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Let's see what this episode has in store...

The opening pyro goes off in the L.A Live Complex in Los Angeles, and Vic Joseph speaks as the camera pans around.

Vic: Los Angeles is alive and well, and tonight should be night stealer! Hello everyone, I'm Vic Joseph, and alongside me is Nigel McGuinness and Percy Watson.

Percy: And folks, this is a night no one will forget! Tonight the tournament continues as Logan Ollores faces Danny Phantom...

Vic: Also later tonight, as announced in the CEW Google+ Community, Non-Stop GM and CEW Founder, Chard will be here tonight to sign Team RWBY in a Live Contract Signing!

Nigel: And in the Main Event, Artemis Spencer will face Lincoln Loud.

Vic: Last episode, Artemis and Lincoln met in a Triple Threat, tonight they meet again! Other than that, let's head to the action.
(OPENING MATCH: Matt Taven and Lola Loud vs. The Metro Brothers)

Out came Lola and Taven, Taven raised his cane up, Lola raised hers, both struck down on the ground, and pyro goes off.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of Lola Loud, and MATT TAVEN!!!!

Vic: And boy did Lola and Taven suffer a big embarrassment last episode, when The Metro Brothers pulled a huge upset in their expense.

Vic: And thus, this rematch is taking place.

Nigel: I'm sure this will he just a small setback, and Lola and Taven will win here.

Lola and Taven enter the ring, and they await The Metro Brothers in a corner.

Out comes The Metro Brothers, and the two high five each other, and they make their way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, from Coney Island, New York, at a combined weight of 390 pounds, Chris and JC Metro, THE METRO BROTHERS!!!!

Vic: These two guys, man did they get the biggest win of their careers last episode!

Percy: Big win, but it came with a price. They didn't get to celebrate because Lola and Taven crashed the party.

Nigel: Understandably so. I would have done the same thing if I lost to someone like Chris and JC Metro.

The Metro Brothers enter the ring, and take off their leather jackets, and shades.

Chris goes onto the apron, and Lola did the same.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Taven and JC lock up in the center of the ring, JC gets Taven in a Headlock, Taven shoves him to the ropes, JC rebounds and Taven knocks him down with a Shoulder Block.

Taven now hits the ropes, rebounds a couple times, JC goes for an attack, Taven leapfrogs over JC, Taven goes for an flying clothesline, but JC catches him with a Spinebuster!

Vic: And JC with a back-rattling Spinebuster!

JC then tags in Chris, and Chris picks up where JC left off.

Percy: Tag is made, and here comes Chris Metro!

Chris just beats Taven like there's no tomorrow. Then Chris got a little to cocky, went to deadlift Taven up, but Taven caught him in a Small Package pin!



Chris kicks out.

Taven goes to tag in Lola, and Chris tags in JC, and then Lola takes down JC with a Springboard Front Dropkick!

Nigel: Look at that!

Vic: Lola takes to the skies!

Lola gets up, and knocks down Chris Metro.

Then she turned her attention back to JC, and knees him straight in the face!

Vic: And there's a knee to JC!

Percy: This isn't looking good for The Metro Brothers now!

Lola tags in Taven, Chris jumps onto the ring, but gets a Superkick for it.

Lola and Taven then set JC up, Lola goes low with a Leg Sweep, and Taven hits a Springboard Enzuigiri!

Vic: And Lola and Taven nail him!

Taven goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings!*

Nigel: And there's the win!

Justin Roberts: The winners of this match, the team of Lola Loud, and MATT TAVEN!!!

Vic: What a strong comeback after a loss in Episode 1!

Nigel: This is what happens when you cross Lola and Taven.

Matt Taven then asks for a mic.

Percy: Wait, looks like they're not done!

A ring crew member hands him a mic, and Taven speaks.

Matt: Now that's what happens, when you mess with The Kingdom! Lodestar, I know you're back there, come on out, and give us the answer we want!

Nigel: Wow, Matt Taven, calling out Lodestar Luminous!

Percy: These two just won't give up, won't they?

Out comes Lodestar Luminous, with Cake and Rook behind her.

Vic: Looks like Luminous isn't alone!

Nigel: You think?

Percy: She got herself some backup, hopefully that knocks some sense into Taven!

