After Midnight

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Arrian Kiefer
(Are-ee-in Kie-fer)


He's normally a quiet servant, when working at least, and tries not to be known too well by the king. Part of that is due to not wanting the king to discover his relationship with the prince. He cares deeply for the prince, and despite not wanting to keep hiding he doesn't want their relationship exposed so that it and them aren't put in more risk of ending.
He is normally kind and gentle, but also not afraid of talking back as long as the person he's speaking to isn't a superior. He has a quick-wit and a sometimes flirtatious manner he has to keep in check practically at all times due to his rank. He's careful not to make even the slightest slip in order to avoid attention from those above him, but does wish he could even at least say more than he's allowed, if not overall be more help to people. He's open-minded and most often welcoming, but already has a small grudge against most royals and nobles since they have so much money and power while there are some civilians barely scraping by.

Days off
Sleeping in
Summer, spring, and flowers
Working, if he's near the prince
When he's able to speak freely

Secrets, either keeping them himself or people he cares about keeping them from him
Having to keep quiet around superiors so he doesn't lose his job or life
People who brag about wealth and status

He's afraid of the king, but mostly because he worries what will happen if him and the prince are discovered



Javaid (eternal) Llyr (the sea)
(Jaw-vade Lear)


He is very loyal and devoted, and believes everyone should be that way. Though he swore himself to his king, he does happen to be more devoted to his queen, but it's not something often shown, at least not to the king or the public.
Javaid knows his place in the works of it all and doesn't seem to have any major problems with it. He might occasionally question wether someone is fit for their position but never vocalizes it unless it's something like a guard without enough training. He likes to really take charge of protecting those he's sworn to when there's a known or immediate threat of some sort, and though he's more in favor of the queen he makes sure every member of the family has what they need to keep them safe and would lay down his own life for them. So far he hasn't questioned orders either, giving no reason for anyone not to trust him. But, he does keep quiet and listen to everything he can, wanting to know everything that passes through the castle walls.

Working in silence

Being kept in the dark on any topic
When/if a safety measure falls flat
The fact that the king has a mistress, though he tries not to hold it against her

As a guard, he can use any basic weapon. Normally, he'll have two different swords on him, in full planned battle he'll have a sword and shield, and occasionally he will walk around with his bow and arrows, though he usually keeps it in his quarters until he goes hunting, but has both his swords, his shield, and his bow and arrows when he has a lot of traveling to do, just in case.


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