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From the ups and downs of Victory Road, what will this episode have in store?

Let's see what will happen...


No intro this time for Insanity, and the crowd cheers inside Barclays Center.

But then...

Out I came, and Vic Joseph speaks.

Vic: From an exciting Victory Road, welcome to CEW Insanity! I'm Vic Joseph alongside Nigel McGuinness, and Percy Watson has recently moved on to pursue other ambitions, so joining us in commentary, none other than Aiden English!

Aiden: Pleasure to be here, I heard CEW is where the action never ends, well let's see if what I heard is true.

Nigel: Oh with that man running CEW you will not be disappointed!

I enter the ring, mic in hand, and pacing around the ring as the crowd were cheering.

Me: Man it feels good to be back.

The crowd cheers some more.

Me: You know, I'd be lying if I said I solely made this fed the wrestling company, so I'm out here to give thanks to one person. Who helped me with making this in the first place. You know who you are, come on down, man.

There was a slight pause, then...

Out came Rick C, the owner of RCCW.

Aiden: Well look who's here!

Nigel: The owner of RCCW, Rick C! The Glow-rious One!

Vic: And let's not forget, Rick C also went through a grueling Ladder Match for the CEW Championship in Victory Road, so he's probably not 100%!

Rick enters the ring, and I hand Rick a mic.

Me: Hey, buddy. Obviously, you've got battlescars from that Ladder Match at Victory Road, but I'm happy you're here because I want to personally thank you for everything. For helping me get started, and helping me when I'm stuck in my duties running this show, you were there. So thank you.

Rick C: Don't mention it! Anything to give a hand to another creative mind!

Me: Speaking of creative, as a gesture of gratitude, not only are you part of CEW, you'll be part of my creative team!

The crowd cheers.

Aiden: Wow! That is big news!

Nigel: CEW is gonna have a BIG change with this announcement!

Vic: Oh there will be change alright!

I then continued on.

Me: You heard it right here, everyone, Rick C is gonna be by my side, running this show, and making it as big as I promised. With Rick helping me, and with the support of you, the CEW Fans, CEW is gonna take Wattpad by storm!


The lights went out as the song started to play.

36 seconds into the song, the word, YOUNGBLXXD popped up on the titantron in red font, and out came Frankie Thurteen, and "The Glitch" Morgan Vaughn.

Vic: Well look who showed up to the party.

Nigel: These two were part of The Revolutionaries but after Victory Road, Nick Club vanquished that army, and all that's left of that group is these two.

Aiden: Nick Club, yes still going strong, but it looks like Thurteen and Vaughn have unfinished business.

Frankie and Morgan enter the ring, and stared both Rick and myself down.

Frankie: Are you kidding me? You're gonna have him run CEW with you?

Me: Is there a problem?

Frankie: You damn f*cking right there is! That man despises guys like me, and you want him in creative!? Chard, you gave me a chance to show the world my worth, putting him in charge is gonna take it all away! We didn't come here, to be pushed aside, Chard! We came to start a Revolution!

Rick: You're thinking of PWR, and THAT is only because of the overexposing they got. And even so, not ALL of them are people I don't like. Rederick Mahaba AKA God. Ralph Imabayashi. Bombay and a little bit of Panzer. Hell, I'll even give credit to guys like Ken Warren & John Sebastian... But YOLO Twins... Jake De Leon... Deadly Sinns... Bolt...

Guy in Cake T-Shirt: ZAYDEN TRUDEAU!

Rick: Him too. Those guys caused me nothing but trouble. From stealing my titles, harassing my company and using me to get attention on themselves due to my status. Oh, and speaking of stealing my titles... *Points at Vaughn* Weren't YOU trying to take my Rated-R Championship? Hmm? And you Frankie? Buddy, I only remember you because I don't think Lodestar would carry you on her back through in that god awful second Mixed Match Challenge. No offense, Chard.

Me: None taken, bro. But Rick has a point, Frankie. See, there so many things wrong in what you said, but there is one thing that you're right about. You're right, on the fact I DID give you the opportunity to show the world who you two are. Before the two of you stepped foot in CEW, nobody except The Philippines, and the rest of Southeast Asia knew you! But the problem was, I overdid it and Rick here, helped me make up for my mistake, and when he did, I knew with him in CEW creative CEW was gonna go places I never knew will go.

Frankie: BUT I'M THE KING OF MANILA!!! I should be getting just as much attention as Grandview Gang, Rock Fashion Inc, Team RWBY, hell, even Rainbow Dash and The Mile High Crew!

Me: And then what, Frankie? Then what? CEW is gonna go nowhere because of all that! I tried to prevent that from happening on my own, and it happened. But then Rick steered me in the right direction and he will continue to do so from here on out! So if pushing you two aside, means CEW's success, then so be it, and F*CKING, LIVE WITH IT!!!

Aiden: Strong words from the CEW Founder!

