Unexpected soft spot

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Inspired by JunglePunk and PillageAGallifrey

An AU or what if situation that takes place in Protected.


Ever hear of an accidental child? Where a woman wasn't expecting to get pregnant but did?

That was me...

My father was young and, dare I say, a little foolish. He and mum got married shortly after he joined the police force. They were told they would never have children. Then mum got pregnant with me. As time passed however things became complicated.

I had health issues which caused money to be tight or nonexistent. A muscle deficiency. I got really sick fast and was always tired. Father felt I was just delicate and wanted to help. Mother got frustrated with how many medical bills we had. She became angry one day and demanded that we get rid of me.

I don't know what came over her. Father refused and held me that night as I cried. Telling me it would be okay. He was desperate to keep the family together. Mother was too proud to ask his friends for help.

She left us a week later and he slowly became a dirty cop. I didn't understand at the time. I was only six when that happened. He lost his job and we ended up on the streets. Out of anger and desperation, he fought the gangs for money and won. Time passed and we went from the streets to living in a tower.

People see me as what my father is... what he's become... not who I really am...

My father's name is Megatron, and he is the mafia leader.

Who am I? I'm his little delicate flower, Ashlynn.




You are walking downtown near the Kaon area. It's a beautiful day and there is a light breeze. You suddenly hear a crash followed by cries for someone to stop. A gang of thugs are destroying a small flower shop. The young woman who owns it is sobbing and begging them to stop.

What do you do?

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