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Let's see if this brand can beat Insanity...

Backstage, I was on the phone with PGV

Me: Look, Prudencio. You should know better than me that being both Founder and GM is hard shit.

Prudencio (Through the phone): Understandable.

Suddenly a referee ran up to me.

Me: I'll call you back later bud. *hangs up and turns to the referee* what?

Referee: There has been an incident in the Parking Lot, sir! Someone has ambushed Ace Bunny!


I then rushed to the parking lot, to see The Loonatics, and some members of the Non-stop Roster surrounding Ace who was on the floor, clutching the back of his head.

Me: Ace! What the hell happened!? *turns to The Loonatics* Did any of you see what happened?

Tech: No. We found him like this.

Lexi: From what Ace told us, he only remembers that 3 guys jumped him.

I then kneel down to the barely conscious Ace.

Me: Did you see their faces?

Ace: I... C-Couldn't... They were masked... ugh...

Me: *Stands up* Okay, call the medics, get some help, we need to do something about this.


The opening pyro goes off in BC Place, and the cameras pan around as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Vancouver looking as hot as ever after an episode of Insanity, but now, we are gonna kick it into full throttle, and go all night, Non-Stop! Good evening everyone, I'm Mauro Ranallo, and alongside me is Mike Tenay, and Don West!

Mike Tenay: And what a way to start the night, we just witnessed the aftermath of what looks to be a planned ambush on Ace Bunny, and Chard, our GM and CEW Founder is gonna get to the bottom of this!

Don: Well hopefully we do get to the bottom of this.

Mauro: Speaking if the devil, here he comes right now!

Out I come, and I was not pleased.

Mike Tenay: Looks like Chard had something planned with The Loonatics.

Don: Well for those who follow the Google+ Community will know that it was originally gonna be L.A.X vs. Ace and Tech, now I think he'll either find an alternate team, or stop this whole thing altogether.

I enter the ring, and I pace around the ring, deep in my thoughts about the situation.

I then begin to speak.

Me: If you follow the CEW Community in Google+, then you would know that Ace and Tech of The Loonatics were gonna face Santana and Ortiz of L.A.X.

The crowd was mixed with Loonatics and L.A.X chants.

Me: I know you guys were looking forward to that match as much as I was. But until I find a team to replace The Loonatics, the match will not happen.

The crowd boos in displeasure.

But suddenly...

🎶Joe Hendry makes things better... He can wrestle, he can sing. Joe Hendry makes things better... here on Chard Effect Wrestling!🎶

Out came Joe Hendry, mic in hand, and was telling me not to cancel the match.

Mauro: It's Joe Hendry!

Mike Tenay: Hendry seems to be opposing to what Chard said!

Joe Hendry entered the ring and tells me not to cancel the match.

Joe: Woah woah woah! No need to cancel the match! Why not let me and a friend of mine take the loonatics place!

Me: You gonna find someone in time?

Joe: I already have!

Me: Perfect! Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, it's gonna be L.A.X vs. Joe Hendry and his partner of his choosing!

The crowd cheers at the big announcement!

Mauro: WOW! Just as we thought we will not have a main event, Joe Hendry comes out to say he has found a partner, and he along with his partner will replace The Loonatics!

Mike Tenay: But who is his partner!?

Don: We're just gonna have to wait till later tonight!


(OPENING MATCH: Ean Ortiz vs. Richard Justice (For a spot in the Non-Stop Roster))

The crowd goes dead silent as out came Ean Ortiz.

*Bell rings*

David Penzer: This bout is set for one fall, Introducing first, EAN ORTIZ!!!

Mauro: And of course, the crowd not showing any reaction to Ean Ortiz.

Mike Tenay: And for the right reasons. This man is just plain stupid, just plain horrible, but mostly, he's just plain stupid.

Don: Also he's ugly as hell.

Ean enters the ring, and still, not a single reaction from the crowd.

The crowd cheers as out came Richard Justice.

David Penzer: His opponent, from Rochester, New York, weighing in at 299 pounds, he is the Standby Wrestler, RICHARD JUSTICE!!!!

Mauro: And look at the fans! These fans are loving this man!

Mike Tenay: Well who wouldn't? This man says, he's ready for any match, that's why he's called the Standby Wrestler.

Don: Yes the fans getting behind Richard Justice.

Justice enters the ring, the bell rings, and Justice blasts through Ean!

Mauro: WOW!

