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Hopefully C.E.W will rise to the occasion

The Opening Pyro goes off inside BC Place in Vancouver, then the camera pans around as Vic Joseph speaks.

Vic: Welcome everyone to our first episode of C.E.W Insanity, we are live in B.C Place here in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada! Hello everyone I'm Vic Joseph, alongside Nigel McGuinness, and Percy Watson.

Nigel: A new company, a new dawn, what could we possibly have in store!?

Percy: Oh it will be an Action-packed show I'll tell you that!

Vic: And look who's here, the founder of C.E.W!

Out I came, and surely enough, I got a mix of LWF Chants, and C.E.W chants.

Nigel: Of course Chard, the founder of LWF, but is also the founder of this company, C.E.W! Hell this company was named after him!

I enter the ring, and I try to hype up the crowd.

I then ask for a mic, and a ring crew member handed me one.

Me: Well well well, we have a hyped up crowd here in Vancouver, do we not!?

The crowd cheers loudly.

Me: 2 years ago, it all started with an imagination. In those two years, this imagination became one of the most popular Wrestling Leagues here in Wattpad, and that was LWF!

I then got LWF chants from the crowd.

Me: But about a few weeks ago, that imagination was slowly going downhill. Some shows were gaining negative attention, lots of criticism, and there was only one person to blame... me.

The crowd boos.

Me: Honestly, I don't blame them. I know it, and a lot of you people know it, I've been losing my touch lately. So I thought to myself, "How about I have a fresh start?" Thus the creation, of Chard! Effect! Wrestling!!!!

I then got C.E.W chants.

Me: With this new beginning, we can make Wattpad Wrestling Leagues great again! Now to my second order of business, I would like to call out, your Insanity General Manager, my close friend, and JMWE Owner, PGV!!!!

The crowd cheers as out came PGV, the owner of JMWE Wrestling.

Vic: Yes, Ladies and gentlemen, PGV, the owner of JMWE Wrestling, is gonna be running our insane brand in CEW!

Nigel: Wow! Never thought I'd see him in one of Chard's leagues, but here he is!

PGV enters the ring, and I hand him my mic.


The crowd cheers.

PGV: Loving the noise. How about we start this night off with a little announcement! As of right now, we will have ourselves a C.E.W Championship Gold Rush tournament!

The crowd gave a big pop.

PGV: Guys in the truck, bracket please?

The tournament bracket then shows up on the titantron.

PGV: There you have it, a 16 man Single Elimination tournament to crown our first ever C.E.W Champion! Let's get the first match underway, shall we!? Get a referee out here!

Then me and PGV exit the ring.

Out comes Dax Xaviera.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: The following contest, is a first round match for the CEW Championship Gold Rush Tournament! Introducing first from The Nation Of Lakampati, weighing in at 170 pounds, DAX XAVIERA!!!!!

Vic: Here we go, our first round of the Gold Rush!

Nigel: Now this should be an interesting match! Dax and his opponent, Jordan Oliver, similar in style, and both considered the underdogs in this tournament.

Percy: Well only one of these underdogs is moving on to round 2 after this match, that's for sure!

Dax Xaviera enters the ring, and takes off his shirt.

The crowd cheers as out came Jordan Oliver.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, JORDAN OLIVER!!!!

Vic: Time and time again, this man, Jordan Oliver, has proven he can hang with the very best!

Nigel: This kid has heart, and like you said Vic, he has the matches to tell you all about it.

Percy: This should be interesting! Dax and Oliver, evenly matched in skill and talent, this may go down to who makes the first mistake!

Jordan Oliver enters the ring, and takes off his shirt.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Jordan and Dax lock up in the center of the ring, Dax Xaviera gets caught in an arm wringer by Oliver, but he reverses it into a Hammerlock.

Dax then transitions into a Headlock, but Jordan shoves him off, Dax hits the ropes, and Jordan Oliver stops him dead in his tracks with a Shoulder Block!

Vic: There's a Shoulder Block, stopping Dax Xaviera!

Jordan now hits the ropes for some momentum, hopping over Dax doing so, but when he rebounded the third time, Dax popped back up, and nailed him with a Dropkick!

Vic: OOF!!!

Nigel: That oughta knock your teeth out!

Percy: Dax timed that perfectly!

Jordan Oliver rolls out of the ring, and Dax gains momentum by hitting the ropes, and then takes Jordan down again with a Suicide Dive!

Vic: And there's a Suicide Dive, clearing out Jordan Oliver!

Dax Xaviera throws Oliver back into the ring, goes to the top turnbuckle, and sizes him up.

Dax goes for a diving Knee Strike, but Oliver jumped out of the way, causing Dax to crash and burn!

