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Here is The Go Home Show for Victory Road!!! Insanity Episode 6!!!

FYI, I forgot to put the updated bracket, so here it is:

Now that that's taken care of, let's get to the show!

The opening pyro goes off inside Times Union Center in Albany, New York.

Then the camera pans around as Vic Joseph speaks.

Vic: We are live, in Albany, Victory Road is just approaching, and the atmosphere here has never been intense! Hello everyone, I'm Vic Joseph, alongside my colleagues, Nigel McGuinness, and Percy Watson.

Nigel: Tonight is gonna be a chaotic one at that. Because Jimmy Neutron, Spongebob Squarepants, and Patrick Star of The Nick Club, confronts Eddie Kingston, and Homicide and Hernandez of The Revolutionaries in the middle of that ring!

Percy: Oh man, who knows what those guys will do to each other! Also, The 2 spots for the Ladder Match at Victory Road will be filled with either Rick C, or Mistah Woose in one end, and in the other, either Jordan Oliver, or Will Ospreay.

Vic: And it looks like the chaos is about to start, here comes oVe!

(OPENING MATCH: Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee of Team RWBY vs. Dean Ambrose and Sami Callihan)

Out came Sami Callihan, with Dean Ambrose and The Crists in tow.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first representing oVe, the team of Dean Ambrose, and SAMI CALLIHAN!!!

Nigel: Dean and Sami of course no stranger to one another, they've been up and down the road together as The Switchblade Conspiracy, and now they meet again here in CEW, with Ambrose as part of the oVe Family.

Vic: And here's another thing, Team RWBY has never encountered anyone like oVe, oVe are a whole other level of dangerous!

Percy: But they've been through a lot in their days, if they can get past that, then I'm sure they can beat oVe tonight.

The Crists stand outside the ring, patrolling the ringside area like jackals as Dean and Sami enter the ring.

Out came Ruby Rose, and she takes off her hood, and playfully salutes to the crowd.

Percy: Man there's something about Ruby that just makes my day.

Vic: I get that too, Percy. Ruby just has that atmosphere that gets everybody smiling.

Nigel: Don't forget her heart and skill. She is the most agile, and technically gifted of the group.

She then makes it halfway down the ramp, then her theme stops, and the lights go out.

A 10 second countdown started.

Once it struck 0, it rapidly began to count back up to 10, and spotlights began to rapidly flash on the stage as Weiss Schnee came out.

Nigel: And there's The Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, the gal known as Weiss Schnee!

Weiss meets Ruby at the halfway point, and they continue to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, representing Team RWBY, the team of Ruby Rose, and WEISS SCHNEE!!!

Vic: Nigel, you wanna talk about Technically Gifted? Well look no further than Weiss Schnee! She put on a heck of a performance in her last encounter with oVe, despite falling short.

Nigel: I agree with you there, Vic. I asked both Ruby and Weiss earlier today about whom is the most skilled between the two of them, and Weiss said, Ruby may be the captain of the group, but she's not on par with me, in which Ruby actually agreed.

Ruby and Weiss enter the ring, and that's when Dean and Sami jump them!

Vic: And oVe! Dean and Sami with a cheap shot, this match hasn't officially started!

The onslaught spills to the outside, where The Crists watch on as if preying on Weiss and Ruby.

Dean and Sami get back in the ring, the ref begins to deal with them, giving The Crists the opportunity to get a shot in at the two girls!

Nigel: And now Dave and Jake Crist get a piece!

Percy: This is basically a 4 on 2 match!

The Crists back off before they got caught, and luckily, Weiss and Ruby had enough strength to continue.

The bell rings, and Ruby and Sami Callihan start it off.

Callihan takes the first shot with a kick to the gut, then he hits a Snap Suplex on Ruby before applying a Sleeper Hold on her.

Ruby however manages to escape, went for a Superkick, but Callihan dodges.

Ruby turns around, narrowly missing an incoming Big Boot from Callihan, and hits a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Vic: Oh! What a Neckbreaker by Ruby!

Ruby goes for the cover, but Callihan kicked out at 2.

Ruby then tags in Weiss, and Weiss hops in, taking down Sami with a Springboard Diving Uppercut!

Vic: And here comes Weiss, coming from the skies!

Weiss then follows up with a Standing Knee Drop, rolls him over, but Callihan slid out of the ring.

Nigel: Weiss came in hot, taking Callihan off guard...

Callihan paced back and forth, catching his breath, but then Weiss began to hit the ropes, went for a Baseball Slide Dropkick, but Callihan evaded.

Percy: Baseball Slide, nobody home!

Weiss was lucky to land on her feet in the outside, but then she instantly got clocked with a Clothesline by Callihan!

Vic: Oh, MAN! What a Clothesline! And just like that, oVe is in Control!

Nigel: Callihan must have knocked her into tomorrow!

Callihan throws Weiss back into the ring, it instead of going for the cover, Callihan drags her to his corner, and tags Dean in.

Percy: There's the tag, here comes Ambrose.

Ambrose wildly stomps away on Weiss before getting down, and hammers her with an onslaught of grounded punches.

