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We have seen the post Victory Road show for Insanity...

Here's Non-stop's Post Victory Road show!


The opening pyro goes off in the Barclays Center.

Then the camera pans around as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: After what has went down in Victory Road, Non-stop is surely gonna be a roller coaster of emotions! Hello everyone, I'm Mauro Ranallo, alongside Mike Tenay, and Don West!

Mike Tenay: In case you missed out, let's catch you up to speed. In Victory Road, it was revealed that Joe Hendry was the ringleader of of Ace Bunny's attack, and thus forming an army to fight against The Loonatics, and The Metro Brothers of the Mile High Crew may have bit off more than they can chew, because they will be facing Heather and one of the members of the Queen Bees, in a Loser Leaves match!

Don: Well for sure, one of them is gonna leave Non-stop, and-

Don: What the?

Once the song hit, out came Joe Hendry, with Ken Warren and Travis Banks behind him.

Mike Tenay: Oh. It's these guys.

Mauro: It was the first big mystery in CEW history when Ace Bunny was found beaten nearly to death in the parking lot, and when Travis Banks was revealed to be one of the attackers, we thought Banks was the leader of it all!

Mike Tenay: Then at Victory Road, just as Hendry was about to reveal the rest of the masked men, Ken Warren soon revealed himself to be one of the attackers! Then moments later, the big reveal came, and the whole world was shocked when Hendry was revealed to be the ringleader of the attack.

Soon the trio of Hendry, Banks, and Warren entered the ring.

Don: Look into those eyes of Hendry! He isn't sorry for what he did! He nearly ended Ace's career before it even began! He is utterly remorseless!

The crowd boos loudly as the three men grabbed mics.

Travis Banks was the first to speak.

Travis: You know, for the longest time, I never gave a reason why we did what we did 6 Episodes ago, so I think it's about time that I, no WE give our reason.

Ken Warren steps forward.

Ken: When news broke out that The Loonatics were coming to Non-stop, everyone was going crazy for them, even the same guy who founded this place was crazy for it! All we did, was stop The Loonatics, before they became CEW's incurable cancer.

And finally, Joe Hendry stepped forward.

Joe: Ace Bunny, did you really think I was gonna let you, and your group of freaks take all the glory while guys like us, are being overlooked? No! Was I just gonna stand in the sidelines, and let you and your girlfriend get opportunities that I should be getting? No! So what I did, was get these guys here, and take you out before you even get started!

The crowd boos louder than before.

Travis: But the worst is yet to come.

Ken: Once we take you out Ace, every single member of The Loonatics will go down one, by one, until all 6 of them are done.

Joe: Chard, you will thank us later for this. As for you Ace, I know you are listening to this somewhere, so listen to me, and listen closely. Because I am only gonna say this once. Leave while you still can, and never return.

Just then...

The crowd cheered once the song played.

Mauro: Oh boy!

Mike Tenay: Looks like Ace has heard enough!

The three men were waiting for him, but then Ace Bunny, armed with a Steel Chair, came from behind, swatted Ken in the back, then rammed Hendry in the gut, and finally whacking Travis Banks in the head!

Mike Tenay: THERE'S ACE BUNNY!!!

Mauro: I can only imagine what kind of emotion is flowing through his veins!

Ace Bunny then went for a Curb Stomp on Hendry, but Banks and Warren came in, and pulled him out of the way.

Mauro: And Banks and Warren, just in the nick of time!

Ace and Hendry have a verbal war with Banks and Warren restraining Joe Hendry.


I come out.

Mike: Oh boy. Here comes the boss!

Mauro: Chard now out here, regaining order in his show!

"Alright alright, stop right now!" I shouted.

They then stopped, and they all looked at me.

Me: Now Ace, I understand how you're feeling about what you found out at Victory Road, but I'm not gonna let you cause chaos just to get even. So you now what, Ace since you want Hendry, you will get him tonight. One, on one.

Ace nods in approval, and points to Hendry, who is now beside himself.

Mauro: Wow! There's gonna be a price to pay for Joe Hendry tonight!

Mike Tenay: Ace Bunny is gonna enjoy this a lot I bet!

Don: The main event is set in stone! Ace is gonna get his hands on the man who assaulted him in the parking lot all those episodes ago!

Mauro: Hold on! I'm getting word that something is happening backstage! Somebody get a camera rolling, stat!

The camera switches to the backstage area where Rainbow Dash and Mordecai were beating the hell out of each other!

Mike Tenay: Oh no! Rainbow Dash and the Pale Rider are at it again!

Don: Seems like there is bad, bad blood between these two!

Mordecai then tossed Rainbow onto a wall, and then stomped away on her before referees came in, and pulled Moredecai off of her.

Mauro: Now officials are looking to separate them before it gets out of hand!

Rainbow Dash then got back to her feet, and she spotted a nearby ladder.

