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Go Home Show #2 is here, everyone!

Let's not talk, let's get into the action.

The YOLO Twins were in the hallway of the backstage area.

Yohann: Hello, CEW world, this is Yohann and Logan Ollores, The YOLO Twins.

Logan: And this message is in regards to what happened in RCCW.

Yohann: Doom Crew, you say that you two never forget, well guess what, we don't forget either.

Logan: And we're glad you remember. Because that's exactly what will happen, we come to your turf, and beat you again, 1, 2, 3!

Yohann: And once again, you can't stop US...

They then look at each other, and then look back at the camera.

Yohann and Logan: ... Even if you stop us!

The promo ends with them smiling.


The opening pyro goes off in the Times Union Center in Albany, New York.

Then the camera pans around as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Victory Road can't be any closer than this! Welcome to Non-stop, the last show before our first event in CEW history! I'm Mauro Ranallo, alongside Don West, and Mike Tenay!

Mike Tenay: What a night we have for you all, and this will surely leave you breathless. Tonight, Mabel Pines takes on Sammy Guevara. After that stunt he pulled in Episode 5, Mabel looks to even the score.

Don: And The Network confront Santana and Ortiz one more time before their match in Victory Road for the Non-stop Tag Team Championships!

Mauro: That will surely be a confrontation, but enough talking, let's head to the action.

(OPENING MATCH: Ace Bunny vs. Travis Banks)

Out comes Ace Bunny, and the crowd cheers as he makes his way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Acmetropolis, ACE BUNNY!!!

Mauro: Ever since Episode 1, Travis Banks and his Crew of masked men, have been a thorn in Ace's side, and because of this, Ace has yet to taste Victory here in CEW.

Mike Tenay: Well tonight, he looks to turn things around when Ace faces the Kiwi Buzzsaw.

Ace hops into the ring, and stretches out in a corner.

Travis Banks slowly walks through the curtain, and onto the stage.

David Penzer: And his opponent, from Auckland, New Zealand-

David Penzer didn't finish his announcement because Ace Bunny slid out of the ring, and Ace and Banks began fighting on the ramp!

Mauro: And Ace! Not waiting for Banks to get in the ring!

Mike Tenay: All that built up anger, all that frustration all caused by Travis Banks, all let loose here, oh man you just knew this was gonna happen!

Ace then throws Banks into the ring, then Ace follows suit by sliding in, and the bell rings.

Don: Well there's the bell, this match is officially underway!

Ace throws Banks into a corner, and Ace delivered a High Knee, then with a Snapmare, Ace takes him down, followed by a kick to the spine.

Mike Tenay: And there's a shot to the back by Ace!

Ace then picks Travis up, and plants him face first onto the second turnbuckle with a Reverse STO.

Ace goes for the cover, but Travis kicks out at 2.

Ace picks him up again to dish out more punishment, but Travis shoves him off, then delivered a Knife Edge Chop!

Mauro: And Banks! Creating separation with that wicked chop!

Travis Banks then delivers another one, and that one caused Ace to stagger backwards into a corner.

Then Travis spreads Ace's arms out, and delivers one more chop before sweeping him off his feet.

Don: Man those chops look like it really hurts! Boy I'm glad I'm not an in-ring competitor!

Mike Tenay: Me too, Don.

Travis Banks then goes to the corner diagonally across, went for a Hesitation Dropkick, but Ace gets out of dodge, and Banks managed to stop himself, by hopping onto the second turnbuckle.

Ace got up, and then caught Travis Banks with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And Ace Bunny with a Neckbreaker!

Ace Bunny goes for the cover again, Banks kicks out at 2.

Ace gets up, and Banks rolls out of the ring.

Mauro: And now Banks, looking to catch a breather...

Ace follows suit, but Banks then turns the tables by grabbing Ace's wrist, and throws him onto the steel stairs!

Mauro: And Travis Banks! Lying in wait, and struck!

Mike Tenay: Right into the unforgiving stairs, Ace is now in a place he shouldn't be.

Travis gets up, and delivers a shoot kick to the seated Ace Bunny.

Then he throws Ace back into the ring, he slides back in, goes for the cover, but Ace kicks out at 2.

Ace slowly begins to get up, but Banks just brutally stomps on him.

Mauro: And there is that mean streak of the Kiwi Buzzsaw!