Vic: And Oliver dodges a bullet!

Nigel: Dax Xaviera went for a high risk, high reward, clearly it didn't pay off.

Percy: This could be a window of opportunity for Jordan Oliver!

Dax gets up, and Oliver makes a comeback.

Clothesline after clothesline, Oliver slowly picks up the pace.

Oliver blocks a Clothesline from Dax...

Vic: Dax went for a clothesline, but got stopped...

Then Oliver hits an Elevated Flatliner!

Vic: AND OLIVER! Oliver planting Dax Xaviera, this is for a spot in round 2!

Oliver goes for the cover.



Dax kicks out!

Nigel: And Dax Xaviera is still in this fight!

Oliver was so close, but yet so far.

Oliver now goes for a Twisting Brainbuster, but Dax reverses into a Vertical Suplex.

Dax then goes for a Sling Blade, but Oliver ducked it, and he hits a jab, then a chop, and he hits those two strikes, speeding up each time.

Percy: Look at Jordan go!

Vic: Jordan Oliver has Dax Xaviera in a world of hurt right now!

He keeps up with the jabs and chops, then he ends with an European Uppercut.

Jordan Oliver then throws Dax into a corner, shouts out "Disgusting!", then he goes for the Disgusting, his signature running double knee strike, but Xaviera shot up, and nails a Sling Blade!

Vic: WHOA! Dax with a Sling Blade!

Percy: Jordan was going for the kill, and Dax intercepted!

Dax then sized him up for a Zig-zag, but when Jordan got up, he delivered a wicked Superkick!

Nigel: OH MY WORD!

Vic: Jordan Oliver got him square in the face!

Dax stumbled into a corner, Jordan Oliver wasted no time, and he nailed Dax with the "Disgusting!"!


Nigel: Jordan Oliver got all of that one!

Percy: This could be All She Wrote!

Jordan goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, JORDAN OLIVER!!!!

Vic: What a performance by both these men! But it is gonna be Jordan Oliver who moves to round 2!

Percy: But don't take anything away from Dax Xaviera, he put a valiant effort in that match.

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Nigel: And there is the updated bracket, and Jordan Oliver moves on to round 2 to face either Noah C, or The Aerial Assassin, Will Ospreay.

Vic: Speaking of Will Ospreay, we will see him tonight against Lincoln Loud, and Artemis Spencer in a Triple Threat bout that should be a Showstopper!

Nigel: Can't wait for that!

The referee raises his hand, and then Jordan Oliver celebrates in the ring.



In the interview area, Pocholo Estrada was standing with Lincoln Loud.

Pocholo: Pocholo Estrada here for CEW, and joining me at this time, is Nick Club leader, Lincoln Loud. Lincoln, tonight you will be facing 2 talented stars in Will Ospreay and your opponent in the Gold Rush tournament, Artemis Spencer. Care to tell us your thoughts?

Lincoln: This? This is just what I need. I get to step in the ring with two men I'll be facing on my road to becoming champion! A small taste of what is to come, but enough for me to be prepared for ANYTHING. I won't hold it against those two. They're good. But they aren't on the level of ME! Tonight is only an appetizer to the main course. And that main course is me becoming champion, one Krakatoa Eruption at a time. And NO ONE is going to stop me from achieving my ultimate goal. Not Will, not Artemis, not my sisters and especially not my supposed "brother". There is only ONE Loud worth to be on top and that is "THE HEX" LINCOLN LOUD!!!

Pocholo: One more question, what would happen if you and Danny Phantom meet in the finals?

Lincoln: Danny and I are brothers to the end. If we face off, regardless of who wins we will ensure the title comes home to the Nick Club.

Lincoln then walks out of the interview area.



(MATCH 2: Matt Taven and Lola Loud vs. Local Competition.)

The lights dim, a spotlight shown on the center of the stage, and out came Lola Loud and Matt Taven.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of Lola Loud, and MATT TAVEN!!!!

Percy: Now this is gonna be an interesting pair guys, Lola Loud, a self proclaimed Princess and an overall brat, teaming with Matt Taven!

Vic: An interesting pair indeed, I mean their personalities are the same, You have to wonder, just how good are they together?

Nigel: Well if you're someone like Matt Taven, you'd want someone who has the same perspectives as you, and he did just that when he saw Lola Loud.

Lola and Taven enter the ring where two men in matching white T-shirts and black pants were waiting.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, already in the ring, Chris and JC Metro, THE METRO BROTHERS!!!

Nigel: I've seen these guys on NXT, and even though they've had a rough start, but they are tough as nails. They won't go down easy.

