Chapter 11: Friendly Neighborhood Hustler

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Katya found herself between Sam and Bucky again, trying to be subtle with her wound. It didn't hurt that much, and it was more an inconvenience than a real injury, but it still sucked. Of course, when she brushed some hair out of her face, Bucky's eyes fell onto her bloody hand. Sometimes it really sucked, being unable to hide things from your friends.

''You're bleeding?'' he frowned, attracting everyone's attention to her.

She refrained from rolling her eyes, not in the mood to deal with anyone's worry or overprotectiveness. ''The bullet just grazed me,'' she answered curtly, staring out the windscreen, which she had a perfect view off. 

If it had rained, it would have made it all even better. At least she'd have something to listen to, instead of every little shuffle of feet and hands. The silence drove her crazy, but Zemo had stopped talking and nobody took his place. 

The closer they came to High Town, the cleaner the city got. Less litter on the side of the road, more lights, nicer dressed people, bigger cars and better-looking houses. The elite of Madripoor definitely lived here. But when Sharon stopped in front of a very fancy building, by far the fanciest in this neighborhood, Katya was still surprised. 

And that didn't change when they followed the blonde woman inside. The building was something you would find in the better places of New York. Shiny black floors, expensive leather couches in what appeared to be some kind of lobby or reception area, lots of glass and LED strips, artwork and collectables on display. 

Sam lowly whistled, just as impressed as her. ''Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well.''

''I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler. You know how much I'll get for a real Monet?'' Sharon said, without any trace of humor or sarcasm in her voice. Katya started to like this woman more and more. If you have to be a criminal, at least do it right, right?

Sharon got snapped. Katya knew that at least. (Probably why she forgot about her). So she must have worked her way up this food chain within five months after she snapped back? Because no way someone held the fort down for five years and just allowed her to come back, if she did all this between the Accords and the Snap. If that makes sense?

The weirdness of that timeline would never go away. 

It was really impressive, though. Sharon was smart, she was an agent, a spy. It shouldn't be so surprising that she managed all this, but it was. Katya was impressed at least. 

''Easy. Deactivate your hustle mode. You sell fake Monets,'' Sam scoffed, following her up the thick wooden stairs that clung to the walls of the huge square room. 

''No. She means real,'' Zemo backed her up, passing Sam as he stopped in front of another priceless painting. ''This gallery is specialized in stolen artwork. Monet. Van Gogh. Classics.''

Bucky nodded, knowing all about the lies the public got told every now and then. ''It's true. You know, half the artwork in museums like the Louvre is fake. Real stuff sits in places like this.''

Sam had trouble keeping the surprise off his face and looked at Katya, who had stopped to wait for them a couple steps up. She nodded and gestured to Bucky as to say: 'what he said'. Sam was smart, but could also be too gullible. ''Okay, guys, I see what you're doing. You're more worldly than good old Sam.''

Katya chuckled when he pulled out his phone - that he still had - ,looked up the painting in front of him, and widened his eyes. 

''Yeah. What's Google say?'' Bucky mocked him as he walked past.

''No shit,'' Sam breathed, glancing up and down between his phone and the painting. It was just too funny.

''You guys need to change. I'm hosting clients in an hour,'' Sharon called out from the door she stopped in front of. And she didn't have to say that again, because Katya's feet were hurting, and she really needed all these dead animals off her body.

Luckily, she was about the same size as Sharon and fit her clothes fine, of course opting for something completely black. Here in Madripoor, it was best to stay unnoticeable, in the shadows. And finally, her feet could rest, and they celebrated when the blonde handed Katya a pair of combat boots. She pulled all the knives from her clothes and stuck them in her new outfit.

Now she looked like herself again.

The apartment was huge; the seating area and the kitchen in one big room. Lots of light from big windows, white walls, and like in the lobby below, art and shiny artifacts on display. And because it was almost an open floor plan, Katya bumped into Sam while he changed, nothing on his top half.

