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Prompt: Your OTP go out for a walk in the woods when suddenly it starts to storm badly. What do they do?
Pairing: Nosa (OCs)
Source: otpmusings on Tumblr.

"Ugh, did we have to go out this far?" Nova whined giving the girl next to her a pout. When she didn't answer Nova whined some more as well as clung to her arm. "Isaaaaa!" She bellowed making the other sigh.

"Hey, you needed to get out of the house and away from your computers. You want to go blind?" She argued while Nova pouted, a much more deeper pout. "No. But I was about to hack into the Pentagon again. Now I had to erase it before they started tracking me...again." She started reminiscing about the hours she spent calculating algorithms, and then became more upset. All those precious hours wasted. Although she couldn't be all that mad. After all she finally started spending time with her new girlfriend.

"Well you heard what the doctor said." Isa argued very calmly. She knew how to handle Nova's pestering whines with a lot of patience.

"Yeah Yeah." Nova let go of Isa's arm and lazily swung her arms at her side. Then began to drift off into her own little world. Isa snuck glances at her, feeling conflicted. She finally got Nova out of the house, but she's been all pouty and upset for 10 minutes now. And they've only been walking for 20. She thought it amusing that her girlfriend had such little patience, even if it should be irritating. She just finds it really adorable. Still she couldn't help but feel a little bad, after all working so hard only for it to go to waste definitely frustrated a person deeply. She waited, and then grabbed one of Nova's swinging arms, letting their hands hold onto to each other. They both stopped dead in their tracks. Nova, caught off guard, peered at Isa curiously while also a small blush feigned on her cheeks.

"Just for today, take a break." Isa squeezed Nova's hand while she gave a sympathetic expression, "I promise not to bother you after that." She muttered. Meanwhile Nova felt exponential amounts of guilt drop on her. She had to admit she acted like a brat for half of the time. And she did unknowingly avoid her girlfriend all week for some project. After mentally slapping herself she squeezed Isa's hand back, "No. I'm sorry. I was being selfish." She glanced downwards as the blush spread, "Besides, I'm really enjoying the time I'm spending with you right now." She sputtered quickly while Isa grinned. "Well aren't you sweet?" She cooed as she gave Nova a side hug while running her thumb over her cheek. The gesture made Nova blush bright red. She mumbled incoherently as she hid her face in Isa's neck. Isa in return laughing out loud.

"It's n-not funnyyyy." Nova whined as she revealed her flustered face.

"I'm sorry. Gosh you're so cute." Isa gasped through her laughs, as she calmed down as placed a quick kiss to Nova's forehead. That really proved unhelpful for Nova, even if she felt very happy inwards. "Alright, should we continue?" Isa asked and Nova nodded silently as she tried to calm herself down. It took her a minute, and they walked together again this time hand in hand.

"By the way where are we going?" Nova asked Isa who only shrugged. "It's one path so I'm assuming just straight ahead. That loops us around." She pointed forward to a path deep in the forest. Nova mumbled, "That's the only straight I'm going to associate with me." Isa overhearing snickered. Which lead to a series of jokes courtesy of Nova, being the goof she was. They both enjoyed when there were times to joke with each. The time to bond together remained something very precious to them, especially since they only just got together.

"We might as well finish this quickly. I assume this will take another 20 minutes." Isa surmised as she stared ahead of her. Nova hummed, taking in the breathtaking scenery. Probably since she rarely left her house, the forest seemed to amaze her a lot more. She took in the sight of green, sounds of the wildlife, smell of the earth, surprisingly very calming for a person addicted to technology like her.

She grinned widely, "Then let's get go-oh?" She suddenly felt something lightly touch her nose. She looked up, the cloudy sky turning a much more darker color, she could feel more of what felt like droplets fall onto her skin. "-ohh shit." She cursed watching as more accumulated into full on rain. Isa frowned watching as the rain start to fall harder by each passing second. Nova squealed feeling the droplets already starting to soak through her shirt. Isa sighed, NOW she felt annoyed, so much for the walk. "Well I guess we got to run." She ushered Nova who panicked under the heavy falling rain. Then tugged her as they ran in the rain. Normally it would seem like a fun time to be in the rain, however; they were in the woods, with no shelter.