Vic: If that doesn't, I don't know what will!

Lodestar, Cake and Rook then enter the ring, Lodestar grabs a mic, and then goes up to Matt Taven.

Lodestar: This better be good, or I'm kneeing your face in.

Matt: Lodestar, okay, I know we were a bit strong on our approach the first time we met, but listen to this. *points to Cake and Rook* do you really think your royal family will accept these... these... bottom-feeding ingrates!? Lodestar you are of royal blood, and you deserve better! Now give us the answer we want, and join our Kingdom!

Lola: Yeah, ditch those peasants!

Lodestar: My family is royalty, yes. But you asked if they would accept these... "peasants"?

Lodestar, Cake and Rook look at each other.

Lodestar: They have accepted these two for the 21 years of my life! Where you see bottom feeding ingrates, I see my brothers in arms. Where you see peasants, I see two of the most loyal and loving friends this side of the 'Burgh. Two people who accept me for the Rebellious Royal Blood that I TRULY am! Not a couple of soul sucking demon leeches who attempt to make me something I'm not like the two of you! I may be royal but you can take your fancy balls, fine whines, thrones, crowns and fairy tale bullshit, shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways and SHOVE IT RIGHT UP YOUR ASS KISSING ASSES! Because THIS-

She motions to Cake and Rook.

Lodestar: -Is the ONLY Kingdom I will EVER need!

Matt and Lola look at each other, with Disappointment written on their faces.

Matt: Again, not the answer we desired, so I guess there's no going through with you.

Lola: We keep promises, and we promised that we will make you regret not joining us.

Lodestar looks at them confused, but then they were attacked from behind by The Undisputed Era!

Percy: WHOA! What the...?! Holy cow!


Nigel: No way! Does this mean...

Percy: I think so! Look a them, they're taking out Lodestar, Cake, and Rook!

Fish and O'Reilly throw out Rook, Roderick Strong throws out Cake, then Adam Cole hits a Superkick on Lodestar!

Vic: And there's a Superkick to the Royal Blood Rebel!

Matt Taven picks up a mic.

Matt: This shouldn't be surprising, oh Royal Blood Rebel, you brought this upon yourself, and since you're not with me, you're obviously against me! So fears these 3 words: THY! KINGDOM! COME!

He drops the mic, Adam Cole does his signature "Adam Cole, Bay Bay!" Taunt, and Fish, O'Reilly, and Strong did their signature poses as well.

Vic: Ladies and gentlemen, the game, has officially changed.

Nigel: I don't think ANYONE can stop this kingdom!

Percy: I feel sorry for whoever's in their way...


Backstage, Team RWBY has arrived, and the 4 girls were excited to be here.

But none of them were as excited as Ruby Rose.


Ruby's sister, Yang Xiao Long, grabbed her just before she got off the ground, literally.

Yang: Calm down, sis. We haven't been signed yet.

Weiss Schnee, the girl with white hair tied in a ponytail, looks at her scroll.

Weiss: I'm excited too, Ruby. But you gotta remember that we may make enemies here.

Then Blake, the girl with cat ears, spoke as well.

Blake: According to Chard and P.G.V, our locker room should be...

Then they arrived at a door with the sign "TEAM RWBY" taped on the front.

Ruby: I guess that's it!

Weiss: Well then, let's head in, and get ready for that contract signing.

The 4 girls enter the locker room, closing the door behind them.

(MATCH 2: Danny Phantom vs. Logan Ollores)

Out comes Logan Ollores, and just like Yohann, he came out to loud boos.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a First Round Match of the CEW Championship Gold Rush tournament! Introducing first, weighing in at 245 pounds, LOGAN OLLORES!!!!

Vic: Last episode, Logan's brother Yohann got eliminated, and Logan said to him that he will win it for the both of them.

Nigel: That's what brothers are for, Logan has the passion, he has a promise, but will that be enough to knock his opponent, Danny Phantom, out of the tournament?

Percy: It's gonna be hard, I'll tell you that!

Logan enters the ring, and takes off his red jacket.

The Nick Club logo appears on the titantron, and Danny Phantom comes out, wearing the Black and Orange of Nick Club.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Amity Park, DANNY PHANTOM!!!!!