Nigel: That oughta knock some sense into them!

Frankie and Morgan looked at each other, turned to leave, only to quickly turn back around, and blast me and Rick with forearm smashes!

Vic: OH!!! Looks like Youngblxxd didn't take that lightly!

Aiden: Chard gave these two a chance to be noticed by other parts of the world, and this is how they repay him!?

Frankie Thurteen then grabbed a chair, and swatted me across my back before ramming it into Rick's midsection!

Vic: And FRANKIE Thurteen with the chair! Remember Rick is still hurting from the Ladder Match!

Morgan Vaughn then pulled out handcuffs, and cuffed me in the nearest corner.

Aiden: Are you kidding me!? Now they're gonna cuff him up!?

Frankie Thurteen then sized up Rick, hits the ropes, and Curb Stomped him!

Vic: And a Curb Stomp to Rick!

Vaughn then picked him up...

Nigel: Youngblxxd are not done yet!

And then he hits the Ultima Coda, his signature Single Knee Facebreaker!

Vic: Ultima Coda by The Glitch!

Morgan Vaughn then slid out of the ring, and grabbed my feet to prevent me from kicking, and Frankie Thurteen slapped me in the face.

"Is this how it's gonna be!? Huh!?" He yelled.

Then he grabbed me by the collar with one hand, and slapped me some more with the other.

"I don't believe you! I thought you were a fan of me! I thought you saw potential in me! But you're just like everyone else!"

He then kicked me in the gut, and delivered a Knee Lift.

Vic: Frankie Thurteen, beating up the very person who gave him a place here in CEW, all because of a change.

Nigel: Change is a good thing in this case, but Youngblxxd refuse to see it!

Then to end the assault, they released me from the cuffs, but then Frankie Thurteen placed the chair right underneath my face, and Curb Stomped me onto the chair!

Vic: And a Curb Stomp to Chard!

Youngblxxd then exit the ring, and referees attended to Rick and myself.

They then looked back, with smiles on their faces.

Aiden: Look at Youngblxxd! They're admiring their dirty work. YEAH! Be all proud of that, Frankie!

Nigel: There's one thing to be mad about change, but to act out the way they did, is just unprofessional.

Vic: Well switching gears now, still to come later tonight, we will see Danny Phantom take on another participant in the ladder match, Will Ospreay in the main event!

Aiden: And later tonight, after Rook won the first Victory Road match to become #1 Contender for the CEW Championship, the Grandview Gang are gonna host their first "Grandview Celebration"!

Vic: But up next, this man impressed many fans in that Victory Road match, Kurt Bale, will be in action, next!


Danny Phantom was in the locker room, and the crowd cheered.

Then Lincoln walked in.

Lincoln: Well, well. Seems like the title came to the NC in some unexpected ways, hmm?

Danny: *Puts title over shoulder* I guess it did, Linc.

Lincoln: Well, congratulations. You've earned it. But don't forget, we still have a war going on.

Danny: I know we do. But I got two going on. One with the Revolutionaries... and one with Rook.

Lincoln: Psh, after what Jimmy, Spongebob, and Patrick did, we don't have to worry about Eddie Kingston and his little group for a LONG time. As far as Rook goes, the big guy is preoccupied with the Kingdom for now.

????: Are you sure about that?

They both turn to see Rook standing by, eyeing up Danny & the belt.

He offers only a smirk before giving the title on Danny's shoulder a pat

Rook: Keep it warm for me, Casper. I'm itching for #5.

Danny: *Chuckles* Sorry, bub. But this title isn't going ANYWHERE.

Rook: We'll see, junior. We'll see.

Rook winks at them before going off, leaving the two Nick Club members to watch him go.


In another part backstage, El Phantasmo, with the signature Skull Bandanna over his mouth was with his: "army of rogues" in Lynn Loud Jr., Applejack, and Chris Panzer in a dark secluded area.

El Phantasmo: *Takes off bandanna* What we did in Victory Road, was only the beginning of our reign of chaos. Team RWBY was in our way, and they'll continue to be if they are still here in Insanity. So Team RWBY, we're not done with you. Not by a long shot. We will not stop, until all four of you, are erased from existence.

Then the rest of the rogues removed their bandanas and stared daggers into the camera.

(OPENING MATCH: Kurt Bale's In-ring CEW Debut)

Out came a man in sky blue tights, with half inch hair, and he walked to the ring loosening up as he does so.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, JUSTIN TOXIC!!!

Vic: What a way to kick off Insanity, Rick C now part of CEW Creative, Youngblxxd assaulting Rick and Chard after, and now we get to see a young star in the making, looking to make a name for himself in Justin Toxic.

Aiden: I love how Chard is giving people who NOBODY knows, a chance to shine here in CEW, that's generosity for ya!

Nigel: I can agree with you there, let's see what Justin Toxic can do!

Justin Toxic enters the ring and awaits his opponent.