Ambrose then sits her up, and locks on a Bow-and-Arrow Submission on her.

Vic: And now Ambrose, going to Work on the Heiress.

The crowd tries to rally her on, but Dean applies more pressure.

Suddenly Weiss catches Dean by surprise with an European Clutch, and bridged into the cover!

Nigel: Hold on!

Vic: Weiss Schnee with a unique pinning combination!

The ref does the count, but Dean kicked out at 2!

Vic: Weiss almost had him!

Percy: That was close!

Weiss gets to her feet first, Dean gets to his shortly after, and Weiss hits a Disaster Kick!

Vic: Disaster Kick from Weiss!

Weiss gets up, Dean staggered to the ropes, and bounces back with a Pendulum Lariat, turning Weiss inside out!

Vic: But Ambrose with a Lariat, nearly taking Weiss's head off!

Nigel: An old move I used to do back in my day, and Ambrose just showed how brutal it is.

Both Weiss and Ambrose are down, and they begin to crawl to ther respective partners.

They then make the hot tag, and Ruby and Callihan jumped into the ring!

Ruby takes Callihan down with a clothesline, then another.

She goes for a third, Callihan catches her with an Elbow Smash, then he whips onto the ropes, and Ruby takes him down with a Hurricanrana!

Percy: Look at Ruby all fired up!

Callihan goes to the outside again, Ruby hits the ropes, and Callihan gets caught with a Suicide Dive Tornado DDT from Ruby!

Nigel: Look at that!

Vic: Ruby Rose with a beautiful DDT!

Ruby throws Callihan back in, and Ruby sizes him up.

Callihan staggers, then Ruby hits a Slingshot DDT, goes for the cover, but Ambrose breaks the count at 2!

Vic: Ambrose saves it for oVe!

Weiss then comes in, Ambrose went for an attack, missed wildly, and Weiss takes him out with a Killswitch!

Nigel: Down goes Ambrose!

Ambrose rolls out of the ring, and Weiss goes to the apron, hops onto the outer part of the second turnbuckle, and takes Ambrose out with a Moonsault!

Percy: WOW!

Vic: And Weiss with a Moonsault, takes out Dean!

The Crists then began to corner Weiss.

Nigel: Uh oh...

Vic: Dave and Jake Crist have now surrounded Weiss.

Percy: This doesn't look good...

With Dave coming in from the left side, and Jake from the right, Ruby gets up, and with a Somersault Plancha, she takes out Dave Crist!

Nigel: And here comes Ruby!

Jake goes for the attack on Weiss, but Weiss dodged him, and drops him with a Falling Inverted DDT!

Vic: And Weiss now removing Jake Crist from the equation!

Percy: It's an even playing field now!

Weiss and Ruby high five each other, but when they turned to re-enter the ring, Callihan had already recovered, and he and Ambrose hit the ropes, and took Weiss and Ruby out with in-sync Suicide Dives!

Vic: And oVe now! Ambrose and Callihan with simultaneous Suicide Dives, knocking down Weiss and Ruby like bowling pins!

Callihan throws Ruby back into the ring, and he sets up for a Headlock Driver.

Ruby however escapes, went for a Reverse Hurricanrana, but Callihan blocked it, leaving Ruby up on his shoulders in Electric Chair position!

Vic: Uh oh, Ruby attempted a Reverse Hurricanrana, but got Caught-

Callihan then grabbed both her arms, and slammed her down with an Assault Driver!


Nigel: That's it!

Callihan goes for the cover, but Ruby kicked out at 2!

Vic: Ruby gets the shoulder up!

Nigel: That was a massive Assault Driver, and I'm surprised Ruby kicked out of it!

Callihan tags Dean back in, Dean picks Ruby up, and sets her up for the Dirty Deeds.

Vic: Dean now, looking for Dirty Deeds...

Suddenly Ruby counters into a Northern Lights Suplex, bridges into the cover, but Dean kicks out at 2!

Vic: Ruby with a beautiful counter, but not enough to keep Ambrose down!

Ruby gets up, tags in Weiss, then they set Dean up for a Russian Legsweep/STO Combo, and they connect!

Percy: What a Double Team Maneuver!

Nigel: Side Russian Legsweep combined with a simple STO...

Ruby then knocks Callihan off the apron, and Weiss picks Dean up, grabs him by the head, goes for a Standing Shiranui, then turned it into a Rolling Cutter!

Vic: And look at Weiss!

Nigel: I've never seen a move like that!

Weiss goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: Got him!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:10)

Before Justin Roberts could make the announcement, Dave and Jake Crist got the jump on Ruby and Weiss!

Vic: And now The Crists again!

Dean and Sami then join in on the beat down.

Nigel: oVe mauling away like a pack of wolves.

Percy: Weiss and Ruby are out gunned!

That's when Yang and Blake came in to even the odds!

Percy: Oh here we go!

Vic: Yang and Blake coming to the aid of their Team RWBY Teammates!

Yang gets rid of Jake Crist, and Blake with a Discus Knee Strike takes out Dean, and that's when oVe goes to retreat.

Vic: And once again, oVe high tails it!

Nigel: Again, Team RWBY gets the last word, and oVe high tails it.