Percy: Yeah, I can agree Nigel, these guys Lost to the Street Profits and the War Raiders, but trust me, I see potential in these two.

When Taven took off the jacket he was wearing, JC Metro decided he was gonna start it off, and Lola agreed that Taven will start it for their team.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Taven and JC lock up in the center of the ring, and JC roughly shoves Taven to the mat, leaving Taven dumbfounded, and JC beckoned him to bring it on!

Vic: And JC, not afraid to throw down with the king!

Taven was utterly shocked. "Do you even know who i am?!" he shouted as he got up, "I am a KING!" he added, then he slapped JC in the face!

Nigel: OH!

Percy: Looks like the king doesn't like being looked down on!

"Don't you ever look down on me!" Matt said, but JC didn't even listen, and he pushed him back on the ground!

Vic: And JC, not even flinching at Matt's words!

JC then met Matt as he was getting up and brung the hay makers, tossing him back into his own corner as he tags Chris in.

Chris then gets on the top rope behind Matt, and rains down forearms on his shoulders while JC pinned him in the corner with a Shoulder Barge.

Then he enters the ring and as soon as Matt went onto the ring apron, Chris kicked Taven in the gut, then tossed the Self Proclaimed King, across the ring!

Taven was close enough for Lola to tag herself in, then she enters the ring, and began speaking her mind at Chris, telling him how that was not how you treat a king and such.

Chris Metro looked at the crowd, and the crowd chanted "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!"

Nigel: Wonder what they want Chris to do?

Vic: Whatever it is, I'm guessing it's not gonna end well for Lola!

Indeed it wasn't. Chris grabbed Lola, and tossed her with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex!


Vic: Chris Metro just sent Lola for a ride!

Nigel: That's not how you treat a Princess!

Percy: Well I guess Chris Metro doesn't care if you are a princess or not!

Chris Metro then picks her up, and hits a Spinebuster, then goes for the cover.



Lola kicks out.

Vic: Lola, just getting out!

Percy: Chris and JC aren't here for any games or to lose easy, they're here to make a mark!

Chris then tags in JC, and Chris holds Lola up, then JC punches Lola in the gut, then he brings her up to her feet, hits the ropes, then clocks her with a Lariat, turning her inside out!

Lola limps to her corner and tags in Taven.

Taven clotheslines JC over and over, then he hits a Spin Kick, knocking JC down!

Vic: And here comes Matt Taven, who likes to be known as the King!

He then sets JC up for the Arm-trap Headlock Driver he called the Climax, but JC reversed it into a Northern Lights Suplex, he then floats over, then deadlifts him into a Sitout Front Suplex!

Percy: WHOA!

Vic: Talk about impressive!

Nigel: Win or lose, The Metro Brothers will surely not be a flash in the pan! These guys are the real deal!

JC goes for the cover.



Lola breaks the count!

Vic: Oh, but Lola saves Taven from being dethroned!

Chris came to JC's aid before Lola and Taven could do something, throwing Lola out of the ring.

"C'mon, bro!" Chris said grabbing Matt.

Chris then smacked JC in the chest to motivate him, then they go to separate corners, and size him up!

Once Taven was on his feet, Chris went low for a chop block to the knee, and JC hits a Running Lariat!

Just as they were about to go for the cover Lola throws in Taven's cane into the ring, getting the ref's attention.

Vic: Wait a minute! Lola Just tossed Matt signature cane into the ring!

The ref then got it dealt with, but as the ref's back was turned, Lola came into the ring with a pink umbrella in her hand, and clocked JC in the head with it!

Percy: OH, COME ON!


Percy: Brilliant!? Lola and Taven just took the cheapest way out possible!

Lola tosses the umbrella away, and goes onto the apron.

Matt then smirked as he looked at JC. "This is what happens when you mess with royalty!" he said as he went for the cover.



JC kicked out!

Vic: WAIT A MINUTE! It's not over yet! JC somehow kicked out of Lola's cheap shot! Taven and Lola have got to be beside themselves!

Vic was right, Taven and Lola both shared the same look of shock on their faces.

Lola then screamed at the referee from the apron, but Chris yanked her down from the apron, and took her out with a big boot!

Vic: Oh man, what a boot by Chris Metro!

Then he enters the ring, and they hit their Chop Block/Lariat high low combo!

Nigel: There's that move again!

But that was not all, Chris goes to the apron, JC tags him in, JC puts Taven in Wheelbarrow Position, then Chris hits the ropes, and hits a Curb Stomp!

Vic: And there's another double team move!

Percy: This could be all she wrote right here!

Then JC goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings*

Vic: They got 'em!

Justin Roberts: The winners of this match, THE METRO BROTHERS!!!!

