Chapter 39: Natalia. That's It.

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Faintly, Katya had registered the blankets moving, the bathroom tap running, and the opening and closing of the closet door, followed by the bedroom door. But she was too tired to wake up yet, to function. Gladly, her eyes closed again, only to open more than an hour later, the sun shining through the blinds and under the curtains.

Subconsciously, she knew Natasha wasn't next to her anymore, but her arm reached over on its own, indeed landing on the mattress without meeting something first. It made her groan, her mood shooting down, until there was a rustling. Faint, but definitely coming from that side of the bed.

Katya tapped the blankets, the pillow, until her fingertips hit a piece of paper. With her eyes closed, a wide smile broke out on her face at Natasha's thoughtfulness. No matter what the piece of paper said, she had thought of her before leaving, because Natasha only left notes whenever she went out. She knew Katya grew restless when she didn't know where she had gone.

Hoisting herself into a sitting position, using the headboard and her pillow as support, Katya rubbed the sleep out of eyes and focused on the lined piece of paper. 

''Morning, beautiful. Took Yelena and Maya to the store so you could have a peaceful morning to yourself. If you need me to get you anything, just text me :) I love you.''

Katya teared up, still a bit emotional from the mess she was yesterday, Natasha's elegant handwriting impossible to read as her vision blurred. 

Why did she always know exactly what she needed and when? It was as if she had a sixth sense for that sort of stuff. And personal notes like these warmed her heart, awakening those butterflies and making her day even though it barely started.

After a long and relaxing shower, Katya lightly skipped downstairs in some fresh washed clothes and blow-dried hair. Originally, she came into the kitchen to throw together some kind of breakfast for herself, only to find another note on the kitchen island. 

''Breakfast is in the fridge <3'' 

Seriously, did God herself make this woman?

The widest possible grin grew on Katya's lips, and when she pulled the fridge door open, her gaze immediately landed on what was clearly for her. Toast with smashed avocado and boiled egg, neatly wrapped in some clear foil. And next to it, in case Katya wasn't sure if that was also meant for her, was a glass with a purple liquid. It had another note stuck to it: ''This one too ;)'' 

Taking the lid off the glass and smelling the drink, Katya's suspicions were confirmed. Blueberry-banana smoothie, her favorite. How did she not get woken up by the machine this morning?

She felt so loved in that moment, her heart about to combust with love for her wife. Honestly, what did she do to deserve her? It was still surreal sometimes that Natasha loved her as much as the other way around. That woman was gorgeous inside and out. She could get every single person on this planet. But all she wanted, and had always wanted, was Katya.

Taking her toast and her smoothie, she plopped down on the couch, pulling a fluffy blanket over her lap. Usually, she'd have turned on the TV, but she enjoyed the silence, the ringing silence, in the house. Slowly, the toast disappeared, the smoothie not far behind. It was made with love, which made it taste even better.

Out of curiosity, she picked up the book Natasha left on the coffee table, but pretty soon, she was two chapters in, an hour gone by. Nobody came to disturb her. No Natasha who asked how the washing machine worked again, or Maya who ran around the house, always restless. 

Just her and the story she had disappeared in. After that hour though, she did do some chores. No need to clean anything just yet, but some dirty dishes stood on the coffee table and in the kitchen, and a small amount of laundry needed to get folded and ironed. 

It was calming to do these things. It kept her busy.

But she was also glad when the car rolled up on the gravel driveway again. They didn't even need groceries, so Natasha had dragged everyone out of the house with the sole purpose of giving Katya a moment for herself. Between the three of them, they had only one shopping bag. 

Katya waited with anticipation in the kitchen, watching through the window, seeing how Maya rushed up the porch, managed to unlock the door and pull Yelena upstairs to undoubtedly show her something, too busy to notice her mom standing in the kitchen. 

Yelena did not miss her. She said a quick ''Morning'' before she was gone. It just made Katya chuckle and shake her head. 

It seemed only Natasha went looking for her. She walked into the kitchen with that plastic shopping bag in one hand, dropping it on the counter after shooting Katya a blinding smile. ''Hey. How was your morning?'' She hardly had to ask. Katya was so much more relaxed than yesterday, her lips naturally pulled into a smile.

''Amazing, thank you. Breakfast too.'' She pretended not to notice that Natasha hid something behind her back, pushing the anticipation down. 

''You're welcome.'' She straightened up, excited. ''I picked something up for you.''