Vic: I have a feeling this is over until oVe says it's over.

Percy: And by that, is when oVe disposes of them.


Backstage interviewer Charly Caruso is standing by in the interviewing area.

Charly: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Jordan Oliver.

In walks Jordan Oliver, and the crowd cheers.

Charly: Now Jordan, tonight you are gonna be in, what has to be the biggest match in your career in this tournament, tonight you're facing one of the best in the Wrestling World today, Will Ospreay. Care to tell us what you're thinking heading into this match?

Jordan: To tell you the truth, I never thought my career would lead me to this point. It's every indy star's dream to one day make it big, and I'm one of the lucky few to have that dream come true. Will Ospreay is one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots, no doubt about it. But that doesn't mean I'm just gonna let him walk over me. I want that CEW Championship more than anything right now, and if it means I have to show Will Ospreay the true meaning of the word "Disgusting", then I'll do just that, and punch my ticket into Victory Road, and become CEW first ever World Champion! *Looks into the camera* So Aerial Assassin, get ready to meet The Young Shooter in that ring!

And with that, Jordan walks off.


The lights were out, and then a spotlight shone on the stage where Rick C was standing.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Indianapolis, Indiana, The Glow-rious, RICK C!!!

Vic: Rick has a big challenge in front of him tonight. Tonight he is facing a friend of his, and that friend is Mistah Woose.

Nigel: We saw what Mistah Woose was capable of in his match with Sami Callihan, and we saw what Rick was capable of in his match with Jake De Leon, let's see what these two will do to each other.

Percy: This should be an interesting encounter.

Rick enters the ring, and takes his robe off.

Out comes Mistah Woose, and he walks to the ring with purpose.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Springfield, Illinois, MISTAH WOOSE!!!

Vic: Mistah Woose and Rick C, no stranger to one another, so this will be an interesting match to say the least.

Nigel: Woose's style from what we saw in the first round, is like that of the old school brawler, with a mix of raw strength, Rick C, is, well for someone his size, technically gifted, and very skilled. We could be seeing a live action game of chess here, guys.

Percy: That will be something for sure!

Woose enters the ring, warms up in the corner, then they both shake hands, and went back to their corners.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Rick and Woose locked up in the middle of the ring, Rick gets Woose in a Side Headlock, then Woose responds by reversing it into a Hammerlock.

Rick reverses the Hammerlock, and locks on Standing Wrist Lock. Woose reaches for the ropes in an attempt to force a break, but Rick pulled him further away.

Vic: These two, looking great so far, but it's Rick C who's in control right now.

Percy: But you'll never know, Mistah Woose could pull something out of his sleeve.

Woose then counters out of the hold, gets a firm grip on Rick's wrist, and tries to out-power Rick.

Rick then begins to push back, and with a sweep to the leg, Rick bring Woose down to the mat, and Rick applied a Lying Headlock.

Woose then rolls over for a pinning counter, but Rick kicked out at 2.

Vic: Woose countered into a pin, but Rick gets out at 2.

Rick then gets up, so did Woose, Rick then went for his signature Spinning Hook Kick, the One Rick Kick, but Woose saw it coming, and backed up.

Vic: And oh! Rick was looking for the One Rick Kick, but Woose had it scouted.

Nigel: Great presence of mind there, knowing what was happening around him.

Rick then told Woose how close he was from getting his head kicked off.

Then the two lock up once again, this time it's Woose who gets Rick in a Side Headlock, then Rick pushes him off, Woose hits the ropes, and Rick knocks him down with a Shoulder Block!

Vic: And there's a Shoulder Block from Rick C!

Woose slowly gets back to his feet, Rick now hits the ropes, Woose drops down, Rick hops over him, Woose gets up at the same time as Rock hits the ropes again to gain more momentum, and Woose hits Rick with a Double Axe Handle!

Percy: Oh!

Vic: And Woose with an Axe Handle attack, almost knocking Rick out of his boots!

Woose then goes for the cover, but Rick kicks out at 2.

Woose now locks on a Sleeper Hold.

He then gets up, and transitions into an Abdominal Stretch.

Vic: Great transition into an Abdominal Stretch by Mistah Woose...

He then released Rick, and Woose slams Rick down with a Back Suplex.

Nigel: Woose is looking real good right now, keeping control of the match!

Woose then grabbed Rick's legs, and locked on a Boston Crab!

Vic: And Woose now! Looking to put Rick away here with a Boston Crab!

Percy: Rick has to get to the ropes, or at least counter! Otherwise he has to tap!

Rick then rolls over, and pushes Woose off!

Nigel: And counter he does!

Rick gets back to his feet, ducks an incoming clothesline from Woose, and Rick drops Woose with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Vic: Oh! Woose missed wildly, and Rick makes him pay for it!

Rick then goes for the cover, but Woose kicked out at 2!

Rick then sets Woose up for his Cobra Clutch Slam, the "C-ing Red", but as he went for it, Woose elbowed his way out of it.

Woose then went for a Big Boot, Rick evaded, went for the C-ing Red one more time, and connects!


Percy: This could be it right here!