Mike Tenay: Ean Ortiz just got hit by a freight train!

Don: That was pretty funny I'll tell you that now!

Justice then goes to the top turnbuckle, and hits a diving splash!

Mauro: And a big splash from Justice!

Justice goes for the cover.



3! *bell rings!*

David Penzer: Here is your winner, RICHARD JUSTICE!!!!!

Mauro: And Richard Justice gets a spot in Non-stop, and man was it easy!

Mike Tenay: I mean it's Ean Ortiz. It should be easy.

Don: Yeah, should be.

Richard Justice celebrates in the ring as the crowd chants his name.

Charly Caruso manages to get to Hendry who was making his way backstage.

Charly: Hendry, you just made a huge announcement moments ago when you said you, and your partner of choice, will replace The Loonatics in their match against LAX, and the world wants to know, who did you pick?

Joe: Now where would the fun be if I told ya? No, I'm not going to say who my partner is. What I CAN say, is that Santana and Ortiz will never see it coming.

Hendry then leaves Charly, continuing his way backstage.

Meanwhile, I was asking everyone around if they were at the parking lot earlier today, and for those who were, they didn't see anything relevant. So I was having a pretty hard time trying to find out who did it.

Then I walked up to one man, he said he was there, but he said the same thing Lexi and Ace said. There were three guys, but he also added that they were wearing ski masks, and black hoodies.

I thanked him for the info.

"Better than no info." I said to my self.

(MATCH 2: Pacifica Northwest vs. Dakota Kai)

Out comes Dakota Kai, and everyone cheered for her.

*Bell rings*

David Penzer: This next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Auckland, New Zealand, DAKOTA KAI!!!!!

Mauro: Look at everyone here! All cheering for the captain of Team Kick!

Mike Tenay: Dakota Kai of course a rising star in the Women's Division in NXT, and looks to rise here in CEW!

Don: And Kai for sure will do just that regardless if she wins or loses!

Dakota enters the ring, and she poses in the center of the ring.

Out comes Pacifica Northwest, and to a rally of boos, she holds up her Subscriber's Championship up high as she makes her way to the ring.

David Penzer: And her opponent, she is the RCCW Women's Subscriber's Champion, PACIFICA NORTHWEST!!!!

Mauro: Yes, she is the Subscriber's Champion for the RCCW Women's Division, and if you saw the first part of RCCW's Refuse To Lose, she retained, with some help from The Queen Bees of course.

Mike Tenay: But luckily, CEW management got security all over the perimeter to make sure they weren't getting in.

Don: Good, we wouldn't want another cheap win because of those two!

Pacifica enters the ring, and she once again holds her title up in the air.

She hands it to a ring crew member, who places it in the Timekeeper's Area.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Dakota and Pacifica lock up in the center of the ring, Dakota gets the upper hand by taking her down and applying a Lying Headlock.

Mauro: Dakota Kai, in control now...

Pacifica Northwest escapes the hold, both Kai and Northwest get up, Kai goes for a shoot kick, Pacifica caught it, and she connects with a Dragon Screw!

Mauro: But Pacifica quickly turned that around!

Mike Tenay: Yes, Northwest with that Dragon Screw Legwhip, Northwest takes out Kai's dangerous weapon: her kicks.

Don: That's very smart, and it could pay off!

Pacifica goes for the cover, but gets only a 1 count.

Pacifica Northwest hammers down on Dakota Kai, releasing her aggressive side.

Mauro: And now Northwest taking out her rage on Kai.

Mike: And Kai is in quite a predicament at the moment.

Kai slithers out of Pacifica's grip, and she kicked Pacifica square in the face!

Don: Oh man! Kai got her right between the eyes!

Pacifica stumbles into a corner, and Kai hits a corner big boot!

Pacifica slumps down, then Kai hits a running Facewash, then goes for the cover.



Pacifica kicks out!

Don: And Northwest gets out before 3!

Mauro: Pacifica is now the one in trouble!

Kai goes to the top, goes for a Diving Double Foot Stomp, but Northwest rolled out of the ring.

Kai gets back to her feet, and Kai hits a Suicide Dive!

Mike: LOOK OUT!!!!


Dakota Kai then throws Pacifica back into the ring, but when she entered the ring, Pacifica caught her in a Small Package Pin!



Dakota kicks out, both women got up, and Northwest hits a Superkick on Kai!