Isa looked around despite the heavy rain, even with these tall trees around them it seemed like the rain fell hard enough to diminish visibility. Not only that, but the wind started picking up as well. She gripped Nova's hand, "Come on let's go this way!" She ordered through the storm, they continued running despite the low visibility. Through the downpour, Isa spotted something, they continued and it revealed a shed. She became confused for a moment, but with the darkening clouds and the heavy rain she really couldn't question it. After another exhausting run, they made it and took shelter, a little too late considering they became drenched. The area was a little small, and smelled musty, but they preferred it over the rain. Everything was quiet besides the rain and their exhausted pants.

"Nova, you ok?" Isa asked, her lungs began burning from the intense movement, but her concern lied with Nova who sputtered and wrenched her soaked clothing. "Y-Yeah," She stuttered, "The rain got in my eyes." She whined while wiping them making Isa chuckle. Her lungs still burned, a lot; enough to make her mid collapse on the floor. Nova noticed immediately, "Isa??!" She exclaimed momentarily confused, before it hit her, "Oh right!" Nova searched her wet backpack for a health bar, although it became soggy thanks to the rain.

"Uhh, can you even eat this?" Nova asked, maybe a little disgusted at the sogginess.

"It's fine. I'll make do." Isa assured taking the bar gratefully. While Nova's face twisted up, sticking out her tongue. "Blech, wet food. And wet clothes." She grimaced pulling at her wet shirt now sticking to her skin. Not only that, but the temperature dropped thanks to the rain, and now the air felt chilly. Isa finished quickly, now looking over how soaked she was and felt at the moment. Wet clothing weren't exactly the most comfortable. She shed off her jacket, which thankfully let her shirt be spared a bit. Not much, but it worked. Meanwhile Nova caught Isa shedding her jacket and inspecting herself, causing the bright red blush to come back. All the way until the tips of her ears became enveloped. As much as she wanted to stare, she willed herself to look away and slap her cheeks. She really needed more self control.

"Nova?" Instinctually Nova turned around at the call of her name. She almost screamed. Why? Because Isa had paused as she wrenched her clothing, meaning her shirt lifted up halfway. Nova's heartbeat accelerated, she snapped her head up to meet Isa's worried expression. Isa on the other hand grew more concerned at Nova's red face. She tilted her head, "Your face, are you ok?" She asked. Nova nearly keeled over at the head tilt, she found it really adorable. She uttered out a reply, covering her red face with her hand. Isa remained confused, observing Nova who started mumbling again, she caught something along the lines of "stop...pervert..." which confused her even more. Until she followed her eyes, and then looked down.

It hit her. And she blushed bright red as well, quickly letting go of her shirt. She went sat next to Nova, and chopped the top of her head, making Nova squeak audibly. "You could have told me instead of just staring." She argued, but her lips formed a tiny smirk, "Or were you just enjoying the view a little too much." She teased making Nova's face so hot the water could evaporate. Nova paused, "Yes," and let out a small honest agreement that caught Isa off guard. Now they both became blushing messes, unable too look at each other out of embarrassment for a moment.

The awkwardness died out after a few minutes. The two just sat in silence, thinking and listening to the rain. Nova searched her small bag, thankfully her phone still worked. But unfortunately it was left with no service, she whispered a curse frustrated but nothing she could do about it. So she sat, and then Nova began to shiver violently. She forgot about her wet clothes as well as the temperature. She wasn't one for the cold either, and the wet clothing made everything more uncomfortable. She wrapped her arms around herself, and sat, rubbing her arms up and down. She already rid herself of her wet cardigan. She then just curled herself into a ball hoping it would do something.

"Nova?" Isa called out, making Nova jump slightly. She hummed a response, not willing to uncurl herself. "You're cold too?" Isa asked and Nova once again hummed in agreement.