Rick goes for the cover, hooks the leg, but Woose kicks out at 2!

Vic: And Woose stays alive!

Rick sits up, thinking what else he can do to keep him down.

Then he gets up, and began to measure Woose up.

Nigel: Uh oh, looks like it's time!

Vic: Could be looking for the One Rick Kick again...

Woose gets up, Rick goes for the One Rick Kick again, Woose ducked, then slams Rick down with a Backdrop Suplex!

Vic: And AGAIN Woose saw it coming, and takes advantage!

Woose then picks Rick up, sets him up for the Mistahgree, but then Rick countered into a Back Body Drop!

Vic: Whoa! Woose was looking for the Mistahgree, but Rick had other plans!

Nigel: It all comes down to who makes a mistake first now.

Rick then turns around, but Woose got up, and hits Rick with a Big Boot!

Then he picks him up again, goes for the Mistahgree, and hits it!

Vic: And Woose hits the Mistahgree!

Nigel: Mistah Woose is going to Victory Road!

Woose rolled him over, goes for the cover, but Rick was close enough to get his foot on the bottom rope, forcing a break!

Vic: No! Not yet! Rick gets his foot on the rope!

Nigel: What great ring awareness from Rick C!

Nigel: What's it gonna take now for Woose to put Rick away!?

Woose now looks at Rick with either a look of either frustration or doubt, but he quickly brushed off that emotion, and sets up for the Mistahgree one more time.

This time Rick pushed him off, and got all of the One Rick Kick!

Nigel: WHOA!!!


Woose was now staggering, then Rick gets Woose in Hammerlock position.

Vic: But Rick's not done!

Rick then hits his signature Hammerlock Lariat, the Twisted Sense Of Humor!


Rick then goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Rick C is going to Victory Road!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, RICK C!!!

Vic: What a back and forth encounter we just saw!

Nigel: Mistah Woose had Rick for most of the match, but through it all, Rick C found a way to win, and is now just one ladder climb away from becoming the Inaugural CEW Champion!

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Percy: And there you see Rick C filling in the third spot in the 4 way ladder match for the CEW Championship, one spot remains, and that spot will be filled later tonight, when Jordan Oliver takes on Will Ospreay.

Vic: That will surely be an encounter for the ages, but up next, Dax Xaviera and Mark Andrews face off for the last spot in the Triple Threat Match for the No Limits Championship. This is gonna be a fast paced match, folks! Don't go anywhere.


A Rock Fashion Inc. Vignette plays, and Luna and Leni were outside Barclays Center.

Luna: Hey, Leni! Check it out! This is where Victory Road is gonna take place!

Leni: Om-gosh! Let's go in then!

Luna: Not now, Leni. But we will go inside soon.

Leni: When is soon?

Luna: When the Kickoff starts. Yes Ladies and gentlemen, Rock Fashion Inc. is gonna kick-off Victory Road, and honestly dudes, that's the best way to start off any event. Because in Rock Fashion Inc, we got the energy and style!

Leni: And trendy looks!

Luna: Look out, world! Rock Fashion Inc. is here, and we're gonna rock out like there's no tomorrow!

Leni: And we'll totes look good doing it!

The vignette ends with the caption: ROCK FASHION INC.: DEBUTS IN VICTORY ROAD.


Vic: Well you heard it from Luna Loud herself there! Rock Fashion Inc. is gonna make their debut in the Kickoff show for Victory Road!

Nigel: Those two ladies are gonna have a blast for sure!


Mark Andrews comes out, and he waves his arm in the air as he dances his way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This match is set for one fall, introducing first from Cardiff, Wales, weighing in at 160 pounds, MARK ANDREWS!!!

Vic: Mark Andrews may have missed out on the CEW Championship after getting eliminated by Lincoln Loud in the Gold Rush tournament, but that loss doesn't seem to slow him down.

Nigel: Indeed it has not, when one door closes, another opens as they all say. Mark Andrews may not be able to go for history as the first to win both the CEW Championship and the No Limits Championship in the same night, but he has a chance to make history as the first No Limits Champion.

Percy: Well this is his last chance at gold, Mark let one get away from his grasp, he's gonna have to stay focused to keep his Victory Road opportunity alive.

Mark Andrews then hops into the ring, and takes off his hoodie and cap.

Then the lights dim, and out comes Dax Xaviera, blindfold on, and wearing a long black coat.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from the Nation Of Lakampati, weighing in at 140 pounds, DAX XAVIERA!!!

Vic: New look, new character, Dax Xaviera is ready to go!

Nigel: PWR's current All Out War Champion, Dax looks to add more gold to his resume as being crowned the Inaugural No Limits Champion!

Percy: He has to get through Mark Andrews first.

Dax enters the ring, and takes off his blindfold and coat.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Dax and Mark lock up in the center of the ring, Dax goes behind, grabs Mark by the waist, Mark Andrews then grabs one of his arms to escape, and now has Dax in a standing Wrist Lock.

Dax does a forward roll in an attempt to relieve the pressure, and he successfully does.

Then Dax slaps Mark's hand off, and gets Mark in a Side Headlock.