Rainbow begins to climb it, and referees were telling her to get down.

Rainbow of course, refused to listen to them, and she was now at the top of the ladder.

Rainbow Dash now measures up Mordecai, and she leapt off the top of the ladder, and wipes out Mordecai, along with the referees who were restraining him with a Crossbody!

She then gets up, and throws up the V1 gesture before the referees surrounded her, and held her back.

(OPENING MATCH: Sunset Shimmer vs. Bolt)

15 seconds into the song, out came Bolt.

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from the Land Of Fire, he is the Anime-zing Fighter, BOLT!!!

Mauro: The Anime-zing Fighter, despite not having the best luck in CEW, he looks forward to turn things around.

Mike Tenay: Bolt may not be the biggest Star here, but his heart, and fighting spirit is bigger than anyone else's!

Bolt slides into the ring, and stretches out in a corner as he awaits his opponent.

Out came Sunset Shimmer.

David Penzer: Introducing his opponent, SUNSET SHIMMER!!!

Mauro: In the Episode before Victory Road, Sunset Shimmer answered Imabayashi's request for competition, and boy that will be something!

Mike Tenay: Oh that will be something, alright!

Sunset Shimmer enters the ring, and takes her jacket off.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

But before Bolt and Sunset locked up...

Mauro: Oh!

Mike Tenay: Speaking of Ralph Imabayashi...

Out comes Ralph Imabayashi.

Then he makes his way to the commentary booth.

Don: And it seems to me he's gonna join us here on commentary!

Ralph then puts on a headset, and sits between Mike Tenay and Mauro.

Mauro: Indeed he is! Pleasure to have you here, Mr. Imabayashi.

Ralph: Thanks, Mauro.

Mauro: Anyway what brings you out here?

Ralph: Well you see, I've heard a lot about Sunset Shimmer, and after she answered my request last Episode, I'd thought maybe I'd like to see what she's all about.

In the ring, Bolt had just countered Sunset's Hammerlock, and got her into a Lying Headlock.

Shimmer quickly gets back up, and shoves Bolt to the ropes.

Bolt rebounds, Shimmer drops down, and Bolt dive rolls over her.

Both Bolt and Shimmer get up, Shimmer passes Bolt, hits the ropes, Bolt drops down, and Shimmer hops over him.

Bolt then shoots up to his feet, goes for a Dropkick, but Shimmer hung onto the ropes, and Bolt hits nothing but the air!

Mauro: Oh! Bolt was looking to stop Shimmer in her tracks, but Shimmer outsmarted him!

Ralph: So what? She doesn't have the skills such as myself. I'm a Pure Wrestler, Sunset isn't. I respect this sport, and I can guarantee you Shimmer doesn't.

Bolt sat up, and Shimmer delivered a running Knee Strike!

Mike Tenay: OH!

Mauro: What a knee by Sunset Shimmer!

Sunset goes for the cover, but Bolt kicks out at 2.

Ralph: A kick out. Well no surprise. That strike looked pretty weak.

Mike Tenay: What makes you say that?

Ralph: She clearly didn't put all her weight into that strike, making it nothing but a light poke.

Sunset picked up Bolt, hits the ropes, and knocks Bolt back down with a flying Back Elbow.

Don: Well if you ask me, Sunset Shimmer is really doing a lot of damage! I mean look at the well executed Back Elbow...

She gets back onto her feet, and follows up with Double Knees to the midsection!

Don: And OH MAN!

Mauro: Double knees to the ribs of Bolt!

Mike Tenay: It's been all Sunset Shimmer so far in this match!

Ralph: This is only because she's fighting Bolt.

Shimmer then picked Bolt up again, but Bolt caught her by surprise with a Small Package Pin!

Sunset frantically tries to break free, and she does by the count of 2!

Mike Tenay: Oh! Bolt caught her by surprise, and it almost paid off!

They both get up, and Bolt catches Sunset with a Wheel Kick!

Mauro: Picture perfect Wheel Kick, and Bolt, showing signs of life!

Ralph: So far, Sunset hasn't impressed me.

Bolt began firing away. Kick after kick, a few on the legs, then a Spin Kick to the midsection before hitting the ropes, and connecting with a Flying Forearm Smash!

He then got in position for his signature Standing Moonsault, which he called, the "Tsukuyomi", and connects with it as well!

Mauro: Beautiful Moonsault from the Anime-zing Fighter!

Bolt then hooks the leg, and Shimmer kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Still not enough to keep Shimmer down!

Bolt sat up, pleading to the referee saying it was 3, and Shimmer caught him in a Crucifix Pin, and Bolt rolls out of the pin at 2.

Shimmer gets up to one knee, but before she could get back up, Bolt nailed her with a Corkscrew Enzuigiri to side of her head!

Mauro: WOW!