Vic: Danny Phantom of course, a member of the Nick Club, looking to win this for the team if Lincoln gets eliminated.

Nigel: Well with Kingston's army, The Revolutionaries, running rampant, I don't think EITHER Lincoln or Danny will advance!

Percy: That's true! Danny better be on the lookout for these guys!

Danny hops into the ring, and stretches out in the corner.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Danny and Logan lock up in the center of the ring, Danny takes him down, and now has Logan in a grounded Headlock.

Logan counters into a pin for only a 1 count, both Danny and Logan get up, and Logan dropkicks Danny, knocking him out of the ring!

Vic: And Logan! Logan with a beautiful Dropkick, knocking Danny Phantom to the outside!

Danny slowly gets up, and Logan knocks him back down with a Suicide Dive!

Vic: And Logan takes him down with a Suicide Dive!

Nigel: Logan's doing a good job maintaining control in this match!

Logan rolls Danny back into the ring, goes for the cover, for only a 2 count.

Logan keeps the heavy offense going with fast elbow drops, then he applies a Bow-and-arrow Submission hold.

Luckily for Danny, he was close to the ropes.

He puts his foot on the bottom rope, and Logan had no choice, but to break the hold.

Vic: Logan looking good so far...

Percy: Danny Phantom needs to step up his game if he wants to move on, and he needs to do it now!

Nigel: Easier said than done if you have The Revolutionaries out and about!

As Logan went to pick up Danny, Danny grabbed him in position for a Reverse STO, and drove him face first onto the second turnbuckle!

Vic: Oh man! Danny Phantom with a desperation move!

Nigel: This could be the opening he needs!

Percy: Time is of the essence! He's gotta capitalize on this opportunity, and he has to capitalize on it now!

Logan rolls to the outside, onto his feet, and Danny takes him down with a Triangle Plancha!

Vic: And there goes Phantom!

Nigel: Danny Phantom, disregarding his own well being, takes it to the air, and lands on target!

Percy: This is how much that C.E.W Championship means to him!

Danny rolls him in, and goes for the cover.



Logan kicks out!

Vic: And Logan kicks out at 2!

Nigel: He has to follow up! He's getting close!

Danny Phantom now sizes up Logan, then he picks him up for the Phantom Splicer, but once he did...

Vic: Uh oh...

Nigel: Here they come...

But instead of all 11 men, only Homicide and Hernandez came out, armed with Steel Chairs.

Vic: That's Homicide and Hernandez...

Nigel: I'm a little concerned about this... where's the rest of them?

But once Homicide and Hernandez made it halfway down the ramp, Spongebob and Patrick came out, and stopped them!

Vic: Here comes the cavalry!

Percy: Spongebob and Patrick coming to the aid of Phantom before things got ugly!

Danny Phantom then turns around, and gets a running Reverse STO from Logan!

Vic: And Logan takes advantage of the distraction!

Logan goes for the cover.



Danny kicks out!

Nigel: But it's not enough!

Percy: Danny Phantom is not going down THAT easy!

Logan picks him up for another running Reverse STO, but Danny picked him up, and connects the Phantom Splicer!

Vic: And there's the Phantom Splicer!

Danny goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings*

Nigel: Danny Phantom advances!

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, DANNY PHANTOM!!!!

Vic: If it weren't for Spongebob and Patrick, Logan would have been the one moving on!

Nigel: That is true, but Danny has to be glad they were here to make sure The Revolutionaries didn't screw him out!

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Percy: And there you see Danny Phantom moving up the bracket, and he will face either El Phantasmo, or Naomichi Marufuji!

Vic: There's one more qualifying match for this episode, Lincoln Loud vs. Artemis Spencer, but up next, we are gonna see the Live Contract Signing of Team RWBY!

Nigel: This is gonna be great!


The Metro Brothers step out of the first aid room, and saw Flash Sentry, with Bart Simpson behind him, walk up to them.

Flash: Another example right there, boys. Once again, you get tossed under the bus. Me and Bart on the other hand, we're on the right path to becoming tag champions. Now I'm gonna keep this brief. What I'm gonna say is this, my offer still stands.

Chris and JC Metro look at each other, nod, and Chris Metro holds out his hand.

Chris: We accept.