Mauro: And Northwest with a sentilating Superkick!

The kick made Kai turn around, and Pacifica hits another one to the back of her head!

Mike Tenay: And there's one more to the back of the head for good measure!

Pacifica goes for the cover.



3! *bell rings!*

Don: And Northwest gets the win.

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen the winner of the match, PACIFICA NORTHWEST!!!!!!

Mauro: And Northwest with a solid win over Dakota Kai.

Mike Tenay: But you give credit to Kai. She gave her a fight!

Don: She sure did.

Northwest holds her title up high as the crowd rains down boos.

It took me a while, but I found LAX's clubhouse.

It seems I came just in time, I see Konnan, Santana, and Ortiz arrive.

Konnan: Hey yo, Chard! What the hell are you doing here!? You better explain yourself, otherwise, we don't give a fuck if you're GM or not, Santana and Ortiz here will beat you down like there's no tomorrow!

Me: Whoa, chill, man. I'm only here to ask you one thing.

Konnan: Make it quick.

Me: Now from what information I have obtained on the incident earlier today-

Konnan: I'm gonna stop you there. First off, I know what you're talking about, second, if you think me and the boys here had something to do with that rabbit's ambush, I can assure you we don't jump our enemies unless you deserve it. Ace Bunny didn't deserve it, so it should be clear to you that we didn't do it.

Me: Totally understandable, Konnan.

Konnan: Good. Now get out of here, or we'll beat you like how we did to that little bitch, Kingston!

I didn't hesitate, and got out of there before I got hurt.
Back in the arena, Tech E. Coyote was discovered by referees, knocked out, and bleeding from the forehead. He had been ambushed, much like how Ace got jumped!

I walk into the arena just in time to see this scene unfold.

Me: Again!?

Referee #1: We just found him like this, sir!

I place my hands on my hips, and got more frustrated.
Mauro: Oh man, first Ace Bunny, now Tech E. Coyote!

Mike Tenay: Sooner or later, ALL 6 of them may be taken out by these unknown assailants!

Don: Oh man I hope we get to the bottom of this soon...

(MATCH 3: Flash Sentry and Bart Simpson (The Network) vs. The Young Bucks)

Out comes Flash Sentry and Bart Simpson, and the "Push The Network" chants start.

*Bell rings*

David Penzer: This next bout is a Tag Team Match set for one fall, introducing first, the team of Bart Simpson, and Flash Sentry, THE NETWORK!!!!!

Mauro: And here we go, our semi Main Event of the night! Flash and Bart, vs. The Young Bucks!

Mike Tenay: The winner will face either LAX, or Joe Hendry and his mystery partner at our Non-stop Exclusive Event, Rampage for the Non-stop Tag Team Championships!

Don: This match, should be show stealing! In one corner you have the antics of Flash and Bart, and in the other, you have the high flying tactics of Matt and Nick Jackson!

Flash and Bart enter the ring, mics in hand.

Flash: Well Bart, looks like we got some open minded people here tonight, eh?

Bart: Looks to be, Flash.

Flash: Well about damn time! It's about freaking time we got some smart people instead of the common dimwits we're used to. Speaking of dimwits, we are fighting two!

Bart: Natt and Mick Jackass! Tonight you two are stepping up to a team you can't possibly beat! You're better off going back to being the sidekicks of every ROH or NJPW World Champion!

Flash: Nonono Bart, I'll do ya one better! Young Bucks, you two are better off going home to your bratty kids, and writing your 2 dollar kids books than facing off against, "Mr. Steal Yo Waifu" Flash Sentry...

Bart: ...And THE! BART! SIMPSON...


Flash: And there is only ONE WORD to describe you and I'm gonna SPELL! IT! OUT FOR YA!


Mauro: Boy they are first class jackasses arent they?

Mike Tenay: Hopefully those two can back their words up-

Don: Are you kidding!? That's Flash and Bart! They will back their words up!

The crowd pops, pyro goes off, then out comes The Young Bucks, and they do their signature pose on the entrance stage.

Then the two make their way to the ring, and Matt Jackson Superkicks the camera.

David Penzer: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 440 pounds, the team of Matt and Nick Jackson, THE YOUNG BUCKS!!!!!!!!

Mauro: Listen to this crowd! Everyone is behind the Bucks!

Mike Tenay: A well known team in the wrestling business today, and these guys is everyone's pick to win!