Vic: Mark and Dax going back and forth to start this match, and right now, Dax Xaviera has Mark Andrews.

Mark Andrews then goes for a Back Suplex, but Dax landed on his feet.

Nigel: Back Suplex attempt, but Dax landed on his feet...

Mark Andrews turns around, Dax goes for a Step-up Enzuigiri, but Andrews moves his head, dodges the kick, and then picks up Dax.

Mark Andrews then sets him up for a Vertebreaker, but Dax reverses, gets Mark in Electric Chair position, but Andrews quickly counters into a Hurricanrana!

Vic: And Andrews with a Hurricanrana, taking Dax down!

Dax gets up, and Andrews hits a Dropkick!

Mark goes for the cover, but Dax kicks out at 2.

Dax slowly gets up, and Mark Andrews then goes for a Poisoned Frankensteiner, but Dax blocked it, threw him out of the ring, and Andrews crashed hard onto the barricade below!


Nigel: Dax had it scouted!

Vic: Andrews was looking for a Reverse Hurricanrana, but Dax Xaviera stopped it!

Percy: And just like that, Dax turned the tables on Andrews.

Dax now goes to the outside to throw Mark back in.

He slid in, went for the cover, but Andrews kicks out at 2.

Dax now gets up, and stomps away on the now prone Mark Andrews.

Then he sits him up, sits down, and locks on a body scissors on him.

Vic: Xaviera now, body scissors cinched in, squeezing the air out of Mark Andrews.

Nigel: Andrews landed hard on that barricade, and that gave Dax a target to work with!

Percy: And now with a target acquired, Dax Xaviera can now take advantage, and wear down Andrews with ease.

Andrews tries to escape by hitting Dax's legs, but Dax just keeps putting on more pressure, making it more difficult.

Andrews then falls backwards, pinning Dax's shoulders, Dax kicks out at 2, forcing Dax to let go!

Vic: Oh, and Andrews almost stole one!

Both men get up, but then Dax immediately hits Mark with a Sling Blade!

Vic: And Dax with a Sling Blade!

Nigel: Dax Xaviera is about to welcome Mark Andrews to Sling Blade City!

Andrews gets up, Dax hits the ropes, and hits another Sling Blade!

Dax picks Andrews up, then pulls him into another Sling Blade!

Then to finish his Sling Blade onslaught, he goes up to the second turnbuckle, measures Andrews, and once Andrews got up, he hits a Sling Blade off the second turnbuckle!

Vic: And a Sling Blade from the second turnbuckle to top it off!

Dax goes for the cover, but Andrews kicks out at 2!

Vic: But it's not enough to keep Andrews down!

Dax now picks Mark up, looks for a Brainbuster, but then Andrews counters into the Stundog Millionaire!

Nigel: WOW!!!

Vic: Stundog Millionaire by Andrews connects!

Percy: This could be the opening he needed!

Dax then rebounded off the ropes dazed, goes for yet another Sling Blade, but this time Mark countered it, and hits Dax with an STO Backbreaker!

Vic: OOOH! Xaviera went for another Sling Blade, Andrews saw it coming!

Andrews then sees Dax in perfect position, and climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Nigel: Look out, guys!

Percy: Dax is in the drop zone!

Vic: Andrews may be looking for the Shooting Star Press he calls "Fall To Pieces"!

And that's exactly what Andrews went for, and connected all of it!

Vic: And Andrews connects!

Andrews hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Mark Andrews gets the win!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:12)

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, MARK ANDREWS!!!!

Vic: And Mark Andrews is gonna meet Artemis Spencer and Yang Xiao Long at Victory Road, in the Triple Threat match for the No Limits Championship!

Percy: Andrews may not get the chance to walk out with two titles, but he has a chance to come out with something!

Nigel: And that sets the stage for one match! For the No Limits Championship, it's gonna be Yang Xiao Long, versus Artemis Spencer, versus Mark Andrews, Triple Threat Match, but only one is walking out the Champion!

Vic: Well that sets the stage for one match, and up next, we will set the stage for another one! Will Ospreay, takes on Jordan Oliver, in what could be an interstellar match!

Nigel: This could be possibly the biggest fight in Oliver's career! Will he pull off the biggest upset? Or will Ospreay out do him? Stay where you are, because you don't wanna miss this!


Sami Callihan and the rest of oVe were about to make their way out, but I stopped them before they went anywhere.

Me: Before the four of you leave, I have something to say to you guys.

Sami Callihan: Make this quick.

Me: Now after what you guys did out there earlier tonight, you Sami, along with Dave and Jake Crist, are gonna face Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Blake Belladonna in a 6 person tag match.

Sami Callihan didn't like the sound of that, and was now protesting about it.

Me: I'm not finished yet. Dean, you're also banned from ringside.

oVe was now enraged, and protested even more, and then they tried to talk some "sense" into me to change my mind.

But that didn't work, and I went on my way, leaving oVe frustrated.

(Start at 0:43)

🎶You and me, we're not the same! You wanna take me, you'll never break me! You're nothing more than yesterday! You don't define me, so get behind me! Oh! Whoooaaooo-whoa...🎶

Vic: We would like to thank the band, Cenacle, for their song, "A Shadow Behind". The official theme song for C.E.W's first event, Victory Road. You can get this song, and their album, "The New Today", which is available on ITunes.