Travis Banks then picks him up, and hits a downward chop, followed by a knife edge chop.

That brings Ace down to one knee, and Banks then hits a series of shoot kicks.

Mauro: Now Banks... chopping Ace down to size.

Travis then picks Ace up, hits a Snap Suplex, then he gets up, went for another chest kick, but this time Ace caught it, and Ace takes him down!

Mike Tenay: And Ace now! Sweeping Travis Banks off his feet!

Ace then gets down to his level, and starts hammering away!

Don: And look at Ace! Ace has been waiting for so long for this moment!

Mauro: After all Banks has done to Ace in the last 5 Episodes, you just knew this was gonna happen!

The referee then pulls Ace off of him, Ace backs off, advances towards Banks, Banks gets up, and kicks Ace in the shin, tripping him!

Mauro: And Banks with a Shin Kick stopping Ace dead in his tracks!

Banks then deadlifts Ace, looking for a German Suplex, but Ace countered into a Victory Roll, Banks kicks out at 2, both Fighters get up, Banks goes for a Clothesline, Ace drops down to avoid it, kips up, and hits Banks with an Overhead Kick!

Don: Wow! What a shot!

Ace then clotheslines Banks over the top rope and onto the floor, Ace begins to measure him up, hits the ropes, goes for a Somersault Plancha, but Banks gets out of dodge, and onto the apron.

Luckily Ace lands on his feet, but then Banks connected with a Penalty Kick, knocking the wind out of Ace!

Mauro: OH, MAN!

Mike Tenay: Ace may have avoided a crash and burn, but he did not avoid that devastating kick by the Kiwi Buzzsaw!

Ace was now bent over, clutching at his chest, but Travis wasn't done.

With a running start, Banks leaps off the apron, and connects with a Double Foot Stomp right on the back!

Mike Tenay: And there's a Double Stomp!

Banks throws Ace back into the ring, slides in, goes for the cover, but Ace kicks out at 2.

Ace slowly rises to one knee, but then Banks knocks him back down with a flying knee, goes for the cover, and Ace again kicks out at 2.

Banks now picks Ace up, goes for a Brainbuster, but Ace reverses, goes for a Schoolboy Pin, Banks rolls through, and then Ace kipped up, and hits a Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Ace Bunny with a big time kick!

Mike Tenay: Caught Travis flush on the ear!

Ace rolls him onto his back, hooks the leg for the cover, but Banks kicks out at 2!

Ace now gets up, Travis does the same, Ace then hits an Elbow Smash, Travis answers back with an Uppercut, Ace then gets a kick to the leg in, Banks responds with a Bicycle Kick.

Ace staggers onto the ropes, rebounds in a daze, goes for another Corkscrew Enzuigiri, this time Banks avoids it, Banks goes for a clothesline, Ace ducks floats over, drapes Banks on the top rope, and connects with a Swinging Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Oh! There's a Neckbreaker by Ace Bunny, Ace could have him here!

Ace this time hooks both legs, but Banks kicks out at 2!

Mike Tenay: Both legs hooked, but it's still not enough!

Mauro: Ace is just getting closer and closer to getting even...

Ace then begins to size him up, Banks slowly rises, Ace goes for the Curb Stomp but Banks caught him for the Kiwi Crusher, but Ace escapes this time, lands on his feet, and hits a Superkick right on Travis's jaw!


Mike Tenay: Travis caught him once, but it didn't happen this time!

Banks was now down on one knee, clutching at his jaw, Ace measures him, then charges full speed, and slams him down with a Single-arm Swinging Neckbreaker he calls the Laser Eye!

Mauro: And there's the Laser Eye!

Ace now drags him to the center of the ring, hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Ace Bunny gets even!

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, ACE BUNNY!!!

Mauro: That HAD to feel good evening up the score!

Mike Tenay: And get this, that is his FIRST victory here in CEW!

Don: That it is, Mike! Man with a win like that, he could be potentially be on the rise!

Ace gets out of dodge before Banks could start another post match assault, and he celebrates as he makes his way to the back.



Pocholo Estrada was backstage with Heather.

Pocholo: Pocholo Estrada here, with the leader of the Queen Bees, Heather. Heather, despite the Queen Bees not being in the Tag Team title picture, what is the Queen Bees' plan right now?