Vic: Well he's gotta give it all he's got. Because he is gonna be taking on this man!

Out comes Kurt Bale, and the crowd cheers.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from New Jersey, KURT BALE!!!

Vic: What a performance by Kurt Bale in the first ever Victory Road match, lasting up until the being one of the final two before being pinned by the eventual winner, Rook!

Aiden: That is definitely something Kurt Bale shouldn't be ashamed of. For his first crack at it, he did real good!

Nigel: Well for those who haven't seen Victory Road, they'll get to see what Kurt Bale can do here!

Kurt Bale enters the ring, and stretches out in a corner.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Toxic and Bale lock up in the center of the ring, Justin Toxic gets Bale in a Side Headlock, but Bale easily counters out of it, and gets him in a Hammerlock.

Justin Toxic tries to reach for the ropes, but Kurt Bale pulls him away.

Vic: Kurt Bale in control...

Once Kurt pulled him farther from the ropes, he transitioned into a Back Suplex!

Vic: And a beautiful Back Suplex by Kurt Bale!

Kurt Bale gets to work by unloading with mounted punches, and then sits him up, and kicks Toxic in the spine.

Aiden: Oooh! I felt that one!

Nigel: A good old classic kick to the back.

Bale then picks him up, kicks him in the midsection and hits his signature Sunset Flip Powerbomb, the Bale Bomb!

Vic: OH!

Nigel: That's the Bale Bomb!

With Bale in the cover, the ref counted, and Bale gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: Got him!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, KURT BALE!!!!

Vic: And in convincing fashion, Kurt Bale wins in his first match in Insanity!

Aiden: I sense a promising tenure here for Kurt Bale.

Nigel: And unfortunately for Justin Toxic, it's back to Square One.

Just as Bale was celebrating...

Vic: Uh Oh...

Aiden: This is probably not gonna end well will it?

The Kingdom came out, and they were not at all happy.

Nigel: The Kingdom are here, and they do not look to be in their best mood. And rightfully so after what happened in Victory Road!

Vic: In Victory Road, we all thought that The Kingdom finally got Lodestar on their side, only for Lodestar to turn around, and reveal it was all a ruse, costing Taven the Victory Road match!

Matt Taven had a mic in his hand, and The Kingdom were making their way to the ring.

Matt Taven: I hate to interrupt you, but I'm not to attack you, I'm just here to get something off my chest. So would you please leave.

Bale was confused, and didn't do as told.

Matt Taven: Look normally when I'm in a bad mood, I'd send my kingdom out to mail you. But I'm in such a bad mood, you're not worth beating up, so please leave before I change my mind!

Bale didn't want to argue, so he left the ring.

Once The Kingdom entered the ring, the stood in the center, to a rally of boos.

Matt Taven: Victory Road, was supposed to be the place where The Kingdom was one step closer, to Destiny. But after Lodestar Luminous broke my cane, played The Kingdom for fools, and then her stupid friend Cake threw me over, Victory Road, became a place of tragedy!

Crowd: WHAT!?

Matt Taven: Lodestar Luminous...

Crowd: WHAT!?

Matt Taven: You have made, a Fatal mistake.

Crowd: WHAT!?

Matt Taven: And that mistake, was playing us, for fools.

Crowd: WHAT!?

Matt Taven: If we, The Kingdom, can't fulfill our destiny, then Grandview Gang, you won't fulfill yours.

Crowd: WHAT!?

Matt Taven: SHUT UP!!!

Crowd: WHAT!?

Suddenly Lola Loud jumped up, and snagged the mic out of Taven's hand.

Lola: Stop saying that, otherwise I will SCREAM!!!

Crowd: WHAT!?


Crowd: WHAT!?

Taven then grabbed the mic back.

Matt Taven: Don't bother, Lola. These New Yorkers are just plain stupid, brainless, morons. Just like our enemies, The Grandview Gang.

The crowd cheers at the mention of Grandview Gang.

Matt Taven: So I heard that later tonight, you three are gonna have some party celebrating Rook's undeserved victory, and how Rook is vying for the CEW Championship. Well we're gonna be watching, and hopefully by then, you'll give us an answer. An answer to what? To a challenge. That's right. Cake, Lodestar, this isn't over, unless I say it's over. Lodestar, I want you, and you stupid friend Cake in a match, against me, and Lola Loud. By the way, we're not asking. *Drops mic*

Vic: Looks like The Kingdom aren't through with Grandview Gang just yet!

Nigel: Knowing The Kingdom, once provoked, they will retaliate!

Aiden: And it seems like this war will never end!


Sami Callihan and the rest of oVe outside in the parking lot.

Sami Callihan: We said we will beat Team RWBY, and what did we do? We beat Team RWBY. With them now out of the way, oVe will turn this place, upside down!

That's when they all gathered together.