Flash smirks and shakes it.

Flash: Excellent choice, boys. You will certainly not regret it. Now, let's get you two outta this car crash of a show, and onto the show me, Bart and the two of you are gonna be running from here on out.

Chris and JC Metro smirked, and followed Flash and Bart.

PGV and I come out, and we make our way to the ring, where a table was set up, and the contract in my hands.

Vic: It was announced in CEW Google+ Community, that Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long, collectively known as Team RWBY, were gonna have contract signing here live in L.A, and that time has come!

Nigel: I'm sure a lot of people were waiting for this moment to arrive!

Percy: I know I am!

PGV and I then enter the ring, and we picked up 2 of the 6 mics that were laying on the table.

PGV: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Live Contract Signing. Now since it was Chard's idea, I'll let him do the introduction.

Me: Thanks, PGV. Now these 4 girls who we're about to sign, have talent no one has ever seen, and I can promise you this, these ladies will change the game! L.A Live, and the folks reading this on Wattpad, give it up for Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long, TEAM RWBY!!!!

Out came the 4 girls. They wave to the crowd as they made their way to the ring.

Vic: And that's Team RWBY, folks! That's Ruby Rose with the short black and red hair, that's Weiss Schnee in the white dress, Blake Belladonna is the one with the cat ears and tail, and Yang in the tan jacket.

Nigel: These 4 gals are no pushover. These ladies are Huntresses in training!

Percy: Oh man, I'm sure they're gonna put that training here in the squared circle!

Team RWBY enter the ring, and they pick up the 4 remaining microphones on the table.

Me: Now, before you girls sign on the dotted line, is there anything you guys wanna say?

Yang steps forward.

Yang: Yeah. *Clears throat* First off, I just wanna say, this is literally surreal. Second, after everything we went through, we believe we're ready for anyone, or anything that comes in our way.

And with that, Yang signs on the dotted line.

Ruby then steps up.

Ruby: *Tests mic* Okay, um... when Yang said "we believe we're ready for anyone or anything", correction, we KNOW we are ready for anyone, or anything!

She signs beside Yang's signature.

Weiss: Yeah, Ruby's right. We've been through a lot, and that gives us the strength to overcome any obstacle!

Weiss signs, and Blake is the last one to speak.

Blake: Before I met these wonderful people, I've done a lot of running and hiding. I've always kept to myself. But when I met them, I realized how important friends can be, and not only that, I no longer have to run and hide.

Weiss hands her the pen, but before Blake could sign her name on the contract...

Vic: Oh my god...

Nigel: When you hear that music hit, that means chaos and violence is coming!

Out came oVe, Dean Ambrose, Dave and Jake Crist, with Sami Callihan, leading the charge.

Percy: And here comes that chaos and violence, in the form of oVe! Ohio Versus Everything!

Vic: oVe, the most dangerous faction in the Wrestling World today, are here, and it looks like they have a bone to pick with the 4 newcomers.

Dave and Jake Crist enter the ring, Dean follows suit, while Callihan grabs a mic of his own, then enters the ring.

Sami Callihan: Well well well, look what we have here, boys. 4 little so-called "Huntresses"!

Dean and the Crists smirk.

Sami Callihan: But do you know what I see?

Jake Crist shakes his head.


Dave and Jake Crist laugh, and Dean Ambrose chuckles.

Sami Callihan: Listen hear, girls, we don't give a damn about what you've been through, hell, we don't give a damn about anything, AND EVERYTHING about you!

Yang was clearly getting agitated, and Yang tries to hold herself back.

Sami Callihan: You 4 ladies made a big mistake signing into this brand! Why? Because as long as we're here, THIS IS OUR SHOW, AND WE ARE NOT GONNA LET PEOPLE LIKE YOU TAKE IT FROM US!

"Okay, Sami. That's enough!" I said, but as I tried to intervene, Dean Ambrose and Dave Crist stepped in front of me.

Sami Callihan: As long as oVe is here, you girls best be out of our sight. 'Cause we are NOTHING like those grimms, and villains you've faced, we are your worst nightmare come true, we are the most dangerous faction in Professional Wrestling today, and most importantly, we are for Ohio, BY Ohio, and we're taking over *goes up to Ruby's face* EVERYTHING! *goes up to Weiss's face* EVERYTHING! *goes up to Blake's face* EVERYTHING! *goes up to Yang's face* EVERY-


Yang delivered a straight jab to Callihan!