Katya burst out laughing when Natasha showed what she had behind her back. In her hand sat a bouquet of supermarket flowers. Roses. With a dumb smile, she presented them, knowing Katya got the joke. Of course, she bought these on purpose after talking about it yesterday.

''Thank you, darling,'' Katya chuckled, taking them carefully and admiring the bright red flowers. She still got a bit flustered every time Natasha did this. It said 'I love you' without saying it.

''I thought you would like these,'' Natasha teased, quickly kissing her cheek before unpacking the rest of the groceries, because apparently, there was ice cream in it. Yelena? Probably. 

If possible, Katya lit up more at that small kiss. ''I certainly do.'' Grabbing a vase from one of the lower cabinets, she prepped the bouquet carefully on the counter. Every single rose needed to be perfect.

''Maya helped pick them,'' Natasha started, putting some fresh milk in the fridge. There was a small hesitation after she knocked the door closed with her hip. ''She is sorry about yesterday.''

Katya glanced over her shoulder. ''Did she say that?''

''No.'' She shook her head, pulling another cabinet open to put a cereal box in it. ''I can tell. She's quieter. She stuck with me more. She knows Yelena tempted her into doing something - acting a certain way - that isn't how she wants to behave herself.'' Maya loved Katya, and she knew her behavior from yesterday hurt her, so she felt bad. ''I think she'll try and make it up to you somehow.''

Katya sighed, turning so she leaned against the counter instead, flowers momentarily forgotten. ''Was I too hard on her yesterday?''

Again, Natasha's head shook left to right. ''No. She didn't respect you and you had the right to tell her off. You were right, she has to learn not all behavior is okay.'' She stopped emptying the bag, placing her palms on the island and looking up at her wife. ''We got raised very simple: we didn't listen, we got beaten until we did. We're still finding her buttons; the right ones to push, the ones not to push. We're not exactly experts at using words.''

''I don't know, you're very good at using words.'' The corner of Katya's mouth lifted, but it wasn't entirely genuine. ''For some reason, you always know exactly what to say.''

''To you, yes, because I know you, because we're the same. I don't know how a kid's brain works, because I never was one.'' She shrugged unconvincingly, concentrating on pulling groceries from the plastic bag again. ''Anyway, we'll figure it out. We just need to keep trying things, and then we'll see what works or not. I'd say you got through to her this time, because she's self-reflecting, which is good.''

''We got the smart kid,'' Katya smiled, and this time, Natasha actually joined in. ''I feel like we need to watch her though. She grew up in an orphanage, her parents died when she was, what, four? She's been through a lot already. I have a feeling she's hiding a lot.''

''Guess she fits right into the family,'' Natasha chuckled, but it was kind of sad.

Katya scoffed softly. ''Guess she does.''

''I'll keep an eye on her.'' She would be able to spot signs of trauma before anyone else could. And Katya was right, Maya had been through a lot. She may act fine, but a lot went on in that head of hers.

''Thanks.'' Katya felt a bit lighter by that reassurance, shooting her a grateful smile. She took a deep breath, turning back to her roses. ''So, are you ready to go to the fair?''

''Are you?'' Natasha countered with a mysterious smirk, scrunching up the empty plastic back and stuffing it with the others. ''Maya said she wanted to drag you into the rollercoaster because she thought you'd be too scared to.''

''What?'' Katya's jaw dropped, huffing. ''Wow, I'm weirdly offended. Does she know I scaled skyscrapers and jumped out of planes?'' She shook her head, smiling. ''You know what I want to do? Win her a giant stuffed animal.''

''One of those that's bigger than herself?'' Natasha grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water, quickly downing it.

''Oh yes,'' Katya smirked, placing the vase on the dinner table. It might be stupid, but she had never had a chance to win Natasha one - busy life and all - and it was one of those cliché things she had always wanted to do. 

Natasha hummed in thought, a mischievous shimmer in her eye. ''Alright, but it's not too hard for you with the guns, or the archery.'' True. ''How about I pick which game you have to win her one?'' 

Oh, game on, Nat. She'd definitely pick something they had never done before. 

''And I do the same with you.'' Katya nodded with a smirk, curious to see what game she'd pick, and also excited to pick some terrible game for her wife in return. ''Why does everything turn into a challenge with us?''

Natasha laughed, because it was very true. ''We should go so we're not back too late.''

Katya followed her out of the kitchen, gathering all their stuff for this day trip to the state fair. It was already close to noon, but they'd just grab lunch up there. This week was hectic anyway. So, after calling the rest of the family downstairs, they were off. 