Heather: Simple. To beat whoever wins those belts & bring all the gold to the Queen Bees! I may have the RCCW Women's Championship, but the rest of the Bees and I want more! And whether it's Sentry's little rejects brigade or those... other morons, we WILL be tag team champions like it or not!

Pocholo: That brings me to my other question. Who, along with the rest of the Queen Bees do you want to see walk out of Victory Road as the Tag Team Champions? L.A.X or The Network?

Heather: It makes no difference to us. If L.A.X. wins, we get to bask in Flash & Bart's humiliation. If the Network wins, than we get to prove our superiority by winning the titles from those losers! Either way Pocholo, the Queen Bees will win.

That's when The Metro Brothers walked in.

Chris Metro: Did I hear that right?

JC Metro: You STILL think you can exceed The Network's level?

Chris Metro: Last time we checked, we had you beat.

Heather: Aaaaand last time I checked... *Pats RCCW Women's Championship* I am a champion, and the lot of you are nothing of the sort. Something you two goons could only ever be by following around that idiot Flash Sentry.

The Metro Brothers chuckle at that remark.

Chris Metro: Is that so?

JC Metro: Well how about this. Next Episode, you put your money where your mouth is, and choose any of your 3 lap dogs, and face just us two.

Chris Metro: And let's make this interesting. Loser leaves Non-stop.

Heather: *Smirks* Are you just arrogant or stupid? Nevermind. Your BOTH. I would LOVE to tear your little faction apart piece by piece. Consider your match on and consider you jobs here... gone!

Chris Metro: See you next Episode then.

JC Metro: Oh, and when we win, we're gonna remember what you said here.

The Metro Brothers then walk away, and Heather just rolls her eyes.

(MATCH 2: Ralph Imabayashi in action)

And in a big fur coat, out comes Ralph Imabayashi.

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: This next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Antipolo, Rizal, by way of Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 151 pounds, he is The Best Pure Wrestler, RALPH IMABAYASHI!!!

Mauro: Imabayashi, since his debut, has proven he is a force to be reckoned with!

Mike Tenay: Well he is the Best Pure Wrestler for a reason, now let's see if he can uphold his reputation tonight.

Imabayashi enters the ring, goes to the second turnbuckle, facing the crowd, and opens up his fur coat, revealing his ring gear, and the PWR Championship around his waist.

Don: And there you see the PWR Championship that is around his waist, he's taken down everyone that stood in front of him, but tonight, he's not putting that title on the line, he's gonna face some local competition scouted by our CEW Commissioner and Non-stop GM, Chard.

Imabayashi removes his coat and title, then warms up in a corner as he waits for his opponent.

The name "TYLER MURPHY" then appears on the Titantron, and out came a young tattooed man in blue and black tights, who is all smiles, and high fiving the fans as he makes his way to the ring.

David Penzer: And his opponent, from The Bronx, weighing in at 169 pounds, TYLER MURPHY!!!

Mauro: Tyler Murphy, a young up and comer from The Bronx, looks to impress the CEW fans, and CEW management here tonight, and what better way to do that, than score a win over Ralph Imabayashi!

Mike Tenay: This kid has a big challenge in front of him. From what I know, Murphy's style is more high flying based, but he is also incredibly fast.

Don: Imabayashi is fast too, so this should be real interesting.

Mauro: What I can say, is if Murphy wants to walk out with what could be a HUGE upset, he has to avoid Imabayashi's hard strikes, and his signature move, the Senketsu.

Tyler Murphy enters the ring, looks for a handshake, but Imabayashi refuses, and slaps his hand away.

Mauro: And Murphy, Murphy was looking for a handshake, I don't think you're gonna expect that from Ralph Imabayashi.

The bell rings, and Ralph immediately blasts him with a big right hand!

Mauro: OH! And Ralph Imabayashi wasted no time knocking Tyler Murphy off his feet!

Mike Tenay: I don't think Murphy knows where he is!

Murphy sits up, dazed and confused, Imabayashi hits the ropes, then hits a Sliding Clothesline!

Don: And look at Imabayashi go!

Mauro: Imabayashi is going straight to work on Murphy!

Mike Tenay: Tyler Murphy hasn't hit a single offensive move since the get go!

That's when Imabayashi picked him up, and Tyler Murphy began to fight back, hitting Imabayashi with body punches!