Mike Tenay: Right on the button! Sunset Shimmer might be out!

Bolt then picked her up, and connects with his signature Corkscrew Neckbreaker, the Otaku Driver!

Mauro: Otaku Driver connects!

Don: Bolt got all of it!

Bolt hooks both legs, but Shimmer kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Sunset Shimmer survives!

Mike Tenay: What a way to Kick Non-Stop off! Sunset Shimmer! Bolt! Going to war!

Bolt and Shimmer then get back up.

Suddenly, Ralph Imabayashi took his headset off, and made his way to ringside.

Mauro: Whoa! Looks like Imabayashi wants a closer look at the action!

Bolt uses the ropes to keep himself from falling, but despite using the ropes for support, he falls back down.

The moment the referee came to Bolt's aid, Imabayashi swept Shimmer off her feet!

Mike Tenay: And Imabayashi! Imabayashi picked Shimmer's foot out from under her!

Shimmer got up, looked at him, and Imabayashi just stood there all innocent, and held his hands up.

Shimmer turns around, and Bolt, with a sudden shot of energy, hits her square between the eyes with a Bruce Lee style Flying Kick he calls the Dynamic Entry!

Mauro: WHOA! Bolt with the Dynamic Entry!

Mike Tenay: I don't think Bolt realized Imabayashi got involved!

Bolt goes for the cover, but Shimmer got her foot on the bottom rope in time!

Don: And oh man! Shimmer knew where she was at!

Mauro: Incredible ring awareness!

Bolt was now beginning to get frustrated.

He picks up Shimmer one more time for the Otaku Driver, when suddenly Ralph Imabayashi slid in, and ended the match in a DQ after simultaneously nailing Shimmer and Bolt with his signature Cutter, the Sonic Crusher!

*Bell rings!*

Mauro: And Imabayashi! What the hell did he do that for!?

He then threw Bolt out of the ring, and proceeded to assault Sunset Shimmer.

Don: And now the self proclaimed Best Pure Wrestler, mauling away on the up and comer, Sunset Shimmer!

He then picked her up again, and planted her with another Sonic Crusher.

Mauro: And one more Sonic Crusher!

Mike Tenay: Something tells me Ralph Imabayashi can't stand the thought of Sunset Shimmer being a threat to him.

Bolt then slid in, upset that the match ended in DQ, and hammered away on Imabayashi!

Don: Look at Bolt!

Mike Tenay: Bolt obviously upset that the match ended the way it did, now taking his frustration out on Imabayashi!

Imabayashi pushes him off of him, and when Bolt came at him again, Imabayashi leveled him with a Bicycle High Knee!

Mauro: OH! And Imabayashi just made him pay for it!

He then lifted him up, and drilled him with his Gotch Style Tombstone Piledriver, the Senketsu!

Mauro: And now the Senketsu to Bolt!

Imabayashi then slid out of the ring, and walks to the back.

Don: Mike, going by what you said about Imabayashi not standing the thought of Shimmer being a threat, I think you're right!

Mauro: Imabayashi says he respects Pro-Wrestling, yet he practices something a lowlife who doesn't respect this sport.


The Metro Brothers finished taping their hands up as they prepared for their match against the Queen Bees in a Loser Leaves match, and then The YOLO Twins walked in.

Yohann: Yo, I just hope you two know what you're getting yourselves into.

Logan: Yeah. With The Network celebrating, unable to be here, I hope you make the Mile High Crew proud.

Chris Metro: Don't sweat it, bro.

JC Metro: Queen Bees ain't got nothing on us. I can guarantee you they'll be saying goodbye.

Yohann: You better make sure that happens.

Logan: The Network are probably gonna be watching this match, so you better beat them.

The YOLO Twins then leave the room.

Suddenly Yohann turns back around.

Yohann: No pressure.

Then they leave.

(MATCH 2: Dakota Kai in action)

Out comes Dakota Kai.

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Auckland, New Zealand, DAKOTA KAI!!!

Mauro: Now here's someone who is on the same boat as Bolt when it comes to not having the best luck here.

Mike Tenay: The captain of Team Kick, like you said, in a bit of a drought since her last appearance in CEW, hopefully she can start anew here tonight.

She then slid into the ring, and does her signature pose in the center.


Out comes a man with half inch hair, wearing black shorts with two orange stripes and "ZERO GRAVITY" written on the sides.

David Penzer: And her opponent, from Normal, Illinois, weighing in at 156 pounds, BRETT GAKIYA!

Mauro: Illinois born, Brett Gakiya making his first appearance here in CEW.

Mike Tenay: Well it seems to me he has the hometown advantage here, let's see what this young kid has in store!

Gakiya enters the ring, and stands in the corner across from Kai.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Kai and Gakiya circle around the ring for a bit before locking up in the middle.