Natasha was right, Maya did feel guilty. It wasn't very obvious, but she hung around Katya a bit more, discussing the sandwich they should get at the food truck, walking by her side as she pointed towards all the games she wanted to play. 

Luckily, Natasha remembered to get cash from an ATM, so Maya could play all the games she wanted. She didn't win anything with the claw machines - because those were obviously rigged - and neither did the others. Maybe it was for the best, because if they won every game, they would need a truck for all the stuffed animals.

But Maya was so excited, her wide eyes taking everything in as she skipped in front. They had to call her back multiple times, telling her to stay close, but nothing ruined the huge grin on her face. 

''Oh, look! A haunted house!'' About half an hour into their trip, Maya perked up and pointed towards a black and grey building. Spooky sounds came from the ride, where people had to sit in rollercoaster kind of wagons that would lead them through the haunted house.

''Ghost Pirates,'' Yelena read, taking in the fake skeletons - dressed up as pirates - that were stuck to the outside of the walls with a raised eyebrow. She was not impressed, to say the least. 

Katya stopped, pulling a hesitant face. ''Eh... that's not a good idea. First and only time Nat and I went in there, she tried to attack everything that scared her.''

Natasha shrugged when Yelena laughed, sliding her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. ''Can't help it. Instincts.'' Katya spent that entire ride laughing at her, not at all fazed by the jump scares. Natasha was never allowed in that ride again, though, because the 'don't touch the actors'- warning was very serious.

Maya giggled and tugged Yelena after her. ''I want to go. Come on!'' The blonde followed wide-eyed. How was a ten-year-old braver than her? Should they prepare to be banned from that haunted house too?

Katya watched with a smile on her lips as they bought tickets and settled down in a cart, Yelena's movements stiff from the anxiety, Maya with an excited smile. When they disappeared through the double doors, more creepy sounds and screams followed. Katya was very curious to see how Yelena came out of this. 

But Natasha had other plans than to wait around. 

''Let's go.'' She walked off, her eye on one particular booth in the distance. The sound had been taunting her for a while, and she simply had to go now.

Katya hurried after her before she lost her, jabbing her thumb in the direction of the haunted house. ''But don't we have to-'' The last thing she wanted is for Yelena and Maya to lose them. Who knows where Yelena would drag their daughter without supervision. That's basically two children on the loose. One with murderous tendencies. 

''Knowing Maya, she'll want to go five times.'' That was true. ''I have been wanting to shoot a gun for months, and I can't wait any longer.''

Katya chuckled at her impatience. ''Babe, you know there are shooting ranges in the city, right?'' But she let her lead her to the booth anyway. Because she loved that sparkle in her wife's eyes. 

Back in the Compound or at SHIELD, Natasha would have emptied her gun into a target whenever she was pissed, her mind was too busy to sleep, or because she was bored.

Now, the poor tree in their backyard had to endure getting knives thrown in it, or Natasha turned to Katya... in a good way.

She threw a lot of dollars on the counter, snatched the rifle, loaded it like a pro with harmless tiny balls. ''Yes, but by the time I get there, I have no need for it anymore.''

''Poor woman,'' Katya chuckled, mocking her childish frown as she picked up her own rifle. It felt odd because it wasn't a real one, but she hadn't missed shooting one like Natasha had. In fact, she was kinda done with guns. Especially after what happened in Madripoor and stuff.

''Don't start,'' Natasha warned, getting ready in her spot, planting her feet firmly on the ground. ''First to twenty.'' But Katya stopped her before she could start.

''Let's raise the stakes.'' Her mysterious smile got Natasha's attention. Momentarily lowering her gun, she turned to look at her. Katya glanced around and lowered her voice. ''Winner gets to top next time.''

Natasha got caught completely off guard. It wasn't that clear on her face, but something shifted in her eyes before she collected herself. ''It's not your turn.''

''Hm.'' Katya played dumb, fiddling with her rifle. ''I would try extra hard then.'' She knew Natasha could never back down from a challenge. Definitely not from this one. 

Green eyes narrowed on the side of her face, a confident smile on her lips. ''Alright. You're on. Five games.'' Katya nodded, so they both got ready, counted down, and shot twenty of those tiny balls at the targets.

Natasha lost the first round, and the second round wasn't going according to plan either. She would never admit that Katya was that tiny bit better than her at this. She cursed in her native language when she hit one target and it didn't fall over. ''Why did I agree to your 'stakes' with this game?''