"Well," Isa started then pursed her lips as she thought, "did you want to...sit on my lap?" She asked hesitantly. Nova whipped her head in her direction, "Come again?" Isa glanced away but then spoke with confidence. They both couldn't just sit like this, especially in this cold. Plus their outer wear needed to dry still. She pat the space beside her, "If you want we could sit together, maybe it would be warmer?" She asked, albeit she cringed a little at how she worded that. There was no other way to get the point across. Cue the awkward silence and the deep blushes again. Nova fiddled with her fingers, she really shouldn't be so nervous, but then again the heart and mind always surprise you. She decided screw the nervousness, and slowly made her way over.

Isa occupied herself with her own thoughts, she stiffened when Nova did finally lay her against her. A second later a smile made its way onto Isa's face, she let her arm wrap around Nova's frame while her fingers went to her hair. Their heartbeats accelerated in sync, and they both started to finally relax. The sound of the rain echoing through the walls brought a sense of peace, Isa absentmindedly running her fingers in Nova's damp hair, and Nova finally becoming relaxed.

"Who would've thought there was shed in the middle of the forest." Isa said and then laughed a little, Nova joining her. "It's probably an abandoned ranger station considering the size, but still so random." She commented.

"So how long you think the rain will last?" Nova then asked leaning her head back a little more, her posture slackening along.

"Dunno. It's still pretty strong." Isa replied she herself leaned back on the wall. She proved to be right, the rain did not let up with the time they spent in there. Nova then wondered just exactly how long, on one hand she seemed anxious being away from her unsupervised technology for so long. On the other, she enjoyed, really enjoyed the atmosphere right now. Especially since she was not alone at the moment.

"Does that mean there's gonna be-" She cut off with a short scream when a loud boom echoed. She gripped Isa's shirt in shock, Isa equally shocked at Nova. Nova let out a shaky breath, feeling her heartbeat speed up again. "Well that answers that question." She jumped again, hands quickly going to her ears when the louder boom of thunder shook the walls. A small whimper followed, Isa tightened her arms around her. She rubbed along Nova's arm trying to calm her down.

"Oh yeah. You hate loud sounds don't you?" Isa asked softly. Nova nodded, "Especially when they're unexpected. It hurts my eardrums." She whimpered once again, letting her face fall on Isa's chest. Isa continued to soothe a frantic Nova while trying to think of solutions, she definitely felt bad. She spotted Nova's bag and reached over for it; relieved she pulled out Nova's phone as well as headphones. You can always count on Nova to take at least one of her devices with her. Quickly Isa connected the headphones and put them on Nova's ears, once the soothing music started playing did Nova relax again. Isa sighed relieved, and then continued with her little movements.

She held Nova in between the quaking from the violent thunder. She watched Nova relaxing, and she could feel her heart race. She absolutely loved when they were together like this. Even with the violence outside, they sat with each other in a silence that was comfortable. Nova especially liked being in the embrace, it felt warm and safe. Kissing Nova's forehead Isa sat with her own thoughts as she listened to the rain and thunder.

They stayed that way throughout the storm, finally after 20 minutes of staying in the shelter the rain started letting up. Both Nova and Isa walked outside to see the clouds parting.

Nova stretched, "Well fucking finally. We stayed out her for too long." She said exhausted.

"Yeah, so we finish and then get dinner?" Isa asked while Nova grinned excited. She jumped up, "Let's go out this time! I can pick the place right?" She asked getting a little too excited.

Isa chuckled, "Sure." She couldn't say no to the face Nova made. As well as the cheer she let out. She held out her hand again, the gesture received when Nova held it in her own.

And there they ventured onward to continue their time together.

A/N: I think I can write W x W better than M x M cause this is 2.4 k words.

Also note: That scene with Nova and the thunder, I kinda had a thought of Nova having hypersensitive hearing. Or just overloading on audio stimulus with very loud sounds. For example she needs time with headphones, to block out sounds. She could pass out and become anxious if overstimulated, and if under stimulated she needs loud sound exposure for a few minutes. But I kinda want to hold off on that until I get a grasp at it aka research.

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