Gakiya gets the upper hand by getting Kai in a Side Headlock, but Kai manages to slip out of it, and get Gakiya in a Hammerlock before transitioning into a Side Headlock of her own.

Gakiya tries to counter it into a Back Suplex, but Dakota Kai lands on her feet, and delivered a Head Kick!

Mauro: OH!

Mike Tenay: Not even a minute into the match, and Dakota Kai is now unleashing those deadly kicks!

Gakiya was now stunned, and Kai follows up with a Dropkick, and Gakiya went flying into a corner!

Don: The hometown kid is not looking too good here!

Kai then took a running start, and connects with a Big Boot to the cornered Brett Gakiya!

Mauro: And Kai! Big Boot finds the target!

Gakiya slumps down, Kai hits the ropes, and connects with a Running Facewash!

Mike Tenay: And there's another big kick!

Kai then picked him up, and placed him in the center of the ring.

Then she kicked him in the midsection, hits the ropes, and connected with her signature Front Flip Backstabber, the Kai-roprachtor!

Mauro: Kai-roprachtor by Dakota Kai!

Dakota quickly hooked the leg, and gets an easy 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Kai wins in convincing fashion!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:06)

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, DAKOTA KAI!!!

Mauro: Looks like Kai hasn't missed a step since her absence!

Don: It seems that way! If she keeps this up, she may be one of the best here!

Mike Tenay: Welcome back, Dakota.

Dakota gets her hand raised, and she celebrates in the ring.

Suddenly her theme abruptly ended, and the lights went out.

Mike Tenay: What the?

Mauro: The lights are out, It's pitch black here in the Barclay's Center!

Suddenly sounds of a beatdown were being heard in the darkness.

Don: Sounds like something is going on in the ring!

Mike Tenay: Indeed something IS happening, but it's so dark, we can't see a damn thing!

The lights come back on, and Lucy Loud, Chris Brookes, and Kid Lykos were seen beating down Kai, and Raven was sitting in the corner!


Mike Tenay: It's Raven and his Gathering! Raven's Gathering is here, and they've targeted Dakota Kai!

Mauro: We've heard their warnings, and now they have arrived!

Lucy then picked Kai up, Brookes puts Lykos up on his shoulders in Electric Chair position, then Brookes throws Lykos off, and Lykos connected on Kai with a Codebreaker, followed by a Senton by Brookes!

Mauro: Oh! Brookes and Lykos sandwiching Kai!

Then Brookes picks Kai up, and Lucy hooked Kai up, and plants her with a Swinging Modified DDT!

Mauro: Now Lucy picks her spot!

That's when Raven stood up, and backed of Brookes, Lykos, and Lucy.

Mike Tenay: And now Raven wants a turn!

Raven picked her up, kicked her in the gut, and the beating ends after Raven planted Kai with the Raven Effect DDT!

Mike Tenay: There's the Raven Effect!

Raven was now up on his knees, doing his signature pose, with Brookes, Lykos, and Lucy standing behind him.

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen, Raven's Gathering, has arrived.

Mike Tenay: There is absolutely no doubt that these guys will cover CEW with a shade of darkness and suffering!

Don: Nobody is safe now! Nobody!


In the interviewing area, the Queen Bees were standing by with Dasha Fuentes.

Dasha: Queen Bees, soon, you Heather, and a Queen Bees member of your choosing, will take on Mile High Crew's Metro Brothers. So Heather have you decided who will be willing to put their career on the line?

Heather: That I have, Dasha. The lucky Bee who I've chosen to help me send those shmucks off our show with is the one I started this movement with... Chloe.

Chloe then steps forward.

Chloe: Metro Brothers, J'espère que vous êtes prêt à tout perdre ici ce soir. Parce que tes journées de sangsues de poneys se terminent par la main des reines des abeilles! Translate THAT you Âne sans cervelle!

Heather: The Mile High Crew's death starts with these irrelevant little jokes and it ends with The Network coming crashing down to the ground like the house of cards it is! And that is ALL we have to say.

And with that, the Queen Bees made their way to the entrance stage.
(MATCH 3: Heather and a Queen Bees member of her choosing vs. The Metro Brothers (LOSER LEAVES NON-STOP))

Out comes The Metro Brothers.

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen the following Tag Team contest, is a loser leaves Non-stop Match, scheduled for one fall, introducing team #1, the team of Chris Metro, and JC Metro, THE METRO BROTHERS!!!

Mauro: There have been many things that have been put on the line other than pride and championships. Like masks, hair, but nothing is more important, than your own job!

Don: For real, Mauro! Hopefully Chris and JC can fulfill what they said, and break the Queen Bees slowly!

Mike Tenay: And then the added pressure, of Flash Sentry and the rest of The Network, possibly watching this match as they celebrate Flash and Bart's Victory Road win!