Nigel: Such an outstanding theme for a first event, but Switching gears now, what a moment that just transpired backstage! Sami and The Crists not only have to face Ruby, Weiss, and Blake of Team RWBY, but Dean Ambrose is also banned from ringside!

Percy: That makes the playing field Even Steven for Team RWBY.



The lights dimmed, spotlights danced around, and then out came Will Ospreay, hood up, and ready to fight.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Rainham, Essex, England, weighing in at 169 pounds, The Aerial Assassin, WILL OSPREAY!!!!

Vic: Ospreay, besting Noah C in the first round, this man is arguably one of the best in the world today!

Percy: I can agree with that, Vic! Ospreay is an Internationally known star, and in CEW, he's beginning to make waves!

Ospreay then hops into the ring, and takes off his hood.

And out comes Jordan Oliver.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, JORDAN OLIVER!!!

Vic: If there's one thing Jordan Oliver has done in CEW, that thing definitely turning heads!

Nigel: He and Dax Xaviera had an amazing first round match, and just like the first round, Oliver's opponent is similar to him in terms of skill, an agility!

Percy: If anything, Ospreay has the high flying advantage.

Vic: Other than that, these guys are evenly matched!

Oliver entered the ring, and sat in a corner, not taking his eyes off Ospreay.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Ospreay and Oliver lock up in the middle of the ring, then Oliver gets Ospreay in a Side Headlock.

Ospreay goes for a Back Suplex to counter, but Oliver reverses, and brings him to the ground with a Headlock Takedown.

Vic: And already Oliver, taking control of Ospreay in the early going.

Ospreay gets up, but is still in the hold.

Oliver tries to tighten the grip, but Ospreay elbows out.

Then with one sweep to the leg, Ospreay takes Oliver down, goes for a Standing Moonsault, Oliver rolls out of the way, but Ospreay lands on one knee, and stared Oliver down as Oliver sat up, and the crowd clapped.

Vic: And the crowd here in Times Union Center showing their admiration to these two men!

Percy: We could potentially be seeing a historic match right here!

They both get up, and lock up once more.

This time, Ospreay goes behind, and grabs Oliver with a Rear Waistlock, Oliver reverses, and now has Ospreay in a Wrist Lock.

Ospreay then rolls through, slaps off Oliver's hand, goes for a standing Dropkick, Oliver stepped back, and Ospreay got nothing but air.

Oliver now has Ospreay in a Rear Waistlock, goes for a German Suplex, but Ospreay lands on his feet!

Oliver gets up, and gets a Step-up Enzuigiri by Ospreay to the side of his head!

Vic: And Ospreay with a big time Enzuigiri!

Ospreay then went for the OsCutter, but Oliver recovered from the Enzuigiri, and kicked one of Ospreay's legs off the second rope, draping him!

Vic: Ospreay, looking for the OsCutter, but Oliver saw it coming!

Nigel: Went for it way too early...

Oliver then grabbed Ospreay by the head, and drops him with a Neckbreaker!

Vic: And now Oliver's gonna make him pay!

Oliver goes for the cover, but Ospreay kicks out at 2.

Oliver then sits him up, and locks on a Bow-and-arrow Submission.

Vic: And just like that, Oliver takes control of Ospreay once again.

Nigel: Clearly Oliver has done his homework, and is prospering in this match!

Ospreay begins to try and fight out of it, and he does.

Ospreay now shoves Oliver into a corner, and hits Oliver with some uppercuts.

Ospreay then sweeps the leg again, goes to the corner diagonally across, goes for a Hesitation Dropkick, but again Oliver gets out of the way!

Vic: Oh! Hesitation Dropkick, and nobody home!

Oliver quickly picks him up, locks on an Arm Wrench, runs up onto the top rope, goes for a Springboard Hurricanrana, but Ospreay slammed him down with a Snap Powerbomb!

Nigel: OOOH!

Vic: Oliver wanted a Hurricanrana, but Ospreay answers with a vicious Powerbomb!

Ospreay goes for the cover, but Oliver kicks out at 2!

Vic: But Oliver stays in it!

Ospreay then quickly picks up Oliver.

Then he goes for the OsCutter again, but Oliver grabbed him by the tights, stopping him.

But with a Back Elbow, Ospreay stuns him, now goes for the OsCutter, but Oliver caught him with a Superkick to back of his head!

Vic: OOH!!!

Nigel: Again Oliver saw the OsCutter coming!

Oliver picks him up, goes for a Springboard Stunner, but Oliver caught him, and plants him with a Lifting Reverse DDT!

Vic: And Ospreay! Spiking Oliver onto the mat!

Ospreay goes for the cover, but Oliver kicks out at 2!

Vic: But Oliver AGAIN kicks out at 2!

Ospreay then throws Oliver to the outside but Oliver lands on his feet on the apron.

Ospreay tries to knock him off, but Oliver caught him, and pulled him onto the apron.