Vic: OH!!!

Nigel: Callihan took a huge hit!

That was the spark that set off the brawl. As soon as Callihan took that blow, Dean Ambrose and The Crists attacked!

Percy: Here we go!

Vic: All hell has broken loose!

PGV and I exit the ring, and Team RWBY were battling with oVe!

I then wave for people to come break them apart, and out came the Insanity Roster!

Vic: And now Chard, calling out the entire roster to try and separate these two teams!

The roster broke them up, but Blake and Jake Crist broke free, went at it, then Blake took him down with an Inverted Exploder Suplex!

Nigel: Look at that!

Vic: Blake just laid out Jake Crist with an Inverted Exploder!

oVe broke free, but instead of continuing to fight, they pulled Jake out of the ring, and retreated.

Percy: And now oVe is high tailing it! They're getting out of here!

Blake picks up the contract, then a mic.

Blake: That's what this is about? You guys taking this show for yourselves?

She then looks at Ruby, Yang, and Weiss who were still being restrained by the Roster, and Ruby nods.

Blake: Well, on behalf of my friend, Ruby, and the rest of the team, we now have a mission, a mission to take you guys down, and take this show back!

Blake drops the mic, picks up the pen, and signs on the dotted line!

Vic: There it is, folks!

Nigel: Team RWBY are officially on Insanity!

Ruby then breaks free, and picks up the mic.

Ruby: We'll take back this show, this company, pretty much *mocks Sami's voice* EVERYTHING you stole, and when we're done taking you down, oVe is oVe-R, OVER! *drops mic*

Vic: There you have it, folks, you heard it from Ruby Rose, Team RWBY, oVe, the war between heroes and villains has begun!

Nigel: But oVe has a point, Team RWBY has never faced anyone like oVe! These guys are all about chaos!

Percy: Well they did a pretty good job at putting them in retreat!

Sami Callihan continued to spit out insults to Ruby Rose as oVe walked away, and Team RWBY stands tall in the middle of the ring.

Yohann and Logan were conversing among themselves, trying to reassure each other when The Network, along with The Metro Brothers walked up to them.

Flash: Afternoon, gents.

Yohann: What do you want?

Logan: We just got eliminated, and you're gonna rub it in our faces?

Bart: No, but don't tempt us to.

Flash: If we were here to mock you, we would have done it already. We're actually here to talk business.

Yohann and Logan perk up.

Yohann: We're listening.

Flash: You two notice the bull you've had to put up with lately?

Bart: After ditching Warren you two got dumped by Pats, picked up by some wannabe Post Malone and pick up some weird interest in a rabbit. Basically your in the slumps.

Flash: THAT is where we come in. The Metros here made the best choice of they're lives joining up with us and we'd like to make that same off to the two of you.

Bart: The accolades speak for themselves, boys. What do ya say?

Yohann and Logan look at each other, smirks on their faces.

Yohann: *holds out his hand* consider it a deal.

Flash: *Shakes his hand* Good choice, boys.

Bart: Aligned with us, you boys will get MUCH more than the R&C and N3ng3n could EVER get you combined!

Yohann and Logan then gave both Flash, Bart, and The Metro Brothers a High 10, and walked out the building.

Out came The Revolutionaries, everyone but Homicide and Hernandez.

Vic: And there's Kingston, and his army, better known as The Revolutionaries.

Nigel: And as you can see, Homicide and Hernandez are nowhere to be seen, that's because Spongebob and Patrick took them out when they came for Danny Phantom earlier tonight.

Percy: But I'm sure that won't be the last time we'll see them tonight.

Vic: I have that same feeling too, Percy.

Kingston and Razza entered the ring while everyone else stayed at ringside.

Kingston then gets a mic.

Kingston: Earlier tonight, our plans to take out Nick Club's little ghost boy, Danny Phantom was thwarted by none other than Spongebob and Patrick. You may have won that round, but not this one!

Razza then steps forward, right in front of Kingston.