Sami Callihan: That CEW Championship is gonna be mine, one way, or another. So Rook, Danny Phantom, If I were you I'd watch out, because are for Ohio...

All members: BY Ohio...

Sami Callihan: And we will take over... EVERYTHING!


An interviewer caught up to Rick and I who just got out of the first aid room.

Interviewer (Barely audible): So Chard, Rick, after what Youngblxxd did to you to earlier tonight, what disciplinary actions are you going to take?

Me: I will say this, Youngblxxd is gonna be disciplined for sure. But what we're gonna do, can't say here. But they WILL be punished. *Turns to Rick* Anything you wanna say, man?

Rick: Those two made a HUGE mistake... BIG MISTAKE! They wanna mess with the boys in charge... they're gonna MASSIVELY regret it! If they thought their careers were in trouble before... they have NO idea!

Me: Exactly. What he said.

(MATCH 2: Rock Fashion Inc's Insanity Debut)

10 seconds into the song, two men with shoulder length hair came out, in matching black and yellow shorts, and black boots.

One of them had elbow pads and his hands were taped with black tape, and the other just had elbow pads.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team contest is set for one fall, introducing first, from Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, at a combined weight of 367 Pounds, the team of Adam Virtue, and COLLIN CUTLER!!!

Vic: We are back with more talent initiative matches here in CEW, and here are more upstarts!

Aiden: These two boys have honed their craft in their hometown of Kelowna, and look to apply what they have learned here in CEW!

Cutler and Virtue entered the ring, and the two posed on the turnbuckles.


Out came Luna and Leni Loud, better known as Rock Fashion Inc.

Luna and Leni then did their signature poses in slow motion, and then
Leni sprayed her hair.

Once that was done, they made their way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, from Royal Woods, Michigan, the team of Luna and Leni Loud, ROCK FASHION INC!!!

Aiden: From what you guys have been telling me, these two Loud Sisters are a sight to see!

Nigel: Trust me, Aiden, these two won't fail to disappoint!

Luna and Leni slid into the ring, and they prepared for battle in a corner.

Luna and Cutler start it off, then the bell rings.

Luna and Cutler lock up in the middle of the ring, Cutler shoves Luna into a corner, then the ref begins his count.

By the count of 4, Cutler lets go.

He then goes for a swing, Luna ducks, and then delivers a Knife Edge Chop!

Vic: Swing and a miss for Collin Cutler, Luna takes advantage with that chop!

Luna then gets to her corner, tags in Leni, and they whip Cutler to the ropes, and then plant him on the mat with a Double Hip Toss.

Cutler sits up, Leni then hits the ropes, and Leni connects with a Basement Dropkick!

Leni goes for the cover, Cutler kicks out.

Vic: Cover by Leni, not enough for three, though.

Leni then picks Cutler up, hits the ropes again, but then Cutler stopped her dead in her tracks with a Calf Kick!

Vic: OH!

Aiden: What a kick by Collin Cutler!

Collin Cutler then delivered a Standing Elbow Drop before dragging her to his corner to tag in Adam Virtue.

Nigel: There's the tag, here's Adam Virtue!

Virtue then stomped away on Leni before picking her up, and slammed her down with a Snap Suplex.

Virtue then floated over, sat Leni up, and smacked her in the mouth with a Pump Kick!

Nigel: OH!

Vic: Adam Virtue just got Leni in the mush!

Adam Virtue then hooks the leg, Leni kicks out at 2.

Leni starts checking for blood, but Adam Virtue was still on the attack. Virtue kept clubbing away on her, then he applied a Single-Arm Camel Clutch.

Nigel: These Kelowna boys are really showing their worth here!

Aiden: They really are! Adam Virtue and Collin Cutler are giving Rock Fashion Inc a run for their money!

Leni, using her free arm, crawled to the nearest bottom rope, and Leni gets to it.

Vic: Leni Loud, with one free arm, makes it to the bottom rope, now Adam Virtue has to force a break!

Aiden: Leni may be dim, but the lightbulb in her head isn't completely out. That was pretty good awareness in where she is!

Adam Virtue releases the hold, but he dragged Leni to the center after.

He then flipped her onto her back, looking for a Jacknife Pin, but Leni kicks him off, gets up, ducks an incoming Clothesline, then she springs off the second rope, and flattens Virtue with a Moonsault!

Vic: Look at Leni!

Nigel: WOW!!!

Leni pinned Virtue on the landing with a Lateral Press, but Virtue kicks out at 2 and a half!

Aiden: Ooooh! Leni was super close!

Leni then picked him up, sets him up for a Dragon Screw, but then Virtue connects on her midsection with a Mule Kick, but he had inadvertently kicked her into her own corner, and Luna tagged herself in!

Vic: Mule Kick by Adam Virtue, but Leni flew into her own corner, and Luna made the tag!

Luna comes in all fired up. Clothesline after clothesline, knocking Adam Virtue down.

