Chapter 40: Fun And Games

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''Do you want to go on the rollercoaster with me?'' Maya nudged Katya when they passed one.

They had won more prizes at other booths and games. So many stuffed animals that they were at the point where they all carried at least two. Which was not easy when two teddy bears were human-sized.

Natasha had roped Yelena into a quick trip to the car park so they could stuff all those animals into the trunk and be emptyhanded for the rest of the afternoon.

Katya wondered how and if they managed to fit the huge teddy bears (Natasha won Maya a second one at the booth where she had to throw rings around bottlenecks) and six other relatively larger-sized stuffed animals in their Audi.

In her head, she could picture the sisters bicker on the best way to go about it. Two ex-assassins trying to fit fluffy teddy bears into their family-car. Any passerby must have thrown them weird or funny looks.

Anyway, they still weren't back since the carpark was a fairly long walk, so Katya and Maya went on alone, listening to Natasha's order not to win more stuffed animals. Instead, they focused on the rides.

And, of course, Maya found the biggest and fastest one. The one she thought Katya would be afraid of.

But Katya nodded, smiling down. ''Sure.''

''Are you not scared?'' Maya taunted her, smiling smugly. But if she wanted to get some sort of reaction, she shouldn't have chosen a spy for that.

''Are you?'' Katya countered easily, mirroring her expression. She never thought she would use the manipulation tactics she learned, on her own daughter as a joke.

Maya shook her head, smiling wider. ''Of course not.'' Nope, Katya couldn't fool her. So she laughed again and went to buy tickets for the both of them, once again ignoring how moody the employee was. ''You know, Yelena screamed in the haunted house.''

Katya turned to her in surprise, seeing her eyes glisten at the idea of having betrayed her own aunt for doing something embarrassing. ''She did?'' She scoffed when Maya nodded. ''She acts all brave and tough, but she gets scared of a few skeletons dressed as pirates.''

''Looks like we are braver than Mama and Lena.'' Maya led them to the queue, too excited to truly stand still in one spot, constantly moving.

''Looks like.'' Katya's heart jumped happily at the word 'Mama'. She was just so thrilled for Natasha. So happy that title finally belonged to her. ''So you're not gonna yell in my ear on this ride?''

''No promises,'' Maya smiled. She handled all the teasing like a pro. Her small hands fumbled with the zipper on her coat. She looked at her shoes when she admitted, ''I like that she is here. I like her a lot.''

''I know you do.'' Katya's voice softened as she brushed some hair behind Maya's ear that escaped her ponytail. ''Makes me happy to see how well you two get along.''

''I can see," she said shyly. "You are smiling a lot today.''

The comment almost made her blush. Maya could say such surprising things sometimes, showing once more how much attention she paid to everyone and everything around her. ''Yeah, well, being with my family, winning giant bears, and doing fun stuff like riding rollercoasters with my daughter makes me smile.''

Maya had no clue how to answer that. Now she was the one blushing, and she averted her eyes to the front of the row. ''Thank you for today. I haven't had this much fun in a while.''

Katya gently touched her cheek. ''You're welcome. Nat and I just want you to finally live a little, get you out of the house, let you see things, do things." Maya really did not have to thank them. But she'd probably always feel the need to. "Oh, and I love beating her ass in games.''

''At least you're better at these than at Monopoly,'' Maya smiled smugly, shyness forgotten.

Katya's jaw playfully dropped in shock. ''Ouch.'' She laughed, clutching her heart.

They ended up going three times because Maya loved it so much. Natasha and Yelena waited for them at the exit after the final time, the former looking a bit impatient, and not because the rollercoaster took a long time.

''I'm just saying, they would love to see her- Oh hey, how was it?'' Yelena quickly covered up the topic when she saw them approach, but Katya hadn't missed Natasha's hesitant and uneasy expression. Her sister had touched a subject she didn't exactly what to talk about, and Katya had a vague idea what that was.

Although she didn't ask her about it with everyone around. And she didn't ask it when they managed to squeeze themselves into the Audi on the way back - the trunk completely full and numerous stuffed animals on the backseat on top of Yelena and Maya. The girl's beaming face was hard to make out over the fluffy fabrics of the animals, which was adorable.