Kingston: That man in front of me, is The Anarchy Soldier, Razza! This man is all about anarchy, all about violence, all about doing anything AND EVERYTHING to win! So here's a challenge to you, Nick Club, how about you send out one of your boys to try and take him down, come on, I dare ya!

Razza slowly takes off his army jacket waiting for a Nick Club member to come out.

Vic: Kingston laying out a challenge to The Nick Club...

Nigel: Well if there's one Nick Club is all about, that's not backing down to any challenge!

After what seemed like hours...

Out comes Timmy Turner.

Vic: And here comes the answer, in the form of RCCW's 240 Champion, Timmy Turner!

Nigel: No fear whatsoever, you gotta admit, Turner has some balls to come out here on his own!

Timmy enters the ring, and all Kingston did was smirk.

Kingston: Timmy Turner, man you got a lot of balls to come out here alone, but unfortunately, you don't have the brains.

Timmy: You're one to talk. Did you really think in your feeble little mind you and your little random collaboration of misfits can actually disembowel a well oiled machine like The Nick Club? But then again, you're also the idiot who wants to take over CAW when uh, spoiler alert: YOU'RE IN NO LEAGUES TO SPEAK OF, IDIOT! You may have all your little cheapshots and surprises, but at the end of the day, THAT'S all you and your little "team" is, and you WILL fail MISERABLY!

Kingston: We'll see about that.

Razza steps forward.

Kingston: When Razza is done with you, you'll be nothing more than what you've always have been, the average kid that no one understands!

Timmy: I'll yell ya one thing I don't understand... and that's who exactly this nobody is!

Timmy drops the mic, and Razza and Timmy go to separate corners.

(MATCH 3: Razza vs. Timmy Turner)

A referee slides into the ring, calls for the bell, and the match is underway.

Razza and Timmy lock up in the center of the ring, Timmy gets the upper hand by pushing Razza into a corner.

The ref begins to count to 5, Timmy breaks away at 4, and Razza takes him down!

Vic: Razza taking advantage of Timmy backing out!

Razza throws heavy punches on Timmy, Timmy pushes him off, went for a Wish Kick, but Razza ducked, and rolled out of the ring.

Vic: Timmy was looking for that devastating Wish Kick, but The Anarchy Soldier had it well scouted!

Percy: He sure did! That may have saved him the match!

Nigel: Obviously or it would've been over!

Razza was talking back to a fan who was trash talking to him, and when he turned around, he took a baseball slide dropkick to the face!

Vic: And Turner! Turner with a baseball slide!

Percy: Could've knocked a tooth out!

Timmy throws Razza back into the ring, and goes for the cover.



Razza kicks out.

Razza slowly crawls away, but Timmy grabbed him, however Razza rolls over, and pushes him away.

Razza gets up, but Timmy hits him with a Shining Wizard!

Vic: Oh man! What a shot by Timmy Turner!

He then lifts him up for a Vertical Suplex, and drops him headfirst onto his knee!

Nigel: And drops him onto his knee for good measure!

Timmy goes for the cover.



Razza kicks out!

Percy: Just a 2 count, but boy was that close!

Timmy Turner now sizes him up, and waited for Razza to get up.

When he did, Timmy went for the Reality Check, but Razza spun out of it, and hits him with a Twist Of Fate he calls The Ten Commandments!

Vic: The Ten Commandments! Razza with The Ten Commandments!

Nigel: He caught Turner by surprise!

Razza was gonna go for the cover, but Timmy Rolled out of the ring.

Percy: And look at Timmy! Rolling out of the ring to prevent a pinfall attempt!

Vic: Not sure if it was pure instinct, or not, but either way, it saved him for the time being.

The referee then pushed him back, then Kronnin Kash and Jay White slammed Timmy onto the barricade!

Nigel: There you go, I just knew that was gonna happen!

Vic: The Revolutionaries now getting themselves involved!

They then throw Timmy back in the ring before the ref turned around, and Razza picked him up for the Ten Commandments, but Timmy counters into a Falling Inverted DDT!

Timmy wasted no time going to the top turnbuckle, and he waits for Razza to get up.

Once he did, Timmy hits the Dimmsdale Sunrise!


Percy: This could be all she wrote right here!

Timmy went for the cover, but Kingston got the referee's attention, and now the ref was distracted.

