reminded. "Your King's City."

"Fuck the Kings guard. Fuck the City. And Fuck the King." Clegane declared.

Joffrey could not believe which was not real. The fact that the Hound was leaving. Or him and Tyrion agreeing on something. But the Hound just left.

"Hey!" Tyrion yelled.

"Let him go!" Joffrey ordered. "He wants to run like a coward, fine. Who needs him?! I've got some new friends now!" He pointed to the Droids who were slaughtering more of the Baratheon troops. He didn't see Stannis but that didn't matter. A Commando Droid fired a Rocket Launcher at the boat carrying the Battering Ram. It was destroyed.

"NO!" Stannis yelled. Anything that could go wrong for him, did. And he would be succeeding, if not for these Clankers. 

As for Joffrey, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The Separatists were crushing Stannis's forces. He had no idea where they came from, but he was not complaining. Until Lancel came to run up to him.

"Your Grace! The Queen has sent me to bring you back to the Red Keep." Lancel informed.

"What? In my moment of triumph?" Joffrey asked. "I think not. I'm staying right here."

"Indeed. I mean if you can't defend your own city, why should your men?" Tyrion agreed.

"But Your Mother..." Lancel started.

"Does she have personal business with me?" Joffrey asked.

"She did not say." Lancel answered.

"Then I'm not going anywhere." Joffrey replied. If the Separatists didn't show up, he might've gone back with Lancel. But since he had the Baratheon's on the ropes, he didn't. 

"As you... wish." Lancel reluctantly replied. He left back to the Red Keep.

Tyrion looked at the men that were inside the walls of the city. "Men form up!" He ordered.

Everyone looked at him oddly. Even Joffrey.

"They say I'm half a man. But what does that make the lot of you?" Tyrion asked.

"The only way out is through the gates." Joffrey pointed out. Tyrion looked at him.

"You're not helping." Tyrion commented.

Joffrey just shrugged. "Just saying."

"And there is another way out, I'm going to show you." Tyrion corrected. "The Constructs have them on the front. We'll come in from behind them and fuck them in the asses!" He continued. "Don't fight for the King. Don't fight for his Kingdoms." 

"Hello?" Joffrey asked. "I'm right here!" 

"I know." Tyrion replied. He turned back to his men: "Don't fight for honor or glory. Don't fight for riches because you won't get any! This is your city Stannis means to sack! That's your gates he means to ram! If he gets in, it will be your houses he'll burn, your gold he'll steal, and your women he'll rape. Those are brave men knocking at our doors. Let's go kill them!" He declared.

The Lannister men all raised their blades.

Meanwhile in the Red Keep. Tension in the room was boiling for Sansa. She was stuck in a room with a group of highborn ladies and stuck with Cersei who was clearly quite drunk, but being realistic with Sansa when it came to dealing with Joffrey. But when she was pressing Shae, that was when Lancel ran back into the room. "Your Grace!" 

"What news?" Cersei asked.

"The Imp has set the river on fire. Hundreds of ships are burning, maybe more." Lancel reported. "Stannis's fleet destroyed. But... his troops have landed outside the city walls. And we're crushing them all down. Reinforcements have joined us."

"What?" Cersei asked. "My father's forces are..."

"It's not more Lannisters, it's... something else." Lancel answered. "Metal constructs."

Everyone looked at Lancel. "What?" "Metal Constructs?"

"Metal Constructs?" Cersei asked. "What a load of rubbish." She dismissed. "Where is my son?" 

"Still on the battlements, he refused to leave." Lancel answered.

Cersei snorted. "I can't even leave you to do something so simple. And now you come to me with stories of metal constructs and us winning the battle. Ha! You're funny." She then turned to the other ladies. "Everyone listen! Lancel here is in denial! The Battle is lost! And we'll all suffer for it. Metal Constructs saving us? I don't believe it for one second."

"Now listen to me!" Lancel interrupted. "I know what I saw--"

Cersei hit him in his weak spot. Lancel fell to the ground and she left the Holdfast with Tommen in tow.

The Women were all starting to panic. Were they really winning? Or was the battle lost?

"Don't be afraid. The Queen has raised the Drawbridge, this is the safest place we can be." Sansa reassured. "Now I don't know about Metal Constructs but, Joffrey's not hurt. He's fighting bravely. His knights have rallied behind him. They will save the city." All the women looked at Sansa with a much calmer tone. "Shall we sing a hymn?" She asked. 

The Women all started to sing a hymn when Sansa was pulled aside by Shae.

"You must go." Shae advised. "Go to your chambers and lock the door. If Stannis won't hurt you, this one will." She looked at Ilyn Payne. The Mute Royal executioner who took Ned Stark's head off. 

"Come with me." Sansa pleaded.

"I need to say goodbye to someone." Shae replied. 

"But the Queen said they'd rape everyone." Sansa pointed out.

"No one is raping me." Shae revealed a shiv under her leg. "Go. Run." She ordered Sansa.

Sansa went back to her chambers and locked the doors. Unsure of what to do next. Until she saw the little doll by her dresser. The doll that she got from her father when she was having an argument with Arya.


"Don't you like it?" Ned asked. 

Sansa looked at the doll like it was a mutated cockroach. "I haven't played with dolls since I was eight." She replied like a spoiled child.

Ned looked down. He really tried his best to make Sansa happy after her Dire Wolf Lady got killed, and she was far from happy.