Katya felt a connection with her daughter today that felt warmer and deeper than on most days. Maybe it had something to do with Maya's need to compensate for her behavior yesterday, but it felt like more than that. They just clicked today. Were on the same wavelength. And she had ignored her other mom and her aunt a lot in order to stick with Katya. 

She hadn't expected loving being a mom as much as she did. Maybe it had something to do with Maya, because she was so amazing, but she did enjoy every smile on her daughter's face and could sit still for hours, listening to her ramble about something unimportant.

Back home, after dinner and after dragging all their won prizes up the stairs and into Maya's room, Katya closed the blinds and the curtains, making her room ready for the night. Maya had wrapped some fairy lights around her bedposts - both headboard and foot end - which she flicked on as soon as it got dark outside. Which looked so incredibly cozy.

The girl herself stood in the bathroom, brushing her teeth in the pajamas Laura sent over all the way in the beginning, together with a huge box of clothes Lila didn't fit anymore. The pajamas had little bows and arrows on them, which Maya found hilarious. 

''Mom? Can you do my hair?''

Katya looked up to see her in the door opening, hair tie in hand, her wild curls all around her head. She still had trouble braiding it herself. Or she just liked it when her moms did it. 

''Of course,'' she smiled, joining her in front of the bathroom mirror. While making some small talk about the day, she started to braid it down her back like she had done dozens of times before, on both her and Natasha. ''We should get you to a hairdresser if you think it's too long. Or do you like it like this? Anything you want,'' Katya asked when she noticed how long Maya's hair had gotten.

She cocked her head and watched her mom in the mirror. ''Maybe I want it like you.''

''You want it short?'' Katya's surprised eyes flickered up to meet her green ones. When Maya nodded, she did too. ''I think that would look very good on you. And if it doesn't, we let it grow out. It's just hair.'' Even if Maya wanted it blue or black or extremely short, she would let her. It's her hair, she could do with it whatever she wanted.

When Maya was all tugged in, she asked hesitantly, ''Can you lie down with me for a bit?'' Unsure, she watched the reaction on Katya's face, but the brunette completely lit up, happy to have some more private time. Natasha could wait.

''Of course.'' Maya smiled happily and made some room on her pillow and in her bed, shuffling further to her right until Katya could climb in with her. ''Is there something you want to talk about?'' They faced each other on their sides. One under the covers, one on top of them.

''Can you tell me a story? Like you used to do?'' Her voice was soft, careful, as if she didn't want to burden her. But a wide smile formed on Katya's lips.

''Sure. What do you want to hear a story about?''

''The Avengers,'' Maya answered immediately. ''When you all lived together. Something funny.''

''Hmm, alright. Let me think.'' Katya wrecked her brain trying to come up with something that would be classified as funny. Maya waited in suspense, her shimmering eyes staring at her face. ''Okay, I have no idea why this popped up in my head, but I don't think I ever told you this.'' She shifted to be more comfortable.

''One day, I think it was somewhere in 2013, I was going to the gym to train, early in the morning,'' she started, and Maya wiggled in her spot to get ready for the story. ''And I wasn't really paying attention on the way there. So I was about to barge through the door, when I heard Clint's voice. Really loud. He was singing a very embarrassing song. I don't remember which one it was, but it was really, really false.'' She had to laugh at the thought. 

''So, I peeked through the doors and there he was, lifting some weights, singing his lungs out. I was gonna train with Nat, so she came up to me, completely confused why I hid behind the door, but then she heard it too. So, she ordered JARVIS- You know JARVIS, right?'' Maya nodded, her eyes wide, ''Well, she ordered him to record it. And then she told him to play the sound very loudly every single time Clint walked into a room.'' 

''Oh no,'' Maya chuckled, sensing where this was going.

''Yeah,'' Katya grinned. ''So, when he walked into the kitchen for some water, he jumped out of his skin, screaming like a girl, while Nat and I were in the doorpost just laughing our asses off. He couldn't override her order, so he limited the number of rooms he went in for a week until he begged her to stop.''

Maya could picture it perfectly. ''He must have really hated her.''

''He did." Katya chuckled, glancing around the room. "I wish we had a JARVIS in this house so we could pull pranks on Nat. Give her a taste of her own medicine.'' She should really install one.

''We can still do that.''