Vic: Chris and JC Metro just pulled off a HUGE upset!

But The Metro Brothers didn't get to celebrate. Matt Taven and Lola began a Post-match Assault!

Percy: Oh great!

Nigel: Lola and Taven not taking this loss lightly!

The royal duo hammered down on Chris and JC Metro, then Lola throws Chris Metro out of the ring.

Then they stand JC up, Taven goes for a Springboard Enzuigiri, and Lola hits a Chop Block to the knee!

Vic: And Taven and Lola! Eviscerating JC Metro!

Nigel: This is what happens when you make a fool out of a King and a Princess.

Percy: C.E.W Tag Team Division, look out. You don't wanna mess with this alliance.


PGV and I were watching the show in his office.

Me: C.E.W looking good so far, bro...

PGV: Totally. Don't worry, man. C.E.W will be in good hands. Trust me.

Me: Oh I trust you. I mean, looking at JMWE, I know you will do just fine.

PGV: Understandable.

We then hear a knock on the door.

PGV: Door's open!

The door opens, and we see Josh Havock and Ean Ortiz.

We look at each other, and shared the same disgusted look.


PGV and I superkick them in the face, then we took them outside, and dumped them into a dumpster.

Me: Fat chance, you piss-ons.


Cake and Lodestar Luminous were having a normal conversation, talking about, well, whatever it is they're talking about.

Cake: ...And so that's how Tyrell taught me how to properly tie up my wrestling boots!

Lodestar: *Chuckles* Well I'm happy to hear that accomplishment buddy.

Cake: I mean, I never knew you didn't add the bunny ears in the laces! Whoodahthunkit?

Then Lola and Taven walk up to them.

Matt: Oh look, a Royal Blood, hanging out with a mere, worthless, piece of junk.

Lola: I say. Lodestar, you deserve better. Join us, did you see what we did to those Wannabe Greasers The Metro Brothers? Lodestar, make the right decision, and join our royal family.

Matt: You won't regret it.

Lodestar looks at Cake, Cake shrugs, and Lodestar looked back at Matt Taven.

Lodestar: Yeah, I saw. Ya beat'm up after ya lost to'm. Sorry "your Majesty", but I got all the family I need in the form of a chubby baker, an awkward chess player and the women Diana Prince wishes she was.

Matt Taven smiles at that remark. But he gets real close to her face.

Matt: Listen, you are the definition of true Royalty, and you deserve better than hanging out with them... Pitiful Pittsburgh Pricks, they're not worth your time. Trust me. Oh, and by the way, we are not asking you, we are telling you.

Lola: Yeah! Why be one of them, when you can be a REAL Royal Blood?

Lodestar gets right up in his face.

Lodestar: Times have changed, buddy. This ain't the middle ages. I ain't looking for people to hang around for the sake of appearances like you two. I'm fine just the way I am with the people I have around me already. The two of you ain't worth the breath I'm using on ya. So my recommendation is to take your offer, shove it and walk away before I call in my own form of royal guard...

Lodestar holds up her hand and points to her wedding ring.

Lodestar: ...In the form of my wife, Ama-Freaking-zonia.

Matt Taven did not like the sound of that.

But before any of them could make a move, Rook walked in.

Rook: Is there a problem, here?

Lodestar: No, Ed. These two were just leaving, weren't you?

Matt slowly nods, and Lola and Taven leave.

Rook: That's what I thought.

Cake: Wow those two were really into you, Lodey.

Lodestar: They can look, but they can't touch! This little bod is reserved for Amazon hands only.

Rook: Dutifully noted. But I have a feeling they won't stay gone for long.

Cake: But when they show up again, we'll be ready for'm!

Lodestar: After all, it's 4 to 2. We got this. Now forget them, lets go get some french toast or something.

Cake: Le pain grillé français est délicieux! Allons-y!

The trio leaves.


Out comes Yohann Ollores, and the fans boo as Yohann throws insults at fans as he makes his way to the ring.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: This next match is a C.E.W Gold Rush tournament First Round match, set for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 200 pounds, YOHANN OLLORES!!!!

Vic: Brash, arrogant, and an all around D-Bag alongside his brother, Logan Ollores, Yohann looks to advance, to win the C.E.W Championship!

Nigel: I had a talk with him earlier today about the possibility of facing his brother, he said "One of us is gonna walk out with that gold, so if he's gonna face me in the finals, he'll bring his best, I'll bring my best, it don't matter who walks out with the gold between me and Logan."

Percy: Sounds like The YOLO Twins are confident in this tournament, and are not worried on who walks out as long as it's one of them.

Yohann enters the ring, and takes off his blue jacket.

