The Trademark Curl

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Dick woke to find herself bound to a chair, hair frizzed dangling over her face obscuring her view of the dimly lit room she was being held in. The acrobat tested her restraints only to wince as the rough material dug deeper rubbing callously at her skin.

"Ah, she's awake."

Dick's head jerked up, her black locks flying behind her, eyes instantly narrowing to find several bulky thugs stationed around the room. Two stood either side of her with large tattooed hands clasped together, their beady eyes watching the iron bolted door. Dick knew she could get out of this counting only five thugs in total, taking them out with no difficulty and minimal damage. The acrobat tugged on her binds adjusting herself accordingly glaring deadly as the goon approached her. She let a small surprised gasp of air escape her as the man tangled his thick fingers into her locks and harshly wrenched her head back. Wincing at the stinging sensation that came with it Dick held the man's gaze as he began to speak.

"Aww is baby angry?" He mocked pouting humorously at her.

"Where's Luthor?"

"As much as the boss wants to strip every secret away from you, he has business."

"In other words, he's being a coward." Dick spat venomously at him earning another sharp tug to the roots of her head causing the acrobat to gasp at the strain.

"Now you're gonna tell me what you know and we don't need to get all bloody."

Dick didn't speak staring the man down refusing to show any other emotion besides pure revulsion. The thug clicked his tongue in dark humour, releasing the brutal grip on the acrobat and approached a small table that was lined with a small variety of torture armaments. Dick hitched a breath readying herself as the man chose his favoured tool with careful precision showing it eagerly to the acrobat.

"Are you sure you don't want to open up?"

"Over my dead body." Dick retorted savagely, her feet tiptoeing against the floor and hands twisting around in her restraints tightening her fists as the large man advanced towards her. When the thug was about a metre away Dick made her move, pushing up with her toes she bulldozed into the torturer smashing him into the table, wincing as the man's head whacked him unconscious as it hit the tables sharp corner. Dick struggled to find her feet, yelping as she was pulled from the floor, forced to face her attacker, the acrobat was quick to curl her body up slamming the balls of her feet into the goon's chest causing them to fly across the room away from one another. Dick skidded across the floor the chair breaking on impact from the hard fall and quickly untangled herself, grasping the two splintered feet of the chair and swung them expertly in her hands coming into an offence position. She motioned towards the guarded thug's, muscles flexing attempting to intimidate the agile woman. Two of the goons rushed her at once with Dick whacking the first away, clouting the splintering wood against the man's face before dunking beneath the others arm coming around behind him and slamming her fist into the man's side. Dick smiled in satisfaction as the two fell to the floor simultaneously only tensing when the gun click echoed around the room. The acrobat was quick to move, snapping around to face the two remaining thugs, one held the gun aiming at her heart while the other grasped his radio.

"Hey guys, you don't need to contact anyone, can't we keep it between us?" Dick pouted playfully, flicking her remaining weapon between her fingers.

"We need backup, the girls escaped."

"Bad mistake," Dick growled out at the radio static and rushed towards them, dodging the three bullets that shot her way. Dick slammed the man's hand with the wooden rod satisfied as the gun clattered to the floor. Dick was quick to utilise the remaining thugs fleeing the room as the distance thunder of rushed footsteps reached her ears. The acrobat found herself at a crossroads, a small dark stairwell offering two slim options with Dick deciding heading down would lead to an exit and turned freezing to her spot as a large group of thugs appeared around the corner and stopped.

"Up it is."

Dick spun around and leapt up the steps, kicking into gear as the mobsters were quick to follow. Unfortunately, the stairs refused to relinquish an exit and the acrobat was forced to climb until finally finding a door, pushing it open hastily only to cover her eyes as the midday sun pelted down onto her. A light breeze whipped around her and Dick crossed the rooftop and gazed at her surroundings. She was in Metropolis, that was easy enough to establish, she could see the city centre a few minutes away, the Daily Planet protruding from the close-knit towers. Dick twisted around when the door smacked open and a rush of thugs surrounded her to the edge of the building.

"How do I get myself into these situations?" Dick muttered to herself as the first couple of thugs charged towards her and quickly took them down with ease. A small mistake on her behalf suddenly had her windpipe slowly being crushed and found her feet dangling in thin air. Dick clutched frantically at the large males arms, wheezing as her nails slowly dug into the man's skin as she recognised him as the torturer.

"I did ask politely," The man tightened his hold smiling sinisterly as the woman gasped for air, "Gonna be hard for Luthor to hear that his main lead committed suicide."

"What?!" Dick gasped out before she was suddenly released and found herself plummeting to the ground. The acrobat screamed her limbs flaying out helplessly attempting to grasp whatever obtruded out the edge of the wall. She had never been in such a horrifying position before and had never felt such terror. What was Bruce going to say? Alfred? Her heart suddenly clenched, she couldn't leave Tim alone and what about Jason? They had only really just begun their relationship and now it was suddenly going to be cut short. Dick continued to scream as the pavement was rapidly closing in and she quickly closed her eyes not wanting to see the end. Her screams stopped with an 'oof' and she furrowed her brows as she found herself enveloped into a large mass. Dick opened her eyes and she gasped a little in both surprise and relief at the trademark curl of dark hair that sat perfectly on her saviour's forehead.

"Superman!" Dick cracked a grin laughing out loud finally coming to terms that she had just escaped near death. The acrobat placed a hand on the man's chest, splaying her fingers of the 'S' symbol etched in his suit. "You just saved my life."

Superman let out a quiet chuckle and smiled warmly as the woman buried her head into his chest, hearing the huge sigh of trembling relief escape her and the feel of the shaky grasp of slender fingers. Superman flew for a few moments before gently drifting down planting his two feet on the ground waiting for the woman to compose herself. Dick let the Man of Steel help her find her balance arms placed comfortably over his own. The acrobat glanced up and found herself entranced in the heroic blue of the man's eyes.

"Are you alright Miss?"

"Fine," Dick smiled thankfully at him. "Thank you."

Superman could see the woman was still a little shaken over the ordeal and grasped her hands with his own hoping it would soothe some of the shock away. Dick bowed her head and couldn't help the grin that appeared, she was alive. Alive! She could see Tim again, give Bruce unwelcomed hugs of affection and eat Alfred's wonderful mouth-watering food. Dick could snort at Wally's horrible jokes, kiss Jason's lips and listen to Baraba's ungodly gossip. The acrobat untangled their hands and threw herself at the man throwing her arms around his neck.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. If you don't mind me asking who were those men?"

"Oh, no one." Dick moved away, Superman didn't need to be involved, not that he wasn't now, Lex would soon be acknowledged that she was miraculously saved by the Man of Steel. She glanced at their surroundings finding herself in the middle of the Centennial Park, noticing a couple of bystanders staring between the two. "Thanks again, is there some way to thank you? You did just save my life."

"Oh nothing, please." Superman shook his head, "Just promise you won't go around being thrown off buildings anymore."

"I'll try my best." Dick huffed a chuckle her eyes finding a phone booth a few meters away over Superman's shoulder. "I need to make a call, thank you again, really if there is any way I can repay you please."

The acrobat smiled before rushing to the phone, dialling the set of numbers waiting breathlessly as she watched the Man of Steel take to the air and dart away into the clear cloudless sky.



"Dick?! Oh my god! Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm in Metropolis, Centennial Park."

"Do not move, I'm coming." Jason's voice was littered with relief and Dick could hear Tim in the background demanding to know of her condition. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"You can thank Clark for that."

Dick smirked at the snort that emitted from the other side of the mouthpiece and laughed at Jason's comment.

"Wait til I tell Bruce. He's gonna love this."

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