Katya looked back at her daughter, at the mischievous gleam in her eyes. The same one as yesterday, only in a good way. ''Oh, you're really living on the edge, aren't you?" She smirked, Maya giggling. "Pranking Nat means she'll retaliate a hundred times worse. When you at least expect it.''

''I am willing to take that risk. If we do it together. Maybe with Yelena too,'' she spoke bravely, excitement written all over her face. It spiked enthusiasm in Katya too.

''Alright. Let's try and think of something funny then. I'll get back to you tomorrow.'' It would have to be something funny that Natasha could appreciate. Not something embarrassing. Like with the sprinklers the other day. That was funny.

''Can you sing?'' Maya interrupted her thoughts and the silence, her brain pondering over the story she was just told.

''No.'' Katya shook her head quickly. ''Only when I am alone in the car I sing, but it doesn't sound good at all. Nat can sing a bit though; you should ask her sometime.'' It was not perfect, but if she tried, it sounded somewhat decent. ''Actually, we did karaoke once, when we were very drunk at one of Tony's parties. But I don't think those were coherent words or sentences. Don't try that at home,'' she chuckled. 

Maya loved hearing about their Avengers time, so she perked up at all this information. ''Did you dance at those parties?''

Katya hummed in thought, trying to remember the last real Stark party they had. In the Tower, with vodka and tequila and other bad decisions. ''Sometimes with Nat. Or Tony wanted to dance sometimes too, or Steve, or Clint. You know, just for fun. I'm only good at ballet." She scrunched up her nose. "Which I haven't done in months now that I think about it. I'm too old for that.'' But Maya didn't agree.

''I want to see that sometime.''

''You do?'' Katya frowned, finding her green eyes. She didn't think it was anything special. But Maya nodded enthusiastically.

''I am curious.''

''Okay. I will have to shift through all the moving boxes in the attic to find my pointy shoes though.'' Her answer was hesitant, because part of her wondered if she should just leave that part of her be. She cleared her throat. ''Anyway, you should go to sleep. It's been a long day. Let me know if you ever want more stories, because I have a lot more where that came from.'' With a groan like she was eighty years old, she hoisted herself up, scooting to the edge and tugging Maya in tightly. "Nothing else you want to talk about or tell me?" She smiled, feeling as if there was more. But Maya shook her head, so Katya kissed her forehead. ''Okay. Goodnight. I love you.''

''Night. I love you too.''

With a gentle smile on her lips, Katya closed the bedroom door behind her, also saying goodnight to Yelena through her bedroom door. All she got in return was a grumble that vaguely sounded something like 'goodnight'. 

Halfway down the stairs, her mind had forgotten about the sweet conversation with Maya or Yelena's bad mood. All she wanted was Nat.

Even before she made it to the couch, her sweater was off, thrown somewhere on the floor. It attracted Natasha's attention, her eyes flickering up to Katya's chest and then to her face, a knowing smirk growing on her lips.

''Diving straight into it, I see," she mused, her hands finding Katya's hips as she straddled her lap, fingers threading into her red curls.

Katya smiled, staring at her lips while trying to control her impatience. ''I have been horny the entire day, so you have to do something about it.'' It was not very hard to figure out what moment started that.

''Oh, do I?'' Natasha teased, her eyebrows shooting up in fake surprise. Katya hummed, her eyes shining in anticipation and joy. ''Are you gonna be a good girl then, or you gonna try shit again?''

Katya faintly shook her head and whispered, ''Do whatever you want.''

A satisfied grin replaced Natasha's smirk, her hands pulling Katya's body tighter against her own. ''That's what I like to hear. Need to teach you a lesson after all. You did try to snatch my turn.''

Katya bit her lip to contain her huge smile. ''That was your own fault. You almost lost.''

''Keyword: almost." A breathless chuckle escaped Natasha's lips. "You messed it up yourself by acting up.''

Blue eyes narrowed in thought. ''Didn't I technically win, though? I won all the rounds we did do.''

''Nice try, baby," Natasha chuckled, bringing her lips closer and nudging her nose against Katya's teasingly. "You stay quiet now. Real quiet.'' Her hands left Katya's jeans and slid up to her bare waist, sending a shiver down her spine.

''Or what?'' Katya asked smugly, not ready to shut up just yet.

Natasha pulled her head back, a warning gleam in her eyes. ''Don't. I know what you're trying to do.''