Out comes Mark Andrews, and he waves his arm in the air as he makes his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Cardiff, Wales, weighing in at 159 pounds, MARK ANDREWS!!!!

Vic: Here comes one of 205 Live's hottest stars, Mark Andrews, and he is hoping to make his C.E.W Tenure a memorable one by winning this Gold Rush tournament!

Nigel: One of the underdogs in this tournament, along with Jordan Oliver, and also one of the fan favorites to win the entire tournament too!

Percy: But this will be interesting, Yohann and Andrews are almost similar in skill much like Jordan Oliver and Dax Xaviera earlier tonight!

Vic: You're right, Percy. But I believe on a High Flying level, Mark Andrews has the advantage.

Nigel: But Yohann has the brains advantage. He'll think of anything and everything to make sure he walks out, advancing to Round 2.

Mark Andrews throws his cap into the crowd, then takes off his hoodie.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Mark and Yohann lock up in the center of the ring, and Mark gets the upper hand with a simple Headlock.

Yohann reverses into a Back Suplex, but Mark lands on his feet, and Mark applies the Headlock once again.

Vic: And Mark Andrews, keeping Yohann grounded, and making sure he does not gain any momentum.

Yohann shoves Mark off, and onto the ropes, Mark rebounds, and Yohann knocks Mark down with a Shoulder Block!

Yohann hits the ropes to gain momentum, hops over Mark a couple times doing so, but Mark gets up, and nails Yohann in his third pass with a Dropkick!

Percy: WHOA!

Vic: Andrews stopping Yohann Ollores dead in his tracks!

Nigel: That Missile Dropkick, catching Yohann in the jaw!

Mark Andrews picks Yohann up, hits a Snap Suplex, and floats over into the cover.



Yohann kicks out.

Percy: And Yohann is still in this!

Vic: I'm pretty sure its gonna take more than that to keep him down!

Mark Andrews picks Yohann up again, but Yohann counters with a Jawbreaker, then Yohann whips Mark into the ropes, and Yohann knocks him down with a Back Elbow!

He then flips Mark Andrews over, hits an Elbow Drop to his spine, flips him back over, and goes for the cover.



Mark Andrews kicks out.

Mark Andrews rolls out of the ring, and Yohann had a look in his eyes that screamed "Evil Intentions".

Vic: Mark Andrews, rolling to the outside...

Nigel: But it looks like Yohann Ollores has something crazy in mind!

Yohann hits the ropes, and Yohann nails Andrew's with a Suicide Dive!

Percy: And there goes Yohann!

Vic: Yohann with a Suicide Dive, taking out Mark Andrews!

Nigel: Now he needs to get him in the ring, and get the 3 count to move on to Round 2!

Yohann throws Mark back into the ring, but Mark got up, and when Yohann entered the ring, Mark drilled him onto the mat with a Frankensteiner!


Nigel: Desperation move by Mark Andrews, this could be the opening he needs!

Mark Andrews positions Yohann, and heads to the top turnbuckle.

Percy: Look out! Mark Andrews is going for it!

Vic: Andrews looking for the Shooting Star Press!

But Yohann got up, and clocks him with a right hand!

Vic: Oh but Yohann gets up, and stops Mark Andrews!

Nigel: Yohann avoided that disaster, but now he needs to move forward!

Yohann then meets Andrews up on the top turnbuckle, and prepares him for a Super-Plex!

Percy: Oh no, that's a long way down!

Vic: Yohann looking for a Super-Plex!

Yohann goes for it, but Mark Andrews lands on his feet!

Nigel: Andrews landing on his feet!

Yohann gets up, but gets a Spin Kick to the face by Mark Andrews!

Percy: And a kick to the mush by Mark Andrews!

Yohann didn't go down, but he did hit a Superkick, stunning the Welsh high flyer!

Vic: And a Superkick! Yohann caught Andrews right on the button!

Yohann then goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Andrews counters into a Stunner!


Nigel: Mark Andrews caught him out of the blue!

And it just so happens, that Yohann landed in perfect position!

Percy: Looks like Yohann is in the drop zone!

Mark Andrews didn't hesitate, and he went to the Top Turnbuckle.

Vic: Andrews sizing up Yohann!

Then he leapt off, and connected the Shooting Star Press!

Percy: And he got it!

Nigel: Shooting Star Press connecting!

Mark Andrews goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings*

Vic: Mark Andrews moves on!

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, MARK ANDREWS!!!!

Vic: And Mark Andrews with a hard fought victory over Yohann Ollores to advance to the second round!

Nigel: But don't take anything away from Yohann, though. He brought everything he could to the table, but it just wasn't enough to advance!