Nigel: And again, Kingston doing everything to prevent Timmy from getting a win!

Vic: First it was Jay White and Kronnin Kash, now Kingston!

Meanwhile Timmy picked up Razza, and Razza hits a low blow!


Vic: Razza with a shot below the belt!

Nigel: He knew he wasn't gonna beat Turner, so he had to stoop to a low level. Literally!

Then Morgan Vaughn handed him a piece of chain, and Razza wraps it around his hand.

Vic: Oh no...

Nigel: Adding salt to the open wound...

Percy: He just hit a low blow, and now he just made his easy way out, even easier!

With the ref still distracted by Kingston, Razza with the chain wrapped fist, delivered a backhand strike right to the back of Timmy's head!

Vic: NO!

Nigel: That's a knockout!

Percy: There's no way Timmy is getting up from that!

By the time the ref was done with Kingston, Razza had already thrown away the chain, and connected The Ten Commandments.

Vic: And there's The Ten Commandments!

Razza goes for the cover.



3! *Bell rings*

Nigel: And it's over!

(Start at 0:16)

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, The Anarchy Soldier, RAZZA!

Vic: Timmy Turner was on the verge of victory, but the numbers game proved to be the stronger factor.

Nigel: And on top of that, he would then deliver a low blow, and knock him out cold with that chain around his fist!

Percy: This just proves how low of a level The Revolutionaries will stoop to to take down Nick Club.

Kingston enters the ring, and raises Razza's hand, and the crowd boos in displeasure.

oVe were recording, and they were in front of Team RWBY's locker room.

Sami Callihan: Dean, you recording?

Dean: Yup.

They then kick the door in, and wrecked the whole room.

Jake took Blake's Gambol Shroud, and stuck it through the brick wall, Dave took Ruby's Cresent Rose, and used Sami's baseball bat to break it in half, and Sami took the dust in Weiss's briefcase, and dumped them all on the floor.

Dean then hands Sami the camera, and he took Yang's gauntlets, and stomped on them.

Sami hands the camera back to Dean, then Sami and The Crists lean closely to the camera.

Sami Callihan: Team RWBY, this is only the beginning. The worst is yet to come, because we are for Ohio, BY Ohio, and we will take over, EVERYTHING!

All 3 of them: EVERYTHING!!! EVERYTHING!!!

Then the camera shuts off.

Out comes Lincoln Loud.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a first round match in the C.E.W Gold Rush tournament! Introducing first from Royal Woods, Michigan, representing the Nick Club, LINCOLN LOUD!!!!

Vic: Last episode, Lincoln pinned Spencer in the Triple Threat match against Will Ospreay and the man he pinned, Artemis Spencer. So Lincoln has a pretty good advantage heading into this match!

Nigel: But the real question is, can he beat the same guy twice?

Percy: That is the real question. I'm sure his opponent, Artemis Spencer, has done a lot of training to even the score.

Lincoln enters the ring, and waits for his opponent.

To a rally of cheers, out comes Artemis Spencer.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada, weighing in at 170 pounds, ARTEMIS SPENCER!!!

Vic: As mentioned earlier, Artemis Spencer was unsuccessful in gaining a win in that match against Lincoln Loud and Will Ospreay, hopefully this time, he can turn that around.

Nigel: Easier said than done when it's Lincoln Loud, that man is always 12 steps ahead!

Percy: You'll never know. Spencer is a former ECCW Canadian Champion, I'm sure he's gonna use the inner strength he used to win the title, and get one over The Hex!

Artemis Spencer hops over the top rope, and into the ring.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Lincoln and Artemis lock up in the center of the ring, Artemis takes him down with an Arm Drag, and applies an Arm Submission of sorts.

Lincoln then gets up, reverses into an Arm Wringer, but Artemis flips out of it, and takes him down with another Arm Drag.

Vic: So far, Spencer is doing a good job!

Nigel: Two arm drags, both taking Lincoln down with ease!

Lincoln then goes up to Artemis, and goes for a hook punch.

Artemis caught it, runs up and onto the ropes, and does another Arm Drag, this time adding a Corkscrew!

Percy: And there's a third Arm Drag!

Vic: 3 arm drags, and Lincoln is already in trouble!