The two then battled it out on the apron. Ospreay hits a Pump Kick, Oliver answers back with one of his own, Ospreay then hits a Bicycle High Knee, then a Superkick, but Oliver still hangs on.

Ospreay goes for another Pump Kick, this time Oliver blocked it, and hits Ospreay with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri!

Then Oliver grabs Ospreay, looks at the crowd, and the crowd begins to cheer.

Vic: What does Oliver have in mind here???

Nigel: Something crazy for sure!

Oliver then holds Ospreay tight, and hits a Spanish Fly off the apron, and onto the floor!

Percy: WHOA!!!

Nigel: OH MY WORD!!!

Vic: What a Spanish Fly by Jordan Oliver!

Nigel: Jordan Oliver, willing to risk it all, for that final spot in the Ladder Match!

The "Holy Shit!" Chants began to Echo throughout the arena.

Oliver gets up, picks Ospreay up, throws Ospreay back into the ring, but then Ospreay swung back around, and Spiked Oliver with a Reverse Frankensteiner!

Vic: And OSPREAY! What a move to turn the tables!

Percy: Ospreay may have just gave himself an opening!

Ospreay slid back in, and began to measure Oliver.

Once Oliver got to his feet, Ospreay hits the ropes, and knocks down Oliver with a Sasuke Special!

Vic: And now Ospreay takes to the skies!

Nigel: This is where Ospreay shines!

Ospreay now throws Oliver back into the ring, slides back in, and again measures him.

Oliver was now on his hands and knees, Ospreay goes for his signature 720 Kick, and connected!

Ospreay was now beginning to feel it! Once Oliver got to his feet, he springs off the second rope, and connects the OsCutter!


Nigel: Ospreay is heading to Victory Road!

Ospreay rolled him over, went for the cover...

But Oliver kicked out at the last possible moment!



Ospreay sat up, and was completely beside himself.

Percy: Look at Ospreay! He can't believe it!

Vic: I don't think ANYONE believed it! But it happened!

Ospreay gets up, and picks up Oliver.

Oliver begins to fight back, but Ospreay's OsCutter took so much out of him, his attacks didn't faze the Aerial Assassin.

Ospreay kicks him in the gut now, looks to lift him up for the Storm Breaker, but Oliver blocks it, and countered into a Back Body Drop!

Vic: And now Oliver! Back Body Drop to Ospreay out of desperation!

Oliver then picks him up, Ospreay swings with a Right Hand, but Oliver ducked, hits an uppercut, then a cross chop to the throat, followed by a double punch to the gut, and a big time uppercut to finish the flurry!

Nigel: Wow!

Vic: Great combination by Jordan Oliver!

Oliver then grabbed Ospreay with a Rear Waistlock, and connects with a German Suplex!

Vic: And a German Suplex to follow up!

That German Suplex sent Ospreay rolling into a corner, and now Oliver was beginning to close in.

Percy: Oliver is calling for it!

Vic: Looking for the Disgusting now!

Nigel: If he hits this, it's all over!

Oliver sized Ospreay up in the corner diagonally across, then charges full speed, but got nothing but the bottom turnbuckle because Ospreay moved at the last second!

Vic: OOOH!

Nigel: Ospreay moved!

Ospreay quickly gets up, sets Oliver up for the Storm Breaker, and he hits it!


Vic: Storm Breaker connects!

Ospreay then goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Ospreay defeats Jordan Oliver!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, WILL OSPREAY!!!

Vic: Wasn't that incredible!?

Nigel: That was BEYOND incredible! Oliver gave him all that he had, Ospreay gave it all he had, but it was Ospreay, who stands tall in the end!

Ospreay gets up to celebrate, and then Jordan Oliver got up, turned him around, and held his hand out for a handshake.

Vic: And Oliver now, holding his hand out, as a sign of sportsmanship.

Nigel: These two really gave it their all.

But instead of shaking the hand, Ospreay just smirks, and left the ring.

Vic: Looks like Ospreay, is just walking out with the win.

Nigel: You would think it's the one who lost who walks out like that. Nope!

Oliver looks at Ospreay as his hand now becomes a closed fist.


In a dark Secluded room, Cake, Rook, and Lodestar Luminous were dressed in royal clothing, mocking The Kingdom as they have a message for them.

Cake then blows into a trumpet

Rook: *Unrolls a scroll* Hear ye! Hear ye! All show respect for thyne Queen of the Luminous Empire and all of Pittsburghia! The fair Queen, Lodestar Luminous!

Lodestar does a dramatic twirl towards the camera.

Lodestar: *In a Girly Voice* Greetings my subjects of CEW Non-Stop! I have come to you to address your fears of our fair Kingdom being pillaged by rapscallions lead by the heinous witch Queen?... Princess?... Duke? Whatever, lead by Lola Loud. The girl who changes her royal status in order to feel more than just some spoiled brat on "Dance Moms".

Cake: And who could forget the wretch King Matt Taven!?

Rook: ...I did. Because he was always just the other guy in Ring of Honor's version of the Kingdom.

Lodestar & Cake: OOOO! Sick burneth, Sir Edward!