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Percy: And yes, the bracket has updated, and Mark Andrews will move on to Round 2 and will face either Lincoln Loud, or Artemis Spencer!

Vic: That's next episode, but up next, Loud and Spencer, along with Will Ospreay, will clash in a Triple Threat match!

Percy: Oh boy! This is gonna be good!


Logan Ollores was with his brother Yohann, who lost earlier in his match against Mark Andrews, and he was salty about it.

Logan: Ok. As long as I beat that ghost kid, Danny Phantom, we should be okay. Remember, it doesnt matter, as long as one of us wins.

Yohann: You're right. Do it for us, bro.

The talking worked, and the two fist bumped.


In the medical room, Chris Metro was checking on his brother.

Chris: Damn, that move did a number on ya, eh?

JC: Yeah, right. This ain't nothing, man.

Suddenly, the door opens, and in walked Non-Stop's Flash Sentry!

JC: Who the hell are you?

Chris: Yeah, and what do you want?

Flash: Who the hell am I? Simple. I'm a man who was just like the two of you. You both KNOW you're talented, and yet your disrespected and taunted. Treated like jokes. Take for example what happened out there tonight. You two beat those wannabe royals, and what did you get for it? You got assaulted and embarrassed. Your accolades were outshined by the fact you were victimized by some snot nosed brat, and her little goon. I was just the same as you, but I fell down much MUCH deeper...

Flash takes off his shades and puts them on his shirt.

Flash: But someone saw something in me, and they gave me the platform to let my potential bloom to it's fullest. Ever since that day I made it a personal goal to ensure that good talent isn't wasted by moronic promoters, and the spotlight hogging clowns who are in the main event scene constantly. I saw something in my partner in crime Bart Simpson, and now I see it in you two.

Chris: What exactly are you implying?

Flash then hands him a piece of paper with his number on it.

Flash: What I'm implying is, I want you two to take this offer into consideration. Ditch this candy stand, come over to Non-Stop and join me and Bart Simpson. Just look at what he and I have been able to do since we revived our careers. The question that remains however... is are you two open minded enough to do the same with your's?

Chris Metro looks at the number.

Chris: My brother and I will think this over.

Flash nods his head.

Flash: Take your time. Me and Bart will be waiting for your answer. But remember this fellas, the results don't lie.

Flash leaves the room, and The Metro Brothers look at each other, thinking over on what Flash said.
(MAIN EVENT: Will Ospreay vs. Lincoln Loud vs. Artemis Spencer)

The lights dim, then orange spotlights dance around as Lincoln Loud makes his way to the ring.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a Triple Threat Match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Royal Woods, Michigan, "The Hex" LINCOLN LOUD!!!!!

Vic: It's our main event l, here on CEW Insanity, and Lincoln would want nothing more than to beat the same guy twice!

Percy: Hey, Vic, Nigel, any of you know what Lincoln's nickname "The Hex" Means?

Nigel: He was given "The Hex" Nickname because anyone who faces him will have Zero Luck coming out on top!

Percy: Oh yeah, i think i get what he's getting at.

Lincoln enters the ring and takes off his shirt.

Artemis Spencer then comes out next.

As he made his way to the ring, the crowd gave a standing ovation.

Justin Roberts: And his opponents, first from Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada, weighing in at 170 Pounds, ARTEMIS SPENCER!!!!!!

Vic: And what a huge ovation for the man known as Artemis Spencer!

Percy: Well this is his hometown, why not have this kind of energy? I love it!

Nigel: Can you imagine if instead of Lincoln beating Spencer twice, it was the other way around?

Vic: Well it could go either way, I mean Lincoln could beat Spencer twice!

Artemis gets in the ring and looks intently at Lincoln

As the music hit, Will Ospreay, hood up, and ready to fight, walks to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And from Rainham, Essex, England, Weighing in at 169 pounds, The Aerial Assassin, WILL OSPREAY!!!!!

Vic: The Aerial Assassin has landed in Maple Ridge, and he's got two targets in sight! Will Ospreay is ready for action!

Percy: You know it! This guy is exciting no matter what he does!

Nigel: I'm betting Ospreay will be the highlight of the match, hands down!

Ospreay enters the ring, and kneels in the center of the ring, then he takes off his hood, and takes off his jacket.

Vic: These 3 men, all in the Gold Rush tournament for the C.E.W Championship, fighting in what should be match of the night worthy!

Percy: 3 of the best in Wrestling today, in a 3 Way Dance, I guarantee one of these guys will steal the show, and one of these guys will prove why they're the best in CEW!

Vic: And remember guys, this is Triple Threat rules, No Disqualifications, but pinfalls or submissions must happen in the ring.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Nigel: Here we go!