Mauro: But if there is anything The Metro Brothers can do, is thrive under pressure.

The Metro Brothers enter the ring, and they take off their Aviator Shades and leather jackets.


Out comes Heather and Chloe.

David Penzer: Introducing their opponents, representing the Queen Bees, the team of Heather, and CHLOE BOURGEOIS!!!

Mauro: We've heard the talk, now here they come. Queen Bees looking to make Chris and JC Metro eat their own words!

Mike Tenay: Metro Brothers have a lot claims to back up, for them this is a chance of proving their worth.

Don: And for the Queen Bees, step one of tearing the Mile High Crew down!

Heather and Chloe enter the ring.

It's Chloe and JC Metro starting it of, and the bell rings.

Heather goes for a lock up, but JC ducks under, goes up behind her, grabs her with a Rear Waistlock, then Heather hits a Back Elbow to stun him.

Mauro: JC Metro, not even going for the lock up, and eats an elbow from Heather!

JC staggers back from that, then Heather hits a Clothesline, and JC Metro rolls out of the ring.

Don: Down goes JC, and JC already going out of the ring to regroup!

Mike Tenay: This is some situation the Metro Brothers have gotten themselves into.

But Heather wasn't gonna let him regroup. She began to hit the ropes, and Heather mowed down JC with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: And Heather! Tope Suicida knocking JC Metro down!

Don: Like a human torpedo!

Mauro: Yeah! Heather obviously being the torpedo, and JC the unfortunate battleship!

Heather then gets back to her feet, throws JC back in, goes for the cover, JC kicks out at 2.

Heather then drags JC to her corner, and tags in Chloe.

Chloe stomps on JC the second she entered the ring before picking him up, and slamming him to the mat with a Snap Suplex.

Chloe floats over into a cover, JC kicks out at 2.

Chloe picks him up again, but JC fights back this time, hitting Chloe in the midsection a couple of times, before hitting her in the face with a right jab.

Mike Tenay: JC Metro now getting his offense going...

The jabs continued to rain down before JC Irish Whipped Chloe to the ropes, and leveled her with a Lariat!

Mauro: OH! What a Lariat by JC Metro!

JC hooks the leg, Chloe kicks out at 2.

JC drags Chloe to his corner, props her up, and tags his brother in.

Mauro: Tag made, here comes Chris Metro.

JC on the outside began clubbing away on Chloe from above, while at the same time, Chris landed body shots.

Don: And now the Metro Brothers are decimating Bourgeois!

Mike Tenay: JC from above with those hammer fists, Chris with the body shots, there is no way Chloe can defend herself.

The referee saw this and began his count.

At the count of 4, they stop, and Chris Metro keeps his momentum going by throwing Chloe with a Vertical Suplex.

Mauro: Chris Metro with a Suplex...

He then gets up, and lands on Chloe with a Leg Drop!

Mauro: ... Follows up with a Leg Drop!

Chris then goes for the cover, Chloe kicks out at 2.

Chloe gets up, so does Chris Metro, and Chris Metro grabs Chloe from behind by her hair, and he throws her back down to the mat.

Mauro: Now Chris Metro showing off that mean streak!

Chris tags JC in, then goes on the apron.

Then from wheelbarrow position, JC drapes Chloe on the top rope, Chris holds her down, and JC delivers a kick to the stomach.

Mauro: Oh!

Don: The Metro Brothers are tearing Chloe apart!

JC tags Chris back in, JC whips Chloe to the ropes, and takes her down with a Drop Toe Hold.

JC then holds her down, Chris hits the ropes, and delivers a lightning fast Elbow Drop!

Mauro: And the offensive for the Metros is still going!

Chris covers Chloe, Chloe kicks out at 2.

Mike Tenay: You gotta give credit to Chloe for lasting this long!

Chloe tries to crawl to Heather, but Chris Metro grabbed her left ankle, and dragged her farther away from her corner.

But just as soon as Chris picked her up, Chloe nailed him on the temple with a Péle Kick!

Don: Oh! Look at that!

Mauro: Péle Kick catches Chris Metro!

Chloe then began to make her way to Heather, and tagged her in!

Mauro: There's the tag!

Heather then came in hot. Clothesline after clothesline, then she picked Chris up, hits the ropes, and hits a Flying Forearm Smash!

Heather then got up, and knocked JC off the apron.

But the second she turned her attention back to Chris to cover him, Chris caught her by surprise with a Small Package pin, but she was able to kick out at 2!

Mike: Oh! Small Package by Chris Metro, almost had her!

Both Chris Metro and Heather got up, Chris Metro ducks a clothesline from Heather, then with a Boot, kicks Chloe off the apron!

Mauro: Heather missing the Clothesline, and Chris Metro boots Chloe off the apron!

Chris Metro turns around, sees Heather charging towards him, and plants her with a Spinebuster!