Mike Tenay: Oh, guess I spoke too soon!

Mauro: Tyler Murphy looking to climb back into this match!

Tyler Murphy then connects with a Dropkick, knocking Imabayashi down.

He then goes to the second turnbuckle, measuring Imabayashi as he does so.

Imabayashi gets back to his feet, Tyler Murphy goes for a Diving Clothesline, but then Imabayashi with a Bicycle High Knee, catches Murphy in midair!


Mike Tenay: How quick Imabayashi was to shut him down!

Imabayashi then sets him up for the Senketsu, and hits it!

Mike Tenay: And there's the Senketsu!

Imabayashi goes for the cover, and gets the 3 count!

Don: And that's it.

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen  the winner of the match, RALPH IMABAYASHI!!!

Mauro: One big knee! That's all it took for Imabayashi to put this young up and comer Tyler Murphy away!

Mike Tenay: Yeah, once that knee connected, it was all over for Tyler Murphy.

Imabayashi then asked for a mic.

Don: Looks like we're gonna hear it from the victor!

Imabayashi breathes heavily into the mic as his music slowly fades.

Ralph: Since my first day here, I have been running roughshod over everyone that got in my way, but these people, aren't real competition! Seriously? *Points to Tyler Murphy* This is what I've come to here!? I WANT A REAL CHALLENGE!


Red and Yellow spotlights danced around, then this showed up on the titantron:

Mauro: Oh... my god!

Don: No way! Can it be!?

Mike Tenay: We all know who that logo represents!

That's when Sunset Shimmer came out, and then her name popped up on the titantron!


Mike Tenay: Sunset Shimmer is here in Times Union Center!

Sunset then rushes into the ring, and Imabayashi drops his mic and gets out of the ring.

Don: And Ralph Imabayashi, not wanting any part of Sunset!

Sunset then picks up the mic.

Sunset: You want a real challenge? I think you found your challenge, pal!

She drops the mic, then her theme plays once more.

Mauro: Looks like Sunset Shimmer is stepping up to the plate!

Mike Tenay: Imabayashi wanted competition, well Ralph, there's your competition!

Don: You gotta give credit to Shimmer stepping up like that!

Suddenly, it looked like Mauro just got a message through his headset.

Mauro: It's happening right now!? Ladies and gentlemen, there appears to be something going on backstage, can we get camera on there?

The scene then switches to the backstage area, where Travis Banks was hellaciously beating down Ace Bunny!

Mauro: Oh no! It's Travis Banks! Travis Banks is incensed!

Mike Tenay: Looks like Banks wasn't taking this loss lightly!

That's when the masked men, armed with nightsticks, came in, and joined in.

Don: Oh, and now Travis's masked goons have joined the party!

That's when Joe Hendry, and Ken Warren came to the rescue, and Travis and his crew bailed.

Mauro: And Hendry and Warren, coming to the aid of Ace!

Joe then helps Ace up.

Joe: Don't worry, Ace. At Victory Road, I will get closer to the end of this mystery for you.

Ace: I appreciate everything you've done, Joe. But remember, Travis, is mine.

Ace limps away, leaving Joe and Warren.

(MATCH 3: Jordan Devlin's Open Challenge)

Out comes Jordan Devlin.

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Bray County, Wicklow, Ireland, weighing in at 180 pounds, The Irish Ace, JORDAN DEVLIN!!!

Mauro: Devlin since day one, hasn't had the best luck.

Mike Tenay: I sure hope he knows what he's getting himself into. An open challenge means anyone can answer it!

Devlin enters the ring, and takes of his track jacket.

Don: Well what else could you possibly do?

Jordan Devlin then gets a mic.

Jordan: As of late, I have been made a joke, being put against these guys that don't belong on my level. Well you know what, let's see what moron steps through that curtain, and thinks they can make a fool out of me.

Don: Well it looks like Devlin is willing to do this!

Mauro: Anybody can step up-

The crowd loudly popped and the spotlights began to flash rapidly as the main lights dimmed the arena.

Then out comes Rainbow Dash, and she throws up the V1 hand gesture.

Mauro: WOW!!!

Mike Tenay: Moments ago, we just saw Sunset Shimmer arrive, and now, the Era of Dash-itude has arrived! It's Rainbow Dash!