The 3 guys just looked at each other, then Artemis and Ospreay go for Lincoln, and they hammer away at him.

Vic: And Ospreay and Spencer! Going after The Hex!

Percy: This is smart, going after the biggest factor in this match which so happens to be Lincoln!

Lincoln manages to fight back, then he goes after Artemis Spencer.

Nigel: Lincoln fighting back, and now sets his sights on his Gold Rush tournament opponent!

The brawl spilled to the outside, Lincoln begins to deliver hard blows on Spencer, when Ospreay took both Loud and Spencer down with a Sasuke Special!

Vic: WHOA!

Nigel: And Ospreay doing what he does best! Take to the skies, and wowing the crowd!

Percy: And with guys like Artemis Spencer and Lincoln Loud, I don't know how we will keep up with the action!

Ospreay throws Spencer back in, and goes for the cover.



Lincoln pulls Ospreay out if the ring, breaking the count.

Ospreay ducks a clothesline from Lincoln, Lincoln ducks a clothesline from Ospreay, and fluently locks The Aerial Assassin into a Front Facelock.

Lincoln then slams Ospreay down with a Falcon Arrow, goes back in the ring, but Artemis caught him in a Small Package Pin!



Lincoln kicks out.

Vic: And Lincoln getting out before 3!

Both Artemis and Lincoln get up, Lincoln makes the first move with a straight right, Artemis parries, and clocks Lincoln with a straight right of his own.

Nigel: And that's one jab for The Hex!

Artemis turns around, but gets a Springboard Forearm Smash from Ospreay!

Percy: WHOA! Where did he come from!?

Nigel: Ospreay seemingly out from the heavens above, knocks down Spencer with that flying Elbow Smash!

With Spencer down, Ospreay turns his attention to Lincoln, who baited him in. and Lincoln drills Ospreay face first onto the second turnbuckle with a Reverse STO!

Vic: And Lincoln Loud playing possum!

Lincoln takes advantage of the moment, and capitalizes with a Last Shot he calls the Jinx Knee!

Percy: And The Hex dropping him on his head!

Lincoln was about to go for the cover, but Artemis Spencer turned him around sets him up for a Powerbomb Lungblower, Lincoln reverses into a Back Body Drop, Spencer lands on his feet.

Lincoln turns around to meet him eye to eye, but Ospreay ran right past them and hits a Handspring Péle Kick on both of them, and now all 3 of them are down!

Vic: What a chain of events right there

Percy: I blinked, what did I miss!?

Nigel: A lot of stuff, actually!

The referee begins his count.





Not a single one of them have moved.




All 3 of them kip up, and the crowd went crazy!

Vic: And now all 3 men back on their feet!

Percy: This is getting intense!

Nigel: What a way to end the night!

Artemis and Lincoln both grab Ospreay, but Ospreay uses the ropes, and takes both if them down with an Arm Drag!

Vic: And now Ospreay looking to fire up!

Ospreay makes a comeback move, knocking down Artemis down over and over.

Then he turns around, only to get struck with a Lariat from Lincoln, but he flipped onto his feet, and nails Lincoln with his signature 720 Kick!

Percy: There it is!

Nigel: What a thing of beauty!

Vic: Lincoln is in trouble here!

Ospreay sizes up Lincoln, springboards off the second rope, and hits the OsCutter!

Nigel: OSCUTTER!!!!

Vic: Ospreay got all of it!

Lincoln rolls onto the apron, and Ospreay heads to the top turnbuckle.

Ospreay sizes up Spencer, Spencer gets up, Ospreay goes for a diving Hurricanrana, but Artemis blocked it!

Nigel: Hold on, Artemis stopped it!

Artemis Spencer then lifted him up for the Powerbomb Lungblower, Ospreay escapes, hits a Superkick, but instead of going down, Artemis his a Superkick of his own!

Percy: It's back and forth between Spencer and Ospreay!

But what they didn't notice was that Lincoln had recovered and was stalking them on the second turnbuckle!

Vic: Wait a minute! Look at Lincoln!

Both Artemis and Ospreay noticed him, but Lincoln took them both down with a Double Krakatoa Eruption!

Nigel: HOLY COW!

Percy: He caught two birds with one stone with a Double Krakatoa Eruption!

Lincoln throws Ospreay out if the ring, and hits Artemis Spencer with the Gourdbuster GTS he calls the Sound Of Silence!


Lincoln goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings!*

Nigel: Lincoln is Victorious!

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, LINCOLN LOUD!!!!

Vic: Lincoln Loud comes out with the win in what has to be a Triple Threat Match for the ages!