Mauro: And a Spinebuster! Slamming Heather to the mat with authority!

Chris then tags JC in, and they get in position for their Clothesline/Chop Block Combo.

Don: Oh no, look out here!

Mike Tenay: Metro Brothers looking to close the deal!

Mauro: If this hits, Heather and Chloe would be just 3 seconds away from leaving Non-stop...

They go for it, but Chloe came in, shoved Heather out of the way, and took the blow instead!


JC then covered Chloe, but the referee informed him that Chloe was not the legal person in the match, thus not counting.

Mike Tenay: JC has the cover, but Chloe isn't legal!

JC then got up, and protested.

Don: I don't think JC cares...

But while JC was arguing with the ref, Heather came from behind, and got JC in position for the Queen Bees' Crossbow!

Don: And I think that may have cost him!

Heather goes for it, and connects!

Mauro: Queen Bees' Crossbow!

Chris tries to intervene, but Heather sidestepped him, and threw him out of the ring before covering JC, and getting the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And the Queen Bees, come out victorious!

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, The Queen Bees, and as stated in the stipulation, The Metro Brothers are fired from Non-stop!

Mauro: You heard it from David Penzer, loser leaves, and The Metro Brothers' plan on destroying the Queen Bees, has blown up on their faces!

Mike Tenay: Chris and JC are now gone! What will Flash Sentry and Bart Simpson, the newly crowned Non-stop Tag Team Champions, think of this???

As Heather and Chloe made their way to the back celebrating, The Network appeared on the titantron.

Don: I don't think we need to wait to know!

Flash Sentry looked really disappointed in the Metro Brothers, and Flash took his shades off before saying what was on his mind.

Flash: *Sighs* And here I thought you two COULD handle it. Here I was, giving you a chance to prove your doubters wrong... and you only proved them RIGHT! I can't believe I wasted my valuable time seeking you out only for you to WASTE the gift I gave you! *Shakes head* Pitiful, really. I expected better. But honestly, Bart, Lightning & myself, had a deep feeling this would happen. That's why we made a phone call and, well, Judging by this person's smarts and skills, we've already filled the void you two left behind.

The Metro Brothers were now wondering what he meant.

Then to a big crowd pop, Jay Evans jumped the barricade, and sized up Chris and JC!

Mauro: Wait a minute! Look who it is!

Mike Tenay: It's Jay "The Key" Evans! Jay Evans is in CEW!

Chris and JC turned around, Evans planted them both with his signature Running Reverse STO, the Jay's Way!

Mike Tenay: And there's a double Jay's Way! To Chris and JC!

Don: This has to be the guy The Network called, and boy what a call they had made!

Suddenly the YOLO Twins come out, and they began to tell off Jay.

Mauro: And now the YOLO Twins trying to have Chris and JC leave on some good terms...

Logan then helps up Chris and JC, while Yohann asked him why he did what he did.



Yohann and Logan Superkicked Chris and JC Metro!

Mauro: OH!

Mike Tenay: I guess not!

Now the YOLO Twins were pummelling away on the Metro Brothers saying how big of a failure they were.

Then Yohann picked JC up, and the YOLO Twins hit their signature Flapjack/Reverse STO Combo, the Two Night Stand on JC!

Mike Tenay: Two Night Stand on JC!

Chris Metro then got up, and Yohann and Logan hit the Two Night Stand on him too!

Mauro: And a Two Night Stand for Chris Metro!

They then did their signature pose, and Jay Evans stood beside them, with a big smile on his face.

Mauro: I can sense a big rise in the Mile High Crew with Jay Evans as their newest member!

Mike Tenay: Exit Metro Brothers, enter Jay Evans! Evans I'm sure will be a big asset in the Mile High Crew.


In ROH, there's Final Battle...

In IMPACT, there's Bound For Glory...

In New Japan, there's Wrestle Kingdom...

In WWE, there's Wrestlemania.

But in CEW...

The music suddenly stops.

There's Smack-tacular!

🎶Hey! You! Who do you think you are?
Your walls are destined to fall!
I know, I know, I know
You're des-tined to fall!🎶


Mauro: When you talk about "The Show of Shows", you think of Wrestlemania, and Wrestle Kingdom, well CEW is gonna have our own Show of Shows in Smack-tacular!

Mike Tenay: Man the excitement will be ecstatic on the road to Smack-tacular! Imagine the thrill ride that show that will be!


The Corre logo showed up on the titantron, and out came Joe Hendry, with Ken Warren and Travis Banks in tow.

(MAIN EVENT: Ace Bunny vs. Joe Hendry)

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your CEW Main Event, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by Ken Warren and Travis Banks, from Edinburgh, Scotland, weighing in at 229 pounds, JOE HENDRY!!!