Don: Man this is gonna be real interesting! The Network, The Bucks, this should be a match for the ages!

The Young Bucks enter the ring, and they do their signature pose in the center of the ring.

The two then take off their jackets, and Nick hops onto the apron.

Bart hops onto the apron as well, then the bell rings.

Mauro: Here we go!

But before Matt Jackson could do anything, Flash tags in Bart.

Mike Tenay: Oh look at this. Flash tagging in Bart Simpson like the coward he is.

Don: But you'll never know, this could be mind games, trying to get into their heads!

Matt then tags in Nick.

Mauro: Look at this!

Mike Tenay: Young Bucks saying "You're gonna tag your partner in? Two can play in that game!"

Don: Fight fire with fire!

Nick and Bart lock up in the center of the ring, Bart then whips Nick to the ropes, Nick rebounds, and Bart hits a Dropkick!

Mauro: Picture perfect Dropkick from "The" Bart Simpson!

Bart then tried for the Bridging Reverse Chinlock he calls the "Atomic Wedgie", but Nick scurries to the ropes before he could fully lock it in.

Mike Tenay: And Bart, Bart was looking for the Atomic Wedgie, but Nick Jackson scouted it.

The ref pulls Bart off him, Nick gets up, and Superkicks Bart in the face!

Don: And there's a Superkick!

Mauro: One of the many moves The Bucks are known for!

Bart stumbles out of the ring, and onto the floor.

Nick tags in Matt, Nick then drapes himself over the top rope, legs spread apart, and Matt hits a diving Moonsault onto Bart!


Mike Tenay: My god! Moonsault over Nick Jackson, and onto Bart, man these guys are just fun to watch!

Nick safely gets off the rope, Flash tries to attack Matt, but Matt Superkicked him!

Mauro: Oh man! Flash went for a shot at Matt, and plays for it!

Nick then fluently gets onto the apron, and hits a Moonsault of his own onto Flash!

Don: You've gotta be kidding me! Holy cow these guys are fast as hell!

Nick and Matt throw Bart back in the ring, Matt slides back in, and goes for the cover.



Bart kicks out.

Mauro: Only 2, Bart is still in this!

Matt now tags in Nick, then they whip Bart onto the ropes, take him down with a Double Hip Toss, then they do a back Handspring in stereo, into a Dropkick onto a seated Bart!

Mike Tenay: Wow! Everything The Young Bucks do just amazes me!

Matt goes to the ring apron, and Nick goes for the cover.



Bart kicks out.

Nick goes to pick him up, but Bart out of nowhere takes him down with an Arm Drag!

Mauro: Whoa! Bart may have taken Nick off guard!

Both men get up, and Bart hits a Calf Kick!

Mike Tenay: And there's a kick from Simpson!

Don: Bart just gave himself some time to make the tag!

Mauro: But is it enough time!?

Bart was slowly crawling to Sentry, Nick was doing the same, and both men make the tag!


Flash clotheslines Matt over and over, then he takes him down with a Snapmare, does a Cartwheel, then slaps Matt in the face, getting a negative reaction from the crowd.

Mike Tenay: Wow, all that hyping up, and then Flash Sentry slaps the taste out of Matt Jackson.

Don: He really doesn't care who you are, he's gonna piss you off no matter what!

Flash was too busy gloating, he didn't notice that Matt made a tag to Nick!

Mike Tenay: There's the tag to Nick!

Don: The ref saw it, but Flash didn't!

Matt and Nick then sized up Flash, waiting for him to turn around.

Mauro: Uh oh! If Flash turns around, it's not gonna end well for him!

Flash turns around, and gets a Double Superkick!

Mauro: OH MAN!!! Double Superkick right into the face of "Mr. Steal Your Waifu"!

Flash falls to the ground, and Nick goes for the cover.



Bart breaks the count!

Mike Tenay: And Bart saves it for his team!

Matt Jackson takes care of Bart with a Superkick, and throws him out of the ring.

Flash went for another cheap attack on Matt, but Matt turns around right before he landed the blow!

Mauro: Oooohhhh, Flash Sentry was gonna hit a cheap shot, but Matt Jackson caught him!

Flash turns around, sees an incoming Superkick from Nick, Flash ducks, and Nick ends up hitting Matt!

Mike Tenay: Oh no!

Don: Flash Sentry dodges a bullet, and Nick ends up hitting his own brother!

