Eight ✔️

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"Head hurt?" My uncle handed over a glass of water with two small white pills. I threw them in my mouth and drained the cup.

"A little." Actually, my head was killing me, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I knew him all to well. Instead of caring for me like a good uncle would, he'd just torment me and go on and on about how I deserved what was happening, and that it was my punishment for walking away from the restaurant and getting drunk at a random bar. But what else could I have done?

My mind had started down a dark path last night, and Killian had been on the verge of making it worse. I wasn't about to have an episode in the middle of a nice restaurant in front of everyone.

"Well, Killian has a meeting to get to, so I will be out for a couple of hours. Why don't you take this time to lay back down and get some rest. When I get back, I'll come check up on you."

"That sounds pretty good to me." There wasn't actually a meeting, I knew that much. Killian had been a ghost since last night, and when I had woken up earlier this morning, it was like he hadn't even come back from the restaurant. My uncle was probably going to go look for him and didn't want to tell me. I hope the man got lost somewhere, and that someone stole his fancy shoes or something.

Sitting up from the stool, I pulled my hood over my head and moved over to the couch. The TV was lifeless and the remote was on the opposite side of the couch. I looked over at it and stared hoping it would grow a pair of legs and walk over. Did it? Of course, not. Taking a deep breath, I collapsed onto the couch and pulled out my phone.

Maybe he'll be nice and tell me where he's at.

*Where are you?*

*I'm busy.* He responded to my surprise. *Don't text me again unless it's an emergency.*

"Busy" I said with air quotes before typing back a quick reply, *Hey, there was this weird fishy smell coming from your room when I woke up. Did you forget to close your legs last night?*

*Odd that you were around my room. Were you trying to jump me while I was sleeping. If you feel the need for the touch of a man, I know a guy.*

*I would eagerly welcome the nun lifestyle, before I let you or anyone you know touch me. I was just bored and wanted to make your day. We both know I am the life of the party.*

*Life of the party? The only involvement of a party that you have, is when it comes to sucking the life out of the party.*

*I thought we were talking about me? You know, it amazes me how you always manage to find a way to make the conversation about you. Has your ego always been this big?*

*What can I say? I have to have a big enough ego to match other aspects of myself.*

*Are you sure your ego isn't just trying to compensate for those other aspects?*

*Would you like me to come home and let you compare them?*

I rolled my eyes, *And interrupt your super busy "schedule". I could never let you do such a thing. Lucian has worked hard to get his business up and running. Can't let you ruin all his hard work.* And right now, the physical distance between Killian and I was something that needed to stay in place.

*You say you couldn't possibly interrupt my work day, but is that not what you're currently doing?*

*Of course not.*

*Then what is it that you're doing exactly?*

*Keeping you from accidently creating a mini-version of yourself. God forbid there be a Killian Junior running around.*

*I am not having sex right now.*

*Oh right, you're at the "meeting" that you left super early for this morning.*

I was just about to send him another snarky text him when my phone started vibrating in my hand. His name was flashing across the screen. "If you just wanted to hear my beautiful voice," I started as I answered, "You could have asked. I would have started off with a phone call."

"What I wanted was for you to have listened when I told you not to text me unless there was an emergency. I just had to step out of my meeting because of the constant notifications I was getting from you."

"Oh come on, we both know that you really aren't at a meeting. If you were, why would you even have your phone on in the first place? And as for the constant notifications, texting is a two way street. You were responding to every message I sent."

"I keep my phone on because I am the CEO and I have people who have to keep me updated on the things that I have assigned them to do. I don't get the luxury of just shutting myself off to the world."

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain why you kept responding to me."

"I kept responding because if I would have ignored you, you would have kept texting me until I replied back." He wasn't wrong.

"Well, I just assumed you were off screwing someone, and wanted to interrupt your fun."


"Because I can." And getting under his skin was such an easy distraction for myself.

"Is it that or is someone a little jealous-"

"Mr. Cross, the board is becoming displeased with your absence." The voice was deep but demanding. I could hear him clearly through the phone. I tried to speak to ask who it was, but Killian answered me before I could ask the question.

"I have to go, but before I do, one, no I'm not going to tell you who that was, and two, stop texting me."

"You know, you never did have to reply to my first message or the rest. Your board being displeased with you is in fact, all on you." I ended the phone call, leaving me with the last word.

My talk with Killian had helped sober me up. My head ache was gone, and I was starting to get hungry. Looking outside, the sun was shining, and the skies were almost completely clear. It was the perfect day to get out for bit and do some exploring.