Mike Tenay: You wanna talk about backstabbing, you wanna talk about playing your allies for fools, look no further than that man, Joe Hendry.

Mauro: We all thought Hendry was gonna be the one along with Ace Bunny, to bring down Travis Banks and his army of masked men, but then at Victory Road, the truth came out. Banks was not the leader, it was Joe Hendry himself.

Banks and Warren all stayed at ringside, and Hendry took his shirt off.

Out comes Ace Bunny.

David Penzer: Introducing his opponent, from Acmetropolis, ACE BUNNY!!!

Mauro: Earlier in the night, Ace came in with a vengeance, taking out the Corre with a chair, and now, thanks to the GM, Ace can finally get his hands on the man who nearly ended his career.

Don: Oh how sweet that will feel for Ace. Getting even with Hendry after everything they went through in the last few Episodes!

Ace then slid into the ring, and immediately, Ace and Hendry began trading blows, and the bell rings, starting the match!

Mauro: And it looks to me, Ace didn't wanna wait! This match is officially underway!

Hendry shoves Ace off of him, Ace comes at him again, but gets dropped with a knee to the midsection by Hendry.

Hendry then picks him up with a Gutwrench, then he attempts to throw Ace with a Gutwrench Suplex, but Ace countered into a Hurricanrana!

Don: Look at the athleticism of Ace!

The landing puts Ace in pinning position. So he grabbed both legs, but Hendry kicked out at 2.

Hendry then gets up, Ace Superkicks Hendry in the gut, and the Scotsman is down... in perfect position for the Curb Stomp.

Ace sees this, and begins to ready himself to execute it.

Mauro: Uh oh!

Mike Tenay: Ace could be looking for the kill here!

Don: Here he goes!!!

Ace hits the ropes, goes for the stomp, but Hendry popped him up into the air, then caught Ace with a Shoulder Powerslam on his way down!


Mauro: Hendry had the Stomp scouted, and sent Ace for a ride, via a Powerslam!

Hendry goes for the cover, but Ace kicks out at 2.

Mike Tenay: And somehow Ace was able to survive!

Hendry now hammers away on Ace, even spitting out some trash talk here and there.

Hendry then picks up Ace, who then grabbed Hendry's left arm, and slammed him to the mat with an Wrist Lock Takedown!

Mauro: And now Ace planting Hendry!

Ace picks him up again, and connects with a Snapmare, then follows up with a Dropkick to the upper back!

Mauro: Dropkick to follow up that offense!

Ace goes for the cover, Hendry kicks out at 2.

They both get up, Hendry locks up with Ace, Ace then knees Hendry in the gut, hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline from Hendry, hits the ropes again, goes for a Crossbody, but Hendry caught him!

Mauro: Uh oh! Ace went for a Crossbody, but got caught!

Hendry was now looking for the Freak Of Nature, his signature Fallaway Slam, but Ace manages to elbow his way out.

Mauro: Oh but Ace manages to get out of that predicament...

Ace then kicks him in the gut again, and connects with a Snap DDT!

Mauro: And OH WOW! What Snap DDT, drilling Joe Hendry!

Ace Bunny then rolls Hendry onto his back, but then Hendry rolled out of the ring.

Mauro: And now Hendry, I don't know if that was ring awareness, or pure instinct, but that was smart!

Mike Tenay: Smart indeed! If he hadn't done that, Ace surely would've had a 3 count!

Travis Banks and Ken Warren then helped Hendry back to his feet.

Don: Now Ken Warren and Travis Banks, helping Hendry regroup...

However they failed to notice Ace eying them!

Don: But look in the ring! Ace is sizing them up! Probably looking to fly!

Ace then began to hit the ropes...

Don: Here he comes!

Mike Tenay: Look out!!!

... Then with enough momentum, Ace Bunny took to the skies, and took out all 3 of them with a Fosbury Flop!


Don: He wiped everybody out with that! Incredible!!!

Ace then throws Hendry back into the ring, but as the ref checked on Hendry, Ken Warren, from the floor, shoved Ace hard onto the side of the ring!

Don: Oh now these guys are gonna get involved!

Mike Tenay: Just as soon as the ref turned his back, Ken Warren struck with that shove!

Travis Banks then gets up, and trips Ace with a Shin Kick!

Mike Tenay: And now Banks picks his spot!

They then throw Ace back in, and Hendry gets up to take advantage.

He picks Ace up, sets him up for his patented Olympic Slam, which he calls the "Hendry Slam", and he connects!

Mauro: Hendry Slam!

Hendry hooks the leg, but Ave gets the shoulder up at the last second!

Mauro: And Ace! Wow! Shoulders just up!

Mike Tenay: It's gotta be that vengeance that's flowing through his veins like venom!

Don: And a man on a mission, is a real dangerous man, because they will do anything, and will take any punishment to complete their mission! Ace is exactly just that!