Nigel: All 3 men gave what they got, but The Hex proved he had enough to come out on top!

Lincoln then asked for a mic.

Percy: Looks like Lincoln has something he wants to say!

A ring crew member hands him the mic, and he sits in the middle of the ring.

Lincoln: Do you see this? THIS is what you all had better get used to, me coming out on top! Soon enough I'll be on top as the champion of this company, and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop me, or The Nick Club, from ruling every patch of earth in the wrestling world, and ruling over it with an iron fist!


Vic: What the hell!?

Suddenly, out comes Eddie Kingston!

Nigel: It's Eddie Kingston!

Percy: What is he doing here!?

Kingston, mic in hand, laughs, then he begins to speak.

Eddie Kingston: Well well well, if it ain't Lincoln Loud, The Hex, The Leader Of The Nick Club. Listen here, partner, you think that Nick Club is the best faction in CAW right now. Well I think your time on top of the mountain is done, and it's about time, you and your stupid club made room for a new king of CAW.

Lincoln: Um... who are you again? The guy who had to steal Kofi's last name to get noticed? And how in the Hell do you even get it in your stupid head that you can topple me and my Club? Our time at the top is just getting started and if you wanna question that, I'll be happy to show you just why that's the case.

Eddie Kingston: And just how are you gonna do that, wise guy? How about you show us how, since you sound that confident.

Lincoln: Say no more.

Percy: Oh boy!

Vic: Lincoln calling out his dogs!

Nigel: Kingston may have provoked the wrong guy!

As the Nick Club's theme plays, the cameras show the backstage area. Particularly the parking lot.

The cameras pan around the lot, and Nick Club were seen laying in the parking lot! The Nick Club were ambushed by Unknown Assailants!

Eddie Kingston: Well ain't that unfortunate.

Lincoln: You son of a bitch!!! I'll kill you!!!

Eddie Kingston: Not if I kill you first.

Before Lincoln could move, Homicide and Hernandez jump him from behind!


Nigel: Kingston had this all planned out!

That's when Eddie spoke again.

Eddie Kingston: Get him, boys!

As if on cue, Frankie Thurteen and Morgan Vaughn jumped the barricade, and joined the beating!

Percy: HEY!

Vic: That's Frankie Thurteen!

Nigel: And Morgan Vaughn!

Eddie then called someone from the back, and out came Mayhem Brannigan, followed by 5 masked guys!

Vic: Mayhem Brannigan!?

Percy: I know him, but who are the other guys!?

The 6 Assailants enter the ring, Lincoln stretches out for help, but the 11 men took him down like a pack of wolves!

Nigel: Lincoln is helpless!

Vic: This is 10 on 1, and Kingston is calling the shots!

One of the masked guys hit a Swinging Reverse STO on Lincoln, got up, and took off his mask.

That masked man was "Switchblade" Jay White!



Percy: Switchblade is here!

Jay White then picks up Lincoln, and another masked guy unmasked himself.

That man is MYPW star, Razza!

Jay throws Lincoln to him, and he hits a Twist Of Fate he calls the Ten Commandments!

Vic: Razza with the Ten Commandments!

Then 3 of the other masked men revealed themselves, and they were revealed to be...

Hollywood Hooligan, Kronnin Kash, and Eddie Edwards!


Nigel: Kronnin Kash!?

Percy: EDDIE!? WHY!?

Eddie and Hooligan then pick Lincoln up, Hooligan grabs him in Wheelbarrow position, Eddie Edwards then hits a Double Underhook DDT, Hooligan then goes for a Wheelbarrow Suplex, right into a Neckbreaker from Kronnin Kash!

The 10 men pick up Lincoln, and Eddie Kingston enters the ring.

Eddie Kingston: Welcome to The New Era, bitch! *drops mic*

The 10 goons then shove Lincoln towards him, and Kingston delivers a brutal Lariat!

Vic: And Kingston! Kingston damn near took his head off!

Nigel: I can't believe what I just saw!

Percy: Never have I seen anyone manhandle Lincoln Loud like that!

All 11 men stood tall, Kingston places a foot on Lincoln's chest, and he raises his hand up in victory.

Vic: My god. Kingston, and his army of 10, just laid the Nick Club to waste!

Nigel: When Eddie Kingston said to Lincoln, "Welcome to The New Era", I gues this is what he meant!

Percy: A new era indeed, and it looks like their mission to end Nick Club, is just beginning!

That will do it for Episode 1 of Insanity!

But unlike LWF, there won't be Exclusive Chapters. :(

However, you can catch some updates in the CEW Google+ Community, join the Community if you haven't done so.

Other than that, see you at Non-Stop Episode 1!

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