''Is it working?''

''It will if you keep going.'' She ran her hands up and down the bare skin of Katya's sides, her face impossibly close to hers without actually touching it. ''But I advise against that.''


Something flickered behind her eyes that didn't mean much good, and a smirk grew on her lips. ''I'm just gonna show you.'' She shoved her hands under Katya's thighs and stood from the couch. Quietly but quickly, she climbed the stairs, put Katya on her feet right next to the bed, and turned back to lock the door. But not before ordering, ''Off.''

Katya bit her lip to stop herself from chuckling, and simply did what was said, kicking her jeans off and unhooking her bra. She watched Natasha closely as she closed the distance between them, pulling her own shirt and jeans off. Her eyes were dark, which only made Katya's heart jump in excitement.

With a quick shove, Katya fell onto the bed, that smile still on her face as she stared up at her wife, who was quick to straddle her hips. In her hands something that sped up Katya's heart until it pounded in her chest.

''Up.'' Natasha's face lit up when she followed that order immediately. Katya did not need an explanation. She brought her hands above her head and let the cuffs slide around her wrists, hooking around the headboard. ''See, you can be good.''

''When I want to,'' Katya whispered, feeling very exposed with her hands up and her chest bare. But in a good way.

Natasha chuckled humorlessly, placing her cold hands on Katya's stomach. ''No talking. Or you'll make it worse for yourself. Understood?'' she asked lowly, her sultry voice almost making Katya moan. 

It was a trick question. She was not supposed to answer with words this time. So Katya nodded, not sure whether to look at the very hot face of her wife, or her chest in one of her expensive bras.

She had no idea what she was in for. Not until it became painfully clear that Natasha's ''showing'' meant teasing her until it would be her death.

It started fairly innocent, her fingertips brushing over every inch of Katya's exposed arms, chest, and stomach, sliding her hands up and down her bare skin, never touching her anywhere that would provide her any satisfaction. All with a sly smile on her face, carefully watching Katya's face as it grew impatient and desperate already. 

She surprised her by changing to her nails, running them over her abs, her body slightly jolting the lower she got. Then, the kisses started. On her neck, on her chest. But Katya was never once allowed to relax. Every time she did, teeth sunk into her fragile skin, causing her to jump. She had to clench her teeth together to not let out any sounds, when Natasha sucked on her sweet spot.

Katya had to give it to herself, she did a pretty good job at staying silent, squeezing her eyes shut at every kiss or touch that hit differently, that sent shivers down her spine or caused her to throw her head back some more, to give Natasha more space. 

Usually, she'd have complained minutes ago, telling her to hurry up, but she did not have a say in that now. All she could do is lie there and be patient. And silent. 

They were so silent that there was no chance Yelena could hear them. She was probably asleep by now, and there were two thick wooden doors and a hallway between them.

Although Katya almost messed up when Natasha finally arrived at her breasts after ignoring them for ages. With her eyes squeezed shut, Katya did not see her bending down and attaching her mouth to one of her nipples, sucking quite harshly. 

A gasp managed to escape her, her body tensing up right after when she realized what she had done. Slightly scared, she opened her eyes, looking down. But all Natasha did was smile and do it again, torturing her. 

After that, it got even worse. Lots of harsh teasing on her breasts, sucking hickeys on her stomach, dirty words, anything to draw a sound from her lips. But Katya refused to let her win. She could be good when she wanted to... And when she actually wanted to finish tonight.

''You're doing so well, baby,'' Natasha muttered, smiling at her desperate expression as she sat up. ''I think you understand. So how about I get a move on it, huh?''

Katya used her last slither of self-worth to nod at a normal speed, and not so fast she'd give herself a whiplash. But Natasha saw the anticipation and excitement in her eyes, and chuckled to herself as she shifted down the bed, settling between Katya's legs instead of on top of them.

Quickly, she discarded her underwear and pushed her thighs apart some more. Briefly, she kissed the insides of them, until she finally got to work at eating her out. 

Unable to moan loudly, Katya gasped without really making any sound, her hands jerking upwards in a reflex, wanting to push Natasha's face closer, to hold her right there. But those goddamn handcuffs rattled - the loudest sound yet - and a frustrated growl rumbled deep inside her chest. 

