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OTP prompt: The pairing goes to a laser tag fest as their first date. A is super excited while B is very confused but goes along with it anyway. Unfortunately they're put on separate teams.
Pairing: Klance.
AU btw

It had been quite a good day, nice temperature, no important plans. The perfect day to set up a date right? Except when things started to derail, and now a perfect day to spend alone time with his boyfriend had turned into a wild play date with his friends. Here we end up with Keith, in a sour mood with a large vest covering his body and holding a laser gun. Not only that, but his idiot boyfriend had set up the entire thing. It had left him in excitement with an adorable expression that had Keith on his knees, so it wasn't like he could say no. Thus cue salty Keith.

"I'm not quite understanding this Lance. Is this a type of battle simulation used on Earth?" Allura's voice piqued as she started observing her gear in the utmost curiosity. Lance smirked bringing up an air of arrogance. A side that Keith found both very irritating yet cute at the same time. "Nah, Princess. This here is a game. A game of war." Lance stated dramatically acting out like a soldier, both Keith and Pidge couldn't help but roll their eyes and sigh.

"War?!" Allura felt aghast, her expression turned horrified. How could anyone treat war as a game? Thankfully Shiro intercepted before Allura started yelling.

"Don't worry Princess he's just joking. Right Lance?" Shiro asked, becoming a little intimidating. Lance chuckled nervously and nodded. Keith wanted to face palm so hard, honestly how could Lance be so cute yet stupid? "It's a game designed with two teams," He started, might as well explain it himself and get it over with. "The point is to eliminate, well eliminate as in tag out, the other team. Meaning whoever could tag out the opposing teams members first wins. Each member has a certain amount of ammo as well as three lives." He explained watching Allura slowly take in this information. Her eyes lit up in fascination. She held her gun up and stood up with poise, "Then I shall be eager to bring my team to victory." She sounded excited, a little too excited.

"Speaking of teams. How are we going to divide up? And we need captains." Pidge asked. Of course everyone knew if they had Lance on their team it would be a sure fire win. He was a sharpshooter after all.

"I vote we, uh, do Rock Paper Scissors?" Hunk suggested sheepishly. "That'll work." Everyone, played a quick round, Allura following like a lost puppy. It lead to Lance and Keith being team captains. Kind of a big disappointment to both of them as they at least wanted to be on the same team. Now Keith felt extra sour, actually a lot more bitter. The teams were then divided up: Keith, Shiro, Hunk vs. Lance, Allura, and Pidge. They were ready and waited in a lounging area for the game prior to end. Keith had a permanent scowl on his face, his expression not going unnoticed by Lance. He scooted next to Keith while the others were preoccupied with conversation.

"I know you're being all moody because we weren't teamed up together." Lance stated earning him a glare. He probably could have worded that better, and so he tried again. "But, think of the fun! We can shoot each other and you can let out your frustrations." He bantered as Keith remained unamused.

"You're clearly not getting why I'm upset." He spat out, then refusing eye contact. This made Lance narrow his eyes, and Keith sighed audibly. "I was hoping it would be a day just between us, also relaxing since we had so much shit happen before."

"Oh." Lance realized after Keith's explanation, he then felt guilty. He didn't realize Keith wanted alone time with HIM. He thought he wanted the whole group to get together again since it's been a while. Coincidently that also made the boy blush slightly. It only increased as he saw Keith's frown rise into a sharp smirk. "Alright." He said lowly, slightly closing the gap between them. "I'll play. And I'll win. And to make it interesting, if I win then..." he paused, his expression growing a little too sinister for Lance's taste, "I get to pick what we do next. And it'll be just you and me."

Lance gulped, his entire face heated up when Keith backed away and looked at him with a fierce expression. It felt like he did that on purpose because now Lance could not think clearly, all he could see is that expression and hear that low toned voice. Cause holy hell that voice was-

He shook his head vigorously to try and focus himself. "W-Well," He internally cursed when his own voice came out shaky, "Joke's on you! You can't even use one of these properly!" He exclaimed his confidence slowly returning. Only to be shattered when a wide grin appeared on Keith's face. "I know, but I have tricks."

Tricks? What the hell did he mean by tricks? Lance felt himself about to panic. He wondered what Keith had up his sleeve. He also knew he influenced Keith way too much. In situations like these a mischievous Keith was not a good Keith. He snapped himself out of it, or rather Pidge did when she yelled out his name really loudly, and went in with the rest of the group.

