Cross: Chp 2

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He kissed me gently on the lips, lightly kneading his fingers into my hips. I kissed him back, swiping the tip of my tongue across the soft pane of his plump lips, my fingers lost in the lush locks of his darkened hair.

He'd let it grow out recently, the once shorter length now grown out to just below his ears. I had made several appointments for him to get it cut, but I knew he wouldn't go through with them. Aubrey loved playing with his hair and putting so many tiny little ponytails all over his head. Taking that away from her...

He'd rather die than do that.

I thought that after we'd married that he'd always be mine. I thought that he would be the one man in the world that I would forever have wrapped around my finger. The man that would do anything for me. Yet from the moment she came into our lives, my hold on him vanished. Now it was all about her.

Killian smirked at me, and then dropped his head slightly, lowering his trail of kisses.

Well, I guess I do have some of him still...

I arched my back, rubbing my legs between his. He chuckled in response, and then nipped at my earlobes. My body reacted immediately, even with it already toppling over the edge multiple times. I wasn't the only one responding to the moment either.

I was about to drop my hands, when he suddenly stopped his action and kissed my forehead.

"As much as I'm more than willing for round 4, how about I grab us something to drink."

My mouth watered at the sound of the word.

"That would be great."

"Don't move. I'm finishing what I started when I get back".

Killian slid from the bed and darted from the room. I rolled over onto my back, a soft smile tugging at my lips.

As Aubrey started putting two and two together, she turned into quite the handful. For most people this wouldn't really be an issue, but Killian and I both worked a lot. Because of our schedules, we had to plan everything so that when one of us was too busy to have her around, the other one could have her. With working on basically opposite schedules, it was a little difficult to get some alone time for just the two of us.

I had opted for a nanny, but Killian didn't want any of that. It was either a relative with her, or a close friend. Just like Veronica. She was one of the rare few that was allowed to take our daughter. Part of the reason I had come home from work so quickly was for the simple fact that Killian and I would finally have some true alone time.

"I brought you a lemon water," my eyes dropped without my permission. Killian followed my gaze, and gave me a raised eyebrow and his usual smirk, "My eyes are up here, Mia."

"I wanna ask you something..." it crossed my mind too quickly to stop. I don't know where it came from, but suddenly, the thoughts were there.

Killian paused his step, side eyeing me. "Yeah?"

"Do you remember when we were younger, and we went on vacation in Cali. Our last one together before I left."

"The one with the house that had the pool with the water bar, and the view of the ocean?"


"What about it?"

"Well," a blush creeped into my cheeks, "I was curious about something that had happened while we were there."

He fully turned towards me, giving me his undivided attention. I only blushed worse, and suddenly felt like I was a high school girl again. How I could possibly be shy about asking my husband, and the father of my child, something, I really couldn't say.

"It was when uh... when you threw me into the pool and then backed me into the wall. If your dad hadn't come out when he did..."

"I would have kissed you." He said nonchalantly.


"I think you were 16 when it finally hit me that feelings were there. They only grew and when you hit 18 and filled out a little bit more, that attraction started to become physical too. That summer, seeing you in the bikini that you were in, I was fully ready to make my move. My father must have anticipated it though, cause he conveniently showed up at the worst possible time."

"What did he say to you that made you storm off?"

"I can't remember for sure, but I think it was pretty much him telling me I wasn't acting appropriately and that you were off limits."

"Really? I would have thought Lucian would have been happy to see us together."

"You didn't see it since I wasn't around a whole lot, but I was a big flirt back then and I think the longest relationship I had ever kept going was for maybe 3 months max. I'm sure my dad didn't fully trust me around you, especially since you were like the daughter he never had. Though what he didn't realize was that not being able to have you was actually a part of my reasons for the way I acted. I would try to date someone, then I would see you, and I'd get angry that I couldn't have you, so I'd start flirting with someone new. Then there was also the fact that your uncle actually didn't want me anywhere near you. My dad was also probably worried that if it wouldn't have worked out, he and Roger might have had a nasty falling out."

"You make it sound like you were super selfish back then."

"I was, and still am when it comes to you. What would you have done?"

"What do you mean?"

Killian gave me his usual egotistical smirk and then leaned in, "If my dad hadn't shown up, and I had kissed you, what would you have done? Would you have shoved me away? Kissed me back? Maybe let it go farther than a kiss?"

"I don't know." I lied.

"Look me in the eyes and say that."

"Veronica is probably going to be here soon," I tossed the covers off of me, slipped from the mattress, and reached for my robe.

Killian snatched my wrist right as I grabbed a hold of the bundle of silk. "What would you have done, Mia?"

"I...I don't know for sure..."

"Don't you dare think I'm going to fall for that."

"Does it really matter what I would have done?"

"Oh no," he chuckled as he pulled me back towards the bed, "You started this conversation, and we are going to end it properly. Now tell me, if I had kissed you, what would you have done?"

I contemplated my answer. He knew I would have done something, but a part of me didn't want to tell him the truth, knowing that his ego would grow twice it's already enormous size. I loved the man, with every ounce of my being, but ever since we made "us" official, his ego has practically reached new heights that they've never managed to get to before. I don't think I could handle even more of it.

"Come on, Mia..." he wrapped his legs behind my ankles, trapping me where I stood. His smile grew as he pulled on the back of my knees, causing me to fall forward into his lap, "I'll make the answer worth it..."

"What if it isn't one you like?"

"I have a feeling I will like it."

"If you're so confident, then why should I tell you?"

"Cause I want to hear it. I want the words to ring in my ears with that sweet, husky voice of yours." His arms snaked around my back, pulling my body flat against his. I could feel the tips of his fingers playing with the loose curls of my hair. It was a dangerous position he'd put me in.

"Fine." I caved, "I would have been shocked at first, but I probably would have kissed you back." I whispered the last few words, rolling my eyes as his grins got even brighter. Great, I'm never going to hear the end of this...

"How would you have kissed me back?"

"Oh no," I tried to pull back a little but his arms kept me in place, "I told you what you wanted, you don't need the nitty gritty details."

"You're right," a soft moan left my lips the moment I felt Killian's hand grab a chunk of my hair and pull, "How about you just show me instead..."


Chapter two is completed.

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Whose ready to see Mia and Killian in parent mode????

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