Katya chuckled, celebrating winning round two. One more round and she'd have three out of five and thus be the winner. ''Because you want to prove something to yourself, and it's coming back to bite you. Может буквально (Maybe literally).'' She smirked, loading twenty new balls in her rifle.

''Stop distracting me,'' Natasha mumbled, needing to keep her focus to win this third round. Of course, she had heard the undertone Katya put in her words, but she needed to hold on to her pride and win this goddamn game.

''Почему? Bы получаете грязные мысли? (Why? You getting dirty thoughts?)'' Katya smirked, completely avoiding eye contact. ''Do you want me to keep going? Or should I keep quiet? Maybe I should be louder.''

Natasha gripped her gun a bit tighter, getting more frustrated by the second. ''Katya, I swear to god.'' But Katya enjoyed this too much to shut up now.

''Getting restless already? It's only been a couple days, princess.''

Natasha clenched her jaw at the nickname. The one they only used in one particular room, and for one particular purpose. ''Shut up.'' She desperately tried to hold on to that concentration, but who was she fooling?

''I say; make me.''

Natasha slammed her gun on the counter, ripped Katya's out of her hands and threw it next to it. Grabbing her hand, she dragged her around the booth, to the back, where it was a lot darker because none of the neon lights reached there. 

Nobody was around, and so nothing stopped Natasha from grabbing the collar of Katya's jacket and slamming her into the back of the booth, the thin plastic making a dangerous sound. She had an angry scowl on her face that turned Katya on immensely. 

If they were home, she knew exactly how this would have ended, with her attitude fucked out of her. Because sometimes, Natasha felt the need to remind her who was the top here. 

As if that title was still believable.

''I said: shut up,'' she growled, right before absolutely smashing their lips together, cutting off Katya's smile. The kiss was nowhere close to sweet or slow. It was rough, impatient, meant to give her a clear signal. 

Katya refused to melt and give in though. No, she felt good today, rebellious, so she kissed back with equal amount of force, knowing that just made Natasha angrier. It radiated off her, the frustration, which was somehow very funny.

Katya grabbed her wrists, hands still clutching her collar tightly, and flipped them around, having to use all her strength to do so. Natasha's back hit the booth roughly, braid almost hitting her in the face from the speed at which she was turned. It surprised her - it was written all over her face - but that quickly turned into a scowl again.

Katya could not help the proud feeling that swelled up in her chest. Or was it more of a cocky feeling? She had Natasha's wrists pinned against the wall next to her head, quick pants escaping her mouth. Katya brought her face close, staring at her lips. ''And I said: make me.''

Natasha's scowl etched deeper into her face, her hands clenching into fists. Katya pushed her to her limit. To her very limit. ''You're such a brat.''

Katya cocked her head, daring to smirk. She played a very dangerous game. ''What a shame you can't do anything about it.'' She'd regret this greatly later, but it was too much fun right now.

Natasha growled again, using a very simple trick to free her wrists. Before Katya knew it, a hand wrapped around her throat and spun them around, the air smacked out of her lungs when her back came in contact with the booth again. Natasha used her entire body to keep her there, hips pressing her further into the plastic.

When she applied pressure on her throat, warning pressure, Katya let out an involuntary whimper. Frustrated, she bit her lip, cursing herself for giving her wife exactly what she wanted: dominance.

Natasha's scowl disappeared like snow under the hot sun. Chuckling lowly to herself, she squeezed one more time before removing pressure all together, sliding her hand down until it rested on Katya's sternum.

''Not so talkative now, are we?'' With her head cocked, she let her eyes travel over Katya's face, calmly, completely in control.

Katya clenched her jaw together, looking everywhere but at her wife, instead aiming her hateful stare at the ground. ''I hate you.'' This plan greatly backfired, and she was slightly embarrassed.

Natasha chuckled. ''Remember who is in charge, princess.'' To give her words more power, she pressed her knee between Katya's legs, sliding it all the way up until it couldn't go higher. The brunette pressed her lips together to not let out another whimper.

''Don't start what you can't finish,'' she lightly panted, dropping her head back against the plastic. It was no use to act up, especially not when Natasha started pressing kisses to her jaw and exposed neck. Sloppy ones, sometimes using her teeth.

''Who said I wasn't gonna finish this?'' she husked into her skin, sending shivers full anticipation down Katya's spine. How she wished they were home now. 

