Cross: Chp 3

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She dashed inside, screaming as Killian scooped her up into his arms. I joined them in the living room, kissing her on the cheek before she could turn away from me. She wiped at her cheek and stuck her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and then met Veronica by the front door.

"I hope she wasn't too much trouble for you."

"Of course not. Ella loved having her over. Tristian wasn't too thrilled with it, but the poor kid really has no say, even if he thinks otherwise."

"I'm surprised they don't get along more considering they both apparently think they are the boss in our worlds."

"Kids." She scoffed.

You got that right...

"So, how are you doing?"

"Honestly," she placed her palm flat against her rounding stomach, "Not as bad as the twins, and amen to that. I don't think I could handle another pregnancy like that."

"What about Aaron?"

"Same as with the first one. Super cautious. Super excited. Treating me like I'm a fragile piece of China that could break if I stepped incorrectly. All in all, I want to strangle the living daylights of him."

"I get that," I chuckled, "Killian was the same way. And let me tell you, as soon as he found out it was a girl, he just got worse."


"No kidding."

As if he knew we were talking about him, Veronica's phone started ringing. It's Aaron. Veronica answered as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes honey?... I'm talking with Mia, I'll be home soon... Yes I know to drive safely... No... If you show up here, I will hit you with my car... Fine!" She hung up the phone, "God he is getting on my nerves!"

"I thought you loved his dotting personality."

"Well, pregnancy hormones don't." She grumbled. I laughed, and followed her out to her car.

"Are we still on for lunch on Saturday?"

"If dingbat let's me leave his sight."

"Well how about I bring Killian? Aaron and him get along pretty well."

"We'll make that a last resort. I'd rather it just be us."

"Alright, well text me when you make it home."

"Will do. Love ya."

"Love you too."

I waited on the steps until her car was no longer in sight. As I entered back into the house, I could hear Aubrey's scream echoing around the living room.

Killian had her pinned on his lap, his fingers dancing across her stomach as she laughed loudly. When her eyes opened, she called out to me for help, her cheerful voice begging me to protect her from the tickle monster.

Smiling, I ran up on the two of them, and scooped her into my arms. She chuckled and threw her arms around my neck.

"Did you have fun at Aunt Ve's house?"

"Uh huh!" She beamed, "Sissy did my hair and put pretty powder on my cheeks to make them the color of roses!"

"I wish I could have seen that!"

"I was as pretty as you are mama!"

"You're always as pretty as me." I kissed her on the cheek, "Maybe even prettier."

"No ones as pretty as you! Right daddy?"

Killian grinned and nodded his head.

"You are such the sweetest little girl," I kissed her on the cheek a second time, "How did I ever get lucky enough for a daughter like you?" Aubrey grinned and hugged me as tightly as she could. I couldn't stop myself from grinning back, "Now do you want daddy to tell you a story, or mommy?"

"Daddy! He tells the best stories in the whole wide world!"

"He can be quite creative..."

Killian wiggled his eyebrows at me while Aubrey wasn't looking. I really did love my daughter to death, but I found it irritating that since she's learned to talk, she always chose Killian to read her the bed time stories and not me. It wouldn't be so awful if it wasn't for the fact that he likes to rub it in my face at least once a week.

"Well how about mommy tucks you in while I grab one of the books from the library?"


Grabbing her pink blanket from the couch, I parted ways from Killian and headed towards the staircase. As I reached the second floor, Aubrey yawned and started rubbing her eyelids. She was going to fall asleep before he even reached the second chapter.

Luckily Aubrey picked up her fathers sleeping habits. As soon as she reached the eye rubbing stage, it only took a few minutes for her to hit the snooze button for the day. It was a blessing.

When she was first born, our work schedules were pretty busy and on top of those crazy hours, we were constantly having to get up with her. Right away, both Killian and I agreed we wanted to do this our own way. We knew we could get a nanny to help us out, but we wanted that full parenting experience.

Even though I would end up wanting to pull my hair out each time her cries woke me up, I had been grateful for the opportunity to get up and feed her. I didn't want to bottle feed her, I wanted the bonding experience of breastfeeding, so I got up. Luckily for me, even though he didn't have to, Killian would always get up with me too. He'd sit there, sometimes rub my feet, and always do what I needed, if and when I needed something.

Killian was a great husband, and has been perfect for me since we made the decision to date each other years ago, but him being a father blew me away. I hated to admit it, but he was easily as great as my dad had been, if not better.

"Alright," Killian came marching into Aubrey's room, a thin book in his hand. Aubrey squirmed with joy as I tucked her into her bed, wrapping her up like a burrito, "I decided that the best choice was The Magic Tree House: Tiger's At Twilight."

"But I want the bears..."

"We finished that one two days ago." I told her as I picked up a few of her toys and tossed them into her pink toy box at the end of her bed.

"But polar bears are my favorite!"

"But Tiger's are daddy's favorite." Killian pouted. Hearing those words, her facial expressions immediately changed. She grinned and shimmied over to make room for him. I rolled my eyes, and started heading towards the door.

"You two enjoy yourselves. I'm going to hop into the shower. Goodnight Aubrey."

"Night, night mommy!"

Blowing her a kiss, I left the two of them to story time. As Killian started her story, I disappeared down the hall and into our room. We had fixed our bed when Veronica arrived and had picked everything up to tidy up the room a little bit, making it less obvious with what we had been doing before she arrived. We didn't think she'd see our room, but I felt more comfortable cleaning everything up.

I slipped into our bathroom, and grabbed both a towel and a robe from the closet next to the main door. I laid everything out next to the shower, stripped from my clothes, and stepped inside. I stood out of the way as I turned the shower nozzle, and waited till the water was warm to the touch before I stepped under.

I'd just finished rinsing the shampoo from my hair when I heard the bathroom door close shut. There's some mumbling, followed by the sound of stuff being moved around, and then I was side eyeing Killian as he opened the shower door. His eyes did a once over and then he was grinning.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"No," I sighed dramatically, "I don't think you have."

"Well," he closed the shower door, stepped forward and trapped me against the back wall, "You are stunningly beautiful," he dropped his head and brushed his lips against the top of my shoulder, "The most beautiful woman in the world..."


Chapter 3 is completed!!

Isn't Killian the sweetest dad in the world! And yes, chapter four will include even more sweet scenes with Killian, and Aubrey. If I could find myself a real life Killian, I will die a happy woman!!

Next Update: Wednesday, the 14th.


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