''Can't you see I'm changing here?'' he complained, just to be annoying. He didn't care and neither did she. So Katya walked past him without sparing him a glance.

''Oh calm your ass down. Even if I wasn't gay as hell, I still wouldn't be attracted to you. This,'' she stopped and turned, vaguely gesturing to his bare torso, ''doesn't do anything for me.''

He threw her a tired look. ''Did you really have to throw two insults in there?''

Katya threw one of Sharon's leather jackets on the green velvet couch, next to a faintly smiling Bucky. She'd throw it on over her tank top after taking care of her injury. ''Those weren't insults. I was just saying. Doesn't mean you're not... fit.'' 

Sam swallowed his scoff and turned back to the clothes rack in front of him. Katya looked at Sharon, who made herself a drink at the same table Zemo did. ''Question: does this fancy apartment have a phone I can use? I just want to send Nat a text. Because unlike some people, I left my phone so it couldn't be traced, and so my family didn't call at inappropriate times.''

Sam glared at her, letting her jab slide for now. ''Do you need to update her every fifteen minutes?''

Katya playfully narrowed her eyes at back at him, the lighthearted bickering taking her back to the days in the Compound. ''It's been more than 24 hours, asshat. I could be dead for all they know. If you ever have a family of your own, we'll talk again.''

Bucky laughed silently at Sam, who looked outright offended. It seemed the only times he smiled was when Sam got insulted. Katya still wished to sit down with him and talk, to get this weird tension between herself and him out of the way. There was no need for it, but when the other reminds you of worse times, it was bound to happen.

Katya turned back to Sharon, cocking her head questioningly. The woman nodded and went to grab a phone, handing her a cheaper model she probably only used for shady business. 

Katya nodded her head in thanks and drifted off towards the kitchen, looking for some sense of privacy while swiftly typing a message to her wife. Calling would have been better, but a long phone conversation wasn't exactly on the table now. Not with all these listening ears and the pressure behind the mission. 

''You probably know all about where I am. Don't worry, I'm okay. Found some new leads that we will be chasing. I miss you both. Don't text back, I'm using Sharon Carter's phone (don't ask). Love you.''

She sent the message, waited until it was delivered and then deleted it and the number, leaving no traces behind. If she could leave small messages like these, letting the home front know she was alive every few hours, that would be enough. 


Maya paid attention to the exercise she was doing, but couldn't help and glance at her beautiful mother at the sidelines of the field. 

When she told her she wanted to play soccer, Natasha was surprised to say the least. But who was she to say no to that? She actually felt happy, knowing Maya wanted to socialize, exercise and have fun doing it. 

Soccer wasn't something she had ever had interest in herself, but after seeing a couple of Maya's practices and matches, she found herself getting more and more fanatical.

Natasha made sure to never miss one match, braided Maya's long hair in a tight braid before the games and practices, and smiled proudly when she managed to score. Katya was just as fanatical and was often yelling and applauding loudly at her side, along the lines. They weren't soccer moms in particular, but they were certainly dedicated. 

They definitely embarrassed Maya every now and then.

Monday meant practice day. And Natasha always watched. Not because she worried or because she wanted to keep an eye on her daughter, but because she genuinely enjoyed watching her run around with a wide smile on her face and a concentrated expression.

She never conversed with the other moms and dads watching. First of all because they didn't try and talk to her either, and second because Natasha had always been a private person who didn't see anything in small talk and unnecessary conversations. Usually, Katya would be with her, but now she stood by herself, eyes closely following her red-haired daughter.

''Romanoff! Pay attention!''

Officially, her last name was Romanoff-Petrova, but that was too long to yell.

Maya quickly pulled her eyes away from her mother and back to her trainer. She could be strict, but was very kind at heart. And on top of that, she had molded the girls into a winning team. Maya loved her and so did her moms. 

''Okay! I want two teams. We are with sixteen today so that means two times eight. We're playing a short game, half field.'' The girls started to divide themselves, grabbing a colored vest to indicate which team they were on. ''Now, I want to see teamwork. Lots of passes, lots of moving. No solo activity. Remember: soccer is a team sport.''