Weakly, Katya placed her hands on her wife's hips, digging her nails into her jeans when teeth sunk into her neck. ''Here?''

'''Course not. The last thing I want is to give Yelena more reasons to tease us.'' Her lips dragged up from her neck to her ear. With a sultry voice, she whispered, ''Tonight, though. I just need to find a way to shut you up and keep you quiet. Can you do that?''

Katya nodded frantically; her gaze aimed at the sky. ''Yes.'' She lost her mind when Natasha sucked on her earlobe, her stomach doing backflips.

''Good girl.'' Abruptly, she pulled back and pulled Katya into another bruising kiss, the hand that wasn't on Katya's chest gripping her jaw tightly. Sounds of pleasure escaped both their throats, and they were so glad the fair was so loud, because Natasha was still teasing Katya with that knee. 

''You're torturing me,'' she breathed when Natasha had to pull back for air. It sounded pathetic, but let's be honest, that's also how she looked. 

''I know. I'm enjoying it. Aren't you? You brought this on yourself.'' She smiled knowingly when Katya tried to pull her even closer by her hips. ''Maybe I'm not the needy one.'' She chuckled when blue eyes narrowed on her face, lowering her knee until she had both feet on the ground. ''We should get back.''

''Yeah, we should,'' Katya whispered, grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her in for one last kiss, slower this time, with much different feelings than prior. ''Finish this tonight.''

Natasha smiled at her desperation, brushing her lips over Katya's. ''Don't worry, baby. Will definitely finish you.''

''Dirty,'' Katya smirked. She would have liked to stay there for hours, because she loved it whenever they managed to find themselves in this bubble, closed off from the rest of the world. And she loved kissing her wife and getting kissed. But Yelena definitely suspected something by now, so to spare themselves some embarrassment, they did have to go back.

Natasha shook her head, chuckling because of her smug face. After pecking Katya's lips for the last time, she stepped back and let her hands fall by her sides. Yelena would definitely see that they made out. Katya had bright red cheeks, multiple red marks on her neck, and both their lips were swollen.

''What?'' Katya asked when she felt her stare, flattening her hair and straightening her jacket.

''You look...'' Her voice trailed off, uncertain if she should say it. It heightened Katya's interest.

''I look what?''

Green eyes narrowed in hesitation. ''I wouldn't say slutty, but...''

''Dick,'' Katya laughed, giving her a playful shove. ''You did this to me. I have marks all over my neck, don't I?'' Natasha nodded, biting her lip to stop herself from laughing. ''Yelena will definitely notice now.''

That laugh managed to escape, and Natasha reached over to fix her short brown hair in such a way that it hid some of the marks. ''Don't worry, they'll disappear in a few hours. I didn't make them purple.''

''You're so possessive,'' Katya complained with a smile, letting her wife lead her back to society by her wrist.

''Has nothing to do with that.'' They rounded the corner of the booth, joining the slow walking stream of people. Yelena and Maya waited impatiently in front of the haunted house. Or, actually, Yelena waited impatiently. Maya didn't really pay attention, straining her neck trying to see what other booths and rides the fair had. 

''Of course, ma'am,'' Katya answered sarcastically.

''There you are!'' Yelena exclaimed when she saw them walk towards her. ''Where did you-'' She cut herself off when her eyes fell onto Katya's red neck and their slightly flustered state. Her angry expression turned into a dry one. ''Are you serious?''

''It was Kat's fault,'' Natasha answered casually, pushing past Yelena to ask her daughter about the haunted house. Not that she had to. The sparkle in Maya's eyes was enough.

When Yelena's gaze landed on Katya, she simply shrugged. ''It was.''

Maya wasn't very patient anymore after getting a taste of adrenaline, so she ushered the unbothered group down the rows and rows of game booths, rides, and whatnot. They had let her do a couple, helping where they could, but Natasha suddenly stopped at one booth they almost walked past.

''This one.''

Katya knew immediately what she meant, following her line of sight to a giant teddy bear that hung from the very ceiling. Exactly the one she meant to get. ''Are you fucking kidding me?'' she hissed, eyeing the orangey-brown balls and the baskets. ''I have never played basketball in my life.''

''You said you wanted a challenge.'' Natasha stood her ground, raising an eyebrow as to say: try me.

''Fine. Watch and learn.'' She snatched the dollar out of her hand, painted one of her flirtiest smiles on her face and stepped over to the booth owner. An older guy, but didn't matter their age, Katya could win anyone over.