Flash then spins Nick back around, and hits a Swinging Modified DDT he calls the "Flash and Burn"!

Mauro: Flash and Burn by Sentry! Sentry got all of it!

Mike Tenay: This is for a shot at the Tag Team Championships!

Flash goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings!*

Don: And The Network beats The Bucks!

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen the winners of this bout, THE NETWORK!!!!

Mauro: Flash Sentry! Bart Simpson! They said they were gonna beat The Bucks, and my god, they did just that!

Mike Tenay: But the journey isn't over, they still have one team left to beat, and it's either LAX, or Joe Hendry and his Mystery Partner.

Don: Oh boy! I can't wait to see who Hendry chose!

Mauro: Well we don't have to wait no more, because that match is next!

In my office, my investigation on the ambush continues as I jot down what information I have obtained onto a piece of paper.

Me: *Speaking to myself* So there were 3 guys, wearing Ski Masks, and Black Hoodies... but who and why attack The Loonatics?

LAX seemed to be the prime suspects since of course there were 3 of them, and they had a match against Ace and Tech, but nope. They were truthful about what they said, leaving me back in square one.

Me: *Speaking to myself (again)* Who are you three people?


Mauro: Well looks like LAX is in the clear, and our GM is back at the beginning.

Mike Tenay: Speaking of LAX, here they come, their match is next!

(MAIN EVENT: L.A.X vs. Joe Hendry and ???)

Up in the crowd, out came Santana and Ortiz, led by Konnan.

*Bell rings*

David Penzer: This Tag Team bout is set for one fall, introducing first accompanied by Konnan, with a combined weight of 389 pounds, Santana, Ortiz, the Latin American X-CHANGE!!!!!!

Mike Tenay: Continuing from what you said Mauro, yes LAX were prime suspects of the assault since they were scheduled to face Ace and Tech, but turns out they were innocent.

Mauro: Our GM clearly has a lot on his plate at the moment regarding this attack, but I'm sure he'll figure out who did it.

Don: Well I hope he does soon, because those guys could attack anyone next!

Santana and Ortiz entered the ring, while Konnan stayed at ringside.

🎶Joe Hendry makes things better... he can wrestle, he can sing. Joe Hendry makes things better... here on Chard Effect Wrestling!🎶

Out comes Joe Hendry, and the crowd cheers.

David Penzer: And their opponents, first from Edinburgh, Scotland, weighing in at 229 pounds, JOE HENDRY!!!!

Mauro: It was earlier tonight, when our GM and CEW Founder, Chard, addressed the situation, and was about to pull this match out, when Hendry came in, and said he had a partner!

Mike Tenay: Well I guess we don't have to wait any longer, who did he choose?

Joe tests the mic in his hand, then he speaks.

Joe: First off, I just want to say, it's a shame, that The Loonatics are unable to compete tonight.

The crowd boos, but not at him, at the news.

Joe: I have full support of Chard, and I can assure you, whoever jumped Ace and Tech, Chard will find them, and justice will be served!

The crowd went from boos to cheers.

Joe: And now ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, my partner tonight, he is cunning, talented, and most importantly, he's sinister. Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for my partner....

Joe goes silent, and the crowd waits in anticipation.


The crowd cheers, and out comes Ken Warren!

Mauro: WOW!!! WHAT A PICK!!!

Mike Tenay: Hendry said his partner was sinister, but I didn't think it would be "The Social Media Sinister"!

Don: What a surprise! I would never have thought Ken Warren would be Hendry's partner!

Ken Warren does his little dance, then they make their way to the ring.

David Penzer: And his Tag Team Partner, from the World Wide Web by way of the City of The Stars, weighing in at 11 Million Gigabytes, he is The Social Media Sinister, KEN WARREN!!!!!!

Mauro: It's official, folks! It's gonna be Joe Hendry and Ken Warren vs. LAX!

Mike Tenay: The winning team is going to Rampage to face Flash Sentry and Bart Simpson, to crown our first ever, Non-stop Tag Team Champions!

Don: Oh man! Imagine if Hendry and Warren advance, we could have a dream match of Flash vs. Ken!

Mauro: That's true! But Hendry and Warren have to get through Ortiz and Santana first!

Joe Hendry and Ken Warren enter the ring, and Ken takes off his jacket.

Ken then goes onto the apron, and so did Ortiz.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Joe and Santana lock up in the center of the ring, Santana takes down Joe, Joe counters into a Headscissor, Santana gets out of it, and the two get up.