Maya nodded and walked to one half of the field. ''Maya!'' She turned around to see her friend Tess run after her, the same colored vest in her hand. Tess was sweet and had quickly become Maya's best friend in the team. ''Hey, isn't your other mom here, today?'' she asked interested, also having spotted only Natasha.

''No, she is on a mission in Germany.'' Maya smiled kindly, happy to be on the same team as her friend.

The brunette girl's eyes widened. ''Wow, that's so cool.'' She was one of those people who treated Maya normal. ''I think it's cool that you have two moms, too.''

''It can be,'' Maya chuckled. Involuntarily, her eyes flickered to Natasha. But their eyes met for only a split second before Natasha frowned and looked down at the phone in her hand. She seemed to read the message on screen a couple times, face pulled into worry and confusion. Maya didn't need to run over and ask who it was from.

Her own brain started coming up with all kinds of things that could be wrong, but she had no time to think about it, because the loud whistle of her trainer sounded and the practice game started.

She didn't blame Katya for making them worry, but Maya just wished she would come home and stand at the sidelines of that field again.


Katya handed the phone back to Sharon, who had grabbed some supplies from the cupboards to clean her wound with. Dirt and pieces of fabric from her clothes could be left in it, leaving a perfect opportunity for it to get infected. 

She prematurely clenched her teeth together and quickly wiped the open skin with alcohol. It burned like a bitch so she left out a small hiss, cursing under her breath. It would turn into another beautiful scar. Another one to add to her list. At this point, she was sure more of her skin was scar tissue than not, especially on her arms. 

Sharon helped her with the sterile dressing, since it was a bit hard to wrap her good arm with her bad. 

''So, I heard the Romanoff family got expanded,'' she said softly so Zemo couldn't hear, keeping her eyes on the wrapping. Nobody said anything in the apartment, which didn't make it less awkward. All this trip has been was awkward, now that Katya thought about it. 

''I don't know if I should find it alarming that you know these things,'' she half-joked. Two ex-Avengers adopting a girl was news, but she didn't realize it was such big news that the people in Madripoor heard of it too. Couldn't mean anything good. 

Sharon flickered her eyes up to meet Katya's, a serious gleam in them. ''I'd say yes. You know how many enemies you still have out there.'' And how many more she was making on this trip. Katya was very aware of the danger she was attracting.

''And how is that supposed to make me feel better?'' she sighed, handing Sharon the scissors with her free hand. 

''It isn't.'' She finished the wrap, stepping back and giving Katya a tiny smile. ''But for what it's worth, she has the world's best spies to protect her.'' This was probably the longest conversation they ever had. At least a normal one.

A thankful smile spread across Katya's lips, too, even if she wasn't reassured. ''Thanks.'' Leaning against the counter, she watched Sharon put everything away. Her faint curls and the length of her hair reminded Katya a lot of Natasha's hair. This woman didn't deserve everything that had happened to her. ''I wish I could undo everything that happened to you, but unfortunately, we can't go time traveling again.''

Sharon turned to her. But unlike what Katya expected, her expression was indifferent. Had she given up on all that hope of a normal life already? She appeared more content in this career than Katya ever saw coming. Sighing, she said, ''How about this: we say it's even. I saved your asses in Berlin, and you brought me back to life after the Snap. I think those five years were harder than anything I've had to endure.''

''We don't compare traumas, Carter,'' Katya joked humorlessly, but she was pleasantly surprised by this quick truce. ''But even it is.'' She had a feeling they would need Sharon's help.

''By the way, how is the new Cap?'' she asked the room. Sam had finally found something to wear; a dark brown turtleneck. Katya had never seen him in a turtleneck and wasn't sure if she liked the vibes. 

Bucky was the one who answered, in his own dry tone. ''Don't get me started.'' He sat on the couch like a sack of potatoes, just waiting silently for whatever would come next. Someone clearly didn't want to be here.

