Sinful Clash

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Jason had never had such an intense and rough sexual experience before Dick, sure he had a few partners, all fragile women who wanted the love to seep through their movements. Vomit worthy if you asked him but he got sex out of it so he hadn't complained. With Dick it was totally different, she raked her nails in his back oozing blood, pulled harshly at his hair when he hit her sweet spots. Dick wasn't afraid to make some noise, the delicious lewd and shameless cries all but pushed Jason further. The acrobat grasped the head board of the bed as they both neared their end and they came to an abrupt pause as Dick cried out and gripped the wood so hard it splintered.

"Jeez Dick, I know I'm good but you gotta stop breaking my shit."

"Shut up." Dick chuckled before running a gentle hand through the man's hair, watching the white streak feather through her fingers before plastering back onto his sweaty forehead. "Keep going."

Jason lapped at Dick's neck as he continued, hissing a little as Dick clawed once again at the very raw gashes on his back. The acrobat mewled out breathlessly at the sharp but spine-tingling bite that Jason inflicted to her neck, feeling the dribble of blood already making its way to the surface.

"Jason," Dick moaned gratefully as she felt the man sweep his tongue over the hypersensitive bite. He slowly and antagonisingly left Dick's neck and found the woman's mouth, smirking as Dick pushed him down with impatience. Their tongues were quick to entangle as Jason increased the power of his thrusts, earning an appreciative groan from the acrobat.

They didn't last much longer with Dick biting hard at Jason's bottom lip as she came, eyes rolling back, chest heaving up and down with desire. Jason grunted coarsely, threading his fingers within the acrobat's tousled hair. He gripped it with a deadly force as he shuddered within her, letting himself go, swearing lightly under his breath. Jason barely managed to hold his weight, quickly pulling out and flopping down beside the hyper aware acrobat. Dick turned her head to the exhausted man and smiled as Jason did the same.

"That was crazy." Jason snorted, stretching his arms towards the ceiling, feeling the ache already. "Jesus."

Dick let out a short giggle before leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss to the man's lips. The groan that the acrobat made had Jason pulling back, hands pushing on Dick's shoulders. He glanced to her thigh and bit his lip in guilt. The bullet wound was still bleeding and by the look on Dick's face, it was rather painful.

"I told you we should have stitched you up first."

"And miss out on the best orgasm I've ever had." Dick rose a brow in skepticism. "I don't think so."

Jason shook his head humorously running a hand through his hair, wiping his brow. Dick grinned back before wobbling onto her feet, chucking on Jason's shirt.

"Actually do you have any painkillers?" Dick asked grimacing at her thigh.

"Yeah, I'll grab the medical kit too. Just stay where you are, I don't want blood dribbling throughout my apartment."

Dick poked her tongue out at him in defiance but stayed where she was, slumping back onto the bed and waited for Jason to return. With the kit under his arm, Jason offered the acrobat the aspirin and water when he returned. Dick watched Jason as he begun mending the wound, smiling softly as the man's eyes narrowed in concentration, the corners of his mouth tilted down, the start of his tongue poking out between his lips.

Dick remembered back when Jason had that exact facial expression, first of many times Dick allowed him to stitch him up when he started as Batman's prodigy. Bruce had disapproved but Dick had merely waved him off, Jason needed to know how to do this, it was a necessary skill in their area of work. The acrobat recalled the non-stop apologising as the small boy would pierce his skin with the needle in the wrong place or how sloppy the stitch work was when the boy was finished.

"What are you looking at?" Jason's voice interrupted Dick's thoughts and the acrobat pouted at the prying man.

"Just reminiscing." Dick gently caressed Jason's jaw, feeling the rough stubble below her fingertips. Jason smiled before finishing up his stitching, cutting the thread before finding his way between the woman's legs.

"There, all done."

"Thank you." Dick leant down to press an appreciate kiss to the man's lips, sighing as Jason encircled his arms around her body, lightly kneading her buttocks. Dick soon found herself laying on her back with Jason hovering above her. Their lips were still connected but their mood had suddenly changed, from a sweet peck of gratitude it swiftly turned to a sinful clash of teeth and tongues. Jason groaned out roughly as Dick's hand found the outline of his quickly rising erection within his underwear.

"Round two?" Jason slowly pulled the shirt up the acrobat's body, his mouth finding the erect nubs that made Dick pull roughly at his hair and began to breathe out irregularly.