Then she ducks a clothesline, and then rolls him up in a Schoolgirl Pin, before rolling through into a Listo Kick!

Vic: Luna is on fire!

Nigel: Well what do you expect from a rocker girl like her?

Luna then rolls him over, goes for the cover. but Collin Cutler breaks the count at 2!

Vic: Oh man! Luna might've had Virtue there, but Cutler, just in the nick of time!

Leni then sprung off the top rope, and took Cutler out with a Front Dropkick!

Vic: And now Leni taking to the skies!

Collin Cutler then rolled to the outside, but then Leni flattened him with a Slingshot Corkscrew Plancha!

Vic: And Leni wipes out Collin Cutler!

Aiden: Luna and Leni are coming back!

Leni then hops back onto the apron, Luna tags her in, Leni gets Adam Virtue in position for a Gory Bomb, then Luna and Leni hit their signature Gory Bomb/Jumping Reverse STO Combo, the "Rock Fashion Disaster"!

Vic: And Rock Fashion Inc! Planting Adam Virtue with the Rock Fashion Disaster!

Leni then rolls him over, goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Rock Fashion Inc, impressive here tonight!

Justin Roberts: The winners of this match, ROCK FASHION INC!!!

Vic: Both teams showed what they were capable of, but Rock Fashion Inc came out victorious!

Aiden: Boy Rock Fashion Inc indeed showed why they believe that they belong in CEW, but man! Virtue and Cutler just proved to everyone that they have a lot of potential to make it big here!

The two teams then stood across from each other in the ring.

After a few seconds, Luna and Leni held out their hands, and Virtue and Cutler shook their hands.

Nigel: And there's some good sportsmanship from both the winner, and the loser. Boy I love seeing that.

Vic: Well still to come, Danny Phantom and Will Ospreay in a Non-title match in our main event, but coming up next, Grandview Gang are gonna have their "Grandview Celebration"!

Aiden: This is gonna be a banging party!


Youngblxxd were standing by with Charly Caruso.

Charly: Charly Caruso here standing by with Youngblxxd. Youngblxxd, I'm sure you have heard-

Frankie Thurteen then snags the mic from out of her hand.

Frankie: Yeah I did. Now get out of here!

Charly gets pushed away by Morgan Vaughn.

Frankie: First off, WE'RE gonna massively regret putting our hands on the guys in charge? We- really!?

Frankie then gets up close to the camera.

Frankie: Okay, Chard, boss, Rick, listen to me closely. There is nothing you can do to stop us. Fine us, we don't care. Supend us, or even fire us, we will go through your security to tear this company down, and there is nothing you can do about it! My name is Frankie Thurteen, I am the King Of Manila, *Points to Morgan* this is The Glitch, Morgan Vaughn, we are Youngblxxd, and nothing, and noone, will stop our Revolution!

He then drops the mic, and shoves the camera down before he and Vaughn walked away.


Back at ringside, The Grandview Gang, Cake, Rook, and Lodestar Luminous were all smiles, and the crowd was cheering for them.

Vic: Looks like Youngblxxd's crusade has begun, but off that topic now, Grandview Gang are here, and they are all smiles!

Aiden: I can only imagine what joy this beloved trio is feeling, now that they're in full force!

Nigel: Well can you blame them? They outsmarted The Kingdom, and Rook is vying for the CEW Championship!

The Grandview Gang enter the ring, which was decorated in purple, with a table of soft drinks, and a box in the middle, and then they grabbed mics.

Rook: Ladies and gentlemen, today is a GREAT DAY to be from Grandview!

Cake: Why is that, Big Ed? Is it because of the release of... "It"?

Lodestar: Even better, could it be the fact of us playing those Royal Retards for fools with literally THE sloppiest heel turn since... Well, the Sini-Star?

Crowd: OOOH!

Rook: I was more so referring to the fact of my epic and well deserved win at Victory Road. BUT, those factors play into why this day is even better!

Lodestar: And speaking of "It"... Rook, do you wanna tell the people just what we mean?

Cake: Yeah! Tell'm Big Ed!

Rook: I don't see why not. *Clears throat* Ladies and gentlemen to celebrate the Victory Road event as a whole, the Grandview Gang would like to introduce our first piece of merchandise that is not shirts, hats, figures, armbands & posters. I introduce to you, a project I have been hard at work on for weeks on end...

Rook then pulls the box off the table and opens it, showing the fans a hardback book entitled with fancy lettering "The Book of Rook"

Rook: BEHOLD! "The Book of Rook"! The COMPLETELY true and not at all exaggerated story of my Wrestling Career... as well as some other stupid sh*t chucked in there too. And YOU can buy your very own copy wherever C.L.O.N Merch is sold!

Lodestar & Cake: OOOO! AAAAH!

Rook: And not only is it all that... it also acts as my own personal gimmick tool. Because Matt Taven... Lola Loud... Undisputed Era. Do you know what happens when you mess with the Grandview Gang? Do you know what happens when you think you can tear us apart?