The room presented to be very dark, also alarming Allura a bit. "I can hardly see in here. How can we play if we can't see?" She asked.

"It's so we can see the lasers." Pidge said. "Three minutes before game time. So I guess we think of a plan?" She asked Lance, he nodded in response. His mind didn't really feel up for planning, however, so he had to force himself. "I suggest we do an frontline, backline. Whoever is most confident can get close to opposing territory." Pidge calculated observing the other side, Allura paying very close attention.

"I can stay back and shoot far range. It's where I can show off my skill." Lance seemed a little boastful about his statement. Pidge just looked at him deadpan, "Yeah. Tragic how that's your only skill." The bluntness shot an arrow through Lance, he looked ready to fight until a voice interrupted.

20 seconds

"Crap. Ok, I'm in the backline. Pidge and Allura you ok with taking front?" Both of them nodded, "Also always make sure to duck and get cover. Don't just run regularly too, try and trick them." The word trick made Lance think back to Keith. Anxiety started spiking at the thought, but right now wasn't the right time. The three of them broke off and hid in separate spaces as the countdown began. Lance took a deep breath, "Alright. Chill Lance. It's for fun...yeah..." His ramble half worked as he got his body to relax, but his mind still ran with a million thoughts. There was a buzz and music started blasting from the speakers. The game began.

And things could not have been more messy. Well, at least the two front lines were messy. The two teams had formulated the same type of structure, therefore it put Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, and Allura against each other. Allura exposed herself a little too often, as well as struggled with shooting. Shiro felt bad himself, he even offered to help, but was eliminated thanks to Pidge. And it started a chain where Hunk eliminated Allura. Then Pidge and Hunk were out for each other's blood. Lance watched the whole thing unfold, bewildered. A little short lived as he reminded himself that Keith was still in the game. Throughout that whole fiasco Keith managed to sneak in a shot, and bright him down to two lives. He wouldn't let himself get defeated so easily, especially in his prime game. So he went from cover to cover, his heart accelerated when he couldn't pinpoint the light.

Everything seemed to stop, but, his sharpshooter eye caught a glance and he hit a bullseye.

Keith on the other side cursed and hid. Now down to two lives, he had to play it careful. "He's really gotten more accurate." He remarked, a small smile of pride stretched across his face. The game only had two minutes remaining. Keith pulled himself together and his eyes sharpened, he couldn't do anything if Lance was hiding back. So he figured he would use his speed. He willed himself confidence and rushed out, and there was Lance shooting at him again. Thankfully he ran fast enough to hide behind a pillar, on the opposing side. Sweat clung to him from both adrenaline and running, he had to admit Lance was right. This game turned out to be fun. Finally gaining his momentum he rushed out again, gun pointed forward when Lance foolishly revealed himself.

They both got a bullseye, one life remained.

Now here came the trick part. Keith ducked behind each pillar he could. Using both the dark as well as speed to his advantage. Plus he could tell Lance started panicking when the shots were messed up.

Lance, just as Keith thought, was losing his shit. He nearly keeled over, and his mind raced again. "What the hell is he up to?" Lance decided to risk a peek, only to be confused. "Where'd he go?!" He yelped, both his knees started to shake. Thanks to Keith's words earlier he felt a riled up.


Lance screamed turning around and pointing his laser gun. Keith stood, his posture nonchalant making Lance stiffen. "I should really listen to you more. This really was a fun game." Keith said calmly making Lance raise a brow, "Also I like to add," Lance heard before he felt a force hit him. As well as a pressure on his lips. His eyes bulged, his brain shut down, and his body temperature sky rocketed. Keith just kept his cool and control as he pushed Lance up against a pillar, kissing him. Lance lost himself as he immediately returned the action. Now was the time. Lance didn't notice the sudden noise, and nearly fell over when Keith abruptly separated.

"I win." He whispered lowly, yet confidently. Lance only blinked, while his face became red, "HUH??!?!?"

It took Keith a lot of effort not to laugh at Lance's expression. Although, that didn't stop Pidge and Hunk. Keith pat Lance on the back, "This is revenge. Now I get control what we do next time. You played a good game though." He added, probably not the best time to boast unless he wanted to get an earful of Lance's consistent whining. "Better get ready." He mumbled fiercely into Lance's. The boy broke down as Keith walked back into the lounging area.

Quite an eventful first date if he did say so himself.

A/N: I should add a cover to this thing. But I'm lazy. Also note: all prompts not created by me will have a source. This also may be the most inaccurate laser tag game ever.

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