Lincoln gets up, runs at him, Artemis drops down, and Lincoln jumps over him.

Artemis gets up, side steps Lincoln, and hits Lincoln with a Dropkick!

Lincoln rolls to the outside, but Spencer head to the top, and connects with a Moonsault!

Vic: And look at Artemis!

Nigel: Top Rope Moonsault, taking out the Hex!

Artemis throws Lincoln back in the ring, and goes for the cover.



Lincoln kicks out.

Percy: Kick out at 2!

Both Lincoln and Artemis get up, Artemis goes for a head kick, Lincoln ducks, and hits a Bicycle High Knee!

Artemis goes down to one knee, then Lincoln puts him in a Front Facelock, and hits the Sound Of Silence!


Nigel: Artemis is in trouble now!

Percy: But did he hit it too early?

Lincoln goes for the cover.



Artemis kicks out!

Vic: And Spencer gets the shoulder up in time!

Nigel: You're right, Percy, I believe Lincoln went for it too early, that's how he was able to kick out!

Lincoln now sees Artemis slowly getting to his feet, and quickly heads to the second turnbuckle.

Vic: Uh oh...

Nigel: He's calling for it!

Percy: If he hits this, it's all over!

Artemis gets to his feet, Lincoln goes for the Krakatoa Eruption, but Artemis knocked him out of the air with an Enzuigiri to Lincoln's chest!

Vic: OH MY GOD!!!

Nigel: Artemis absolutely out of NOWHERE with that kick!

Artemis picks him up, and hits a Powerbomb Lungblower!

Percy: And a Powerbomb Lungblower to seal the deal!

Artemis goes for the cover.



Lincoln kicks out!

Vic: WHAT!?

Nigel: Lincoln Loud was able to withstand that onslaught!

Percy: Man Lincoln is something else, guys!

Artemis gets up, hooks him up with a Double Underhook, and then hits a Double Underhook Brainbuster!

He then puts him in position, goes to the top rope, goes for a Phoenix Splash, but Lincoln rolled out of the way!

Vic: Oh no!

Nigel: Nobody home!

Lincoln quickly recovers, and nails a Jinx Knee from behind!

He then sets him up for the Sound Of Silence, when suddenly...

Out comes Eddie Kingston.

Vic: Oh no... him again.

Nigel: Kingston making sure Lincoln doesn't move on at all!

Lincoln hits the Sound Of Silence anyway, then he stands him up, goes to the top rope, looks at Kingston dead in the eyes, and slides his thumb across his throat.

Percy: Oho, Lincoln sending a message to the King!

Lincoln then hits the Krakatoa Eruption on the staggering Spencer, and goes for the cover, not taking his eyes off of Kingston.



3! *Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, LINCOLN LOUD!!!!

Vic: Despite the distraction of Kingston, Lincoln was able to pick up a win against Artemis Spencer!

Nigel: But did you see the way Lincoln went for the cover? He never took his eyes off Kingston!

Percy: This rivalry is getting more heated!

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Vic: And there you see the updated bracket right there, Lincoln advances, and will face Mark Andrews in the second round!

The referee raises Lincoln's hand, then Lincoln tells Kingston to get in the ring.

Nigel: And now The Hex, telling Kingston to get in the ring...

But all Kingston did was smile, and walked away.

"That's what I thought." Lincoln said.

He then suddenly turned around, and Clotheslines an incoming Homicide!

Vic: OH MAN!

Nigel: Lincoln saw that coming!

Percy: Ain't gonna happen the second time!

Hernandez, who was with Homicide, pulled him out of the ring, and retreated.

Vic: Now Homicide and Hernandez thinking better of it, and are getting out of here!

Nigel: This time Lincoln was ready for it! Tonight just wasn't The Revolutionaries' night. Nick Club was prepared for them!

Percy: Nick Club wins this round, but I'm sure The Revolutionaries are gonna have something up their sleeve to win the next!
And that's Insanity everybody!

Danny and Lincoln move on, despite The Revolutionaries getting themselves involved, but all's well for Nick Club. Other than Timmy's loss ofc.

Also, Team RWBY, officially signed, and have already made an enemy in oVe.

Episode 3 is looking to be stoked, what will happen next? Stay tuned...

See you there!

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