Don: And we're just halfway through the night!

David Penzer: And his opponent, making her Non-stop debut, RAINBOW DASH!!!!

Mauro: Now this is a surprise! We were totally not expecting her here!

Mike Tenay: I don't think ANYBODY was!

Don: Jordan Devlin has a big challenge, it may not look like it at first glance, but trust me, Rainbow can do things, you can't believe!

Rainbow Dash hops into the ring, and she stretches out in a corner.

The bell rings, Dash and Devlin lock up in the middle of the ring.

Dash then takes Devlin down with an Arm Drag, and kips up.

Mauro: And there's that athleticism you were talking about, Don!

Don: Devlin was not ready for this at all!

Jordan Devlin looks up at Rainbow Dash who holds up the V1 hand gesture right in front of him.

Devlin gets back to his feet, and he and Rainbow Dash lock up again.

This time, Devlin gets Dash in a Side Headlock, Rainbow Dash looks to counter with a Back Suplex, but Devlin lands on his feet.

Dash turns around, ducks an incoming clothesline, hits Devlin in the gut with a Spinning Back Kick.

Dash then hops to the second turnbuckle, where Devlin kicks her left foot off, causing her to crash down onto the mat hard on the back of her head!

Mauro: And Jordan Devlin! What a clever move by the Irish Ace!

Mike Tenay: There was nothing pretty about that move, not one bit! But it was most certainly effective!

Devlin goes for the cover, but Dash kicks out at 2.

Jordan Devlin then props her up on her feet in the corner, and delivered a Downward Chop.

"Don't make a joke out of me! I'm the Irish Ace!" Devlin shouts before delivering another chop.

Mauro: Devlin with another chop...

Devlin then whips Dash into another corner, goes for a corner attack, Dash gets out of dodge, and Devlin gets nothing but a top turnbuckle to the face!

Mike Tenay: And Devlin, nobody home!

Don: Rainbow Dash has an opening now!

Devlin turns around, only to eat a flying corner clothesline from Rainbow Dash!

Mauro: And there's a big time clothesline from the Sensei Of Dash-itude!

Mike Tenay: The what now?

Mauro: From what I've heard, that's what Rainbow Dash calls herself.

Devlin limps out of the corner, Rainbow Dash heads to the top turnbuckle, then when Devlin turned around, Dash connected with a Diving Meteora!

Don: Oh look at that!

Mike Tenay: Double knees off the top, Jordan Devlin is in trouble now...

Dash hooks the leg for the cover, Devlin kicks out at 2.

Devlin slides out of the ring to catch his breath, but Rainbow Dash had other plans.

She hits the ropes, then flattens Devlin with a Corkscrew Plancha!

Mauro: Wow! Corkscrew Pescado by Rainbow Dash!

Dash throws Devlin back in, then she slides back in, goes for the cover, and again Devlin kicks out at 2!

Rainbow Dash wasted no time getting up. She measures Devlin, then once he was up on his feet, Dash struck with a flying clothesline, then another.

Devlin avoids a third, but Dash sprung off the second rope, and Dash connected with a Corkscrew Blockbuster!

Don: And Rainbow Dash is on the move!

Mike Tenay: She's on fire right now!

But just as she was about to gain more momentum, a big explosion happened, and the ring's corners were set ablaze!

Mauro: WHOA!

Mike Tenay: OH MY GOD!


Mauro: Ohhhhh my...

Don: I think we know who this is...

Then, in a big white hooded cloak, out came Mordecai, holding a big silver cross-like staff.

Mike Tenay: Since Episode 1, we witnessed these... these videos of the heavens being ripped open, and a pale rider by the name of Mordecai coming out, and now 5 episodes later, here he is! Mordecai!

Mordecai then struck the staff down on the ground, and another explosion was heard, this time, flames rose on beside him on both sides.

Then he slowly walks down the ramp.

Mauro: The self-proclaimed "Right Hand of The Father", from what we have seen in those vignettes, that he is on a crusade, a mission to obliterate the sinners, the wicked, and the profane!

Don: But what is he doing here!?

Mike Tenay: Maybe he sees either Rainbow Dash or Jordan Devlin as a sinner.

Mauro: Or both of them!

He then sets up the staff on a special platform, takes off his cloak, and enters the ring.

Mauro: Mordecai now, entering the ring...

