Inquiring Questions

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After being engulfed in a suffocating hug from both Jason and Wally with a slightly more resistant Tim melting into the hug from Dick, the acrobat was taken back to Mount Justice where a prickly Batman waited. After checking the girl was okay the Dark Knight ordered Dick to stay low, again. Mount Justice was like a second home to the acrobat and he knew the in and outs of it like the back of his hand. If one thing was certain Dick was reckless, staying low? He didn't think so. As soon as the team left the cave for a small mission Dick did as well. Avoiding Wolf and the drones she slipped out, quick to catch a taxi back to Metropolis and a rather lengthy walk back to the warehouse where Dick had been held, well aware of the spying eye on her.

"You can come out Conner." Dick smiled at the disappointed sigh and placed a hand on her hip as the clone furrowed his brow and appeared from the shadow of the concrete pillar. "You're not the greatest at surveillance."

"You're just very perceptive." Conner approached giving the woman a look before gazing up at the building. "What are we doing here?"

"Detective work." Dick shrugged at Conner's unimpressed glare. "What? You didn't have to come."

"Batman told you to stay put." Superboy folded his arms loosely as the acrobat began walking away.

"And when do we ever listen to Batman?" Dick chimed peeking over her shoulder as she walked. Conner smiled knowingly before catching up to her, following the woman up the closed in staircase to an empty but disarrayed room.

They worked in silence, Conner watching the acrobat flash her tech around her surroundings, the blue light blinking green every so often. Dick eventually found herself in front of a large iron door. She tested it despite knowing it'd be impossible for her to open, motioning the Superman clone over.

"Could you?"

Conner didn't bother to even think of what could possibly be on the other side, he simply forced his fingers into the gap and forcefully hauled the two doors apart hearing the distinct sound of the lock snapping from the subjection. The doors flew to the side and Conner and Dick's eyes widened dramatically at what they saw. The entire wall was plastered with images of Dick herself, small notes beside each photo, a string connecting each of them. A photo of herself and Bruce caught her eye and she plucked it from its place. The image showed herself speaking fondly with the billionaire, her outfit causing Dick great discomfort. It was the morning after the Gala, Lex was following her so soon?

"You got yourself a stalker." Conner quickly ran his eyes over the many photos, snatching a particular note from the wall, reading it before showing it to Dick. "We should call Batman."

"Yeah." Dick's voice was far off, her eyes roaming the wall, the most recent photo of her in the arms of the mercenary Deathstroke, dancing at the Luthor's private party.

"Why is this here anyway?"

"Did you hear that?" Dick froze suddenly, grasping the clones wrist. Conner heard the clear footsteps as Dick heard muffled thuds and the clone was quick to pin the pieces back to the board with Dick close behind. Superboy went to close the doors when Dick shook her head.

"No point the locks broken, I thought this place was going to be abandoned. Come on!"

Dick approached the boarded window and kicked the wood away, she quickly found herself plastered to the outside wall and pursed her lips as Conner jumped from the high height and landed without so much as a grunt.

"Jump, I'll catch you."

Dick took a breath before throwing herself away from the wall and into the waiting arms of Superboy. A few loud cursed words sounded and the two teammates glanced at one another before Conner took off into a run.



The paper slammed onto his desk, the dark-haired reporter not bothering to fake a flinch instead turning his chair to face his boss.

"New story, a little out of your direction but Lois is chasing a lead and the girls have busy schedules."

"Direction?" Clark rose a brow, turning his attention to the makeshift folder. He flipped it open and gathered the images before separating them recognising the woman in each photo. "Who is this?"

"Some hot piece that is getting around. Goes by Ricky West." Perry placed his hands on his hips. "She's been seen hanging off the arms of some of the richest suckers. You got the gossip column, Get an interview."

"But Perry, this is so far off f-"

"-Get an interview." Perry cut him off, arm slicing the air. Clark watched the man storm away leaving him to sigh heavily. He turned back to his desk and fingered one of the images. The woman was embracing someone familiar. As he eyed the expensive suit and trademark smile he knew this woman had an agenda and he knew just the billionaire to speak with.


"The city?"

"They won't attack us in broad daylight in the busy streets." Dick spun around a little further ahead attempting to prove her point. Conner let out a small chuckle at the men and women grumbling as they attempted to walk the overflowing streets, dodging the carefree acrobat flinging her arms around.

When Dick swung her arm back and it slammed rather viciously into something solid but soft Dick gasped in horror and grasped the man's arm in embarrassment.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry." Dick apologised profusely, quickly picking up the stray glasses that fell from the man's face and offered them back. The man quick to replace them lifted his head and Dick found herself both happy to see the man who had previously saved her life and cursing her luck to run into her saviour who had no idea who she really was. "Clark!"

"You know who I am?"

Dick froze and gulped internally scolding herself again for running her mouth. She caught Conner's eye as he approached turning back to Superman noting the recognition in Clark's eye at her companion.

"Of course, I read all your sections!" Dick sparkled diverting Clark's attention back towards her, "You're a brilliant writer."

"Oh thank you Miss West." Clark smiled warmly, gently pressing his glasses back further upon his nose.

"You know who I am?"

"It seems you're getting quite the publicity," Clark explained motioning to Conner beside her.

"Oh goodness, as much as Conner is handsome he, unfortunately, is off limits." Dick grasped the clones arm, her eyes finding the camera bag and notebook protruding from Clark's shoulder bag. "Off to catch the next big story?"

"Ah well Miss West, if I may be so bold, the next big story is you."


"I was off to speak with someone, but it seems fate has put you in my way. Would it be okay if I could speak with you? Get your side of the story?"

"Well, of course, an esteemed journalist such as yourself will certainly do me justice."

"Would now be okay?"

"It's fine." Dick turned to Conner and smiled brightly at the boy's suspicion. "I'll call you later okay?"

Conner sighed and nodded, "I'll let him know?"

"No, I'll talk to him later."

"Tell who what?" Clark asked as Conner turned the corner and watched Dick wave warmly at him in farewell.

"I don't believe that is part of your inquiring questions Mr Kent." Dick smiled cheekily at Clark who flushed a little in shame. "Now what exactly am I getting this attention for?"

They sat in a booth at a local cafe, Dick eyeing the folder that Clark produced from his bag, along with his notepad and pen. Clark flipped to a clean page and noticed the woman had her eyes solely focused on the file.

"So Miss West, are you currently in a relationship?" Clark started.


"How long has this relationship been ongoing?"

"About a week or two." Dick smiled lovingly at the thought of Jason.

"And what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a team leader of sorts," Dick answered calmly, finding the scratching sound of Clark's pen a little intimidating.

"What's your connection to Bruce Wayne?"

"What does Bruce have to do with this?"

"How about Lex Luthor? A Mr Slade Wilson?"

"What exactly am I getting publicity for?" Dick furrowed her brow in anger, "Being a shameless slut?"

"Not if I can help it." Clark smiled warmly, hoping it would diffuse the tense atmosphere. "I was handed these this morning."

Dick accepted the folder the journalist offered and opened it, the photo's falling into her lap and her jaw went slack. These were the exact same as the ones that were pinned to the wall in the warehouse. Not an inch of the photographs were different and Dick snapped her head back up.

"Where did you say you got these?"

"My boss gave them to me."

"He didn't happen to say where did he?"

"No, why?" Clark rose a brow in interest, sensing the panic that set in the acrobat.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. Here is my number, if you get any more of these photos can you let me know?" Dick rose from the booth, bringing the photographs to her chest. "I'm borrowing these."

"Wait, Miss West, I-" Clark called after her, voice dying as the woman left the building.

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