I slipped into my closet, pulled on a pair of black jeggings with a matching black tank top that hugged the toned curves of my torso just right, and made my way to the bathroom. Once there, I grabbed a comb from the top draw and started ridding my dark brown hair of all its knots. A few minutes later, I was slipping on a pair of dark grey Go-walks next to the living room bar, and heading out the door, onto the lively streets of Chicago.

I didn't know where I wanted to go, or what I wanted to do, but being in Killian's apartment had started to feel suffocating. I missed the open seas, and the fresh smell of sea salt. I haven't found anything yet that was better then waking up, and watching the sun rise from the middle of the ocean, a warm cup of coffee resting between your palms.

Chicago was a completely different ball field for me. I've been here before, but that was back when I was younger, and those days, my uncle kept me glued to his side. Not surprising though, it's a big city, and he would have never forgiven himself if something had happened. Not to mention, he would have had to hide from his wife for the rest of his life, to keep her from strangling him.

I started to look around the area, taking in all the stores and buildings. The place was lively, with a constant flow of traffic in and out of all the stores, but nothing was familiar to me. Maybe I should have called my driver. He could have given me a legitimate tour and probably could have even suggested a few things that I would enjoy doing. Well you are already here, might as well make the most out of it.

It almost like a master piece. The way everyone was moving, their eyes focused on their phones, yet they never missed a beat. They stepped around anyone who got into their way without even looking up. I'd see someone go into a store, and then a few seconds later they would be back out on the side walk with a bag in their hand. The speed at which at city moved at was crazy.

I continued walking deeper into the city until I came upon a small café. There was a sweet aroma filtering through the windows that drew me in like a cat to catnip. With a little ring from the bells on the door, I smiled as my eyes landed on a stand filled with chocolate cupcakes. I was at the register immediately.

"Hi there," the girl came from nowhere. She was short and skinny with as messy bun of dirty blonde hair on top of her head, "What can I get for you today?"

"Two chocolate muffins and a cup of hot green tea with one lemon on the side."

"Two chocolate muffins and a hot green tea with one lemon, that will be $10.50" I pulled my debit card out from the back of my phone case, and handed it over. She rang me up, and then encouraged me to grab a seat while my tea was being made.

A couple minutes later, two large muffins and one hot cup of green tea was placed in front of me by a different girl. She smiled and walked back to the counter where she picked up her next order.

I reached for the first muffin, my mouth open ready to consume it, when a hand came from out of nowhere and grabbed it from my own. When I looked up with a scowl, I found a smirk plastered on my uncle's face. "You're going to get fat if you eat both of those, Mia."

"And you're going to lose a finger!" I reached for the muffin, but before my fingers could even graze the side, he put it up to his mouth and took a bite.

"Actually pretty delicious."

"You're such a jerk."

"Oh my, such harmful words from my loving, little niece..."

"You ate my muffin! The one I paid for!"

"I'll buy you lunch."

"No thank you. I'm exploring the city today."

"Do you even know where you're at?"

"No, but that is kind of the point of exploring."

"Didn't think so." He smiled and looked over his shoulder for a quick second. I followed his gaze, rolling my eyes at the sight of the black sedan parked out front.

"I'm going to go ahead and guess that you didn't come alone."

"Him and one of his friends. His driver is taking them to lunch."

"And you saw me in here somehow and decided that it would be just a fine idea to have me join."

"Nope. You passed by Cross Industries about six minutes ago. One of my security officers saw you and knowing that you were my precious niece, decided to follow you to make sure you didn't do anything stupid or that you didn't get hurt in any way. He told me you stopped here, I told Killian, and his friend Marc, who had been ease dropping, decided he wanted you to come. Killian said no, I said yes, two against one, you know how it goes."

"You know for once Killian and I actually agree on something. I don't want to go."

"Why not?"

"Because I am taking a day to myself to explore the city."

"You don't want to have lunch with your uncle?"

"You, sure. Them, not really."

"Look, I know that something happened at the restaurant but-"

The door of the café opened again and Killian came storming him. He ignored everyone and made a b-line for my table, "I know that stubbornness is practically engraved into your brain, but can you please just do what is asked of you for once without any resistance? I have been stuck in meetings all morning, and have another one in about two hours. Just grab your stupid muffin and drink, and go get into the car so that I can eat something."

"Eh, I think I'll stay." I turned away and took a sip of the tea. It was warm, the steam no longer spilling from the opening at the top.

"I swear to god, Mia..."

"You don't swear anything. You're the CEO of a multibillion dollar company. You and I both know that you have a reputation to uphold, and you aren't going to do anything that may tarnish said reputation."