Sharon scoffed and went to sit next to him, Katya following because she didn't know what else to do. ''Please. You buy into all that stars and stripes bullshit. Before you were his pet psychopath,'' she looked at Zemo when she said that, ''you were Mr. America! Cap's best friend.'' She pictured it with her hands in the air, like it was on a poster. Which it might have been at one point?

''Wow. She's kind of awful now.'' Katya didn't really agree with Bucky, but nobody could ignore the fact that she had changed, and not for the good. Since when didn't she believe in ''all that stars and stripes bullshit'' anymore? Probably since the Accords.

''Karli Morgenthau and at least seven others have taken the serum.'' Sam pulled up a chair, no traces of humor left on his face. Like everyone, he knew the time pressure of this mission. Any hour they wasted, could mean another successful raid for Karli. 

''You guys really should steer clear of all of this for your own safety,'' Sharon tried. And although Katya appreciated the worry, she couldn't help but get a weird feeling. Did she want them to stay away?

''We know it's a risk, but we won't leave until we find the one who cracked the code.''

''We got a name. Wilfred Nagel,'' Bucky added to Sam's words, the first time he didn't sound like he'd rather be anyone but here. 

Sharon eyed the three of them - since Zemo hadn't said anything the entire time - and stood from the couch, moving to the small table with alcohol. ''Nagel works for the Power Broker.'' Yeah, they kinda already put that together. Hopefully she knew more than that. She was kinda their only friend here. And their only lead.

Katya shook her head when Sharon silently asked if she wanted a drink too. She was still a bit wary of alcohol, and tried sticking to the light stuff like wine and beer. So since she had already had a shot of whatever that snake was drowned in, she waved away more.

''We need your help, Sharon. I can get your name cleared,'' Sam said, in full conviction. Could he even do that, now that there weren't really any Avengers anymore?

''You haggling with my life?'' she asked, almost a sharp edge to her words. 

''Not like that.''

''I don't buy that. You pretending like you can clear my name.'' She shook her head, looking at the swirling liquid in her glass.

Sam stood from his chair to stand in front of her. ''Okay, maybe it is hypocrisy. Maybe you're right. What happened to you... But I'm willing to try if you are.'' He lowered his voice and vaguely gestured to Bucky. ''They cleared the bionic staring machine, and he killed almost everybody he's met.''

''I heard that.''

''That's not very nice,'' Katya said at the same time, ignoring how Bucky stared at her for a bit too long afterwards. He did that more often, she had noticed. But if he tried to figure something out, or if he got lost in thought while looking at her, she didn't know. It was uncomfortable though.

''I don't trust charity.'' No, but for some reason, she seemed to still trust the three people in front of her. No, trust was the wrong word. Maybe belief? Belief they wouldn't screw her over if they could. It wasn't very obvious, but Katya could see she was about to sway.

Sam decided to change tactics. Sharon looked like a businesswoman. ''All right, a deal then. You help us out, and I get your name cleared.''

She stared at his extended hand, bouncing her knee up and down in thought until finally giving in. A small smile appeared on Katya's lips when she did. They were one step closer to finding the serum, finding Karli. One step closer to home.

''Well, I sell to some pretty connected people.'' Sharon sighed, emptied her drink in one go, and walked off. ''Lay low, blend in, enjoy the party. Try to stay outta trouble. I'll see what I can find.'' The last thing they saw of her as she disappeared up the stairs, were her black boots.

Katya furrowed her eyebrows, calling after her. ''Wait. Party?''


A/N: more of a build-up to the next couple chapters, but I threw some friendly Sam-Katya banter in there :) Thanks for reading, I hope you're all doing okay, and I will see you on Monday 

Edit: Omg I uploaded this and then saw that Forgotten Ghost has reached 500k??? That's half a million. That's absolutely crazy. I'm going to stop myself from writing a very cheesy thank you, but THANK YOU <3 

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