Rook pulls a pen out of his pocket and Cake & Lodestar wrap a scarf around his neck. Rook dramatically clicks the pen.

Rook: You know what happens? Hmm? Well it's very simple. The Kingdom... YOU JUST GOT BOOKED!

The crowd cheers & Lodestar & Cake go nuts and begin to write the names of the Kingdom down in the "Book of Rook"

Rook: And not to mention, you wanna challenge Cake & Lodestar to another go? Hmm? Is that what you wanna do, Taven? Well "Awkward 3rd Wheel of the OG Kingdom", we take you about as seriously as everyone takes your ROH Championship victory... NOT AT ALL!

Crowd: OOOOH!

Rook: You wanna face off against my crew in a match? YOU GOT IT! You're in for yet another rude awakening when the Grandview Gang utterly embarrasses you AGAIN, AND we go on to once again rule the show while you'll be jobbing to The Loonatics & Anime Bitches on a weekly basis. So enjoy the last bit of fame you get off OUR backs, because once we put the Kingdom down, it's gonna make King Henry's execution look like child's play!

The crowd cheers.

Lodestar, Cake & Rook then each grabbed a drink off the table and raised them high.

Lodestar: To the Grandview Gang!

Cake: To the future CEW Champion Rook!

Rook: And let's not forget, to the Kingdom's collapse!

They tap their drinks together and downed them.

But just as they were gonna start celebrating some more...

(Start at 0:36)

Vic: Oh great.

Aiden: Them again!?

Youngblxxd came out, clearly furious.

Frankie: Stop, stop, stop! This is EXACTLY what is wrong with CEW!

The crowd began to boo.

Frankie: Are you people seriously gonna buy into the fact, that these two will be part of the "good change" in here!?

The crowd cheers.

Frankie: That's what I thought! You people are just as stupid as our founder, and his C.L.O.N friend, who is just there, to bring this company down to failure.

The crowd boos some more.

But then Rook stood up.

Rook: I'm sorry... who are you again?

Lodestar: Oh sh*t! I remember you! *Points at Frankie* Yeah, you were my partner in the Godforsaken Mixed Match Challenge where we didn't even get past Round ONE! Bro, your trash.

Cake: I've already had issues with jackwads like you two trying to mess stuff up and steal my moment! But THIS is worse because you're stealing OUR moment of celebration!

Rook: Look, whoever you two are, I have some advice for you. Rather than come out here, complain about "Injustice", and accuse the higher ups of being biased against you, try doing everything that DOESN'T prove them RIGHT, and make them believers in you! Because right now, you two are one wrong footstep away from being out of the job, and back to the Philippines.

Frankie: Is that so? Well let me tell you something, you oversized chess piece...

Youngblxxd then enter the ring.

Frankie: ... All this fame you're getting, and that opportunity you won, should belong to someone like me. Because I made a name for myself back in Manila, when I tore through its roster, and when Morgan aligned himself with me, we were unstoppable! So what makes you any different?

Rook: That's easy. Because I've made a name for myself worldwide, and not just in one place. My talent was actually NOTICED outside of Pittsburgh by people in Georgia, Indiana, and even in my gorgeous wife's home of Japan. I didn't just get handed my fame and opportunities, I overcame adversity and EARNED them to be the FACE of CWA and be an influential figure wherever I go! Not to mention I showed the ones in charge NOTHING but respect even on the face of release and bullsh*t calls! THAT's what not only makes me different, it's what makes me & the rest of Grandview Gang BETTER than you two punk ass bitches will EVER be!

Crowd: OOOOOH!

Frankie Thurteen just slightly nods, and kept a straight face. Yet deep inside, he knew he was right.

Frankie: Touche, Rook. I must say-

Then he went for a cheap shot, but Rook quickly blocked it!

Vic: Oh Frankie Thurteen was gonna try the same trick again, and Rook wasn't falling for it!

Aiden: He saw that coming a mile away...

Morgan Vaughn then tried to take a shot, but Rook grabbed him by the throat, and pushed him back.

Vic: Morgan Vaughn now goes for a shot, doesn't pay off!

However that gave Frankie the chance to kick him on the knee, and then clubbed away.

Nigel: No, come on!

Vic: The ever opportunistic Frankie Thurteen, taking advantage of the distraction!

His assault didn't last long. Cake and Lodestar ganged up on him, saving Rook.

Vic: And here comes Cake and Lodestar to the rescue!

Suddenly Morgan Vaughn, steel chair in hand, swatted Cake across the back... to no effect!

Vic: And Morgan Vaughn- oooh, chair shot to Cake, but Cake was unfazed!

Nigel: This was a stupid idea for Youngblxxd to come out here!

Aiden: Yeah! Clearly they were outnumbered, what did they think was gonna happen!?