Mauro: Already, these two are putting up a good match!

Mike Tenay: This is gonna go down to who wants it more!

Hendry and Santana lock up again, but this time Hendry gets the upper hand by shoving Santana into his corner, then he tags in Ken Warren.

Don: There's the tag, in comes Ken Warren!

Ken and Joe do a double Hip Toss, then Warren applies a Bow-and-Arrow lock on Santana.

Mauro: Wow! This match just started, and already Hendry and Warren are working cohesively!

Mike Tenay: And folks, this is the first time Hendry and Ken Warren are ACTUALLY working as a team, like Joe Hendry mentioned earlier on the show, Ken and Hendry are friends, but they never fought in tag team competition.

Don: Well for a first time these guys are actually doing great!

Santana then stands up, and starts to slowly reverse Ken's hold!

Mauro: Santana now, fighting out of the Bow-and-Arrow by Ken Warren...

Santana successfully reverses, goes for a Back Suplex, Ken flips, and lands on his feet, Santana turns around, goes for a clothesline, but Ken ducks, and nails Santana with an Overhead Kick, and both Ken and Santana are down!

Mauro: But Warren with a perfectly placed kick, and now we are at a stalemate!

Mike Tenay: Can either man capitalize on this moment!?

Ken and Santana slowly crawl to their partners, and both men make the tag!

Don: Here we go! Here comes Hendry and Ortiz!

Ortiz and Hendry go at it, trading blows with one another, but one kick to Hendry's stomach by Ortiz gave Ortiz the advantage.

Ken Warren rushes in, but Ortiz side stepped him, and Ken crashes into a corner, and slumps down.

Mauro: And Warren, looking to distract Ortiz, but that plan didn't work!

Ortiz then puts Hendry on his shoulders, and Ortiz delivers a Death Valley Driver to Hendry, onto Ken Warren!

Mike Tenay: Look at that!

Don: Ortiz took out both men!

Mauro: How impressive was that!? A Death Valley Driver to Joe Hendry, onto Ken Warren!

Both Hendry and Warren are now sitting on the mat in the corner, Ortiz tags in Santana, Ortiz gets on all fours, Santana goes to the opposite corner, charges, launches off Ortiz's back, and flattens Hendry and Warren with a Cannonball!

Mike Tenay: And there goes Santana!

Don: Santana with Cannonball off of Ortiz, and just PANCAKES Joe and Ken!

Mauro: Just as Joe and Ken got it in the bag, LAX regains control!

Ortiz picks up Hendry, Warren rolls out of the ring, and onto his feet, but not for long.

Santana hits the ropes, and takes out Warren with a Somersault Plancha!


Mike Tenay: Santana putting his body on the line there!

Santana hops onto the apron, and Ortiz tags him in.

Don: Tag made, and LAX look to seal the deal!

Ortiz lifts Hendry up for a Powerbomb, Santana goes to the top turnbuckle, and they hit the Blockbuster/Powerbomb Combo they call the Street Sweeper!


Santana goes for the cover.



3! *bell rings*

Mike Tenay: LAX moves on!

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen the winners of the match, the Latin American X-CHANGE!!!!!

Mauro: What an effort by Hendry and Warren, but the effort wasn't enough to topple LAX tonight!

Mike Tenay: And that win means Ortiz, Santana, the Latin American X-change, are gonna face The Network at Rampage to crown the Inaugural Non-stop Tag Team Champions!

Don: Flash and Bart had oughta be ready! LAX is nothing like any team they have faced!

Konnan then grabs a mic, and enters the ring.

Konnan: Flash Sentry, Bart Simpson, you two walking talking gloryholes better be ready, 'cuz my boys here are nothing like what you guys have faced! Santana, Ortiz, they're the toughest young son of bitches you'll ever see, and since you two think otherwise, my boys will beat you down like the yellow dogs you are. So come rampage, you better say your prayers, boys!

Konnan drop his mic, and their theme resumes.

Mauro: Strong words from K-Dogg!

Mike Tenay: LAX seems very confident walking into battle with The Network!

Don: How will The Network respond to this!?

Mauro: Well one thing's for sure, if Flash and Bart are not scared, they're for sure put on notice!

That's Non-Stop everyone!

Man things went from 0 to 100 real fast!

Stay tuned to find out more on the investigation, and more.

Other than that, see u all in Insanity.

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