"May I be excused?" Sansa asked.

"But you've barely even your food." Her Septa commented.

"It's alright, go on." Ned said.

Sansa then left the room. But she barely heard her father say that War was easier than daughters.

End of Flashback.

That doll was the last thing Sansa ever received from her father. And she spat at it.  "What a stupid little girl I was." She thought to herself as she hugged the doll close.

"The Lady's starting to panic." 

Sansa turned around, to see The Hound sitting in a chair.

"What are you doing here?" Sansa asked scarred.

"I'm not staying here for long. I'm going." The Hound replied.

"Where?" Sansa asked.

"Someplace that isn't burning." The Hound answered. "North might be... could be..."

"What about the King?" Sansa asked.

"He can die for all I care. Or play with his new metal toys." The Hound replied.

"The Constructs are real?" Sansa asked.

"Oh they're real. They started shooting red magic at Stannis's forces. I've never seen anything like it." The Hound answered.

Red Magic? Sansa thought that couldn't be right. Magic was gone from this world. Except that fireball from the sky. Were they connected? Was that what brought magic back? 

"I can take you with me. Take you to Winterfell." The Hound offered as he stood up. "Keep you safe. Want to go home?"

Sansa wasn't sure what to do. "I'll be safe here." She reluctantly answered. "The Constructs won't hurt me, I don't think."

The Hound grabbed Sansa. "Look at me. Stannis is a killer, the Lannisters are killers, Those Constructs are killers, Your father was a killer, your brother is a killer. Your sons will be killers some day. The world is built by killers. So you'd better get use to them." He explained.

"You won't hurt me." Sansa replied.

And The Hound never did. Even at her lowest when Sansa's father was killed, the Hound kind of acted like a guardian angel to Sansa. Stopped Sansa from making a big mistake, covered her when Joffrey tortured her. Even during the riots of King's Landing. The Hound went back to get Sansa before she could get hurt.

"No little bird I won't hurt you." Sandor left the room. 

How little Sansa knew that Winterfell had been taken by The Separatist forces.

Things kept going from bad to worse for Stannis. His armies were already at the breaking point. Now Tyrion's troops were coming from behind the walls and attacking the rear of Stannis's forces. Even Tyrion was getting involved in the action. He struck down several Baratheon men, but the Droids were really doing the damage. The row boats were sinking and the armor was weighing Stannis's soldiers down. Tyrion was about to shout something heroic when a Wrist Rocket from a Super Battle Droid hit another soldier near Tyrion. The shockwave knocked Tyrion unconscious.

"Watch those Wrist Rockets." Tyrion muttered as he blacked out.

But for Stannis he was swinging his sword at the Lannister soldiers. He wanted that throne. But that was when he saw Tyrell soldiers assisted by Droidekas arrive and massacre more of Stannis's troops. And in that moment Stannis saw the horror of what was going on. The Battle Droids were killing his own troops. All being shot by blaster fire. His own fleet was ablaze and his reinforcements were not coming. The vision he saw in the flames of the Separatist forces. They would bring upon his doom. Stannis could see that now. "Stand and fight! Stand and fight!" He yelled out. Stannis then took a blaster shot to his armor. 

And despite being in pain, Stannis could see Tywin Lannister as well as Loras Tyrell riding up towards the mud gate.

And to rub salt to the wound, Loras was wearing Renly's armor. Loras even smirked.

"The Iron Throne is mine! By rights!" Stannis yelled.

"The Iron Throne belongs to my Grandson." Tywin corrected.

"Your Grandson is a bastard!" Stannis shouted back.

"The problem with you Lord Stannis, is that you heard the rumors and you believed them." Tywin replied.

"You murdered your brother." Loras pointed out.

"Renly had no claim to the Iron Throne, Ser Loras Tyrell. It was mine by right. When your father attacked my castle, Renly didn't defend it. I did. And he still claimed it for his own. And the Throne too." Stannis shot back.

"I've heard enough." Tywin declared. He turned to the Droids. "Kill him." He ordered.

The Droids readied their blasters. This was it.

"Take to your sigil, Lord Tywin. For the Night is dark and full of terrors." Stannis charged forward with his sword drawn. But The Droids all gunned him down. Stannis fell to the ground.

"He died as he lived. Fighting like a soldier." Loras said.

"Indeed. Come let's get to the Red Keep." Tywin replied.

Loras walked into the Throne Room with his men, just in the nick of time as Cersei was about to give her son, Tommen poison. They both stood up as Loras took off his helmet accompanied by Battle Droids, Tyrell men and Lannister soldiers. 

"The Constructs." Tommen said. They were real. Lancel was telling the truth.

"What are they doing with Ser Loras?" Cersei asked.

That was when Tywin walked into the throne room.

"Father." Cersei dropped the vial of poison.

"Lord Tywin, the Baratheon forces are in full retreat." A Droid reported.

"Have the rest of the Droids secure the city. We need to establish order as quickly as possible." Tywin ordered.

"Roger Roger." The Droid replied.

Tywin turned back to Cersei and Tommen. "The battle is over. We have won." He announced.

Cersei's confusion had turned to happiness as she held Tommen close.

But Tommen still looked confused. "Grandfather, why are there constructs?" He asked.

"Because Tommen, these are Battle Droids of the Separatist Alliance. And they have just won the battle for us. As well as killing Stannis Baratheon." Tywin answered. 

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