Natasha watched as the man's once bored expression lit up, and his eyes glazed over. She chuckled when he agreed to give Katya a couple free throws to practice, even handing her the balls.

Katya took a step back, bounced it a couple times on the concrete, throwing it up a couple times to test the weight. People around her had stopped to watch. They weren't stupid, they recognized the face of an Avenger. An Avenger who meant business.

A total of four tries is what it took Katya to get the first one through the ring - which from this angle looked perfectly round, but she knew it wasn't, and that the ball barely fit through it. When the fifth ball also went through, she knew she got it. She was a spy after all, and picking things up fast was a quality.

''How many for that bear?'' Katya asked the owner, jabbing her thumb in the direction of the huge teddy bear, dark brown, taller than Maya. 

''Five out of five and you got it,'' he rambled distracted, clearly having said that a hundred times in his life. How many people would have gotten that? Five? The game was manipulated enough, even though that bear cost like twenty cents to purchase for him.

''Babe, you paying attention?'' Katya called over her shoulder, strictly keeping her eyes on the ring to keep her focus. She knew exactly which movement to make, how hard and far to throw.

''Watching closely,'' Natasha smirked, crossing her arms. Maya shifted in anticipation, a huge smile on her face. Partly because she'd love to get that bear, but also because she wanted to see Katya succeed.

''You wanna bet?'' Yelena whispered to her sister, ready to make fun of Katya if she failed.

But Natasha shook her head, a proud smile on her lips. ''No. She got this.''

The first three were so far so good. With every ball that went through the ring, the booth owner got more impressed and restless. Katya's heart sped up, afraid to fail the closer she came to succeeding. But she was a spy, and she could handle that pressure very well.

When the fourth ball went through, she took a step back and shook her hands loose, exhaling deeply. All this pressure for a goddamn bear.

''One more left!'' Maya encouraged her, a smile breaking through Katya's concentration. Planting her feet firmly on the ground, she twisted the ball around in her hands a couple times, until she just threw. It bounced around on the ring a couple times, but eventually fell through.

And that for someone who had never played basketball before.

Maya cheered, and the spectators applauded as well.

With a huge smile, Katya turned to the booth owner, enjoying his annoyed face. ''That one, please,'' she taunted him, watching as he got a very long stick from the back to unhook the huge bear from the very top of the ceiling. She had trouble wrapping her arms around it fully, hoisting it up so it didn't touch the ground.

''Here you go,'' she said to Maya like it was no big deal, pushing the bear in her arms. She laughed really hard when she couldn't see anything anymore, really struggling with the huge stuffed animal.

Chuckling, Natasha took the thing from her, wrapping its arms around her own shoulders like it hitched a piggyback ride with her. That was the only way its feet didn't drag and she didn't stumble over it.

''Thank you, mom,'' Maya beamed up at Katya. It held more meaning though. She also meant to apologize with that smile and the look in her eyes. It really was Natasha 2.0: apologizing between the lines. Although she had gotten a lot better at that. 

''You're welcome,'' Katya softly smiled back, happy Maya wasn't mad at her or anything. ''Now Nat has to win you another one, which I don't think will fit in the car.''

''We'll make it fit,'' Natasha chimed in, her hands tightly wrapped around the bear's arms in front of her chest so it didn't slip down her back, its big head resting against the back of her tight braid, the legs swinging back and forth whenever she walked.

Katya stared at her, momentarily distracted. This. This is what Natasha should have gotten all along. Katya didn't see an ex-assassin in a completely wrong environment, misplaced. No, she just saw the mother of their daughter, her wife, completely right in this setting. As she tried to remind Natasha time and time again: she was just Nat now. 

Katya joined Maya's side as they moved on to the next booth. ''Maybe if we put Yelena in the trunk.'' That got the girl laughing. 

''Ha ha, very funny,'' Yelena answered sarcastically from Natasha's side, but her words got a lot quieter as she mumbled, ''Wouldn't be the first time.''

Katya's eyebrows shot up. And although she couldn't see Natasha because she walked behind her, she knew for sure hers did too. ''That's messed up,'' she chuckled.


A/N: will I rob you again or not?... Also: a new chapter on Sunday?? This was done and I really liked this chapter so I couldn't wait a day longer for you to see it :) I think all my future chapters are gonna be this long (5000+ words) so I'm not gonna mention it anymore haha. Hope you had a great weekend and good luck in the new week :)

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