What Happened!?

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3rd Person P.O.V

Bunnymund, North and Toothiana were hanging out at the pole while Sandy and Jack were doing their jobs. While Jack was giving snow to North America, Sandy was working in the same area giving the residents dreams for the night.

The two often teamed up at night as Jack enjoyed spending time with Sandy as the two often understood each other despite Sandy being silent and unlike the other guardians Sandy had been around Jack from the beginning. The two got along well and Sandy would actually help Jack keep a good sleep schedule however tonight something seemed off and Sandy knew he should let Jack and the others know so after finishing up his last few dream clouds he went to find Jack.

Jack's P.O.V

It has been two years sense I was made a guardian. Its taken some getting used too but, despite the responsibility I have now I still made time to visit jamie and his friends. I had one last stop to make before heading to my hometown which has changed over time and had gradually became more modern. There was only one of the original buildings left that I had recognized from my memories as it was by the lake I had died in to save my sister.

I have tried fixing it up the best I could as some very old items were still intact though the most valuable stuff I had taken back to North's place. The house was worn with age though it was still standing and surprisingly stable enough to live in however it gave off a feeling of sadness which seemed to effect me negatively as if more then one tragedy had happened within which made it uncomfortable at night but, during the day it was bearable.

In the distance I could see Sandy heading my way and the look on his face told me something was up though the minute I tried to get to him a wall of fire appeared in front of me which startled me before trying to go above the flame only to be blocked off before a chuckle could be heard from above.

"Well hello Jack you finally decided to show your face in this sector again? I figured I would give you a warm welcome back to North America though it seems your in a rush to get back to the precise guardians. Don't know why the man in the moon chose you as a guardian though as you as a spirit cause nothing but, hurt and when over excited you hurt humans with your ice. I'm going to prove you were a wrong choice."

Jack's P.O.V

Of course the autumn spirits would be here seeking revenge for me being selected. These jerks have always been push overs especially sense I became a guardian two years ago though they are stronger then me right now..I need to try getting out of here.

"Hello autumn as straight forward as usual I see but, could you please let me go I need to get going and won't bug you again till my season." I hope he lets me go. I'm not in the mood to get in a fight especially when I still need to visit burgess. I had promised Jamie and Sophie that I would be giving them snow to play with tonight.

When I looked at Autumn however they looked ticked and with a whistle I was surrounded and out the corner of my eye I could see Sandy telling me  to get away unfortunately however each direction I went to try getting away had about five of autumn's helpers stationed at the exits before suddenly my shepherd's hook was yanked from my hands by autumn himself before everything became chaos.

*back at the pole*

Bunny's P.O.V

It is well past the time Jack is usually back and even though I act like the kid is annoying I was getting concerned. North and Toothiana were trying to reassure me that everything was ok however I couldn't relax. Something feels wrong and when a yeti ran in freaking out it made a feeling of dread set in before North went to calm the yeti enough to understand them though after the yeti stopped talking North's eyes got wide before saying "Sandy and Jack are hurt we must go and get them to the infirmary!"

The minute I heard the word 'hurt' I had sped off on all fours without listening to the last bit North had said knowing already what we needed to do but, I wanted to get to the two so I could see just how injured they were and come up with a plan to help them recover though when I got there I literally had to skid to a stop as four medic yeti were on scene. Jack and Sandy were on two gurneys and from what I could see Jack was in way worse shape then Sandy however I couldn't say Sandy wasn't in bad shape. He had scorch marks on his arm which his sand was working on though what worried me is how slow it was healing.

Soon enough North and Toothiana arrived and with no regard for the yeti asking her to keep back Toothiana had flitted over to our downed friends and quickly teared up. She had held both guardian's hands though only Sandy gripped back while Jack's remained unmoving. I could tell the Frostbite was still with us but, his breathing sounded harsh and painful. What had happened while the two were out!? Who did this to them and why!? For now we needed to get moving before their conditions get worse. Whoever did this has just angered a team of guardians and if they are found out they will be taught a lesson.

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