Hendry then looked back at Ace, who was now slowly rising to one knee, and Ace had that look of anger in his eyes.

Ace then told Hendry to bring it on, and both Ace and Hendry got back to their feet.

Hendry strikes first with a right jab, Ace answered back with a right jab of his own, in which Hendry responds with an Elbow Smash.

Mauro: Ace and Hendry now, trading blows...

Ace staggered back a little, but he answered back with a Roundhouse Kick to the left ear of Hendry!

Mauro: Wow! What a kick!

Mike Tenay: That may have knocked his lights out!

Hendry spun around in a daze, but then suddenly went for a surprise Clothesline, but Ace dropped down to avoid it!

Mike Tenay: Oh! Hendry went for a clothesline Ace had it scouted!

Ace then kipped up to his feet, went for a Superkick, this time to the face, but Hendry caught the kick!

Mauro: Oh! Ace may have scouted Hendry, but it looks like Hendry scouted Ace!

Hendry threw Ace's leg down, but Ace came back with a Dragon Whip Kick!


Ace scrambled to his feet, and once he did, he readied himself for a second attempt at the Curb Stomp!

Mauro: Ace Bunny now! Curb Stomp ready to go!

Don: Joe Hendry is about to get a mouthful of the mat in a second!

Suddenly Travis Banks got on the apron, getting Ace's attention.

Mike Tenay: Oh, Travis Banks! Averting disaster for Hendry yet again!

Ace then knocks Banks off the apron with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri!

Mike Tenay: Oop! There goes Banks!

Ace then turned around, and took a big time lariat from Hendry to the face!

Mauro: OH MY GOD! Big lariat by Joe Hendry! Nearly decapitating Ace Bunny!

Mike Tenay: That may have had enough force to take down an Oak Tree!

Hendry goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: Hendry prevails!

*Bell rings!*

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, JOE HENDRY!!!

Mike Tenay: Well you gotta give credit where credit is due, Banks and Warren played the insurance policy role, and it paid off.

Hendry gets up, gets his hand raised, and looks at the knocked out Ace Bunny with an evil smile across his face.

Don: Look at Hendry. He didn't win on his own, he did it because Banks and Warren got their hands dirty, and Hendry doesn't care!

Mauro: Win by any means necessary is the motto this man lives by!

Hendry however, was not satisfied. He proceeded to beat down Ace more!

Mike Tenay: Oh COME ON!!!

Don: You already won the match! What more do you want!?

Mauro: Hendry wants more than a win, he wants him gone. That's all Hendry cares about!

Then Ken Warren and Travis Banks came in, and joined the assault.

Don: Oh man, this is hard to watch! Banks, Warren, and Hendry, all ganging up on a defenseless Ace!

Mike Tenay: This is sick! This is a damn 3 on 1 mugging!

Hendry then rolled out of the ring, and grabbed a mic.

Joe Hendry: Ace Bunny, you thick-skulled, Bampot. All you had to do, was take your friends, and yourself, back to Acmetropolis. But instead, you want to get even.

Ken Warren then pinned Ace to the mat while Banks grabbed 2 steel chairs from under the ring.

Mauro: Travis Banks now, bringing in 2 chairs...

Hendry then enters the ring.

Joe Hendry: Well I'm sorry, Ace, ol' buddy, ol' pal. I honestly didn't want things to go this route, but you forced my hand.

Ken Warren and Travis Banks then wedged Ace's head in one steel chair, then Banks handed Hendry the other.

Mauro: Oh no!

Mike Tenay: As if the ambush wasn't enough! This is gonna not just end his career, this is gonna end his LIFE!

Hendry then dropped the mic, and held the chair up high, ready to strike down.

Don: NO!!!! This is absolutely uncalled for!

Mike Tenay: Don't do it, Hendry! You'll regret this I'm sure!

Then just as he was about to land the fatal blow...

Rev Runner and the rest of the Loonatics came rushing out!

Mike Tenay: Oh, thank god!

Mauro: The Loonatics were not gonna stand by and watch Ace fall!

They slide in, and the trio of Hendry, Banks, and Warren all slid out, and went into retreat.

Mike Tenay: And now the three men are high tailing it! Man if the Loonatics hadn't come sooner, Ace may have surely been dead!

Don: Thank god Ace can live to see another day!

Mauro: Ace may have survived this night, but this crusade of Joe Hendry has only begun, and I'm afraid the worst is is yet to come!

Mike Tenay: And that ladies and gentlemen, is inevitable.

What an end to Non-stop!

What more will come in this rivalry between Hendry and the Loonatics?

And who is safe with the Raven's Gathering now here? Absolutely no one.

Plus, Jay Evans may be the perfect formula to success for the Mile High Crew. What do you guys think?

Anyway that's all for now, but don't worry, the action never ends here.

Stay tuned.

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