Natasha wasn't bothered by it all. She just kept working her magic between her legs with her tongue and lips. Her hands kept Katya open wide, so she couldn't wrap her thighs around her head. 

Fairly quickly, they started to tremble, and she didn't need to tell Natasha anything - even if she was allowed to. Squeezing her eyes shut tighter, she shifted her hips around to get more friction, more pleasure. But Natasha dug her nails into her thighs as a warning, so Katya stilled and let out a shaky breath instead. 

She had no idea if she was allowed to cum or not, because Natasha didn't say anything. So she held it as long as she could, waiting for some kind of signal. But none came, and the build-up was too much, Natasha worked her up too high to contain herself. 

So she just let go. Or so she thought. 

Like a second before she could, Natasha pulled her face away. She did not need a verbal warning to know how close Katya was. So she left her high and dry on purpose, smiling and chuckling at the devastation on her wife's face.

''But Nat-'' Katya whined, looking down at her. She was in such a daze that she forgot all about staying quiet.

How mad would Natasha get if she'd push her off the bed with her feet?

''Nah-ah,'' Natasha tutted warningly, successfully shutting her up. She crawled up her body until her face was barely inches away. ''You weren't good today. Were you?'' Katya frantically shook her head, pressing her lips tightly together to smother her words, now that she messed up. 

Natasha's smirk widened. ''Exactly.'' She trailed her hand down Katya's body, casually sticking her fingers in while she looked her dead in the eye. ''You were such a brat, and now look at you,'' she mocked, slowly moving her fingers. 

She was right. Katya was the prime example of a bottom. Compliant, patient, helplessly lying there. Doing everything her wife said and taking all she gave her. Nothing like the woman she was this afternoon. And as an answer to her words, all Katya could do is bite her lip and whimper softly.

''Don't cum unless I say so, or it will only get worse. Got it?'' she murmured as she sped up her fingers. Once again, Katya nodded, letting her head fall back and focusing on the ceiling, to Natasha's dislike. ''Look at me.'' She kissed her deeply when she did. The first time their lips touched each other tonight.

Natasha kept torturing her forever, each time pulling her fingers out or removing her mouth when Katya thought she couldn't hold it together anymore, edging her mercilessly.

To make matters worse, she had soared past the point of being gentle half an hour ago. She only slowed down when she had to, to prevent Katya from coming, but continued at a quick pace afterwards.

All the while, Katya was sweating like crazy, her heart thumping in her chest and ears, and her lungs burning from holding in moans and whimpers. She wanted to plead and beg, but that would only make it worse. Every second that passed, she hoped Natasha would tell her to let go, but that never happened.

But when Natasha pulled her mouth away again after ruthlessly eating out her wife, Katya gave in.

She had thought that maybe this time, she could cum before Natasha could pull away, but it didn't work. Of course it didn't work. She knew all her tells. 

''Nat, please. Please.'' Usually, she'd be embarrassed and would never plead her like this, but she had been edged countless times already and she was about to go crazy, or cry, or get really mad. 

Surprised, Natasha looked up, satisfaction bubbling up in her chest. And she grinned at Katya's desperation and agony. ''You sorry yet?''

''Yes.'' She breathed out, nodding frantically. ''Yes, please.''

And for the first time this evening, Natasha took pity on her wife. ''Alright, baby.'' Katya thought she was actually gonna cry at those words, letting out a sound that sounded like a happy sob when Natasha got to work again. ''Come on, then.''

Knowing she could let go now, Katya relaxed and finally let it wash over her. Not ten seconds later. And it was a good one. A very good one. Which was not a surprise after all this time. It was so intense that it left her drowsy, and it took a while for her to gather her bearings, only to open her eyes to a grinning Natasha, very proud of her work.

Katya narrowed her sleepy eyes at her, attempting an angry glare. ''I could murder you sometimes.'' Her heart raced like she had run a marathon.

Natasha chuckled, reaching up to free her wrists after licking her fingers clean. ''Don't be mad. You looked like you enjoyed it.''

''No comment.'' Katya looked away, trying to hide her eyes that would betray her lie. She was not ashamed, but she wasn't about to give her more satisfaction. Her chest rose and fell fast enough to already give her some of that.

''Aw, darling. Can't be easy to have sex with me.''