Rook: Thank you. And then we have the Era which claims it is Undisputed. Well, good sirs the only thing Undisputed about you four is the fact your like Pete Corvus: Nothing more than a Loud's bitch!

Lodestar & Cake: OOOOO! Savagery at it's finest, Sir Edward!

Rook: Thank you, again. Come Victory Road, Kingdom... your time on the throne is over, Taven! If you think what happened to your cane was bad.... I implore you to set up an appointment with your doctor to fix your spine when I smite thee with my bare hands.

Cake: And Undisputed Era! You will be send to your PUBLIC SHAMING!

Rook & Lodestar: SHAME!

Cake: And pelted with rotten tomatoes by the people whom you oppressed for far too long!

Lodestar: And Lola. For crimes against the Luminous Empire... I sentence you to the Devil's Futon!

Rook & Cake: GASP!!!

Lodestar: And come Victory Road... your fate will be sealed... *gets right up to the camera and whispers.* ...With a Goodnight Kiss.

They then smirk as the camera slowly zooms in.


The crowd cheers as out came Jimmy Neutron, with Spongebob and Patrick behind him.

Vic: Ladies and gentlemen, you can hear the support for The Nick Club her in Albany!

Nigel: These 3 Nick Club Soldiers are going to war, inside a Barbed Wire Hell In A Cell Match at Victory Road, who knows what brutality those two teams will inflict on each other?

The 3 Nick Club members enter the ring, and Jimmy, Spongebob, and Patrick get mics.

But before Jimmy could speak...

Out came Eddie Kingston, with Homicide and Hernandez in tow.

Vic: And The OGz of The Revolutionaries are here already, this is gonna be interesting.

Kingston, with a mic in hand, silences the crowd, then speaks.

Eddie Kingston: Save your breath, Brainiac. You may be the smartest of the group, but you are also the weakest. How I know? Look at you! You're a puny, spiky haired dweeb! You're only chance of walking out alive, is hiding behind those two. But what happens when my boys decimate your protection? You're done. You're vulnerable. My boys here, are gonna take your boys out in that match, and when they do, you stand no chance, whatsoever, partner!

Jimmy Neutron just laughs, and looks at Spongebob and Patrick.

Jimmy: Sure, I may not be a karate master or a powerhouse. But I know something about you, and that is that you don't know about us, and THAT is your weakness. This big mish-mash collaboration of underlings you three simple minded dimwits have gathered together, does not at all possess the chemistry that we, The Nick Club have. For almost 3 years we have traveled around the world together, whilst you fools have only had a few months to get the mere basics of one another together. And when disagreement arrives, so will dissention in the ranks. And when dissention occurs, your empire will fall as if it's very foundation was crafted from sand! And when it does, that is when the Nick Club with stand over your bloody carcasses and prove once again that we are unstoppable!

Kingston just smiles.

Eddie Kingston: You know that's cute, not gonna lie. *Continues down the ramp* but while you're talking about The Revolutionaries as a whole...

The OGz then enter the ring.

Eddie Kingston: Me and my boys here, Homicide and Hernandez, we've known each other for as long as you three been on TV! Just us three! Sure everyone else, we just knew, but they all support our cause, and that is what's gonna keep us together! And now Jimmy, believe me when I say this. At Victory Road, when you and your 2 dogs are laying on the mat, looking up at the lights, you will realize that not only are you truly the weakest link in the Nick Club, but you will also see the beginning of the end of your friend's little group.

Jimmy: You really think that you all think the same? Kronnin Kash only wants to find a quick way to become relevant. Hollywood Hooligan is just trying to keep his dwindling relevance alive! Is this really about destorying the Nick Club, or are you trying to do what morons like TJ Marconi, Bullet Club & The Skilled Foundation tried to do and use is just to save your careers? Well, to quote a famous rapper, "This is it, as big as your gonna get so enjoy it. Had to give you a career to destroy it."

Eddie Kingston: *chuckles* Well if this is as big as it gets-

Kingston drops the mic, and two trios began to battle it out!

Vic: Here we go!

Nigel: Looks like they're not gonna wait till Victory Road!

Hernandez then clotheslines Patrick out of the ring, and Homicide throws Spongebob out of the ring.

Then the OGz surrounded Neutron, but not for long.

Spongebob slid back in, armed with a Kendo Stick, and Patrick did same, but was armed with a Steel Chair!

Percy: Wait a second!

Vic: Spongebob and Patrick are back, and they're armed!

The OGz quickly went into retreat, and Neutron, along with Spongebob and Patrick, stood their ground in the ring.

Vic: The OGz may have escaped, but in Victory Road, there will be no running and hiding.

Nigel: That's right, Vic. But it's not Victory Road now, but when it is, I think they plan on fighting head on!

Kingston spat out some insults and threats, and all Jimmy did was tell him to come back into the ring.

Vic: Definitely bad blood is beginning to boil between these two factions. At Victory Road, who knows what these guys will put each other through!?

That's go home show 1 of 2 completed!

The next one will be on Non-stop!

Did you enjoy this one? If you did, then be sure to keep an eye out for Non-stop's Go Home show!

Stay tuned, and see you all at Non-stop!

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