Food And A Visitor

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Jack's P.O.V

When I woke up again I was in my bedroom at the Warren and had a light blanket on me. At first I was confused on how I got here till the events from earlier came to the forefront. As I looked at myself I was surprisingly still a pooka but, still didn't understand why. I had never transformed into one in the past unless I wasn't aware of it. Some of the one sided fights I've been in I would pass out and somehow wake up in the artic though I later found out wind took me there to keep me safe but, only if I managed to keep hold of my staff as that was mine and their way to communicate.

Soon my stomach rumbled which was another thing I had forgotten was possible and have sense gotten used to as I didn't have to ration food anymore as I almost always had a supply now instead of going days or even months without a Decent meal.  In the past I could ignore the sound and then didn't realize it all together after about the tenth year going unnoticed. While in my thoughts my newly sensitive ears picked up the sound of the daily work in the Warren  and then the scent of some kind of soup and the grass scent that clung to Bunnymund was coming closer.

I tried brushing out the fur that stood on end to look a little presentable though soon gave up as the brush kept getting caught in the thicker fur that normally belongs to arctic rabbits which I've seen my fair share of though always kept my distance out of fear of hurting them or freezing them. A few minutes later Bunnymund knocked on the door and I let him know he could enter.

Bunnymund's P.O.V.

It had been two days sense I took up my watch over Jack who has yet to go back to his usual self. Seeing Jack as a pooka was honestly a shock considering I've been the only one for centuries though I don't understand why Jack would become a pooka out of all things. Was MiM trying to pull my leg or was Sandy correct on Jack getting a new ability? Whatever the case I have to admit Jack as a Pooka despite not knowing who caused the shift fully was a good choice. Our healing abilities were one of the most renowned in the past and with how injured Jack was it was the best choice.

Unlike most animals pooka matched the closest to humans besides monkeys and had very similar biological make up however frostbite is still going to need ointment and the soup I'm bringing will aid in the healing process as well. Unknown to Jack but, me and the others have been sending messengers to each other with what we could do about the summer and autumn spirits without clueing  them in that we are aware of what they did to our youngest team member. We had a plan however it involves mother nature getting alerted which is a whole other ball game. She is allusive and is constantly on the move and when angered was fierce. From what I remember she actually has a soft spot for Jack though it's mostly because he's the youngest winter spirit in centuries.

When I entered Jack's room after getting the ok I could tell he had been trying to brush his fur as the brush on the night stand had white fur in it so I made a mental note to get a brush to accommodate Jack's much thicker white and blue fur before bringing over the soup and asked Jack if he could try getting some of the food into his stomach as it would help assist him in healing. Jack had smiled gently before nodding and carefully took the bowl from me and sense it was a sipping soup he was able to drink it without using a spoon.

At first Jack wasn't a fan of the flavor but, after a few sips he seemed to of gotten used to it which was a relief. While he ate I tried finding a brush that would work for the time being till we could get a proper one however while I was doing so both I and Jack's ears perked up hearing the sound of something moving around and judging by the scent it was either mother nature herself or a summer spirit.

It wasn't a surprise the minute Jack picked up the scent he became weary and despite being a pooka his human mentality took over and without wasting time hid away as he was no where near ready to fight though I could tell he would jump in if needed which was appreciated though also disturbing. Jack needed to rest and heal though even if it's not a enemy he had to be cautious.

As we waited a female voice called out and I knew who it was as did Jack though he relaxed a little. Soon enough a fair skinned lady wearing a mesmerizing dress that switched with the different colors of the seasons entered and we were met with mother nature.

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