"God, yes."

When Jason woke that morning, alone and aching he let out an involuntary gasp of pain as he rose to sit. The still very open wounds on his back had him glancing behind him to finally analyse the damage of his headboard. The one word Jason chose to use to describe the state of his headboard was 'fucked'. Round two must have done more damage than he previously thought. He glanced down to the sheet to see several splatters of blood, sighing before he gathered the sheets and went to his laundry. Hearing the humming noise in the background Jason headed to the kitchen for food, his stomach was empty and it was growling for substance. Pilfering out the yoghurt and a small spoon Jason turned to the table and a hand written note caught his eye. He stuffed a spoonful into his mouth before approaching the table, leaving the piece of silver ware in his mouth as he read the note.

Morning, I borrowed your bike, going to Wayne Industries.

I'll be back later


Jason sighed he knew in the back of his mind Dick was going to confront Bruce. He just hadn't expected it to be so soon. But then again it would have pissed him off if the billionaire paid off a hit on him too, so he guessed that he couldn't be too surprised with the acrobat's actions.

Dick strode towards the front desk of Wayne Industries demanding to see Mr Wayne. The receptionist stated that she needed an appointment to speak the CEO which caused Dick to clench her fists. Don't take it out on the receptionist, she's just doing her job. Dick bit her lip for a moment calming herself down.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be so rude." Dick apologised, lighting a little as the woman relaxed. "Do you think you could ring him? Just tell him Ricky is here to see him."

"I can try." The woman nodded, picking the phone up and waiting patiently for the man to answer. "Hi Mr Wayne, there is a woman here that wishes to see you, Ricky."

The receptionist placed the receiver down, turning back to the acrobat.

"He said to head up, you know where his office is?"

"Yes. Thank you." Dick grinned before walking away with a slight limp to her strides. Upon entering Bruce's office to see the man on the phone Dick decided she certainly didn't have the patience today. She stormed towards the oblivious CEO and swung the office chair around, watching Bruce's eyes light up in surprise as the acrobat swiped the phone from his hands, slamming it down with unnecessary force.

"That was an important business call," Bruce stated calmly.

"I think you'll be okay." Dick sneered.

"Dick, why are you here?"

"You paid off Deathstroke." The acrobat folded her arms. "What are you playing at?"

"He was paid to kill you, I offered him more not to. I don't see the problem."

"Well, you wouldn't. You're Bruce Wayne, everything can be sorted out with money." Dick walked to the front of the desk, slamming her hands down in fury. "Why didn't you tell me there was a hit out on me?"

"I didn't feel the need to."

"Just like you didn't feel the need to tell me Jason was back?" Dick spat out. Bruce clasped his hands together before he too rose.

"So that's what this is about." Bruce sighed as he walked around the desk to face the enraged acrobat.

"I don't want to be mad at you Bruce." Dick shook her head, "But just tell me why you kept it from me."

"We haven't talked in months and you expect me to call you?" Bruce's voice became a little dark. "I understand what I did wasn't in Jason's or your best interests but you really think you'd have picked up the phone after I called?"

Dick snorted, of course, Bruce would bring up their ruthless argument once again. A dispute about Jason none the less. He hated fighting with Bruce, especially when they would go months without speaking, Bruce too stubborn to make first contact while Dick turned his phone off cutting himself off from the world. The acrobat walked over to the bigger male and slumped into him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I'm still angry with you but I don't want to fight anymore." Dick glanced up gazing into the man's blue orbs. "And no, I probably wouldn't have picked up the phone."

Bruce gave the woman an 'I told you so' look earning an endearing scowl in return. A knock on the glass door had the pair jumping apart, turning to find three older looking men watching them. Bruce was quick to answer the door letting the three inside, offering them seats.

Dick nodded politely to them before whispering a goodbye to Bruce's ear and left the building, her heart a little lighter, perhaps there was some hope of recovering any splinter of a relationship between himself and Bruce.

"Yo," Jason answered the phone not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Where are you, Todd?" Tim's voiced seemed suspicious with a slight worried tone to it.

"At home, why?"

"Your bike has been in an accident. It looks like there was a struggle, there's a small amount of blood..."

"Fuck," Jason muttered out as the colour drained from his face, he was already on his way out of the apartment listening vaguely as Tim continued, praying to god that Dick was okay.

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