Cake then looked at Morgan, Morgan went for another shot, but Lodestar came up from behind, and cracked his spine with her signature Lumbar Check, the Devil's Futon!

Vic: Lodestar from behind!

Cake then cleared the top of the table, then Cake and Lodestar piled Frankie and Morgan on top of it.

Rook then got to the top turnbuckle.

Vic: And now Rook going up top!

Nigel: What does he have in mind!?

Aiden: Whatever it is, it's gonna hurt Youngblxxd big time!

Rook leaps off the top, and flattens Youngblxxd with a 450 Splash through the table!

Vic: Rook with a 450 through the table!!!

(Start at 0:06)

The Grandview Gang then continued on with their celebration.

Vic: And just like that, Grandview Gang obliterates Youngblxxd!

Nigel: If Youngblxxd can't stop this celebration, then NOTHING can stop them from anything!

Aiden: Danny Phantom has a freak specimen of a challenger!

Vic: Speaking of Danny Phantom, our main event, Danny Phantom, the CEW Champion, in a non title match against Will Ospreay, next!

A promo for the next event plays.

Coming soon to C.E.W...

The battle lines have been drawn...

And in the heat of war...

There are only 3 words to win...

Those 3 words are...

Once the music ended...

12 seconds into the song, it cuts to the chorus.

🎶It's been a long time comin', and the tables turned around! 'Cause one of us is goin'... one of us is goin' down! I'm not runnin', it's a little different now! 'Cause one of us is goin'... ONE OF US IS GOIN' DOWN!!!🎶

Then the logo for the next event then appears.


(MAIN EVENT: Danny Phantom vs. Will Ospreay (NON-TITLE MATCH))

The crowd cheers as out came Will Ospreay.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This contest is set for one fall, introducing first, from Essex, England, weighing in at 190 pounds, WILL OSPREAY!!!

Vic: Here's another man who participated in the Ladder Match!

Nigel: A fellow Englishman, and even though he didn't come out the winner, he has sure proven he has what it takes to be a champion here.

Aiden: If that's true, let's see of he can hang with the champ!

Ospreay then climbs onto the apron, and poses on the turnbuckle before entering the ring.

Once he entered the ring...

Out came the CEW Champion, Danny Phantom.

He holds the belt up high, then he makes his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Amity Park, he is the CEW Champion, DANNY PHANTOM!!!

Nigel: And there's the eventual winner, the champ himself!

Aiden: Danny Phantom may have beaten 3 other people at the same time, Will Ospreay being one of them, but let's see how he will fair with Ospreay one on one.

Nigel: As long as he focuses on Ospreay, he should be fine. I know as champion, there is a target on your back in a constant basis. I've been there.

Danny Phantom slides into the ring climbs onto the top turnbuckle, and holds the belt up high once again.

He then climbs down, and the ring crew takes the belt from Phantom, and takes it to the Timekeepers Area.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Danny and Ospreay locked up in the middle of the ring, Danny Phantom pushes Ospreay to the ropes before throwing him with an Irish Whip.

Ospreay hits the ropes, ducks a Clothesline from Danny, springs off the second rope, looking for the OsCutter, but Danny moved out of the way, causing Ospreay to land on the mat.

Vic: Fast paced action right from the bell, Ospreay looking for the OsCutter early, but Danny Phantom avoided it.

Danny Phantom goes for a quick cover, but gets a 2 count.

Danny Phantom then gets up, went for a Double Foot Stomp, but Ospreay rolls out of the way, and back onto his feet.

Ospreay then charges, ducks another one of Phantom's Clotheslines, hits the ropes, Phantom drops down, and Ospreay flips over him, landing on his feet.

Phantom gets up, goes for an attack, but Ospreay caught him with a Hip Toss, however Danny Phantom was able to stop the momentum, and switch it around into an Arm Drag, taking the Aerial Assassin down!

Vic: And Danny Phantom turns the momentum around and into his favor!

Ospreay rolls out of the ring, and Phantom begins to measure him up.

Danny Phantom then hits the ropes, and does a Suicide Dive through the ropes, knocking down Ospreay like how a bowling ball knocks down a bowling pin!

Nigel: And now Phantom flies!

Vic: Danny Phantom wiping out Will Ospreay!

Aiden: Danny now has to keep this up if he wants to leave with the win tonight!

Danny Phantom throws Ospreay back into the ring, hooks the leg, and again Ospreay kicks out at 2.

Danny then flips him over, goes for a Wheelbarrow Suplex but Ospreay catches him by surprise with a Victory Roll pin, but Danny kicks out at 2!

Vic: Oh! Will Ospreay almost stole it!

Both men get up, and Ospreay connects with an Elbow Smash.

Danny Phantom staggers for a bit, but he answers back with a Downward Chop!

Will Ospreay clutches is chest for a moment, then he responds with a chop that was harder than Danny's, then Danny retaliated by delivering an even harder chop!