Mordecai then stood there, looking Dash and Devlin dead in the eyes.

The referee orders Mordecai to leave the ring, but Mordecai refuses to leave.

That's when Mordecai then made a move, and delivered a Big Boot to Rainbow Dash, ending the match in Disqualification!

Mauro: Oh, what a boot!

Mike Tenay: And the referee has no choice but to call the match off!

The bell rings, but Mordecai was already assaulting Rainbow Dash, and Jordan Devlin took this opportunity to bail!

Don: And Jordan Devlin, not wanting any part of this, is now getting out of there, and I don't blame him!

Mordecai then hoisted her up, and slammed her down with a Crucifix Powerbomb!

Mike Tenay: OH! God!

Mauro: A HELLACIOUS Powerbomb of sorts, sends Rainbow Dash in one direction, and that direction is down!

Mordecai's theme plays as he then got to one knee, looked up, and a spotlight shines down on him as the surrounding light fades.

Mauro: And now the Pale Rider, looking up into the heavens above!

Mike Tenay: This was her Debut! Rainbow Dash's first night, and Mordecai made her his first victim!

Don: I-I'm speechless!

Mauro: What did Mordecai see in Rainbow that made her the target!?


Backstage, in Team Weird N' Wild's locker room, whilst preparing for her match, Mabel Pines saw the wrath of Mordecai unfold on TV, and Star Butterfly watched with her.

Mabel: Jeepers...

Star: Well, let's be thankful he's not coming for US. We have more important matters to attend to than worrying about this guy.

Mabel: Yeah...

Star: Hey, buck up! Tonight, you have some butt to kick!

Star hands her the Selfie Stick, which makes Mabel laugh.

Mabel: Yeah, your right! Let's get Weird...

Star: And Wild!

The two high five each other, and they make their way to the entrance way.

In another part Backstage, Flash Sentry and Bart Simpson were berating The Metro Brothers. Turns out The Network weren't pleased when they heard about the challenge Chris and JC laid out.

JC: Look, Flash. You have nothing to worry about. We're the best Tag Team to come out of New York! Heather and whoever she chooses are gonna be gone in a-

Flash Sentry: -Flash? Shoulda seen that coming. *rubs his eyes* The least you two could have done is talk this out with US before you jumped the gun and put the structural integrity of the Mile High Crew at risk.

Chris Metro: Are you saying you don't have any faith in us?

JC Metro: Next Episode, consider them gone. And that's a promise.

Bart Simpson: It's not a lack of faith in you, it's knowing that those floozies always find a way to weasel out of everything.

Flash Sentry: If you two are so sure you can get rid of them, we wish you the best of luck. Make the MHC proud.

And with that, The Network leaves the scene.

(MATCH 4: Mabel Pines vs. Sammy Guevara)

Out comes Sammy Guevara, with Austin Theory accompanying him.

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: This contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by Austin Theory, from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 180 pounds, SAMMY GUEVARA!!!

Mauro: Last Episode, Team Weird N' Wild and the team of Theory and Guevara had a hell of a match up until Guevara used the ropes for extra leverage to steal the win.

Mike Tenay: Well tonight, Mabel Pines looks to get even.

Guevara enters the ring and Austin Theory watches at Ringside.


Out comes Team Weird N' Wild.

David Penzer: And his opponent, accompanied by Star Butterfly, representing Team Weird N' Wild, MABEL PINES!!!

Don: She may be small size wise, but don't count her out. From we have seen in Team Weird N' Wild's first two matches, Mabel has the potential to hang with the best!

Mauro: Same can be said for Star Butterfly, but tonight, it's all about Pines and Guevara. For Pines, it's a shot to tie things up. For Guevara, it's an opportunity to stick it to her.

The bell rings, and Mabel and Guevara just went at it. Mabel takes down Guevara with a deep Arm Drag, Guevara gets up, Mabel takes him down with another Arm Drag.

Guevara stands up in a corner, and then Mabel connects with a Running Missile Dropkick!

Mauro: Look at Mabel go!

Don: Mabel Pines is all full of energy here tonight!

Mabel then gets Guevara to the mat with a Snapmare, then she hits the ropes, and hits a Single Leg Basement Dropkick!

Mauro: Low Dropkick now...

Mabel goes for the cover, Guevara kicks out at 2.

