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Jack's P.O.V

Being held by Bunny on the couch and having his paw rubbing my upper back was definitely something I never imagined I would get to encounter however I had to remind myself that he was likely just doing this to help me sleep and recover. One ability I relized he had was that he could ease someone's pain if he held on to them as it was one of his spring abilities. I didn't want to hold out hope that Bunnymund would accept my feelings so for now I will just take what I can get.

As he rubbed my back I drifted into sleep as did Bunnymund. I vaguely felt Sandy's dreamsand land on us and everything after that was a dream.

Jack's Dream P.O.V

I was flying around the Warren racing Bunnymund through the various tunnels and having fun.
Before it gradually changed to us in a different part of the Warren that I've only been a couple times and that's Bunnymund's nest though in the dream I was cuddling with Bunny who held me protectively while snuffling at my hair which honestly felt nice before he shifts to nuzzling my forehead though when he spoke I was only able to hear "I love..." however before I could hear the last part I felt something change on me and when I looked at one of my hands I was stunned to see a white paw in front of me followed quickly by the rest of me before the dream ended.

Jack's P.O.V

I soon woke startled and fell off of Bunnymund's lap which woke him up which seemed to trigger his combat side as he had a boomerang in hand out of instinct. The fall had reopened some of my wounds  however that wasn't what I was focused on because as soon as Bunnymund was more awake I could see some tears in his eyes though I couldn't tell if they were from happiness or sadness though they were subdued shortly after which confused me though when Bunnymund helped me up I realized something was definitely not right.

For one I was now at Bunnymund's chest height, two I felt off balance and couldn't keep on my feet and three I felt like I had a blanket on me. I tried to ask bunny what was wrong but, didn't expect him to grab me bridal style before hop-walking to a mirror. If I wasn't currently in his arms I would of thought that I was hallucinating but, right in the mirror I saw I'd somehow become a white furred Pooka with blue markings that looked vaguely like Bunnymund's though the markings on my shoulders were that of vague snow symbols.

The burns were still lightly visible under the fur though I felt less pain and despite better judgement I got the urge to hug Bunnymund. I was admittedly panicking inside and was confused and it seemed Bunnymund was the same way.  We both simply stared at the mirror and I knew pinching myself wouldn't work as I was very much awake.

In the background I could hear the other guardians coming clearly concerned though next thing I knew Bunnymund quickly hid me just until he could attempt to calm the others. In minutes we hear a knock before Bunnymund gives the ok and the minute he did he was bombarded with questions such as "Are you guys ok?" "What happened?" and "Where is Jack?"

3rd Person P.O.V

Bunny had answered the first two without a issue though the last one he had asked everyone to quiet down and not to freak out before going over to Jack's hiding place and gently coaxed him out like he was a baby animal and despite being about the same height as Bunnymund minus about a foot or so Jack was very nervous about showing his new form to the others he considered a family though the reactions were mixed.

North stared in surprise, Sandy was confused and Toothiana had a look of adoration as she flitted around him and timidly asked permission to pet his new ears and soon after giving the ok the reaction was instant as Jack subconsciously thumped his paw on the ground. Jack know knew his ears were super sensitive much like bunny's chin was that Jamie scratched when Jack first became a guardian.

The thumping however made Jack a bit off balance though was quickly getting used to having arched legs as he regained balance with some help from Bunnymund who remained as support. Toothiana smiled before backing off and she didn't fail to tell Jack his new fur felt much like a fluffy blanket. North as expected wanted a explanation though Jack didn't have one and it seemed Bunnymund didn't either. Sandy made a few pictures above his head though what it meant honestly made some sense.

Jack's P.O.V

Sandy had showed my usual self followed by a fire symbol, then a shield, a image of bunnymund and a shield again. To me the rough translation was "Jack's main body was badly injured after the fire spirit's attack and the pookan form may be a type of protection or one of Jack's new abilities that exists to keep him safe."

To everyone it seemed to make sense though if that was the case I wondered if there were other animals I could do though I was starting to get used to this new form and honestly felt safer and enjoyed it. Bunnymund however looked really upset and soon I understood why after remembering one of the few conversations we had with just the two of us.

*memory in the past*

I had entered the warren just to visit Bunnymund though I had unknowingly stumbled upon Bunny during a really bad day as I found him in a secluded area of the Warren which had looked like a memorial area which I had found out was for the family and the original home he lost. He had told me what had happened to the others of his species because of Pitch and that he had witnessed the death of all the others despite trying to save those he could but, due to his own injuries and a item he had to protect he had to leave his old home which had gotten destroyed shortly after.

That had been one of the few times Bunny let me hug him and keep him company to help him through the day and he had actually let me stay for a few days. Despite wanting to stay longer I didn't want to overstep and also I still had to travel back to north America to give them the snow requested by Mother Nature. I had politely told Bunny I had to head out and thanked him for letting me stay as long as I did and gave him another tentive hug before leaving to do my job.

*Back to present*

Bunnymund was obviously remembering that day as he got closer and suddenly picked me up which confused me till I relized just how tired I was getting again. Despite being right in front of the guardians I nuzzled into Bunnymund's shoulder and was out in minutes. I vaguely heard Toothiana offered to lay me in bed thought Bunnymund shook his head and offered to take me to the Warren where I could recover and after a small discussion about Bunnymund keeping the others in the loop on Jack's condition the others gave the ok before Bunnymund made a path to his Warren to start his watch over the winter spirit which has made his way into Bunnymund's heart.

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