Ospreay was down to one knee now, and Danny Phantom went for a Superkick, and successfully connects it!

Vic: Superkick!

Aiden: He may have knocked his lights out!

Danny wasn't done. He picked Ospresy up, and sets him up for his patented Emerald Flowsion which he calls, the Phantom Flowsion.

Nigel: He's not through yet!

Vic: Danny Phantom! Looking for the Phantom Flowsion!

Danny Phantom has him up, but Ospreay began elbowing his way out, and gets Danny into position for a Reverse Bloody Sunday!

Vic: Oh wait! Ospreay countered! Ospreay countered!

Ospreay then went for the Reverse Bloody Sunday, and Ospreay slams Phantom down!

Vic: Ospreay planting the champion!

Ospreay goes for the cover, but Danny kicks out at 2!

Vic: Danny Phantom, out at the last moment!

Aiden: Danny Phantom should have pinned him off the Superkick. Going for another move, he went for too much.

Danny Phantom slowly rises to his feet, but by the time he did, Ospreay had already went to the apron, and was measuring him up.

Once Phantom turned around, Ospreay sprung off the top rope, and delivered a Flying Forearm Smash!

He quickly gets back up, and follows up with a Running Shooting Star Press!

Nigel: Look at Ospreay go!

Aiden: Danny might be in trouble here...

Will Ospreay hooks the leg, but again Danny kicks out at 2!

Vic: Still not enough to keep Phantom down!

Ospreay wasn't gonna let frustration take over. He picked up Phantom, and sets him up for the Storm Breaker.

Vic: Oh my! Ospreay, looking for the Storm Breaker!

Danny Phantom quickly starts to wiggle out of it, and he does.

Vic: And Danny Phantom escapes just in the nick of time!

But the second he turned around, Ospreay clocked him with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Vic: OH!!!

Nigel: But he didn't escape THAT!

Danny staggers backwards, and flops down and out into the outside.

Will Ospreay then measured him up.

Vic: Oh boy! Ospreay sizing Phantom up!

Once Danny Phantom got back up on his feet, Ospreay hits the ropes, and flattens Phantom with a Corkscrew Sasuke Special!

Nigel: WOW!!!

Vic: Ospreay doing what he does best!

Aiden: What a Main Event this has turned out to be!

Ospreay throws Phantom back in, goes for the cover, but Danny gets his foot on the bottom rope!

Vic: And Danny Phantom! Great ring awareness from the CEW Champion!

Will Ospreay now sees what happened, drags Phantom farther away from the ropes, and goes for the cover again.

Danny Phantom still kicks out.

Will Ospreay sits up, and looks at the corner behind him.

He then gets up, and climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Vic: What does Ospreay have in mind?

Aiden: Whatever it is, if he hits it, Phantom will be in trouble!

Oncr Danny Phantom got to his feet, he then turns around, possibly looking for a Moonsault, then Danny ran up the corner to meet him, and got him for the Fenton Thermos, his signature Olympic Slam!

But when he went for it, Ospreay backflips out of it, lands on his feet, grabs him from underneath him, and wedged his head on the turnbuckle!

Once he did, Ospreay Superkicks him in the face, and throws Phantom to the mat!

Nigel: Oh!!! Cheeky Nandos!

From there, Ospreay connects with his signature Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Vic: Holy cow!

Aiden: How many spins did Ospreay just do!?

Nigel: Man I love it when he does that!

Ospreay was now beginning to feel it. He goes for the OsCutter one more time, but his he got caught, and Phantom slammed him down with the Fenton Thermos!

Vic: OH!!!

Nigel: Ospreay got caught!!!

Aiden: Where did that come from!?

Danny then picked him up, and connects with the Phantom Flowsion!

Vic: Phantom Flowsion connects!

Danny hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And the Champion prevails!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:20)

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, DANNY PHANTOM!!!

Vic: Wasn't that encounter incredible?

Nigel: Will Ospreay had him at times during the match, but then out of nowhere, a Fenton Thermos to stun the British high flyer, before capping it off with the Phantom Flowsion!

Aiden: Rook may be a dominant force, but it looks like Danny Phantom just showed that he will give the Challenger a difficult task!

Danny Phantom gets his hand raised by the referee, while backstage, Rook looked on via the TV Screen, and was impressed by what he saw.

Vic: And there's Rook, and it looks like he now knows what he's gonna have to face, to get the CEW Championship!

Nigel: Once they cross paths, and the title is on the line, man what a match that will be!

Aiden: No, Nigel, I think this is gonna be a FIGHT!

And that does it for the Insanity after Victory Road!

Man that was a wild one wasn't it? With Youngblxxd rebelling against the change, and The Kingdom challenging the Grandview Gang, in what could be the final chapter in the rivalry.

What stuff will come about next Episode? Stay tuned for it.

Until then, see you in Non-stop!

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