''Not when you go all dominant top, no. Fucking torturing me, that's what you enjoy.'' She was too hot to crawl under the covers, so she simply scooted over a bit to give Natasha space to lie down next to her.

''Oh no, honey.'' Natasha chuckled again, turning to her side and propping her head up on her hand. ''I just love grasping onto that tiny slice of power sometimes, that power you so generously gift me and trust me with.'' She brushed some brown hairs off her sticky and sweaty forehead.

Katya hummed skeptically, glancing at her briefly. ''I'll get you back.''

''Looking forward to it,'' she smiled, running the back of her hand over her cheek before dropping it on the covers. She let Katya recover in silence, her breathing slowing down, her sweat drying up. It was easy to stare at her for hours. 

Katya always said Natasha was gorgeous, but she forgot her own beauty while she did. Her dark hair bringing out her bright eyes, long eyelashes, high cheekbones, all the tiny scars Natasha could point out easily. People stared at Katya on the streets too. Guys, girls, didn't matter. Wishing they could be her or be with her. 

''Oh, by the way,'' Katya remembered, pulling her out of her daydream. ''Feel like telling me what you and Yelena discussed today when Maya and I were on the rollercoaster?''

Natasha's face fell. ''Sometimes I hate that I am married to an ex-spy,'' she complained. A sigh left her lips, and she reached over to play with Katya's hands that rested on her stomach. ''They asked about us again.''

Katya let her head fall to the side so she could look at her soft green eyes. They were unsure. ''Melina and Alexei?''

''Mhm. When they can finally see their ''granddaughter'','' she quoted, rolling her eyes. They carefully scanned Katya's face for any sign of what she felt. ''What do you think?''

Katya hummed in thought, returning her eyes to the ceiling. ''I'm not sure. I know Maya would love to meet them, but they can be...''

''Weird? Rude? Not tactical at all?'' Natasha finished for her, one semi-humorous eyebrow raised, but neither found it very funny.

A scoff escaped Katya. ''All of the above. Hell, I don't even know how I feel about Alexei.''

''I get that.''

Katya looked at her wife again, how she stared at the hand she played with. There was more. More she didn't say. ''But?''

''But I do think they should meet. Just for a couple hours or something. Maybe they'll stop bothering us after that.'' When Katya raised a skeptical eyebrow, Natasha exhaled deeply and let herself fall on her back, tracing the lines on the ceiling. ''Yeah, no, I don't think so either. But it feels kinda mean to keep her from them, if you know what I mean.''

''Yeah," Katya breathed, the gears in her head turning. "We should just ask Maya what she thinks.''

''I know what her answer will be.''

''Also true.'' Katya groaned in frustration, looking at her wife again. Maya would take any chance to meet family. ''I think all we can do is take that risk. It could either go horribly wrong or really well.''

''Don't worry, I will protect you from him again,'' Natasha lightly teased, meeting her eyes.

''My hero,'' Katya replied sarcastically, but she smiled nonetheless. Not that the memory of meeting Alexei in the helicopter was so much fun, but Natasha slapping him across the face was beautiful.

Natasha chuckled, but her tone was serious when she answered. ''No, but I'm serious. If you don't want to go, I totally get it.''

''I think his opinions of me changed after we both saved his ass multiple times." Katya shook her head. "I will be fine. He's just a guy. This time, I will hit him myself.'' She chuckled, but she cut herself off when Natasha sat up and climbed on top of her, unhooking her bra and freeing her beautiful breasts. ''What are you doing?''

''You didn't think you were done, did you?'' she smirked, gently taking Katya's wrists and pinning them next to her head on the pillow. 

Katya let out a disbelieving chuckle, her heart already starting to race again. ''Oh Jesus, Nat.'' How much did she needed to be taught a lesson?

She would barely be alive in the morning. Her legs probably dead. Of course, she could say no. But would she? Absolutely not.

Natasha chuckled lowly, bringing her face closer until her lips brushed over Katya's jaw. Slowly, they trailed up to her ear. ''We'll discuss this further in the morning.''

''Yes, honey,'' Katya smiled, closing her eyes when the kisses on her neck started again.


A/N: was that smut enough for you? :) Are you calm now? Hahaha. Also: I just reached 100k on this book?? Thank you so much!! I know how many people are rereading my stories and that makes me so happy :) I hope you have a great week and I will see you on Monday!

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