Mauro: ... And Guevara gets the shoulder up.

Mabel keeps the offense going, with a couple Elbow Drops, then she connects with a Fist Drop before picking him up, goes for a Springboard Tornado DDT, but Guevara blocked it, and dumped Mabel over the top rope, and down to the floor below!

Mike Tenay: OH, MAN!

Mauro: And Guevara, just like that, turns the tables!

Guevara then goes to the outside, throws Mabel back into the ring, goes for the cover, Mabel kicks out at 2.

Guevara now gets Mabel in a Sleeper Hold.

Mauro: And Guevara capitalizes on the moment.

Don: Sleeper Hold applied...

The crowd begins to rally on Mabel, and Mabel begins to slowly rise to her feet.

Mabel then elbows her way out, then she connects with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Mike Tenay: And there's a shot by Mabel!

Mauro: Caught Guevara on the ear!

Mabel then clotheslines Guevara over and over looking to crawl back into the match.

She then follows up with a Calf Kick, goes for the cover, but Guevara kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh, Mabel almost had him!

Mabel then gets a running start, but Guevara countered with a Scoop Powerslam!

Mauro: And Guevara! What a slam!

Guevara then positions her, then he goes to the top rope.

Mauro: And now Guevara to the top!

Guevara goes for a Moonsault, Mabel rolls out of the way, Guevara lands on his feet, goes for a Standing Moonsault, Mabel AGAIN rolls out of the way, and AGAIN Guevara lands on his feet!

Guevara then goes for a Running Shooting Star Press, but Mabel got her knees up, and got Guevara in a Small Package pin!

Mauro: Oh look at Mabel!

Guevara tries to wiggle free, but Mabel gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Mabel got him!

Mabel gets out before Guevara and Austin Theory could get their hands on her.

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, MABEL PINES!!!

Mike Tenay: Talk about what goes around, comes around! Guevara stuck it to her last episode, this episode, Mabel stuck it to Guevara!

Mauro: What a win for Mabel! What a win for Team Weird N' Wild!

Sammy Guevara visibly frustrated, hammers the ring mat in a fit.

Don: And look at Guevara, clearly beside himself, he couldn't believe that just happened.

Mauro: Something tells me this is far from over.


In another part backstage, Joe Hendry and Ken Warren had a message for Travis Banks, and army of masked men.

Joe Hendry: Travis Banks, you just proved to me, and everyone else just how big of a sore loser you are, assaulting Ace Bunny after your clean loss.

Ken Warren: You know, whoever chooses to step up with you, it doesn't matter. Joe and I, are gonna unmask them and one by one, and eventually we will find out the reason why you did what you did. Not just me and Joe, but The Loonatics as well. Hashtag *Snaps fingers* that.

Joe Hendry: I hope you're ready, Travis. Because as the Local Hero of CEW, it is my duty to help my friends, and what better way to help, than to unmask one if your men. At Victory Road, your days, will be numbered.

Then Hendry puts his hand on the screen, and shuts off the camera, ending the message.


The camera switches back to ringside, where The Network's theme begins to play.

Mauro: Strong words from Joe Hendry and Ken Warren, but right now, L.A.X and The Network confront each other before their match at Victory Road for the Non-stop Tag Team Championships.

Then, out came Flash and Bart, but this time, Flash was dressed as Heather, and Bart was dressed as Chloe Bourgeois!

Mike Tenay: Oh look at this!

Mauro: If you recall Heather and Chloe mocked Flash and Bart, looks like The Network is returning the favor!

Flash and Bart enter the ring, and continue to mock Heather and Chloe.

Flash Sentry: Alright! Now all of you little peasants quiet down! I have to always be able to hear myself talk! So make like my boyfriend Alejandro and do as I say!

The crowd gives mixed reactions.

Flash Sentry: *Voice Cracks* I said shut it!

Bart Simpson: Now, as we all know those dashingly handsome guys in the Mile High Crew are gonna mop the floor with us. I mean, I have a better chance of getting with Cat Noir or having a decent singles title reign than beating those guys!

The crowd laughs at that remark.

Flash Sentry: *Breaking character* All jokes aside, if we can be real for a second? The Queen Bees may ride up on their high horse and say they're the best, but they have yet to face a faction so well oiled as US! So after we beat L.A.X. to become the first ever Non-Stop Tag Champs, feel free to take a swing our way!