"I know you wanted to eat with her Roger, but she said no and I don't feel like dealing with this anymore. Can we please go now?"

"Mia," my uncle turned back towards me, "Last time I checked, I am still your uncle, and while you are living under the same roof as me, you will follow my rules. Now, get in the car. And do not give me any attitude, because you and I both know where I will take it if you do. Not to mention, you really aren't in any position to give any after that stunt you pulled last night." I could feel my right eye twitch as I took in the threat from my uncle. With a death glare in Killian's direction, I stood up, grabbed my things, and silently stomped my way into the car, sliding next to Marc in the process.

"It's lovely to see you again," he smiled as we made eye contact, "I'm glad you said yes to lunch."

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled as I nibbled on my muffin.

"Try not to mind her sour attitude," Killian started as he slid in next to me, his thigh obnoxiously pressed up against mine, "I got her in trouble with her uncle and now she's a little bit upset."

"Or maybe it's because I'm being forced into doing something I don't want to do. That kind of thing usually pisses some people off."

"It's just lunch, Mia."

"If it's just lunch, then why did it matter if I came or not?"

"Ask your uncle. My vote had been no from the very beginning-"

"So when I first met you, Killian commented how the two of you grew up together," Marc cut through the tension like it was butter, "I tried getting some details out of the guy earlier, but he never once budged."

"What did you want to know?" If Killian didn't want him to know, then I was more then willing to tell him everything.

"Anything, and everything. How did you guys even get introduced?"

"Well, Roger is my uncle, and he's been friends with Lucian ever since they were kids. My dad had to go over seas a lot, so my aunt and uncle often were the ones raising me. After I lost my dad, my aunt and uncle fully adopted me. Roger and Lucian always did their family vacations together, and so I was always with them, as was Killian."

"What was Killian like as a teenager?"

"Seriously, Marc?"

"What, you won't ever tell me anything, and she seems more then willing to spill your secrets-"

"You know, I'm curious, have you two fucked the same girl before?" I asked suddenly, submerging the cab back into silence, "Like does Killian fuck one and then pass her on like a dirty rag doll? Or do you start the whole shebang off, Marc?" Call it payback for making me come to this lunch.

"I don't..."

"Knock it off, Mia."

"Did you invite me in hopes of getting laid? Cause you can ask Killian, that won't happen." Marc's gaze hardened as I spoke. "I'm being serious by the way. I want to know why you invited-"

"He invited you because he was being nice. Stop being a jack ass and apologize."

"Sorry for being willing to speak my mind." I shrugged. Killian darted a cold gaze my way and sighed. He reached for a button to the left and allowed the black screen between us and the front to slide down.

"I'm sorry Roger, but I can't do this. We're dropping Mia off back home." Thank god.

"You can just drop me off here. I don't mind walking."



"What the hell is your problem? Why are you being so damn stubborn! Either go home, or shut up and be a good girl while you, Marc and I eat lunch. My driver, those are your choices." My eyes met his and we stared each other down. After I broke the silent battle with a blink, I crossed my arms over my chest and pulled out my phone in hopes that Killian would leave me alone. There were two messages.

*You should have been here. One of the new MA's totally passed out as she was walking her tray to the scullery. Food went everywhere. I had to hold back my laughter, it was bad. Also, don't ask me how but the other new guy somehow got himself locked in the office and of course your chief forgot the code, seriously tho, what is he going to do without you? Call me later, I got some deets for ya! Love ya!*

I rolled my eyes at the mention of chief getting locked out and gave her a reply.

*Sorry for the late reply, I was exploring. Also, aren't you the medic? Shouldn't you have been helping rather than laughing. Tell chief I said told you so, and that maybe he should tattoo the code somewhere. And I am pretty awesome, who knows what will happen to him with me gone. I can call you tonight for the 'deets' I'm sure you're going crazy about. Love you to!* I didn't expect a reply, but before I could even put my phone on my lap, the thing vibrated.

*He just passed me from the smoke deck, I think he knows I told you.*

*Did you give him the Renée-knows look?*

*Yup.* On cue, my phone vibrated again. I went back to my messages and found one from my chief.

*Dorsner is a liar.* I laughed and returned to my conversation with Jessica.

*You're right. He just texted me calling you a liar.*

*What a jerk. What did I ever do to that man?*

*You snitched on him.*

*He shouldn't expect anything less from me though. I promised I would keep you updated.*

"Mia, we're here." I looked out the window and spotted the Italian restaurant from last night.

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