Bart Simpson: And to L.A.X., hopefully you guys are not too caught up elsewhere to stay focused on the actual prize around here! Because if you look away for just a second, those titles are as good as ours!

But then...

Out comes Ortiz and Santana, along with Konnan.

Mauro: Looks like business is picking up!

Mike Tenay: The Network may be the fastest rising team in CEW, but wait till they see firsthand what Santana and Ortiz are capable of!

L.A.X then enters the ring, and Konnan grabs a mic.

Konnan: You know, you two talk a lot of game, but all I hear is a load of crap coming out of your mouths.

The Network just stood there, chuckling.

Konnan: But there was one fact that you said. We're a well oiled faction. Listen you two, you may be the biggest stars in CAW, but WE are the biggest stars in the world.

Flash Sentry: Well my friend, be ready for all THAT to change. Because once we beat you, then WE'RE going to be known all around the world.

Bart Simpson: Nobody will ever forget "The Network"! CEW's first Non-Stop Tag Team Champions, and the guys who beat L.A.X. to do it!

But jus as it got interesting...

A majority of the crowd popped as soon as that song began to play.

Mauro: Wow! No way!

Mike Tenay: Get a load of this! Check out who's here!

Out comes James IDOL Martinez!

Don: If you wanna talk about The Network, well here's the man who FOUNDED The Network!

Mauro: Martinez is of course, the one who brought Sentry into The Network a couple years back, and I that of course what made Flash Sentry the star he is today!

Martinez, mic in hand, enters the ring, and taps the mic to check if it's working.

James: Ahem? You're welcome, Flash. Look at you, a rising star here in CEW, one of the biggest names in CAW right now, well you never would have had all that, without me.

Flash Sentry: *Smirks* Well, maybe had you done more than just give me the stable's name rather than set yourself on fire maybe you'd be looked upon more fondly.

The crowd gasped and cheered at that comeback.

James: I thought it was a good idea at the time okay? But the fact of the matter is, If Konnan here is gonna be at ringside, well so am I. I can't afford to miss another success of yours.

Flash Sentry: Well if that's what you wanna do, than by all means my friend. You'll get a front row view of the continued success of stars who you had a hand in creating.

The crowd cheers, and Martinez smiles.

Konnan: Hate to break the little reunion, but you got it all wrong. *Looks at Martinez* Once my boys here, take care of yours, they're Tag Team gold dream will go up in smoke, like how you went up in flames.

Flash was barely containing his laughter at that.

Konnan: *Looks at Flash* Oh you thought that was funny? Let's see if you'll be laughing come Victory Road, when Ortiz and Santana hold the belts up high, and stand tall over you and your friend there.

Flash Sentry: That's an even funnier joke than I first took it for, Konnan! Hold onto that hope for me, because it's gonna feel so much better when we beat you and WE'RE the ones named champions!

Then Santana and Ortiz stepped up to Flash and Bart.

Mauro: Oh boy...

Mike Tenay: I think the time for talking is over.

Martinez backs up Flash and Bart, and Konnan does the same for L.A.X, then Martinez turns around, and clocks Konnan from behind!

Mauro: OH!

Don: And Martinez with a shot to Konnan!

That's when it all fell apart. L.A.X tries to pull Martinez off of Konnan, and The Network blasts Santana and Ortiz!

Mike Tenay: And here we go!

Mauro: Looks like we don't have to wait until Victory Road! We're doing this now!

Flash and Bart then clothesline Santana and Ortiz over the top rope,  and Konnan slid out to back them off.

Mauro: And Konnan, telling Santana and Ortiz to wait for Victory Road!

(Start at 0:10)

Don: What a Tag Team Match we have at Victory Road, who knows what these two will do to each other!

Mauro: This just shows how much the Non-stop Tag Team Championships mean to these teams!

Mike Tenay: This is gonna be intense, folks! L.A.X! The Network! All for the Inaugural Non-stop Tag Team Championships! Only one of these Tag Teams are gonna be the inaugural champions, we'll see who it is, come Victory Road!


That's the 2nd Go Home Show completed!

Victory Road is just getting better, huh?

Who do you think will walk out the champions? Well be on the lookout, because it's Victory Road time!

Stay tuned, and see you in Victory Road!

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